The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 07, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Find no difficulty in
securing what they
require for their ta
bles at our store.
Cornar Groowry,
ventre and White Sti.
Hdwnrd Flynn, one of our popular school
teachers, returned Saturday evening from
John Donohuo, of Locust avenue, Is all
miles. It's a girl. Allow us to congratulate
jou, John.
Bov. Tennyson, who for the last few weeks
has been eouflu il to his room with u severe
attack of rheumatism, Is improving rapidly.
Tho Mineral of William Itushin took place
a Saturday morning. Interment wan made
at Sunbury. Deceased was a well-known
amd retpected young man and had many
friends who mourn his loss. Me was a
racmber of Camp 100, P. O. S. of A., and the
Knights of the Uoldon Eagle, Both toeieties
attended the funeral.
Kobert 1'. Parroll and Michael V. Horan,
two of our popular young men, smiled on
Grrardville's fair ones Sunday.
Miss Kose O'Huro, one of our pleasant
nchool teachors, has recovered from her illness
Mil has resumed her duties.
Misses Margaret A. Bradley and Maggie
O'Connor, who were injured at Ashland ou
December 30tb, lost, are improving Blowly,
lnt will soon be about again.
The flute corps of Bay's Hill will hold a
kail on Saturday, Feb. lltli, at the Logans
Tille school houss. A gooil tirao may bo
The Republicans of town held their prim
ary in Odd Fellows' hall on Friday evening.
Tie following ollicers wore nominated:
Uiief Burgess, Bobert Anderson; Director of
tbe Poor, John Goldsworthy: High Consti
Ma, David Dyke; Receiver of Taxes, La
foyctto Fetterman; Auditor, William II.
A grand ball will be giveu on Monday.
February 13th, under tho auspices of the
Young Men's Social Club. This club consists
of a number ol our popular young men whu
will do all in their power to mako tho ball a
Coming Vvente.
Feb: 13. Flret annual ball of Gen. Har
rison Lodge, Knights of Pythias, at Bobbins'
opera house.
Feb. 22. Martha Washington Birthday
Party, in Bobbins' opera houso, under the
piecs ef the Ladies' Aid Society of the
P. II. ehnrsh.
Mttrch 16. Tea party la Bobbins' opera
bouse, under tho auspices of tho Walsh Con
gregational church.
Best work done at Brennan's Steam Laun
bry. Everything white and spotless. Lfcco
enriaius a specialty. All work gnarantd
Louise Hamilton.
Last night's storm bad no effect upon the
Jarge audienco which saw Louise Hamilton
in " Fogg's Ferry " at Ferguson's theatre.
The play is not a new one, bnt it has lost
none of its charm for theatre-goers as wag
convinced last night by the frequent bursts
of applause that shook the house. Miss
Hamilton is a pretty, frolicsome little maid,
and amused the ontire audience by her
nn'uele aud utter forgetfulaoss of self. Tho
Test of the company are somowhat above the
ordinary run of repertoire companies. To
night Miss Hamilton appears in " The Little
Detective," which is said to be her best play,
-. -A
Happy Man
lA lie who dx Ked FIa Oil for Klie'im tlm,
Neuralgia, Toothache and uurnnlc pain, It's
a remedy whloii cures every time. Try It, 23
Beats. fcrdKUigOll .wllat r. 1. LI. Kir-
jam vruzBiore.
Jileetrta ltallway Ualletln.
Hertaftorthe electric Tailway cars will
leave the corner cf Cherry and Main streets
at Cc30 a. m. daily and every 20 minutes
thereafter until midnight, at which hour the
last cur will leave for Girardville. On Mon
day, November 7th, 1802, the fare for any
length of ride between Shenandoah and
OirardHIo will be reduced to five (5) suits.
fTheu Baby was stoic, we g her Oottorfa.
Wheo ahe was a Ohlld, she orled for Oastorio.
When she became HW, she clung to Caateda,
When she had ObXdrMi, aba gavetleta Costeria,
Tlie Academy ltaatauraut.
The Plfttsvlllo headquarters for Bhenan
4cah people and others living North of the
.Mountain, for hot toddles, hot punches, beef
tea and all kinds of wines and liquors of tho
best brands, is tbe Academy Beetaurant, John
T. Cooney, proprietor, II. A. Cooney, atsist
anfe, to
My stock for New Year gifts in jewelry
smd fancy goods shall be as complete as ever.
