I HESGI353 ANOTIIISR or load of our mm extra oliolce FAMILY FLOUH K3 lius been received and it awulUt your order. It Ib superior in every ro upect and low in price. Don't buy an Infmlor arllclo when you can get the beat for thornim money. Don't forget ua if you want Canned Goodb. Wlion It comes io Hams we can discount nil our neighbor, In quality and price. Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. THIRD EDITION THE THEATRE. Jtclcrcnces to l'orBUSon'n Theatre Coming Attractions. Tlio play prosonta an interesting story, which Is cloverly told and drutnatioally effective. It was received with uncommon enthusiasm, nnd is llkoly to hecomo de servedly popular. No lovor of fino acting canairord to miss witnessing Mr. lirytou's performance. llrooklyn Eagle. " Forgiven " will ho produced at Ferguson's thoatro this evening. "CtKCUS DAY." Tho long list of attractions was headed by Probweo's marvelous "Talking Horse, Mahomet," whoso rcmarkablo performance, It la safe to say, has novor been paralleled by any of tho numerous trained animals that have preceded him hero. Ho is, in fact, not a trained animal at all, for no amount of coaching could possibly produco tho results shown his work. Boston Herald. At Fergu son's thoatro on Saturday, March I8tli. Lorenzo J. Connor, lOI Uroen St.. Albany, N. Y., says: taavo usod Dr. Hull's Cough Hyrup and llnil H very beneficial, nnd can safely recommend It as a good remedy for cougns." I'olitloal 1'olntH. Shenandoah Democrats don't want much this year, only Commissioner, Prothonotary, Treasurer, Ifegistcr nnd Auditor. For the first tlioro aro four applicants; Treasurer three; Prothonotary, Registor nnd Auditor, ono each. Some of the wards are to be hoard from yet. John J. Coylc, representative from this district, is doing good work at llarrisburg. Tho now Democratic Senator from Nortl Dakota is an embezzler. All the ofllco-hunters would bo glad to bo- lievo in a "Seek aud ye shall find" policy at Washington. .The New Jersoy Legislature is likely to be called Into an extra session. Tho announcement comes from Shenan doah, which seems to be tho centre of all Schuylkill county political wisdom, that William D. Seltzer, Esq., is a full fledged Republican candidate for Judgo this year Of courso, Mr. Weidmau will be tho Dorao' cratic caudidato by virtuo of being tho choice of I'attlsou and tho corporations for the appoitftmcnt to fill the vacancy. Seltze and Wcldman would make a hustling .team, with tho chances in favor of tho former be cause ho would bo sure to carry Shenandoal and the patches on account of his fluency in tho linn and Dago tongue, to say nothing ol his silver tongued Pennsylvania Dutch. lie- publican. Tho next Mayor of Philadelphia will bo that big-hearted and popular Senator from tho Quaker City. Hon. Georgo Hand Smith. Ho is the peoplo's choico and just tho kind pf a Mayor tho city of Philadelphia wants. Ho is always ready to do a good dee and has moro staunch friends in this state than any man in it. Now that Mason Woidman's appointment Jias been confirmed as Judgo ho will no doubt be the Democratic nominee next fall. It is 6aid the Democratic County Chairman does not favor an early convention. OBE'S OBSERVATIONS. Yl'lmt He Bees nnd Hears During lilt Travels. Tho decision of tho Common Fleas Court of Delaware county, under which tho city of Chester rccovored llccnso money for tele graph poles erected thero and operatotl there by the Western Union Telegraph Com pany, lias been affirmed by tho Supreme Court, Tho amount paid was $l ft year for oach pole. .Tho Supremo Court's opinion says: "It Is the duty of the citr to see that the poles are safely and properly maintained, nnd should a citizen be injurod in person or property by reason of a neglect of such duty, mi action might lio against tho city for tho consequences of such neglect. It is a mis take, therefore, to moasuro such rosponil bllitlos of a charge by tho amount actually expended by tho city for a particular year, to tho particular purposo iu tho affidavit." Tho above subiect has. been discussed at somo length sinco the rendering of tho do- clsion nnd n majority seem to loan toward tho opinion that thero is danger of tho tele graph company Increasing iU tolls to make up for tho llccnco fees. If tho license should bo ccnerallv enforced it would amount to millions of dollars annually, aud tho tolo graph companies will not nllow their treas urles to suffer to that oxtont if thoy can help It. I am informed that tho Kehloy Gold' Cure Company is contemplating tho establishment f an Institution in this town for tho accom modation of Schuylkill county. Tho Har- rlsburg and other institutions now liavo ah most as rnanv natients as thoy can handle and tho company has concluded that it can afford to establish a branch horo to tako in patients