The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 15, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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l)SJBnm i
The Marked Success
of Scott's Emulsion in consump
tion, scrofula and other forms of
hereditary disease is due to its
powerful food properties. ..
sits Emulsien
rapidly creates healthy flesh
proper Weight. Hereditary
i, unit, develop only when the
bybtom becomes weakened.
Nothing in the world
of medicine has been
so, successful in dis
eases that are most
Menacing to life. Phy
sicians everywhere
prescribe it.
Hww.S.T. Alldrnrniita,
Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Boro
Throat;. Sold by all Ururjuistn on a Guarantee.
For a Lame Side, Back orChisr Shitoh's Porou
Plaster will give great atwiicuon. as cents.
Mrs T. S.HawltlD0,Chattnnoogn,Tenn.,8H,yB:
"gh.xhiKYtiltorTHA.vt:D MY LIFE' 1
consiui rtl ttteDcsc remcty ) oruatuuiuueamwcTn
I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney
trouble it esceu. Price 7iicts. ,
HnvejoulJutarrh? Try this Remedy. It will
relieve and Cu-e you. Price 00 els. This In;
lector tor i tisuecc'fnl treatment is furnished
free. Sbiloh'a Remedies are sold by us on a
guarantee to give satisfaction.
i' cs sale by O, H. Hagenbuok.
There is Hope
For every one who baa blood trouble, no matter
In what shape or how .ng 3toii(llng, provided
none of the vital organs have been bo far im
linireil a? to render a euro impossible. B. 8. 8.
givMtothorootof the disease, and removes thp
cause, by expelling the poison from the body, and
at tlio same tliuj is a tonic to the whole system.
However Iad your case may be, there is hope
Cared me of a most malignant type
of chfonio blood trouble, for which
t tmri naurl various other remedlcr
wl'hout effect. My weight Increased, and m
hciilth Improved In every way. I consider S. S- fc.
the best tonlo I ever used. .
. A. WBianT, iumway, uu.
Treatise on blood, skin and contagious bloou
poison mailed f
led free. BWIFI tsruuriu
Atlanta, ua.
feck Headache and relieve all the troubled fusf"
flent to a bilioua stato of the system, such ea
Dlizlneux, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
Citing. Fain in the Side, Jw. While their xnoelt
poraarSnfclo success liso been shown la curing
toauaehe, yet Caiter's Llttlo TJvoi? MM .IBS
Qtuuly vstaallo in Constipation, curisi; andpr.
Tenting tbisannoyirigcomplalnt,V'l2;l. ihny also
rorreeiiuldisordorROitlioetoxaaeli fi iuiulatethe
fiver and xegulato the bowels. Uvea if thoyonlj
i&cbalhey would boulmostprleoloss to OiompwJKS
UOJ.'er from tilsdtotrcsslng coinplnlnt; but fortu
mtolythoirgoodnoss does no6U(lhere,and those
.Wboonco try them will find these 111 tie pills voln
iblo in to many ways that they will not bo wil
UsS to do without them. But after allaick heui
lis the bane of so many lives that here is w&er
I wo mike our great boast. Oar pills cure it white
Ottiein do nit.
' Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to iidia. Ono or two pills makes, dose.
Thuj are strictly vagotable and do not gripe or
Ini-;e, 1 jtby their gentle action please all who
maotbem, Ii 25 cents j iivo for $1. Asia
by drugUts everywhere, or sent by mall.
safc, always r'lIaW-a. laqic, tk
Urngilt fir Chichttttra nglu.k Dta-,
mtiu Brand ia lied uid Hold taclalllo
l-fixej, Bealed with Hue. ribbon. Tftfte
no other. Hefvu danavroua vuhttltitm
ttontami ifiiilauui-. At Drngglsti, riai4
In Rt&mni for tar'frmlar. ti-aflmnnUU
Hkf for l.tdlcr,' in ttttvr, r fetor
m. H. Downs' Elixir
Has stood the tei t for 8TXXY rjBJLBS i
raaH has uroved itself the best remedy J
yjrnown ior tno euro oi vmrumpamt i
Caught, Colds, M hooping Cough, and I
fall Lung JHiftue iu young or old.
l'rlee J5o 60c., and tl.oo per DotUe,
(f f . CB :,:VERYWHER8.
