The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 09, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
M. A. IIOVHH - ...frnrl4tr
ua norim njitor iiihfi
W, ,T. H'AIKIXS ..faml rMllnr
f, SI. w )'?!..... .l(iln'M Mnnnyfr
I'm KVKHtMi HkuaI.I) 1ih a larger olroula
Uim Iattienandoh than any otuar ppr pul
tsarad. Hooks open to U,
UtiliT, ir Mir, .. W 00
vrBi.r, per wr I 60
A'lerrHntHil Untrs.
TrnlM, 10 cents pur line, Brat insertion : A
trguiwr lino each subsequent Insertion, It I on
regular advertising ohii be bad on stipllOH
Hun at the oftlee ofy mall.
Butered t tb l'oatolHoe, nt Kbenandoah, Pa ,
for transmission through the mall
as aeeond-ola mall loatt r.
This oeoin nxfy linn nil, 1h n netied
lhn other ilnv, is 02r) feet in longtli.
Tills Is only 0 leet shorter than llie
(Jrent fit-dem, tlmt unwieldy mrun
moth that, liml cuoh nn iinforttiiiMte
history. Hut tho now ship will have
wore than four linos tho uiieriry of
tiieOrrut Uaslim. Its engines will
(hivelop nearly JiO DO1) h Tiw power,
whereas thu Grout Iflaslt'rii hail hut
llttl morn than 700 1. There U appar
ently no limit to thu of the htrm;
turt'H that can he latinolio'l hy the
jnnrlne engineer, except that which
in caused l).v tlichallowni'ss of hirb ir-t.
If all tho principal Irtrlmr of tho
world had fifty feet of clear water, a
uhip twice as large us thin newuioiuUr
would not he an impossibility.
Tiis mania for tho purltlcatinn of
tho theatrlcul hlllhoard liss struck tho
hitherto peaceful city ol Voodtovn.
It had the usual efH-'ut of creating a
Ikioih for the burletquocoiii pain which
was fortunate enough to get caught in
the first outbreak. T-ien it produced
a church rupture which tiny c 'inn to
lomethliiu; coni-hhrahlo, a local pastor
declaring that the atlair wim a redi n-
lotis exhllilMou of prudery, and that
Ills church had been used 'without his
consent us the meeting place' of.the
cru-iulerf. Sueh a tl mly hint uh that
givon through the Womlstown inci
dent is never I -tun the enterprising
tlieatrioal udvance agent. The ropo
Kstlon of billboard objectors will
licuceforth become a regular branch
of the business of that hustling Indi
vidual. Vote for your favorite teacher.
- Tub bill to prohibit the manufacture
andsalonf cigari'tteHin Pennsylvania is
designed to keep them out of the hands j
ami mouths of toys. A like prohibi
tion is in force In other States, and
presumably accomplishes Its purpose,
us one never hears any complaints of
its Ineffectiveness, liut there is no
Koch prohibition of clgirs and tobacco.
There is an appearance of incon
sistency in this.butonly an appearance
Tho hostility of the reformers is not
no much to tobacco as to the form ouitea states snan acquire nonunion over
which it takes iu the cigarettes. A m.y foreign country or place by treaty or
, , , ., ... , aunexatlou or otherwise, tho rresideut of
boy cau f moke one of those without a tU(! Umle1 stjlteS( with tU U(lvlc() am,
ijimlm, while a pipe or cigar would consent of the Senate, may appoint a
ttiukeu him. Yet the testimony of the Governor for the same and a Logislatlvo
! crisis that the cigarrette is more Council, to consist of any numher of
, ., ... . ,. persons, not less than five nor more than
poii-ODOus than either, bolh on ao- twenty live, whose acts shall be subject
count of the drugs with which the to revision or repeal by Congress; and
tobacco Is treated and of the uicotiue, unless the treaty of nnnexutiou or cos
which is absorbed by the smok,r in- L
ateadof by the material of n pipe or conduct all provisional government for
tile stump of a cigar. Whatever the tuch country or place until Cougress
reason may be, no one smokes so in- shaU otherwise provide by law.
ctstsnntly as the cigarette smoker.
That is another reason of the protest
Against the cigarette. And, give it
dog a bad name and kill him. That
pitiful creature known as tho dude
is always represented with a cigarette
in his mouth or lingers It is ass ciated
in caricature with the fashionable
imbecile. People have come to dtsplse
und make war on
H, . . . ..
because they de-
spiso him. The cigarette through him 1 to plant cotton or nnything else beyond
has a bad name. But not worse than It . some quickly maturing vegetables,
deserves. It ought to go. If any- Hundreds moved away but thousands
, , . . . " , . , , were unable to leavo. Those remaining
body wants to smoke, let him httVe subslstwl during tbe winter on wild
tako a cigar or pipe and sit down and , gume, but most of this has boon do
smoke like a white man and a "trcyed.
