The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 06, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    Thin Children Grow Fat
on scott s
fat fo o d s
make fat
They are
thin, and remain thin just in
proportion to their inability to
assimilate food rich in fat.
Scott's Emulsion
of. Cod Liver Oil is especially
adaptable to those of weak diges
tion it is partly digested already.
Astonishing how quickly a thin
person gains solid flesh by its use!
Almost as palatable as milk.
Prepared by Soott A Donne, N. Y. All drocRlKtu.
Cures Consumption, Cough's, Croup, Hare
'Throat. Sold by all DrugRkts on a Guarantee,
Tor a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shlloh's Porous
Planter will give great satisfaction. as cents.
Mrs. T. B. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says t
"(QiUohSVltaUicr'XAVED MY I,fF. I
Ilavd you Catarrh? Try this Remedy. ItwIU
xenevo ana you, jncu ou uie. iuib iu,
Jector for ltesucceisf ill treatment Is furnished
free. 'Sbllou's Remedies aro sold by us ou 0
guarantee to plve satisfaction.
for nle by C. H. Hagonbuch.
Sick noadicha and relievo all tho troubles Incf
3cnt to a bilious elate of the system, suoh 3
Dizziness, Hausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eitlng, Pain In the Bide, io. While their most
reniiirkable success has been shown la curing
OeaSacho, yot Carter's Little Liver TOM arfl
equally valnablo In Constipation, curing and pro
Tenting thlsannojirifrcomplalntwhlla theyalsc
correct all disorders of thostomachtlraulato the
liver and regulatn the bowels. Even If they only
lAcb e they would bo almos t priceless to those vtlMJ
(suffer from this distressing complaint; but f orttt
taalely thelrgoodneas does noteud here.and those
trhoonoe try them will undthoeollttlo pills valu.
.able la so man; ways that tboy will not be wll
aiog lo do without them. But after allalck hca4
it the bane of bo many lives that here Is v her
I we make our great boast. Our pilla euro it while
Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and
vary easy to talre. One or two pills mako a dose.
They are strictly vegetablo and do not gripe or
purge, but by their gentle action plca&oall who
tie them, Invialnnt25cen-s: Uv - .-$1. Gold
sf druggists everywhere, or sent 1 mall.
.. CARTER MEDICirlB CO., fiew York.
Ol-lsri'llul and llnkv anlnp.
SAFC, alwajl rtluble. LA DICS, tik
t-fiicntJtersT inioiMA via-.
mond hrand In llvA uJ Gold nietalMa'
jnoiev, e&iiM wun onic tlbDOD. Moke
1 mi others Refute danaerout tuhititu.
tiont and imitaioft. At Jruuiaii, or ara&4&
Id atampa for i-irttouUr, t-itionmUU and
" ueuei lur i.itmee," in ii'tcr, bv return
Mali. 1.0IDliflmAnlili. V.
' ChlMi eater Clieiillciil fLV..Mntifiit. hnnaM.
K H. Downs' Elixir'
lias stood the te. t for SIXTY rX'JJJS
(ema has proved Itself tho best remedy
liknOTt-n f.ov tho euro or Coniumptlon,
bCowih'i Collin, WhoapUig Cough' oud
'all Lung lUieatttin young or old.
Mce S5e BOo., and l.oo per bottle,
VtOtm, J0SH30K 4 tOSi, Intl., Sa2sgt:s, Vt.
MB SWIFTS SPECIFIC Is totally unlike au
LH nthnr lilnnil medicine. It cures (lifeeatfLL.u
w m the blowl and skin by return inc the poison,
and at tho game time supplies good uioou to u
umatAri ndrts. Don't be llimnsetl on 1)V Eubfctl
titles, which are said to lie just as good, it u
not rut. No medicine M TUG UfflBI 11
hasperfornieilasmaiiy In inb vVUitLtl
wonderful cures, or relieved so niuou guttering.
" Jly blood was badly poisoned last year, which
ttnt tnir lulml. a.Btnm mil. nf nnlnr illHPfihAll Ami
a constant source of sufferiuc, no appetite and
brooglit ins right out. 1 here is no KWWJ
bettsr remedy lor blood diseases. ibbi a
"John Gavin, Dayton, Ohio."