BSlT, J0'iltS03 MSi i JftP-. wrtteghs, VI. i
Begs to announce to his friends and
patrons and the pubUc generally that
be has purchased the barbershop lately
oooupiea by II. Jt Yost,
No. 12 West Centre Street
ITS Ctlet'frr' KncHiU IMsiaetid Urcni.
Work Done by the Legislators
at Harrisburg.
Kit WsaganuMi and B. K. Murrihart Tin.
seated In the House After Conslderabh
Diseasslen Vorter una Hunter Take the
Oath of Oflloo The World's Fair Mana
fori Again Asked for a Statement ol
Their Expense.
HARRtSBtjRo, Maroh 15. The prlnoipa
interesting feature of yesterday's legii.latiM
prooeedinfTs was the unseating in thq
house of EH WauRarjoan and W. R. Barn
hart, and the sentlng in their stead of W.
ft. Porter and A. D. Hunter.
The proceedings In the senate openec
with the reception of petition, memorials
etc., after whicli a long list of bills were la
trod uued, among whioii were tlie follow
Grady Requiring deslors In oleomarga
rine to dUplay a placard liearlng this leg
end, "Oleomargarine Sold Here."
McCanell To validate the will ol Cntli
arine A. Peacle, of Chester county; also, tc
prevent the issue of unauthorized policies
of Insurance; also, to provide that devises
and bequests evidenced lv a will ' duly exe
cuted prior to a last will and testament,
more Uian one month prior to the decease
of the testator, bU11 be valid; also, provid
ing for the regulation of mutual insurance
companies and collection of assessments
from members (requiring mutual insurance
companies to make aemi-annual reports tc
tlio courts of the county in which the prin
cipal office is located); also, making an ap
propriation of $200,000 for proper drainage
of the State lunatic hospital in llarrisburg,
the capital and other state buildings.
Baker Authoriringboroughsto establish
regulation whereby taxes, loans and pur
chases of real estate shall bo delermlued bj
the elections; also, rostncting the powers
of electric light, heat and power companies
to conatruct lines nlong public btreets ami
highways. "
On motion of Senator Keefer the bill
providing for an additional judge in Schuyl
kill county was idcfinltely postponed, and
the amendment to thu act of January la
1S33, providing for notice to lien creditor'
in case of lunatics was defeated on Una!
The bill extending the minimum school
term to seven months w as the measure
which promoted alongdiscusalon. Senator
Crik'hfield was against it, and Senatoi
Landls raised his voice iu its favor. On
final passage the bill was defeated yeas,
IS; nays, 20. :
Senator Thomas introduced a resolution
requesting the governor to furnish thi
senate with a detailed statement of the
expenses (except the personal expenses o:
the members thereof) with special refer
ence to the cost of arranging for the various
exhibits; and to further inform the senate
whether or not the appropriation of $800,-
000 made iu 1891 will be sufficient to nv;et
all the retmirernnnts of the board, and
whether or not the board of managers or
any official thereof hns solicited private
contributions in the name of the state oi
hoard of World's Fair managers to aid tho
board in the complo on of its work. The
ieolution was adopted.
JNo bills ot particular importance were
Among the nominations confirmed was
that of Jiason Woidman, to bo judge in
Schuylkill county, Senator Keefer with
drawing his objection, which was political
and not personal.
Senate adjourned.
The house was presided over bv Mr.
Boyer, of Philadelphia, Speaker Thomas
having been called home.
Amonj; the bills introduced were the fol-
Burdick An act amending the revenue
net for the purpose of relieving the burden
of local taxation. The bill taxes bonded
indebtedness of all corporations, as well as
their capital stock.
Koarns Relating to the sale of liquor by
wholesale. It fixes the license fees at $501)
for cities of first and second classes, jo()0
in third class and $300 in boroughs and
The following bills were passed:
Providing for the expenses of school di
rectors in r ' tending conventions.
rrovidl: for the Incorporation of ensu
altyimra'.u: o , amies.
The act t.i pro .iuit f a killing of wild
deer fo.' a peue . o tnrne years was amend
od and passed ih: J i adiug, as was also
the net-to roKuhi'wO the liability under poll
cii ,.f in-ur-utj on buil' '" -t and struc-
tu. s ,.,unil, 'ire aud lifcli .if.
Diese i .IN weia passeu .iially in order:
To tithe-'. the elect., .i of tax ctllec
toisiui. hs and townships for the
term of tt. yeais.
requiring all public records to be kept
n the English language.
Permitting persons suffering from ner
vous disease threatening mental disorder,
to become inmates of insane hospitals.
