The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 21, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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Two Stepping Stones
to consumption are ailments wc
often deem trivial a cold and
acoutfh. Consumption thus ac
quired is rightly termed " Con
sumption from neglect."
rw only stops a cold but it is re
markably successful where the
cough has become deep seated.
Stiff's Emulsion is the
richest of fat-foods yet
the easiest fat-food to
take. It arrests waste
an 4 builds up healthy
Freparod by FmiU Bonne, N. Y. All draught,
Curo Consnmpt Ion, Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat. Sold by all Drug"' on a Guarantee
For a Lame Side, Bark orChe.t Bhiloh's Porous
Mrs. T, B.llawktns, Chattanooga, Tcnn., says:
"ShlluK'B VlM&rr'XAVEn MY IjTFE' 1
consider J thtbtslrLmeii)iforadclilWatcd8iftem
I ever rati" For Dv ppetv-la, Liver or Kidney
troubla It excels. Price 75 eta.
mm E M E DY.
HaveTyouCat'tnUr Try this Remedy. It will
relievo and Cu. -o you. Price BO ots. This In,
lector for ltssnree-vful tree trnejitisrarnuned
tree, Bbtloli's Iteraedles are sold by us on a
guarantee to give siitlsfuctlon.
i. v le by O. H. Haprenbnch.
Ml. C. JOIU fl, kji
Fulton, Arkansas,
says or
"Abont ten years arro I con-
trjftcl a .'evere caso of blood uni
on. J ndinfr, physicians proscribed medicine
iff. rrc ''lcinc.nhich I took without any relief.
I ilio tried mercurial and potash remedies,
w. U unsuccessful results, but which broup-fct
in an attack of mercurial rheumatism thai
nje.da my life
ono r,t nfcony.
After smTi ring
1 iur v irs I p;a e up all remedies and began
ii'-.n?: H. 8. S. After taking several bottles 1
nsis Purely cured and ablo to resurao work.
SBTfajB 3 ,1,e greatest medicine for blood
fefflfS) poisoning to-day on tho marker-"
Treatlsaon Wood and Skin Diseases Wiled
free. Swift SPECino Co., Atlanta, Ga.
tick Hoodacha and rellevs nil tbo troubles fast,
dent to a bilious etato of the system, suoh 00
Dizziness, Kauees, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating. Tain In the Side, &a. While their maul
rsrarkiblo miccess has .been shown la casing
SleaSsche, yet Carter'a Little Liver PilM arc
equally valuable In Constipation, curing and pre
venting thisannoyiurjcomplalntVvvhtlo thoy alsfj
correct all disorders of the utomach ,M 1 mulale the
twer and regulate the bowels. Even if they on j
cufor from tola dlatresslng complaint; but fortu
catelytheirgoodcassdousnotaudherendUiosa .whooacotry thorn will find these little pills vain.
Al io la bo mm? ways that they will not be wil
jsg to do without them. But after aUalckhjuJ
fas the tans of bo many Uvea that hero la whara
1 woniake our great boast. Our pilbcuroltwhlla
1 ethers do not.
Carter's Little liver Pills are very small and
very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a doso.
They ore strictly vefietablo tnd do not grlpo or
pureo, but by their gentle action ploasoall who
ituethem. In vials at 25 cents i llvofortL Ball
'fey drnggtsta evsrywhsro, or sent by milL
Orfelnul und Oiilr Genulneu
Arc. riUbi ladics, it
Prtu-iclit for Chichttttr't Znpiuh Di9.
tnond Brand la Hed and Geld mf tIUo1
boxea, "kleJ with blut ribboa, Tnko
(ion and mitationi. Ai UrasKliia, or nl to,
lit tmpi for partlculn, tiitlmoiUU
ItMlef for Tadler, in Ir, ly rtturm
MaIL 10,00 A Tfi.iuoumli. Xamt Jap,
theater Cbemicsl Uo.,Mod!on Hanaro
0U fcjJi Uii4
m. H. Downs' Elixir!
