The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 24, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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tMMtlilM CJUr AnliMl tho KiwiIlsMrV,
Prom the Philadelphia "Star."
The midden ami successful attack on the
Heading Railway the collapto of IU credit
and the management finding safety in a ro
ceWerehlp are the historical event of the
week. When well itudled It will he Men
that they possess historical value In the
gravest sense.
The Heading Hallway h month ago was a
power. It auswered so much of what was
Implied In the aspirations fur a New Phila
delphia. The terminal on Market street
Meant rapid transit to attractive suburb.
The opening of avenues Which the increase
of business had obstructed made possible
splendid improvement) in the sections around
the park, rhlladctphia came in dliect con
nection with Buffalo and New England. Tin
Royal Blae line was a now highway to the
Sooth. The commerce of Philadelphia re
ceived a fresh impetus. The grain which
bad been carried past our wharves to New
York rested at its natural point of shipment.
Philadelphia saw in the Reading a companion
to lite great Pennsylvania corporation, which,
liowover able to manage tho business of
twenty years ago, has in recent times found
lrg resources strained to meet the demands of
increased prosperity. The alliances with the
Lehigh Valley and the Jersey Central wen
Justified by their value to all concerned. The
opening of markets in Now England, as a re
suit of the New Kngland alliances, meant
that cheapening of coal which, under tht
Jaws of trade, would have followed th
greater demand. The pride of Philadelphia
In the Reading wn simply a recognition o
tho coming of a now agency to servo tin
people and advance the interests of thocit..
mid state. In other words, we had two rail
ways Instead of one, and we welcomed tin
Kcoud as another benefit to tho community
From the timo tho Reading showed signs ol
awakening from its dormant condition then
WW war. First came tho autagonlsm ol
business rivalry. When the leases wero made
H dozen law suit3 were developed. Througl
an extraordinary manifestation of justice in
Now Jersey an ox parte cause was dealt with
as though it had been an action on appeal
Stop by step tho possibilities of human in
genuity wore taxed to overthrow tho Read
ing Tho effect of those proceedings was to
paralyze every effort towards progress, and
mako easy this recent culmination which has
brought so much dismay to tho community.
and such widespread disaster to thousands of
Innocent men and women
Tho policy of business rivalry which is to
bo accoptod and met In all business affaire
was followed by the policy of defamation
Nothing is clearer, now that tho smoko of
the hattlo is dying out, than that tho clamoi
against what was called "tho coal combine'
W8 n pretext to arouse popular hatreds,
Tho New Jersey litigation, which was to
"reduce coal" to somo such rate as a dollar a
ton, and which has not yet nfler'ted it a penny
shows what every careful observer knew
that the price of coal, liko that of other
oimmodities, depends upon laws of supply
and demand and was not amenable to ju
dicial tribunals.
The clamor, howevor, served Us turn. It
gave the Beading in outside circles an ill
name. It was an appeal to poverty, suffering
and want. Coal was high, poople were told
because a few "coal barons" would revel in
money stolen from their hearthstone. Coal
is no cheaper, and yet these very "coal
barons" are compelled to ask for a receiver,
In the meantime, while tho air reeked with
these invectives directed against tho hu
inanity and even the christian spirit ot tb
Beading management, the other Influences
were making ready. It would not do that
Philadelphia should advance with too much
rapidity. This one incident alone of the
grain trade seeking our wharves instead of
those a hundred miles away had its effect.
Philadelphia must be taught a lesson and
more especially when a Philadelphia cor
poration actually proposed to inako alliances
with New England, independent of New
York. That was an insolenco that Now
York could never endure.
The railway system of New England had
for a long period been looked upon ns a
special perquisite in New York. It was a
sacred property, not to be touched by profane
bauds. There might bo milking and water'
ing andlotlier depleting pui poses, but the60
only when under the direction of somo Now
York mind. It was natural that tho Read
ing, with the consent of the ISoston and
Maine system, should seek harmonious rela
tions. The Boston and Maiuo is ono of tho
best properties in tho oountry. Tho allianco,
so far as the Reading was concerned, was
simply that of the prudent business man, who
lakes another partner with abundant; capital.
Apart from that It opened to the Reading
new markcits In anthracite and made possible
close intercourse with the Canadian railways
which now stretch to the Pacific. It was a
step toward our share of the splendid com
merce of Asia.
