The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 16, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. VJII.--NO. 12.
A Big Drive
IP. J".
28 South Main St.
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods !
' Gents' red underwear that
formerly sold for $1 will now
go at 80c.
Special sale of Blankets.
Only a few more of those de
sirable Coats left over which
will be sold regardless of cost.
Carpets and oil cloths at the
lowest prices consistent with
first-class goods.
Dress goods, notions, etc.
House Painters and Decorators
Have adopted tlio following prices for paper
I banging and decorating for 1803,
ComnjeuclMU Mnrcli 3.
Per ploco for Brown and White Blanks 12Vio
" ' Gilt Papers J5o
- " " 15mbosed Papers 18o
" " Decorating Ceilings 18o
" Joining or Butting lEo
Four Cornices to bo charged as 1 piece 18o
Bluesizlng, per room 12x14 feet 50o
1 Larger and smaller rooms according to size.
1 Removine old oaner and preparing walls, 25o
psrhour. All work guaranteed.
No Paper Hung by the Day,
osonoem. botek, geo. w. iiabsler,
j. ilmml, , wm. j. link,
Edward Everett,
33sta:T3e:c SlhLop,
Everything In the tonsorlal line dons in first
tlasa stylo. A tine bath room attached.
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street,
Bar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales,
whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars.
atlng bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all.
jyr 8. KISTLEK, U. D.
Once 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
as; (pBia ns i??i ee fM (Wii s
I few urnrt
JBor the Spring Trade.
Sew Patterns in Moqueite,
All Prices, Iirom 60 Cents up.
A'Jbull Line of Ingrains, From 36 Cents up.
k Mill Stock of Bag Carpets,
' At Low Prices.
Moor Oil Cloths and Linoleum,
All Widths and. Prices, jrom 25 cents up
Minnesota " Daisy" Family Patent.
Wliite Wlieat Pastry Mour.
Old Time Graham Flour,
High Grade Boiler Flour, $4.60 per bbl.
Choice Fresh-ground Bye Flour,
Just Received Our First Invoice of
Summer Sausage.
Another Shipment oi
Fangy Creamery and Dairy
A stupendous pioduetlon,
Glorious combination of
Farce, Comedy, and Circus I
Ulfgost novcliy on tlo road. A delightful
cciueoy. A clover company of oomtalans.
Swrotsinors. urnceful ilanoem T1.0 loading
olrcya ctlcbrites ot bo h hemispheres. Special
soenoty. Added at an cnoncous oxpento, the
talking horso, '
What a novcliy to seo an elaborate produc
Urn ot fnrce, comedy and olious peiformance
on th" 01 era houso stoc. No slttlug under
hcallh-doelroytngjinhvais. A clean, moral and
Instructive jierti.rrnani.e,
Prices, as, 35 and 50 Cents.
Reserved seats on sale atKlrlln's drug store.
Beer and Porter
T AM AGENT for the
Ulms. llcttig's Cele
brated Beer and l'ortcr in
this vicinity, nlso llergner
& liugel's celebrated India
Palo Ales and Old Stock.
Orders will receive prompt
attention. Finest brands
of Liquors and Cigars.
120 South Mam Street.
To Builders !
The season for building
is almost at hand, and
we have just replen
ished our stock of all
kinds' of Hardware,
Nails and Builders'
We aleo carry an immense lino of
Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery and Tin
ware. Hooting and Spouting our
Peter Griffiths,
Home-made (Rag Carpet,
Taken out of tbo loom to-day. Others for 46,
B0 and 62c. extra heavy. Brussels andlncraln
Carpets and Oil Cloths. Kemnants will bo Suld
almost at your own price.
Carpet Store, 10 Souvh Jardin S.
Horses ond Carnages to Hire.