The" act providing for the election of dis
trict school superintendents was deteateu,
Secretary Harrity being introduced pre-
souttid tho decree of the Westmoreland
countv court deciding that W. N. Porte
and A. D. Hunter, republicans, were elect
ed members of the house instead of Eli
WaiuuMuan mid W, E. Barnhart, demo
crRts. the sitting members. The decree
w rend by the olerk.
jlr. liurphy, of Weetmoreland, offered
n lesolution that Messrs. I'erterand Hunter
he sworn in as members and take their
fcc ts.
Mr Wherry raised the point of order that
the certificates of election do not accom
tanv the decree, and the contestant can
not taku their seats now.
.speaker Pro Tern. Boyer decided tho
p int not well taken, as it was evident the
Co lit meant me ueoree to ue wie oniy
Ui.uate ef election it intended to file.
Jlr. Hewitt mainti'ined that the house
cc ild not seat the contestants on the ocr-
ti; cate from the court. The sitting mem
liei have ten davs in whioii to present po-
ti' ions to the committee on elections and
at-lv lor an investigation. Ho made a point
ot order to this effect.
The spwker ruled the point not well
11 r. Wherry raised the polutof order that
the decree was not a ceruueate or election
aud tbu court so states. His point of order
was uded out.
The bouse then voted t seat Pry-tar and
II inter and they stepped forward and toot.
the oath of eihoe.
Cornish Will Co to Ohieago,
Chicago, 111., March 15. The Chicam
Athlotio club ha ee ired Henry b. Cornish
at Uuatan. as its athletic manager. Be
sides being a .great athlete, be has hai
jcuch suoceM as a ooocb with the Kostoi
A l alette club aseoo! tion. Oornish comei
ludorssd by W. B. Curtis and other well
known New Yorkers.
You have noticed
that tome houses always seem to need
repainting ; they look dingy, rutted,
faded. Others always look bright,
clean, fresh. The owner of the first
" economize? " with "cheap" mixed
faints, ct'c; the second paints with
Strictly Pure
White Lead
The first spends three times as much
for paint in five years, and his build
ings never look as well,
Almost everybody knows that good
paint can only be had by using strictly
pure White Lead. The difficulty is
lack of care in selecting it. The
John T. Lewis & Bros.
brand is strictly pure White Lead,
"Old Dutch " process j It is standard
and well known established by the
tet of years.
For any color (other than white) tint
the Strictly Pure White Lead with
National Lead Company's Pure White
Lead Tinting Colors, and you will have
the best paint that it is possible to put
on a Duuaing.
for sale by the moat reliable dealers in
paints everywhere.
11 you are suing iu paint, n win pay yuu
to send to us Tor a book containing informa
tion that may save you many a dollar ; it
win oniy cost you a postal earn to ao ao.
Gladstono is now confined to his bed in
London and his friends fear serious results,
The legislature of Michigan will adjourn
Friday, after having been in session sinci
January 7.
Ten temporary clerks have been dis
missed from the treasury department by
Secretary Carlisle.
The funeral services over the remains o
Comedian Hurry Kernel will be held to
morrow afternoon in New York.
The man found frozen to death in th
pnow near raterson, ss. j., was ueorgt
Fritz, of Long Island city, N. Y.
The Iowa legislature hits declared war on
the crinoline and will pass a law to prevent
the sale of the nuisance lu that state.
The New York police made a dd on thi
pool rooms yesterday, closing several aim
arresting a score or more of the occupants.
Many horses and cattle aro dying in Kan,
sas from epizoodlc. The disease is caus
ing considerable uneasiness in stock raising
One entire county in North Dakota is ta
be colonized with Germans and Hun
garians, from tho various cities of thi
United States.
Tho street car drivers and conduotora ol
Newark, N. J., will probably goon a strikt
in a few days against tho system by whicli
they are being paid.
Mrs. Winfleld S. Hancock, tho widow oi
General Hancock, is improving in health.
She has been dangerously ill in New Yorll
for the past two weeks.
The trouble in St, Joseph's Cathollt
church at Swedesboro, is in a deeper mud
dle than ever and Mgr. Sutolll has bien
called upon to straighten the affair out.
The report that tho Boston and Maini
railroatl is to lease tho Concord and Mon
treal system, und that the terms of tin
lease have been sanctioned by both bides, ii
Tl,n C!ll mlllo nt nnn-.lnr, M T
AUVj UlUI II ULIAISJ 11 V VUlllUllU. All U .1
are still running and the receivers wh
have charge of the Arm's affairs say thai
a permanent shut-down of the mills is not
likely to occur.