Treatlso on blood and skin diseases mailed free.
SWIFT 61'ECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa,
Hem to announce to bis friends and
; patrons and the public generally that
he has purchased the barbershop lately
ocoupled by 11. J. Yost,
No. 12 West Centre Street,
TB Chlcheter' EnslUh IHotaorul Ttrnni
Somo o tho Specioulnr Foaturoa
of tho World's Fair.
lSverythlns? to llo Cmitlitctcil on n fionle
of .MiiKiiltiHln noil MuKNllli'oiicn mth.
rrto Unpiinilleleil Slarlllnr; Ilililb
IU rrom tho Stntes mid liuropc.
ISpeclal World's l"air letter.
It in a curious stlldv t,r nlumrrn lm
many features of the world's fuir
may nrom'rlv n tleseHbetl "t.1i lno..
freot In the world." To beffin with, the
grottnas are larger titan the size of any
previous world's fair. The main hall
Manufactures and Liberal Arts Imllrlinu
is the cliintix of all construction work
in modern times: the inoriRv Krnt. ami
to be expended on the grounds and
bulldlnirs is double anv nnnivuirintinn
ever made for a simllnr pttrpose: and
tne total value of promised exhibits
reaches the enormous sum nf sHKn nun .
000, edlipsing the aggregate value of all
the exhibits of any two modern exhi
These fimiros. Rt.nnnndnna nn lioir
seem, find a counterpart in tho magni-
tupo oi cxiiimts. wiiethor one takes
the model dairy, the agricultural ex
hibit, tho power plant in Machinery
hall, the electrical Illumination, tho
marvels of tho Mines building, tho
flowers and fruits of Horticultural hall,
tho nualnt collection in tha lltlu.vl,.a
the array of statuary and paintings in
tne art, galleries, tne historical exhibit
Uia (lianiatr 1 ,
'run -coLuiinus quadiiiqa.
Soulpture Surmounting the Peristyle Spanuing the Lako Entranco to tho World's Columbian
of educational institutions, or the prod
ucts of the world's factories in the Man
ufactures building no matter what the
section, it may be described without
nny exaggeration as tho biggest tho
world ever saw.
Coming to individual exhibits, there
are single features conspicuous enough
to overwhelm tho imagination. For in
stance the world's fair has a power
plant of 15,000 horse-power whero tho
Paris exposition had but 3,000. Of tho
15,000 horse-power at Jackson park,
8,000 is applied by electricity, while the
Centennial had no electrical exhibits
savo a few arc lights. One engine of
this big plant has 2,000 horse-power
capacity, eclipsing the Corliss engine at
tho Centennial, and outdoing anything
ever attempted in mechanical apparatus
in this country.
In tho agricultural section is to bo a
mammoth among commonplace dis
plays. It is a cheese a plain, Canadian
cheese, but its weight is 80,000 pounds,
its height six feet and its diameter nine
feet. It furnishes so much weight
within a small area that tho foundation
of the floor had to bo strengthened to
sustain it.
In the livo stock department will bo
seen tho largest steer in tho world, a
blooded animal owned by George W.
Chillis, the famous philanthropist and
fancier cf fine flowers and stock.
Kentucky has prepared a surprise for
sight-seers who know little of her min
eral wealth, and particularly her coal
mining industry. It will bo a solid
block of bituminous coal 00 foot high,
mined in ono piece and occupying a
point of vantago in tho Mir'-s building.
Ono of the rarest and -.1 interesting
of tho big displays will be from the
Kimberly diamond mines in South
Africa, Heretofore th.- diamond Holds
have confined their exhibition efforts tq
Illustration of lapidary processes. At
the Columbian exposition visitors will
see Kafllr natives from the Cape of
Good Hope, washing diamonds from tho
blue earth in which they aro found)
they will see tho rough stones sorted,
put through tho grinding and polishing
process by Dutch lapidaries; nnd they
will see on exhibition tho greatest col
lection of gems, polished aud in tho
rough, that has ever been gathered
outsido a royal palace. In the same
building, not far from tho diamond
washers, will bo tho gold and silver
quartz displays of California, Montana,
Colorado, Arizona, Now Mexico nnd
other mining communities.