TTo tnf tlm ti t for S TXTT TKAItfl
land has provod Itself the best remexlyi
nsaown .or iuo euro 01 injw i
krtnunlia. Colds. WhoAnlna Couah. audi
r all Zmh0 JMe in young or oiu.
Trwe see., ouo., ana si .w per noiue,
Begs to announce to hU friends and
patiods and the publto generally that
ho has puruu'HJd the barbershop lately
occupied by 11. J. Yost,
No. 12 West Centre Street
JTB CfilcriMttVi Enellth I
President Cleveland's Nomi
nations Confirmed.
The Scnnto Illsposoe of Much Impnrtnnt
Work In Kxi-ciitlve Session Not an Ob
jectiou Offered to Any of the Nomina,
lions A DImmimIoii Ttelntlvo to the Ite
OrganltHtlnn nf Klerllvo OUlnein.
Wabhinoton, March 21. In an cocecit
tlve session lasting little more than a linli
limir, yesteiilay afternoon, tho senate (lis
powd of a great deal of work that has ao
cumulated pending tho re-organization ot
thti committees. All of the earlier branches
of nominations thow of ex Senators Eustis
and Ilampton made In tlio morning, were
confirmed yithout the formality o a refer
ence to the appropriate committees. When
the reports of the vaiiou committees vere
made, all of them favorable, there Tos not
a word of dissent and tlio utmost harmony
prevailed, so far ns any word of opposition
was concerned, at least. Tho nominations
were confirmed In the ordinary way, with
out a voto, there beiiig no objections of
fered. During tho session there was a short dis
cussion relating to the proposed re-organization
of the elective olHcers of the wnate,
the republicans taking occasion to let th
democrats know the determination of their
oauaus. In a casual way tho republican
leaders referred to the precedents and
stated that there was no authority for th
re-orgamzntlon of tho senato at an cxtraor
diuary session, aud warned the democrats
with due regard to parliamentary courtesy.
that they would not felt idly by and nee the
work of ro-organlBBtiou prosecuted without
attempting to frustrate it. Tho matter
was held in abeyance, however, pending
the action of the caucus of the deniociats
which Is to bo held to-day. It is
understood that nothing bearing upon
the proposed re-organlzation will be dis
cussed in open session until after another
executive session shall have been held
At the executive session the republicans
will unfold to their opponents the course
they intend to pursue, and if the demo
crats then see lit to undertake the task of
re-organizlng the elective officers, the con
test will be transferred to the open session
It, Is understood that certain prominent
.lemocrats nave said that rather than re
main here and etigage in an unseemly de
bate, they would lo in favor of permitting
cue present, organization to remain until
congress meets in regular session. If there
is to be a struggle over this matter, it will
uo doubt be precipitated before tho ond of
this week.
Don't Want Martin Ilooognlzed.
Washington, March 31. A delegation
of anti-tusiou democrats from Kansas are
here trying to convince Mr. Cleveland that
Mr. Martin, the new senator from Kansas,
has uo right to recognition as a democrat
and should not be permitted to havo any
say about tho distribution of offices. They
found this protest upon the claim that he
is seeking' to use the patronage in tho in
terest of the populifets. The democrats in
the senate have recognized Martin ' as 11
democrat, but some of those who have
learned wisdom from experience say that a
protest against any senators having the
distribution of patronago under this ad
ministration is entirely unnecessary.
Discussed the Errors.
Washington, March 21. Thennmcrous
errors that nave come to light in tho on
rollnient of great appropriation bills at the
last session formed the subject of discus
sion for nearly an hour of tho time that the
senato was in session yesterday. More
than 90 such errors were stated by Mr.
