The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 18, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. VIII.--NO. 14.
A Big Drive
Ztt South Main St
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods 1
Gcmts' red underwear that
formerly sold for $1 will uow
go at 80c.
Special sale of Blankets.
Only a few more of those de
sirable Coats left over which
will be sold regardless of cost.
Carpets and oil cloths at the
lowest prices consistent with
first-class goods.
Dress goods, notions, etc.
House Painters and Decorators
Have adopted tho following prlcos for paper
hanging and decorating for 18K1,
ConmicucliiK 3!arclt x.
Per piece for Brown and Whlto Blanks 12Kc
" Gilt Papers 15o
" " Embossed Papers 18o
" " Decorating Ceilings 18o
" ' Joining or Butting 18o
ITour Cornices to be charged as 1 pleco 18c
Slueslztng, per room 12x11 feet ...........60c
Larger and smaller rooms according to size.
Removing old paper and preparing walla, 25c
per hour. All work guaranteed.
No Paper Hung by the Day,
John Ii, HAssMsn, T. W. Conviixe,
J. H. MehTj. Wm. J. Link,
Edwahd Everett,
33aa:"foe:i: Sliop,
Everything In the tonsorial line done In first
slass style. A Ado bath room attached.
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joo Wyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street,
Bar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales,
nblokles, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars.
Hating barattached. Cordial Invitation to all.
Office 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
Ml If
If You Want
Your Carpets Sewed
in Time for Moving,
Buy Them Now.
U. . .
New Spiing Styles.
Handsome Patterns.
A muoemcnts.
A stupendous ploductlon,
Glorlotie combination of
Farce, Comedy and Circus I
Blpgsst novelty on tte road. A delightful
o tiicdy. A clevor company of oomeuians.
Swet sincere, tmcoful dineers. Tee leiillag
olrcus celebrites of ho h hemispheres, np'oial
scone y. Adted at u enormous cxpon?o, the
talking horse,
What a novel . y tr nee an elaborate produo
tl ii of farcf, com- dy nd ol ous pei fonnanco
onth oi. era house stago. No sittl-g under
health-destroying . anvats. A clean, moral and
Instructive erf;.
Prices, as, 35 ai d 50 Cents.
Reserved seats on sole atKlrlln's drug store,
Deer and Porter
T AM AGENT for tho
-1- Chits. Rcttig's Colo
britted Beer ntiil l'ortor in
this vicinity, also Jiurgncr
& Ifingol's celebrated India
Palo Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Mam Street.
To Builders !
The season for building
is almost at hand, and
we have just replen
ished our stock of all
kinds of Hardware,
Nails and Builders'
We also carry an immense line of
Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery and Tin
ware. Hoofing and Spouting our
Peter Griffiths,
Home-made (Rag Carpet.
Taken out of the loom to-dnv. Others for 45.
50 nnd 52c, extra heavy. Brussels and Ingrain
Carpets and Oil Cloths. Kemnants will be sold
almost at your own price.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin Si
Horses end Carriages to Hire.
Hauling of all kinds promptly attended to.
loraea taken to boaru, at rates
thataio liberal,
PEAR ALLEY, Pear Btddall's Haidware Store
A General Review of tho Happen-
inns During the Week nt tho
County Seat Homo Pros
pective Candidates,
Special IIiHAi.n correspondence.
Pottsville, March IS, 1893.
ITU the new Judge,
Hon Mason Wetdnuui,
confirmed and commis
sioned, a new court
crier and permanent
tlpstave appointed, the
near Orphans' Court bill
killed beyond resusleitation, and tho crimi
nal court doors closed for tho month" un
usually early, everything hereabouts is as
quiet as a cemetery and the town has drawn
itself within itself, as It were, and gone into
a state of coma until something else happens
to waken It up. Nothing Is, therefore,
talked of but the prospective comity tickets
to lie placed in the field this year for row
oltices. Kvcry ollloer on tho hill, except that
of Sherlfl', is to bo filled next fall and wo
havo nlso to elect a now Judge. It Is over
onrly yet to spcculato as to tho competitors
for tho seat on tho Ilencli, but candidates for
tho other ofllcos aro cropping out so fast that
to keep up with tho procession mention must
he nmdo of somo of them.
In your town tho nanio of Benjamin II,
Sevurn is prominent for tho oilico of Com
missioner, and that of Charles D. Arter, of
Tremont is also named for tho same office.
