The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 18, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    rUdkikWhhK) :niT!
W odt ot trtvftuV wolf
1 Tl(lf1 I.Ult,i..J.,-ill HttT
, .i ..... f ,. , n?i.iiji
VOL. VH.--NO. 355.
A Big Drive
28 South Main St.
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods !
Gents' red underwear thai
formerly sold for $1 will now
.go at 80c.
Special sale of Blankets.
Only a few moreof those de
sirable Coats left over which
will be sold regardless of cost.
Carpets and oil cloths at the
lowest prices consistent with
first-class goods.
Dress goods, notions, etc.
House Painters and Decorators
Have adopted the following prices for papir
banging and decorating for 1893,
CoiniiiciicliiK Miucli i.
I"er piece for lirov.n and White Blanks l'JMc
" ' Gilt l'apors -'So
" " Kuiboi-scd Papers 18o
" " Decorating Ceilings 18o
" ' Joining or Hutting. IBo
four Cornices to be charged as 1 piece 18c
Qluealzlng, per room 12x14 feet- 60c
Larger und smullcr rooms according to slzo.
Removing old paper and preparing walls, 25c
per hour. All work guaranteed.
No Paper Hung by the Day,
It. c, Weidenmotku,
GeohgeM. JIotku,
J. H. Meiil,
Wu. J link,
Edward Eveuett,
Has purchnsed the best apparatus In the mar-
kot, and Is now prepared to take every stylool
photographs, views 01 nuuaingB, mucDinurv
and all klnus of outdoor work a specialty. Each
purohaser of one dozen cabinets lit I3.M Is pre
seated with a largo crayon ree. This offer Is
rood until April 1, lttfc Copying and enlarg
ing. Work done at short notioe and low prices.
DABB, H. While St, UtlPAiae.
photographs, views of buildings, machtner:
Piatt s Popular Saloon,
(formerly Joe Wyatt's)
i9 and 21 West Oak Street,
liir stocked with the best beer, porter, ales.
nhl6kles, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars.
ICatlng bar attached. Cordial Invitation to nil.
-TjJ 8. K1STL.ER, M. D.,
Office 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
Hor the Spring Trade.
iVetw Patterns in Mcqvette, Body una Tupextry Brussels,
Ail JPriues, Jbrom 60 Cents up.
AJbull Line of Inyraint, JTrcm .15 Cents up.
A T7-..T7 A!ImI, Tin.. HnM.
xi..-ci,v lv -""ii i
Xloor Oil Cloths and Linoleum,
All Widths und IJri; s, Jram US cents up
Miiinsfiota "Daisy" Family JPatait.
White TFJifat Pastry 2'loicr.
Old Time Graham Plour.
Utah Grade Rollwr FUmr, $4.60 per bbl.
Choice JPresh-yround Jtye Plour.
Just Received Our First Invoice of
Summer 8ausngc.
Another Shipment of
Orniigcs Direct Prom Plorlilu,
Now on the Way.
Fancy Crctmiery und Dairy Ilutter.
A euro fur that tired feeling.
Great Kicentrlc Irish Comedian,
Herbert Cawthorn
And his Comcdv Cherubs la
Little Nugget!
All now soii(fH, music,
siwclulties, choruses.
See the funny coiucdlnnu,
charming lutly dancers.
Hour the biis phone nntl
conccrilna ducts famous
Kuirgut quartette-.
Prices, as, 50 11 75 -'uin
Reserved seal on slo atKlrlln s drug store
The versatile character comedian,
In h's xcntatlonal melo d una,
The Shadow DetsecfciVB
With all Its great mllro 'd and telegraph (Sects
as prouueta in r. kciiv s l' rout ni. inea
tre. uulllmurn. Md. The great rallioad
sensation, .showing full workings of
the block signal sys em.
Tlio Italian Hlum ceno In Crosby St.
The Uca'Uful Muonl gft.Sn.iw -cens.
