FINE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS ! Find no difficulty in securing wluit they require for tlioir ta bles at our store. Corner Grocery, Cntre and White Sts. TmSDEDITION ATTRACTIVE TOUBS. To th Near South l the Pennsylvania HutlroHfl. The advantageous season of tho year and Iko nttroctlvo destinations ilxcd for tho tour te the nutr South on February llth inako It o of the most desirable of plcasuro trips Tho territory traversed is tho most attractive ucdlilstorioal portions of the Union, embrac ing as it does u picturesque route, the military pest of Old Point Comfort, tho beautiful re aect of Virginia Beach, and tho cities of Uicli ond and Washington. Tho rates of $45.00 from New York and $42.C0 froia Philadel phia, cover railroad fare, hotel accommoda tions, and all necessary expenses during the eatiro time of nino days spent on the tour. mr au extended tour to Washington an ex ceptional opportunity Is oll'ered on February 16th. ' Seven days will bo spent on tho trip. Tho rates, including transportation, hotel commodutioiis, transfers, carriage riilo, nntl x trip to Jit. Vornon, lire very low. Title teur nflbrdS amplo timo for thoroughly view ing and veting at tho Nation's haiitlsoniwt city. Further information furnished on up plication to Tourist Agents, 819 Broadway, New York, SCO Fulton street, Brooklyn, and 233 South .Fourth street, Philadelphia, or Ticket Agents, Pennsylvania liailroad. ostivenese can be permanently cured b the use of Mandrake Bitters. lm J'KILSONAL.. Mrs. John E. Boyer is visiting her parente Putt Carbon, lire. Kev. William I'owiolc spei.t Sunday at her home in Chester county. Janios Davies, of Wilkes-llarro, is spending a few days here with friends. lire. Dr. O. L. itengan, formerly of town, is very ill at her homo in Berwick. M. If. Burko and J. It. Coyle, Esqs., went to PotUville to day to look after legal bus), n ess. O. B. Williams, of Jit. Curuiel, spent Sun day in tewn and left this morning for Wilkes Jtarre. Rev. T. Henry Jones, of Jlabanoy City preached two eloquent sermons in tho Wclsl Congregational church yesterday. S. O. M. Itollopetcr, Esq., and Klmer Was ley were in attendance at the county coujl (day, on tho argument of tho water works- hijvuction suit. John W. Koe&e, one of the pages at thi Jlease of Beprescntativosat Harrlsburp, spent Saturday, Sunday and to-day in town thi ucst of his brother, Frank C. Reese. Mrs. John It. Jones, of North Jardln street, was taken seriously ill Saturday evening and is still suffering. Mr. Jonos has recovered frem his illness and resumed work to-day. Among the most heartily greeted visitor at the Lehigh depot this morning was J. II Pomcroy, Esq., who has recovered from his illness and was in attendance at court to-day J. J. Franey returned to town SatKrdaj night from Norfolk, Vn., where ho made additional arrangements in behalf of the ttswn capitalists who arc interested in tin Willoughby Spit land aud railway projects. USE DANA'S SAESAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CUBES." Coming Events. Feb: 13. First annual ball of den. Har rison Lodge, Knights of Pythias, at Bobbins' opora house. Feb. 22. Martha Washington Birthda Party, in Bobbins' opera house,' under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the P. M. church. March 1C. Tea party in Bobbins opera nouso, under the auspices of the Welsh Con church. A Happy Man is lie wbo ti'fs lied flat Oil for IlhennutUm, Neuralgia, Toothache nnd onronlo pnlii. ll's reujty which cures every time. Try It, 35 cents. Fj Plug Oil -ildat P. P. u. Klr llu'x Drujf Store. Ulectriu Knllivuy llulletlu. Hereafter the electric railway oari; will leave the corner of Cherry and Main streets at fiufO a. m. daily and every SO minutes thereafter until midnight, at which hour the last ar will leave for Girardville. On Mon day, November 7th, 1808, the fare for any lonjrtii of ride between Shenandoah and aimrdvillo will be reduced to five (5) coats. When Baby teas sick, we gave bar Cbutorfa, When she was a Guild, he orlsd for Qkstoria. IThen she became Miss, she clung t Gastorta, Iflen she had CbKdrss, she gavatbeiu Castoria. My stoek for New Year glte iu jewelry .and tiney good shall be as complete as ever. HeUemian'g Jewelry Btore. 