The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 20, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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M. iJ i al
VOL. VII.--NO. 356.
A Big Drive
28 South Main Si.
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods !
Gents' red underwear that
formerly sold for $1 will now
go at 80c.
Special sale of Blankets.
Only a few more of those de
sirable Coats left over which
will be sold regardless of cost.
Carpets and oil cloths at the
lowest prices consistent with
first-class goods.
Dress goods, notions, etc.
House Painters and Decorators
Have adopted the following prices for paper
banging unci decorating for 1893,
Comiiiciicliiir ntnrrli 1.
Per piece for Drown and White Blanks 12JSo
" Ollt Papers -5e
" " rjmbtw&td Parers 18c
", " Decorating Ceilings 18c
' Joining or Buying- 18c
Four Cornices to bo charged as 1 piece 18o
Ulucslzing, per room 12x11 feet 60c
Iixrgor and smaller rooms according to size.
Removing old paper and preparing walls, 25c
per tour. All -work guaranteed.
No Paper Hung by the Day,
OR. D. R. HAGEnnucii,
John L, Hassixii,
George M. Boyeii,
J. H. MKiir,,
JonNP Cahden,
EnwAnD Everett,
Baa purchased tho best apparatus In tho map
ket, and is now prepared to take every style ol
photographs. VIcwb of buildings, machinery
nd all kinds of outdoorwork a specialty. Each
purchaser of one dozen cabinets at 13.W is pre
sentod with a large crayon reo. This offer is
f ood until April 1, 18U3. Copying and ordarg
nr. Work done at short notiao and low prices.
DABB, N. White St.,
Brick hchoolBldg,
Piatt's Popular Safoon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt'e)
S9 and 21 West Oak Street,
Bar Btooked with the boat beer, porter, ales,
whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest clgurs.
Siting bar attached. Cordial invitation to all.
raraioiAN and auRoxoit
Office 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
or the Spring Trade.
3lew Putterna in UToquetfe, Body and Tapestry Jiruttselt.
All Prices, Jbrvm 60 Cnt8 up.
A lull Line of Ingrain e, JFtom 35 Cents up.
A Full Stock of Hag Carpets, Ntw Hag?, Choice Pattern,
At Zow Priots.
Xloor Oil ClothH ond Linoleum,
All Widths and Prices, Jront iio cent up.
Mlnnwota "Daisy" Family Patent.
WJiite Wheat Pastry Jblour.
Old. Time Graham Flour.
Jligh Grade Roller Flour, $4 SO j)er bbl.
Choice Fresh-ground Hue Flour.
Just Received Our First Invoice t
, Summer iBnusngc.
Another Shipment ol
Oranges Ulreci From Florida,
Notv on tlie Way.
Fancy Creamery auel Hairy Butter.
A musements.
r. J. ruiiausoN, manaoeh.
A euro (or that tired fcollng.
0 rout VI centric Inlsh Cornedlaa,
Herbert Cawthorn
And bis Corned r Cherubs la
Little Nugget!
All nuw soiiKH, music,
specialties, cnoruiL's.
See the funny comadlntia,
charming lady dnnccri.
Htxir thu saxuiihotie and
enncortiutt duets, famous
jNugget quartcttu,
Prices, 25, 50 aid 75 Cents.
Reserved senls on mile atKlrlln's drag More
p. J. ruuauson, manager.
Thovorsallle chratcr cnidlou,
In his seneatlonal molo tluma,
The Shadow DefiecfciVe
With all its great idlrotrl and telegraph effects
us yruuuucu nt .ir. itony s r'roni tti. mea
tre. lialllmore. Aid. The great railroad
sensation, showing full workings of
the block signal sys cm.
The Italian Hlum ceno in Crosby St.
The Beautiful Moonl gbtSuow cenu.
Tho'Illumlnatcd Cathedral Scene
romedy, Sensation and Pathos.
Company of First-class Artist-).
Prices, 25, 35 ami 50 Cents.
Reserved seats at Kirlln'R drug store.
Horse : Ice : Creeper
Sole agent for Schuylkill County.
