The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 08, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Danger Believed to be Ovct
for the Present.
The Herald.
iibAlbiin . M tn.
Lehigh Valley Division.
First National
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
wnata.v, BVBitr satUhdat.
M.A. HOV lilt . ..lfirlfinr
II. tt ilOl lilt Hlllnr iiii I'uhllnhm
W..t, WAlKItt . I"' IMttnr
J, SC. HOY Hit iliMlfii Mnnnprr
Tho Mviuima llniti.u ban A larger olrcula
Mon In HhenandoAh tnsn any other paper put.
Ifohod, Hooks opwii to all.
DAIliT, 1 jeai
18 00
i no
A'lf rtl'ln l Hut.
Triuilat, 10 obdW per line. Unit Insertion : b
u per line each subsequent insertion, Kitten
irregular advertising nun be bad on appllou
Uou at ttio oflioo or by mull.
EvUredat the Postofflee ill Shenandoah, Pa ,
for transmission through the mall
as seoond-olass matl matter.
Torn for your ftvritu teinlier.
If now begltii to I. ink ill If the whole
aunlry Is liultiic turned over to the
Undbk the new iiiprtiituiietit till!
Scliiiylklll Mini Cut him conn' lea are to
form a ColiR'0lo" " 'INtrlct.
What the Hopii'Hican party needs
mimt Ih not re-oruHinzHtliin, hut a
roadlng mil of tin Mugwumps.
PuitHAFS we, of tile JNoilli, will yel
have to liui; iho timith to iorglve us for
tbe sound (Irulit)lnir we kuvm them.
TiiHitn were ilen'y "f iinnd, nolld
And true Koiiuliliipinu from whom th.'
President cnul I Imv- -elected ix j idge
Tun unit iliumwiil of Jiulue Jitcb-
boii in theHFCon'l nistakethe Piesldeut
has nude. Judge Dallas' appoint
niettt was thu llr-t.
Wk admire a true Demoerat that
will stand up and flsrht for P-moiirotic
lirinollile, lull we ilutest Mugwump))
whether lliey are In the Demouratlu or
Bepubliotn milks.
Tint new cmiiny iiioveinnit seems
to he in an encouraging s ale There
la no doubt now nl its hiii-cu-m. No
iiitiniiitioii i given or hn muuh of
Helinylkill o limy i 1 be ittkeii iu.
Tins appointment of Judgo Jack
son to the Supremo H-neli has
aroused the ire of the
prej everywhere. The funny part of
the business is tit it the Mugwump'
ItepublicariH Hre more vehement iu
their denunciations than the regulars.
What could have been expected of the
)ir and the public, of Republican
proclivities, thut have been coiitln-j
ually Bowing seeds of di-cord by un
jmtly denouncing ho lamented'
Jilalue, tho intrepid Quay, Clarkson
mid other like men? Those who have
douoso much for the election of
Oftvelaud by using their guns on
tkoir frienda, luatead of me enemy,
need lilde tlielr heads in plume. The
evil has been done,
Nothing short of
fulling Into line and u vigorous light
for Republican principles wi'l.put the
party In the front rank aaain. There
must In no more Mugwumplsui, but
hold, true and loyal devotion and
work for the Itspubllcau party.
' 'They are no good. We don't want
them. We can get along without
them but they'll vole the Democratic'
ticket anyhow, us they will want the
Irish vote hereafter." Are the Qer
mans as dumb as the Aews pictures
UliBHi ? We'll see
Ia, President Harrison getting weak-
Klieto, or lias no unuuiuueu lujiiiu iuo
gVeftt inujnrity? Ho nude tome ap
pointments during his term thatahouid
not have been made, und he lulled to
make ohanges when changes should
have been made, thereby contributing
largely to the forces thut defeated him.
Uutuota single appointment or Ml-
6 ' ,
lire to appoint, oaused tuch genuine
surprise lo politicians of tioin parties
m his npnoiutment of Judge Jueltaon,
of Tennessee, ua the Biiecenaor of Jub
UowLftuiar. Judge Jaukson is not only a radioal
Democrat, but one of the old Btatee
Rlghtu Democrats. There lis no ob
leotion to Judge Jaokiou personally,
he undoubtedly Is an able mm, huthe
is a Deuioorat, aud Mr HarrUon ig
support) to be a Republican, aud the
poiliou to which he has appointed
this State's rights man ia not for a
short term only, but for life.
Laok of material in Justioe Lamar's
eiroult oaunot bs advauoed asanas
cu for not selecting a Republican,
for there are many Southern Republi
cans amply qualified to most accept
ably and impartially till tbe bill.
It was fully expected that Preu'dent
Hurrlson would select a Republican,
but evidently ho was determined to
"make himself solid" with the Deuio
eratio press, as one of his last ofH. ial
many New Idea,
in tbe borne euro of diseases, accidents, and
bow to tint lb, and insuy hint of value
to tbe aick will be found iu Dr. Kaufman's
groat Medial Work; elenuot U'ii'.rafIons.
iisiid Uirae 3-otmt stamp to A. P. i rdway A
Co., Buatun, Km, and reoeiva u copy free.