Hale to have been discovered by him in tho
naval appropriation bill alone. Various
resolutions as to clerks of committees,
changes of rules, etc., were offered '.but not
'acted on, and the feenate adjourned until
To links Uncle Sam n Valuable Present
Washington, March 21. TruxtonBenle
United States mlnh?fr to Greece, has In
formed the state department that the
widow of Dr. bchliemann, the ' famous ex
plorer of the ruins 01 buried and an
cient cities, has determined to present to
the United (States national museum a por
tion of the : elics unearthed at Troy by her
husband, Mr. Bfiih gives no intimation
of the size o? the .ollcc 'on to be sent to
Washiniiton, but says iuj value will be ap
parent on in1 pect. hi.
Ryuud Gets Tweli v Y-nrs.
KiTTANNi:J, March 21. Alter being out
tlrrty-niue hours the Jury In the case of W.
J. fiyand, charged with murder and at
tempted bank robbery at Leechburg, camo
in and haudul in a-verdict of guilty of mur
der In the second degree. The judge then
discharged the jury and sentenced Ryand
to twelve years in tho penitentiary. The
cases of Dr. 'Wlckoff Ppathe, alios Sprsgue
und Kromer, under arrest on the same
charge have been postponed until the June
term of the court.
Two Persons Crushed to Death,
Nashville, Tenn., March 21. Fire at
Athens, Ala, destroyed several stores and
small buildings. The total damage done
will not exceed JU0.01K). William Chand
ler, a student in the agricultural college,
and Owen Brown, of Athens, wore caught
under falling walls and crushed to death,
Want the Pool Rooms Closed.
Bridgeport, Conn., March 21. All
clergymen here are urging their congrega
tions to organize and petition tho state
legislature to pass laws to clese up all pool
rooms and to 'frame a Jaw sufficiently
strong to conviet and punish offenders.
Had Run the Engine Since the War.
Belwuib, O., March 21. William P,
Porterfleld, a Baltimore and Ohio engineer
died hero, aged GO years. IIo was an old
soldier and had been running the transfer
engine across the Ohio river since the war,
Seized by Creditors.
St. Joskph, Mo., March 21. The whole-
tale liquor house of the James Walsh Mer
cantile Company was seised by creditors.
The liabilities so far anrregatc $141,798.
The assets will, it is reported, aggregato
170, WO.
A 8175,00 Fir In Mmssaohusstts.
Sooth JEastok. March 91. K J. "W.
Moore Sc. Cempany'a large brick cetitan
thread factory Was reduced to ashes. Loea
en building and machinery, from $176,000
to jaw, two, auly partially insured.
A Lively Mlase .t Oovlnxton, Ky,
CevtNOTtxN, March 1. Walsh's distil
lery was completely ueetroyed by Are. The
less is eetimaW at $100,900, partly cover
ad by insurance. The origin of the blaze is
a ruystsry.
CouimniidorJnmcs H. Dean.
Old Soldier's Gratitude
Torturing, Life Destroying Dyspep
sia, vurcu. inotner inumpn lor
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
Mr. Jnmes S. Dean, Commander of Oon.
uruntl'ost, O.A.U., ICondout, N.Y.,nnrt
Chief U. H. Mull Acnnt of tho Ulster a
Doluwaro Railroad and 0110 of tho most
populnr and well known Gentlomon In
tlio linst, whoso voracity is beyond
question says I
' I was all ron down rlth DYSPEPSIA.
I doctored and doctored but It all resulted
the same way. I crew worse Itvffertcl
untold misery night ami day. Mycaso
was pronounced tneurable. I MilTcrccl
this .way for fully TWO YEAKS. I
Chanced to meet Dr. Kennedy on tho
otreet about that time, and I told him of
my condition and ho Bald, " Jimmy," you
need not euffer so, como to my office and
I'll jive you a bottlo of FAY01UT12
BEMEDY, tako It morning, noon and
night, and It will curo you, I took tho
rnedicino as directed, but had uo confi
dence in a curo, as my case hod been tried
by so many. After using it o week I be
gin to feci better, and in a short while
ofterthatlwns ENTIRELY CURED
"Just think of it, entirely cured. That
terrible distress, everything I ato.
breaking up mir in ray throat had nil
pone and I havo cot had a moments dis
comfort since. To-day there is'nt a
healthier man in this country and my
npvetite is grand. 1 lelieve I could cat
n KEG OF NAILS if I had to and digest
them with case,. Favouitr Remedy to
the foe of Dycrc psla and poor UealtiV- ,1
Yours truly, '
feonuuu-r. March 18th, 1W2.