whoso moans aro limited. If tho plan is carried out tcoplo in Shenandoah and tho neighboring towns will bo ablo to securo tho treatment at its actual cost and will bo saved the additional expenses for board, &c, which aio incurred by seeking tho treatment at distant points. Tho spring poets who wero tempted to begin woik by tho favorablo weather of the past few days received a chill to-day. The sudden return of snow and frost has nipped thoir ambitions. Our boron g hauthorities are also rather disappointed. They havo been planning for an opening of spring work in tho sanitury lino. The chango may also postpone tho coinmencenieutof street paving, which was looked for within tho next ten days. One USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." !I have tried Salvation Oil In mv family. a hroken aud dislocated foot and can reoom mend It to any one us a good liniment." ilrb William Tolley, Joplln, Mo. The Aondomy llestiturant. The Pottavillo headquarters for Shenan doah pooplo and others living North of the Mountain, for hot toddies, hot punches, beef tea and all kinds of wines and liquors of the best brands, is the Academy Restaurant, John T. Cooney, proprieor, M. A. Cooney, assist ant, to When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. "BThen she was a Child, sho cried for Oastoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. 'When the bad Children, she gave them Castoria buae'a Family Medicine Moves the Jlawatt Each day. In order to be healthy thi necessary. I'lle or Hemorrhoids Permanently cored without knife or ligature, Ho danXW or wittering. No delay from bus . Inest walle under treatment Patient who are responsible need not pay until wall. serfeot cure guaranteed. Send for circular. R. REED, M. D., 189 South 13th St., Philadelphia. Eofere, by permit.. !ou, to tho editor of tho Xtzhinq Hebald. tf Boncrior goods at 35 per coot, lower than olsowhoro at Holder-man's Jewelry store. Coming Events. March 16. Tea party In Bobbins' opera house, under the auspices of the Welsh Con gregational churoh. Oonghlnj; Leads to Consumption, Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough muse. Pal World's Fair Ed "l J jfc EYENINmRAIiD OOMTEST f . i o Days at the World's Fair With accommodations at a first tli.Fs CriUt-go hotel, and "transporta tion to and from Chicago, Including sleeps berths, all tree of cost, To the 2 Most Popular Teachers. CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M. The two toachers who receive the largest number of votes will be uken to the World's Fair and royally entertained by tho HnrtM-D. Cut out this coupon, and on the blank linos write the name of the Public School Tesche, north of the llroad Mountain, in Schuylkill county, whom youeonstdrrtnost popular, and1 send It to the "Contfst Emtoii, Kybmnu Herald, Smicvan doah, Pa." livery coupon properly tilled out counts as one vote for one teacher, livery person, young or old, can vote, and voto as often a thoy please. Coupon must bo in tho hands of the editor within ten (10) days after the date it bears. AI IMMENSE ASSORTMENT ! Kaadies'' and Cfcilda?era,s Name of Teacher.. Residence. Namo of Voter.. Residence.. maiiuh 15, istn. - For -tla.0 XjixcliLy Qxio&s. A Gold Necklace. Holdorman, the Jeweler, will givo the lady teacher receiving tho rillbout number of voto3 a llandsomclGold Necklace, A Set of Furs. R. J. Mills, tho rottsvillo Hatter and Fur rier, will give the lady teacher receiving seoond highest number of votes a hand Bomo Bet of Furs. A Plush Toilet Set. Max Reeso will glvo tne lady teacher re ceiving tho second hlghost number of votes a handsomo Flush Toilet Set. ADDITIONAL OFFERS. The two teachers having tho third and fourth highest number of votoa at thoclosoof tho contost will visit NIAGARA FALLS, nnd remain thero rlvodays.at tho cxpenso of tho ilKKAMi OFFICE SEEKERS. Whnt "S. JI" of the riiilattelphlii "Star," lias to Sny. They aro a class of peoplo that excitomy sympathy. Tho great majority of them want to bo appointed to office, for tho reason that they havo been unsuccessful in their privato affairs and aro pinched for the nee essarv money to allow them to llvo in tho comfort that every man wants to have, They havo a rignt to tho offices if thoy can get them. These positions belong to the whole peoplo and not to any particular class. At least that is how it should be, but it is not rho civil servico business Axes tho great ma jority of them in tho control of a class or ot several classes. Tho peoplo as a wholo get littlo chance to enjoy them. This explains why I havo a sympathy for tlioso crowds of anxious but hopeful men 1 see crowding the hot id corridors waiting for a decision each in hits respective, application. I know from my experience, leading through six administrations, what is going to be tho result in tho .great