Tho Illuminated Cathedral Soene.
fomcdy, Sensation and Pathos.
Company of FIrst-cluss Arilsts.
Fricts, 25, 35 tiicl 50 Cents.
Roserved seats at Klrlln drug storo.
Hok) agent for Schuylkill County.
.A.. IK. rSW'.A.ILiTVE,
DardwareJroD, Oil, Paints, Rote.
Horwo Blankets, Skatos, Sporting Goods.
Home-made (Rag Carpet.
Taken out ef the loom to-dny. Others for 45,
W and 52c. extra heavy. Hrusels and Ingrain
Carpets andOilCiollis Remnants will bo Sold
almost at yo. r own jirl.o.
O. X. J?,ZrS.3:CI3133'S
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St.
Oflloe and Residence, No, Shenandoah.
34 North Jardln
IT, . 7f. Chili V.tltwn .
J - ' 7 ""
Prices. I
Horse : Ice : Creeper "
'-?o Haa Susplclo i and Fears it
Freeland Man Has Blopf)d to
Buffalo With H1b Far
SeeiBff Wlf-..
O oi.o In town
whpro Mmo.
II Zlll WIIIldlT
lUtli century, '
of I lie pa!t. present und
future." ete, ete., lias
gene, fyo dlsapiioareil
Thumlny night and
even her husband 1 lg
norant of her where
ahouts, or at least lie says mi. and ho Is np
pareutly so sinceri) In his statements thai tlio
reporters ate inclined to give tlium iutlicitjr .
Mine. Mae raiuo to tills town but a few
weeks nco. Ily u llheial tiso of printers' Ink
she toon heralded her arrival in cvitj house
Imld and raked in the shekels by the hands
fill from men and women, young and old,
who sought an advanco view of matters per
tainiug to love, courtship, tiiarrinne, Amnestic
troubles anil business diOlcultles iluic. Mae
la described by agcntlcnian wlni has seen her
frequently as "a pretty, vivacious little
creature, and excellent company. I he
Madman's illipjc'arance has nit provnkul
coiunisut bwause sho victiniisied any of our She left a few unsettled accounts,
but they are so small they are nut wortli
mentioning. It is the vivacious little
wo. nan's treatment of her spouse that lias at
traotcd notice.
The luibbaud was found at Ills bearding
liouso yesterday afternoon. Ho is a little
man somewhere in his thirties and drewes
plain and neat. Ho spokn freely, and at
times confidentially to the reporter, f lie
sentences were a little Jcrkcy and bo ap
peared to be foinewhat nervous, w liicli is ex
pected of a man who is suddenly deprlvtd of
.his wilu.
"Ye," takl ho, "my wile is pone; where
I do nut kiioiv. Sume people lm-ve been here
to collect hills and have uske.l me to pat
tliein, but I'll tell you, you seo I was opnise!
to my wifo guiiiR into this fortune-telling
business ami when she went into it I reluseii
to support her. For that reason I have de
clined to p.iy any hills she contracted in that
busino-', She does not owe, muiii and I hi
lievo if the people, will have u little patien
she will pay them all in tinio."
"Then you expect her return ?''
'Yes, is I am trying to get her to
return or, I should say, I liavo telegraphed to
"Then you know where she Jjas gone?"
interjected the reporter.
"Now understand me; rny wifo has gono
and I do not know where, hut I suspect, you
see, I suspect, she has gono to Hull'.ilo, and I
have telegraphed in hopes of finding out il
she is there; if sho is I hope to bring her back
hero and make her do riglib by everybody."
"What makes you think she lias gone to
"Well, now I'll tell you the whole thing.
It is a great blow to me, indeed it is. You
see I went to Woi
Penu lat night to
lecture my name is II. M. Ooodlin; I give
illustrated lectures on "The Life of Christ,
from the Cridle to the Qravo" I gave a
lecture In Binder's Hall, last night, and when
1 leturneil 1 was told that my wile had
bought a new trunk, packed hor things in it
and had skipped."
