The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 25, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. V1H.--NO. 20.
A Big Drive
2d South Main St.
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods !
Gents' red underwear that
formerly sold for $1 will now
go at. 80c.
Special sale of Blankets.
Only a few more of those de
sirable Coats left over which
will be sold regardless of cost.
Carpets and oil cloths at the
lowest prices consistent with
first-class goods.
Dress goods, notions, etc.
House Painters and Decorators
Have adopted tho following prices for paper
hanging and decorating for 1893,
Coniuicncliic fllnrcli x.
Fsr piece for Brown and White Blanks 12Ho
" ' OUt Papers 16c
" " Embossed Papers 18c
" " Decorating Ceilings 18o
" ' Joining or Duttlng 18c
Four Cornices to bo charged as 1 pleco 18c
Ulueslilng, per room 12x11 feet 50c
Larger and smaller rooms according to size.
Removing old paper and preparing walls, 25c
per tour. All work guaranteed.
No Paper Hung by the Day,
K. D. K. HAGENDUCn, KitANCIS Ueegan,
John L, Hassleu, t. W. Cohville,
GiobgeM. Hoyeh, Geo. W. Hassleu.
J. H. Meiil, Wm. J. Link,
EDWAnD Everett,
Everything In the tonsorlal line done In first
class style. A flee bath room attached.
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
29 and 21 WestJOak Street,
Bar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales,
whiskies, brandies, wines, eto. Finest cigars
Bating bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all.
rnnaoiAit and burgeon.
Office 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
f You Want
Your Carpets Sewed
in Time for Moving,
Buy Them Now,
New SpiingStyles.
Handsome Patterns.?
J. P. Wilhoms & Son.
S. Main tit, Shenandoah.
SPRING OF "93- Intending buyers
nro invited to inspect whnt may bo
termed the largest variety of Furniture
ever seen In Shenandoah. Prices the
lowest. Pianos, Organs and Sewing
Machines in various styles and prices.
J- P-
Williams & Son,
13 South Main St.
Beer and Porter
T AM AGENT for the
-1- (Jims. Iiettig's Cele
brnted Beer and Porter in
this vicinityalso Dergner
& lngel's celebrated India
Pale Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 Souih Main Street.
To Builders !
The season for building
is almost at hand, and
we have just replen
ished our stock of all
kinds of Hardware,
Nails and Builders'
We alf o carry an Immense line of
Stoves, llangcs, Cutlery and Tin
ware. Hoofing and Spouting our
Peter Griffiths,
Home-made (Rag Carpet
Taken out of the loom to day. Others Tor 45
60 and 5-'c, extra heavy. Brussels and Ingrali
Carpets and Oil Cloths. Remnants will be sole
almost at your own price.
o. x. rErcoiEcaia'iEis
Carpet Store, 70 South Jardin Si
Horses end Carriages to Hire. of all kinds promptly attended to
Horees taken to board, ut rates
tnataio liberal.
PFARliLIEY, Tear Mm eudtanSlor.
Over Four Thousand Coupons Were
Sent In tti ttie Contest Hdltor
Vostonbiy Tho Unmet Totut
Hteuillly drawing.
Nelllo Ilalrd H0737
Maraoil. Wusloy SJHn;r
Agnes Stclu !i87H
Mary A. Connelly - DSfll
MahaluFalrchlld 8073
Prank II. Williams C857
Carrlo Faust 3175
Anna M. Denglcr 22( 7
Bridget A. llurns 2i;i
Mary A. Laflerty 1013
Carrie M. Smith 1015
Lllllo U. I'hllllpH ia is
Mary A. Htuck nst)
Hattlo Hess i?m
Jamos It. Lewis 738
Kiln Clauser oift 1
Hannah Kcese J03
Maggie Cavanaugh 407
Annlo Mansell 401 1
Clara Cllno 400
HadloDaniell 3
Ireno Shano 195
Jennie ltamago 17a '
Lizzie Leho 121
Lizzie O'Conuoll 101)
Voles polled yesterday 4.327
Orund total 1333,-yj
Two persons who have evidently been
among the few people in this section who
havo not given tlio Kciiald's teachers' con
tost Eoruo attention liavo written to tho
contest editor inquiring if they may send in
as many votes 11s they plea?c for a favorite
and how tho coupons may bo securoil. Any
man, woman and child may vote as often as
he, she or they may seo lit and coupons can
bo Becured by ordering copies of thuIlHiuui.