Hauling ot all kinds promptly attended to.
llorses.talten to board, at rates
that ato liberal
PEAR ALLEY, Rear IMdall's Hardware Store
' KB
Body and Tapestry Brussels,
N't to Bags, CJioice Pattern,
Oranges Direct From Florida,
?ovr ou tlieWay.
tub wmm SUED
It Is Claimed Ho Roallzed Sufll'
clont Money on Execution Snlo
to Satisfy Haak, Schmidt
and Klino Claims.
jl TILL another chapter
"I f llltnnlln,, I o,l,1,l
to tlio mixed up stato
of affairs caused by tlio
disappearance of saloon
keeper Paul Sumina.
This tlmo Thomas M.
Boland figmos as de
fendant and tin co of gumma's orctlltom aro
Upou application of Soloman Hank, Christ.
Schinldt anil Lewis Kline, through their
attorneys, J. II. Porocroy and T. It. Boddall,
Esqs, 'Squiro Shoemaker has issued sum
monses requiring Constablo Boland to show
caueo at 10 o'clock ou Saturday morning why
executions should not issue ngalust him for
tho amount of the judgments hold against
Tho specific grounds upon which tho sum-
mouses have been issued aro that ou tho 20th
pf February, last, oxecutions were issued on
judgments held by Haak, Schmidt and Klino
and Constable Boland undertook tho service
of tho papers; that on the 11th of March,
last, the constable inado a return of $32. The
prosecutors say that tho fact is tho silo of
Suninia's gooJs on tlio executions produced
nioro than sufficient to pay their claims in
full, ami tho object of tlio suit against tho
constable is to have him mako good tho bal
ance of tlio claims undor tlio oxocution.
The amount involved in the suits is about
two hundred and fifty dollars, including costs.
Mr. Haaks' claim is $110.86; Mr. Schmidt's,
$81.2.",, and Mr. Klino's, $13.13.
Constable Phillips has servod tho sum
monses ou Constable Boland and tho cases
will be tried beforo 'Squiro Shoemaker on
Saturday morning. 'Die claims aro for beer
and whiskey Haak, Schmidt and Klino sold
to Sumina beforo ho disappeared.
Thern Is Danger of Small l'ox ltrcnkine
Out Hero.
There is no intention to create an alaim
among tho people ot this town when notico
is given that unless a concerted effort is made
by tho borough authorities and tho people, as
soon as tho weather permits, to cleanso tho
town and tako other sanitary precautious, wo
may bo attacked by small pox, or some other
disastrous epidemic.
The Herald i3 keeping this subject fre6h
in tho minds of the people as u duty strongly
endorsed by tho physicians.
All will admit that tho town is in a dirty,
filthy condition, sorely iu ncod of a liberal
uso use of disinfectants, and whatever the
cost may bo it will receive tho sanction of tho
people as money well spent.
Let tho liorough Council, in anticipation of
the Board of Health bill now beforo the
Legislature, get down to work and arrange all
tho preliminaries for a general reform in the
method of protecting tho public's health
when tlio bill becomes a law.
Let individuals act now. Let them begin
work by having oess-pools emptied beforo tho
warm weather sets in and thus cut off ono of
tho worst sources of complaint.
Let this warning bo heeded now. Small
pox has already attacked Holding and the
authorities are constructing pest houses as
fast as tho carpenters oan drivo tho nails.
Ono pest houso now contains thirty patients
and more accommodations aro iu demand.
A medioal corps has also been set at work
vaccinating all tho children.
Wo have no time to lose, Bomcmber the
old adage, "A stitch in time saves nine.''
That old established cough remedy, Downs
Elixir, still more than holds iU own In the
public estimation, despito sharp and aotire
competition. It is a "home remedy," aud ip
this Inutility needs no vroid of praise from ns,
so well and favorably known is it. It is the
tandard remedy for oouglis, colds aud all
throat troubles, with great numbers of our
people, and their continued use and un
solicited recommendation of it speaks vol
unise iu its favor. BmliHgton, Vt; Prt
I'rnt, January 26, 160J lm
Another llrudloy Cuso.