The details of recent events can only be
surmised. We can see now how the Wall
street people planned their surprise. Pi ret
earn a current of rumors whispers of de
feiofttjoti. President McIeod was sedu
lously assailed. The attacks were personal,
venomous, scurrilous. Tho stock was steadily
sold short. Although three millions had
been ditbursed since New Year by the Bead
ing to pay the interest on the deferred in
come bonds, although every obligation
aeeruing with the New Year was faithfully
kept, the credit steadily sank under the
prUtiit hammering. The last detail is
Aeserihed In the New York 'Hma. The
WKHiey in the banks was "looked up." Then
loans in financial institutions based upon
pleading securities were called in, or some
other seourity demanded. With no money
available, and Beading tumbled on the
market, there caste a panic Never were so
many shares sold in a single day. The
capital stock of the road was sold over and
over a fain. The operators realised large
iront- The people, the poor innocent in
vestors, were fleeced and shorn.
Stun mi ng up this campaign we may specify
its retails m follows:
I, Philadelphia has received a staggering
blow, one from whleh it will take a long
time to reeow.
II. The Beading has been interrupted in a
policy of development which meant great
oou to tiie city atiu Mate.
III. As estimated by the New York papers,
the losses to the holders of Reading securities
amount to twenty-four millions of doilais,
IV. The general blow to railroad credit is
almost Irreparable.
In a word, It has been possible for a
company of Wall street bandits to single out
special property, rich in itself, carefully and
wisely managed, rob those honestly holding
its securities of twenty-four millions of
money, and force it Into the bauds of a Re
We are free to eall this proceeding robbery,
because there was a time in the stringent
days of English jurisprudence when folks
wero hanged in chains of similar transactions.
One of them, Captain Kidd, had been a
resident of New York, where he moved in
good society, belonged to the Colonial Four
Hundred, and was a friend of the nobleman
xvho governed the celony. Hut the captain
had fallen upon primitive times, when laws
were drastic, and Instead of the social
recognition due to astonishing "financial
micoom, lotiml nunsell dangling in chains,
to the comfort of the carrion birds which
hoverod over London Ilriilgo.
This, however, is only by tho by as n his
torical incident. There lire graver Issues in
volved in tills war upon the Reading tliRn
those which appertain to that corporation.
rhe fsot that a clique of financial operators
can lake possession of all the money in tin-
banks, create n stringency, raid an honest
md woll managed railway, and carry ofl
twenty-four millions of monoy, is of the
ravt import. It means that anarchy and
Kicialism are to be found among the masters
of millions, and not tho harmless, starving
poor. Wo sec in it a symptom of universal
unsoundness. It would bo impossible in nn
honest, law-abiding commuulty. Such an
incident explains tho unrest which spreads
over tho country, the strange power of radi
cil thinkers liko Henry George. Tho rail
way is as necessary to the farmer as tho veins
,iud arteries to tho human body. When the
farmer learns that Wall street with im
lunity, nay, more, with the counivanco and
issistaiico of tho United States treasury, and
tho morbid applause of that prurient senti
nent which alone worships success, delibcr
itely cripples and robs his railway can wc
wonder at tho spirit of mutiny which ox
cites universal apprehension ? Why should
wo complain of the socialists' attacks upon
property, when tho men who deal in money
can carry away twenty four millions when it
'leases them, as they did in tho thrco days'
Reading raid.
Tho tactics which threw tho Reading into
tho hands of a Receiver would destroy any
property. In fact, no property is safe while
thoy go unpunished, llioso railway wars
aro the scandals, if not tho crimes of tho
hour. Thoy bring low upon thousands of in
uocjnt investors. No ono can buy a railway
.diare without tho fear that ho holds a value
which may bo swept away from him by Wall
s roet in a day. Hut tho loss In tho end will
fall upon the railways and the financiers
themselves. Truly they are playing with tin
tiro. Behind this Wall street exultation over
tho raid upon the Reading as a "brilliant
financial battle," there is a deep seated feel
ing, and especially in Pennsylvania, that
wanton, cruel wrong lias been done Once
more, and with tho deepest sincerity, woasay
It is playing with fire. It will arouse a senti
inent which all the money in Wall street and
all the fluancial genius now outside of tho
-Sing Siug penitentiary will not down.
rntnHlce Koblied.
Batii Beach, L. L, Fob. 31. Tho post
office on Benson avenue, tills place, was
entered by burglars some time during
the night; the sale, mown open ami its
contents of stamps and cash, amounting
to about ?1,UIM carried oil. There is no
cluo to the robbers. Tho postoflice was
robbed of 1,100 in n similar manner last
fall, but the burglars kwere never cap
Sontuuceil lor Ultlnnpiilng.
New York, Feb. 24. Mrs. Hosnnna
Leek, who was recently convicted for ab
ducting 25-year-old Ivy Roche, has been
sentenced to the peuiteutiury for two
years nnd six months, llnrry Lawrence,
nllas Jacob Storms, with whom Ivy went
to Yonkers is bhortly to be tried for
criminal nt-sault and abduction.