123-Jf I'lln or Hemorrhoid Permanently eared without knife or ligature. No danger qr wfieriBg. No delay from bus mow while under tMntmant. Patients who re responsible need not pay until well. A perfevt cure irnamntewl. Send for ebeukr, B. BEKI), M. D., 130 Sooth 13th St., PhllwlelpUa. liefen, by peifuuioii, to the wlikir iof the Hrzxwa Hebald. tf SATISFACTORY TOURNAMENT Tho Hports Who Atlcmlecl the Olrnrdvllle Content 8Mflel. About two hundred and fifty sporting mon attended tho first tournament of the Schuyl kill Athletlo Club at Ulmrdvlllc, Saturday night, and tho pastime given them seemed to amply repay them for their Journeys and piccenco. Prominent sports from all sections of tho county atlonded tho contests and thoy left tho place satisfied. The first contest was between Gill Fergu son, of Locust Summit, and Jl Ike Gallagher, of Girardville. Tim Hurst, tho National Baso Bart Ball League umpire, was referee ol "the go," Gallagher was tho hoavierman, hut Ferguson got the decision for clean hit ting at the end of the fourth round. The second was an eight-round contest be tween Kirk, of Pottsville, and Ford, of Jit. OarmiSl. Tho former weighed 111 pounds and the latter 145. Kirk oxhlblted somo scienco, buthe was clearly outclassed. In tho third round ho was knocked down four times and the last time ho was carried to his corner "dead to the world." Jimmy Jlcllale, the famous Philadelphia imgilist, acted as rcfeicc for this bout. Tho third ovent was tho featuro of the evening. Ike Wicr, tho famous "Belfast Spider," and Frank O'Brien, of Philadelphia, steppedjupon tho btago to show tho auditors what thoy could do In tho manly art. Hurst was upon the platform as referee It was n satlsfactoryjbout&from a scientific" point of view up to tho fourth round, when O'Brien quit. Tho club promises another tournament in tho near future. ItlntH for the llrriiiHim, Tho Germans are all right, as tho very much-conccinedIlKKAU will learn on elec tion day. Siwdiiy A'i. Wo are satisfied of one thing. Tho entire Democratic borough ticket will ho elected, either with or without German support. Sunday Netvn. Tho Germans may tnko their choice. The; can confirm tho AeirV statement that tho are all right, or they can seek consolation ii shool. Say It's H Slur. In calling attention to tho chartering ol tho Northumberland, llloomsburg and Seran ton Railroad Company our local contcuiporarj yesterday said "wind will bo tho motivt power." This is ono of tho regulation slap it cntcrpriso and progress of which tin electric railway had its full sharo. Tho town gontlomcn who aro interested in the projee say they will effectively resent the slur. Superior goods at 25 per cent, lower thai, .teewhoro at Holdermnn's lowolry store. t' A New 1'rleHt. W. J. Galviu and P. F. Naughton, of town, and Mr. and Mrs. John Brady, of Girardville, have returned from Buffalo, N. Y., where they attended tho ordination of Mr. and Mir. Grady's son to the priesthood. Eev. Grady read his Mist mass yesterday in St. Joseph's church, Girardville, before a largo gathering. "1 always let a cold go as It comes" one says: which means that lio overworks iht syneia In getting rid of u cold rather than lsstst It by uslug Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. The .Academy ItrHtnurant. Tho Pottsvillo hcodquaitero for Shcnau .oah people and others living North of thi fountain, for hot toddies, hot punches, bee' ea and all kinds of wines and liquors of tin est brands, is the Academy Restaurant, Join, ?. Cooney, proprietor, II. A. Cooney, assist .nt. to Cheap Potatoes, Irving Bnmie lias arrived in town with a oar load of splendid BurKink and Rose potatoes. Wholesale and retail at prices thai can't bo bent. Parties desiring to purchase will call at Commercial Hotel. 2-6-3t Fire Alarm lloxes The following Hat shows the location n io alarm boieB of tha BhetiBudosh Viv Jopartment: LOCATION, 15 Coal and Bowers streets. 16 Bowers and Centre streets. 34 Bridge and Centre streets. 25 Main and Coutre streets. 34 Main and Poplar streets. 35 Main and Coal streets IS-GUbert and Centre streets. 4 J G ilbert and Cherry streets. 