The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 10, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Find no difficulty in
securing what thoy
rcquiro for their ta
bles nt our store.
Corner Grocery,
"Jwntre and White Sis.
Raferuncts to Ferguson Theatre Coiuini;
flio Nlhbo French Iturlosijuc Company
turned peoiilo away at tho Lyceum lnt night,
and to say the show pleased is putting it
mildly, tho audience was kept in one con
tinual roar of laughter from tho rise tu
tlie fall of tho curtain. Each and every
member of tho company Is an artist in his or
her lino of business Chicago Timet. At
.Ferguson's theatre this evening.
1 " KA.TANKA."
The re-engagement of the Miller llros'
"Kajanka" company by Manager Korpusuti
is looked upon as a Rood business stroke.
" Kajanka " is one of tho most elaborate ami
marvelous pantomimic spectacular produc
tions of recent years and crowded houses
have witnessed its performances throughout
the United States. In addition tothebeauti
Jul transformation effects several now and
thrilling acrobatic feats nro uiado featnrcs ol
the play. "Kajauka" will be produced at
Ferguson's theatre on Monday and Tuesday
cTenings, February 13th and 11th.
"Hands Across the Sea'" Is an effective
Melodrama, fashioned to conventional Hues,
and embodying most of tho well-known
expedients and features of a class of plays
tbt have their periods of. supremacy and
their years of disuse, but with wtiifh the
pnblic is never entirely done. It is havina
largo and enthusiastic patronago at the
Jlaymarkct, where it is well acted anil
handsomely produced. Next) York Telegram.
At Ferguson's theatre on Wednesday evening,
Tolmiary 15th.
If there ever a real ear for chronk,
Coughs. Cold, Hroucli'Pal troubles unci L
Grippe It Is Pjii Tina. Don't tall to get Hi
genuine; ivold substitutes. C sis only 2
cents. Pnn-TInn is sold at 1'. P. U. Xlrllu'
J) rug Store.
Superior goods at 25 per cent, lower than
slsowhcro at Iloldcmian's iowelry store. tf
Coming Kvents.
Fob: 13. First annual ball of Gen. Har
rison Lodge, Knights of Pythias, at Eobblns'
opera houso.
Feb. 22. Martha Washington Birthday
Party, In Bobbins' opera houso, under thi
auspices of tho Ladlos' Aid Society of the
P. M. church.
March 10. Tea party in Eobbins' opera
house, under the auspices of the Welsh Con-
(fregational church.
Trim VVaRliIuclun SenatnrAlifp Deadlock
Olympia, Wash., Feb. 9. The 53d
and 154th ballots for United States Sena
tor resulted a followa: Allen 47, Turner
0, Griggs 27, ncatteriin; 20. No choice.
Convicted if Minder 111 the I'Irt Degree.
Camden, N. J., Feb. 10. - John Hill,
the eoloi. (i ooy no irinl for the murder
of Jo-, p . v lid-on, wus. convicted yester
ilnv of i.ihi.: in th- flrsL dpgrae.
Twolvo Photos for OOc.
By sending us your cabinet, togother wit!
SO cents, wo will finish you one dozen photos
U-2-tf W. A. Kbagey.
Boat work dono at Brennan's Steam Latin
ity. Everything whito and spotlosp. Law
curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed
Best photographs and orayons at Dabb's.
Klectrle Hallway liulletln.
Hereafter tho electric railway cars will
leave tho corner of Cherry and Main streets
at 5:30 a. m. daily and every 20 minutes
thereafter until midnight, at which hour the
last car will leave for Qlrardvlllo. On Mon
day, November 7th, 1882, the faro for anj
length of ride between Shenandoah and
OirardviHe will bo reduces! to five (5) uenft,
irtwa Daby wu sick, we g herOastorl.
tVheti slie was a Child, she crlad forCMtorfai.
When abe beetune Mlm, ah chug taOestorU.
Wlien the bad Children, she gave them Outoria,
Myatock for New Year gifts In jewelry
And fancy goods shall be m complete as ever.
Holderman's jowelry store. 12J28-H
Holdermante jewslry store leads as ever, tl
The Aoailemy ltoatuuraut.
The PotUvllle headquarters for Shenan
doah people and others living North of the
Hcnntain, for hot toddles, hot punches, heel
tea and all kinds of wines and liquors of the
best brands, Is the Aeademy Rostauraut, John
J". Cooney, proprietor, M. A. CJooney, assist
The HngllMi Onnlalii Mistreated Our Con
Id ml Tho Miami Am lSiigland'a.