John H. Brown, aged 07, of Kansas City.
Kau., one of the most prominent Mnoni
in the west, died of nervous prostratioa
superinduced by exposure in a railroad
wreck p rear n'xo.
tstm ana hhi b rvt tsra E
1 Kidney and Liver Disease!
JP OK 15 vrxjuas,
Dana Sarhapaiulla Co.:
I OKNTUIMENi HauiiBljeen ri'ctonxl to trnnriP
lliealih by theneeof juur Saruimrillt. I feci Ul
'my duty to let othtra kuow tlta gruut tKnaflt il
uuve wci'ivcu. E
For IS years I have been troubled with!
severe nulns In tho Mtttimtli. ulwii K l.l.T
gney mm J.ln r IMu'um', bo badly that fog
wtt;R3 ot atimfi I had to stay iu bed. I
x jiuvu uttcu uiree uoiuet oi
I and I tbel like 11 new man. I recom
mend it to any offllcl.xl Itk dla-uo of the Kid-i
i 6ohoM,N. y. CIIAlfiES SIMMONS.
flie truth ot the above is ccrtlfli-d to by
Drugzlttof Oohoei, X. Y.
Novcr purchaco ol a " SUBSTITUTER, i
J(a person who tries to sell you something!
Seise when you oall lor Dana's.) Our Lot-I
Sllee aro oelrT-j Ailed with a COUNTERFEITS
I ARTICLE by "SubstHurert." Buy of thai
! HONEST DEALER who tells you what youi
ask lor, and 11 you reeetvo so beneSt hl
will return your monoy.
Dans SarteparlHa Co.. Btlfait, Maine.
(Christ. Bossier's old stand.)
MeUm ami Coal ttia,, fettaeitanfltfalt.
Beat beer, ale and porter on tan. The nnott
brand ot whiskey land ohrurs. Pool mom at
tached. ryt. jauk sreox,
nrrwoijjr anv arjiewoiv.
omee and Rasidenee, No. 31 North Jardln
Street, bhonaudoah.
Hr.turtlin. Jas. W.ShoHU, Woodstock, X.T.
Mr, Shultln Relates the Remarkable Recov.
ery of Himself and Wife,
"I wan trrrlDHy troubled w'tlirnvetom-
A ti , m v f -o-l wi uld brk up sottr after eat
ipp ivf.-ii i wnlto tip every nl,nt with a
burn". .r, trout' diatressaafreltntlmre,
that n'ed y life ftlmc-t MnUcoirnlli. I
doctored with pkyslclnns a tenk tnany so
callod cnr -i. but nono htlpeil mi' ; 1 adinK oi
Br. Btivlil lLonncfly's Favorite Ken.
edr of Uontloul, N. V., I determined to
try'it: nft malum It a little wh'le relief camo
6Ed b :.) I had finished tho tJiHrrt buttlo t
ivai curc-a. But tho rtrvalest bl.'spitig viasthe
evir It performed fur niv wife, who p'tvlous
to talt n ' it was troubled with rleknc s com
mon t' ill women, t he was sio 111 that shef
could htndly drnjr hem If s'lmittbehonee;
sbo teitri d all l-'udsoteu called pc.i'tivncures,
but witli no a?all until she useil Favorlto
Brmcdy. In a nhort while she beirauto
pieK up iu health ai d ircii(?rU and is a
Well w mnan olay. I honestly believe
had it not been for Dr. Kennedy) I nyor
Uo .Itemody, she would have been in lier
grave to-.lay. SVh the reatci edi
oiato on carfk. It'wortliit'weiglit
in gold."
Wo guarantee a cure, or money re
funded. Try it, yotfrtra no risk.
rjiOB ItENT. Sootety and club rooms in the
Attorney, Koom 8. 12-14-tf
77OB HALE. Livery outfit for sale oheap for
L' casn. Apply 10 m, r, uonry, no. 01 noutu
Mam street. w-n
mOItHALKCHKAl'- A irood. sound voun
K lnrs-i. Apply ut Iowa Meat Market, 103
3. Jlitln street, Shenandoah, Pa.
TTIOR RKNT. Offices In the Refowich build
C iue. stoim heat and electrlo light. Ap
lily at Kefowlch's clothing store. 3 13-tf
nORBtLB OR KENT. Af'er Anril M.
