The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 02, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. VIT.-NO. 365.
A Big Drive
28 South Jflain St.
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods !
Gents' red underwear that
formerly sold for $1 will now
go at 80c.
Special sale of Blankets.
Only a few more of those de
sirable Coats left over which
will be sold regardless of cost.
Carpets and oil cloths at the
lowest prices consistent with
lirst-class goods.
Dress goods, notions, etc.
House Painters arid Decorators
Have adopted the following prices for paper'
hanging and decorating for 1B93,
Commeiiciinr IMnrcli x.
Psr piece for Brown and White Blanks 120
" ' (Jilt Papers 15c
" " Embossed i'apcrs 18o
" " Decorating Ceilings 16c
" ' Joining or Butting 18o
Four Cornices to be charged as 1 piece 18o
Qlueslzing, per room 12x14 feet 50c
Larger and smaller rooms according to size.
Removing old paper and preparing walls, 25o
per hour. All work guaranteed.
No Paper Hung by the Day,
R. O, Weidenmoyeh, JonN P. Garden,
GzoiiaE M. BoYEit, Geo. W. Hassleii,
J. II. Meul, Wm, J, Link,
Edward Everett,
Everything In the tonsorlal line done in Brsv
class stylo. A fine bath room Attached.
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt'e)
!9 and 21 West Oak Street,
Bar stocked with tho best beer, porter, ales,
whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars.
Bating bar attached. Cordial invitation to all.
8. KlSTLEIt, M. D
Office 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
JBor the Spring Trade.
liewZPatierns in Moqnetie,
All Prices, Jhrom 50 Cents up.
A lull Line ot Ingrain , From 35 Cents tip.
A Full StocJcof Hay Carpets,
At Low Prices.
JBloor Oil Cloths andLlnoleuni,
All Widths and Prices,' jram 25 cents up.
Minnssota b Daisy" Family Patent.
White Wliem Pastry Flour.
Old Time Graham Flour.
High Grad Boiler Flour, $1.50 per hbl.
Choice Fresji-ground Jtye Flour.
Just Received Our Flilt Invoice ot
Summer Sauspgc.
Fancy Creamery nnd riiry Mutter.
THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1893.
Kngngeirent Kxtraordlnnry.
The great lietolo actiess, .MISS
Agnes Herndon
Presenting her famous tlve-ot
comedy drama,
"La Belle Marie
Or, A Wcraon'B Ilevenge.
A supporting company of rnro oxcellencc.
perfect performance iiutgulH
ccully stuged.
Prices, as, 50 nntl 73 Ccnlg
Reserved seats on sale at Klrlln's drug etoio
MONDAY, MARCH 6th, '93
In The
Witch !
53rd Week of Presentation.
C77lh Performance.
"Best Ainerlcn play yet written.
Prices, 25, 50 nncl 75 Cent?
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store,
FRIDAY, MARCH 10th, '93
15th year of the great fun creator.
Presenting his famous Yunkee comedy,
Special Scenory from his
Alvln Theatre, Pittsburg.
, 180 Laughs in 180 Minutes,
Prices, 25, 50 and 75 Cents
Reserved seats on sale at Klrlln's drug storo
Celebrated Porter, ile and Bee
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Home-made Hag Carfet
Taken out of the loom to-day. Others for 45,
50 aud E2c, extra heavy. Brussels and Ingrain
Carpets and Oil Cloths. Remnants will be sold
almost at your own price.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardm St
Body and Tapestry Brussels,
New Hoys, Choice Pattern,
Another Shipment of
Oranges Direct From Florida,
Nov on tlie Way.
it is mason mm !
Argument In the Shenandoah
Water Company's Injunction
Suit Against This Borough
Again Postponed.
Special IIkiiald Corre.pondcnce.
1'orrs villi;, March 2, 1 p. m.
LL anxiety regarding
tho vHoHiioy on the
boneh caused by tlio
death of Judgo Green
Is at end. Governor
Putt iso n has made his
appointmentund Mason
Woidmsn, Esq., ono of
tho most brilliant and popular lawyers of
this place, is tho appointee. The news of tho
appointment lias just reached hero and is
Many peoplo of Shenandoah were visitors
to tills city to day and called nt tho court
houso. Most of them wero hero to attend
tho argument on the injunction caso of tho
Shenandoah Wator Comny against the
Borough of Shenandoah, but they wero die
appointed, as tho argument has again been
postponed indefinitely.
"The Ilurglar."