Washington, Feb. 10. The only Inter
est tho United States has in tho matter
ter of tho seizure of tho Gilbert Islands
by a British worship last spring, as re
ported in San Francisco despatches, Is
tho mistreatment of the Consul of the
United States nt tho time by tho British
commander. '
The Consul reported that ho had been
assaulted by tho British forces, where
upon a protest Was lodged with the gov
ernment of Great Britain by our Minister
in London, under instructions from the
State Department, and assurances have
been received that tho otllcer responsible
for tho astnult will be culled to account
for his action.
A map of tho Islands of tho Pacific is
sued by the Ilyilrographle Bureau of the
United States Navy Department includes
tfio Gilbert Islands in tho territory clalmod
by Great Britain.
Files or Hemorrhoids
Permanently cured without knife or ligature,
No danger or suffering. No delay from bus
taeaa while under treatment. Patients who
ue revpoaaible need not pay until well, A
jarfeet cure guaranteed. Send for circular,
St. BKBD. M. D,
180 South 18th flt, Philadelphia.
efers, by pemueien, to the editor of the
.Bntmuo Heeald. tf
Jealous Mlchlgnn 'Mun Miouts Ills Wife
mill Her J'jirtnqr.
Jackson, Mich., Feb. 10. A terrible
tragedy has just been enacted hero, and
two persons are lying at tho city hospital
in n dying condition tif consequence.
Charles Brown, formerly a hack
driver, shot his wife twice in the body.
Dick Sly, an ex-oonvlct, was tho cause
of tho tragedy, und into his head Brown
lired iv bullet, which entered just above
tho left ear, penetrating the brain.
Neither can recover.
Brown wiis arrested after a desperate
attempt to shoot Alderman John Qaebel
sin, who answered the calls for help ol
tho inmates of the block.
At the police station Brown confessed
to tho shooting. Ho said Sly wis hang
ing about Mrs. Brown, and ho got sick ot
it. He hud followed tho ex-convict to
the room occupied by his wife, and there
shot both of them.
Hail a Jtoimilltlo Career.
Bawie, Vt., Feb. 10. William Nye,
who was burned to death ut Berlin, had u
romantic career. Early in Ufo ho fell in
lovo with a sister of Hon. James B. Lang
don, but tho engagement was broken,
ami Nye then went to Virginia and en
tered the employ of John Brown, the
famous abolitionist. Ho was present
at tho hanging of Brown anil had cburgi
of his funeral. Afterward ho mot mauj
prominent peoplo in the Adirondack!?,
where he was a guide.
Amitlior Largo ailll in I?h11 I liver.
Fall town, Mass., Feb 10. Work ol
another iron works mill to contain about
40,000 spindles will be commenced at
soon as the ground is lit for operations.
The mill will bo called No. 3, and will ut
tho last of a, plant contuining 150,000
sp.ndles. It will be run iu the interest
of the, American Printing company which
U owned principally by Matthew C. D.
Forden of Now York. The. plant whet
completed will be tho finest print cloth
concern iu tho country.
Weather "trecmi.
Washington. D. C. l'eb.10. For Now Eng
land: Tln'oatenlng wcuthcr with snow or rain,
warmer, southwesterly wiuds.
l'or lixsturn Now York, Eastern I'onn.
sylvanla, Now Jersey, Delaware and Mary
land: Snow changing to rain, brisk and high
south westqrly winds, clearing during the
evening and probably fair to-morrow, slightly
Tor Wostern Now York and Western Penn
sylvania! liuin to-iluy, fair to-inorrow, winds
shitting to westerly, slightly warmer in West
ern New York.
New York, Feb. 9. Money on call was easy
3 and 5 pel cent.
UOND3 closing: riiicus.
rj. S. 4s. r 113
U. & 43. 0 113
Delaware & Hudson 1031-1
Delaware, Lackawanna & Western.... lMU 4
Erlo 2U-1
Erio preferred W
Lako Shore US 3-8
Now Jersey Central lai
Nhw York Central 109 3-4
Heading 431-2
Western Union U70-S
Wheat No. 2 rod winter: 78 7-8; March 80 1-8.
Mav SS I S-
Corn No. 2. mixed: 53 5-8: March 53 3-8; May
CUts-No. 3 mixed: 38; March S91-1; May
39 l--.
"iking. VlrooA
!OU&eKwe.v,rYAS ortc
l)tV d. more-VeaWul
fills iki loVtvant,
ZjxA e.)Wms wKj
ViHe. owtt ASP-fA. a
good COOKS COrtv"rU-e
"to use
Mode only by
138 N. Delaware Ave., PliilacJa.
World's Fair Holiday Trip !
i o Days at the World's Fair
With accommodations at a Drst-class Chicago hotol, anil transporta
tion to and from Chioago, Including sleeping berths, all free of cost.