When Daniel Bradley, of the First ward,
was arrested about two weeks ago lor com
mitting larceny and for which he is now
sorviug time iu the county jail, ho was given
a hoariug bofore 'Squire Monaglian and
among thoso present were special officer
Anthony Alexis. During tho hoariug Brad
ley said he had had his oyo ou Alexis for
some time aud ho iutonded "doing" twelve
years in order to have the satisfaction of
"giving it" to tho ofllcer. Bradley was tried
at Pottsvllle yesterday for making the threat.
The case was dismiss! d, but Bradley na
directed to pay tho costs and give a bond to
keep the peace.
A bad cojgh or cold oUm tor a good remedy
-til cure Kr lu For Coutui, OohU, La
nritpe and ConwinutteBt a swio t and
per itaneut cure Is Httu-i'tna, tbe worst eases
plWjo Its htUof proiierMtr oata emt.
mB.n na is &om at r.
1. I). Kuita'tdNK
Renewed Vigor the 'Herald's" Popular
TrueliiirH' Qjinte.t Miss ltalrd's
Lend IncrmsriNOIls Deng-lor
AdruiiMM Again.
Noilio liaird .i... anasa
MameU. Wasloy '41740
AgnesSleln 1 r. sniw
Mary A. Oonnelly....,i.................... 8074
1'rank 11. WilllamsijlM...- em
Currle Faust 4 2717
Anna M Dengter XOBI
Uridgot A. llurns ttwt
Mary A. lfTerty -.h4.- 1015
Llllio 11. l'lillllW........J. 1515
Carrie M Smith ..-J 1415
Mary A. Stack-...-. .L. 1B8
llattlolless 1... - VP!
Junius n. Lewis
Blla Ulnuser
Hannah lteese
Annie Mansell JjU
MagRle Cavanaugh......ji..
Clara Ulne 348
Hadle lUnlell )
IrenoShano wiLtm. 241
81 ,
Junuie Hamoge
Liselo O'Connoll
Votes polled yesterday.,
Orand total
..107000 ,
Tlio friends of Miss liaird, who has held I
tho lead in tho Ubkald'S teachers' contest
for over a month, arousal themselves yes
terday and sent in over Seventeen hundred
votes, increasing iho young lady's total to
over 2,1C0 above that of her nearest competi
tor, who a few days ago had it rcducod to
nearly 300. Miss Wasloy stems rather un
fortunate just at present. She seems to bo
between two fires. While Miss Baird is
hounding on ahead of bar Miss Stein is pull
ing up from lliiid place at a correspondingly
rapid gait. The difference between Miss
Wasley and Miss Stein is now but 41.
Tho only other chango made in tho posi
tions of contestants yesterday was the ad
vancement of Miss Denger to tho place
heretofore held by Miss ISurtis.
The Uold-Uviidutl Milk UnArcllaa for tlii-
TeHchers are IWre.
Mr. U. L. Talloy, presidor7 of tho Homo
Friendly Society of Baltimore', Md., arrived
in town last evening and is tho guest of his
father-in-law, Mr. Garrett MijKernan. Mr.
Talley oauio hero to look after tho interests
of his company in this section and iuci
dentally to present to tho IIkiialu tho two
gold-headed Bilk umbrellas he and tho sec
retary of his company, Mr. George A. Chase,
havo oflcred to tho two teachers who may
receive tho highest number of votes iu tho
HuitALu's popular teachers' contest. Tho
umbrellas are very liaudsomo and valuable,
They were mado to order at considerable ox
pense by Beehler, tho well known umbrella
manufacturer of Baltimoie. They aro
mado of the finest French black
corded silk. One is Until witli
tho very best red-corded silk and tho other is
lined with bluo silk. Tho framo is guarau
teed tlio bast in the market. Tho handles
aro of boautiful design. Thoy aro of shop
herd's crook design and aro of solid
cUtuedgold extending several inches down
tlio stock. Each handle bears this iuscrip
tion: ''Shenandoah Hbkald'b Popular
Teachera' Contest, January-July, 1893.
votes." Tlio space beforo the wuid "votes'
can ho filled by inserting tho number of
votes the winning teacher receives. There
is also spaco for tho name of tho teacher.