Here tho luMrcss of the bcarJing"liouse,
who was standing near the reoprtejv gave;
vent to a prolonged sigh Hwasonoof those
lonorn, citep-inouruiiig signs that ton tuo tale
of labor lost.
The hiisbuud continued: "I suspected, you
J fee, I suspected and at once made inquiries
and I learned that tho baggagu bad been scut
to HaatlngB, N. Y.,and from there to Buf
"What did you sipect did your wife skip
with any of your money?"
"She did, but not with much, hut, I'll. tell
ra,,m ' 11011 1 13 6- uul 1 E,,sl1ccc
that sho has skipped with thatthat 'Jim'
Uillwple, of I rccland."
"What docs he do? the reporter asked.
"He's a bad debt collector,.' but they call
him 'Gillespie, tho would-bo ilfctcctive
Mind, I don't say he has gono with her, but
. I suspect he has. I fuund one of his photo
' graphs among my wife's things; it iva9a new
photograph, Iresh from print, aud I am told,
; in I ml! I do not say it Is so, but I um told lie
j was in town tho day before yesterday and I
uspect that he aud and my my wife have
gono gone to Butl'alo. ' it's n bard blow fur
mo, for you know I canty give, my lecture
I while this Is banging over' me. I gave
, Gillwpie a turn ovor in Mahanoy City once
before, and that U tbo reason I suspect liiiu.
Mr. Goudlin had nothing more to sty and
the reporter left. If the husband's telegrams
I overtake tho clairvoyant tho reporters may
, huvo something more to say. If tho sus
picions df Mr. Ooodlin are, correct, and the
j fortune teller and bad debt collector have
eloped the public will give tho pair tho
I credit of having mado an excellent business
combination, fur when (lillwnio finds dllll
unity in solWodng a debt Mniu. Mao will be
able to piuk' up a tuck of cards and tell
wheto thedebtorjs shekels -are In hiding.
f It's an ill wind that blows nobody good and
, what is Jtr. Goodliu's Joss may be Sir,
nillwpie'sjKlu, Meanwhile, the lecturer can
eousulii lillnMilf by turning tho bail debt
. oolloeWrS Vtti're tdivuriMho. wall I -li , , C T..
I Mr. CloodHu shIiI last night he learned Mr.
GUlospie wm still iu llazleton.
Mlt-ft I ulrrhllil, Wa.ley, Hmlll hiiiI It.ilril,
und Mr. Wllll.mii Hull up Itlg
Meorr Tnlill Will lie Over
no.oixi Tn.iiisiii.
Nellie Ualrd HOIlfi
Maine II. Wanley , 11HU
Annes btelii OWU
Mary A. Don elly tDt
MahU Fan-child 441ft
Frank 11. Williams .181H)
llridgetA Burns 1779
.tuna M Dengler list
Carrie Faiwt IGAO
Ltliiu H. 1'hllllp 1177
Mary A. fchick . VT9
Mary . utfferty b.-sO
Carrie 11 Smith 8 3
lluttlo Ileus ,. CI7
Kll.i 1 lausrr Hit
Maggie Ottranaugh 307
Aunlu MjpwII 3U
James II. Lewis ..- . 'H3
Clara line SKI
Hannah Hkso lit
Xadle iJiillell . 15:
Ireno Shane 152
zzl I.ehe lis
Jennie lUmg KM
I.lzzlo O'Coniie 1 It-
Votes pollo l yesterday 2t 17
Grand tOtal 4D348
Wo aro again obliged to call the attention
of friends of tho oiuteslauls in die Hkii-
ALU's Icucliers' eontosl to the rulo printed in
the coupon that "coupon must be in the h lids
of the editor witliih ten (10 days alter the
date it bears,' We call attention to this be
cause a number ol coupons rucelvid yester
day aim in too lute. Soruu of them were
very lute; dating baek to January, and one
was a sample coupon, printed before the con
test was gtarlod, and had "February 10th"
written upmi it
As tho llxurcs above ehnw, the grand total
of votis,iollcd in the-oontest up to 4 o'clock
yesterday is very close to the 50,000 mark.
