The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 23, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    I AN0T1IKR oar loud of our
I extra cholue FAMILY KLOUK
BH lias been received and It h waits
your order. It in superior In every re
spect and low In price. Don't buy an
lnfutlor atllole when you can get the
beat for the twti.u money. Don't forget
na If you want Canned Goods. When
It cornea to Hani we can dltcouut all
our uolKhboni, In quality and price.
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
Political 1'ulntn.
The SoliuylklU Havou statesman Is mak
ing quits a conspicuous figure of himself In
tho Legislature.
Tho new county bill linn ptrel second
reading and will become n law unless tbc
(lovcrnor vetoes it.
Tho bills before tho Legislature to permit
electric railways to carry express anil freight
havo no political significance.
Major l'inncy is In Washington tills week.
Wonder what is In the wind now?
Senator Mouaghan, one of tbo hardest
working members of tho legislative body,
camo homo lust evening.
It is from Georgia that a prolonged howl
comes for tho carrying out of tho Democratic
pledge to abolish protection. In tills Georgia
is consistent. When that slate seceded froui
tho Unlou, in 1601, sbo net forth in her con
vention somo of tho causes which impelled
her to tbo step. Ono was that tho tariff laws
of tbo country had unjustly nfllicted hor.
Hero we liavo hor to day grunting amid her
cotton fields and still sighing for freo trade.
Her theory is that of Calhoun, that her
destiny is to produce cotton for tho market
of tbo world and buy her manufactured
goods wherever sho can find them cheapest
Tho Georgia of to day is tbo Georgia of
Tho $30,000 legislative junket, from
Hirrisburg to Chicago, is oil'. 1'rceident Pro
Tcra. Goliin, of the Senate, declares thai
under no circumstances can tho proposal
additional appropriation be secured, as such
a measure would bo vetoed, and tho veto
Tho white flag has been hoisted. There is
to bo no more fighting in the Republican
ranks in this county. The lion and the
lamb have lain down together. Tho "Short
Hairs," "Swallow Tails," "Mugwumps" and
"Kickers" have united aud will march under
ono flag noxt fall and thereafter. A good,
strong ticket will bo nominated aud elected.
It is nover too late to do good.
Texas lias filed moro applications for office
than any other state, but up to date has got
scarcely anything from Grovcr.
If Georgia colonels seeking oflico would
keep their hats on their beads, instead of
talking through them so much, their head
gears wouldn't tako such mystorlous walks.
Editor Sparks, of tho Mount Vernon (Ind.
Democrat, who was the Democratic postmas
tcr four years ago, is allamo anent Clove
I land's boycott of ox-ofllco holders. "We have
no objection," he declares, "to tho new hlood
idea, but do object to tho inconsistent and
brutal tieatnient accorded to worthy and
honest Democrats by a President who accepted
u third nomination, and has been an ullici
holder himself for nearly twenty years as
Mayor, Sheriff, Governor and President.
And in this connection the Democrat wishes
to mako a prediction : The next Presideni
of tho United States will bo either a straight
Democrat or a straight Republican. Nu
Mugwump will ever be elected to that high
position agaiu."
That old established cough remedy, Downs
Elixir, still more than, holds its own in tb
public estimation, dipito sharp and active
competition. It is a "home remedy," and in
this locality needs no word of praise from us.
so well and favorably known is it. It is the
standard remedy for coughs, oolds and all
throat troubles, with great numbers of oui
people, aud their continued use and uu
solicited recommendation of it speaks vol
Times in its favor. Burlington, Vt., Fret
Pres, Jamtary 26, 1602. lm
The Acaflumy Kfwtuuraiit.
The Pottsvillo headquarters for Shenan
dcah people and others living North of tin
'Mountain, for hot toddies, hot punches, beel
.tea and all kinds of wines and liquors of tin
beet brands, is tho Academy Restaurant, John
ff. Cooney, proprietor, M. A. Coonoy, assist
ant, to
The Hkkai.d is now prepared to do all
kinds of stereotyping in the best workman
like manner at reasonable rates. By having
this work done in town tho parties desiring
it save freight and express charges and have
tho advantage of personally Inspecting the
work before It is delivered and thus avoid
embarrassing mistakes.
To complete flies, two copies eaoh o thi
EVKffif Herald of January 1st, 3d an'
-1th, and February 5th, 1898. A liberal prie-
will be paid for the same.
OeselilnK Leads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough a
.Then Baby was slot:, we gave her Castoria.
"Then sho was a Child, she cried for CaatorU.
tfhen she became lim, she clung to Castorta,
'Wie.n she had Children, sho gave them Castorta,
XI you Iihvu cm-pet rutfs aud
vrlsli tlisjm made Into Homc
mutlo Carpet, sand tlivm to
rlcltai's Cm pat, Store, xo 8
iMfdm titratst. m.u
Driver WIIIiiihii IIhk a Touch Tltno on
the Jtmul.