These umbrellas will bo highly prized by tho
winners aud tho generosity of MessrB. Tally
and Chase will be much appreciated. It is
such men us these gentlemen and such energy
aud liberality as thoy exhibit in pushing
largo enterprises liko tho Homo Friendly
Society that build up tho largo and progres
sivo cities of the country.
The umbiollas will be placed on exhibi
tion within a few days and duo notice of tho
place will be given.
Tho lionet litibllo sentiment of llietieonlt-
of the Untied btates is unanimously iu Uor
uf Dr. Bull's CoukIi fyrun. The aealers pro
nounee It to be the only standard eouyh
(illbortnn Glenulugs.
A number of their friends tendered Mr.
James Fuires and his sister, Miss Ivy, a sur
prise party the other evening and all who
attended It had a very enjoyable time. Many
presents were made. Mr. Fairet received
handsome gold ltadgo and llui Ivy was pre
souted with a beautifhl ring. Frank Parrith
made tho presentatioui iu a very graceful
mauner. The party was a farewell to Mr,
and Miss Faires, who are about to move to
Miss Mary Hudgert aad Evan Kvaus were
married here on Tuesday. Miss Ella Sea
man, of Maiseville, was the bridesmaid and
James Hudgert tho groomsman, alov,
llichards, of Gllbertou, offittated at tho core
niony. '
A Volco From Florida.
Dr. W. !". livDuni. Live Oak. Florida, says
Ked Flag Oil Is one of the not Miccessful
pain imes we sell. It's au unfailing remedy
nir uneutiiRiiS'i,, iNeuiaifia ana fpimn,
lUd Flag 0)1 costs 3R oants. Sold at P. P. D
Klrlln's drug store.
Twelve Photos for 00c.
By sending us yoar cabinet, together wlti
SO cents, we will finish you one doses photos.
i-H-tf W. A. KKAH8Y
Buy Ktytton Soar. Be ante that the
an Lataio ft Kahs, AaUand, P is printed
en every saeV, !M!-3aw
Fresh Morris Kiver Gave Oytktw ifceataat
iallr at CoaW. MM-tf
Mako I
Will be Inveatod In tho
and It 13 Proposed to
tho Building First Class in
Evory Respect.
T has leaked out at last
that the many rumors
tho building of a new
lull for use of tlio
lodges in town is based
upon facts nud that tho ;
project is iu the hands
of tho threo P. 0. S.
of A. camps of tho town. The matter lies
been under content nlatlon for sottio time, but
it only dovoloped into promising shapo dur-1
inc the past fow davs and action taken by .
ma parties inieresieu last luosuay nigni
warrant tho assertion that within a short
tlmo the first steps towards tho construction
, no I Committees appointed on site and building
. 3TWihavo already dono conshlcryblo decisive
w-orlc. Yesterday Messrs. It. A. Davenport
and M. II. Kchler loft for Eeadlug to consult
with the owner of tlio sites lu view. Tho
result of the trip will probably not bo known
until noxt week. Tho commltteo on building
comprises Mossrs. It. A. Davenport, S. W.
Yoit and A. B. Lamb.
The societies interested have succeeded in
keeping tho negotiations iu secrecy up to tho
past day or two, when tho matter beoamo
public property by street conversation and
discussion, aud therefore no secrecy is violated
by announcing the project in these columns.
Although the project lias gooirbacklug aud
many friends it is not nn oxception to tho
rule that touches all enterprises. It lias op
position but those favoring it seem to havo
such a good majority there is little doubt of,
Itj ultimate success if one of tho sites in
view oan bo secured at a reasonable figure.
According to tho plans hinted at tho P. O.