82 Chestnut and poal streets. To send an alarm open the box, pull dowr he hoolc once and lot go. When an alarm Is lent In tho tire bell will sound tho number of ho box nad repeat the alarm four times. now TO LOC'ATB ALARMS. If the alarm Is sounded from box 15 tho Urn sell will strike one, then pause and strike five rhlch will Indicate that tho fire Is in the vicinity ot No. 15 box. Every alarm is repeated four times. ALL STILL AT PINE RlUQE. Ho Troop to tie Sent There Tho Iteported Indian Uprljlug. Rapid Cjtv, 3. D., Fob. C The re ports of danger from discontent among Pine Ridge Indians caused by the murder of four cowboys Friday are unfounded. The Humphrey and Steuger band of cattlemen were klllod by a wandering bund us u result of n quarrel enrly in tho week. Uol. Carlton, of Aloado, has coun termanded his orders, and no troops will be sent to Plue Bidge, all being reported quiet there. Anna Dirkinnon Sues for ttl35,00O. Sciiaxton, Feb. 4. Miss Anon Dickin son lma illeil in the Circuit Court of tho Untied state a dult for damage ngalnst Jiimea Courtwright, Georgo B. Thomp son, Allen EgglUon, John S. Heilman, i Henry liryden, ana Dr. ueortfe Under wood of Pittston, nnd Dr. James Oglesby of Danville, In all aggregating Il.'a.UOO, for her incarceration in the Danville In sane Asylum. tiolus to Chicago for Six Months. Ciiioaoo, Feb. C. New York and New York's Four Hundred are going to lose W. K. vnmierMlt ior six rnoiiUis at-least. Air. Vanderbilt is coming to Chiongo und he will bring hU family with him. lie ' has completed arrangement for n lease 1 of a residence in JJlohlgan avenue, tho leuee running ior a period or mx months from Muv L Coughing I.Mtilt to Consumption. Kenp's Behtttn will (top tho cotvph at IIoldcrmn'sJewflrytoro leads as ever, tf Worlds Fair Holiday Trip ! EVNINGHERALD CONTEST - i o Days at the World's Fair With accommodations at a first-clans Chicago hotel, and transporta tion to and from Chicago, including sleeping berths, all tree of cost, To the 2 Most Popular Teachers. CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M. Tho two teachers who reoelvo the largest number of votes will bo taken to tho World'B Fair and royally entertained by tho Hukai.d. Cutout this coupon, an 1 on the bl nk linos write tho name ot tho Pi bllo School Teacher, north of tho Uroad Mountain, In Schuylkill county, whom you consider most popular, and send 1' tothe '(ltnt&t JXtilor, Ktening Jlrraltl, fflienamloah, in." livery coupon proi erlj filled out counts as one toto tar ono teacher. Kv cry persoo, young or old, can vote, and voto as olten as they please. Coupon must be in the hands of tho editor wlthla tea (10) days after the date It bears. Nome of Teacher.. Residence.... Name of Voter Residence FEBKUAKY 0, 1893. Iioldcrman, the jeweler, -will give number of vote n hnnuwuno gold neekiace. It. ,1. Mills, the Pottsvillo Hatter receiving the second highest number of Iax Jleeso will gtvo the teacher votes a handsome toilet fet- W. H. Mortimer, the Pottsvillo Joweler, -will give the gentleman teacher rodblvlng tho hlghait number of votes a handsomo gold-headed cane. Tho Loulso Hamilton Company will place nt the disposal of tho teacher who will have the highest number of votes in the table to bo publlHhcd next Saturday ovening a private box in Ferguson's theatre for the performance on Monday evening. Tho two teachers who receive the greatest number of total votes up to the closing houi above stated will be declared the winners. All coupons must he cut out of the Ktbnimo IIbhAld and sent, securely sealed Ib onrel opes, addressed to "Contral Miliar, Ifrentng Herald, Shenandoah, Pa." Any person residing In any placo may voto as often us he br Bhe may deisire for one or mon teachers engaged In teaching In a publlo school north of tho Broad Mountain at the close of thi current school term: provided, that any teacher who may hove been incapacitated by slcknei-f oraccldont for teaching for a period of not more than threo months prior to tho end of th term, may also compote Kach vote for each" teacher must be represented by a seperate coupon. Acoupon bearing tho name of morothan one teacher or sptclfylng morothan one vote for u teacher will be thrown out as void. A careful n cord will be kept of tho names of nil