L' home No 108 West Cherry street. Pur
further Inf-irmatlou Inquire on premises, or to
Jos. S. Iloddal). 3 0-lw
WAN TED. An experienced clothing sales
man who cn speak Hungarian language.
SI Hurt v nnsltionand eood silarv to riihtm n.
B. Oppenhelmer, 180 13. Mirset St., Wiltos
Hitrre, Pa. 3-:5-lt
OR SALE OR RENT. A large store and
dwellin;. Store room suitable for any
tame in ine rear, if or run parii-
eulars apply at No,
181 E. Centre streot
219-1 f
.Ualianpy city, fa.
FOR SALE. A boarding house, with stooh
and fixtures, oentrallv looated in the cltv
of Hazloton. At present doing a gool bu.-dness.
Satisfactory reapons Riven for selling. Addroaa
E. & X., V. O. Box 492, Hasloton, Pa. 148-if
ABAltflAIf for the stook, fixtures, and
irood will, of a luriro. nrotltable. well es
tablished and utowIiik irrooery bn-lness in
Shenandoah. Inquire of Wm. II. Iiboein-ikor,
J r. Merely ourious inquirers aro not de
sired. S-lt-lOt
WANTED. live man or woman in every
county where wo hnvo not already secured
1 . t-preseniaiive to sen our-weva wiiver- &011U
jleta to ives. Forks and Mnoons to consumers:
a solid metul s white as silv-ir; no plate to
wear off; goods guaranteed to wear a ltfotline;
eostai out one tenihthatof silver: the chance
of a lifetime: agents average from ISO to 1100
per week ana .neet with ready sales every
where, i-o pre a Is the demand for our Solid
Hal Got ds Over One Million Dollars' worth
ol goods in daily use. Caso of samples FREE.
aiiiV'ttttw yiirj tu,,
2-13-lm-d&w "133 Essex St Boston, Mass,
Ia every eounty
ia honest, ener
YY there is just the ma-
eetionnd persevering sbonlfl have some me-
cbnnloaleutnntlon. NO CAPITAL REQUIR
ED, but flrtt-clasj reference esccntlal. We
want hat man 011 salary and commission to
sell the '03 Yost Writing Machine, which is be
yond all question the most perfeat typewriter
ever made, inouiu De seen anu men to De ap
ureclaiad Sent en two weeks' trial to resnece
able parties. The '03 Clergyman's Maohine
will b-ready in ono month. For particulars
aud 73 Broadway, Now York. 8-0-lm ws
A. mission, to handle the new Patent Chemi
cal Ink Erasiwr PencU. Theaulokestandixreut
est selling novelty evor produced. Erases Ink
thoroughly in two seconds. No abrasion 01
nn-.a- llfrt.lro 111, manln WW n Will v,lr. -on t
profit. One agent's Hales amounted to 168) in
six days. Another 183 In two hours. Previoue
experience not necessary. For terms and full
geniculars, address The Monroe Mf'g Co., La
russe.Wis. x439 6-W-lf
J. P. Wilhvms & Son.
S. Main it, Shenandoah.
OPHIKG OF '93 Intending buyers
v' aro invited to inspect what may be
termed the largest variety of Furniture
ever seen iu Shenandoah. Prioes the
lowest. Pianos, Organs and Sewing
Maehinoa In various styles and prioes.
J- P-
Williams & Son,
13 South Muin St.
Property for Sale
Cor. Sixth and Market Sts.,
One square south of the new Reading depot.
Consists of two lots, two double dnelUngs and
one single dweUlug. Finest location in the
town. Will be sold at a bargain between now
and the 1st ofiAprll, 1893. For further infor
mation apply to the owatr, on the premises,
. X, BIOkt,
S-ll-tt Mount Oarmel, IV
To Dyo
l"tRt GoIoips
Address for sample card, JtLirillA, A", 1.
ti r t
For t)ie Office of Internal Reve
nue Collector.
Mr. Cooper Takes tlio President at Itti
Word on the Itc-appolntrnrnt ()uestit
and Withdraws in Mr, ott Fttvor
Wlty Mo Nomination Were Bent to the
Senate at Monday' flesslota.