The returns to day will put the ttraud total
fiom three to nvo hundred above that mark,
us only 0612 is required to reaeh it.
Tho Votes polled yet-lenlay aggregated
2,017 and tho high figures scored were as fol
lows: lliw Fin 1 child, 1152; Miss Wuslev 300;
Miss Sttiu, 300; Mr. Williams, 2G"Mim
B lird, '2.J.1; Mim Connelly, 1.10.
How often we hear middle aged people fay
regarding that reliable old cough remedy.
N. II. Downs' Elixir: "Why, my mother
gave It to uie when was a child, und I use it
In my family; it always euros."' it is always
guaranteed to euro or money l'efunded. Im
Vote for John A. Iieilly for Counc'flii tbo
Third ward. -
Important Itifiirmatl'iti for . I'jitrons
the iio il
The Scbuylkill Traction Company has
completed its schedule of running timo on
the Slieuandoali-Gii-irdville division of its
hue and lias posted plaetrds aiinoiinciug the
schedule In many conspicuous places. Under
tho new arrangennjnU tio fit car leaves
Shenandoah at 5;ti a. m. and every 22,niin-
utes thereafter until 12.20 p. in., when the
laid car leaves. Tho llrsr car -will leave
Oirardvillo at 5 a. m. and tho last at 11:42
p. m. The ecIhm) nlo running time betwom
Oirardvillo and. .Shenaudmih is 10 in miles
and tho'tlme for'Uio round trip 1 hour and 21
minutes. r , ,
Tie fsllowlnj; order bas been issued:
In order to lacilitate the opeiatiou of the
Schuylkljt Trfttjon Company's electric cars
on schcdulo time, the cars will heretfter Btop
to take on or let off (aaaciiers at tho stkkht
'Through AVui. I'eu'n, T.(ist'Cro6! alul else
where thp rogular stoiiliiiiB points will bo
. designated by the roinpniy's-. electric poles
. being painted white,
'I rr
"M. H. JSallou, Superintendent."
Tor Receiver of Taxes,
for Sanmol
Joint ParadP Oouunlttee.
A meeting of the representatives! of the
various societies of town, for' tho purposo of a
Joint purad on Washington's Birthday, will
be hold ou Mouduy evening, 20th ilnst., Ht
7:30 o'clock, In tho parlors of the lipok and
Ladder Company. All societies. uro invltud.
W. IL DniTitKV,
2-18-lt Jten. Jr. p. II. A. M.
A Klue HiiNliKViM Opporl iinlly.
Havlug decidetl to go into other ard moro
congenial biuinuss, 1 will sell my Interest iu
the firm of Hooks & Brown, bxksuller9 and, at a very reasonable rtguie.
2-17 If ' t' KKU. W. HOflKH.
, Eor JujtUa) of the J?,ThIrd ward, vote
or MUX. JilWD, .
Twelve Photos rur (10c. .
By sending us our cabinet, together with
0 cents, wo will finish yon one doseu photos.
itf W. A. Kkaojcv.
John A. r,cilly, caudidato for Council in
Third ward, is an old citlseu aud largo prop
erly owner.' Vote for him. 1
Look Out for l'likes. '
It is reliably stilted that the opponents of
John F.Finney and other candidates havo '
something iu soak" for announcement at
the eleventh hour and too lata for oou.tradiet,
Ion. J.ook . out for them. Weigh them '
carefully.' " 1 I
"MiH or IVoitofe" lstlie unbapjiv . suttarer
Wltll lIHlnS HUl llieiinmtl.iu. Itwl Flm' Oil l '
uea,ig.ojuiP'4hUViKP!i''lu-8 drmj ,
AtUilioiial loeal unci on tttond page)
Prodlotion on thn Appoln tnent
Governor PattiHon Will Mnke.