Mulls Delayed Nearly Three Days.
Babive, Vt., Feb. 24. Owing to th
ueavy snow storm no mans from uny
direction were received in this city for
nearly three days past. The Central
Vermont railroad has suffered greatly.
Passenger trains were badly blocked and
freight trains were discontinued until the
road was cleared.
Chicago l'oltce Watching Strikers.
CniCAao, Feb. 24. Police in uniform
were this morning detailed along the
tracks of the Wostern Indian road from
tho Polk street depot to Thirty-first street,
but tbere were no signs ot trouble Tli
strikers showed no disposition toward
attempting toiuterfere with the property
or the company. I
Another Accident
In a Colorado Mine.
Como, Col., Feb.
24. Another fatal
aocident has just occurred in the coal
mines at King, where so many men lost
ttielr lives about four weeks ago. Th
oxploston occurred shortly after the men
had ttone to worlc. Two miners wer
fatally burned and one or two injured.
They were Italians.
Notaries I'uhllo Appointments.
Albant, Feb. 3. The list of notaries
public to lie appointed this year will be
bent to the Senate by the Governor for
confirmation early next week. Those wh
have neglected to make application for
re-appomtment 'should do so without
Cheap Mime Man Failed.
Nw Yojuc, Feb. 84. Richard A. Saal
field, publisher and dealer In oheap
music, this city, has assigned to Thomas
C. Walton, with preferences to about SO
Hmo Story froui Montana.
IIjxena, MonU, Feb. 28. The Joint
ballot for benatoi- -i-sulted: Mantle, ol
Clark, 86; Dixon, U; Couch, 1; Hunt, 1;
Ailtcueti, x. no ouoioe.
Senatorial Situation Unchanged.
Oltupia, Wash., Fh, H4. The ballot
for United Suites beuutor yesterday was
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
DSftfetl Baking
A Trn Yoar Old Muriltu-or.
Font Smith, Ark., Feb. 24. Dan Pai
itall, n ten year old boy, bad been con
ic1 oil of murder In Judge Parker's court
Me crime for which l'aschall was oon
iciid win tho killing of Arthur Barry
t Kiebs, 1. T. Several boys were miss-
iig the home of the prisoner and threw
ick at Htm. This no ineeuseu tho
ittle fellow that he took his father's gun
,iud fired u them resulting In the death
if one of l..e number.
To 1111 Hcnatttr If agtm's I'lucc.
Albany, Feb. 24. Gov. Flower has
sHiied a ptoclaimttlou ordering a special
lection to be held on Tuesday, March
21, to fill the vacancy in the ollloe of
State Senator for the Ninth Senate tlis-
rict of the State ot New York, In oonse-
uence of the death of Edward P. llngiin.
u is necessary for the Democrats to 1111
his seat, in order that tho business of
he Senate will not bo blocked.
Mr. Cleveland Had a Quiet Day,
Lakewood, N. J.. Feb. 24. Mr.
Cleveland was undisturbed yesterday,
l hero being no callers at tho cottage
apon either social or political business.
Mr. Cleveland said last night, in reply
to a question as to whether Judgo
Qroshani would lie lioro to day: "I seo
hat Mr. Groslmin is to bo in Now York,
but I do not know whether ho will come
to Lakuwood or not."
Imtly Soiiioi-Kut to bturt a JN'ew l'uper.
Boston, Feb. 21. Lody Henry Somer
set, president ot tho British Women's
temperance Union, desires to enlarge
ho executive committee and make it
representative of tho whole country. She
is about to start u paper called the
"Woman's Herald," which will set forth
her views and bo an expouent of tho
broader policy of the World's W. C. T. U.
Chlcnco Switchmen' Strike Still Oil.
Chicago, Feb. 24. Trains on tho Chi
cago it: western Indiana ure from
ouu to three hours behind time, though
the mails are put through on time.
I'ho oflichus f tho are doing the
work o switch tenders, and say that
they do not expect a strike on any other
branch of the service. They expect to bo
running as usual within u few days.
Itcudlng Itecclvcrs in Huston.
Boston, Feb. 21. On application of
Thomas C. Piatt, of Now York, Justice
Nelson, of tho United States Circuit
Court, has appointed A. A. MoLeod, K.
M. Paxson und ii P. Wilbur auxiliary
receivers to have charge ot all the prop
erty ot the Philadelphia & Reading rail
road and coal companies in this State.
A bond of 430,0U0 will bo given.
"Wyoming Souatur Appointed.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Fell. 24. A. 0.