Christian. The saying that "tobacco
is an Indian weed and from tiie Devil
did proceed," applies only to the
tobscoo of the cigarrette, which Is one
of the Devil's agencies in misleading
shi all hoys.
The plarjue of breaking1 lamp-
chimneys ts abroad in tne land
Tuere are two sorts of claim.
neys ; brittle and tough. Ninety.
nine in a Hundred are brittle.
The worst are imported from
Germany. The best are Mac-!
betlTs "Pearl-top"&"Pearl.,'lass."
Two sorts as to workman
ship; fine and coarse. The
fine are Macbeth's "Pearl-top"
and "Pearl-glass." The coarse
are rough and out of propor
tion; misfits and misshapen;
they do not make a good
draft; they smoke.
Two sorts as to glass; trans
parent and gray. "Pearl-top"
and " Pearl-glass " are clear, fine
and tough not tough against
accidqnttough against heat
Call for "Pearl-top" or
Peariflais" chimneys., Oto. A. tUdurrra CO.
The Queen'a Minister of Inter
ior Presents Her Case.
Allefft'tl Tlmt tHii Provisional OiiTurii
mnlil anil Our Mlnlxler llnvit Horn,
tVrouir Tile l'op!e Art, trlth tin, Queen
.Si'iuitoi' Murgiiii' Aunetnllim Illll.
Sr. Louut, Feb. 0. A letter hits bwn
rece'.vtil here Irom John I'". Colbuiu, Min
ister ot the interior of Hawaii, hi wliioh
he oiitlluex the position of the deposed
Queen, of whom lie in n supporter. The
tetter is nW rinsed to J. II. (Jans', of till
city, whoae wife le an aunt ol Mr. Ool
liurn, ond ih iu part an follow:
''In view of Che oircuniHtunces that
surround the situation of this, our Ha
waiian Kingdom, I take the opportunity
of writing you this lettur, trutting, with
your ability ami Influence with noma of
the leading statesmen of your liberal
American country, you can help to plaoe
the Munition of nlTalrs In this country In
uch an impartial manner to them that
the Hawaiian Queen, Liluokalanl, her
government and her native population
ou n receive such a hearing from your
government Unit the American nation
Will caune to be restored the Queen to her
throne, thu government to its power,
mm the Il.iwaiiau initivo population to
their right."
My. ColUurn details the occurrence
lending to the revolution substantially
nn already known. Ho then suyx, hi
connection with the abandonment of
the Queen of tier purpose to forco a new
constitution, spoiiKing of tho licfonn
"This party was not satisfied with
till-, but they, with tho assistance of thu
American Minister mill tho troops or the
United States steamer Dostou, enlisted a
Duuiucr of men to the extent of 0l, and,
aided by the American troops, took pos
session and deui.ired by proclamation a
provisional go eminent, contrary to the
ci uMitutlon uoiv in force and uoutrary to
ti.o rights of lOO.UOU people tho popula
tion of this country.
'The Cabinet notified tho American
Minister of what had happened, and
annul nim to assist this duly authorized
government to suppress this revolt, or, if
he did not want to do that, then to re
move the United States troops on board
the Uoston, and wo, tho government,
coul.l do it ourselves.
' ivhen we tolii him we had 700 men
uu ,er arms, and were equal to the situa
tio i, his reply wus that ho acknowledged
th provisional government and would
"upper it.
"ihiB action on the part of tho Ameri
can Minister ts degrading. He has up
held n mob and does so against toe
i wifhes of the ahorigiues, who are capable
of taking care of themselves,
"The Hawaiian people are walling for
the loss of their country. Cannot
America, "the land of the free and the
Uoiue of the brave," undo tho great
wrong that she, by her troops und em
buadors, assi-ted to do? Will you use
your Influence for us? Act promptly and
luuy (Jod a.ssUt you and help you. Yours,
with consideration and respect,
John F. Colbuiw,
Minister of the Interior.
The letter has been forwarded to Presi
dent Harrison by Mr. Qauz.
fjeuntor lorcmi liiti-oduocs a HTesiir to
Cuvur (he Iluwiilhiu Cue.
WASUiriQTO.v, Feb. 9. Senator Mor
gan's Annexation bill, as introduced
yesterday provides that whenever tho
FlomU and,s ut Crop4 I.unve the Peo
llu ni Tito Parishes Destitute.
Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 9. Fonr thou
sand people in Concordia and Catahoula
parishes are ou the verge of starvation,
and unlebs relief is given them at onco
many deaths will result.
The floods of last summer destroyed
lut l uimin nun buu nain iciuiliuwi uu
cllrtlll so lou,, tnnt it ,. no, noHillh.
Dr. SleOlynn Oft for Ht. Augustine,
Naw Yokk, Feb. 0. The Rov. Dr. I
Edward McUlynn sailed for Savauuali
late yesterday afternoon on routo to ,
St, Augustiue on tho steamer Kansas
City of the Savannah lino. The parish- I
oners ot nt. oI'a "",u" , ,.rt
tatlves of tho Anti-Poverty Society and
bunureds of Dr. MtGlynn's friends were
assembled ou too pier when the steamer
't-lnnfl m,rn
SJfiS,"""1" "
Xfw Yorker on Wild (loose Chaso.