Tho presentation of thoabovo named play
at Ferguson's theatre last night wasadecided
success in every way, but tho attendance was
far smaller than it should havo been. Tho
play is adapted from Mrs. Faunlo Hodgson
Burnett's story "Editha's Burglar," and is
full of interest from beginning to end. Tho
character of Eilitha as portrayed by little
Dora Briscoe, is that of a simplo-hearted
llttlo child who knows no fear, and has so
little knowlcdgo of evil that sho treats tho
"Burglar" with tho greatest politeness, and
oven volunteers to show him what ho had
bettor take. In quaintness and originality
of expression Editha suggests Little Lord
FounUeroy Tbo play is clean and whole
some, and teaches a powerful lesson of tbo
danger of ovil companionship for young
Tht, r.nuglnnz Case.
A caso that has been attracting the atten
tion of our town peoplo for some timo past is
that of Mrs. Longlanz against Mrs. Malia
Jbr slander. Both parties aro residents oi
town. It seems Mrs. Longlanz charged that
somo timo ago, in a wordy quarrel, Mrp,
Ifalia made statements imputing her (Mrp,
jjuuki.uib ciiuuiuy. lesieruay tno caso
was arbitrated at Pottsvillo beforo Messrs,
11. u. uartholcmew, S. M. Mortimer and
Jeremiah Seitzinger and an award of six
cents damages was given Mrs. Louglanz, but
she was directed to pay half tbo costs. W. J.
Wiiitehouso, tho plaintiffs counsel, says he
will appeal tho case.
Youugr Men to tlio Front,
Reference to another column of this paper
will show that Mr. B. B. Sovern, tho enter
prising and successful merchant of town, has
announced himself for County Commissioner,
in Mr. faevern will bo fouu-t tho right
materiil for such a position. The gentleman
comes from a patriotic family, several mem
bers of which served their country faithfully
aud died in its defence. Ho has hosts of
friends and if they go into tho fight they will
win. In addition to this Mr. Severn cau
rilly to his support a great portion of tho
young element of all parties.
About Gambling.
Editor Herald: The question asked bv
a reader of your paper, yesterday, concerning
the pulling of gambling dens in town is to
the point, but too much credit is boiug given
tho PotUville police, for thisgreatact. Potts-
villo is full of such holes that ought to havo
been cleaned out long ago. It remained for
them, at this lato day, to pounce upon a few
Isrealites. It is it beginning. Thoy should
continue tho good work.
J. E. W.
Murch 1, 1603
Injured ut Philadelphia,
Information was received here to-day to
tho ollbct that Jacob Wauamaker, furnierly of
Delano and employed as conductor on the
looal Lehigh Valley braueh, was seriouly
ujured In the Pennsylvania yards in Phil
adelphia when coupling oars yesUrtUy. Ho
was squeezed between bumpers.
A later authentic report states that Mr,
Wanaruaker was run over by a train, His
left leg was cut off and the other so badly
crushed that; amputation was necessary.
ncury Lachleltucr, II years of age, died
at his home, No. 209 West Centre stroet, yes-
terday, of asthma and heart failure. It has
been flvo yoars since ho was able to follow his
calling and during that time his vitality had
gradually beconio weaker. On Friday last
ho became much worse and from then ou his
failure was rapid. The funeral will take
place on Saturday morning, at 0.-30 o'oloek, to
rooed to tbo Catholic church for High
Mam. Iu torment In Oatholio otmelerv.
Uine'. Family ATeillcluo Moves the lluwel.
Each day. In order to be heltby this it
10,000 VOTBS.
311m Wntloy tins Ciinalderably Over
18,000 uiul a strung Jluh! on Second
Plupn The Unind Torl of
Votes CloM) to TS.OUn.
Nellie Balrd lfioso
Muroell. Waslej lfi7il
Atni8ttu 1H877
Mary A. Donnelly... 7010
Mahal Falrehlld .... 5507
Frank It. Williams &m
Carrie Faust J8
Bridget A. Burns 1937
Anna M.Dengler gj2
Llllle B. Phillips..: 1881
Mary A. uafferty lii
Mary A. Stack usu
OnrrieM. Smith 1043
llBjWielless 780
Jutne R. Lewis 451
Ell.t Ulauser m
Maggie Caranaugh :il
Annie Manseil 859
Clara Cllne , mt
Hannah Ueoso 203
Hadlet)antell 199
Irene Shane f
Jonuto Ilumage i&!
LU.u Lehe i
Llzalo O'Uonnell no
Votee polled yeslciday 3IW
Grand total 71119
Tho seventh wock of tho Hukald's popu
lar teachers' contest will not close until
Saturday evening yet tlio grand totnl of votes
to-day is vory Bhort of tho 7C,d00-mark.