Holdermaa's Jewelry store. 12J28-tI
l'llet or ilemorrljnlds
Permanently cured withcutkuifo or ligature.
No danger or aoffcriug. No delay from bus
iness while HBdjor traaiiufwt. Patients who
ore ruspoiuriUle oJ not pay until wU. A
perfect our guaranteed. Send for etroular,
120 fsouth Wit St., PWUdrt pK.
Ecfurs, by permission, to the editor of the
XTBnxa Hkhald. tf
Continued from Firtl Jaje.)
vantago of tho standing opportunity to in
vestigate tho management aud methods bo
foro rushing to tho newspapers. It seems to
us many of tho pooplo complaining aro too
anxious foran opportunity to prcjudlco tho
public mind against tho contest. In our en
deavor to mako the contest as fair as possible
to all we followed up a report that certain
persons were securing copies of tho IlKnAift)
at the main office for leas than ouo cent a
copy. People who would be pre
judiced accepted the report as gospel truth
and weed It to the best advantage among tho
contestants. For tho benefit of these people
we will sht that our Investigation deVoloped
the fact that the friends of a contestant had
made a tool of a carrier employed by the
town RgeutA for the paper and had duped him
into selling them papers at a rate between
that allowed agents and the regular price.
When the IIkkai.h placed the facta before
the agents tho boy was discharged. Wo sus
pect the attack on the contest come from the
people who pulled the boy into the scheme.
Itov. l'owlck's Sermon on tlio Great War
Acalust Kin,
Tho revival spirit continues in tho Metho
dist Epituopul church and tho meetings
which have boen so successfully hold from
night to night aro still going and new mem
bers are being received every Sblmth. The
congregations ou Sunday wore large. In the
evening difficulty was found in seating the
people who wont to hour the word of God.
Tho sermon was from the text, "Wherefore
ho is ablo to save them to tho uttermost that
come unto God by Him, seeing Ho over
livcth to make Intercession for them." Ilcb.
7-20. Tho text assumes what very fow deny,
that men aro lost. Humanity has always
felt its guilt and been anxious to get rid of, at
least, its convequcuces. How to do this has
ovor been tho problem of tho ages. In ovcry
laud priests have been consecrated, altnre
have been erected and sacrifices have been
offered to propitiate doity. But Joeus Chrii
our great High Priest, has by ills own blood
put away sin so effectually that "there ro
maincth no more sacrifice for sins." Priests
and sscrlfices have been forever done away
by tho unchangeable priesthood of Jcsns.
The ability of Jesus to savo was acquired
by his Facrificial death. I supposo God might
have paved men from tin by killing them oil
in infancy or by dostioying their moral
agency, thus reducing them to mere machines.
Hut ho proposes to save men from sin by
healing them of thoir propensity to sin.
When we speak of salvation wo aro often
understood to mean salvation merely from
boll. But tho salvation the gospel provides
is salvation from sin sin against man and
sin against God. This was the supreme
purpose for which Jesus came into tho world.
It is tho meaniug of his name. "Thou
Shalt call his name Jesus for it is he that
shall save his people from their sins" as a
means of saving them from hell and bring
ing tli (in to heaven. Ho intended that men
should remain in the world and yet not bo
contaminated by the evil of the world.
Though citizens of earth they wcro to bo
denizens of heaven.
In undertaking this work there were moral
difficulties to put away in order to place man
in a Btilvablo state. There wero the broken
law and its threatened penalties. God must
uphold the honor of his government. The
claims of divine justice must bo met. And
niitil this was done oven God himself owing
to felf-lmposed limitations was unable to
save man. The law which was ordained unto
life had been ruado weak through tho flesh
and was unable to confer it. So Jesus, tho
son of God, became our sin-offering Hint He
might acqnlre tho right to set us free. This
is tho meaniug of His ability to sae. Ho
has bought us with His own blood and is
theiefore able to save. Nor lis there any
limit to His saving power. Ho can save
"unto completeness." Ho can do for us all
that our faith can claim. Human means for
saving men largely overlook inwaid princi
ples aud appetites and deal with outward
conduct. Tlioy aim to reform the manners
and praclicos. But tho divine method seeks
to transform tho moral preferences and bring
them into harmony with the will of God
The gospel aims not only to dry up the purl
fying sores and to remove the sickening scabs,
from tho body politic but to begin thehealing
prcecss from tho inside by destroying in us
tho love of sin and thus breaking its power.