Paterson, N. J., Feb. 9. A uumbcr of
New Yorkers came here yesterday in re
sponse to letters sent them by some prac
tical jokers. Some of tbe letters wero
tlgued Mrs. T. E. Warner, and others
Mrs. A. B. Stone. Tho letters stated that
a servant girl dying recently bad re
quested that her watch be given to the
person addressed. Vacant lot numbers
were given as tbe address of tbe sender.
Ecouoinlte Soolety Iu Trouble.
Fittbsuho, Feb. 9. That the Econo
mlte Society with President John Dussnt
its bead, will soon bo Involved in trouble
some litigation Is now uu assured f.tot.
It iu said uu application for tbe appoint
in rut of a receiver to wind up tho atfairs
of tbe corporation is to be tiled ia tbe
Beaver county courts soon.
Premier Abbott Hot Dal.
Ottawa, Feb. 0. Tbe rumor of the
dtath of Premier Abbott is unfounded.
The report bad its origin in tbe death of
sUUr of the ex-Premier.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report W1
UJB UICV I Hrf If JTMff W A M W M - IU 1 a
Ira xmaaat ty vmirw t m m m . i u
m m atJ ib&rAfmn Fat iWiai
IIRHt lllllMl- H.'SlillK
Iloliire lliii liiikj
1 1 It'll InveMiffuttllK Cliinmitti'e.
Wasiiinoton, Fell. 1). The bearing Im
fnre tile special House Whisky Trust
CV-.wnittee was most enmtlooal.
United States OiHtRer Uewrtr was lh
only witness. He told his story quietly
and cahnlr.
Mr. I)cv, ar liean Ids testimony by de
tailing no lie had been offered bribe by
the Distilling and Cuttle Feeding Com
pany, known as tho Whisky Trust. Mr.
Dewar, who was a ganger in 1800. and
stationed at Chtcngo, detailed how in
room No. 85 of the Grand i'aolfic hotel ho
met Secretary Gihson, of tne Whisky
Trust, who offered to take hiui into tho
employment nt the trust. Dewar was to
receive $10,000 oush and enough more In
cash or stock of the trust to amount of
Dewar testified that ho was noting un
der Instructions from tho revenue olllcers
to pretend to act as a tool for tho trust,
lie then related with the most minute
detail the work Gibson wanted him to
The testimony in tills respect was
startling. Dewar stated that Gibson
showed li 1 in an Infernal machine which
lie (Gibson) wanted witness to use in a
rival whisky warehouse.
The machine was to be placed under
tho stills of this rival compmy to ex
plode them. Mr. Dewar described the
machine as having threo fuses, loaded
with bullets and oakum.
Mr. Dewar's testimony was read from
notes and data. He described in full
how Gibson told him to place the ma
chines under the spirit tanks and leave
them to do their deadly work. They
were expected to explodo throe hours
after being set. Ho was then to meet
Gibson at ISIoomiiigton, 111., where Gib
son said he would have the "stuff."
Gibson carefully placed one of tho In
fernal machines, of thu sine of an oyster
jan, iu Dewar's overcoat pocket.
Dewar, having M-oured the possession
3f the machine, closed all association
with Glbsoii and was ordered away from
This is th lirst time bis testimony hns
been given. One of tho witnesses, who
was present but not examined, carried a
largo vnli-e, iu which It is understood
mis the identical infernal machine.
The deu lly machine will be shown to
tho committee probably to-d.vy, nod Mr.
Dewar will most likely proceed with fur
ther exposures of tho plot.
Trying to Otivise Measures bo Tliat.dtrlkei
May In, Avoided.
CmcAOo, Feb. 9. An important meet
ing of railway employes was held hero
last night for the purpose of perfecting
an organization among tho different
brauches of thu railway service, and of
devising some manner of settling disputes
between the companies and tho men
which will do away with strikes.
Among those present wore Eugene W.
Debs, of Terro Haute, formerly grand
becretary of tho Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Firemen; George W. Howard, of tho
Brotherhood of It dlway Conductors; W.
F. Messnier, grand chief, and S. Kollber,
grand, secretary and treasurer, of tho
Brotherhood of Railway Carmen; J. W.
Iiodgers, of the Agu of Labor.
Tub meeting partook largely of the na
ture of uu informal discussion, but it Is
said that u council composed of repre
sentatives from every branch of tho rail
Way service is to be formed.
This body will have for its functions ar
bitral ion and the p.iss.i-io of such laws as
shall protect the railroad men iu their
just rights,
Deiuuud' for a Itlg; Deposit Without Due
Tvotlcu Caused the buspuuuiuii.