Tho manner in which tho voting is to no
done is fully stated in tho hotly of the
Some tiuio ago one of our contsmporariis
took tip pencil and papor and figured upon
tho number of votes the teacher would re
quire to win first place in this contest. Tho
figures wcro pla'cd at 30,000, but icferenco to
tho table of votes published to-Jay shows
they were too low. Tho return up to 4
o'olock yesterday afternoon gave .Miss Baird
30,727 votes and Misses Wasley and Stein
each have over 28,000, yet tho tenth wcok of
tho eonlest is only just ending and the
windup will not take place until July 1st.
I'olltlelll Point.
Fraud Rents:, of Ashland, will bo a candi
date for County Commissioner before tho
Bepublican convention. Frank is well
known hero and throughout the ojnuty and
would make a good run if nominated.
Sir. Roach, of North Dakota, procUims his
intention of remaining in the Uuited States
Senate in spite of tho disclosure that ho some
years ago looted a Washington bank of
$d.",000. llo won't bo chased out, or smoked
out, or scared out. In fact, his staying
qualities are as maikod as those of a certain
well-known domestic auimal bearing the
same namo as be.
Nouo but Southern men need apply in
Hoko Smith's department.
II the worth f anything Is pre von by results
then surely Dr. Hull's cough isyrup Is pre
eminently ibe bet cough syrup now extant.
Slander Suit Mutt'eel.
Mrs. II. E. Bowman called at the Hki;.u.i
office this morning aud stated that her
p.itience had been exhausted by tho slan
derous stories circulated about her in town
by various parties and she has undertaken to
put a stop to tho reports. Yesterday Mrs
Bowman,, through her attorney, JI. SI. Burke,
Esq., instituted suit against Mrs. G. B.
Clauserfor l$T,000 damages. Last evening
Mrs. Clauser appeared before Lawyer Burko
and admitted that she had made certain
statements against Mrs.; Bowman's character
which she did not know to be true. Upon
this acknowledgement and tho payment of
tho costs of suit by Mrs. Clauser, Mrs. Bow
man consented to withdraw tho action. Mrs.
B iwman says sbe intends proceeding in a
similar manner against others who havo
been talking about her.
A Villlltihltt Kuilleily,
Brandreth's Pills purify tho blood, stimu
late the liver, stiengthen the kidneys, regu
late the bowels. They worn iiitrexluexd in
iho United States in 1835. riinee tint time
over sixty millions 'of boxet of Brandreth's
Pills have been used.
This, together with thousand of convinc
ing testimonials fiom all tarts of tho world,
is positive evidence of their vnluo.
Draudroth'af Pills are purely vegetable,
absolutely harmless, and safe to take at any
Ken I llstato Sale.
Mrs. Mary Dougherty has purchased a
portion of the Delaney property at tho cor
ner of Centre and Jardin streets for $5,000.
The piece purchased has a frontage of 75
feet on Centre street aud was one of the sites
tho P. O. S. of A. camps had in view for the
new hall to which reference
theso columns recently.
was made In
l.lectrlo FliikliMt.
The Mahauoy Piano branch of tho electrio
road Is finished. By April 1st the road will
be opened for travel.
Tho Locust Dila extenaiou will next re
ceive the atteutiou of tho coin motors, Messrs.
K earns & Co.
Work on the Sbeuandoau-Sti. XiolioUw ex
tension will be commenced, wt bare been In
formed, as soeu as tbe westliej permits.
Buy ICtyHau flour. Be tar that the
name Lhm 10 it Bah Aahlau U, ft is nrititt!
an every sak. u. U. I-3-?teiv
Sheriff Woll was in town to-day looking
after olllcial business.
(loorgo Johnson, of Schuylkill llavoli, is
visiting relatives in town.
Louis Friedman spent yesterday in attend
nnco at tho Pottsvlllo court.
J udgo Seltzer mid A. 12. Shay, of Pottsvlllo,
ohuio up on tho Vi:'.lO train.
Superintendent Thomas Baird and J. R
Finney spent to day at Pottsvlllo.
Ed, Wostovelt returned last evening from
Trovorlou, wliero ho had boon in attendance
at tho sick bed of his father in-law.
.Mrs. Dennis Toomoy, of East Lloyd stre;t,
gavo birth to a daughter tills morning.
Kx Senator William L. Torbert, of Oirard
Manor, paid n visit to town to day and took
ouo of tho morning trains for Pottsvlllo.
J. II. Pomoroy and S. G. M. Hollopcter,
Eseis., nnd Elmer Wasley went to Pottsvillo
this morning on business connected with the
water case.