Sinners of every sort and of every degree
of guilt are equally susceptible to his saving
power. Ho is uble to save them all. From
tho sinner who is perched ou tho pinnacle of
his own righteousness to tiie sinner who is
quivering on the brink of hell with all be
tween Ho is ablo to suve. It is as easy for
Him to save a drunkard from his cups as a
Pharisee from his pride. But will He do it ?
That depends. Will tho sinner come to God
by Jesus Christ to he saved? His ability to
sare is one thing anp your willingness to lot
Him save you is another' Here lice tho only
difficulty. You may be at the point of death.
The physician in his olilce may be ablo to
cure you. Then what hinders the cure?
Nothing but an unwillingness to submit to
his treatment. Tho great Physloian of souk)
"is able to do exceeding abuudantly above all
that wo ask or think," bnt it is "according to
the power that worketh in us."
Superior goods at 30 per cent lower than
ilsewhere at Holdennan's jewelry store, tf
Cheap Potatoes.
Irving Boone has arrived in town with a
car load of splendid Burhank aud Rose
potatoes. Wholesale and retail at prices that
can't bo beat. Parties desiring to purchase
will call at Commeroial Hotel.
Twelve I'lioto for BOc.
By sending us your cabinet, together with
10 cents, we will finish you one down photos.
1-iVtf W. A. Keaqkv,
OoOKhluK Load to OuustlHiption,
Kemp's Buleam will stop the oosgh at
3 ace.
Holderman'sjewelrystoro leads as ovor. tf
3SSfcao o 8883888 o CSS8SB33 3j
Worlds Fair
io Days at the World's Fair
With accommodations at a first-class C'hloago hotel, and transporta
tion to and from Chicago, including sleeping berths, all free of cost,
To the 2 Most Popular Teachers.
CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M.
The two teachers who rotclro tbe largest number of votes will be taken
to the World's Kalr and royally entertained by tbe IIbhai.d Cut out this
coupon, an 1 on oe bt nk lines write the name of the Pi bile School Teacher,
north of the Broad Mountain, In Schuylkill county, whom you consider most
popular, and sendi' tothe 'liontnt Itditor, Keening Herald, Slitnandoah,
Va." 'Every coupon proi erly filled out counts as one vote for one teacher.
Every person, young or old, can vote, and vote as often as ihcy please
Coupon must beta the hands of the editor within tea (10) days after the
date it bears.
Name of Teacher..
Name of Voter..
For -fclxo Xaoxols-y Ones.
A Gold Necklace.
Holdorman, tho Joweler, will give the ludy
toucher receiving tho hlghct numborof
votoi a Handsome Gold N chlace.
A Sot of Furs.
11. J Mills, the Pottsvllle Hatter and Fnr
ricr, will glvo tho lady teacher receiving
seoond highest number of vote a hand
Bomo Set of Furs.
A Plush Toilet Set
Mux Iteoso will glvo the lady teacher re
ceiving the second bigboat number of
votes a handtomo I'lush Toilet Pet.
The two toachore who receive tho greatest number of total votes up to the dosing hour
abovo statod will bo declared the winners.
All coupons must bo cut out of ibo Evekiiio nmiAi D and sent, securely scaled in envel
opes, addressed to "Oattt EdUor. livening Herald, Shenandoah, J'a."
Any person residing In any place may vole as often as ho or sho may desire for one or more
toachcrs engaged in teaching In a public school north of tho llroad Mountain at tho closo of the
enrrent school term; provided, that any teacher who may hove been Incapacitated by sickness
or aooldent for teaching for a period of not moro than three months prior to the end of the
term, may alto oompete
Each vote for each teacher must be represented by a sepcrate coupon.
A coupon bearing tho name of more than one teacher or specifying moro than ono voto for u
teacher will bo thrown out as void.