Beckwith, Democrat, ot Kvuustou, tho
wealthiest ninn in Wyoming, will bo a
United states Senator for the next two
years. His selection to that ollico has
been announced by Gov. Oaboru. it be
came necessary to appoint on account of
tho Legislature adjourning without elect
ing. Anarchists ActlVK In Spain.
Madrid, Feb. 24. A strong forco of
tho city guard has been ordered to Alcoy
to repress any utteinpc by Anarchists to
create a disturbance. The Anarchists
havo posted placards inciting working
men to social revolution, but it is
though the prompt action of the govern
ment will prevent any overt act.
1. ICfUfama
I.ynn, Mass.
For the Good of Others
Jlcv. Mr. Williams Heartily En
dorses llood'H Sarsaparllla.
We are pleased to present this from
Hev. A. A. Williams, of the Sillsbee
street Christian Church, Lynn, Mass. :
"I see noreason why a clergyman, more than
a layman, who knows whereof he speaks,
should hesitate to approve an
Article of Merit
and worth, from which he or hla family havo
been signally beuellted, and whose commenda
tion may serve to extend those ueuollts to
others by Increasing their confidence. My wife
has tor many ears been a sufferer from severe
Nervous Headache
for which she found little help. She has tried
many things that promised well hut per
formed little. Last fall a friend gave tier a bot
tle of Hood's Harsaparllla. it seems surpris
ing what simply one bottle could and did do
for her. The attacks of headache decreased In
number and were less violent In tbdr inten
sity, while her 1,'f-neral health has been im-
Jiroved. iter appetite has also been better,
'lorn our experience with
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I have no hesitation In endorsing tia uarriM."
A. A. Williams.
HOOD'8 PlLLS &' the bet family cstburUe,
genu sod effective. Try a box Price 2Se
A very successful Corporation wants an Agent
to represent it In Shenandoah. Will nay at
least 1 160 per month. Uuslness Is endorsed by
Bant ana leading oouimurcial bouses. Agent
must Invest II. which is fully secured. No
peddling. A oba ce of a lifetime to obtain a
Kood paying business from tbe start. Address
tor particulars, "IDENTIFICATION," P. O.
Box 1338, New York. l-3-12t-t,ts,s
JlTrs. A.
It Xm Atl.'iiclfri by CoiifodrriltB Veteran
rruiii All Ovor Hie Smith.
N'H Ohi,kan, Feb. 24. The fnnerol
(ifGsn. Bcrnm-Ranl was ono of the larg
est and most Imposing ever witnessed in
Ibis city. All the exchanges were
closed as a mark ot respect to the de
censed General, whllo business in the
courts and other public offices was virtu
ally suspeudud.
All day a constant Btrcom of people
poured through the City Hall, where
the remains lay In state, to get a lust
glimpse of tho form of the well known
Among those who arrived to take part
in the ceremonies were Gov. Foster and
party from Baton Rouge, members of
Raphael Semuits Camp, Confederate vet
irivis from Mobile, and Col. J, B. Here
ford and Gen. Cabell, ot tho Traus-Mls--sisippl
The cortege moved from the City Hull
a little after 3 o'clock for the cemetery.
Doubting' Suffering Women
Alive to the Interests of
our lady readers, wo pub-
llisli ilrs. Mmnbons letter
to Or. Kennedy,
Dear Sir : I was nn In
valid for yeara, suffering
from kidney 1 rouble mid
female weakness. Phy
sicians prescribed for mo
and I took various rem
edies, but o benefit lesulted. Our daily
paper noticed tho success of Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Koinctly, of Kou
doui, N. Y., in cases similar to my own.
I purchased it. The first bottle taken In
small doses, but very reukr, improved
me lYondorfiilly. 3Iy complexion
cleared, nppolilo improved, sleep wis
sound nnd refresliiiifc'.und nlittlcfurther
use entirely cured me. There never was
a medicine for woman-kind, like Favorite
Heraedy. With nil my heart, let rue urpo
them to ufo it. Relief will be the result.'
Mits. S. V. SisirsoN, Turner, 111.
tjucu a iranii, candid
statement leaves the im
print of truth upon its
Tho host proof of tho
value of Dr. Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy, is the
Rood it has done. Whnt
reason then for one suffer
ing, or half sick, to
remain so.