Most people associate the thought oi
quartz with a mental picture of unin
teresting stono heaps, bearing littlo
trace of valtio and of interest only to
geologists. Tho minors of the country
aro determined to show such sight-seers
that gold nnd silver-bearing quartz aro
among the most beautiful unil pietur
osquo features of nn exhibition when
they aro developed properly. In tills
particular display the most valuable
veins of the far west will furnish
pyramids, arches und tpires of ore rich
enough to recall the fables of Golconda.
No accurate estimates can, of course, be
placed upon nnsraelted gold or silver, but
conservative experts who know what
isto be exhibited say the gold and sil
ver camps will send a display worth
more luau a million dollars.
Horticultural hall is at the head of
the procession of giant displays. It al
ready has 10,000 primroses blooiulug in
one collection, which government flor
ists declare is beyond question the larg
est and most beautiful display of the
kind over grown. It has the largest
treo-forn over sent out of Australia a
monster SO feot nigh, measuring
nearly two feet at tho base. '.It
III Paillt the ch"pest.
JLJ.A JL. CAJ.Xil, stfJctly jpure
White Lead is best: properly applied
it will not scale, chip, chalk, or rub
off; it firmly adheres to the wood and
forms a permanent base for repainting,
Paints which peel or scale have to be
removed by scraping or burning before
satisfactory repainting tan be done.
When buying it is important to obtain
Strictly Pure
White Lead
properly made. Time has proven that
white lead made by the "Old Dutch"
process of slow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot be obtained by
any other method of manufacture. This
process consumes four to six months
time, and produces the brand that has
given White Lead its character as the
standard paint.
John X. Lewis & Bros.
is the standard brand oi strictly pure
Lead made by tho "Old Dutch" pro
cess. You get the best in buying it.
You can produce any desired color by
tinting this brand of white lead with
National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
For sale by the most reliable dealers in Paints
IT you are golnc to paint, it will pay you to
send to us for a book containing Information
that may save you many a dollar; It will
only cost you a postal card to do ao.
Sihtccn Per Cent, or Life Insurance
Applioant8 Rejected on Account of
Diseased Kidneys.
The TronMo Comas From Lack of Care.
Dr. Lambert (he general medical direc
tor of tho Equitable Life Insuruuco Com
pany, N. Y., said :
"We reject sixteen per cent, of the applica
tions tnado to i s for insurance, and I have i.aved
tne entire expense of this medical depart
ment, by the rejection alont.' of applicants who
hud diseased kidneys, and who died witblu two
yeiu'd atter I rejected them."
This appalling statement coming ns it
docs, trom such liijih medical authority,
s'lould have the attention of our citizens.
There is no reason to dny, why people
should allow kidney disease to get such
a hold on them.
Nature vends her warning in tho slieht
pain in the back, poor circulation of the
blood, sediment in the urine. 'When nny
of these symptoms appear, Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite licmedy should be
la&en in small doses at once, aud thus
drive the poison out of tlio blood and
restoro the kidneys to healthy action.
To our knowlcdgo this is the only medi
cine that sur ly aud effectually cures this
almost universal complaint.
We note the Iinppy recovery of Mr.
Oscar Lambert, of Jerieo, Mo,, whose
case has been talked of iu the papers tho
woild over.
4 Oscar Lambert.
Quoting from his letter.
"Imvl 'Ctwl tlio first symptoms until I found
myself in bed with n complicated disease of the
kidneys. No mortal ever suffered more and
lived. Myphvsiclan tailed to help me. I then
iismI Dr. David Kennedy 8 Faioriit Remedy,
made at. Roi dnut, N. Y. It relieved my kidneys
almost Immediately, and In a few weeks I win
clear of aU pain, and entirely cured, 1 owe my
present lea wot lite to Favorite Remedy."
It ia used and recommended for what
it accomplishes. Writes Mrs. A. J. F.
Manchester, from Providence, H, I.
" I began using Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Item
edy for kidney aneaae, wneu Doctors railed to
tvh.'va jne. If. drove a bad humor out of my
blood, cured my kiduev trouble, aud I am truth
ful when I sav It saved my life."