The Hlddull Fortune of the Late Washing
ton Heck Unearthed.
SraiNOFiEiJ), O., March 21. Washing
ton Heck, a farmer living in Northampton
township, died about two weeks ago nud
William Myers was appointed his executor.
Ileck wa considered "queer." While
Myers waa taking an inventory of Heck's
belongings in an old trunk in an unused
attic ho came upon a tinie-stalnod and
dust-covered case that fitted in&ido tho
Opening it he was amazed to find it
nearly full of gold and creuuuacks, witli
bllver coins of all denominations and other
moneys in various shapes. A careful count
of the treasure shows an aggregate of $14,
000 in cash, besides $4,000 in mortgages
and other securities.
Heck owned n farm of about 200 acres.
but that was generally supposed to bo all
he hud. He kept himself and his family
aloof from the society of tho neighbors
among whom he lind spent hia life, was
clohe in his expenditures and always in
slated on payments for unything ho sold
being made to him in cash. Not n member
of his family had any idea of the existence
of hl3 wealth.
Tho Spanish senatotorial elections have
rohitlted in a sweeping victor' lor the moii-
Tho ranks of the Cherokee boomers are
fast lllliug up aud the feceues along the
uonters are growing livelier every day.
Tho Coney Island athletic club has of.
fered a purse of $10,000 for the fight be
tween Ueorge Dixon nnd Johnny Griffin.
There are rumors of a big strike umong
clothing workers all over the country to be
inaugurated during the latter pait of this
Mayor Gilroy of New York Oity has an
nounoed his Intentions of appointing none
but Tammany men to office during his
term as mayor.
The new twin-screw steamship Cepanla
of the Cuuard line will begin her first voy
age on April 22, the eteuinsbip Lucuuia
soma time in juiy.
The second of the lectures in tho Spencer
Trask series at Princeton this year will lx)
given by John Fiske, of Harvard, who will
dollver hia famous oration, "Columbus,"
on .aprii u.
Amos Rusle, the clever baseball pitcher.
has signed a contract to play with Indian
apolis this season. Ho is to report to Man
ager waru on April l.
Lamp-chimneys cost so little
that we let them go on break-
incr. We sro on buying'0 and
"What should we do ?
Get Macbeth's "Pearl-top"
and "Pearl-glass;" they are
made of tough glass, tough
against heat ; they do not break
in use ; they do from accident.
They are fine, well made,
exact; they fit the lamps they
are made for; stand upright;
the shade is right; they make
a right draught for light ; they
are uniform. Both bear a label
for your protection. Loolcfor it.
Be willing to pay a nickel
more and stop this constant
expense aud annoyance.
PHUbunth. Pa. Qo. A. If Aran isri do.
To De
Fast Colors
Address for;sample oard, EZiriltA, JV, T.
Prairie lflres In Oklahoma.
aurnRiK, O. T., March 21. Prairie fires
have lieen raging extensively in dilTcrent
part of the territory during the past twenty
four hours. In Cleveland several homes
and a numler of barns, beside many tons
of hay. were destroyed, and a little girl so
badly burned iat she will dlcof her Injur
ies. IiiPnyne county large areas of land was
swept clean ot everything, and east of here,
in a negro settlement, a number of houses
were lramed with all contents.
Tlio Com lets Go Hack to Work.