Will ctira TTHhemt Uedleiuo ail Wcbbim resulting from
ortnax-uion or. tiraia, nerve lorcea.tir-eBsesor lout iCrcuon,
ft rr nib! eh'iuation. drain, loam a. nervous dubltltv. iilci t-
Icsfcnris, languor, rheumtthra, kidney, liver end I ladder
eompicitits.Jiime naett, luiaosgo, Bciaiica, geoerui uwic&uu,
etc Thin ekctrlc belt contains Wonderful Iinnroicmouttiovvi
Hotliera.rtDilRhea a current thtt U JnaUtotl tcltbytha
wearer or wo f 5,000, an J will cure all of the ubovo
dlactihei or no mir. Thousand li&va been cured by this mar
Tel otia invention after all other remedlei failed, end wo
rl?e hundreds of tastlmontall la this nnd ever? other eUU.
Uurj oncrful 1311'HUVEU EI.KtTHK! fil t-l'KN9)UV, ths
freoteat boon ever of7red weakmen, HER WITH ALL UCLTH
Bend for il!utrfttdrami)b)tjUp mailed, waltd, frtx'. Addru
No. 819 Broadway, NEW VOKKi
pocie joodg
Of Every Description.
Fags, Badges. Caps, Reganas, &t
Write for catalogues. CorroepondoncoBollcltco
Everything modeled after
Green's Cafe, l'hlladolphla.
32 S. Main St. i Slienantloali
The leading placo la town.
Has lately heen entirely reno
vated Everything new, clean
andiresh. The finest line of
Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, Sec, foreign and do
mestic. Free lunch served
o&ch evening. Big gchoonera
ot f resh,Beer,Porter, Ale, &c.
The underslgaed will sell at public sale oo tho
premises, weaaesajy, .Muroh lut, 1883,
at l.xo p m., the double
Situated on Oak street, between 5th and 0th.
oo itilutng two Btoro rooim, one of which Is
occupied by Itulph Fleetwood, btable on rear
end of 1 it. Good drainage. For further
iumouiars appiy to
Hheuanloah, Pa,
lllsmey-it-Liff trnd BI Kiltie Ajaul,
Office lleddkU's Dulldlnt, Bhenindhoi, Pt,
Lehigh Valley Division.
Anthraolte coal used ex
clusively, Insuring cleanli
ness mq comiori
rrangement of passenger trains Deo. 4, 18OT,
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
I'onn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Le-
Wuton, Hlatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua,
Aucntown, uotmcuem, mas ton, I'uuaaeipnia,
Hazleton, Weatherly, Quakake Junction, Del
ano and Malianoy City at C.01, 7.40, 9.08 a m.,
is.ox, a.iu, &.X7 n. m.
For New York. 6. "4. 9.08 o. m.. U.K. 3.10.
87 p. m.
For llazloton. Wllkes-Darre. White Haven.
Plltston, Liaceyvlllo, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly,
aiinira, itooneaier, Niagara I'ttiis anume west,
tcr, UulTaio or Niagara Falls), 8.08 p, m.
For llelvldcre, Delaware Water Cap and
3troudsburg, 0.04 a. in., 5.27 p. m.
or L,amuertviue anu Trenton, x.ub a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8 08 p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Uenova and Lyons, 10.41
m.. 8.08 p. m.
T ... , , ,1 T 1. .. 1 X. X
40, 9.08 n. m., 6.27, 8.03 p. m.
Aiirlnnnlnit UnnlAt-MM Dl..nMn. T . . w
l ui Auuciiurju, naucwiiii atuvaivu uu uuiir
her Yard, 1104, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. in., 3.10,
i.ct n. m.
For Soranton. 0.04 . 0.08. 10.41 a.m.. 3.10. 6.37
s.os p.m.
For Hazlebrook. Jeddo. Drltton and Freeland.
'5.04, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m 12.IW, 3.10, 5.27 p. m.
.40, 8.6!, 10.15 a. in., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.10, D.lfi
, m.
For Itaven ltun, Centralla, Mount Oarmel and
Shamokln, 8.52. 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.07 p. m.
For YateBvllle, Park l'laco, Mahanoy City and
Lieiano, o or, 7.w,, iu.ii a m,,, s.iu, d.ct,
ua. lu.ZH n. in
Trains will leave Shamoltln at 7.55, 11.55 a. m
1 10. 4.30. r.. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at
,1.05 a. m., 13.58, 8.10, 5.27 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for l'ottsvllle, 5.50, 7.40,
J.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 5.27, 8.03 p. m.
i.envo I'ousvuio ior auenunaoan, o.uu, 7.),
) 05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, B.8C
p. m.
Leave bncnanaoan ior nazicion, d.oi, y.iu, v.ue
10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.27, 8.03 p. m.
Loavo Hazleton lor Shenandoah, 7.30, 0.10
11.00 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 5.30, 7.10, 7.58 p. m.
Trains lcavo for Ashland, Glrardvlllo and Lost
:reel:, 7.29, 9.40 a. m 12.30, 2.45 p. in.