Win. Huston tho jtopular West Shore
' R. It. eugineer, came out in an open
letter stating how he had suffered with
kidney disease Physicians treatment,
nnd the use of various preparations
tailed to benefit him. Dr. Dhvid Ken
nedy's Favorite Itemetlr, was procured
und it madehlm well.
Favorite Remedy has liotl more freead
verllslug iu the columus of the daily
papers, than anything we know of, fiom
the fact that it does as is promised.
" cures diseuse."
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Tleuiedy
losseses marvelous strength giving
qualities, that render it etnedsTy, valuable
to the ngetl or Infirm. For a general all
around tonic, and to on re any disease
arising from an impure condition of the
blood, it bus no equal. Druggists are
telling more of it than all others combined.
nns a garden of 100,000 liarily
roses planted on tho wooded island
last fall; tho irreatcst collection of
pansles in existence and a projected dis
play of chrysnnthomums that will equal
nit me great chrysanthemum shows of
this country and Kurope rolled into the
4blg aggregation.
i lion there Is tho section of n senuoln
or big redwood tree in tho government
building which required 11 cars for
transportation from California. Tho
sectioti is used in the center of the
building as a two-storied reception hall
nnd is large enough to furnish comfort
able qtinrters fr.r 100 guests at a time.
Ilie state of Washington comes In tha
category of tboso exhibits with the tim
bers for its stale buildinp; at the nnrk.
The foiindutlon-llrabers are of nine:
each measures 120 feet' long In simrle
sections and is 80 inches through,
dressed. In front of the buildinir is h.
flagstaff, l'jn feet high, in ono piece.
Kansas sIiowr the variety of the coun
try's forest monstrosities in a section
of a walnut lotr o fret in diameter
Dana Sapai'aiixa Co., 23
)(! to rtlVNI'M PTH V. Nixnf h.rBlf
rothern ana muter died nf LVXd IHSjpls
I j AS ElS. Mv wifr'i health wnstinuinnllv irntidiS
Sjfiip to thi' ntro of nbmit 40 yt-an; at thiU tlnirlM
SMKOI IIJMS taint manlfprttd ltt If In tilt
font) of 1 A. on Hourly oil parti of Pit ma
tmdyi after a tune It yitlded ti the remcdlea used,-!
cxL-ipt on front nf right thoulder where it h&a&S
lAJrcnmliicil for ISO year with almost 2fm-ttH
Igstuittlrrllntimi und Itching. Since ualag
ESla V;X on her tirnd has broken anil dlnchargedrvi
until alniOHt entirely Done. Habitual CortlYeiipHrf-
also irreatly relleviil.
We have lim-loforo used n larlety of remedierEEl
nilli but little mult, but DANA'S SAUSAl'A-jgjj
mia nnu nroveu fo meeiuai in relieving niys
wile of I'.rXl'.AC.V ami SCltori'l.AB
In the blooil that I must aav it ia a mand eotuhina-
ttonot remedial ngents, and that my wife.' ftreat
Improvement la duo to Its power and the blesninglH
of a kind l'rovldenee upon Is use. S
I have taken ono bottle myselt and find it a1
Siil. ii.llil All. iiitlic. W
nespeciruny, 1IL.V. .. J. iiai,
l'astor M. E. Church, No. naston, N. Y. H
HJ Only ono Sarsaparllla sold on the " NO j
gBENEFIT-NO PAY " plan. Only one couldf
fe stand tho test, and that ono Is DANA'S, i
S Dana Sarsaparllla Co., Belfast, Maine, I
WANTS. teo.
FOR HUNT. Socloty and club rooms In the
pout office building". Apply to M. M. Uurlte,
Attorney, Ruom 3. 13-1 1-tf
FOIl SALK. Livery outfit for sale cheap tor
oash. Apply to M. f. Conry, No 31 South
Main street. 1-19-tf
FOIl SALE OK IldNT. A large store and
dwelling. Store room suitable for any
bualqese. Stable in the rear. For full parti
eularx apply at No. 131 13. Centre street.
Mahanoy City, Pa. 2 18-lf
FOll SALE Must be a dd within ten days.