contestants, and all coupons will bo Hied and kept safe until tho llnal adjudication. Three prominent and responsible men of Hhenan doah will bo selected to act us judges, make tho llnal cunt, and announce the names ot the two winners. Should three or more teachers be tied on the highest number of votes, the Judges will bo allowed to decide. The names of the winners will bo announced on or before Saturday, Julv 15, 1893. Bhoulc 'ho winners be nbscnt from Shenandoah at the tlmo they will be Informed of their good fortunt by telegraph, so that thoy may start on ihe trip as soon thereafter us possible. All blanks In the coupon must bo filled out, especially the blank requiring the name of th icr-on voting. The number of votes received at this ofllco up to 4 p. m. each day will be pub lishedln thenoxt issue of tho Huhald with the names of the teachers voted for. Our Directory. -clifir1 Jin poptf office Sfenjll' Shenandoah. Office hours from 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m Money Order and Itegistry De partment open fromB:00 a. in. to 7:00 p. m. FollowinK Is a ecliedulo of iho arrival and departure of mail trains. Mail matter for despatch must bo in the office thirty nlnutes beforo the tlmo given below: ,4rriaf. Deatination. Departure. A. M. p. M. P.M. A.M. 1:40 i:2t ( Phlla., Wostern 7:20 12:5: j:aj ana :CXJ 9:08 Southern States ) 8:03 11:90 3:03 8:00 12:52 3:03 8:00 J:35 7:00 1:86 7:00 1:10 7:00 i:ib i:40 9:45 ( New York and Hast-1 1:06 orn Stotos and J. ) points on L. V. It. It. t 9:Oi 9:68 9:0!) 9:08 9:58 j Asland. J- j Girardvtllo. ( Raven Hun, Contra-1 J. 11a, Mt Carmel and Shumokln. ) 1:25 1:25 7:20 1:45 1:29 1:40 i:2U i:lS 1:10 2:20 3:13 2:20 4:18 1:29 Pottsville. J- Mnhanoy City. J- 7:20 ll:ni) 7:20 9:01 ll:iW 2:50 6;20 2:50 9:M 9:50 j Mahanoy Piano, Lost I II :M0 1 Creek nud Bhaf U I 2:o0 6:00 2:50 B:S6 9:56 I Frackvlllo. , 7:20 Carriers make a general collection at 6:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m., and a goneral delivery at 7:15 a. m. and 3:15 p. m. Additional deliveries and collections aro made In the business part of town at 10: 15 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. The Wyomiug Henate has passed n con current resolution favoring tho annexa tion of Hawaii; also tho House concur rent re&ulutlon favoring the olectiou of United Stutes Senator by Popular vote. The vote on Senator Saturday in the Montana Legislature barrlug pairs, wast Sanders, 24; Clark, 18; Dixoii, 10. Tho Pacific Mail Steamship, City of Pekln, Is now fifteen Jnys overdue from Hong Kong nnd Yokohama at San Francisco. A club culled the Washington posed of Americans and Gernmn-Ainerl-oniia vebidinK in Berlin, has Just been formed in Berlin. The Federal Bank of Australia Is wind ing up its nlfulrs in consequence of the persistent withdrawal of deposits by cus tomers iu Australian colonies and in England. Gov. Kioh of Michigan, has signed the bill rcpuniiug tho Miuor election law. Tho Missouri House bus p.ised a bill making the maximum charge In the State for tolepone services $40 per year. Engineers in their report estimate that tho deep water canal (proposed to run from Lake Superior to the Erie will cost at least $500,000,000. Tho canal would be 1)15 miles in length, have SO looks and a large number ot costly aqueducts. The oanul will have to bo 80 feet Ue'-p nnd 300 feet wide. Sutton, lute of Now York, iml Citpron, of Gall , Jin , have signed urttclus fur an other 14-i.ich balk Uue match for tho chanipi -r.fciiip of Canada ami five hun dred doli.m. The niatoh will be played March The ootum operatives on strike iu Lan cashire, Eng., bnvo rejected the incli i tiou of the itight nou. A. J Mundella, President of the Board ot Trail o. the fentnlo teacher receiving the highest find Furrier, will give the lady teacher votes nhnndhoruo set of furs. receiving the second highest number of Scheider's Saloon and Restauranl Leading Saloon in town Ventrn and White Sts., (Dickon's old stand) First-class Eating Bar Finest Whiskeys in the Morkot. Chesapeake and Ohio R R MAX REESE, , Agent a?X03ESL23'!I? I to oii parts or United States at. from S2.00io WOO less than by any other road, call on or address, MAX REESE, 10 JV- Centre