For Yatpsville. Park Place, Mahanoy Cits
Delano. Hazleton. Ulaclt Creek Junction, Pent
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
iiethlchera, uaston anu Now voric, k.iu a. m.
;.&5 p. m.
For Yuteavilfo. Park Placo. Mtthanov City an6
i-'nr j'miaacinnia s.oo d m.
Oelnno. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.30. 2.55. 4.40 0.01 D. m
Licavo riazicion ior ancnanaoan, e.ou,
i. m.. 1.05. 4.37 n. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5.50, 8.40,
I son. in.. 2.45 n. m.
Leavo Pottsville for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
..m.,l.&, 0.15 p. m.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
South Bethlehem, Pa
Trains leavo Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week davs
'.08,,10.08 a.m., 13.33 2.48,5.53 p.m. Sundaj
:.ud, 7.40 a. m. i''or jn ow y one via Maucn ununK
feeudavs. 7.18 a. m.. 13.33. 2.48 r. m.
For Readlne and Phfladelnhla. week davs,
.'.08, 5.2:4, 7.18, 10.08 a. m.,13.33, 2.48,5.53 p. m. Sun
lay,, 7.40 a. ra., i.s p. m
For Ilarrlaburg, week days, S.08, 7.18 a. m.
: 4, &.S3 p. m.
For Allentown, week days, 7.18 a. m., 12.
! 48 d. m.
For Pottsville, week days, 2.03, 7.18 a. m., 12.33
i 48, 5.53 p. m: Sunday, 3.08, 7.46 a. m., 4.28 p. m
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
:.08. 5.23. a. m.,12.33. 2.48. 5.53 rt. m. Sun
lay, 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional toi
vlahanoy City, week days, 6.58 o. m.
For Lancaster und Columbia, week days, 7. If
i. m., z.4ts p. m.
For Wlulamsport, Sunbury and Lowlsburg
voelt days, 3.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.58 pm
iundav, 3.23 a. m., 3.03 n. m.
l''or Mahanov Plane, weok davs. 2.08. 3.23. 6.23
M8, 10,08. 11.28 a. m., 12.33, 1.33, 2.48, 5.53, 6.58, B.3t
). m. suuaay, s.ub,, 7.41) a. m., b.uj, p. m
For Gtrarrtville, (Rappahannock Station)
veekdavs, 2.08, 3 23, 6.23. 7.18. 10.08. 11.28 a. m
'2.33,1 33, 2.48, 5.53, 0 58. 0 33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08
1.23, 7.30 a. m., 3.03, p. m.
For Ashland and Shamoktn. week days. 3.:
V23, 7.18, U.2S a. m., 1.33, 6.58, 8.33 p. m. Sun
lay, 3.23. 7.4 .1. m 3.03 p. m.
Leavo Now York via Philadelphia, week days
.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.15 night. Sun
lay, 6 00 p. m., 12.15 night.
Lsnvo Now York via Mauch Chunk, week days
1 00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. in. Sunday, 7.15 a. m
Leave I'hlladelnhla. week davs. 4.10. 10 00 a. m
I 00, 6.00 p. m., from Market and 12tttSts., and
-1.35 a. m., 11.80 p. m. from 9th and Grcon streets
Sunday, 9.0b a m., 11.30 o. m , from 9th and
Leave Reading, week days, l.b5,7.10, 10.06, ll.St
i. m., d.&d, 7.1)7 p. m sunoay, i.3t, iu.48 a. m.
Leavo Pottsville. week days. 2. 10. 7.40 a. m,
12.30, fl.ll p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. ra., 2.05 p. m
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.4S, 11.23 a
.o i.2i,, v.jb p. m. bunaay, a.iaj, 7.43 a. m
i.50 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.45, 9.18
11.47 a. m., 1,91, ..1-, 1.1.04 p. m. &unaay, 3.411, 8.1
1. m.. 3.20 p. m.
T HTnT.nnnn OlnMn R Jfl A IV
j.30,9.35.10. 40.11.59 a.m., 1.05,2.06,6.20,0.26,7.57,10.10
p. m. aunuay, 2.40, 4.00, 0..; a. m., 3.37, s.oi p. m
Leave Glrardvllle, (Rappahannock Station)
weoksdays, 2.47, 4.07, 0.36, 9.41 10.46a. m., 12.05,
3.12, i.ll, 5.26, 6.32, 8.03, 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.47
4.07. 8.33. a. m.. 3.41, 5.07 p. m.