William Wlllman, of town, who has charge
of one of the oil tank wagons that pay
periodical visits to the business plants In
town and neighboring places, had an un
comfortable oxperlmco. While driving up
to Delano he iHttfttd on to a part of
the road that bad been undermined by
water. Other vteliloles hail passed over tho
weak spot with safety, but the weight of tho
tank wagon was too great and ' when tho
surface gnve way tho wagon sank down to
tbo depth of the axles. Wlllman unhitched
liis horses and went to Mabanoy City for
assistance. Ho secured four horses In ad
dition to his own and a pair of jacks, and
after over three hours' work the wagon was
raited from tho hole and put on good ground.
It was nearly midnight when Wlllman got
back hero.
Tliavnhfwm Irvine II r. Hull's Couah Hvrun.
and 1 am well plien with it. My son had the
wtiooping oougn aim a u com joiiowou. i
tried your Dr. Hull's Couuh Sirup and In three
night be was better. .Moses Verby, I.atiMutor
Uouil House, Va."
Patrick Bachoy, wlfo and fumily.of Miners-
villo, have returned to that placo after a
pleasant visit to friends hero.
Miss Jennie Weary and Hunter Sallndn, of
Ashland, woro tho guests of Miss Mary
Miss Mattio Wiest has returned from Sun-
Mrs. Joseph Soutbwood, of Mt. Curmel,
visited her jvarents here on Wednesday.
Mrs. Garvin bus returned to her homo in
Minorsvillc after a visit to friends bore.
Miss Emily Morton is ill.
Mrs. William Heck and daughter, Oath-
arino, have returned from Pottsville, whero
they wero visiting friends.
Mrs. George Tilcy and daughter, Bessie,
visited friends at Mt. Carniel on Monday.
The 1'. It. It. DcinoiiHtriitCK Its Ability to
Accommodate Crow ils,
The passenger and freight traflje on the
Pennsylvania railroad system during the
past month has been enormous. Hundreds
of thousands of pcoplo have been carried to
and from Washington. No accident 1ms bo-
fallen any of tbo trains or paweugcrs. Tills
is another feather In tho cap of tho Pennsyl
vania Company and shows that its road is
one of tho safest in tho country to travel over.
The road bed is solid and well ballasted, the
rails aro heavy and of tho best steel, and the
passenger trains aro combinations of strength,
luxury and comfort. Tho fastest time is
made aud accidents by collision or other
wiso aro of nirooccurrence. Tho block system
used by this company in running trains is
conceded to ho the best and safest plan in
The Pennsylvania railroad will havo a
big undertaking this summer carrying people
to and from the World's Fair at Chisago, but
it will no doubt bo prepared for tho cmcr
goncy aud ublo to transport tho vast throng
without delay or danger.
lift Kye Twinkiml.
Ha was not a Tory olcfant specimen
of tbo genus gentleman as he
shambled In toward tho kitchen door of
a houso on Foundry street, nor vvns ho
altogether a vicious looking follow, and
thero waa in tho cornor of his eye a sly
twinkle, that, even all tho bloar had nob
obscured. Tho lady of tho house opened
to his knock, and sho was undoubtedly
a h-radsome woman.
"licg pardon, ma'am," he said in un
disguised admiration. "1 think I hava
made a mistake."
"What will you have?"
"Nothing now, ma'an," he answered,
faintly smiling.
"Then why did you knock at tha
"1 said, ma' was a mistake."
"Did you think somo ono lived hero
that you know?" she asked, with a
cheery sort of a laugh that was com1
forting to hear even though a strain ot
sarcasm ran through it.
"Hardly that, ma'am," he said, hum
bly. "What I did think -was that I was
hungry and cold, ma'am, but the sight
of your face has made me'am,
and your sweet voice has been food to
me, ma'am. Good morning, lady," and
ho started away, hut sho wouldn't have
it so. She took him in by tho fire and
gavo him his breakfast, .and that queer
little twinkle in his eye twinkled moro
than ever. Detroit Freo Press.
Loss and Gain.
"Whore's John now?"
"In London."
"Is ho as lleshy as ever?"
"He was more fleshy for awhile, but
he has been fa ting for it and has lost
ten pounds, he writes."
"Yes? I fasted once in London and
gained 10 0 shillings that I didn't havo
to put up for tablo board." Chicago
Caught in Had Company.
Sport My watoh loses something
every night and seldom makes it up
during the day. What alia it?
Jeweller (reflectively) Kvidently it
is trying to conform to the habits of Its
owner. Jewellers' Weekly.
On Good Turn Deserves Another.
Husband Hut I don't want to quit
chewing tobacco.