WiLKEBBAimu; Feb. 0. F. V. Itocka-
fellow is the Treasurer of this city und
the amount of city deposits iu his bauds
whoa the bank closed was $51,0 JO. His
boudaineu are held liable to the amount
of sGJ.uOu.
The amount of deposits the bank car
ried are suid to bo nearly a half million
This morning llr. Itockafellow said:
"I shall resume la a few days."
He explains tho closing of tho lnstltu
tion as duo to u demand that bad
been made a fow days ago for a $10,000
deposit without due notice, and that
lnui run matters close with the bauk.
OOlcers Connecticut J'rubate AsiMinbly,
H.VKTi'oau, Feb. 9. Tbe Connecticut
Probate Assembly, composed of the
Judges and ex-Prob.tto Judges of the
State, at their annual meeting ut tho
Cap I till, elected tne following officers!
President, J. llurllmrt wtitte of llart
' tcrd; Vice-President, James Huutiugtoa
n, Vm,lhlll.V! s 'rjlr Tni,i.l f
Warner of isalis.iury; Treasurer, Joseph
a. lianulng ol Deep i.iver,
It Caret Colds, Coughs, Bore Throst, Croup, Icfla.
tin, Wboopinr Coaih, Bronchitis und Asthirs,
A certala cure for Consumption la first stages,
and a sore relief in advanced stages. Die at once.
Tou will see tho exotlltnt affoct afUr taking tha
nnt doss. Sold by dealeia cTtrywhtre. Larrt
bottlos K cents and $1.00.
'resented to ll'i ricnlileit nnil Secretary
of the fiavy.
WasiiinuTuv Fel). 0. George W.
Turner, editor of tiie New York Recorder,
f eaterday presented to President Harri
son and Secretary Tracy two silvor
itatuettes representing Jllgln, tho siilor
of the U. 8. S. ltoltimore, tho killing of
whom In the streets of Valparaiso led to
the trouble with Chili a littlo over a year
l go.
Soon after the close of the Chilian in
oidcii, tho Recorder opened a popular
lime subscription, the proceeds of which
were to be devoted to the moulding of
three statuettes to be presented ouo each
to President Harrison, Secrotary Tracy
und Secretary Blaine, in recognition of
the patriotic course of thu administration
luring tho diplomatic controversy.
There were over 20.000 subscribers, and
the dimes thus collected were moulded
into the statuettes which have been pru
lentcd. On account of tho death of Mr. Bluino,
She presentation was private.
The statuette which was Intended for
llr. Bluino will be presented to his family.
rhu ltullruails Lnvletl fjpoii by Ills Order
Mill Held by tin, SllerllT.
Charleston, S. C., Feb. 9. The war
jetwteu the Federal Court and tho
iounty sheriffs and treasurers, acting uu
ler Gov. Tillman's directions, and which
Involves thu question of taxation of rail
roads, has assumed another and more ag
gressive phase.
The deputy marshals who were charged
ivlth serviug the writs for contempt and
iiiunction ou the sheriffs of Aiken, Abbe-
fille, Anderson and Newberry counties
lave returned and report that tbe sheriffs
'efuso to surrender tho proyerty of the
railroads levied upon by them under Gov.
LTllmun's orders.
Itljr Hostiiii lion Firm Asslcns.
Boston, Feb. 9. P. A. Hondletto &
o., the big Iron and steel linn ut 2iz
ind 270 Franklin street, bavo filed a pe-
ition in insolvency.
Sirs. Mary V. O'Fallon
ol Tiqua, O., says the rhy
slclans uro Astonished,
anil look at her like ona
Raised from tiie Dead
Lone: and Terriblo Illness
from Blood Poisoning
Com plefef Cured by Itood'a
Mrs. Mary E. O'Fallon, a very intelligent
lady of I'lijua, Ohio, was poisoned while as
sisting physicians at an autopsy C years ago,
and soon terrible ulcer broke out on her
head, arras, toncue and throat Her hair all
came out. She welshed but 78 lbs., and saw
no prospect of help. At last she began to
take Hood's SarsnparllU and at onoe im
proved; could soon pt out of bed and walk.
rilio says: l uecame peneciiy cureu uy
Hood's Sarsaparilia
and am mow a well woman. I weigh 128 lbs,
cat well and do the work for a large family,
My cao seems a wonderful recovery and
physicians look at nie In astonishment, as
almost Hue oue rnirl from the cSeiiil."
HOOD'S PlLl.3 should ba In every family
medicine chest. Ouce used, always preferred.
poll MENT. Society and club rooms In the
Attorney, Hoom 8. 18-H-tf
T?OIt HALE. Livery outfit for cale cheap for
V cash. Apply to m. ". coury, No 31 houi
Alain street. 1-19-tt
r OST. An account book of ni value what.
Ij ever except to owner. Finder will please
leavo same at Heuald office aud receive
XX r ANTED. Two brlffht men rt eood ad-
VY dress, for a piyln; position Must furnish
good referenco and security, Apply in person
ut iititAi.u omco.