Thlg ii ample proof of the stupendous success
the ooutest has mot with, on average way
above 10,000 votes a week aud 1,000 voto? a
day, excluding Sundays.
Fow people realize tho groat amount of
of time and labor that has been consumed in
tbo handling of the coupons already in hand
and tho amount of paper consumed in their
manufacture Try to think of tho propor
tions tho contest has assumed, reader. There
aro 74,1 19 coupons iu hand. If theso wero
pasted ono to another at tho narrow ends
they would make a string in length 114,891
inches, or a fraction over 37,07 1 feet, or a
string that would extend from Shenandoah
to Lakeside.
As tho record in tbo tablo below shows ono
of tho contestants, Miss Baird, husgono abovo
tho 15,000 mark and Mis3 Wasley 13 abovo
13,000. Miss Stein is third with over 12,000
votes to her credit, and tho fourth, fifth and
sixth contestants each havo nioro than 5,000
In comparing our returns with those of tho
similar contest now boing conducted by tho
Now i. ork Press we find much upon which
to congratulato ourselves. Of tho flvo
loaders in that contest 110 0110 has 5,000 votes,
Our loader, as our tablo shows, has 15,020.
Tho lowest of tho flvo Press leaders has but
2,7J9 votes, while tho lowest of our flvo has
5.597. Tho combined veto of tho first twelve
contestants in tho Now York City tcachors1
ooutest Is 30,72". Tho combined voto of our
twelvo is GS,32ti.
Miss Russell, of Boston, is visiting friends
iu town.
H. J. Kclley, of Ceutralia, was in town
this morning.
Mrs. Dr. Matter left town this morning to
visit lriends at Minersvillo.
ltov. Mann, of Ashland, preachod in tho
Presbyterian church last night.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. M. Hollopotor visited
frionds at tho county seat to-day.
George T, Harrison, of Topeka, Kansas,
spent a few hours here yesterday.
Mrs. Slattery and, Miss Tessie,
spent to-day visiting friends at Pottsvillo.
Mrs. William R. Prattfcnd herraothor, Mrs.
Paul Quick, aro visiting friends at Dolauo.
Thomas J. Davies, tho genial agent ut tlio
Lehigh Valloy station, went to Philadelphia
this morning.
Miss Emma Williams, of Philadelphia, who
was visiting friends in town, loft this morn
ing to visit in Pottsvillo.
Tho representatives of the Department
Encampment of the G. A. R., Messrs. Gibson,
D.uldow nnd Boyor, are home again.
J. J. Price, the North Main street dry
goods merchant, has so far rocovored from
hie illness as tube able to take short walks.
Elmer Wasley, William Kimmel and T. R.
Beddall and J. II. l'omeroy, Esqs., went to
Potteville this morning to look after the
water case.
'Squire "Jack" Mouaghau, of the First
ward, left for Washington this morning. He
oxpects to return with bis commission as
Daniel Brennan, John Conry, Enoch
Decker and Michael Mullahey were among
the townsmen who were attraoted to the
county seat to-day by the license decisions,
It Is Strlctlv an Amarlnan rmiw1v huma.
made and without forolgh flavor. w refer to
Solvation OH. the rratlwt nnrn 1 nnrtli fnr
A Kara Chance.
Tho license, good will and fixtures of tho
Paul Summa saloon, on 8outh Main street, is
offered for sale. Possession given Immedi
ately. For furthor particulars apply to
2-28-tf J. J. Fbanby.
Housekeeper wanted in small family. Ap
ply at 100 N. Main itreet. 3-81-tf
F. J. Brennau, W. P. Dalaney, P. J. Fer
guton and a erowd of other young fallows
eivJoyod a sleigh rldo to the Oatawlssa Val
ley last night.
Beet Work done at Jlrennan's Steam Lan ri
ds?. Everything white and tnotlese. Laee
ourtaim a specialty. Al.v.uik.uajanteed
XjAst Niaar.
Bx-Seoretary Gable Has Engaged
Counsel to Make Collection of
fhe Difference Between Hie
and Other Salaries.