A lo8ehold o'i Turkey Run hill with a,
double blo.-lt aid douole Miction, each p.irt
o inilnln live roonn. wllh cellars u' derneath.
All painted tad papered. Lot 30x15) feet. In
autre of William II. Shoemaker, J. P. 3 1 Iw
FOR HALE. A boarding house, with stock
and fixtures, centrally located in the oity
of Ilazleton. At present doing a goo J business,
Satisfactory reasons given lor selling. Addre-ta
E. & X., P. O. llox 462, Hazleton, Pa. 1-38-tf
of ti.e Htookholdart of the Citizens' liutld
lng aud Loan soo'mloii, of Shenandoah, P.i.,
will beheld Tuesday, March Uth, 1891. at 7.S0 p
m , at the oftloe of the company, for the pur
poseot electing ofn eisand eight (8) directors.
. i .C. W. UENGLI3K, Secretary.
Shenaudoah, Pa., March 3, '93. s-i-td
WANTED. live man or woman in every
county where we have not already secured
a i epreaentatlve to sell our "Neva silver" Solid
uleta Knivcs,Porksaud rtpoona tooonsumero;
a "olid metal is white as silvjr; no plate to
wear off; g'io3s guaranteed to wear a lifetime;
cost tuout one tenth that of silver; the chaDce
of a lifetime; agent averse from tSO to 1100
per week una .neet with rady sales every
where, t-o pre a ia the demand for our Solid
etal Ooi as Over One .Million Dollars' worth
of goods In dally use. Case of samples FREE.
2-13-lm-d&w; '13J Essex St., Boston, Mtt-.s,
mission, to handle the new Patent Chemi
cal Ink Erasing Pencil. The quickest u.ia great
est selling novelty ever produced. Erases Ink
thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of
paper, works llko magic 1W0 to Mil per oent.
profit. Ono agent's sales amounted to MsW In
six days. Another 132 In two hour". Previous
experience not necessary. For terms and full
Strtloulara, address The Monroe juf'g Co., La
roase. Wis. xM8 S-S4-ly
Everything modelt d tr
Green's Cafe, Phllaue putt.
32 St Main St., SlieiiHlicIoal..
The leading place la town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated rvervtlilng new, clean
and fresh. The finest tins of
Wines and Liquors I
Olgsra, &e., foreign and do
mestic. Free lunoh served
eoh evening. Hlg schooners
at fresh, Boer.Porler, Ale, Jko.
i l "
i a!te 1
1 jg- il'S
H miis. nnv. A. J. DAY, g
IP N'n. Euiton, N V.
1 and so Heavy that, lllto flic "big cheese,
i it has to have n special foundation in
tho Forestry building.
Wisconsin's curiosity is a monolith of
grnnlto, oulclaMlng Cleopatra's needle
and every other known monolith. It is
llo feet high, Is something like 90 feet
square at the base, and will occupy a
place of honor immediately in front of
the Wisconsin state building.
Krupp, the great cannon maker of
(lennany, Is coming with the biggest
eannon ever made. Its size may be
Judged by the statement, given as a
fact, that it can throw a 200-pound
projectile 40 miles. The skeptic mnv
doubt that, but the railroads and
steamships have attested its enormous
sizo by refusing to even attempt its
transportation unless the maker will
furnish hoisting machinery stronger
than they possess, and agree to send
with cars strong enough to carry it.
A crowning feature of all the levi
athans will bt the search lights built in
.Nuremberg, Uermany, to be installed
un the towers of the Kleetrleity building.
If the maker's words may be taken as
truth, the largest of those lights will
bo the most powerful in existence. Ac
cording to his statement, it will furnish
ample illumination for reading at a dis
tance of thirty miles from Chicago; nnd,
according to tho same nuthorlty, n lawn
party in Milwaukee would bo better
lighted from the electric tower in Chi
cago than if lamps of tho ordinary coal
oil pattern were distributed about tho
The search lights will be used on oo-
paslon as signals to manners nna n
scheme has been suggested whereby
messages could bo sent across the lako
to St. Joseph, Mich., with these samo
lights operated on tho Morso system
of dots and dashes.