Xr ANTED. A girl about 18 or M, tidy in ap
YY pearu ce, good habits and not ufrald to
work, can find emnloyment In a small family
no children, by applying at the Hluald office, oiners neea appiy.
rOM, MINERS WANTED To dig hard and
soft coul In a nltcblne vein Are feet thick, no
is, gooa roor. itegumr wora tne year tnrougu,
Good wages. Applv or address John T. Jones,
bunt., Uuyton, vn-glnla, n miles from Ktcii
mono. S-6-4t-cod
iir Art to 115.00 ner Car at horns telling
JlU.UU Lightning Plater and plating
Jewelry, watches, tableware, &c. Plates the
tlnest of Jewelry Knod as new, on all kinds of
metal with gold, sliver or melcel. No experi
ence. No cupltal. Every house has goods
r., i aing plating.
1 i'i-St II. K. Dklno t CO., Columbui, O,
i x mission, to Handle tne new t'atcnt Cheml
I oal Ink Erasfnc Pencil. The Quickest and treat-
I et.t selling novelty ever produced. Erases lnli
i thorouahlv In two seconds. No abrasion
paper. Works like inaele. 200 to 800 per ce
profit. One scent's safes amounted to KJ)
six days. A'lother UU la tvo hours. Previous
1 experlenoe not necessary. For terms and full
i naruoulars, imaress Tiie Monroe Ml g uo.
iroBse. Wis. xlJ
iU., 1
UhAlllMl i. . SVSI'hb.
Uhlgh Valley Division.
Anthracite coal used ex
clusively liiMiring cleanli
ness und comfort
rrnnRCincnt of passenger trains Doo. !, 1892.
Passenger trains leave Shenutuloikh tor
em liaven junction, atnucn uiiunu. Le
mon, blutlnirton. White Hall, Catnsauqua,
entown, llothlehcm. Huston, l'hlludelnhla.
azifion. woiuneriv. uuskiiko junction, uei.
iino and Mnhanoy City at 6.01, 7.40. 6.08 a m.,
ra, o. iu. d.ct p. m.
for New York. 0. 4, 0.08 a. m., 12.62, 3.10.
Si p. m.
ror iiazicton, wuKen-unrro, wnito iiaTen,
Ittston, Lacey villo, Towanda, Sayre. Waverly.
linira. Rochester, Niagara Palls ond the West
10.41 a. m., (3.10 p. tn., no connection for Heches
tor. Ilufiulo or Nlumira Falls 1 . 8.03 n. m.
For llelvulere, Delaware Water Uap and
Struunsburg. 6.M a. m., 5.27 p. m.
r or i,ainoertviiie ana irei.ion, cu a. m.
For Tunktiannock. 10.41 a. m.. 3.10. 8 03 n. m.
i"or AUDurn. ltoaca, ucneva anu uvons, 10. ti
8.03 n. m.
For.!anesv111e. I.evlstonanrt Heaver Meadow,
411 0.08 a. tn.. K.77. 8 III I), m.
For Auuenr ed. Ha?leton. StooKton and Mm
r Yard, 6 01, 7.40, S.08, 10.41 a. m., I2.W, 3.10.
Z7 t. m.
For Sonintnn. 0.01. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.,3.10, 8.W
(ti t'.m.
For llaileoroou. Jeoao, liruton ana e reeiaco
04, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.SK. 3.10, 5.27 p. m.
For Astuana. uiraravu e ana L,ost urceK. i.n
46. H.VH, 10.15 u. m., 1.00, 1 10. 4.10, 6.35, 8.10,
For Kaven Hun, Centralis, Mount Carmcl anc
-bamol!in. B.ftx. io.ibu. m., i.u, 4.4D, h.w p. m.
For Yatesviue. piuk iiace, Mananoycuy aco
Delano. 6.M. 7 40, 9.0C. 10.41 a in., IS.ISS, 3.10,
OS, .3H. lO.liS p. m.
Trains win leave snaraoKin at v.w, a. m.
10. 4.30. r.. m. anil arrive at Shenandoah al
Oh a. m.. 12.52. 3.10. 5.27 D. tn.
L.eave anenanaoun tor rotiBvuie, o.ou, i.iu
08, 10.41 n. m., 12.52. 3.10 1.10, 5.27, 8.0D p. m.
t.pave 1'ottHVllle for Shenandoah. 6.00. 7.35
05. 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.38, 3.00. 5.20. 7.00, 7.15, 9.30
l.eave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 6.04, 7.40, 9.08
10.11 ft. in.. 12.52, 3.10, 5 27, 8.03 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for sncnanaoan, 7.SJ, v.ia
II. CO a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 5.30, 7.10, 7.5 p. to.
Trains leave for Ashland. Olrardvtlleand Lot!
Creelt, 7.29, 9.40 a. ni., 12.30, 2 45 p. to.