Eithor one of those gentlemen would make a
good oilicial and as only 0110 of them can ho
elected It is hoped that they will make their
fight in tho Republican convention and there
let it drop. With oither Arter or Severn in
tho Commissioners' oilico tho taxpayers will
bo protected, as both are good business men
and would carry their capabilities into the
For County Treasurer, besides Michael
Dully, of Mincrsville, tho orator, and George
Folnier, of Shenandoah, a long distance
runner for tho place, Shenandoah presents
Senator Monaghan and Pottsvillo will pro
sent Alexander Faust, ho of tho wall-paper
syndicate. If Aleck goes iuto tho fight it
will not bo any grist to Folmer's mill, and
tho old fight of three years ago will bo
opened again and fought over. Senator
Monaghau's candidacy is likely to mix things
considerably Ho comes iuto tho field a
clean-cut and suitablo competitor to win
with, and if he stays in to tho finish ho will
bo ablo to name tho winner. Mr. Faust is
really not determined to run yTst, but ho is
seriously thinking it over, and whether ho
goes in to win for himself or not ho will bo
an important factor in tho fight. Ho has
some enemies to punish and may havo a
friend to roward. If I was a candidate for
oilico I think I would cultivate Mr. Faust's
good graces. When ho goes for a fellow ho
jumps in with both of his No. 10 shoos.
For the I'rothouotary's oilico Mr. Kirk i3
likely to succeed himself. Ho has no serious
opposition, unless wo except Mr, Jos. 11.
Nichtor, who is now studying tho writ dic
tionary nightand day so that ho can pass a
civil servico examination on tho names of
process, such as subpu-na ilucet tecum, tjnrilus
fernunti, hokypoTcy ico cream liberator,
cU-ctia. If he successfully patsos his exami
nation on a day to be fixed before the con
vention, Mr. Kirk may as well stay out of
tho race, because when Nichter once throws
his good right arm with a fist full of boodlo
into the ring look out for breakers.
Sincerely, Joe would make a popular Fro
thouotary. He would havo liquid refresh
ments on tap all tho time, and with Andrew
Schwarze, tho Hungarian hustler, as chief
deputy, there would bo no necessity to havo
any camphor around tho files of papers and
dockets to keep tho moths away. The only
thing against his chances, besides tho other
candidates, Moists. Kirk and Mlko Brcnnan,
is the fact that ho lives in Ilismark Seltzer's
ward, the Southeast, where also aro domiciled
Judgo Weidman and Clork Toole, who also
want to grace the Democratic ticket this fall.
Mr. Seltzer may bo on the Republican ticket
as candidate against Judge Weidman, and if
Toolo is nominated for clerk, what ollice will
tho convention give to Shenandoah and tho
rest of that vast Democratic territory north
of the mountain, except, perhaps, Treasurer
and Poor Director, if Mr. Nichtor is going to
scoop in tho chief cleikship of the civil
courts? Now this matter is beooiiiing a very
serious ono and should not be lost sight of for
a moment.
Tho Register, Recorder and other contosts
are lost sight of,l or swallowed up by the
others over which there is likely to be more
of a scramble. N.
Twelve 1'botos for SOo.
By sending us your cabinet, together with
SO cents, wo will finish you ono dozen photos.
tl-3-tf W. A.'Kkaqey.
It's all right now. Wo have "Admiral,"
tho uow cigarctto, in Shenandoah. Admiral
la not by tho trust. Retail dealers supplied
by B. IjUiows & Co., Mahauoy City, Pa.
Buy Keystone flour. Be snro that the
name Lwwo & Babe, Ashland, Ps., ie printed
en every sack. S-8-Staw
Fresh Morris RWw Oev Oy4w weived
tally at Qnslett's, frmt-t
Tim Contr.t llotwecn Mime Wimlcy nnd
Klein I. Still Very Clone, lint tli for
mer Unld-4 mi to Second l'luco.
standing or Otkei-n.
Kellle Halrd
Maine H. Wasley HBM
Agnes Stein M S8 1 77
Mary A. Connelly 8124
Mahnla Falrchlld... 7841
Trank B. Williams 889a
Oirrlc Faust 2781
Anna M.Dengler S14D
Bridget A. Burns. SIU3
Mary A. Laffrtt 1711
LUIic B. Phillips 1515
Carrie M, Smith - 1490
Mary A . Htaek... 1303
Battle Hois .. 102I
James ti. Lewis ... AM
Blla Cluuser -688
HAnnah Itcese,, 681
Annk' Matl3c)l 429
Haggle CnTanaugh.-.......- 118
Clara ' line 348
BadleDanlell ;. S88
Irene Shane 17S
Jennie Itamage 172
Lizzie Lohe .'. 121
Lizzie O'Connell 106
Votes polled yesterday.. 24ft')
Grand total 1UU
The celebration of St. Patrick's Day did
not detract attention from the JIeuald'h
popular teachers' contest. Tho returns wero
u)i to tho usual high average, and when tho
polls closed tho Contest Editor recorded tho
receipts for tho day nt 2,000.