Boston, Matc h 21. The convict in the
state prison who have been locked in their
cells for two wtvks partly iw a disciplinary
measure nud (tartly to allow a rigid search
of the workshops and prison for contra
band articles, liavo resumed their various
occupations in the shops. General Bridges,
the neW wnrd"i, it placing the entire in
stitution under military discipline. Every
thing is quiet in the prison.
A fliiiid Wool Crop In Texas.
San Angei-o, Tex., March 21. Wool
shearing baa f.iiily commenced. The first
clips of the smmg fleece were marketed on
Saturday. 1 iie staple, owing to the ex
cellent oondltimi in wjilch the sheep have
passed through the winter, will be far su
perior to the productions of this market at
any previous time.
A Shipping Clerk Crushed to Death.
Prr-mmTun Vint-.!, 01 Til,n Tlr..M oo
fears old a shipping clerk at S. II. Hamil
ton's music store, was crushed to death by
a piano elevator. His head was caught
V-V..V.M V..V. ...... ... .UL IMj um
beam, which crushed It to a pulp. He
iees u uimiv mm several cnimren.
Now Tliej Kmploy Klectrlclty.
Homkstkau, March 21. Electricity is
lieinnt cuiployrd here to do the work of the
uookers-up on the 28 aud 88-inch mills.
fituloue, H. V.
On Crutches 10 Years !
3 OBNTLEMnxt I n lull to teatlfv to thft efUcncva
For e L'rttl yearn I have U'cii luffc-rlng from fil
liml ISInori JHsortfci' called by diflervnt
nonici by the rwverftl Physician whoatU-ndedme,!
but which ha HI oil the Hklll of them n). It nt-f
tarktd my llice, BA'J INd AWAYS
I'lli: FlXSHIf. and leaving a pn-trtciit
rimtiliiR sort, which nothing would hrl. Ill
gaiao iiroKs oui on inr iimuaa a I' JJ v.Lite
S0113. I'or inoQUifl I was confined to
amy ivi ana nave uwn iimtnio to wnlicg
wimoutcruuiiei for vr ipii yenra.
S Ijort F&U I iiurcliuod three botura of
Icf DaTlsnrns. me from tho llr1.
i took it nutnruuy, ana i can nov nltcml tos
iny iioiisenoiu tiuiiessnu whik n imii
Su ut'tr. S
I am sure that my case iflaa ucarainlrnclo a
au;iiuuHinai napeni Dt mo prcicm uay.
A mil w uii.'riri v vuiu
Malonc, N. Y. 1IH8. OLlVEIt CIICRRIEB.
GENTLEMEN : We cnelon- tontluionial of Mra.i
Idierricr. which U n ttronz cnilom'tncnt of Touri
valuable compound. Wn bcllcvo her ftatcmcnt tuf
Hirue to every reptei.
,1 earotvy reHits'iiuiiy ymirw,
d vvis nnos.
Malone, N.Y. Wholaul Si HeUll Drugjim.
Dana Sarsaparllla Co., Bclftst, Malno. ,
"WANTS, Sctiu
T? OR REIiT. Soolety and club rooms In the
L post omee nunaing. Apply to i. ai. iiurue
Attorney, iioom a, ls-ii-u
TnOIt SAI.E. Livery outfit for sale cheap for
I ' oash. Apply to a, r. uonry, no. at noutn
main street. i-i-n
T70It SALU A young cow and calf. Applv to
1? Jere.'fooinoy, 212 BastContro, or 523 Bast
Lloyd street. 3 18 3t
0X1 ItENT. Oflloes in the Refowioh bulld-
lne. Htearn he it ana electric light. Ap-
ply at lEefowlcli's clothing storo.