For Yiite-viiift. I'arK iiace. Maoanor uuv
Delano, Hazleton, Hlacli Creek Junction, Penn'
Haven junction. Aiaucn ununx. Aiicniown
llcllilohem, Easton and New York, 8.40 a. m.
K p. m.
For Yatcsvllfe. Park Place. Mahanoy City and
i' nr.i'nnaaninnia iz..w sdsd m
Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.55, 4.40 6.P1 p. m
Leave Hazleton for Shenanaoan, 8.3U, I
. tn.. 1.05. 4.37 n. m.
I.eavo Shenandoah for Pottsville, 6.50, 8.40,
.30 a. m.. 2.45 n. m.
Leavo Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
.m.,1.35,5.15 p. m.
I A. 8WEI0AKD, Gen. Mgr.
C. Q. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
south Uethlehera, Pa.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
Kor New Yorlt via Philadelphia, week days.
(18,,10.08 a.m., 18.33 p.m. Sunday
,00, to a. m. l' or wcwvoi-it via raaucn ununu
week lavs. 7.18 a. m., 12.33. 2.48 n. m.
ior itcauine ana rnuuticinnia. wceK nays,
1)8. 5.2:1, 7.18, 10.08 a. m., 12.33, 2.48,5.53 p. m. Sun
day. 2.08. 7.4(1 a. ra 4.28 n. m
For llarrlsburg, ween days, z.08, 7.18 a, m.
:.48. 5.53 n. ra.
i or Aiientown. weea uavs, 7,ia a. m u.m.
48 p. m.
For l'ottsvillo, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m., 12.33.
J. 48, 5.53 p. m Sunday
ay. atis, 7.40 a. m., i.iaj p. 1
, 7.46 a. in., 4.SS p. m
ForTumnquaand Mahanoy City, week days
2.03, 5.23,
.18.10.08 a. m..l2.H3. 2.48. 6.53 p. m. Sun-
day, 2.08,
7.40 a. ro., 4.2S p. m. Additional for
Muhanov Cltv. week days. 6.68 P. m.
I' or Liancaster uuu lyOiumoia, weeK uays, f.ic
. m., s.ia p. m.
For Wllliamsnort. Sunhurv and Lewlsnure
week days. 3.23, 7.18, 11.28 a.m., 1.33, 6.68pm.
Sundav. 3.23 a. m.. 3.03 p. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, z.08, 3.23, 5.23,
7,18, 10,08, 11.2S a. m., 12.33, 1.33, 2.48, 5.53, 0.58, 0.33
p. m. sunaay, z.ub, j.m. .so a. m., n.oo, i.aa p.m.
For Glrardvllle, ( Kappahunnock Station),
1. a n ri 1 .h t k 10 innj 1 1 Kt r. M
HCCK UUJD, AM, ,4rtJ. IV.UU. I..MJ t Ui,
12.-33.I.33. 2.18. 5.53. 0.68. 9.33 n. m. Sunday. 2.08.
.1.23, 7.46 a. m 3.03, 1.28 p. m..
lor Asniand anu auamouin. ween aays, a.z.y
&.23, 7.1s, n.zt a. m., l.ra, o.kj, v.m p. m. sun
day, 3.23. 7.40 a. m., 3.03 p. m.
Leave New York via I'm adelnma. ween days-
7.15 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.15 night. Sun'
dav. 6.00 n. m.. 12.15 nlKht.
Lsavo New York via juaucn ununK, weon aays
1.00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m
Leave Phlladclnbla. week davs. 4.10. 10.00 a. m
4.00, 6.00 p. m from Markntand !2thSts., and
8.35 a. tn., 11. SO p. m. from 9ih and Green streets.
Sunday, 9.05 a m., 11.30 o. m , frem 8th and
Leave Reading, week days, 1.S5.7.I0, 10.05, 11.50
m., 0.&3, 7.ST p. m sunuay, 1.&1, a. m
Leavo Pottsville, week days, 2.40, 7,40 a. m.
12.30. 6.1 1 n. ia Sunday. 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2.05 1), m.
L.eave Tan.aqua, weeK uays, s.-m, s.ts, u.a a.
2.60 p. m.
i,cave Mananoy uity, week aays,, w.10,
11,47 a. TO., I.B1.7.4Z, U.CH
f p. m. Suuday, 3.46, 8.12
m. 3.'dJ p. m.
r tnl.nn mnn . . 1 . n 'I ,11 .Iftf
6.80,9.35 a.m.,,,7.57,10.10
.uitvc i.iuuuuuv i luuc. nnH u, id, a.-,., i.w.
p. m. .sunoay., s.w, 9.a u. m., a.m. o.m p. m
Leave Oirardvllle. (liannahannock Station)
weeks days, 2.17. 4.07. 6.36, 9.41 10.48 a. m., 12.05,
2.12, .11,5.26,6.32,8.03,10.16 p.m. Sunday, 2.47,
4.07. H.xa. a. m.. 3.41. s.ui p. m.
Leavo Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00, 9.fj0, 12.0U
a. m., 3.35, 11.15 p. in. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For Baltimore, Washington ana the west via
B. & O. K. It., through trains leave Glrard
Avenue station, 1'hlladelpma, U s, 11. it. it.) at
3 50, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.56,6.42. 7 16 p. m. Sunday,
3 mi, b.ik, n.-T a. m., 3,ao,, 7.10 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
and -outh street wharf, for Atlantic City.