Wife I gave up my weeds for you.
and I think you may do the same for
me. IateField a Wuihington.
I'Ues or Hemorrhoids
?j'rmanontly cored without knife or ligature,
fo dinner or eufloring. No delay from bus
new while under treatment. Patients who
tre responsible need not pay until well. A
terfoot ears gukranteod. Send for circular,
K. SEED, M. D.,
120 South 13th St., Philadelphia
itere, by pwiuikm, to the editor of the
Sapaitor goods at 86 aar eeot. lower tbac
ibewaare at UoUarsaan's jewelry store, tf
Keat phatographs and srnyeas at Dabb's.
1 1 cm nm mm ma m )
s fair Molida? irmi
-j eyeninFebrald contest -io
Days at the World's Fair
With accommodations at a first- dais Chicago hotol, and transporta
tion to and from Chicago, Including sleeping berths, all free of cost,
To the 2 Most Popular Teachers.
CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M.
The two teachers who receive the largest number of votes will bo taken
to tho World's Pair and royally entertained by the Hf.iiam. Cut out this
coupon, and on the Wank lines write the name of tbo PuhHc School Teacher,
north of the Rroad Mountain, In Schuylkill county, whom youconsldermost
' popular, and send ft to tho "Cohtbst Editoii, Evbkino Herald, SiinnAN
doaii, Pa." Kvery coupon properly filled out counts as one voto for one
teacher. Every person, young or old, can vote, and voto as often at, they
please. Coupon must be in tho hands of the editor within ten (10) days after
the date it bears.
Name of Teacher.
Name ot Voter
MAKC1I S3, 1893.
For tlx Xju.0ls.3r Ones.
A Gold Necklace.
Holdorman, tho Jeweler, will give the lady
teacher receiving tho hlgbott number ot
votes a Ilandsomc.Gold Ntcklace.
A Set of Furs.
II. .1. Mills, tho Pottsvillo Hatter and Fnr
nor, will glvo tho lady teacher receiving
seoond hlghost number of voles a hand
somo Met of Furs.
A Plush Toilet Set
Mr. Reose will glvo tne lady teacher re
ceiving tho second highest number of
votes a handfomo Plush Toilet Hot.
Tho two teachers having tho third and fourth highest number of votea at tho close of tho
contest, will visit NIAGARA FALl.M,and remain thtro rlvedays.ot tho expense ot tho HmtALD
A Gold-Headed Cane.
Vf. II. Mortimer, tho Pottsvillo Jewelcr.wlll
glvo tho gentleman teacher receiving the
hlghost number ot votes a Gold.hcadcd
Gold-Headed Silk Umbrellas.
The Homo Friendly Society, of Baltimore,
Md., will present tho two luclcy compctl
tors In tbo contest with bandsomoQold
headed Silk Umbrellas.
The two teachers who receive the greatest number of total votes up to the closing hour
above stated will bocclared tho winners.
All coupons must bo cut out of tho Evf.nimo Heuai.d and sent, securely scaled in envel
opes, addressed to "Contest Editor, Evening Herald, Ulirnnmloah, Pa."
Any person residing in any placo may vote as often as ho or she may desire for one or more
teachers engaged in teaching in a publlo school north of tho Broad Mountain at tbo close of the
enrrent school terms provided, that any teacher who may have been Incapacitated by sickness
oraccldont for teacblngfor a period ot not moro than thrco months prior to tho end of tbc
torm, may also compete
Each voto for each teacher must bo represented by a sepcrato coupon.
A coupon bearing tho name of more than ono teacher or specifying moro than one voto for a
teacher wtll bo thrown out as void.
A careful record will bo kept of tho names of all contestants, und all coupons will be filed
and kept safe until tho final adjudication. Thrco prominent and responsible men ot Shenan
doah will bo selected to act as judges, make tho final count, and nunounco tbo names ot tho two
winners. Should tbrco or moro teachers be tied on tho highest number ot votes, tho judges will
be allowed to decide.
Tho names of tbo wtnners will be announced on orbeforo Saturday, Jnlv 15, 1693. Should
tho winners be absent from Shenandoah at tho timo they will bo informed of their good fortune
by telcgruph, so that they may start on tho trip as soon thereafter as posslblo.
All blanks in tho coupon must be SJle'd out, especially tho blank requiring the name of the
person voting. Tho number of votes received at this office up to 4 p. m. each day will bo pub
Ushed In the next issuo of the IIeham) with tho names of the teachers voted for.
WE HAVE the exclusive agency, in this vicinity, for the sale of the
Now "COLUMBUS" MACHINE, which Is now the most desirable
machine iu use. Written guarantee goes with every -no, insuring
them, under ordinary care, for live years. Our price only jjj. j gJe KJ fi
Call and Inspect them. New styles of Dlrner and Tea fJpJ.Sl2P
Sets. Iron Hollowware of every description. The spring-time apprcnchlng
finds our store crowded with bright now goods und appreciative buyers.