Mrs. II. E. Bowman, of South Janlin street,
will lcavo for Juniata county shortly and will
probably remain thero ns tho guest of friends
until next fall.
Jacob Boehm, who lias been spending tho
past two weeks in town with his sister, Mrs.
John Itobcrts, returned to his homo in
Kansas City, Mo., this morning.
Tho Beading is getting on Its feet again.
Don't dlspair.
The fog was thick enough Inst night to bo
cut with a knlfu.
It keeps Supe-rv sor Llewellyn busy keep
ing the street crossing's clean,
Oh ! for lino weather that tho street
paving business may commenco.
Almost every other person you meet bus a
bad cold.
It is almost teio oarly yet to make garden.
Easter bonnets nro already appearing.
That old established cough remedy, Downt
Elixir, still moro than holds its own in the
public estimation, despite sharp and active
competition. It is a "home remedy," and in
tliis locality needs no word of praiso from us,
so well and favorably known is it. It is the
standard remedy for coughs, colds and ah
throat troubles, with great numbers of out
pooplo, aud their continued uso aud 1111
solicited recommendation of it spoaks vol
nmes In its favor. Uutlmgton, Vt., Frc
I'rfM, January 20, 1892. lm
Uoldcrmau's jewelry store leads as over.
Miss Mauio O'Connor, of Mahanoy Plane,
is the guest of tho Misses O'Connor, of town.
John J. Kealey, assistant railway agent at
Frecland, left for that place on Friday after
t brtjf visit to frienels hole.
Mrs. A. C. Koonoy and daughter, Jouuie,
returned hero yesterday after spending a
few days in tho city of Brotherly Love.
Miss Lottio Spurr lias recovered from her
severe spell of sickne!.
Miss Lizzie Morun, a studentatthe Blooms
burg Normal (.chool, is spending a few days
hero witii her parents.
Note. In tho recent Centralia corres
pondence iu which tho Kress party was
spoken of there was an error by which the
naaosof two guests, Edgar Hetl'ner and Pat
rick Devino were combined in such a manner
as to read "Patrick Iloffner." Tills explana
tion is mado upou request of the corres
pondent lilrtliilay l'urty.
Mr. and Mr. A. F. Morgan, of West Oak
street, celebrated their daughter's fourth
birtlulay lost evening by giving li'ir a party.
Among those who had tho pleasure of being
present were Mrs. II. E. Dangler and
daughter. Mrs. S. L. Brown and son, Mr. and
Mrs 1!. II. Morgan and daughter, Mr. 1).
Ifeose and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John
Kcesoand daughter, Ollvo and Ray Itowse,
Harry and Manilla Moycr, Mary Powell, Mrs.
W. J. Morgan, Mrs. Costollo, Miss Otceu and
several others helped to make the evening
pass pleasantly. Refreshments of all kinds
were served. The presents were numerous.
Fresh Morris Kiver Cove Oysters receive
daily at Coslett's. !) 22-tf
"IMucttltic; tit' a Itose.
The theitro-going portion of our popula
tion will shortly have an opportunity of wit
nessing the latest production from the pen of
J L. Tempest, entitlod ''Plucking of a Itose."
Those In a position to know say the play is
the best yet emenating from the dramatic
pen of Mr. Tempest. On April 3d this well
known aetor and his excellent oonipauy be
gin a three night engagement at Ferguson's
theatre, with change of bill eaoh evening.
Mr. Tempest's ability as an actor are well
known hero, and we bespeak for hiiu and Mb
oompauy a hearty reeeptiou.
SerlouMy lojureel.
Harry Lavage, a laborer, was seriously in
jured at tho St. Nicholas colliery this morn
ing. While iu tbe act of starting coal bo fell
down a scliute and sustained serious injuries
about the head and face. lie was taken to
his boarding house near corner of Union aud
Centre streets.'H Family Medicine Moves the lloneta
Each day. In order to be heilthy this is
Disorderly Conduct.
Charles Strovinski was before Chief Bur
gess Burns this morning charged with
disorderly conduct on the streets lost night,
upou complaint of Constable Boland. Ho
paid the borough tine and costs,
(Jliolr Notice.
The United Choir will meet In the Kiujliak
Baptist ohnreh, Soutta Jardin street, Sunday
ovetilng at 8 o' cloak, lvraetloe. A' gural
iuyifeition to all singers to. eotm and jU.