Weekdays rcxpress, oo am, zuo. 4 mi, buo,
p. in. Accommodation, 0 uu a m, d so, 0 su p in.
piunuays express, v w, a m. Accommoua
tlon. 8 UI a m and 1 30 p m.
Returning leavo Atlantic city aenot. Atlantic
and Arkansas avenues. Woekdays Express,
7 uu, 7 4D, uu n m ana s uu p m
Accommodation, uua m ana uu p m,
(Sundays Express, 4 00 p m
Accommodation 7 .10 a m and 4 30 n m,
C. O. HANCOCK, Uen'l tass'r Art.
1. A. "wrciUAKU. wen 1 manager
NOVEMI1ER 15. 1891.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the above
dato for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
castle, nt. unur, I'ottsviue, iiamourg, iteaaing,
Pottstown, Phorinlxvllle, Norrlstown and Phil
adelphia (llroad street station) at :00ad 11:45
a. ra. ana 4: i p. m. on ween aays. i or rolls-
vllle and intermediate stations b:io a, m.
'"For Wlggan's, OUberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle. St. u air. l'ottsvillo at o:uu. 9:40 a. m
and 3:10 p. m. For Hamburg. Reading. Potts
town, Phcenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leave Fraokvlllo for Shenandoah at
10:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:01, 7:42 and 10:09 p.m.
Sundays, 11 : 13 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10:16.
11:48a. m and 4:10,7:15 ond :lzp. m, Sundays
at 10:40 a. m. and 5:16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for
Pottsville and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a m,
4 10 and 7 00 p m week days. On Sundays leave
at 6 60 a ra. For Pottsville, 9 23 a m. For New
Yorkat320, 4 05, 4 40, 535, 6 Ml, 7 SO, 8 20, 8 30,
9 60, 11 00. 11 11. 11 35 a m. 12 00 noon (limited ex.
..-I..-. 1 rul,.i 1 tA.wi 10 Ji 1 ok 1 in o fw- onn
i 00, 4 02, 5 00, 6 00, 0 20, 6 60, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p
m, 12 01 night, Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35,
B s, M3U, vui 11 a m ana is 11, 1 4U, 2 su, 4 iu
tiimiieu s du; o sa, o u do, y 10 ana Dispn ana
12 01 night. For Sea Girt. Long Branch and In
termediate stations 8 20 and 11 14 am, and 4 00
p m weeuoays. for uaitimore ana wasning
ton 3 60. 7 20. 8 31, S 10. 10 20, 11 18 a m. 12 35 (lim
ited express, 1 30, 3 46,) 4 41, 6 67, 7 40 p m 12 03
night. For Freehold only 6 00 p m week days.
For Baltimore only at 2 02, 4 01, 5 08 and 11 30 p
m. Sundays at 3 50, 7 20, 9 10. 11 18 a m. 4 41. 6 67
7 40 p m, 12 03 night. Baltimore only 6 08, 1130
p m. For Richmond 720am, 130pm and 12 03
nlzht. hundavs. 7 20 a m. 12 03 nleht.
Trains will leavo Harrlsburg for Pittsburg
and tho West every day at 12 26 and 310am
and (limited 3 00) and 3 40 p m. Way tor Al
toona at 8 15 am and 410pm every day. For
Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 20 a m every day
and 10 20 p m week days.
Trains will leave Sunbury for Wllllamsport,
Elmlra, Oanandalgua, Rochester, Buffalo and
Niagara Fans at b iu a m, ana 1 in p ra weex
days. For Elmlra at 5 SO p m week days, For
Erlo and Intermediate points at 6 10 a m dally
For Lock Haven at 6 10 and 9 56 a m dally. 1 35
and 6 30 D m week days For ltenovo at 6 10 a
m, 1 35 and 5 30 p m week days, and 6 10 a m on
suuaays only, f or nans at 0 iu a m, 1 aa p to
wcok days.
a II. pdoii,
Uen'l Manajrer
Oeu'J Pass'g' Agt.
First National
Slicitnndonii, I'v'iun"
V. W LKISENRINQ, President.
P. J, FKUHUSON, Vice Prtaldeoi
J. It. LE1HHNRINC3, Cashier.
S. W. YOST, Assistant Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to S.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
proQXortli TourtVi Kt.
tJfJO tclow Ureco, PbiUdilpLU.