It M'nn Tlmnglit hnat Night tluit u Orcnl
ItiiimlHtlon IVmk Imminent In tli Alliv
climiy Vnlley ltepnrlii nt tlui Kle o
IVutor from Miiny lVlnti.
rrmiBUMO, Fob. 8. The flood tlyil
threatened disaster to 1'ittiihiirg an.
Allegheny ban, it is thought, live
clucked by tbe cold weather and tbi
worst la now believed td bo over.
The unexpected rise of the Alleglien;
river omised jtrent cnnstcriiHlIo
ninong business men and residents i Ioiij.
Dnqiiasuo way and loner I'emiHylVitiii
avenue, as well ub auiong tho residents o!
lower Allegheny.
Those living or doing business ulnnj.
tho rlvor front have rumovud all perish
able good..
The tracks of tho Pittsburg & Wes
tern road are several feet under water
within the city limits.
When tho big Krge of Ice In tho Reaver
river at Hock Point broke it caused much
damage At one point tho track of the
Pittsburg co ljiito Urlo railroad la washed
out for over a mile, wnily for a distance
of ncvenil miles the trucks are piliul high
with loo. Telegraph lines Have been car
ried away ami tho water ia cutting under
the roadbed.
All of the many factories along the
river havo been compelled to stmt down
while f-onu; of them havo been badly
tlaiuag d.
At treoport. on tho Allegheny river.
the lower part of the town, three t.quan
bakfrom the river, is Inundated and
In oplo aro fleeing from their human
w..icli are being pounded to pieces by the
huge blocks of ico.
Many boats and rafts of lumber have
b en torn from their moorings and de
stroyed. A 1 Dubois tho water In tho Slnnoma
liojing river is at flood height, and
Itenovo and other towns along tho stream
uie pieparing for a flood.
At Newcastle tho Neshannnck creek ia
rising at thu rato of two feet an hour,
and it is feared that the lower part of the
town will he. inundated."'
There la an Ice gorge two miles long at
Volant, and people living on the lowlands
betwoea Newcastlo and Hercer, havo
moved out or their homes.
Thu water in too Neahannock, nt New
Castle, ia higher this morning than for
many years.
During the night it roso eight feet and
a portion of the southern part of the city
was inundated, several houses were
fwept away and many families were res
cued In boats.
'The Beaver rlvor is nlso reported rising
rapidly and the oltloials of the Pittsburg
cv; uua. unn xvauro.iu uave iiiscouunueu
he of tickets to points west of Bea
The pleasure boat, Uncle Jake, moored
nt the Forty-second street bridge, was
sunk by the Ice, and a dozen shanty boats
hud their sides crushed iu.
The water poured iu so rapidly that
the oocupants barely osc.ipad with their
J-'lond Fcnrcd lu the Moknwk Vullpy.
Amhtkhdau, N. Y., Feb. 8. The ice in
Bcholiurie creek, near Burtonvillo, broko
up yesterday morning and cuuo down
stream into the Mohawk river about a
mile west of Fort Hunter anil has lodged
there. The ice iu the Mohawk at that
point is still intuct. The river has over
flown Us banks nt many places and
auiong thoso living in the lowlands thero
Is great fear of a freshet which will flood
the valley and do much damage.
Anxiety ut New llriinsivlck.
New Biiunswioic, N, J., Feb. 8. The
ice above tho lauding bridge a mtlo from
this city has broken up and formed an
ice gorge 15 feet high at the bridge. As
the ice is still solid from this city to Am
boy bridge, a distance of nine miles, the
greatest fears are felt that the lower part
ot the city may be inundated aud the
Ne Albany street bridge damaged.
The Sandusky I.nvel W ith Its linuks.
Fremont, O., Feb. 8. Tho Sandusky
river has risen over ten feet since last
night, aud ia now level with its banks.
T..e extreme cold weather may check its
rise unless the ice gorge formed south of
the olt.y gtves way, when au overflow
will undoubtedly follow. People liviii;
JJSffi: tbB ci
MsliontnK Ulvur u lltising Torrent.
Wabbkn, O., Feb. 8. The Mahoning
river at this place Is a raging torrent of
water ami ice. The entire southern por
tion of tbe city is flooded, and a number
of residents were oompelled to seek
safety by means of boats. The tracks of
tbe 1'"tBb"'g , Ashtabula railroad are
covered with water five feet deep, und the
riVer is still xiing.
1'eur of a Krttit Along; Koinlont Creek.
Kinowow, N. Y., Feb. 8. The heavy
rainfall has created alarm among the
residents of Eddy vi lie and other places
along tbe Roudout creek, lest they be
visited by another freshet suou as upon
two occasions caused great destruction to
property at Kddyville, which is the tide
water term i u us of the Delaware &
Hudson cuual.