To the 2 Most Popular Teachers.
CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M.
The two teachers who receive tho largest number of votes will bo taken,
to tho World's Fair and royally entertained by tho Herald, Cut out this
coupon, an 1 on the bl nk lines writo the name of tho Publle School Teacher,
north of tbo Broad Mountain, in Schuylkill county, whom you consider most
popular, and send li tothe 'fonteit JCdUor, Evening Herald, bltetmndoah,
J'a." Every coupon properly filled out counts as ouo voto for ono teacher.
Every person, young or old, ean vote, and vote as often as they please.
Coupon must be in the'handd ef tho editor within ten (10) days after the
dato It bears.
Name of Toachor
o Ilesldonce O
Name of Voter
FEBRUARY 10. 189.1.
, For tlio Xj-o.c5l3X.y- Ones.
A Gold Necklace.
llolderman, tho Jcwolcr, will give tho lady
teacher receiving tho higbo.-t nuraberof
votes a Handsome Gold Nicklace.
A Set of Furs.
R. J. Mills, tho Poltsville Hatter and Fnr
rlor, will give the lady teafher receiving
seoond highest number of votf a hand
somo Bet of Furs.
A Plush Toilet Set
Max Reese will give the lndy teacher re
ceiving tbo second highest number of
votes a handtojno I'lush Toilet Het.
A Gold-Headed Cane.
W. H. Mortimer, tho i'ottsvlllo Jewcler.wl 1
glvo tho gentleman teacher receiving the
highest number of votes a Gold heado1
Gold-Headed S,lk Umbrellas.
The Homo Friendly Society, of Baltimore.
Md., will present the two lucky compel!
tors in the contest with baudsomo Gold
headed Silk Umbrellas.
Tho two teachers who receive tho greatest number of total votes up to the closing houi
above stated will bo declared the winners.
All coupons must bo cut out of iho Evknuiq Hebald and sent, securely sealed in envel
opes, addressed to "Contest Editor. Evening Herald, Shenandoah, I'a."
Any person Tesidlng in any place may voto as often as he or she may desiro for ono or mon
teachers engaged In teaching In a public school nortti of tho Broad Mountain at the clobo of tbi
enrrent school term; provided, lhat any teacher who may have been Incapacitated by 8lckne-f
r accident for teaching for a period of not more than three months prior to tho end of thi
term, may also compete.
Each voto for each teacher must bo represented by a seperato coupon.
A coupon bearing tho namo of more than ono teacher or specifying more than one voto for u
teachor will bo thrown out as void.
A careful record will bo kept of tho names of all contestants, and all coupons will be fllec
and kept safe until the Dnal adjudication. Thrco prominent and responsible men of Bhenau
doah will be selected to act as judges, make tho final count, and announce the names ot the twi
winners. Should three or more teachers be tied on the highest number of votes, the judges wll
be allowed to decido.
Tho names of the winners will be announced on or before Saturday, July 35, 1693. Bhouli
the winners be absent from Hhenandoah at the time they will be Informed of their good fortum
by telegraph, so that they may start on tho trip as soon thereafter as possible.
All blanks In the coupon must be filled out, especially the blank requiring the name of thi
person voting. The number of votes received at this ofllco up to 4 p. m. each day will be pub
Ilshed In tho next Issue of the Heiiald w 1th the names of the teachers voted for.
Friday, Saturday and Monday, February 10, 11 end 12
All sorts of Hoiisekeeperft' Wants. Bee our cireuluis. PrictB cut ii
twain. Do you believe in economy ? If so, why not show your appreciatlot
of it and buy a few ef our oflVrings at thete specially attractive figures. Only
in the immediate future yru, will be wanting something which you do no'
thini; of to-day. Visit us and we will do you some good.
We have nowou hand oni- crate of JSnplIsh Decorated Cups, Saucers anil
PlateB at the following pric: PJates, $1.20 a doz.: Cup3and Sauceis, 73c pei
,et, only a trifle moie than English white granite.
Saloon and Restaurant
The leading place In town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated Everything new, cluan
and fresh. The tlnestllneof
Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, So., foreign and do
mestic, lfreo lunch served
oach evening. U!g schooners
ot f resh,Beer,Porter, Ale, Ac.
Horse : Ice : Creeper "
Respectfully notifies his friends
that ho will open a new store at
Corner Jardin and Oak Streots.