CHOOL BOARD met v'mn8 wa-liington lor the purpose of per
last night in the office 9ua,lllK tllB new Administration to turn out
ofSuierinio!identFre.ithe riHcal,y Republican ollloe-hoWers, a
man, iu the High sohool worl1 of Hj,ioe m not me aml"' Duu't
building. Despite the I B ,mtU arter 5rreu and then 'l'Pl
ravages of the flro a foralon8 The first, lirt tf this in-
fow weeks ago tho Junu"011 is ma& iu "'e interest of the
quarterspresented their ', iuil8ry PIum hunter. If he goes to visit the
fold-limo appearanoo
and wero very com-
Tlio members who attended tho meeting
wore Messrs, Conry, O'llearn, Ilurke, Lynch,
Bicunmi, Hiintiii, Beddall, Ogden, Miildoor,
Bauijhmau, Gallnglier, Trozlso and Daven
porl. Ex-Secretary Gable, who is still a monitor
of tlio board, was not present, but had a
representation iu tlio person of S. G. M. Hoi
lopeter, Esq., his counsel. The latter sprung
a little surprise on tho board by Btating ho
had been retained by Mr. Gable to present a
claim for tho difference between tho amount
usually allowed secretaries of the boirdfor
salary and the amount paid Mr. Guide.
Mr. Hollopeter said that uwoiding to the
facts furnished him ho learned that at tho
timo Mr. Gable was elected secretary of tbo
board, Juno lit, 1891, the salary of the ollico
was $200 and tlio additional salary for tho
secretary as librarian was $75, making a total
of $275 a yenr. That on Juno 3d, 1891, aflor
Mr. Gablo's election, the board roducod the
salary of secretary to $25 a yoar and that of
librarian to $10, a total of $3;
Tho counsel then proceeded to eutimeruto
tho number of pages of minutes written and
number of orders drawn by various secro
tarios of tho board siuco its organization in
order to comparo tho work done by Mr.
Giblo with that done by tho secretaries who
wero allowed tho full combined salary of $275
a yoar, and closod with tho statement that
during tho term of 1891.92 thero was more
businosa transacted by Mr. Gable, as secretary,
than has been douo by any other secretary of
tho board siuco its organization, with possibly
tho exception of Mr. Yost when ho sol ved his
first your in tho ollico,
Mr. Hollopeter said his object was to glvo
tho board a chanco to arrange tlio matter
amicably. Ho did not wish to tuke tho
matter into court and have any dirty liueu
washed thero. There ii no doubt that his
client had a good claim, Mr. Hollopeter said,
and thoy havo too much rospoct for the
School Board to drag it into any litigation
without first affording amplo opportunity for
u settlement.
iho board decided to refer tho matter to
its solicitor.
As tho school month will not end until
Tuesday noxt, Superintendent Freeman could
not make a statistical report. Tho superin
tendent stated tiiat Miss Ramage, tho teacher
of Music, has recovered sufficiently to givo
moro attention to tho classes, but tho physi
cian advises Miss Eamago not to undertake
the drilling of tho schools for tho graduating
exercises, as tho work might cause tho teacher
to break down again. For that reason Mr.
Freeman asked, in behalf of Miss Ramage,
that tho board allow tho teacher to employ
assistance for tho drilling oxercises.
After somo discussion Mr. Fieeman staled
that Miss Eamago's health would allow hor
to continuo tho ordinary duties of her
position aud assistance was enly required for
tho arduous work of drilling tho classes for
tho commencement exercises; that tho teacher
wished to keep that department of the
schools up to tho standard and fur that reason
would pay tho assistant from her own purse.
Tho board granted tho request. It is under
stood that Prof. Thomas B. Hughes, the
well known choir loader of town, will be the
assistant, although tho definite announce
ment to that effect has not been made.
Another important piece of business trans
acted was tho olection of a director to fill
the vacancy caused by tho resignation of
William P. Williams, who represented the
Second watd on the board and recently
moved to Strong, Northumberland county.
The question of filling the vacancy was
brought up at the last meeting of the
directors, before the lust spring election, but
it was decided to leave the vacancy open to
see who tho people of the Second ward would
elect ou olection day.
It was generally believed that after the
electiou the elevted party would be selected
by the board to fill Mr. William's chair until
the begluuiug of the term in June, next, hut
the result of last night's transaction showed
that the belief was erroneous.
Tho board decided to proceed with an olec
tion to fill tho vacauoy and nominations were
called for. Mr. Muldoon nominated Mr. F.
Bronnan, who was defeated at the public
elootion by Mr. H. W. Titmau, the Citizens'
oandidato. Mr. Beddall named tho latter. A
vote was taken and Mr. Brennan was elected
on the first ballot, The eight Democratio
members present voted for him and tho six
Citizens' members stood by the Sehool Director-elect.
As a result of the election Mr.
Brennan will fill the place until June 1st
next, whon Mr. Titmau will step in by vir
tue of his nublio election.
Mr. Gallagher stated that he understood
that somo of the High school pupils are tak
ing ail vantage of the teachers. He was
iuformed that put tl In Mr J'lirhart'.H room
and one iu Mib3 t lint's .uked pcimission at
the same time to leave the rooms and are
frequently absent together for m long M hftlf
an hour. Mr. Gallagher alto lilntatl Mint
ome of the pupil have been taking ontirtes
in some places that aro not embraced la the
High school curriculum.