. I'lon,t In South llufTalo.
BnrrALO, Feb. 8. There is a bis flood
iu South BuShIo caused by the overflow
of tbe creeks. Water covers tbe lands
and streets to the depth of two aud three
feet. The Sdtieoa street cars were forced
to stop last night. All tbo region between
Buffalo and Cazcnovia creeks is raoro or
leus iloodud.
Mrs. Whitney Demi, Dr. Illlnn Flee..
Nw York, Feb. 8. The young land
handsome woman known as Mrs. Alice
Whitney, of 451 Wefct 44th street, upou
whom an operation was recently per
formed, died late yesterday afternoon.
Delectivss are looking for Dr. P. Qray
Hiiaii, who was arrested in oontieotiou
with tbe ease and released on bail, but
have yet made no capture. It is thought
he baa lett tbe olty.
A l'rlmt 1(1 uf Typhus.
NiwTak:, Jeb. 8. Tbe Rev. Father
Gerard Suielmanii, of St. Anselm's
IU ii. an Casholle almroh, is report! to bt
Buffering from typhus fever. It has Iteen
his otHtom to visit tbe RIyn,ide liospital
on North Brother islaud, where tbe ty
Great MillVrltiz In the 'ni-t lnvust from
the Ullzut-il IVeallier,
Hni.H.VA, Mont., Feb. 8. Tbo worst
old ia reported in tho Judith cattle
country, where the thermometer dropped
10 Oil below zero, mid did not get higher
than i!0 below for four days.
Never before iu the history of the
weather bur au In Montana has such se
vere vteatucr prevailed, nor hare there
jt-cu so many continuous days iu which
i.o temperature kept below zero. There
,s about tn fee feet of fciiowon tho lorel in
the valleys.
All trains are dolnycd, and tho Qrcat
Northern has not had a through tr.iln in
un time lu over a week.
Great distrait and suffering aro re
ported from all points.
Itef cued
from llmlr
Ship suit
Currletl lo
Losdon, Fob. 0. Capt. Seott anil the
erew of tel. mar. of tr.o Amerlc 111 bark,
Henry A. Burnham, have been landed at j
Falmouth, after having been rescued
from their vessel at sea. Thoy tell of 1
frightful experiences. I
The Burnham sailed on Dec. 23 from '
Port Spain for Philadelphia. When she
bad been out ten days she encountered a
scries of hurricanes lasting 10 days, dur- 1
log which time shu sustained irreparablu
When the crow were rescued on Jan.
18, In lat. 89.05 north, long. 07.30 west
the Burnham was iu a sinking condition.
Judge V. II,
Allen Uleoteil
United Staloa
Lincoln, Neb., Fob. 8. Judgo W. B.
Allen, Populist, has boeu elected United
States Senator. Ho received 70 votes,
four more than nec'ss.try to a choice.
Tbe Republican caucus substituted A.
S. Paddock for John M. Thurston as their
candidate, wvl In tho joint session every
llepublienii except two voted for him,
giving him 0!) votes.
Allen received tho solldMndependcut
and Democratic vote.
lrcnt Distress In Zaute.
Athens, Feb. 8. Another violent
earthquake was felt at Zante yosterd.ty.
The King and Queen nre visiting all tho
villages to learn the wnuts of thoe who
havo been driven from home, and to calm
tho piuic-sirickon. The weather on the
island Is intensely cold, and groat suffer
ing prevails among the unsheltered fugi
tives from the city of Zanto.
Jlloi'tlnn t I'lirht llnee In Onn Week.
New YoitK, Feb. 8. Con Biordan, the
big Calitornian, has agreed to fight throe
men in one weak before tho Arlol club of
; Philadelphia. His first opponent will be
I big Bill Davis, his second, Joe Butler, the
1 colored man, who knocked Joe GoddarJ
1 down several times lu 1 glovo contest at
the Ariel club, aud his third opponent
will be an unknown.
Dr. Vim Kiln Found Qullly.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 8. Tho jury In
the caso of Dr. Benjamin S. Van Zlle, on
trial in the Court of Oyer aud Terminer
for manslaughter in causing the death o f
Lillian Cook, through malpraotlca on
Dec. 25, 1891), returned list evening aftor
an absence of two hours with a verdict of
guilty according to the indictment.
Coroner Investigating ti Mysterious Oeatb
Scuanton, Pa., Feb. 8. Thomas Coyno,
unmarried, called upon one of his neigh
bors in Miuouka during Monday night.
Yesterday Ids dead body was found lying
outside the house. The coroner has. been
informed und will endeavor to solve the
mystery of his death.
Cleveland Will Olvo a 3Id SIoiUI.
New YoitK, Feb. 8. Grover Cleveland
informed a well kuowu chess journalist
that he would dedicate a gold medal for
the winner in an International Chess
Masters tournament to be played lu this
city iu the mouth of May or Juno.