AFTtr. tho family pbyildto, tbe fcctv
ptui aud advertlifcg docuri btie foiled,
fttwell m quaaks who tromUt u eon
jou fur H othcrt full, Dd t KtT
a written guatnuue. frea idtU, ft
trcHtuictitf ud tUvtr Hie tWlt twIitfUli,
tlQ ii.tuurutturin, with Unlr
cuiie'i totiica, rchturaiifrs, ublet. raiv
tMirttri, and otlicr ityrcl aoelrun kiua
bug con cf rim, tbr honin iire nedlclaet,
to , fia t baia vliidifd itid rntthMjoi,
THEN no find ecntult tR. O. F- THEEI
it bo hut bad 6 Tt?rs' Enrooeiui Kotrttal aud 6 rrars rrm'S
ChI fxpTloce. lie examined by titu. lie v ill cwislldly veil yt
m'iiifr jiurcfiiw mt-ruow or dci. in:ivcKnupgurDir, oi
qovi ne eiiura u uoa equal, uut n ooti enif in roorc i
reroto casan nt OypbUU, UlcrB, fitrictnrei. Oonorrb
joibou. inn jjiEcmriTM. r u i r ra miri jmcianciiDUB mmm
rlowith par ted iicks, and alt LhoM aitenie4 from t-Hectaor yMtMa)
Indltcretlon, of bnirt an- mire of a ure. Remeahtr,
LR, TUL doen cure wht all ethers only alalai to d. H&.
THEXL uiea Connnoit neime trrntmeflt. He earatinea the
pathlo, Iloniaeopitbto, and FclecMo fjaiema dI niediclnt h)
ever the am Indicated. IliiUri! Daitr.U to 8 ocletkl tb
lugs, 6 to 8, Wed, aid flit ttentriK from 6 t lOa'atockt
imtb, 8 io iz. isciia iu cin. vnrin at i at. iiatrra ior in
-ra for 1A.I
frlna $,!,
ill. avail
"Truth, tha anly true rnediral tonlt auierllnfd, frl
Teuna. and mlild e-anfd cr hula iexea. n rltt or call.
doctor! warning you medical ttfkn ; they are afraid 39
will And tbeir fftnnranc Pipo-ed, KF.AD fr. TheaJ'a tvttb
UiCBlala In WedoeMlay'R and Haturday'a Fiilladelphla TtoM.
H.u'b'bfsy Gemesat !
For Slate, Tile, Tin or Iron Roofs.
Sold In all slzo packagos from 10 pounds up.
Pointing up and ren ilrlng all cracked lolata
on all kinds of roofs, and around chimneys,
coping stones, skylights, dormer windows,
gutters, wood or stone work, breaks and nail
holes or any placo to bo made wat r-tl, ht; on-
equaiica ior laying ana ueaumc -ijATrj anu
IILE IUIOFS. ulsoronings. They will never
leuk or become loosened ltl very adhesive.
sticks firmly to anything, forming a tough,
icainor-iiue Skinoyor me top, win not run or
loosen from Joints or cracks, summer or win
ter This cement needs no reference. It ha?
stood ihe test for thirty two years, and never
falls to glvo perfect satisfaction. It Is the
most useful article a rooter can huvo In his
snop. Tho cement Is prepared ro idy for use,
an Is to be applhd with a trowel and is kept
moist by keeping covered with wat r or oil,
and will noted stiff or dry. Colors, brown add
black. (KBtnbllshPd 1860 ) Address,
J. O. IIETZEL, 56 Maine SU, Newark, N.J.
Aro soinetiires a bore, but
when the people are told
twice that at Gallagher's
Cheap Cash Store they can
buy Flour and Tea at lower
rates than anywhere in town
they aro glad to 'est the
truth of tho oft repeated
story. He also keeps on
hand full line of G-rosorics,
Fresh Butter and Eggs, Po
tatoes, Green Truck, Hay
and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store I
(Muldoon's old stand)
Medical OflrM, 206 N. SECOND St. PHlai's, Fa.
Are the oMest In America for the treatment of
Hpeclnl lllseasea t VontliTnl Krronu
Varlco.-e llydrnri Unplug Lost Manliaod.
Treatment byDloll n Npeclnlty. Cou
raunlcatlons nacrMily crnndrntlal. Hend ttamp Uf
llunU. OmiehoursiS A. M. lo2 1'. M.. 6 to 91.
Ill All day Saturday. Sundays, 10 to 12 A M.
CS 1 nnrs
and : Restaurant
Flrst-elasa Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tem
perance Drinks aid Cigars. Fine old Wines
and Liquors always on hand.
H. O. FOLMER, Prop
Hess' Livery Stable,
xx8 N. Market Alley,
Fines turnouts in town.
Would be pleased to receive a share of tha
piibllo patronage
Offlcos lloori 3, 1. O. Building, Hhenandoaa
tnC JCdterly UulMlnir, Pottsville,
riff 1 1-"- si- tu a