Whero be will keep a full stook of
Green Groceries,
Cigars, Tobacco and Candy. Foul,
try and all kinds of game In Beaton.
Oystors .xxcl Ufiraii..
Open Monday, November 21.
Celebrated Porter, Ale and Beer
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
jp. 0-A-."r,:d.
At the request of a number of olttsros of
the Second Ward, I bereKy announce tnyoelf
as an Independent candidate fur Couccl in
the Second Ward.
John F. Finnoy.
Bole agent for Schuylkill County.
Hardware, Iron, Oil, Paints, Rob
Horse Blankets, Skates, Sporting Goods.
Celluloid, Satin,
Lace and Comic
All Sizes,
All Prices.
Opening of
ladies' and Children's
I S February 13
Others, ready to put up spring roUaf,
for &"ie, 35c, 45o, S0o owl upwards, J'u.
ubs aesirinc omv ino snacmc or ax
lureevan do accommoaaiea,
caipat Siere, 10 S. Jardin Street.
fHAND OPENING of Ladies'
wear Saturday, JFebruary 11,
and Monday, February 13.
One of the largest and most care
fully selected we have ever ha'd.
There is no economy In any lady using her time, strength and
money in making underwear, when it can be bought for less
than the cost of making iu many cases. If you nro not con
vinced of this mako a thorough examination of any gnrmont
here look nt tho muslin, quality of work and finish, Then
see if you cannot fiudnino good reasons for buying ready
made to ono good reason for making it yourself. Think of
no cutting out, no fitting, no machine work, which often
means backache, that terrible enemy to all women. Think
of all thcsQ, then think ot tho bright side
Buy them Heady-made.
Tho old-fashioned idea that muslin underwear must be mado
at home to be right is now n thing of tho past. All progres
i sive peoplo know this to bo a mistake. Keep pico, with tho
ago. Be one of tho first to grasp a good idea. Tako our ad
vice BUY.
RST To every purchaser of Muslin Underwear
-will be given a book, entitled "A Life on the
Ocean Wave" and "Bible Stepping Stones." Nbt
a book for every piece, but one book for TJuder
.wear from one piece up to an indefinite number.
These poems will be found fully worth the price
of a piece of Underwear; but for that day only
will be given away. Come and get one, as they
will be a pleasing souvenir of our Opening.
Nos. 5 and 7 North Centre Street,
C. Geo. Miller, Manager. POTTSVILLE, Pi?L
taaEUvaiiilnCt0'j in
Few white and colored blankets, ladies' and child
ren's coats, which will be sold regardless of cost.
Come early and secure bargains at
Sand their SSjc Specialist
To aitciiaticloalt, Wednesday, Feb. 15.
HewHlbe loundatthe
KerRUsoa House From 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m,
Persons who have headache, or wbose eyes ore eaustnsr dis
comfort should call upon their specialist, and they will re
elve Intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHARGE to ex
amine youreyes. Every pair of glasses ordered Is guaranteed
to bo snUstuetorv.
121 N. Main Street, Shnandoah.
Bco-tS7 SShqiss, a-entss? F'lipxsislaings !
At greatly reduced rates.
2ME. J3k. yS'ZS jE?..3."3T, 3?ropi'iotor.
Begs to announce to his friends and
patrons and the public generally that
he haB purchased the barbershop lately
occupied by H. J. Yost,
Ho. 12 West Centre Street,
(Christ. Bossier's old stand.)
Main nml Coal StH., blienunclonli.
Ilest beer, ale and porter on tan. The finest
brands o whiskeys and uiftrs. Pool room at
fJa Hate Come to Stay I
The Standard
Seeing Machine
Is the perfection of rewlng machine mechanism.
It runs without noise, and makos 2500 stitches a
minute. It you have not already seen it, call
at the office and do so. A large stock of ma
chines always on band. Repairing of machines
a specialty.
Cor. Jardin and Lloyd Sts., Shenandoah
The rteogutzed wonder of tceivtn century, 13' m ' I
now at tho Central House, oorner Centre and tV , 1 I I
White streets, Hhenandoah. Hbe reuds the IS I (
COR. MAIN AND OAK STS. Pa' present una future pertaining to love. wm
tiun.MmwKUUHRoi. ecurUhip and murrtm(e,domestlo troubles and Tu ,
.. . . . . , 1 business diftloultlas. Here lor thort time only. I,c5' '
Bverythhig in tho tonsorlal lino done ta flrM ' ''I
di style? A flue bath-room atttofced. CONSULTATIONS, 60 Cents. . .