I WESLEY Binnuv,
9 MorrUtown. N. ).
gKidiicy Trouble for 12 Ycarsj
I Completely Cured.
3 Dana Saupasilla Go..
9 MB86B8 ur 119 ynan I hare ton badly 1
amictea wua KUlncy 'X'roui!'. 'rjmria
BKu iiMi "JjH unlri" Villi H itlUt-U
gmjback. Atth 1 waanard wink fur im- Ua
larouiKL Lutreb I nad another uttt k uf
EOrlpiiVp' which left nu ao bud 1 cnntdl
Eiiiiruiy uei lavruMt in ruuiai. uurmer-i
cluuu ultisca nie to try h bonus ot
fdldm. aimI hv Ukua IhrM iMjtlh.of SAR.
SAeAiuia,A 'ia 'me ixsti (4 ii a n t. rii,LS,i
IW1UR I'Un -M4jKJ-r'B. S 1. I I .19. S
Afo truuble wltn KIJnviM nobuck,!
aehei ootl auuellfce. una 1 tu-vor I, .ttiVl
tor In n,y lit,-. Vfiu inny publlWi UU if you wUh. 1
km vvvr y wora i i-ue.
I Yuuru tmlr.
MarrMown, N. V. W ll.tY STfcKSY.
StUTV. Mltil lcnAiv 111. staiju.. t ' . i. t f ill
Dasa SirstptrHIa 0e BtaaM,
TUn Bx-acorelary's Entlrn Property Val
ued 11I About 01,000,000.
Atmi'STA, Me., Fob. 8. Several promi
nent people nt the State House aro in a
movement to have tho Legislature give
n lot on tho State grounds as a burial
nlace for the remains of ex-becretary
Blaine, and perhaps erect a memorial
stone. Thero is already one tomb upon
the grounds, that ot tho late Qovoruor
Mr. Blaine's will will bo filed at the
meeting of the Probato Court one week
from votterdav.
It Is understood that the will is short
and gives all tho estate unreservedly to
Mrs. Bin no . who Is mado sole executrix.
Thu entiro nronertv is valued at about
$1,OOU,000. The residence in this city Is
valued at $10,000. It will always re
main In tho possession of tho Blaino fain
llr and will pot be rented.
Tho relatives of the family think that
Mrs, Blaine will spend tho coming sea
son in Europe, anil that Miss llattlo, lue
youugbst daughtur, will accompany ucr.
Proceeding In Kxn.itu Judgea Eleoted In
j tho llouaB.
IlAnTi'OHn, Feb. 8. The Senate debated
for a long time tbo bill conferring crim
inal jurisdiction upon tho District Court
of Waterbury, ami passed It by a unani
mous vote. It was favored by Sonnsors
Boot, Pierce, and llolden, and objected to
by Senators Fox and Cleveland.
Tho House elected Judges as follows
John J. Boss, judge, and Patrick Kane.
deputy judge, of tho City Court of Bridge
port: It. J. Walsh and Howard J. Curtis,
judges of tho Court of Common Pleas for
Fairfield county: Hoburt L. Hoichklss
and John B. Suidley, judges of tho Court
of Common Pleas lor New Haven county,
Bills wcio introduced iu favor of in
creasing tho pay of letter carrier to
il,2U0 a year atler three years' servlca,
limiting tno business of any life insur
ance company to 1, 000,000 iu force on
lives, and permitting tho city of Now
Loudon to issue bun, Is.
Ur. Herman Hides
Of Kochester, N, Y.
Deaf for a
Caused by
Catarrh in the Head
Catarrh is a Constitutional disease
and requires a Constitutional Rumedy
like iiooil s barsaparilia to cure it. Keau
"Throe years ago, as a lesult of catarrh,
entirely lost inv lieirlnc anil was deaf for mor
thannvenr. 1 tiled urluus tlilnus to cure It,
nnil had several pliy.sici.uis attempt It, hut no
improvement was app.uent. I roi-Id iti-iiii-guMi
no koiiml. 1 was luteiu'ing puttins
myself under tho care ot a specialist when
some one sugcested that possibly Hood's 8ar
sa pari ll.i would do 1110 some good. I began
I taking it without the expectation of any lasting
help. To lny Mirpriso mid urcnt.luy 1 found
1 when I had taken three bottles that lny Iicnr
ing "ii rciiiruins. I kept on till 1 had
ttiken three more. U U now over a year and I
can licur perf eclly 1 II. 1 am troubled hut
very little with thu catauh. 1 consider this a
t-riuuilutblo cusr, und cordially lecommend
Hood's SarsapariE!a
to all who have catarrh." IlEitaiAN Hicks, SO
HOOD'S I'II,l,!-l aro puro'.y vegetable, and da
not purge, lla or grlie. Sold by stl druggliU.
WANTS, &o.