Jaxw I'ATrawuK. Sr
! .H
A Chapter of Very Interesting
Points on Various Subjeuta.
Now Method for the Con
sideration of LIconses.
Special IlEitAM) correspondence
PoTTSVILbK, March 2".
ufltuwJ HERE nro two matters
which has been treated
of at length in this
corrcfiMiudcnco which
now require but pass
ing nnllco and then. I
hope to bid tliem ndleux
forover, or at least
mention them only
when necessity requires it. Tho first is tho
condition of our chief amusement hall or
building with its concomitant rooms used for
business purposes, known as tho Union Hall
building and academy. At last the ninusgt rs
havo awakened to a realization of tho truth
of tho strictures occasionally published con
cerning their care of this valuable property
and havo commenced tho much needed
repairs. In justice to them it must he
recorded that a now floor has been placed in
tho post otlico and tho leslaurant iloor in tho
basement has been patched in spots where it
was mobt needed. But little innnoy has been
expended so far, to bo suio, but something
has been done at any rato which shows some
signs of life among tho managers and for
which they should receive the thanks of the
public. But their good work should be
followed up by continued repairs and im
provements until thero remains nothing to
bo complained of. As tho consummation of
tho new opora houso project is so very far off
and may bo dropped entirely, it is highly
important that tho Academy of Music
directors should pay thoir attentions to the
approaches of tho theatre and every room
occupied or visited by tho habitues thereof, so
that tboy may bo mado iuviting, safe and
comfortable Tho rents ami profits of a year
or two would make all the improvements
necessary and the management should not
hesitate to devoto tho money to tho purposes
Tho other subject is that of lighting our
streets by tho Edison Illuminating Company
which lias the contract for four years longer
and which has not given tho borough the
2,000 caudle power contracted and paid for.
At tho last meeting of tho Borough Ceiuueil
tho report of tho Investigating committee
came up with a bill for the lighting aud it
occasioned a lively tilt resulting in a tax
payers' defeat. Upon tho mcro assertion that
wo are getting as good a light ns a 2,000 can
dle power proiuiso carries with it the com
pany's bill was paid, enough members being
found ready to follow the Icaderahip of a
member who, until recently, was a stock
holder In the Illuminating eVnpauy, to
squelch all further opposition to tho coin
pany. And so again havo tho reformers been
balked iu their attempt to get fur tho bor
ough what it contracted for and piys for.
They should "pick thoir Hints and at 'em
again," and not despair over one failure
Wo havo a few good Counoilraon and too
many poor ones as, I suppose, is the cae In
all boroughs where the average intelligent
voter takes so little interest in borough mat
ters. When peoplo learn to take as much in
terest in municipal matters as they do in
national affairs many things will bo cor
rected for the welfare of the public.
Mention was made in a reoent letter of tho
advisability of relieving law Judges thiough
out tho state of the onerous, dlsagreoublo anil
undesirable task of having to grant liquor
licenses and it was urged that a new method
or plan would be acceptable. Here is ouo
which has some new and commendable
features iu it, that Senator Hackenburg pro
poses to oiler next ivcok. It provides for
districting tho state into twenty-four dls1
tricts, live of which shall be in Philadelphia
and Schuylkill and Carbon counties slull
form one number, 13th district. Tbe bill
provides for the appointment by tho Gov
ernor of ten Commissioners to be paid
5,000 per year and traveling expenses. They
are to be leai lied iu the law aud called license
judges. Five of them mutt be appointed
from each of the two largest political parties,
which now would mean five Democrats aud
five Republicans. They are to be commis-
sionei for ten years aud not be eligible to
re-election, aud they are to be so ooumiis
ioned tbat oue Judge of each party shall
retire every two years.
The sittings or meeting will, if the hill
becomes a law, be held at Ilarrisburg ou tbe
first Mondays of Jauuary, April and Octo
ber of each year aud then the amlgumente of
Judges to tho different districts will bo made
and the hearings will lie by petition, remou
strance and testimony of witnesses, the Judges
having previously visited the premises aud
made a thorough investigation into the
uece-sity for tbe license and the character of
tho applicants.
Tho license fee is the same but $5 is added
for the use of the Commonwealth. Iu this
district it Is provided that tbe applloatlous
miwt be iu on April let. These are some of
the very good features in the new proposed
NtebobM J. Keeker, of Palo Alto, is
auuounoed for Register, mbkiet to Deinacnttle
whw. I an Md tut would wak oh iaallat
The te.kt bungleis wfca tfwl uaotr" a
ticket, as published iu a Shenandoah paixr
last Sunday, should try It again and see If
they cannot slate a set of men not all of the
same nationality and religion, although it to
only with tbe foolish that religion Is thought
of In politics. Yet, as my olbow neighbor
remarked when wo scanned the list, "there
is not enough religion in that whole slate te
save any one of their sinftil souls."