Superintendent Freeman mid he will
investigate tho matter and put the teachers
on their guard.
Mr. Ogden inado a report in belialf of the
Finance Committee, showing the Imlanoe In
H'" School Hoard's treasury Is $11,836.16.
Washington I'repuriuK 10 Act tlio Part ot
11 I.ORTtllcil HlKliH-Hyiimn,
Schuylkill county Democrats who intend
,nuBl" iin tne iuea ot impressing air.
ueveinuu mm ins niiportaiioe no will be
disappointed, and will spend a great deal of
money. Washington only gets a oliauoe once
in four yoars to rob the general public and
sho makes the most of her opportunity. She
is preparing to act the part of a legalised
highwayman this week. The exorbitant
rates to be charged hve roused the criticism
of cvon the most bigoted of the national
capital papers.
Tlio advice to go prepared for a long stay is
given because of the repeated intimidations
of Mr. Clovo'aud's lieutenants that changes
will be made slowly, and tho prospect for Ml
extra session is growing. In the latter cose
Mr. Cleveland will have his hands full direct
ing Congroas and will have no time to spend
on office seekers. It is reported that ho has
called off hli loaders and given up hope of
accomplishing any financi il legislation this
woek, which is taken as an indication that he
will call an extra sossion for tho purpose of
putting his ideas into laws.
ilsfurenccs to 1'erguson Theatre
Miss Agnes Herndon will appear at Fergu
son's thoatro in "La Hello Marie, or a
Woman's Revengo,"a five-act oomcdy drama, '
this evening.
"the witch."
Mario Hubert Frohman will play a return
engagement presenting for tho second timo in
this city "Tho Witch," by Philip Hamilton
aud Marie Madison. "Tlio Witch" is a
peculiar play doscriptivo of tlio operation of
the blue laws In tho old days whon witches
wero supposed to oxist, It is a work of
fiction, but is based ou historical facts and tho
dress and mannors peculiar to (ho days of
witchcraft in Massachusetts. To tho student
of history tho play must prove Instructive,
and even of absorbing interest, whilo the
averago theatregoer who seoks recreation at
tho play house will doubtless find it an
interesting novelty. "The Witch" will
appear at Ferguson's theatre on Monday
evening, March Gth.
Must Sell Out.
As my store room is rented aud I must
vacate, it is necessary that I shall sell out my
cntiro stock of dry goods, ladies' and child
ren's underwear and hosiery, boots, shoes and
rubbers, etc. There will bo an auction overy
night and private sales during the day until
March 1st. Soli's Bargain store, 25 South
Main street, noxt door to his clothing store,
Shenandoah. 2-14-tf
Political Points.
Ofllce-seokers aro oil' for Washington.
On and after Saturday tho Democrats will
havo a mortgage upon the whole country.
Ihere is much uneasiness among tho office
holders in Washington.
The country will survivo tho shock the
Domocrats propose giving it.
Judge W. F. Sadler, of Carlisle, will bo a
candidate for Supremo Judgo this year.
Commissioner Eecd will be a candidate for
It is proposed to hold a lovo feast before tho
noxt Republican county convention meets,
and have all factions of the party present,
A good idea. I
Milt. Masters has determined to make a
vigorous canvass for the County Treasurer-
ship on the Democratio ticket.
Twelve Photos for Me.
By sending us yoar cabinet, together with
' eanta, we will finish yon one dosen photos.
l--tf W.A. Xbasjey.
S Par Cent.
The following collieries drawn to retam
prices of ool sold iu February, to detertnlita
the rate of wges to the mid for tee werk in
the last half of February and jtret half of
March, make the following resort :
Ollberton colliery, p. R. C. I. Oo...Al(
Draper "
LKjoust spring " " ...,tt
Tho average of these prices is S.8183 and
the rate of wages is 6 per eatit. above the
$2.50 basis.
Keep it in the house and it will save you
many uu anxious moment during the otatwee
ot seavou aud weather; we refer to Ur. Ban s
Cough Syrup, the best remedy for oouch and
Bay Keystone flour. Be sure that the
same Lbwio & Baku, Ashland, Ps, is printed
4u evei? sack. 3-3-3taw
A leadipg druggist recently- sold a bottle f
Dr. Cow's Wild Cherry anil Seneka that
effected sack a mireeuleeg cure as to render
it the lead 111 1; iik1 and Croup Syrup of the
ti'W a ut nun-
Boat photographs and ersyoos at Dabb's.