170R. RENT. Society and olub rooms lo the
C post offline bill Idlng. Apply to M. JI. Ilurke,
Attorney, Itooiu 3. 12-H-tf
T7IOR SALE. I Iverr outflt for ale cheap for
i cash. Apply to M. I Conryi No 81 Mouth
Alain street. 1-19-tf
1' OST. An account bookofn-i value what
j ever ixcmalo owner Jtnder will pteasa
ieave sumo at Hhwai.d oltlos recolve
WANTED. Two bright men 'f good ad
dress, for a ti lylnx position Host furnish
good leference und security, Apply in ieron
at HEUAi.Domoe.
xirANTED. A clrl about IB or 20. tidy In p-
VY peara ce, good ab ls und not sfrald to
work, cau fln.i employaient In u small famllv,
no children, by applying at the IlrltAU) ofllce.
one oihers need apply.
COAL MINBIW W NTED To dig hard and
soft coiil iu a pitching vein live feet thick, no
gas good root. IteguUr work tbe year through.
Good wages. Anal or address JohnT Joues,
bupt., Uayton, Virginia, 15 mllo from Itloh
mond. 2-Mt-eod
$5.00 Lightning
per day at home oiling
Plater and nlutinz
Jewelry, wstulies, tableware. &c. Plates the
Unestof Jewelry so- A as new, on all kinds ot
metal with gold, silver or nlekil. No experi
ence. No laDltal,
Every houso Las goods
1 needing piaitng.
' 1 V7l ILIC
Dklno & Co . Colurabui), O,
misloD, to nanaie tue new patent unemi-
1 cul Ink Kra'iag l'aooii. The quickest anu great-
- est oelllng novelty ever prouueeu. iir.isos ink
thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of
p..pcr Works ii'.e maglo. 200 to 500 per cent.
I prod. Out geui's sales amounted to MHO in
'xaain in-tlior tsi In two hours. Previous
I eiierlei,.-e : nnf.iry For terms ami full
6.iii.Uulai'i ti-'rts TUu Mosroo Mf'gCo., La
rosae, Wis. xij &-4l-ly
Anthracite coal urrd ex
clusively lnunns cleanli
ness una comiori
irannemcntof passenger trains Deo. 4, 1892.
I'assencer trains leave Shenandoah for
enn Haven Junction. Maucti ununn. uo
iohlnn. sliitlnclon. White Hall. Cutusauaua.
ueiitown, nctuienem. khsiod. i-nuaaeipma,
Uizleton, VVcotlicny, uuaiiftKO junction, uei-
no and Mahauov City nt 6.01. 7.40. 8.03 a m
i Ml. S 10. K !W n m.
I-or New yorit, e. , k.ub a. m., iicks. o.iu.
1!7 n. m
eor iiaticton, wiiKos-uarro, wane imvuu
ittstoti. Lnceyrlllc. Towanda, Sayre. Wavcrly
lmira. Uochestcr, Niagara l-'alls and tho Wost
11MI n. m., (3.10 p. tn., no connection ror Koohos
.... ii..i,.uA.xri,inaM iniiii n m m
For nelviaere. Delaware water uap ana
stroudsburK, OMi a. m., .27 p. m.
ror Lamtiertviue nnu rrenion, .uo a. m.
Pnr TnnUhannoi U. 1(1.41 n. m.. 11.10. 8 011 n. m.
For Auburn. Ithaca, Geneva and Lyons, 10.41
m..H.H3p. m.
ForJeanesvlllo. Levis ton and Heaver Meiulow,
40. n oh ii. m.. fi.L'7. R.m n. m.
For Audenrled. Hazleton, Stockton aud Lum
i r Yard, 6.01. 7.40. 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 13.88, 8.10.
T7 n. in.
For Scranton. 6.04, 9.08, 10.41 a. m.,3.I0, 8.27
i 3 i m
l-'or llnzlebrook, Jeildo, Dritton and Freeland
04. 7.40. 0 OS. 10.41 a. m.. 12.62. 3.10. 8.27 n. m.
Fnr Ashland. Rlrardvlllo and Lost Creek, 4.27
46, 8.82. 10.18 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.S5, 8.10, 9.18
, m.
For Itaven Kun, Centralis, Mount Carmel and
tiamokln, 8.82, 10.18 a. m., 1.40. 4.40, 8.07 p. m.
For Yatesvllie, Park Plaoe, Mabanoy City acd
elano. 0.114, 7.4U, u.'ih, iu.4i n m.,, a. iu, 0.14
ia. O.S.1. 10.28 n. m.
Trains will leave Staamokln at 7.58, 11.88 a. m..
10. 4.30. r.. m. and arrive at bnonanaoan si
Of, a. m . 12.82. S.IO. 8.27 n. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 8.50, 7.41).