majority of their Cii sea. Keen disappointment cxprossea it, You can make nono of tliom believe it, howevor. There seems to bo somo peculiar idea that gets possession of a man's thinking powers when he starts in to obtain public office, that causes it to bo utterly impossible for him to bo rnado to feel that thero i3a possibility of somo other person being proferred to him. It may bo classed as a freak of nature. In the languago of tho politician, this now Prosidont of ours is a "daiBy." Somo of tho politicians go so far as to say that he is a "Lu Lu." I do not know what a "Lu Lu' Is, but from the way in which tho expression is applied to the caso of Mr. Cloveland must mean something very extraordinary, Tho manner in which he is surprising the old professionals is the talk of tho hour. This last step ho has taken is tho biggest oyo opener of them all. I mean tho official an nouncement that, with a few exceptions, he intends iu making appointments to 'have none of his selections from persons who served in office when ho was President before. What a crusher this is, when we remember that at least nine-tenths of these very peoplo aro now applicants for reappointment to their old places or to ones that are better. Clevelant says he wants new blood in his party new men to the front, new life aud onergy all along the lino.felt was a lucky thing for him that the delegates at the Democratic National Convention at Chicago did not apply this rule to him when Whitney, Harrity it Com nanv brouahthim to the front for a third time as a candidate. Another Biuh Order Issued. Chicago. March 15. Director General Davia has issued another rush order direct ing exhibitors to hustle their displays into Jackson Park at onoe. The force ot work men is to be areatly increased and the work ef installation will go on nicely. Thq director general has arranged to have tho lmildines liehted by electricity and a work lag day will be 24 hours long at Juckson Park. There are only forty-five dayB lett before the onenintc ol the irreat fair but Mr, Davis intends to, make every day count for two and the exposition will be ready tc open May 1. v Stereotyping, The Herald Is now prepared to do all kinds of stereotyping in the best workman- It you liave CHrpct rngt) aud like manner at reasonable rates. By having -orlali them made into Home- this work done in town the parties desiring made Carpet, send tlicm to JTrlalce's Cavpet Store, io S. urdui street. M-U it save freight and express charges and have the advantate f pnl)y Irttpvtttpg the fwerk bs&reit is dsHvrd and th,nawU I QMtlwrraftlng mistakes, A Gold-Headed Cane. W. H. Mortimer, thol'ottsvlllo Jcwcler.wlll glvo tho goutleman teacher receiving tho hlchost number of votes a Gold-headed Cane. Gold-Headed Silk Umbrellas. Tho Homo Friendly Society, of Baltimore, Md., will prcRcnt tho two lucky competi tors in tho contest with handsome Gold, hoaded Silk Umbrellas. Under wear I A Few Days Ago ! Our Coat Room was dark and wintry looking with fur-lined and fur-trimmed coats. Behold the change of a few days ! Outside, gloomy win ter ; inside, spring warmth, light, beauty. Coat room no longer but underwear room, arrayed in pure white with here and there a touch of color, just enough to give proper light and shadow. Be prepared to find everything changed. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Pure and spotless, now has tho post of honor. Wo havo a complete line of ovcry gar ment in muslin that a lady requires. CHEMISE All styles, from a neat trimming to tho most elaborate work. DRAWERS Bleached and uubleachcd, ranging in prices from 23c up to thoso handsomely trimmed. Corset cov ers neatly madoand good wearing all styles and prices, to suit all tastes and pursos, from 25c up. SKIRTS Full length and full width, from a neat skirt at 50c to one rullled, pleated and Embroidered. You will find them hero to suit all tastes littlo trimmed, greatly trimmed, und very much trimmed. NIGHTGOWNS Wo wonder when wo sco tho quality of muslin and trimming, tho really good work put on thom, tho timo it requires to complete such a garment, how thoy can bo told for such littlo money. Thoy range in price from 50c up to soveral dollars. WHITE GOODS Wo must not forgot White Goods, Flounc ings, Hamhurgs, 45 iu. wide, from 25o a yard up. Em broideries, whito and colored, all patterns, widths and prices. One of tho latest faucies In embroideries is tho colored edge. Fashion says they aro to bo tho correct trimming for any stylo of dress becoming to tho wearer. . We would like to impress upon every lady the wisdom of buying ready-made underwear. Don't waste time, energy and temper, but save it for more useful and congenial work. Prove your ap preciation of our efforts to please by making your selection while lines are unbroken. We invite all ladies