A careful record will be kept of tho names of all contestants, and all coupons will bo filed
and Uent safe until tho final adjuolcatlon. Three prominent aud rof ponsible men of Hhenan-
doab will bo selected to act as judges, make the
winners. Should three or moro teachers bo tied
be allowed to decide.
The names of the winners will bo nnnouncea
the winners bo absent from Shenandoah nt the time they will be informed of their good fortune
by telegraph, so that thoy may Btart on tho trip as soon thereafter ns possible.
All blanks In tho coupon must oe micu out,
perfon voting. Tho number of votes received at this office up to 4 p. m. each day will bo pub
lished in the next Issue of tbe HBUAI.D with the names of the teachers voteIf or.
Tickets for Clersjinen ou thu lN-uusyl-
vnnla Kiillrnud.
Pursuing the policy inaugurated last year,
the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company is sup
plying regularly ordained ministers of the
Gospel with clerical orders entitling the
holders to tickets at half-rates over its entire
system. Theso tickets are purchasable by
any clergyman exhibiting a "clerical order,"
and they may be bought to any station of tho
Pennsylvania system, both cast and west of
Pittsburg, at one-half tho regular rates. Un
der this arrangement clergymon may securo
half-rates to Chicago during the World's Fair,
and there can be no doubt that a great many
of them will avail themselyee of tho oppor
tunity. Tho inauguration of this libera!
privilege by tho Pennsylvania Bailroad Com
pany last yeur met with hearty appreciation
nt tho hands of tho ministers of all denom
inations, and its continuance this year will
be especially well recolved by reason of tho
advantages it carries in connection with the
World's Fair.
"1 always let a cold go as It comes" one
says: which means that ho overworks the
system In Retting rid of a cold rather than
assist It by using Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup,
A llrllllanr. i:vmt.
The midwinter assembly of Our Club will
ho held in Bobbins' opera house to-morrow
evening. Musio will bo furnished by tho
Schoppe orchestra aud the haU will he
specially decorated and arranged for the
occasion. It will bo a brilliant event
Spostaeles to suit all eye, at Portz's book
did stationery store, No. SI North Main
reet. 4-27-U
Would you rather buy lamp
chimneys, one a week the year
round, or one that lasts till some
accident breaks it ?
Common glass may break or
not the minute you light your
lamp; if not, the first draft may
break it; if not, it may break
from a mere whim.
Tousrh glass chimneys, Mac-
beth's " Pearl-top" or "Pearl
glass," almost never break from
heat, not one in a hundred.
Where can you get it? and
wnat does it costr
Your dealer knows where and
how much. It costs more than
common glass; and may be, he
thinks tough gjaae, isn't good. for
his business.
Pittsburgh, Pa. , Qga f. .MAcmwn Co.
At the request of a Dumber of cliicns of
the heeond Ward, I hereby aucounte mjaotf
aa ao Independent cuiuMuate fur Couucl ui I
the Second Ward.
John F. Fimioy.
Holiday Trip!
A Gold-Headed Cane.
W. U. Mortimer, the Pottsvlllo Joweler,wHl
give the goutleinan teacher receiving tho
highest number of votes a Gold headed
Gold-Headed Silk Umbrsllas.
Tho Homo Friendly Society, of Baltimore.
Md., will present tho two lucky compctl
tors In the contest with handsome Gold,
headed Silk Umbrellas.
final oimnt and aunouueo the names of the two
on the highest number of votes, tho judges will
on or before Saturday, Julv 15, 1893. Should
especially tno manic requiring tne name of tne
Saloon and Restaurant
Leading Saloon In town
Otnlri and Whit Htg.,
(Ulckert's old stand)
First-class Eating Bar
Finest Whlskoys In the Market.
and Ohio.R R
2 T all parts of
at from 2.00 to $0 00 loss tban by any other
IB W. Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Or, 11V4 Publlo Square, WllRes-Uarre.
tSTTlckets west of Chicago via all routes.
Wm. :E2 staler
Begs to announce to his friends-and
patrons and the publlo generally that
he has purchased the barbershop lately
occupied by 13. J. Yost,
No. 12&West Centre Street,
jo;e wyatt's
(Christ. Bo slcr's old stand.)
3f nlti and Coal frtltf,, Klii-iitimtoati.