Tho contest between Misses Wasley and
Stein continues very closo and is attracting
general attention.
Tlio teachers in tho lower ranks of tho line
of competitors havo been increasing their
recordi considerably tho past fow days and
yesterday they polled hundreds of votes.
The Special l'nllce Appointed and
Meeting Gulled.
Tho following is a list of tho special police
appointed :
Firtt ward William Sadusky, Patrick
Brcnnan, John Downey, Anthony Alex,
Jerry O'Neill, Morris Sayros, John Mc
Donald, Charles Loviskio, Michael Curley.
Second ward John Burns, Patrick Loftus,
William Delowry, Robert Hagcnbuch,
Timothy Lynch.
Third ward Frank Codrlngtou, Peter
Casloy, Jacob Sallas, Georgo Hassler, John
Zukovith, William Mitchell, Georgo W,
Davis, Michael Madden.
Fourth ward Patrick. Reynolds, William
Morgan, Thomas Campbell, Wndislo Pale-husky,
David Powell, Thomas Fecley
Thomas Deviue, Edward Ratchford, Adam
Smith, Andrew Ktisha, John Krysta.
Fith ward Anthouy McGuinncss, Simon
Krestyuick, Thomas Lowry, Murt. Durkin,
William Balzcr, Morgan Stctler, Jamos
Dougherty, Abe. Green, Walter Serocka,
Peter Uarkins, Michael Lawlcr and John
All the above named appointees are noti
ficd to meet the Chief Burgess at tho Council
Chamber on Wednesday, '.22ml inst., at 7:30
p. m., to bo sworn in; and all porsons now
holding special police badges aro hereby re
quired to return tho same at once to tho tin
dcrsigucd. Jamkh 1!ui;ns,
Chief Burgess.
That old established cough remedy, Downs
Elixir, still more than holds its own in tho
public estimation, despite sharp and active
competition. It is a "home remedy," and in
this locality needs no word of praiso from us,
so well nnd favorably known is it. It is tho
standard remedy for coughs, colds and all
throat troubles, with great numbers of our
people, and their continued uso and un
solicited recommendation of it speaks vol
nmcs in its favor. Burlington, Vt., Free
Prrsi, January 20, 1692. lm
Orange IIIopsouih.
On Thursday evening Rev. Ephriam Potts
united in marriage Miss Hannah Jano Led
den and 'Squiro Divid Williams, both of
William Peun, at tho residence of tho bride's
pa rents.
Evan Evans and Miss Mara I lodger t, of
Gilberton, were joined in matrimony by Rev
J. F, Rittgcrs, on Tuesday. Mr. Evans is the
popular proprietor of Week's Hotel.
Mr. llnfrenbucli h Candidate.
C. H Hagonbuch, tho North Main street
druggist, has announced himself as a oandl
dato for tho Democratic nomination for
County Commissioner. Mr. Hiigenbuch has
been engaged in business in this town for a
number of years and has won a reputation
for being au exemplary oitizeu and good fel
low generally. Ho served three yoars on tho
School Board with credit to himself and his
Men who for years nave been suffering with a anecxion oi me uhvk ur Kiuue
havo been Immediately relieved and pet
mnnentlv cured bv tho ludlolous ue of Salva
Hon Oil, the groat pain-cure. Apply according
to directions. -
Advisory Council.
The Advisory Council of Sehuylkill county,
Jr. O. U. A. M., will meet at Girardville this
evening. It will undoubtedly be an import
ant meeting, as preliminary steps will be
taken in reftraueo to pbteiug a county organ'
iMr in the fiajd .
Holderoan's jewelry rtore,leadj as ever.
An Bfibrt Beiuj? Made by tho Credi
tors to Compel the Constable
to Make Good Their Claims.
Arousing Interest.