1 OS. 10 41 a. m.. 12 82. 3.10. 4.10. 8.27. 8.03 15. m.
I.fiive PnttHvtlln for Shenandoah. 6.00. 7.35
05. 10.18, 11.48 a. ra 12.32. 3.00, 8.20,7.00, 7.15, 9.30
Leave Hhennnaoab ror liazieum, o.m, 7.4U,
0.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5 27, 8 03 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.39, 9.15
1.06 a. m., 12.48, 3.10, 5.5U, 7.10, T.BU p. m.
SttNtlAY T11AIN9.
Trains leave for Ashland, Olrardvllln and Loai
'reek, 7.29, 9.40 a. m., 12.30. a.4r p. ra.
For Yntp-vllle. Park Place. Mnhanoy City
lolano, Hazloton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allcntown,
Hethlehem, Baston ana New York, .w n. m.
.n p. m.
Fnr Phlhldnlnhta 12.30 2 65 n m
Fnr Yninsvllfn. I'ark Place. Mahacoy Cltr and
llnlnim. 8.40. 11. 35 n. m.. 12.30. 2.M. 4.40 6.01 t. m.
Leave Haiieton ror snenaniioan, b.oj, ii oo
m t.OS. 4.S7 n. m.
Lcnve Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, b.50, 8.40,
J Sla. m.. 2.45 n. m.
Leave Pottsvllle ror sncnanaoan, H.30, iu.iu
m.,l.S5, 6.18 p. m.
I A. SWEIQAIt), (Jen. Mgr.
CO HANCOCK, Gen. Pass Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
Mouth Uothlehera, Pa.
Trntns leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days
.' 08 a.m., 12.33 p.m. Sunday
J.08, 7.46 a. m. For New yoi-h viawuucactiunK
week davs. 7.18 a. in., 12.33. 2.48 ll. m.
For Iteadlni? and Philadelphia, week days,
.i.(18,5.23.7 18, 10.08 a. m.,12.33, 2.48,8.83 p. m. Hun
uay. 2.U8, a. m., 4.X8 p. m
For llarrlstiurg, week
JB. 5.53 n. m.
days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m.
For Allentown, week days, 7.18 a. ra., 12.33,
1 48 o. m.
For PottBVllle. week days, 2.08, 7,18 a. m., 12.33.
2.48. 5.53 p. in Sunday, 2.08, 7.46 a. m., 4.28 p. m
l-'or Tamnq la ann aiananoy uiy. ween aays
2.08. 5.23. a. m.. 12.33. 2.48. 5.53 p. m. Sun
day, 2.08. 7.46 a. m., 4.28 p m. Additional for
Mahanov Cltv. week davs. 6.58 p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18
a. m.. 2.48 n. m.
For WUliamsport, Sunbury and Lewtsburg,
week clays. 3.23, 7.18. 11.2a a. m., t.&s, pm,
Sunduv. 3.23 a. m.. 3.03 D. m. '
For Mahanov Plane, week days, 2M. 3.23. 5.23,
7.18. 10,08, 11.28 a.m., 13.33. 1.33,2.48,5.53,6.58,9.33
p. m Sunday,, 7.40 n. m.,, p. m.
For Glrurdvtllc. ( ltappahannock Station),
weekdays, 2.08. 3.23. 5.23 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m., 2.48, 5.53, 6.S8, 9.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08,
3.2S. 7.46 a. m 3.03, 4.28 p. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week days, 3.23,
5.23, 7.18, 11.26 a. m., 1.33, 6.58, 0.33 p. m. Sun
day; 3.23. 7.46 n. m., 3.03 p. m.
Leave Now York via Philadelphia, week days-
7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun'
dav. 6.00 D. m.. 12.15 night.
Lsavo Now York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4 00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.80 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m
Leave PhlladclDhla. week days, 4.10. 10.00 a. m
4.00, 6.00 p.m., from Market and l2thSts and
8.35 a. m., 11.30 p. ra. from 9th and Green streets.
Sunday, 9.05 a m., 11.30 o. m , (rem Oth and
Leave Reading, week days, 1.85,7.10, 10.05, 11.50
a. m., n.o.1, 7.D7 p. m sunaay, i.x, a. m.
Leave Pottsvllle. week days. 2.40, 7.40 a. m.
12.30,6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a.m., 2.05 p.m.
Leave Tart-oqua, week days, 3.20, 8.43, 11.23 a.
m., 1.21, 7.15, 9.28 p. ra. Sunday, S.20, 7.43 a. nS.,
2.50 p. m.
Leave Mahanov Cltv. week davs. 3.45. 9.18.
11,47 a. re., 1.51, 7.42, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 3.46, S.12
a m. s.-tj p. m,
Leave Mahanov Plane, week As vs. 2.40. 4.00.
0 30,9.35 a.m..,6.20,6.26,7.57,10.10
p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, v.27 a. ra., 3.37, s.ut p. m.
Leave Olrardvllle, (ltappahannock Station),
weeks days. 2.47. 4.07, 6.36. 9.41 10.46 a. m., 12.05,
.vi, .n,, 0.33, b.ih, p. ra. nunoay, ..,
4.07. 8.33. n. m.. 3.41. 5.07 n. m.