A Bndttet of Polltl ul Ij
formntion - Pi ints.
Special llEUALti CorniNpondenee.
Pottrville. Februsry 18.
i' this distance from the
Suite Capital and with
tho infof M atiim that
tlie Governor has In his
possession regardiiic.1
fitness uf the iialf score
of members oTTHlftiat
who have- Jiuniiien
lloueil lor the posTIimr
inane vauant by Judgm
ureun s iieaiii. u nous
not appear to me that it is a very hard uuf
that the executive has to crack in naming
successor. In all matters aireciing h'S duties
to tho public Governor Pattison is paliisUftdiu
and HHgaeious. In this e;ie lie means to; be
very careful iu ninkllig his selection,! bfciiUOjl
ho wauls to memo a ,,nmu u no Willi conio
uearu-t to giving general satisraction Itii'tlio
liar and the peopH of Schuylkill 'coujlity at
large. ll has intimated as niuqh ,iu his
talkH with the champions of tboso whoTrrtro
been pushed for the' place and it cjMncs to
mo very direct thaf.Jio knuwa now PJJsiiJ;
wen who ne ougiirtoiippamt, nut no , wants
to give the friends uf ejfery 0110 whilsurgid
for the f'ace an opportunity to sbite tin 1 r
views mid cJniins umpttiat next week somo
day hejwiil lit go tlni'Tminnier and smash the
shellbark. It may, Uliereloi'o, be iexpected
that onMonilay.'ilio 127lh mt., tms neil
appoiutbil Judge will be sworn ill ufid ready
10 listen 10 nuy morions iiiai are lokuu maue.
. Wild' Tltlt MAN v ii.i. 111:.
' Ptoplels ai'il wiiii.of Vroiihets are fiis?Ti'Vf
in plintilul hereahouls as llii s jnAugut, bit
not uno of tliinkuovv Sinytliiug aiiuilt it.' 'in
tact what they do not know about it would
make goiKl Mtxl seriiil story that unqlil um
tlimi(ih an eutiro vulnmo of ypur jia'per
The cjucetioii is aad a thousand Hints a
day, iu.b.irlioT ho'j, htw olliny hotels, bar
looms, ilpd on the til eet. it is tlUcuased at
the hontdTfircbidu' Und ..going to and trout
marlfct-ttnd tlio clfurellj- TitfTy It is tlie all
absorbing toiUtT-and riglitfully m -tec.iuse
everybody marly is deeply-iuteiesied iu tlie
outcome, f lie selection of "a .luje is alwajvj
an important inatter and just now thu solcct
tion of ouo who is to Hike tho place of so
good a one as he who died is a matter of the
gravest chaiaetir. H is utrlet& to marvel
howuver, and I can do only us others do aud
that is to givu my opinion which is if ho ap
points a Republican he will telect Mr. Koch
and if he Eebtt a Democrat he will select
either Mr. Iteilly, John W. liyon or Mason
Weidmau. Neither of tho very early birds
iu the bam yard will get tho worm. This
you may gamble on, If it is oulv an opinion
something each one of us is entitled to livo.
Humble though you and I nro, dear roadfcT,
wo want tho Governor to uamo some goud
lawyer, no matter what his political calling
maybe, who w a cim ipect. Wo want no
light weight politician, who has enemies to
punish and a low friends to rutvard ; nor do
we want anyone whose character has been
smirched with a charge of wrung doing, and
it Is said tho Governor has been asked to
appoint Just such pers-ms as f i-peak of, butbe
Is no ludre liktly to do it thau ho Is to Jump
off tho Brooklyn bridge. Ho has too miioh
sense, honesty and heart. He has been
appealed to to gve us a good raau and he
tvil do'lt.