TADIES who will do writing for me at their
. i homes will make good vfiutes. I'.eplywith
self-add essed, stampad envelope, Miss Mil
drod Miller, South Itund, Ind. 3 20-lt
TJIORSALE OR RENT. A large store and
1 dwelling, Store room sultablo for any
business. Stable in the rear. For full parti
culars apply at No. 131 11. Centre street
Mahanoy City, Pa. 210-if
FOUND. A pooket-book containing anma.
ber of tickets and other articles. Party
csn have same by proving property aud paying
for this aavcrtiseinent-3-30-lt
11. DILLUAN, 1ST V. Line St.
JOR SALE. A boarding house, with stock
and fixtures, centrally located in the olty
of Hazleton. At present doing a good business.
Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Address
E. & X., P. O. Ilex 4K, Hasleton, Pa. 1-28-if
IIAKOAIV'for the stock, fixtures, aod
food will, of a lanre. Drontablj. well tv-
. tablished and growing grooerv Uu-ln 'ss in
Hheuanaoau. inquire oi v m, 11. auoemmer,
J. P. Merely curious Inquirers are not de
sired. S-lI-lOt
The annual meeting ot the stockholders
of The Citiseng' Kleotrto Llglil Cempany, of
buenamoah, will be held at the omee of the
company. No. 24 North Jardin street, on Wed
nesday. April 12ih, I88, between the hours of
2 aniV 4 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing
eleven (11) directors for the ensuing year, ana
herlBg and receiving the Auditors' report.
8-21-it-oaw John Ghublkk, Meo'y.
ANTKD. A live man or woman in every
county where we have not alreadv secured
a i epreboutative to sell our "Neva silver' Solid
jfetai Ki fvt s. Forks and Hnoons tooonsumers:
a solid metal m while s silver; no plate to
wear oft; goods guaranteed to wear a lifetime;
cost a) out one-tenth tha of silver; the chance
of a lifetime: agenta average from 50 toUOu
per week und meet with reads sites every
where, so rrta Is the demand for our Nohd
- eta i on as. uvtr une Million Dollars' wor;t
of goods in dally use. Case, of samiiles Fit ICS
a-lS lm-d&w 138 Essex St., Boston, Mass.
J mission, to handle the new Piitent Chi nl
oallnk Kraalng Pencil. The Quickest ind ureal.
eat selling novelty ever produced. Erases Ink
thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasioi of
paper. Work like magic. 200 to 500 per cent
profit. One agent's sales amounted to tit) la
six days. Another W la two hours. Previous
xnerienoe not neoessary. For terms and full
particulars, address The Monroe MTg Co., La
Croise.Wla. xl s4i iy
What Our Lawmakers are Do-
ing at Harrisburg.
Until llmt'e of tlio T,s;lliituro ltnld
Lengthy livoiiliig Sessions 3Inny 9Iv
liinrlalsnnd I'olltlons lUtstd In the llonsr
The Antt-rMiikrrUm Mill, up on Scroiirl
Head Inn. does Tlirnii jli Aniendixl.
HABHiBiirRo, Maroh 21. Both Iioutea oi
the legielature held sessions last evening,
and in each there were many absentee.
The house of representatives convened at 6
o'olock'and remained nt work for several
hours. Many memorials and petitions
were read by Speaker Thompson, oonmim
ing a1xut a half hour.
Representative Kunkel had the bill pro
hibiting the fouling of streams by dust oi
culm' reported back to committee.
The antl-Plnkerton bill of Mr. Keams
came up on second reading as special order.
It went through amended. The bill now
provides that no sheriff ot a county, mayor
of a city or other person authorised by law
to uppolnt special deputy marshals or po
licemen to preserve the public peace, aud
prevent or quell public, disturbances, shall
hereafter aptioint as such special deputv
manihul or policeman any pemou who shall
not lie a citizen of tho commonwealth, or
no individual, company or association in
corporated under the laws of tho state or
any other state.