Leave WUliamsport, week days, 8.00,9.50, 12.00
a. m.,3.35, 11.18 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For Halttmore, Washington and the West via
11, & O. It. It., through trains leave Glrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. It. R.) at
8 50, 8.01, 11.27 a. ra., 3.56, 5.42. 7 16 p. m. Sunday,
3 80, 8.1-, 11.27 a. ra.. 3.80, .1.12, 7.iu p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
and outh street wharf, for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express. 9 00 a m, 2 no. 4 00, 5 00,
p. m. Accommouation. b no a m, 0 in, 0 so p m.
iunaays express, uw, a in. Accommoua-
1 tlnn. Rill) a m and 1 30 n m.
i Returning leave Atlantic City depot, Atlantic
' ana Arkansas avenues, woeitaays express,
7 (Si, 7 40, u uo a m anu 1 ou p m
Acooinmoaation. iu a m una 1 so p ia.
Hundayb Express, 4 00 p m
Accommodation 7 30 a m and 4 30 n m.
C. U. HANCOCK, Uea'l r'ass'r Act.
1 A --IWKIUAK1J. 1 .en I Manaeer
vnviiiMiiwn ik. iftqi.
Trains will leave Shentiudoih after the above
date for Wtiman's. Gllberton. Frackvllle. New
Oastle. t. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Heading,
Pottstown, Phosnlxvllle, Norrlstown and Phil
adelphia (Uroad street station) at 6:00 aud 11:48
a. m. ana 4:1a p. m. on ween uays. i- ori'ous
vine and Intermediate stations 9:10 a m,
DFor Wlggan's, Oilborlon, Frackvllle, New
Castle, St. Clair, Fottsvtllo at 6:00, 9:40 a. ra.
and 3:10 n. m For llambun;. Reading. Potts-
town, Phuenlxville. Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 3:10 p. in.
Trains leave Frackvllle for honandoah ai
10:-iOa m. and 12:14, b:ih, 7:42 ana iu:oap. in
-UiidBvs. 11:13 a. ra. and 5:40 n. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:15.
11:48a. m and 4:40,7:15 und 9:42p. m, Sundays
at iu:40 a. m. ana n: in p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street station) for
Pottsvllle and Khenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a m,
4 10 and 7 (X) p ra week days. On Sundays leave
at 6 50 am. For Pottsvllle. 9 83 a m. For New
York at 3 20, 4 05. 4 40, 5 3ft, 6 60, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
a 50. 1 1 00. 1 1 14. 1 1 35 a tn. 12 00 noon (limited ex.
press I 00 ana 4 so n ra) iz 41, 1 an, 1 40, z au, a so,
s 11;. a 00, V DU 11 GO u iu uuu uit, iiu,w,iu;
(limited 1 60) 5 28, 6 20, 6 50, 7 13 and 812pm and
12 01 nicnt. For &ea uirt. Lrfmg urancn ana in.
tcrmedlate stations 8 20 and 1114 am, nnd 4 00
p m weekdays. For Halttmore and Washing
ton 8 60. 7 20. 8 31. 9 10, 10 20, II 18 a m, 12 35 (lim
ited express, 1 30, 3 46.) 4 41, 6 67,7 40 p m 12 03
night For Freehold only 5 00 p m weekdays.
For Halttmore only nt 2 02, 4 01, 5 08 and 11 30 p
m. Sundavs ut 3 50. 7 20. 9 10. 11 18 a m. 4 41. 6 57
7 40 p m, 12 03 night, llaltlmore only 6 08, 1130
p ra. For Richmond 7 20 a m, 1 30 p m and 12 03
night. Hunaays, 7 su a ra, oa nignt.
Trains will leave Harrlsbtirg for Pittsburg
and the West every day at 12 25 and 310 am
and (limited 3 00) and 3(0 p m. Way for Al
toona at 8 15 am and 4 10 11 ra every day. For
Pittsburg and Altoona at 1120 a m everyday
ana 10 20 p m ween aays.
TralnB will leave Sunbury for WUliamsport,
Elrnlru, Canandalgua, Rochester, HulT.Uo and
Niagara Falls at 6 10 a m, and 1 3ft p ra week
days. For Elmlra at 6 30 p tn week days. For
Erie and Intermediate points at 5 10 am dally
For Lock Haven at 6 10 and 9 66 a m dally, I 35
and 6 30 p ra week days For Rcnovo at 6 10 a
m, 135 and 5 30 p m week days, and 8 10 a mon
Sundays only. For Kane at 6 10 a tn, I 3 p w
weak days. . .
C. II. PtfaB, J. R. Woon,
Geu'l Manager Gen'l puas'gv Agt
tihonntulunlt, Pcnua.
V. -W LEISENUING, President.
P J. FEKOUHON, Vloo Prosldonv
J. It. LEISENUING, Oashlor.
S. w", YOST, Assistant Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 8.
Interest Paid an Savings Deposit.