Leavo Wllliamsport, weok days. 8.00, 9.50, 12.00
a. m., 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
B. & O. U. R.. throuirh trains leave Glrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia. (P. & R. R. R.) at
3 50, h.ui, 11.27 a. m., 3.50, b.42. 7.iu p. m. synaay
i 00, o.iu, ii. u. in.,, o.i, t.m p. xn.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharl
ana -outn street wnari, ior Atlantic city.
Weekdays Express, 0 00 a m, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00,
0 uo p. in. Accommouauon, o ou a m, 0 4D p in.
Bundays Express, 9 00. 10.00 a m. Accom
mndatlon. 8 1)0 a m and 4 30 n m.
Roturnlng leavo Atlantic City depot, Atlantic
ana Arkansas avenuos. weouaavs lsxpress,
7 uu, 7 40, tf uo a m unu a jonnuo p m
Accommodation, 8 15 a m and 4 30 pm.
Bundays Express, 4 00, 8 00 p m.
Accommodation. 7 15am and 4 30 p m.
O. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l pass'r Agt,
1. a. tiwrauAiiu. uen 1 manaeer
scnovr.Kii.i, division.
NOVEMUER 15. 1891.
Trains will loave Shenandoah after the above
date for Wlggan's, Gllborton, Frackvllle, Now
Castlo, Ht. Clair, Pottsville, Hamburg, Reading
Pottstown, Phcenlxvlllo. Norrlstown and Phil
adelphta (l)road street station) at 6:00 and 11 :46
a. m. ana 4ii3 p. m. onweeaaays. r or roue.
vllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
uastie, t. uiuir, i-oiisviuo ui u:w, v:4u a. m.
and 3:10 p.m. For Hamburir. Roadlmr. Potts.
town, Phoanlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at o:uo, u:4u a. m., 3:10 p. in.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Bhenandoah at
10:40,i m. and 12:14, 6:01, 7:12 and 10:00 p.m.
unaays, 11:13 a. m. anao:4u p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10:15.
11:48 a. m. und 4:40,7:15 and 9:42 p. m. Sundays
at 10:40 a. ra. and 5: 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street station) for
Pottsville and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 36 a m,
4 10 and 7 00 p m week days. On Sundays leave
at 0 50 a in. For Po ttsvllle, 9 33 a m. For New
York at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35, 6 50, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
9 50, 11 00, 11 14. 11 35 a m, 12 00 noon (limited ex
press 1 08 and 4 511 p ra) 12 44, 1 35, 1 40, 2 30, 3 30,
1 00, 4 02, 5 00, 6 00, 6 20, 0 50, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p
m, 12 01 night. Sundays at 3 20, 4 06, 4 40, 5 36,
8 12, 8 30, 9 5U 11 36 a m and 12 41, 1 40, 2 30, 4 02
(limited 4 50) 5 28, 6 20, 0 50, 7 13 and 8 12 p m and
13 Ot utght. For Sea Girt, Long Branch and In
termediate stations 8 20 and 1114 am, and 4 00
p m weekdays. For Baltimore and Washing
ton 3 60, 7 20, 8 31. 9 10, 10 30, It 18 a m, 12 35 (lim
ited express, t 30, 3 46,) 4 41, 657,7 40 p m 12 03
night. For Freehold only 5 00 p m weekdays.
For Baltimore only at 2 02, 4 01, 5 08 and 1130 p
m. Sundays at 3 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 a m, 4 41, 6 57
7 40 p in, 12 03 night Baltimore only 6 08, 11 30
p m. For Richmond 7 20am, 130pm and 12 03
night Hundays, 7 20 a m, 12 03 night.
Trains will leave Hurrlsburg for Pittsburg
and'the West every day at 12 26 and 3 10 u m
and (limited 3 00) and 3 40 p m. Way tor At
toona at 8 16 am and 4 10pm every day. For
Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 20 a m everyday
and' 10 20 p m week days.
Trains will leave Sunbury for Wllliamsport,
Elmlra, Canandalgua, Koohester, Buffalo and
Niagara Falls at 5 10 a m, and 1 35 p m week
days, For Elmlra at 5 30 p m week daya. For
Erie and Intermediate point at 5 10 a ra dally.
For Look Haven at 6 10 and 9 58 a m dally, 1 35
and 5 80 p m week days For Renoro at 6 10 a
m, 1 35 and 5 30 p m week days, and 6 10 a m on
Sundays only. For Kane at 5 10 an, 1 35 p m
weok days.
O. H. Peon, J. R. Wood,
den'I Manageri Oen'l Paaa'g1' Agt.
First National
ghciiMnUoHti, Peiina.
. W. LUISENRINQ, Prertdent.
P. J. FKRQU80N, Vloe President.
. It. LEISENUINQ, Cashier.