Judge Ikelor, of the CoIumbla-MontcMW
district, who has been holding court hero
tills week, created a favorable Impression.
Judge Woidman took a two-day trip te
Philadelphia and Atlantic City this week.
What He Seen mid lleurs During Ills
Tho burglar case before 'Squire William
011 Thursday night brought up again a dl
camion of the place of confinement whtdk
tho borough maintains for prisoners, uepeo
tally females. The woman In this case wm
unabloto furnish bail and the! only alternative
was tho lockud. Tho Justico and othor olll
clals were In a quandary. They knew ami
said tho lockup was no place for a woman, of
whatover character she might be, and It Win
only tho generosity of tho constable that
saved tho woman in tills case. Whilo tho
matter was under discussion in tho Justice's
otlico tho sentiment was unanimous that tho
borough officials should mako arrangements
for the separatu confinement of female
prisoners, especially those with any preten
sions of respectability. The present place U
certainly not fit to bo occupied by any womaa
who is oven respectably dressed nnd it is
question If tho borough authorities would not
be liable to prosecution if tboy forced a
femalo prisoner to occupy 0110 of the cells.
Women above reproach and of tho most sen
sitive nature are liable to becomo victims of
circumstaiicos and be arrested whilo on a
visit to this town, aud if they wore unable to
secure bail and no one wished to assumo
charge of them over night what would bo the
result of confinement in tills mlserablo lock
up in the midst, perhaps, or at least ill a cell
adjoining those of a dihroputablo crowd of
arrests. There should bo some clean atul
separate plnco of confinement for femalo
prisoners and until such a placo can lo pro
vided tho Borough Council should make
a provision whereby tho Council Chamber
can bo used for tho purpose
Brother Tiloy, of tho Ashland Telegram,
announces that ho has received a box of
lovely cut llowers from a lady in Chester
county. Wo don't know whether or notour
frieud Tiley is married, but wo do know
some editors in this county who would be
bald-hoaded within twenty four hours after
making such an announcement.
A clothes line belonging to n Bowers street
resident was rubbed the other night, but
singular enough tho thief only took under
wear and left several other valuables pieces
behind. That thief's coat vorily covers a
multitudo of sins:
Some foolish housewives are making com
plaints about a young follow who went about
town recently offering to enlarge pictures for
fifty cents, and throwing in a pound can of
baking powder as a premium. Tho com
plaint is tbat the young fellow has made calls
for second payments. We rogret to say W
cannot sympathize with people who allowed,
themselves to bo duped by such fakes. We
have certainly sounded the warning oftea
Nntlco to tlio I'libllo.
In ordro to dispose of the balance of my
stock of dry goods, boots and shoes, an auc
tion will be hold each evening, between 7
and 0 o'clock, until Tuesday evening next.
I must vaoato my present quarters ou S9tU
lust. Seff's,
:i 2l-2t 25 S. Main street, Shenandoah.
Tho Slattery Cntte.
There are no new developments in tho
Slattery case. At but accounts both Demits
Slattery and his wife wore still In tbe oouuty
jail. Several stories were circulated about
town yesterday to the oflVct tbat additional
large quantities of goods had If en found at
various places and people in and out of town,
who had purchased groceries of Slattery, beeu
located, but diligent inquiries by reporters
last night failed to substantiate any of tho
Deep in your purte you needn't dive to
buy "Admirals" ten for 5 cents. "Ad
mini," tho new cigarette, I not mado kif tfco
trust Retail trade supplied by B. LaJbow A
Co., Mahauoy City, Pa.
Twelve lhetos far HOo.
By sending us your eabinet, together witk
50 cents, we will finish you one doaeu pkot-w.
tf W. A. Kkagbv.
The poor have no money to spend Use
lessly. All understand the groat value at
Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seuefca when
alUicted with coughs aud oolds.
Best work done at Brennan's Steam Laun
dry. Everything white aud spotless. Lace
ourUtins a specialty. All work guaranteed.
We arc closing out a great
many sit our Curpetft, Oil
ClotliH ami Window Sliutles
nt cost, in order lo make
room tor SirlJije goods.
C. Tf. 1'rlolic,
sw 10 South Jardin St