"spent to-day listening
to arguments In the
suit brought in behalf
of Messrs. Schmidt,
Haak and Cllne, credi
tors, in their efforts to
knock out the sale
mado by Constable
Boland of the proporty
belonging to the missing Paul Summa. The
creditors ulalm that tho Constable realized
enough from the sale to more than pay their
Consmblo Roland was summoned to appear
leforo 'Squiio Shoemaker this morning to
show cause why an execution should not
issue against him for tho amount of the
udgmcnts held by tho threo creditors
Georgo .1. Wadlinger and M. M. Burke,
Iqs., appeared for Constablo Boland and
ileaded that tho return of tho Constablo had
been received by tho Justico; that it is on
record and thero has been no proceeding ad
udging the return false; and thattheroforo no
oxocution could issue against tho Constable,
not, nt loitat, until tho rendering of a judg
ment based on tho falsity of the return for
tho amount misappropriated, If any.
Other legal objections wero raised, but
Squiro Shoemaker decided that tho case
before him should proceed ami when Mr,
Pomoroy asked what Mr. Boland had to say
to justify his return Mr. Wadlinger said,
' Wo havo mado our plea; it is on record, and
that is our caso."
After saying that tho plea was only show
lug cause why the constable should not show
causo Air. l'omeroy proceeded to dissect
Constablo Boland's .bill of costs on tho salo
and payments of claims made.
Mr. Pomeroy objected to a number of items,
claiming they wero .illegal and T. R. Beddali,
Esq,, was on tho stand swearing to certain
statements mado by Constablo Boland.
When tho Hi:nAt.i went to press tho caso
was still going on nnd it gavo promise of go,
ing into tho night. Tho Justice's oflico was
crowded with spectators.
Elmer Wasley went to tho county seat this
Thomas Lathlano and son spent to-day at
James Murphy, of Mahanoy Piano, spent
yesterday afternoon in town.
Daniel W. Reese, of Plymouth, wa3 tho
guest of W.'S. Morgan yesterday.
Richard Harrington, now located at Scran-
ton, was a visitor to town.yosteniay.
M. H. Master was among tho town poople
who went to the county seat this morning.
William Jcll'erson and wife, of South
Jardln street, spent yesterday In Mahanoy
Michael J. Bcgley, of town, has accepted a
position as bartender at tho Coleman House,
S. D. Hess and daughters, Misses Hattie
and Daisy, went to Pottsvillo this morning to
visit friends.
liev. and Mrs. W. II. Zweizig, of Allen-
tewu, aro tho guests of Mrs. A. A. Davis, on
South White street.
Miss Esther Nowlin, principal of tho
Morca schools, spent to-day with Miss Annie
Williams, of East Coal street.
Harris Self, the South Main street merchant
and I. T. Lautenstoln, havo returned from a
busiuess trip to New York city.
Ira A. Deliart, of the National Press
Association, Harrisburg, mado a pleasant call
at tho Hf.kald iauctam yesterday.
L. G. Bullard, of Pottsville, representing
tho Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Com
pany, was a visitor to town yotteiday.
H Rev. William Powlck, pastor of tho Metho
dist Episcopal church, returned homo last
evening from Conference and a brief visit to
Wilmington, Delaware, and will ooeupy his
pulpit to-morrow as usual.
JllhS DuMerrltt's Meetings.
There was a large gathering at the revival
servico iu the Primitive Methodist church
last evening. The service was conducted by
Miss DeMerritt, who also gave the gathering
the benefit of her rich, mellow voice and
accompanied herself upon the guitar. This
evoniug thero will be no service in the
church, but to-morrow morning and evening
and every evening noxt week (Saturday
excepted) Miss DoMcrrltt will continue hor
Sermon on Masonry.
Rev. II, G. James has announced that iris
sermon in the English Baptist church to
morrow evening will be . on masonry; that
God origiuatod it and defendod it, and
punished its enemies by his ordinary and
special providence through the ages ; that
masonry and ehristianity are not enemies
but Christianity is an improvement upon
masonry, as Christ was better, higher and
diviner than Solomon, Ac
pane's Faintly MedlclnejllQvea the lloweU
Saah day. In ofder to be healthy Ah Ii
i c$eaeary.
What III) Heos noil Honrs During Ills
Chairman Bettertdge, of the Borough
Council, has appointed a new committee to
take charge of the arrangements for the
proposed public water work and has named
Jtewrs. James, Gallagher, (tnltlgaii, (Hbl-e,
Coakloy, Lamb, VauDunen and Kano.
For the first time in several years th
regular pay car of the Lohigh Valley Rail
road came into this section yesterday and
distributed the pays among the employes of
the road. Heretofore tho paymaster came rm
here on one of the regular passenger trains.