S. W, YOST, Assistant Cishler.
Open Daily From 9 to 3,
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
K'JQSortli Fourth Kb
WtlO below Green, Philadelphia
AFTER tbe family r.h;alclo.Q, tbe ho
I.ital utid Bdurtliing doctun have failed,
as n ell aa quaeki who proniiee to curt
you after all others Ml. and to glre yo
a vrltlcn guuritutre, free adtioe, fret
treatment; and after the belt sMhdlers,
Ue pill maoufucturers, with their so
called tonics, rt-Ktorathes, tablets, top.
porters, and other secret nostrum bum
bug concerns, the home cure medlclnea.
etc , elo , have swindled aud robbed you,
THEN (to and consult DR. 0. F. THEEI.
ho has hod 0 years' European Hospital and 6 years' practi
cal cxirtjrlcnoe, llo "xamlned by him II, mil t.iniildly tell yoo
vrhetbcryourcaselicjrable or not. He does not guarantee, not
doce he claim to be God's equal, but be dnos cuie the most dtt
ferate cases of Syphilis, Ulcers. Strictures, Gonorrhoea!
oison, and Discharges, buflcrers front Melancholia and
downbearledocss, and all those dleced ft 0111 etlecu or youthful
Indiscretion, of both se:es, are hi re of a cure. Remember,
DR. THEEL does cure hat all others only claim to do. DR.
T1IEEL uses common scne treatment. He combines the Alio,
pathlo. Homoeopathic, and Kclectle systems of tnedloine her
ever they are Indicated. Hours: Dally, u to 3 o'clock t eteu
logs, 6 to 8 , Wed. and Hat evenings from 6 to 10 o'clock t Sun
days, 9 to iz. Send ID eta. vorth of 2.ct. stamps for book
' Tnith," the only true medical book advertised, a friend to old.
Soung, sod middle-aged of both sexes. Wrlteorcall. AVOID
oetora warning you against medical books ; tbey are afraid yor
nlll find their ignorance exposed KKAP Dr. Theel's testl
moniais in Wednesday's and Satuiday's Philadelphia Tine.
Rubber Cemssat !
For Slate, Tile, Tin or Iron Roofs.
Sold In all size packages from 10 pounds up.
Pointing up and repairing all cracked Joints
m all kinds of roofs, and around chimneys,
coping stones, skylights, dormer windows,
nutters, wood or stuue work, breaks and nail
holes, or any place to be mado water-tlsht; un
quailed for laying und bedding iSLATE AND
I'lLU IU1OF8, alsoeoplngs. They will never
eak or becomo loosened- ItH very adhi sivo,
sticks iiimly to anything, forming a tough,
leathor-llko skin over tlie top, will not run 01
loosen from joints or cracks, summer or win
lor. This cement neeas no reference. It has
stood the tost for thirty-two years, and never
fulls to give perfect satisfaction. It is the
most useful article a roofer can have In his
shop. The cement Is prepared roAdy for use.
in Is to be applltd with a trowel, and Is kept
moist by keeping covered with watt r or oil,
.tnd will not get stiff or dry. Colors, brown and
Black. (Kstabllshed I860 ) Address,
J. G. IlKTZIiL, 58 Maine St., Newark, N. J,
Are sometimes a bore, but
when the people are told
twice that at Gallagher's
Cheap Cash Store they can
buy Flour and Tea at lower
rates than anywhere in town
they are glad to test the
truth of the oft repeated
story. He also keeps on
hand full line of Groceries,
Fresh Butter and Eggs, Po
tatoes, Green Truck, Hay
and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store I
Medical Ofilcci, 20C N. SECOND St., Tbllad's, Fa.
Are tbe oldest In America for the treatment of
SpeelBl Dixeautr fc Youthful Error.
Varicocele, llvlr He, ltuinure, I.riht Manliood.
Treatment Its' JtHil Ket?lBl(y. Corn,
muulcatlona sarmlly a nndcntiitl. Send stamp fll
Hook. Office liourat 0 A. M. to 2 1". M.. StoBl.
IM All day Bauilday. Sundays, 10 to 12 A M.
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana
Where ha will be pleated to meet the want,
of his friends and the public In
ETerytliiEg in tho Maklnfl Line.
IR; JU 3VE Q"V-A. Xj I
Hess' Livery Stable,
Is now located on
llirket Alley, Hoar of Ilobbias' Optra Ilousa
Win. Nlswenter's old stand. Lioesl express
and general hauling promptly attended to.
Offices Room 3, P, O. Building, Hhennaob
ntf sterly Uulldlng, Pottsville.
13 iEufe
sT. xi