Hardware, Iron, Oil, Faints, Rote
Horse Blankets, Skates, Sporting Goods.
Home-made 'Rag Carpet,
Taken nut of the loom to-dav. Others for 15.
60 ond 52c, extra henry. Brussels and Ingrain
Carpets and Oil Glottis. Remnants will be sold
almost at your own price.
O. X5. 2&"3Ei3:033:3!?J'J3
Store. 10 South. Jardin St.
Ofllce and Residence, No. 34 Nortb Jardln
street, stienanaoan.
Tho Yountr Man Was Knocked
Down and tho WaOB Ho Had
JiiBt Drawn at tho OfQco
Wero Taken
MOST daring act was
pcrietrntcd In the
mines of Shenandoah
City colliery on Satur
day and tho coal and
it on polico say It i
only tho second case r f
tho kind that ha) or
curr'd In tlio Anthra
cite region, Tho other case occurred in out
of tho Sliamokln miucss about a year ago.
Saturday afternoon John Coimers, who !
employed as a driver in tlio abaft section ol
tbo 6ollicry, drew Ills pay. As ho was on tin
night Milft ho was obliged'to tako tho money
witli him into tho mines. Tho pay amounted
to $15 00.
Oonners went into tlio mines and hauled
out a trip of loaded cars. As ho was stooping
to uncouplo tho light or. hit cap wns blown
out and lit tho sumo time ho received a severe
blow on tho back of tho neck. The blow
knocked tlio young man down and as ho la
partly stunned tho pocket In which bo carried
the money was rilled
When Connors regained Ills feet and found
his mining lamp ho found.hinnclf ulono and
tliero was no means by which ho could lean
who had aisiultcd lihu. After somo thought
his suspicions fell upon a young man working
in tho mines who had told him ho didu I
have enough money to pay his board. Tin
suspectedyoung man was arrested, but ho
produced several witnesses before 'Squire
Monnghan who sworo tho accused wns in'
another part of iho mine at tho timo Connors
says tho robbery was committed mid the
lustiro discharged him. No arrest lias since
been made.
Vofo for ItHilly.
Tlio voters of tho Third ward may rest
assured that John A. Ilellly, tbo Democrat!
candidate, is iu the field to stay. In Mr,
Ilellly tho citizens of that ward havo a very
acceptable, candidate lie is a property holder
and one of tho most prominent business men
in tlio town. As to his qualification? for
seat in tho Borough Council there cannot bo
tho slightest ditubt and if ho is elected th
people will find that ho will give thei
Interests tbo best attention. Mr. Reilly is
albo one of the oldest residents of the town
and his intorests in the welfare of the muni
cipal government are so direct that they
virtually give him nclaim upon the support
of thu people. Ho is an upright, honest and
progressive citizen and tho excellent record
In) has already made iu public office is a
guarantee- of the faithfulness with which lie
will ciro for any trust tho people may repose
in him.
No. I doubt whether thero Is any Cough
medicine cenul to Dr. Coxo'a Wild Cherry
and Seneka. Price 2o and 50 cents per
To tho Vote of tlio Third 'Wiird.
As the imjiortauce of clocting proper
persons Justices of the Pearo appears to bo
duly appreciated by tho citizens of the Third
ward, I herewith submit my claim to the
ability to properly fill the oDloeand discharge
its duties, without prejudice to country, race
orcrced. In this I can easily speak without
equivocation or evasion, and if oiected can
promise to deal importlillp with all. Hot
being able to see you all personally, I now
appeal to you collectively, aud respectfuly
solicit the substantial aid of your votes at tho
coming electiou.
John G. Davis.
Superior goods at 25 per cent lower than
dsewhoro at Holdermau's jewelry store. tl
must Nell Out.
As my store room is rented and I must
vat'atc, it is meeasary that I shall sell out my
entlro stock of dry goods, ladies' and child
reu's underwear and hosiery, boots, shoes and
rubbers, oto. There will be an auction every
night and private saloa during the day until
March 1st. Sfl's IUrgalu store. 25 South
Main street, neat door to his olothlng store,
Shenandoah. 2-14-tf
Vol for iVillhimn.