It would bo easy to describo theso
spectacular features of the world's fair
in endless length. Thoso enumerated
are but isolated instances in an aggre
gation of indescribable magnitude.
They aro to the main exhibits ns ono
peak might bo to a mountain range. A
stranger traveling through tho grounds
night spend a week within the gales
and not discover half of them, unless ho
devoted special search, so bewildering
will be the extent of tho general oxlnb
its. W. M. Iai.ciiEAnT.
I.udr llliiiicheN Ststcv itud ttm Nrviinta
Substantiate Hut Testlmniiy.
LoxnoN, lliirch 4. The evidence in
.iu. Divorce Court yesterday, in the ca'ea
pending between Huron Howard do Wtil
den nnd Lady Blanche, his wife, confirmed
much of the previous testimony. Mrs.
1'iirroiigho, a sister of Lady Ulmiche, tes
tified that his Lordship was often ruilo
lo her when she wits nursing L'tily
Ho was in the habit of cursinu: her, nnd
xclaimetl to her on one occasion: "Go
,md nurse your sister in . "
This remark shocked her feoliiiRS very
much, nnd hud an unfavorable influence
on her ladyship.
The servants, who seem to be inevita
ble in EtiKllsh divorcu cases, cither as
"Peeping Tom," or John Thomas as with
active motives, wen next brought up,
one after the other, to sustain the charges
of Lmly Blanche.
They testified to the habitual booziness
and filthy habits of Lord tie Waldeu. and
Wo evidence corroborating Lady Bluuohe
ou various points.
31lo Will r.ollmln intltn Hub Ulilll Tues
day Next.
Boston-, March 4. Victoria Kaiulanl,
of Hawaii, bus just arrived here from
New York. She is accompanied by her
guardian, Mr. T. II. Davies, Mrs. aud
Miss Davies, Miss Whattoff, Miss Painter,
her Secretary and her maid
She will remain in Boston until Tues
day, when she will t(o to Washington.
It, is the intention of Kaiulanl to spent
one wek at the Capitol. Then she will
visit Niagara and Boston again. Slid
will return to this city on March 33 and
will sail fur England on the Majestic.
Green floods 3!an Avrvtm.
New York, March 4. John Perry
Treadwell, a green-goods swindler, was
arrested to-day ou a bench warrant and
iirought before United States Commis
sioner Shields, who remanded him to
jail on a charge of sending green-goods
circulars through the mails.
aitii'derer Coy Hanged.
PirrsFiELn, Mus., March 4. William
Coy was Imsiged yesterday for the murder
iu August, 1891, ot John Whalen with
whom his wife had planned to elope. Coy
got Whalen drunk, killed him with tin
ae, dismembered him and buried the
pieces iu the woods.
Matthews' Victim Head,
Schenkctadv, N. Y., Mitrch 4. The
young boy named Barringtoti, who was
fatally wouuded In the abdomen with a
butcher knife thrown by Van 'Rensselaer
U. Matthews in the latter's meat market,
died at Sc. Peter's Hospital during the
No Clgrnrette In M'usliliictnn.
Olympia, Wash., March 4. Both houses
of the Legislature have passed a bill
making it unlawful Iu this State to man
ufacture, buy, sell or give away, or to
have iu one's possession cigarettes or
cigsrotta paper.
cur Coupler IIIll Appruveil.
Wasbi.noton, March 4. l'reaiilent Har
rison Approved the Car Coupler bill to
day, and tb. pen with whioh he signed it
was presented to Mr. U. X. Mosely,
Seorstsry ot Interstate Coiuiusroa com
mission. NEWS OF THE DAY.
An ofnoial proolamatiou anuouoeas that
Hungary i now free from cholera.
A (hum ot small poz is raportol from
New Holland, Lanovster Uouuty, Pa., tha
viotiiu being a physician.
Tbe statue in honor of Admiral Farra-
gut will be uuvailed Memorial Day ia
Marlu. Park, South Boston.
The Rev. Dr. Uran Howard, one ot th.
oldest divines In New York, died nt his
horn, yesterday. H. was tf8 years old.