WAsmrTOTOK, March 15. The only ob
stacle in the way of Owtn Scott's appoint
ment as collector of intornal revenue ha
beon removed by the withdrawal of Thomai
Coopor.- Most of the eJtofB cialu who were
candidates for re-appointraent lay to thfit
f 011 la the Hattsrlng unction that theii
cases aro exceptional, or else refuse to be
lieve that the president ever expressed him
self as opposed to re-appointing his old
But Mr. Cooper did neither. He accept
ed the well vouched for, though unofficial
ntatement from the president that he would
not re-appoint tho old officials with possibly
a few exceptions, and he had made no ef
fort Ui prove that his was an exceptional
case. His record was good, but lie recog
nized the fact that the records of most of
the other old officers were good also, and
he made no attempt to convince the presi
dent that he doserved better treatment than
the rest.
He sent Mr. Scott a letter saying that be
recognized that he was ineligible under the
policy announced by the president, and he
therefore retired from the race in the in
terest of Mr. Bcott, whom be congratulated
on the eortointy of his appointment.
Most of tlio old office-holders believe that
they are barred from seenrlng appoint
ments under the present admlnl.tratlon,
and think their uieftibers of congress are
patting this forward as an excuse for not
supporting them. Others insist that they
displayed oxceptiofial efficiency while they
were in office, or that there are some other
things that mnke their cases exceptional
and they insist that their congressmen shall
go to the president and prove to bim that
the cases are entitled to special considera
tion. Tins is making the congressman lots
of work, and it is hurting them with many
of their most influential constituents. The
congressmen are bound to get the appoint
ments for their men or convince them that
they are not eligible, and this is a hard
thing to do. The ex-officials are in many
Instances among the strongest backers of
the congressmen aud the latter are bound
to satisfy the former that they have done
all they can for them.
The president has, therefore, been re
quested to formulate his poHqy rcsardinft
ox-officials in an executive order which can
bo sent to appliuami who have he'd office
before. The only difficulty about tills H to
make tho provirdass for exceptions explicit
enough to serve any tusef ul purpose.
Had no Nomlnhtlons ta Send.
Washinoton, March 15. The president
has explained that his failure to send any
'nominations to the senate Monday was not
due to the fact that the committees wer?
not organized, but to the fact that he hnd
no nominations to send. He wiUl he was
not getting along ns fast as he did eight
yearn ago, and up to yesterday had net hod
tiinis to consult the members of the cabinet
as t appointments in their departments.
This shows that ho did not bring a list of
nominees with him when he cumo from
Lakewood, and it has given great joy and
encouragement to a number of candidates.
for office.
Colonel Busey wiw the president yes
terday and received some encourage
ment from the fact that the president had
not yet decided on anyone for pension com
missioner. Colonel Busey has the active
support of nil the Illinois delegation and
the personal friendship of the secretary of
state, besides a very creditable military
record, which is an essential part of the
commissioner of pensions. Tho president's
assurance that he would consider Colonel
Euww's papers shows that he has not yet
decided on Mr. Dickinson's friend Wheeler,
of Aiichigan.
Mr. Beenton, of South Dakota, bas re
ceived an intimation that he is not In the
race for commissioner of the land office, and
the rumor generally distributed yesterday
that Judge Tripp was the man lacks con
firmation of any sort, and is discredited by
the fact that the president has not made a
Congressman Hayes, ef Iowa, tied a scalp
to his belt at the treasury department yes
terday when he seoured4he appointment of
Wi S. Bnrdette as superintendent of pub
lishing at Davenport, la. Mr. Uuruette is
a Methadht minister.
Senator Wyny went to the department
ot state yesterday with a good deal of doubt
ui -his mind as to what sort of a reception
he would get. Secretary Gresham did not
promise him the consulate generalship at
Frankfort, but he did make him feel thor
oughly at home.
They Arrive ait St. Thomag.
Washington, March 15. The navy de
partment has received notice of the arrival
at St. Thomas of the Newark and Benning
ton, with the Columbus caravels, Pima
and Nina. The Newark and Bennington
will remain nt St. Thomas long enough to
coal, and will then go to Havana, where
they will turn the caravels ever to the
Cubuu authorities and sail for Hampton
Roads. The caravels will await at Havana
the arrival ol the Santa Maria and with it
will be conveyed ta Hampton Roads by the
Spanish asan-sf-war now in charge ef the
Rill Gets a Chalruian.ltlp.