-Mr. Tewksbury asked that his anti-pass
bill be, placed upon the calendar. There
were cries of "no," "no," when he aroo to
speak. Disregarding thorn with lordly con
tempt, he remarked that ho would not
make a long siieech. That he would do
when the bill was placed upon the calendar
and came before the house. As reasons
lor asking this Mr. Tewksbury pointed out
the Injustice of a few persons enjoying spec
inl privileges and the wrong in compelling
the masses to pay for their pleasure. He
stuted that about 10 per cent, ot all the
passengers rode on free ticket. If this is
wrong, he said, obey the constitution, if it
Is right, amend It.
W lion the vote waa taken Mr. Keyset
asked tnat we ayes and nays be called.
1 Dere was much merriment at the vote of
several membei. The motion of Mr,
Tewksbury wan defeated by a y,ote of 84
to 14.
A concurrent resolution was agreed to
withdrawing the appropriation from any
state institution using oleomargarine.
These new bills were preseuted:
To provide for deciding elections by lot
wlien two or more persons have an equal
number of votes in townships and bor-
ougtiB. llaight.
Authorizing and requiring constables to
make returns by mall to court. Cessna.
Authorizing the assessment for local Im
provement in cities of the third class,
Increasing the limit nt which persons are
exempt from mercantile taxes to s:j,000:
also, placing the duties now performed by
mercantile appraisers on tho real estate as
sessors. Itaiibtey.
Amending an act relating to annexation
in cities of tho third class. Heck.
The session of the Senate was devoted
exclusively to tho transaction of routine
There is a growing feeling among the
members of the legislature to close up all
the work by May 1st, to that when the lxxly
returns from Chicago tho membtrs can im
mediately return to their homes.
HIlss Mury Gorman lilstlliffulslies Herself
at 1'aterson, N, J.
Patehson, March 21. Miss Mary Gor
man, a young girl employed at tho Strange
silk mill, saved tho life of Jacob Smith, a
bobbin boy.
The lad's waistcoat caught In the huge
lielt and he hag drawn up about two feet,
when Miss Gorman saw him. She ran
towards tho boy and caught the revolving
belt with both hands. Her strength was
about to give out, when one of the men
employes, attr cted byher screams, ran to
the pulley and cut off the belt.
Miss Gorman fainted as soon as she saw
the lad's life was saved.
ooarrERS wants tiiesi to viiotest.
lie Asks Labor Unions to Discourage ths
Froposed Itusslau Treaty.
New York, March 21. -Samuel Gompers,
president of the American Federation oi
Labor, has addressed n circular to the trade
und labor unioas of America urging them
to join in making a united protest against
tho proposed treaty between tho United
States and Russia.
All unions are requested to send resolu
tions of protest to tho president, the secre
tary of state, the senate and to the news
papers throughout the country. The circu
lar insists that our country must forever
remain the asylum for all who dare brave
danger for freedoms sake and seek refuge
from persecution of tyranny and despotism.
Fatally TToumlod Xls Ilrotlior-ln-Law.
West Siockwubok, Mass., March 31.
Thomas O'Brien has been drinking heavily
for some time. Sunday night he threaten
ed to kill Richard Healey, hia brother-in-law,
who refused to loan him some money.
Yesterday he west to Healey's house, broke
the glass in a window ami struck Healey.
Healey drew a pistol and shot him in the
head. The wound will prove fatal. Healey
tied to Chatham, N. Y., where be was ar
rested. He will be brought here on a re
quisition. The men are miners.
A Hotl Company Organised.
Nkw Yowc, March 21. The Grand Hotel
Company, of Mexico, has been organized in
Jersey City for the purpwe of building a
hotel in the City of Mexcio. The capital
stock is 1600,000, in shares of $100 each.
The directors of the new eoinpany are,
Charles Coudert, of New York, 76 shares;
Manuel A. De Lbwrdt, City of Mexico, 50
shares; Daniel J. Holden, New York, 96
shares; Stephen E. Hatch, New York, 75
shares; Hebert 0. Jtubaitt, Jsreey City, 36
I Mas Xciasc Banted.
rrrrsnURO, March 91. Duquesne village,
near Homestead, was the seen of a clisas-
trsus fire which consumed a row of eight
or nine frame tenement nouses yesterday.