FS orin l onriit hu
ilUC IkiIow Qrceo, PblltvlelptU.
AFTER tbe fuilly thyilclan, tb bM
fltl and tidtertlslng doctors btte fallc.
an well 4S quack nlm j nun lue to curt
3011 titer ill olht-rs lull, RDtt to glre tm
urincu ttuiisuut:, irrs amice, iiv
trtEtnu Ll; itud uf'i-r tbe Bwltdlev,
' tba iiU tmuutui luitTK. ith their m-
. Mtltd toulcv, rfstormliff, tablet,
jiiiriuri, ftua utiitr rccret boitruru ctin
lug cob r 11s, ibp bnmn cure nmliclDrA
J2j?''x TilEST ri nn-l mn-uli UR- O. F. THEEli
nhflr-MhaJeTeiri'LuroDein Hostltoliail 6 rrart' rrM.
cul esrieoue. He uxatmmd by bioi. Uem illc muldlj tell jo
ht tber yourctieUc-fablo or not. Hi-dx not guarantee, not
dot's ha claim t be Ood'a equal, 1 ut he di a cure the moit de
porato oawa or BJ-PH1113, uicn Htruiorei, uonorraaNU
Poiion. nnd Dlachanrea. Mitlinra from Mtlancholifc ani
doobeatlednexi, and all tboe dic ed fioui itltt,w tr youthXaJ
Indltcretlon, of both ecw, an- ure of a curf. XLemember,
LR THEEL doe cure what all ethers otilj claim to do,
THEEL uici comnion Ntit treatment, lit. combtnea tbs All
palbio, Homoeopathic, ami Kckctio ayatenm of tiiedlcioe wbar
ever they art imllnated. Hour: Pally, t) to 8 o clock ; evea
ingi, 6 to 8, Wed. and Rat from 6 to 10 o'clock j 8m
dftft, 9 to 12. Send 13 ct. nh of tel. fUtnria for baa
" Iritln, 09 on it true inraiLai ihhik aaT?nim, a inrna ioqio,
vnnna.and mlddle-aaed of both nxe. Mrltorcall. AVOIW
doctor warninfj you bruIum mrdluat bnok. they art? afraid jvm
H1 find their Ignorance rviwed. CKAl) r. Tbn.'1'a lera
Cioclali la Wcdoendar'a aol Sutunlay'H ptilludelphla nw.
K-ulsber Cement !
For Slate. Tile, Tin or Iron Hoofs.
Sold In all size packages from lOpauuds up.
Potntlnc ud and reotlrlne all cracked iotnts
on all kinds of roofs, an I around chimneys,
coping stones, Htyr.snts. aormer wtnaows,
Butters, wood or stonework, breaks and nail
equalled for laying and beddlnc -"LATE AND
TILE HOOFS, also eoplngs. They will never
leak or tiecomo loosened it i- very adhesive,
sticks firmly to anything, forming a tough,
leather-like skin over the top, will not run or
loosen from joints or eracks. summer or win
ter This eeuient neorts no reference. It has
stood tho test for thirty two years, and never
rails to give pertcct sain-iaci-on it, is ine
most useful article a roofer can havo In hii
shop, The cement Is prepared roidy for use,
an is in do apple a win airowei ana is kodi
moist by keoplng covered with wat' r or oil.
and will not net stiff or drj . Colors, brown an
black. (KsmbllshcdlPCO) Address,
j. u. &o Maine St., wowuru, is. j. i
Aro sometirr es a bore, but
when the people are told
twine that at Gallagher's
Cheap Cash Store thev can
buy Flour and Tea at lower
rates than anywhnre in town
they are glad to est tho
truth of tho oft repeated
Btory. Ho also keeps on
hand full line of Groceries,
Fresh Butter and Eggs, Po
tatoes, Green Truck, Hay
and Straw
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store !
(Muldoon's old stand)
Mrdlcal Offlrei, 208 K. SECOND St., Pillad'a, Fa.
Are the oldeet In America fur the treatment of
Npeclul lUsensco & Youthful Errors.
Varicocele, lIyilr,Tdc, Ittipture, Mmihowl.
Trent men t lirKIall n NpcelnltT. Com-
munlratloiiH sacreilly c nfldt-ntial Send atamp 101
umre nonrst u a. 11. 10 1-. hi ., o w 9 m. 4
,11 AU day Saturday
Sumlaye, 10 to 12 A U.
lld I RBStsttlTtlllt
First-class Lager User, Ale, Porter and Tern
poranoe Drinks aid Cigars. Fine old Wines
and Liquors always on hand.
" " H. O. FOLMER, Pros
Hess' Livery Stable,
118 N. Market Alley.
Finest turnout lo town.
Would be pleased to receive aabare ot the
public patronitiif
OMoas H.jiu a
r. u Huiliiing, dhenmdoih
ni) Asterly', l'olrsvwiu.
phus pauente are.