The voters of tbe Third ward will serve
their own interests by voting for T. T
Williams, tho Citizens' candidato for Justice
of tbe Peace. Mr. Williams is entitled to re
election. Ho has made a good Justice and
lias a record Unit will bear the closest Inspec
tion. Those who fail to vote for him will
make n mistake.
ltetlvnl Ijurvlees.
Tiio revival servleea In the Methodist
Episcopal church will be continued, by spec
ial request during the present week. Preach
ing every oveulug at 7:30.
Captuln nt roller, Philip J. Barber of IM
tlmore. lid.. ?.: "Salvation Oil has been
uteiietourslatlou the nit winter for rheu
matlsm neuralgia, pain in the back. to and I
have yet to meet with Its equal. Ulsthe beet.''
You will make no inletake in voting for
John A. Itillffur Council in the Third
Bait work done at Uren nan's Steam Laan-'
Iry, EvorytClBj,' wWt nnd spotlaw. Laee
isrtains a BfeJalty. All work guaranteed
(.IiUMisiwi (om( nttv4 on nconi paqt.)
His Stein Mndo n Rapid Advnuco Satur
day Miss Stack lias I'iismmI the
1.01)0 Murk Mlns LunVrty
Will Hoon Pans It.
Vcllle llSlrd run;!
Mamo II. Waslcy 74HO
nes Stein 0"05
Mary A. Con ielly 60:9
Mah.iUPalrchlld 4MKI
Prank Il Williams S881
Bridget A. Burns 18 6
Anna M Denglcr 1704
Carrie Eaust ICMi
Ullle B. Phillips 121!
Mary A. Stack 1 18
Mary A. l.aflertj V-1
Carrie II Smith 8 3
Battle UtMS - 017
ill Cliusvr 3.T
I imes It, Lewis 318
l.kKgio Cavanaugo 30'
nnie Mansell S0J
Clara' line 2R8
Hannah Reese , .7. ISn
Irene Shano Ifii
-adle llaniell 167
Mzzli I.eho 121
Jennie Ramnge 121
1 .Izzle O'Connoil II l
Voles polled Saturday 1781
Jrand total 511
The grand total of votes In tho Hkrai.d'b
teachers' contest has reached and passed tin
alf-century mark. Tho flfti week of the
contort closed Satuiday night with a poll ol
nearly two thousand vo'es for tho day. The
average number of vote-s polled each week
was a fraction over 10,2:22.
flio high records mado Saturday were
Miss Stoin, C97; Miss Ilaird, 4(10: Mis'
Wasley, 300. Several contestants polled 50
votes and upwards.
ou will make no mistake in voting for
Max Reosu, iu the Third ward, for Justice ol
tho Poaco.
A Wonderful Woman.
There nro few actresses who. possess the
itreat versattlo taleut that scorn so natural to
Agile Ilerndnii, and who adapt theiuselve
so completely to whatever roles they under
take to portray. " La Belle Marie " is par
tie'rtlarly mltcd to this great artiste, belli
written expressly for her, and Mlsi Ilerndo
is afforded a splendid opportunity for some
strong and Intense work in the play. Sho is
jno of tho very few actresses who are equally
at homo in comedy 3 well as pathos or
emotional parts, and with such an artist in
tho leading role tho play h sure to recoire
proper production. Tlio dual role of "Jean
luglesido" and "La Belle Murie" is
exceedingly dillieult one, and her great sue-
cesi In portraying two such contrasting part3
nsa trusting, innocent country girl and
Frcnqh womau of the world is most credita
ble to her. Her quick transitions from gaiety
aud love to fury and hatred, honest oxpros
sion to deceit, aud French accent to English
with facial expressions aud manners, display
remarkable and versatile powera. Th
costumes worn iu tho play by Miss Herndou
aro Sdid to bo of rare tasto and elegance am
will certainly pleaw the ladies. We predict
for her on her appearanco Thursday evening,
March 2d, an audience limited only by tho
capacity of the house.
Vote for John A. lielily for Council in tho
Third waid.