to call and make a thorough inspection. LADIES IN AITENDAMJU. DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART "Circus Day," Ferguson's Tfieatre, March 18. WE 1IAVK the exclusive agency, in this vicinity, for the sale of the New COLU.MHt'H" MACHINE, which Is now the most desirable machine in uso. Written guarantee goes with every one, Insuring them, under ordinary care, for five years. Our prlco only k Kit Call and inspect them. New styles of Dinner nnd Tea 32jAj'v2' Sets. Iron Hoilowware of every description. The spring-time npprrachlng ilnds our store crowded with bright nev goods and appreciative buyers. G-IRYIN, DUNCAN & WAIDLETS. Tho Kheetz Funeral. The funeral of the late Peter Sheetz took place this morning from the family residence on East Lloyd street. High mass was cele brated at tho Annunciation church and tho remains wore interred in tho Annunciation cemetery. The St. Patrick's Society, of which tho deceased was a member, and tho St. Patrick's Baud were in attendance. Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's.. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK nt Slienacdoah In the State of Pennsylvania, hi the close of business, March 0, .893: UEBOUnCES. Loans add discount $JVri9 S3 U. a. boiidh to tecuro circulation 60.UKI 00 Kuidts. secmltlis. etc 1.000 IX) Due from approed r serve agents... 19,882 46 Due from other national bsnltK 77 SI Hanking house, furn ture aud tlxf n.. 2,im 72 Current expenses and taxes paid 380 74 i reinlumi. on U. rt. .Bonds 7,500 1 0 Cbechs and other oath Items 1,4 17 48 Hills of other banks 1,000 00 Frsotlonul paper currency, nlcklm, and cents , SM 09 Specie H.8S3 uo Legal-tender notes....- 4,560 00 Redemption fund with U.H.Treasur- er,(5 per cent, of circulation) 2,350 00 Total ..8G8,Wa"il I.IAIULITIES. Capital stock paid In 5100 000 00 Surplus fund 8,000 00 Undivided protlts S,0St 14 National Bank notes outstanding. .. 45,000 00 Individual deposits subject to check 141,743 17 remand certificates ol deposit 1418 CI Due to oihtrivatlounl Bank" 2,ti87 10 Due to Stale Hunks and bankers 1,413 to Total SSOB.&SSM State of Pennsylvania county ol Hchuylltlll.ts: I, E.B. Hunter. Cashier ot the nbove-namul buqk, do solemnly tMi that the aboventute. mettt 1 true to the btst or my knowledge and belief. II. B. HUNTKIt, Cashier. SutiBorlt'ed and sworn to before m this 11th day of Marco, lsW. H. A. Swai.u. Correct Attest! , . 0. W. IiRJlDAU. p. J . Qa pohak, y pirseter. L, J. WlLKlJfSOX.J RETTG'S Beer and Porter T AM AGENT for tho -1- Clms. Rottig's Cele brated IJeer and Porter in this vicinity, also Ucrgncr & Eugel's celebrated India Palo Ales and Old Stock. Orders Avlll receive prompt attention. Finest brands of Liquors and Cigars. SOLOMON HAAK, 120 South Main Street. HOOKS 8c BROWN, STATIONERY, TABLETS, ART MATERIALS. Full line Paper-cover Novels. No. 4 NORTH MAIN STREET, M. M. BURKE, J.TTORNET-A.T.LA W BUENAHDOAn, PA. O EDMS Knew 3. P. O. Building, Shentndor b4 Jfsterly Building, Pottsvllle. G. Geo. Miller, Manager. Nos. 5 and 7 North Centre Street,- POTTSITZIaMS, PA, -OF- WINTER GOODS, Few white and colored blankets, ladies' and child ren's coats, which will be sold regardless of cost. Come early and secure bargains at DDTfF'C OLD RELIABLE, L JL.Ai 1 05 NORTH MAIN STREET. QUEEN & CO, Of Philadelphia, Send their Hjije Specialist To SlienandoaIi,Wedn8fIay,niarcli xs He will be found at the Fcriruson House From 8:30 a. m. to 530 p. m. Persons who havo headache or whose eyes aro causing dis comfort should call upon their specialist, nnd they will re ceive intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHARGE to ex amino your eyes. Kverypalr of glasses ordered Is guaranteed to be satisfactory. PEOPLE'SsSTORE! 121 N. Mam Street, Shenandoah. Boots, Shoes, i&enfe' Furnishings Z At greatly reduced rates. -Ol. 3?3E3Iu5.'S", Propriotox. I IT PAYS to buy your Boots and Shoes and Rubber Goods at the emporium of Joseph Ball. Finest line of i goods carried in town. JOSEPH BALLS, Chris. Bossier's SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Mann's old stand) 104 Sou tli Blniu Strccti Finest wines, whiskeys nod cigars always In stock, i-TBuu iseer, aio ana rorier Jholce Temperance Drinks. on tap. The Standard Sewing Machine IN BUYING a tewlng machine, or, in fact, machinery of any kind, You look well to tho construction. Don't The buy an article ten years behind ths Standard ttmos simply because it was once a Ilotary good thing. This Is an age of im Shuttle provemsnt, nnd you want to keep Sewing up with the ago. Machine f T. B. SHAFFER, Cor. Jardln and Lloyd Sts., Shenandoah f JpOH COUNTY C05IMISSIONEK, ELIAS E. MEED, Or FOTTSVIIXE. Subject to ltcpublieon rules. JpOU COUNTY OOMMISaiONKB, BEi? J. B. SEVEBN, or SHENANUfJAIT,. SnMeot to dostelon ot the Republican County Convention. v ir