S. of A. will havo ono of tho finest halls iu
this section of tho state. It will 1q a hand
some, substantial structure, with lodge rooms
constructed on tho latost Improved plans
providing for nmplo space, ventilation, aud
means of entrances. It will alto be con-
structcd on plans that will afford a satisfac
tory income on tho amount to bo invested
from tho rentals for business places that .will
bo arranged on tho first floor of tho structure.
From what can bo learned by outsido dis-
cusiions of the project there aro two sites in
viow, ono costing $0,000 and tho other $0,000,
and it is said tho sentiment leans towards the
Should the project develop into a reality
tlio town will havo a structure of which it
will bo proud. It will probably bo built of
brick. On tho first floor theio will bo store
rooms; a hall for entertainments, suppers,
&c, on tho second, and lodgo rooms on the
third. It will be heated by steam and if
luminated by electricity.
Somo of the camp members say that be
fore the plans for the building are finally
adopted they will suggest that the basement
of the building be arranged for a gymnasium
and bath rooms. The returns from annual
membership aud fees for dressing rooms will
mako quite a revenue.
Tlio undertaking will be a large one, but
tbo largo membership and reserve funds of
tho respective camps, together with the fact
that tho membership embraces many of the
most prominent and substantial people of the
town, will make tho task n comparatively
easy one,
Thero is a prevailing sentiment in favor of
the project outside tho membership of tho
order aud there is little doubt that should
any unforeseen abbtacle arise the camps will
receive ampio aid from sources which they
uow do not count upon.
Chaile,Censhaw, of Plymouth, is visiting
friends iu town.
J, Harry James, Esq., of Ashland, was a
visitor to town to-day.
Isaac Ball, of Pottsville, a former oitisen,
was in town yesterday.
Kev. F. F. Kolb, of Alburtis, is in town
visitiug his old-time Mends.
T. T. Hyde aud Joseph and George Bed
dall Bpent last evening in Ashland.
Mrs, Michael Carney and daughter, Miss
Gertie, of Tamaqua, are visiting the former's
brother, Tax Receiver Johu F. Hlggins.
F. 11. Hopkins, Sr., who bad beeu to Pitts
burg for sevenl days on a visit to his sou,
who wai seriously ill, returned Tuesday
The Monument Commltteo.
The Soldiers' Monument Couinilttee will
meet in tho Council chamber on Friday
evening, next, at 8 o'clock, and it is hoped all
representatives will be present, as important
business will be transact tl.
Look out for the Admiral.
Partnership Iiulreti.
The partnership heretofore axirtiug be
tween A. B. Lamb and J. 8. Williams, a A.
B. Lamb & Co., in the (hoe but) nets, has been
dissolved, and the bust nest will hereafter be
cootiuued by Mr. Lamb.
Friends war flatter, but don't
any other Cough Syrsp exoapt Or.
Wild Chewy and 8aek.
What He Seen mid llrars
Duriug Hi.
The tax collector elected in this town who
servos his term without getting n law suit ou
ills hands is lucky. For several youra none
of them have eeoapul tho ordoal. Collectors
Tltmau and Sohmhlt had suits and Collector
ilifiglus uIo had them, and they aroee from
dlffluultlos with Polish, Hungarian and
Hthuaiilan peojilo who tried to leave tho
town without paying tho accrued taxes. Tho
Hlgglns ease was disposed of at tho 1'otte
vlllo court yesterday. The facts that led to
I tho suit seemed to be these : One afternoon
1 lait month a Hungarian was about to board
n train at tho Lehigh Valloy dopot when
Deputy Tax Collector John Hlggins iutor-
copied him. Tlio man at first protested that
ho had not beou in tho country long enough
to bo required to pay taxes, but rather than
go to the lookup ho proposed that Uiggins go
with him to tho store of Matt. Walueavugc,
on West Col street, and settle the matter.