Tho (ireeu Burglary.
Thero aro no new developments in con
ncctiou with the burglary of Green's tailor
ing establishment. "Dan" Bradley is in the
county Jail awaiting tho action of tho grand
jury. Ho still persists in donying all knowl
edge of tlicutl'.iir. It is known that ho had
accomplices, but who they wero it has thus
far been Impossible to find out.
How oftgii wo hear middle-aged people say
regarding that reliable old cough remedy,
N. H. Downs' Elixir: "Why, my mother
gavo it to mo when I was a child, and I use it
immy family; It always euros." It is always
guaranteed to euro or money refunded. lm
If you want a careful and painstaking
Justice of the Pence in the Third ward, voto
for Max Reese.
.Special .Meeting.
A epoclal meeting of Star of Bethlehem
Lodge, No. 7, A. P. L. A., will bo held at the
homo of SUter Adams, this (Monday) evon
lug, 20th inst., at 0:30 o'clock, to make ar-
raiHtonmnts to attend the funeral of our late
Bister, Mrs. Mary Mather, which will take
place Tuesday, Feb. 21st., at one o'clock
slurt. Members of Lady Harriton Lodge,
No. 10, lire kindly roquested to-nttond. By
Older of
Rkhkcca. Hood, Sec'y.
A Flue ilintneiei Opportunity.
Having deeidud to go into other and more
congenial butiuess, I will sell my inteiest in
tho firm tif Hooks & llrownbooksellors and
st.itfonerg, at u very reasonable Hgure.
S-17-tf FREn,W. Hooks.
Twelve l'liotos for 60o.
By Bonding us your cabinet, together with
Q oents, wo will QnUh you ono dozen photos.
1-8-tf ' W. A. Keaqky.
Look Out for Fillies,
It is relUWy ataUnl that the opponents of ,
John P, llunay and other candidates liavo
something 'in soak" for announcement at
the elewntn liour and too late for oontradlot.
ion. Laok out for them. Weigh them
"Pull a nVauhle" Is ilia iintmimv miSnrer
with iMlnsuaa heuinUi.i. 110 Flag Oil w
the lam- us ihliu aare f. r Itheumutlsm. flout.
Thdro la So Muoh Solf Intorest
That God and lu Country aro
In Danger or Bolnr? Forgot
ton A Good Sermon.
ra'all est lias been evidenced
by tho peoplo in Rev.
O'Boylo'B sermons to
young men. This Is
shown by tho largo
attendance at tho Trin
ity Reformed church
each Sunday evening
slnto tho series of dls-
'oil nes to young men liavo been opened. It
is quite evident, from the observations mado
ho past few weeks, that tho peoplo thirst for
n lutenhango of scriptural history in face
f the fact. evening thero was a largo
itlcndaneo to lic-nr Kov. O Boyle s dis
course on "Patriotism" nun it was ouservexi
bv regular attendants at tho church that
here was an unusual attendanco by many
who have no iucmberhip with other dcuoiu-
nations. .
Rov. O'Boylo took his text from Romans
XIII; 1. "Let overy soul bo subject unto the
higher powers For thero is no power but of
God: tho powers that boaroord-ilned of God."
l'ho Apostle, Paul, recognized tho authority
ol God, tile p i8lor said, aud wished to im
press upon the people the wisdom of eloing
likewise. God and His laws are the sumo
in day as they wero then. All the govern
ments of tho earth word founded by Him
who created man, and Ho must bo looked to
as the ruling power. True it is that somo
times the governments aro not as wo would
wish or have them, but God has an object In
all things aud when wo are not directly
iicnefltted wo find a lesson that meets the
Truo patriotism reeognizes God in. history
and tho tine citizen is thu truo lover of God
and tho truo luvcr of patriotism recognizes
Gixl in the government of mankind
Rev. O'Bovle referred to William the First at
Berlin, Queen Victoria, and George Washing
ton. al Vnlley Forge, all found upon their
supplicating the Divine power.