In thUtQiiltt,iis ill nil others, old fogyism
U plnyjng ils jatrt. Wo bave.amoug us a few
autlidiated rclu of thu dark ages who
want thh Governor to ajipolut n man from
outsiuo oi tue cointy, us it our lhir did not
conlaiii the necesvaiy rjlHterial to make
Judges of. Away back in 1S72 this was done.
when Judge Periling was brought here, ami
I fortunately we gota good Judge, but it was
not because thero wore not plenty of better
lawyers at; home to go ou tho Bench that
Judge Pershing was asked to run. Some
peiple had auimuity against Judgj Ryon,
who was also ail exmltent official, and they
otiuld git nobody at our Bar to run agaiiist
Win. So mu was imporlid, and it wasn't
long before some of the foremost men in (he
Importation scheme weakened in their aflpo
tlou for the new Judge and they have, been
disgruntled ever since, ouiti uf these gl
v.iniied chuiuiis,are still with us and as usual
they cm 11 s uo thing good. at. home. These
Chappies boloiig to thu sam.e category as the
man -who iuu . the Academy of Music or
Union Hall building. Like Reilly kept hotel,
they keep their balldiugs llkei-well, let the
reader guess how.
i understand thfi fight In the Democratic
Jiarty for PiOthonotary isghing to he a hot
oue. If 'Joe, Njchter does riot materialize' as
a winner ngalutt Mr. Klik, Clerk Toole
thinks of trying hi6 hand fur that oltlee al
though ha has often said the Clink of the
Courts otllt was goi4 enough for him
Toole better decide pratty soon which ofBee
h wi fetect. aud which ha will
otlmrs to have, or it may be the people will
tko a hand and dutmi Mr. Toole altwetbr.
There is no objection to Mr. Jaek T,l'a
aP!r"'in to lw Ms own suoeassor-noue at
nil tfl bis unitiv fnr on, nlKnM that la ovum.
when it eoini
to mouoiwIUjtiig a whole euurt house row-fef
ollisvs soms other people will have somsthlrig
to say.
OORRBSPONIiF-NOE ON HciroiiihWiied'nnd fellow Htfce
from MltioiWilhv Miclial Ddfi)', Uf, is
giilng IftBtintBst for 'the trmsury nomlliii'tiiifi
with your townsman, George kolrher. ,Nop
Mike, of Minursvillp.'cnu tulk the cor iilf W
Ins niiiiiesuk-f, of Shenamloih, or ol cwfierp,
und If he don't bout Foliier there will. f"
Miino iinl-e anyhow, it was Miko l)ulTyf of
Jlliirvils hu holpwl Brumin to rrii
auulust Hhephenl for Congrens and If ho. guts
the iioiiiimitinii fur tho otfico he ecckis ba
meeU Mr. it. and his friends to turn In for
him anil elect him. Duffy is a daisy aud ha
would keep the' county ducats In a safo hrtnk.
ifc is a thoroughly honest fellow Ifhe'dt
wakoiipnrenie'tery full of dea'l poopld' trH
his way homo in a sleigh somo of finite
Candidates for other row otllces are' being
hoard of but It Is too early to (peak in ileUui
co ccrnlugtheni. It Is cuouglt to say liovv
that there will be-no- vaoartciwi In any of the
tlRibilirT-vs for the vtiut of (is'ptrants to fill them.
' rot NTS,
Very soon tho court will mako its decision
ol new applications for licented plaecB, grant
ing tome and refusing others. I could name
Soniii'whleh will ho noted on favorably but it
Vvohluj bo a breaeii of confldvneo to do po. If
there exists any uecsssityto llccuse now
piates, it would seein'that Hho necessity Is
urgent and tho liceflseshould issue at once,
hut you must reincniber ourc;iurt is cnpplel
in noint of MiumlKsrs now aud"tho lioiHiful
ones must wait. . V
Vf. II. Ungdr, llsq., of Shaniokln, a bright
young nieiiibet of thejfurthumbtrland'cotmty
uar, was in tojvn yesicniay on icgai uu,-juio.
uonipiuiuts navo neon, uuuie .uiin inn
foreign stamps are taken from erivelopta
.b reeled to nursous here, licfor delivering.
jftio matter will lo iuvistigntei1.,"',No cbrge
IJiniade against any of our bordiigh p st olDct
ials but Ilie stamps arj rbtuovtd and th
persons who remove them will ;be found out.