The headquarters of tbe Sovereign
Grand Lodue, I. 0. O. F., have bet a
transferred from Columbus, O,, to Balti
more, Md.
Charles Tittuier, the Qtnojnnatl wrest
ler, has aooepteil Xmest Roebor's oltal
Ienger to niMt anybody iu tha world at
flriiuio-liouian stvle.
Si ATlKTtm obnw tli fit on 'In rofn hofl a vreak
'irdisooMd Hrart. Tho tlri .-r'ii(i.mnariihor
fttettti pprc.lo!i luCicrlt:u:, faint and
Hungry spelU.imln In lUh-tianiot,herItiir,
swollen nnklPv,r,,Pv 'fintl doatbj for
'a a marvolouB romrrty. "I hue Invn troubled
ivIthlienrtdlBeftue for yonrfl, tny left pulra was
very weak could at tt-nea pr,irrty fuel It, tbe
pmallout excitement would nlw iyn noaken tar
norvcanndliefirtanda fenr of lmpcndlnir daath
tared tun In tJio face for hours, it A. MIIUlM
m: it vim: ana nkw jikaut citrh
Is tho only ttiedlcluo that hni prorod of any bene
fit and cured me. I. JI. Dyer, Cloverdafo, Md.
"Or. Mile' I-lvcr JMllnaro a euro remody for
Bllloimncia nnd Torpid 11 vcr. GO Uoifi
9a cents. Flno book on llonrt V)lsoase, with
wonderful cures Free at druggist, or addrcw
DR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Inci-
Manufacturers ot
Of Kvcry Doscrlption.
Flags, Baages, Caps, Reganas, &c
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited.
Pnntlnp ink stains arc removed and jammed
fingers healed by the use of
high percentage of tar.
if.Iv Ac CO., CUicogoi
nCun t'e Not Injure th
OUap Most Uitllcuto Fubrlss.
argestana oldest rename purely oaiti coats
panles represented by
120 S. Jarom St.. Shenanaoah.P.
, . "Mothers
-' Friend"
makes child birth easy.
Colvin, La., Seo. S, 1886. My wife use
MOTHER'S rHIEND before her third
confinement, and says sho would not b
without it for hundreds of dollars.
Ssuit bv exoress on recelot of nrlce. 41.50 nar bcvkL
tie. llook " To Mothers " mailed free.
ton salk sv ALLDRuaaisTs. ATLANTA OJU
Act on it" prlnclpls
regalate the Hut, sfomscti
and tk-ottah tXj
ntrvei. 1)b. Wilis' Pniff
tpoeiity cure bllloaenees,
toi-pid liver and coastipe
tict,. i. mllesslk
Sarest) tjCioKeS.SSota.
iUntleB tree at tlrainfffitx.
Br, Die; v.t r EUUtt,ls:
Sporting and Musical Resort !
Ueet Wines, Llauors, Beers, Ales ana
brands of Cigars ilwayu on band.
SEWIS' 98 in
(pate xt fd)
The rtronjji'' iu 1 iurrsi Lr" oaiftj. 6iHrW
ether Lrc 1 1 Ik in a uue powaer d4 fMrluH
In a can with rent, i able .14. tb MmftftMi n
alwBte rdT Tor um Will mane tb pim.
fnme.l Hard Soap Id Mmloutt titlutboiU,
IT IS TltlC BKT for eltaaaiuc wmm pitf
dlifnfrctiug iDks, gluMita, abiag irim
Gen. Ay;., PbUa.,PiT
rtjlet't.WriitfS M,err n.t.rrh-ll
rittrOllh .11, . .,,r,.,r. l.-1
foraiiyuiii.iimr. i' sitiv,vi
your dniL'L'ii f, r i..,,oA .i
I ftii. n. i i" .. ,""'5
I without the nul j i.ui ;.L1ty ola
lOoctor. Nof -n it rmia and
I pruarnntecl cut tc n-ii'tur
in tiMTa( Ammccn Cur.
Manufacture'! bv
l Th Ivans ChemiLdl Co.1
U. S A.
Qfflcssv-Rnum J, P. O. llaUdtng, Ubensndosh.
and ierij RaUdlsi, PottavtUe.