Washington, March 18. In the assign
ment of committee chairmanships in the
Democratic senatorial caucus yesterday,
Senator Hill, of New York, was given the
chairmanship ef the committee 011 immi
gration. Senator Camden captured the
chairmanship ol the railroads committee
and Mumby will look after the relations of
the United State with Canada. The Re
publicans are given eleven committees,
I'rlm Guard. Resign,
Joumrr, 111., March 15. Fifteen peni
tentiary guards resigned yesterday and
their places will be supplied from among
the hundreds ' of applicants looking for
places. Deputy warden George Merrill
has resigned and W. J. Dqaham, of Genes
ee wui taxe ti is ptacs.
Live titock Sealer Asigu.
St. Louis, March IB. Hull, Steel &
Company, live stock dealers at the CTubjn
stock yaids, have made an aguignnutat.
The linn's liabilities are estimated at
e00 asaeW, $K,U00.
BeBuMioans ta Meet 1m Hay.
Nw Yokk, March 15. It baa bees de
cided by the Republican ' National teagae
te bold a national eonveutton in boukvllle,
.beginning WeUuetday, May 18, nest.
mmm Pro
Klteeloa"ineni, fslels nitd NorTCMNS
leennacne, .icKreije, Eii7.8neRs,a
il Fo:u-r., lifol -tiii!:ien, prorvjNW
l;, iHKbepli,BuIliintii. C'onl e. (on. If y-
JITftbit. Wi'iinlioiuiens. eie.. nr.) enr
ly Ir. Mile' Jie-rmtve Aeriat
It does not contnln otirtcfi. ;,!rr.. Pophla CL
nrnwnleo. leTjantl. li-ln.. LulL-rrd with Hot1w-
'or 00 ynaro end testifies to a eontplr to euro. Jaoot
Petro. Klia, Oregon, had boen tnrerlrr' with Herr-
rran fWBtratlon for fonr year.i, enuld not ale
nottnng ncined him until ho mod Pr. Miles'
utorative nervino) 110 is nowwcli. l inen
Pren nt dminrlRla. Dr. Mtlfta K'nrvd
Liver Pitts. 00 dones for 2S cent, nrn tlia beat
romedy for liillonsncu, Torpid Llrer, eto., eMk
Dr. Mile' Medical Co.,E!khart,!nl,
Manufacturers of
$QcieftJ 4 EjoQdjS
Of Every Description.
Fags, Baogem, Caps, Reganas, lc.
Wrlto for rtlorti,!. OorrOBpondenee solielt
There's no such thorough cleanser of dirt, 08
nearer ot cuts ana bruises as
because cf its high percentage of tar.
JAK. S. ITIRIC Sz. CO.. OUIcago.
White Russian Soap af,vXistiZ
argestsnd oldest reliable purely cash
panles represented by
DAVID :F-&-TTJ31?,
120 S. Jaroir St.. Shenanooah.Ptk
abnutto experience
lbs painful ordeal
attendant npoa
Chl:'-J. birth, proves
an ii.fallil.'lo npeoi
Cc fer.andobviatea
the u rlurea of eon
fmoment, lessening1
tho -.'ar.f crsthoreof
to both mother anal
cbiid. i-old by all
dniKglats. Seutbr
eiprets on receipt
of price, BJ per
bottle, chargos pre
Act ca 0 nc-v prindple.
rerrtl.te the livnr, maasl
and bowels through at
, turvei. xia. Unas' Piufl
tpmw ine rna 1
Hon. Smallest.
oa.-c?tl toaoas,23
n't-iTJidp rj-ae a arm
P '! If 1. Vl..JSt
Sporting and Musical Resort 1
Seoond St., 0IRARDVILLE.
Best Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ales and
brands of Cigars always on band.
IEW 98 tit
Am mrarn
vtfccr Lye. U I
tig m tint rawaw in pmMp
Id eto wt'li r- rcovab's tld. th
lwt e rvi-iv for am WtH niu fta
rnuieJ Hani hc&D lu Sthuinntui
IT IS T'iE BKST for olr-uHDK
uetQts 11 eto.
He i. A.K k ,PhTJa..F.
uieei, wniiej.HpeTinatorrna
or an? uunuturat rllscl arffn
four druggist for a bottle of
our u. lie i. res in a few dui
without the aid or publicity of
doctor. Non-polsorjou and
Eiiaranteed not to mlctar.
m universal American Cw.
Manufactured by
Th Ivar.i Chemical (
jLps-Si A remedy which,
s7 il used bv Wives
Celebrated Poiter, tie and Beer
Manager Shenandoah Branch.