Tiue patnoiism is the linsis or our gov
eminent and to bo truo to our community,
truo to our state, aud true to our nation, we
must recognize the supremo authority of our
But tho danger that threatens us to-day,
and that which wrecked Greece and
Rome was tho forgetfulness of the duty to
God and tho poeple and tho devotion of
energy to self interest and boodle, as is tho
common term of to day. Wo havo men and
citizens who are patriotic as long as it is
po3iblo for them to bo so; ns long as they
remain in office, and, Oh 1 they hold on so
long. They are, therefore, moro for them
selves first, last and all time Country Is
not taken into conslleration ; ihey caro only
for your influence, except at eleetion time,
and then they caro for your voto ; and that is
about thb only time they will caro for you.
Tho now President cannot select men whom
he would like, beeauso they aro too poor. It
stom3 that at Washington it costs ten times
more to live than tho officials receive for
saUry. Tho President, then, cannot select
men who aro poor and at tho same time
honest, but is obliged to select men who can
fill office and entertain on eight eir ten
thousand dollars a yoar, and God only knows
whero they get they les1-. Ycm will find it is
self first in that sphere as well as In others.
But ho who places God aud oountry first is
tho true patriot of this day.
In closing his sermou Rev. O'Boyle quotod
to some extent nlon Cardinal Woolsey's
farewell address to Cromwell and laid special
stress upon tho declaration tif what might
have been tho result had he been as true to
his God as he had been to his xmutry.
Lawless Ofiicois ol the Law.
In the alweticeof the pastor, who preached
at Tamaquaou Sunday morning, H. G. Main
deli ered n very thoughtful and profitable
discourso In the Methuditt Episcopal church.
In tho evening a seing service took the place
of the regular sermon. But in the course of
some remarks by tho iBtor on the duty of
ohrlstisn people, taking an aggreative stand
against evil doing, he said that those officers
of tho law who are charged with the duty of
its enforcement include among them some of
the niot lawless elements of society. He had
been reliably informed that there was a
gambling hell within one hundred yards of
where he stood, and that the facts had been
reported to the officers of the law by one who
was told to "mind his own buine." Bui
till ooudltion is not peculiar to Shenandoah.
The statistics of crime iu the country at large
show that it is safer to kill a man than to
steal a loaf of bread to feed one's starving
children. Only one murderer in forty-nine
was legally executed two years ago. This ex
plains why more men were lynched, by far,
than were legally executed, and goea far to
prove that the la leenneaa of the adminis
trators of justice in render! on lynch law a
necessity under certain conditions Here
thugg aemoustrato the bible statement that
"evil man and seduoera shall wax worse and
wone," and show the neoeaaity for good men
becoming better aud wore aggressive eapeo
ially concerning lawlewuea Iu public oOoea.
l'ublie office in a public taut.
OoaUvMMiM ean be nfeani)Uy eurd by
the ue of MHEHliuka Bfttw. lm
Holdman's Jewelry Mh lead as ever. W
Sennlloniit Itepnrt Ctinrorulng the J'hlla.
delphln .t Rending Itullroad.
PlllLADKLl'iiiA, Feb. 20, 1 p. in. It is re
ported hero upon what appears to bo reliable
authority that arratigotncnta aro being made
to again place tho Philadelphia & Heading
Railroad Company in the hands of Receivers,
and Messrs. McLeod, Wilbur and Paxson will
bo namod for tho Receivership. Oreat ex
citement prevails hero hi consequence of the
Sound Reasoning lor Supporting lllm for
EuiTor. IIekAI.d: I was an interested
llsteiinrattlio sermon of Rev. O'Boylo last
night when ho spoko of patriotism aud self
Interest. I wouldjiko to inform tho rever
end gentleman that It was not necessary for
him to go to Washington to look fer self In
terest. Let him look In tho Third ward of
this town. There is "Tom" James we call
him "Tom," although ho Is a mlno boss, ho
has servod threo terms nine yoirs on tho
Borough Council and now seeks three years
moro. Ho has not servod threo terms beeauso
ho was tho only man in the ward fltteil for
tho office, but beeauso ho had tho "pull."