When in the store tlio man under arrest
handed tho stornkroni-r n tax mi'lnt wl,inl
tho latter said was correct. Hlgglns said that
tho name on the recelnt was not tha mi m
tuo one tlio man Jiad given liim. .V warm
argument followed, during which tho store
keeper struck at Hlgglns and, tho latter
claimed, tlio man under arrest and another
joined iu tho n'tack. Hlgglns sued the
three, Matt. Walucavagc, A. Valines and
Peter Kilchutes for awult and battery and
all handB were on deck before tho Judgo at
Pottsvillo. Tho case was given to tho jury
Tuesday night aud yesterday a verdict was
rendered Iu which tho storekeeper was found '
guilty and directed to pay all the costs, but
tho other two men wore acquitted. Wain
oavago will nlso havo to pay a flno of $20.
Judgo Bechtol severely lectured the con-
vloted man and laid down tho law to tho
foreign element who come to this country,
crowd our labor markets, fill our almshouses,
hospitals and jails aud then refuse to pay
their taxes iu support of a govornment whioli
generously gives them its protection. The
profecutor was represented by George J.
Wttdlingor who said in his address to tho
jury that tho simple chargo of assault and
batlorv was not so much at issue as tho prin
ciple involved.
While in conversation with 'Squire Shoe
maker yesterday discussing matters in gen
eral I learned that that gentleman has had
much more post olllco experience than many
people imagines. Mr. Shoemaker was iu
chargo of tho post olllco at Buckhorn, Colum
bia county, for 31 yours beforo he became a
resident of this place. Mention of this ii
only mado as a note of interest to the many
acquaintances the 'Squire has made of lata
years, and is not intended as an intimation
that he is an applicant for a postmastcrship
Frefl. Itrytuu.
Mr. Bryton mado his second appearance
this season at Ferguson's theatre last evening
in "Forgiven." While ho was in better voice
than ou the occasion of his previous visit he
is still far from being In good form. The at
tendance was not what it should have been
considering that he is ono of the best in tho
Ttlngleatlerts Arrestwl.
Several weeks ago the Herald stated that
if the boys and men did not desist in making
themselves nuisances about the Lehigh Val
ley depotat Yatesvillo they would softer prose
cution. At that time the oomphiiuU were
quite numerous and the warning was heeded,
but recently the boys again became reckless
and finally complaint was lodged with 'Squire
Shoemaker. John Curry and Martin Gill,
two boys, have been arrested ou complaint of
William Breunau, who alleges that the hoys
are the ringleaders who create miisauoeg
about the depot and torment people by throw
ing mud and water upou them with the aid
f popguns. Tho boys waived a hearing and
were put under bail for trial.
"I have tried Sslvutlon Oil In my fsmlly, on
a broken and dislocated foot and oan recom
mend U In anyone as a good liniment." Mrs.
William Toller, Joplln, Mo,
I The Academy ltttstHuraut.
The Fotteville headquarters for Sheoan
.oah people and others living North of tho
rfoontniu, Air hot toddies, hot punches, beef
tea and all kinds of wines and liquet of the
sett brands, is the Academy Restaurant, Johu
f. Cooney, proprietor, M. A. Cooney, aseUt
tat. to
The Admiral will arrive
this week.
at Shenandoah
PriMoer Vmf tbe Qaato.
John Frailer, of East Lloyd street, was ar
rested last week, charged with assault and.
battery, by his wife. The oourt at PottavUto
yestorday dismissed the case, but directed
Proaser to pay the costs aud give a bowl to
keep the peace.
Liuio'h lliuiltjr 34 tMtlalwe x tha Maws! i
Stah day. In order to be health tMt is
Best phetographs and crayons at Daab's.
To complete files, two copies eaeh o the
Evoking Herald of January 1st, Sd and
1th, and February 0th, 1868. A liberal price
aill bo paid for the same
Holder mau's jewelry store leads as ever.
We are closing; out u great
xuHiiy ot our Carpet, Oil
Cloth aud Induw Shadce
l eBt, in order to make
room lor Spring good?.
C Frlqke,
io Sou tit Jardfn St