Yesterday he was on a special car sent frotii
Baston, drawn by engine No. 130 and pilotc ,1
by Assistant Superintendent George Bi i I . f
While sitting in tho Hub at n im
yesterday Hugh O'Donnell relatnl -m i in
dent in connection With his recent t- i' '
Pittsburg wblch brings out some of M r
Montooth's wit, and which has novoi '
been published. While Mr. G'Donnell w ii
on trial on tho murder charge Roland Bt l
was playing "Innocent as a Lamb" at Pitts
burg. Mr. Reed had formed an aequatntno
with Mr. O'Donnell and Major Montooth, one
of Mr. O'Dounell's counsel, ami, quite
naturally, was very muoh interested In the
case. Mr. lteed spent all his spare time at
tho trial, and obliged to be at the theatre
mado arrangements to have the venllot
telegraphed to him. Major Montooth wan
intrusted with this duty and ho fulfilled it
when tho jury rendered its verdict by
telegraphing Mr. Reed, "O'Donnell la 'Inno
cent as a Lamb.' "
In glancing over tho Philadelphia stock
market yesterday, I noticed a small decline)
in Lehigh Valloy shares. In conversation
with a high oilicial of that road I learn that
tho general impression in financial circles I
that tho Lehigh Valley has made an excel
lent arrangement with tho Reading
Receivers, nnd that tho payments of interest
and dividends under it will be approved by
tho court. Tho Reading ami Lohigh Valley
aro to remain together, and this union is for
tho benefit of all concerned, besides being of
solid advantage to tho competitive through
Wo6tern trade of tho part of Philadelphia.
Chief Burgefs Bums has announced his
special police for 1&93-1 and has called for
tho return of all badgos held by pcoplo who
have not been re-appointed. Ono of tho
most vexatious features of a Burgoss' term of
oflico arises from a disposition ofipeoplo to
hold theso bades as souvenirs, and when tho
Burgess complains annually that thero aro
not enough hades for all tho now appointees
tho Borough Council ralsos war because ho
does not got them in. Ono year a Burgees
had to threaten suits before ho oould get all
tho badges in. Obr.
The Jenkins l-'unurnl.
Tho arrangements for tho funeral of tho
l.tto Mrs. William D. Jenkins, who died at
her homo in Turkey Run Thursday, havo
been changed. Tho funeral will leave tho
family reeidouco at 2 p. m. tomorrow and
proceed to tho Welsh Congregational church,
wbero servicos will bo held under tho direc
tion of Rev. D. Dyfrl Davis, of Nanticoko.
Tho members of tho Congregational choir
will meet in tho church at 11 o'clock Sunday
morning to mako arrangement for the
Tlio AcHdcni3' Kestaurmit.
Tho Pottsville headquarters for Shcnan
loah people and others living North of tho
Mountain, for hot toddies, hot punches, beef
tea and all kinds of wines and liquors of tho
"lost brands, is the Academy Restaurant, John
F. Cooney, proprie' or, M. A. Cooney, assist
int. to
A. I. L. A. Notes.
At the district meeting of tho American
Protost ant Ladles' Association, In Robbfns'
hall, Daniel W. Reese, National Grand
Slaster of the United States, and D. D. G. M.
Mrs. Sarah A. Morgans, of Gilberton, with an
ablo corps, oillciatid and helped to make tho
meeting a success.
Mrs. W. S. Morgans, National Grand As
sistant Secretary of the United States, is
seriously ill. Her speedy reoovery la
earnestly hoped for by her many friends.
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's.
A 1'lcnMint Time.
The members of the Junior "Y'" and, their
friends had a most enjoyable time at even
ing, at the sociable given by the former in
Robblns' hall. Refreshments were served ill
abundance, and all departed for their lioww
well pleated with the evening's entertain
ment. Wanted,
To complete files, two oopist saefa o the
SVHKiNa Hhbalo of January lit, Sd and
4th, arid February 6th, 1&8. A Hbwal prlo
will bo paid for the same.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pooler, of North Mar
ket street, lost their infant daughter, Laura,
May, by death this morning. The funeral
will tako place on Monday afternoon.
'I have been trvimr Dr. Bull's Couch Svnan.
and I am well pleased with it. My sou baa tha
whooping oough and a bad cold followed. I
trlod your Dr. Hull's Couh Syrup and In three
nights be was better.
jjutfw l eroy,
liOUIt uowe, vu.
We aire
many ot
closing out a great
our Carpcta, Oil
Clotlis Hurt Window- Shades
nt cost, In order to make
room lor Spring goods.
C. U. Friokc,
io Sutli Jardln St