When tho politicians havo f.iileel to teo the
scratch ho Jias had tho initio employes to
draw upon. Now overy time this man
James has sought a nomination ho bus stated
that there was nothing "in it" for him, only
ho wanted to go there to do goo I for the peo
ple and show somo tint ho could carry the
ward. I havo voted for him in the iet, but
thj.s timo my voto will go against him. Ho
has boon on the Council uino years and 1 do
not know of n special feature that ho has ac
complished. He lias always been wltU
the majority, beeauso ho was smart enough
to get on tho right side, but if there is nuy
man who can show me where " Tom" James
has taken a bold stand for the right and has
acted independent on miy occas on when lie
felt that ho did not have a safe majority
behind lite back, I will give iu. I attcudeel
tlu Third ward Cittzons' primary and voted
for the Citizens' candidate John H. Reese.
That gentleman, I tor, was defeated by lies
and trickery, and I do not feel bound by
what was done for James. Tho ring put
James up and tho ring must elect him, but
not with my vote. James bunt Reoee but by
thirty odd votes, and there is no use' of liifit
and his friends saylug that a Welshman "got
tho nomination any way," for James musti
oat somo eheoso before he can claim that:
distinction. It is ndic.?lUU9 that any man
whociin't show anything but a dngpnlL
should bo allowed to serve twolvo successl';'?
years on tho Borough Council. Therefore I
will cast my vote for John A. Reilly. I
have said that Johu H. Ree6e was beaten by
a ttick. Tho trick was that just before the
voto was taken for Councilman iu the Third
ward primaries some of James' friends started
a story that if Reoso was elected to Council
ho would try to reduce the taxation on tho
P. & R. property. " This was circulated
among thoughtless people who might have
known that the P. & R. bosses iu Council
would be tho drat called upon Ifauyreduo
tlon could be made.
Third Ward,
Shenandoah, Feb. 20, 1903.
Thunder mid I.leliinliii- niiiL-1.,,1 win,
Tall or Slow.
At about uino o'clock 'ait night a phenom
enal storm strnck this town with all the
fierceness of thu famous b izzard of a few
years ago. It tamo like a whirlwind and
srtept the Hakes of snow beforo it In a solid
holy. It was impossible for peoplo on the
street to see a yard nhead of thorn and all
wereobllgeel to hurry for shelter. Simul
taneously with tbe gule there were peals of
thunder and Hashes of lightning, which
caused considerable excitement.
It was a most remarkable storm, and tho
galo Bwept through the town with such
velocity It ws momentarily oxpeeted that
some of the awnings over tho pavements
would be lifted from their fastenings. Tha
only damige done, hoivaver, was tho dis
placement of ono of the largo metal orosst s
on the new Lithuanian churoh on South
Jardin street. The ores was blown oloan oH
tho north tower of the church.
"Water Caso Postponed,
Tho injunction case of the Shenandoah
Water anil Gas Company against the Borough
of Shenandoah was called up again before
Judge Bechtel this morning, but was pfiet
poned until the latter part or the week, a
J udge Becbtel desires to confer with Judge
Pershing in the matter. Judge l'eiefaiug hm
returned from Atlantic City, bat la BiimaM
he will return there within a few day.
linger Mlon-n OH'.
Stephen McKeon, of Turkey Km a, lud the.
third and fourth flngen of hi left hand
blown off by a premature blast in a Maae e
the Turkey Run colliery on Saturday. He la
under the ear of Dr. Hamiltotu
For Reoeivor
Weld nan.
of Taxea,
vote for Samuo
A Uold Walk.
A Polish funeral from Mahanoy Plue
name to town this morning and despite Ike
extreme sold weather tbe waurneH walked
In front of the hearts all tbe way Mar to
MMntain. Some of them Ud net even wear
overcoats and they aeejied to be parieklag
while walking dp to the eeaaeterjr.
reeotnulete filee, two eoeiea teen af the
Svrcixo UutAiv of imutf let, M a4
1th, ana Kebjwy Sttt, 1MB. A VifcmJi
ww He pew RKtMi
Vote tor Jehu A. Heilijr, tit pet-pie's ebetce
fer Oooadl la the Thbd ward.