And So ft Goes!
When Sewing Machines are mentioned tho name
of tho STANDARD rises instinctively to the lips.
Why f Becauso It will sew as much in four hours
as others do in five,
Because it Is a labor-saver, and makes less noise
than any machine on the market.
Pay no attention to tho disparaging talk of our
competitors, as that only proves that it is their most
dangerous rival.
Call and sec It for yourself,
Cor. Jardin and Lloyd Sts., Shenandoah.
Full line Papor-covcr Novels.
(Christ. Bossier's old stand.)
Main aud Coal titH,, rJUenttnrtonri.
Ilest beer, ate and porter on tap. The finest
brands ot whiskeys and cigars. Pool room attached.
Political Cards.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to decision of the Republican County
nttua-VAim P. ft. rtlltldlnn'. UV.ATf&nilru
, pring and jaw Miltaj j
Our first Opening of Spring- and Summer
Millinery will take place on Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, March 30 and 31 and April 1.
Our Millinery Department will be on second
floor, reached by a broad, easy stairway is a
spacious, well-lighted room, 70x22 feet, and
suitable in every respect for the purpose, hav
ing large mirrors between every window and
furnishings of the latest and most approved
This department will be in charge of an ex
perienced aud courteous forelady. We have
secured the services of a noted trimmer, from
abroad,, whose skillful, stylish and artistic
work has never failed to please the most fas
tidious. We shall keep everything iu trimmed
and untrimmed Hats and Bonnets; everything
in Flowers, Laces, Feathers, Aigrettes, Rib
bons and jets of all kinds.
Novelties will be added as they appear dur
ing the season. We shall make a specialty of
Trimmed Hats and Bonnets; shall keep a select
assortment from which any lady can, at a mo
ment's notice, make a satisfactory choice.
As this is our first season for millinery, we
have spared neither trouble nor expense to
. make it a modql department, and the result is
even more than we anticipated.
THIS will also be our GENERAL SPRING OPENING for the
entire store Each department will havo something new,
choice and seasonable. Dress Goods will represent all domestic
goods, as well as the finest Importations of wool, silk and wool,
and all silk All the new Weavos, runcles and mixtures, with
odd, unfamiliar names, but very beautiful In design and llnlsh,
will he found here. A neat littlo book will be Klven away to all
purchasers of millinery goods. Everybody cordially invited to
lie present at our First Opening of Spring and Summer Millinery,
Ihursdnj , Friday audSaturday, March liu and 31 and April l.
Pros, Pomeroy ui hmif
nMHnsssv mm i , . ,
Few white and colored blankets, ladies1 and child
ren's coats, which will be sold regardless of cost.
Come early and secure bargains at
J. J. PR C
QUEEN & CO. Of PMtaMphia,
Send their Efce Specialist
ToSliciiumlolt,Wcni(csclHy,lIarcli 29
Ho will bo found at tho
Ferguson Kouhc From 8:30 a, in. to 6:30 p. m.
Persons who have headacht or whoso eyes are causing dis
comfort should call upon their specialist, and they will re
ceive intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHARGE to ex
amine your eyes. Every pair of glasses ordered is guaranteed
to bo satisfactory,
121 N. Mam Street, Shenandoah.
Boots? Slioes, O-esats Furnishings I
At greatly reduced rat03.
HJL. ZET'iAii itS.3?i"Sr, Propriotor.
IT PAYS to buy your
Boots and Shoes and
Rubber Goods at the
emporium of Joseph
Ball. Finest line of
goods carried in town.
ICTo. SO TT. IVXtviia. SJtl-oot
Chris. Bossier's
(Mann's old stand)
X04 South Irinlti Street.
Finest wines, whiskeys and cigars always In
sUwk. Frehh llecr, Alo and Porter ou lap.
Choice Temperance Urlnks,
to $50 A
it 13 nr.
i' 11 11 1
1 1 1
Wanted, an bonest, earnest man or womau
in every county to take the sole agency for an
article that is needed iu every home: sells at
sight, in town or country. You can make SOuO
in three months introducing it, after which It
wtll bring you a steady Income. Ono agent (a
student" canvassed in California during sum
mer vacation and returnodto Iloston. Mars.,
with S8U0 In cash as the result of his sales. A
splendid opening for the right person. Don't
lose a moment ; write at once to
Pecrlesn Manufac'tj Co.,
Buffalo. N. Y., or Chicavo. III.
I respectfully Inform my friends and thepub
llo generally that I have removed my UUOT
ana HI10K store to VJo East Coal street, and
will give my patrons tho benefit ot low rents.
125 East Coal Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
r. jambs urum.
Office and Raslrienco, 81 North Jardin
Street, Shenandoah.