The lawyers have not allreturned from th
lupremo Court; Bome'of them linger in Har
isburg on Judiciary business. N.
A thorough business lnan-John A. Rellly,
randidate lor Council in tLo' Third ward.
Vote for him.
'Squire D. M. Mellon, of .Tremoufs the
guest of Jiis so;i. Harry Mcflon, yesfifyay.
Mrs. B. Lyotisand soii,or'phlladephia,ar
visiting Mrs. T. F. Mi-Gifirc, of West Col
ftieet. ' ,
J. E. Tiiilifts, Geaerol Manager: of tho
Standd-Sowing Machino Co., of Vhlladcl.
phiiij is in town. '
Itev.John Ilamnionils, of Bangor, North
ampton tho guost of William T.
Evans, of South JaidiiL,strcet.
Nitlloiml I. end (,'o.
The National Lead Company, tho largest
manufacturers of white lead and' lead"' pro
ducts in the world, begins lit this number a
series of ad vertisenients that any, who con
templato painting during the Coming season,
will Uo well to read. They are not, a new
firm introducing a ncty article,. but are, tho
owners ami manufacturers of tho standard
brauds of whito lead that havo given white
load its character as the standard paiuU
Many of tho brands were already old when
our fathers were boys.
John A. Reilly, candidate for Counojl in
tlie Third ward, does not belong -to any
cliime. He luws targe property Interests in
town. Vote for him,
A l'nstpuuemriit.
It is announced with regret that Miss D.
Merritt, the tonfereneo evangelist who was
cxpicted to pieach in the Primitive ireihod
ist church to morrow, cannot bo present on
account of sickness. Tho visit is therefore
rdstpoueil for a short timo. As soon, as Miss
Merritt recovers sho will oomo here and
remain two weeks. In consequence of tfaie
postponement the revival services will not be
continued in the church next week. Tho
pastor, Rev. J. I'roude, will occupy the pulpit
to-morrow morning aud evening and receive
some Into church fslIowshIp.
' Wuntoil,
To complete files, two oopias path of the
Evening Hje&.u.i of'Jauuary 1st, J24 and
1th, and .February 6th, 1802, ' A liberal pri
will bo paid for the same. . T
Thoughtful mothers nevfr neglect to
have a bottle of Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry m&
Seueka jn the lioiifa it is so jocxl for Coughs
and children subject to Croup. r
, , Vote foe tVilllams.
It is hoped the ypters. of the Thlrd,wanl
will give J ustjoeships of tliat word attention
at the approaching election and see that men
qualified-in every respect to fill tlje pJ lions
wi)l be elected. In making . the K'leetiorw
they will do well in ro-elettag. ,T, T.
Williams,: who has. been a very efficient
ofiioUl the past five yeaM. ,
For Council, vote for John A. Reilly of the
Third wawl, ;
. O. K., Attention.
The memhera of Autjiraoite Qit!e, No. 7-1,
Kuiglits of the Golden, Uo, will meet on
Monday evening at OM o'elock; anniversary
services to commence at 7.30, sharp.
Wii-mah Hall, N. G.
E. D. BenDALL, M. of R. jj.17 9t
Superior goods at 35 per cent, lower than
dsewhere at Uoldorman's jewelry store. tf
You will make no mistake
in voting, fer
iu the hini
Juhn A. Reilly for. Council
Best work done at Bren nan's Steam Um
07. Kverything white and spotless. Lae
irtin a specialty. All werk ' guaraateed
Vote fbr John A. Reilly, the people's tholee
for CounHilln.the Third ward. '" ' -
Holderman's jewelry store leads as ever, tf