Best beer, ale and porter on tap. Tho finest
nrsnosoi wmsaeys una cigars, fool room at-
The recognlred wonder of tne l9tn centurv. li
now at the Central House, comor Centre and
White streets, Mienandoah. hbe reads tbe
past, present and future pertalnlig to love,
courtship and marriage, domestic troubles and
business difficulties. Here for short time only.
Every trunif In tho tonaorlal lino done ln&rsV
ciasa siyie. a one cam room atiacnea.
We Are the People !
Who can Bell yon Cl.lua, Olnw, Polierjr, etc., at prices Ulnvr th
he prices agkf d by most people.
Because I
"We buy from manufacturers. We buy in largo quantities. Wo
aro In ilio jobbing list. On French and Germuu Ohlna, Mnrftsh
and other imported warca we placo Important orders and thug
save 16 per cent
Our Customers !
Kecelve the benefit. Doubt It, do you ? Couiparo our prices with
auy other dealer In any city, small or large, und we'll prove the
truth of our statement. Visit us for lino caudles.
S JSoxxtlx 2VCixlxx Street.
01ea,rsu3HLce Sale I
Few white and colored blankets, ladies' and child
ren's coats, which will be sold regardless of cost.
Come early and secure bargains at
V1 Send
121 N. Mam Street, Shenandoah.
Boots,, Shoes, enfs? !Fu22sisbings I
At greatly reduced rates.
1SL. jSl.. 3F,32m3Ef3rT, Proprietor.
A Knotty
Problem !
Is the Gift question, but
it will be solved by call
G ing at the store of J. P.
I Williams & Son, where
F you will find the most
T desirable presents in the
S Furniture line, Pianos,
Organs and Sewing Ma
chines. J- P-
Williams & Son,
13 South Main St.
Celluloid, Satin,
Lace and Comlo
All Sizes,
All Prices.
Saloon and Restaurant
The leading place in town.
Has lately been entirely reno
vated Everything new, clean
and fresh. The finest lino of
Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, &c foreign and do
mestic. Free lunch served
each evening. Illg schnonors
of freBb,lleer,lortcr,Ale,&c
36 East Centre Street
The best beer, ales, porter, whiskies, brcndloti
wlnos and tlnest olgarj always on hand.
Others, ready to put up spring roller,
for SSc, 3ic, lie, fiQc and upwards. Par
ties deslrlne only the shodlns: or fix
tures can be accommodated.
Carpal Store, 10 S. Jardm Street,
their EStt Specialist
Xo SliemiitcloHli, Wednesday, Ket. 15.
He will be fojnd at tho
Fcrguso Hoiiac From 8:30 a. m. to 5a p. ftu
Persons who havo headache, or whose eyes are caiiBhM dla
comfort sbould call upon their specialist, and they will re
eeivo Intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHAHOH to ex
amino youroyes. Kvory pair of glasses orderedis gunraatoc
to bo satlsfaetorv.
Ice : Creeper
Sole agent for Schuylklll.County.
Hardware, Iron, Oil, Paiuts, Robes
Horse Blankets, Slcates, Sporting Goods.
Rospeotfully notttlos his friends
that be will open a now store at
Corner Jardm and Oak Streets,
Where be will keep a full stock of
Green Groceries,
Clgarj.Tobaoco and Candy. Poul
try and all kinds of game in scaison.
Oystoria ivxxcl nritjii.
Open Monday, November 21.
lle Hate Come io Stay I
The Standard
Sewing Machine
Is the perfection of sewing michine mechanism
It riuw.wlthout noise, and makes SSOOstltches a
mlnutcX If you havo not already seen It, call
at the omve and do so. A largo stock of rr
chines always on hand. Repairing of machines
a specialty.
Cor. Jardln and Lloyd fits., Shenaniloak
Has remoed to Bill Jones' old stand
Whore he will be pleased to meet the wants
ol his trlenru and the pablls In
SYeryiMng in the Drinking Lino.
Sporting and Musical Resort !
llest Wlaee, Liquors, Beers, Aleo nd
brands of Clgnra always on band, i-t
pumwiAs AMD aunasoN.
Ofuoe and Residence, No. 31 North Jurdia
Street, ShupandoJA.
Horse :