The Are was on used by the upsetting of a
lighted lamp among ths shavtngs in a cel
lar. The occupants' were all foreigners.
The total 1cm is $12,000, partly lrutuisd.
J"o Foundation for the Report.
London, Xiuivh ). Doubts have been
oast on the authenticity ot the reports eoa-
oernuur the loss of Russian convicts in the
snow while being oenveyed to Siberia. Tits;
report is saM to be without fouBdaMen.
Thore Is Detains- lite tlio RESTORATIVE
kirnuiME discovered tv U'O 1 1, :.t specialist.
f;,". MILES, to curo nil neivmis diseases ba
Hcadacho, the Blues, Nervous Peoetta-
Ion, Sleeplessness, neuralgia, ot. vitusa
"anoe.FItarindHysverlat Mnny pbysMsM
I ,1 it In tbclr iirnctlee, and nay tlio results nra
iv.mdorful. VTo h.ivo bnndrods of toatLnonuss
iuo those from drup-lsts. Vo havo never known
.nrthiug like It." Sw ft Co., s rucuse, M. J.
ttvorr bottlo sold brliijw word? nt riml-ie," J.B.
.Volf.lllllMlnlo, Mich. "Tho tot si It rwmt
md.' Woodworth & Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.
orvtne sells bettor aurtlilug i. XH
tmd." II. T. Wyatt Co.. concord, N. H. TrW
boitloandbookof tosUmonlnUFraoutdrnailMs,
Manufacturers of
. Ejood
Of Every Description.
flags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &,
Write for catalogues. Correspondence soltolte.
in, i nil,!' ' I
Tliere's nothing will clean you up so quickly
neat your uucis line
dusky mm
because of its high percentage of tan.
JOViS. S. KIBK&CO., Cbicaso.
While Russian Soap Th0 WJSt1' to
.ai go tund oldest reliable purely cash coat
panlee represented by
120 S. JaromSt., 8henanooah,Pa-
is a scientifically prepared Liniment
and harmless; every ingredient is of
recognized value and in constant vim
by tho medical profession. It short
ens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes
Dangor to life of Mother and Child.
Book '-To Mothers" naaiied free, con
taining valuable information and
voluntary test imonials.
Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt
of price, $L50 per boulo.
Sold by all druggists.
Act on e rew principle-'
regal ate the liver, slesaacfe
ana bowels through a&.
rxreo. Eb Milsb5 Pout
tmttdily eon btttoasBesSj
torpid liver sol consllps
Hon. 8TnsieeSj nuldsa
surest 1 BO doses.SB etrv.
Samples u'cii at drtuwietti.
avTiiVi.. s . o . miSi. life
Sporting and Musical Resort!
Dest Wlaea. Llouors. Beers. Ales tnd
brsads of Olgars always on hand. v
I EWiS' 98
Btkcr Lje, it bt inn s 1 m powdtif m4 I sWiC
In kvean with rtMuv.ul4 ad. i&i oMiU cm
fomcA Hvd Soap in TOiuiDute witkm tijC yL
IT 18 TiTB BHST tut efaia$ rmU gb
ililiifecilnf ffDkt. AtOattU, wuklaf b&9
fhlisU, irwe. eta.
UvJd,te ani iw
MansLger Shouandooh Branch.
ipmni!i!iivt5-a x
AjVSrasV CHeet.Whites sner!natorraotaVn
MMiSaEf or any units tu 't di' hmveaskSl
WmMI Z0UT druggist fir i bottle at
KoflBHRisfl. It cures in a few days
WsuJij without the aid or publicity of a
vVH doctor. Non poisonous and
M S ejiisracteed not to stricture,
kgptratfs Cniwrsul AMtrican Cur.
hia, ..... ,Vi.
i'l)i'A,-ivr-'a. -
Hak ...