St., Bhenaudoah, Pa. Or, 11M Public Square, Wllaes-Barro. tSTickets west of Chicago via all routes. Begs to announce to his friends and patrons and the publlo generally that he has purchased the barber shop lately occupied by D. J. Yost, No. 12 West Centre Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. j6e"wyatt's saloon and restaurant, (Christ. Boaster's old stand.) Main nnd CoalHlH., Mlieuaiulonti. Dest beer, alo and porter on tan. The finest brands of whiskeys and clears. Pool room at tached. Isljjdjilie: maei CLAIRVOYANT, Tho recognized wonder of thelOtb now at the Central House, corner Centre and White streets, Shenandoah, bhe reads the past, present and future pertalnltg to love, courtship and marriage, uouitotlu troubles and buaiuesa difficulties. Here tor xhort time only. CONSULTATIONS, 10 Cents. At the request or a number of citizens of the Second Ward, I hereby announce myself as an Independent candidate for Councl In the Second Ward. John F. IFiimoy. T. J. O'HAliEN'S ISa-rToex Sh.op, COR. MAIN AND OAK Si b. i-vtriiMujln tho tonsorlnl llsedone tn lirsl class style, A tine bath room attached- We Are the People ! Who can sell you China, tho prices asked by moat Because I Wo buy from tnnnufuoturera. Vfe buy In large quantities. We are In iho jobbing list. On French and German China, Hnglrsh ntul other Imported wnres we place Important orders and Uiiib fitivo 16 per cent Our Customers ! Receive tho bent-fit. Doubt It, do you? Coraparo our prices with any other dealer In utiy city, small or large, and we'll prove the truth of our statement. Visit us for flno candles. GIRVIN, DUNCAN & WAIDLEY'S. S JSSo-UL-fcli IVExiLol Street. WINTER GOODS. Few white and colored blankets, ladies' and child ren's coats, which will be sold regardless of cost. Come early and secure bargains at J. J. PR PEOPLE'S mSTORE! 121 N. Main Street, Shenandoah. Boots,, Slioes, e:sxs? Furnishings ! At greatly reduced rates. A Knotty Problem ! Is the Gift question, but it will be solved by call G ing at the store of J. P. I Williams & Son, where P you will find the most T desirable presents in the S Furniture line, Pianos, Org-ans and Sewing Ma chines. J. P. Williams & Son, 13 South Main St. HOOKS & BROWN, Celluloid, Batln, Laco and Comio VALENTINES All Sizes, All Prices. No. 4 NORTH MAIN STREET, DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant The loading placo In town. Has latoly been entirely reno vated Everything new, olean andlreeh, The Unest line ot Wines and Liquors ! Cigars, &c toroign and do mestic. Free lunch served each oveniDg, Dig schooners ol tresb.lleer.Porter, Ale, &c OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J. J, BOOOHERTV, Prop. SALOON AND RESTAURANT 36 Knst Centre Street. The best beer, ales, porter, whisUlou, brsndle?, wines aud finest cigars Rlwaya on hand, ROBERT LLOYD. Prop. CENTS HOB A WINDOW SI1ADK. turea can be accommodated. C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 S. Jard:n Street. in SB 11 Others, ready to put up spring roller, tor Sua, a$c, t5c, 60c and upwards, Par- urn uwiriuK uuiy lue Hiiuuicif or di. Glan, Pottery, tt., at prices Lelovr the peoplo. TfF'e OLD RELIABLE, IXjjLj kJ5 north main street."' OK PHILADELPHIA, Send their Ejre Specialist To flbcunittlonli, Wednesday, Feb. 15. He will be round at tho Fcrguso ti House From 8:30 a. m. to fiO p. m. Persens vrlie have btadache, or wknse eves ore causing dls eomrort should call upon their specialist, and they Trill re celyo intelligent nnd skillful attention. NO CHARGE to ex amine your eyes. Every pair ot glasses ordered Is guaranteed obesaliralov. .Korae : Ice : Creeper"' Solo agent tor Schuylkill.County. Hardware, Iron, Oil, Paints, Robes Horse HlanUets, Skates, Sporting Gftods. CHAS, ZALLA Respectlully notiflos his rrlends that he will open a now store at Comer Jardm and Oak Streets, Whero he will keep a lull stock or Green Groceries, Clgir J, Tobacco and Candy. Poul try and all kinds or game In season. Oystors audi Xiaix. Open Monday, November 21. lle Have Come to Stay I The Standard Sewing Machine Is the perfection or Rewlngmicbinomechanlsm. It runs without noise, nnd makos SSOOatltchos a minute. It you have not already seen It, call at the office and do so. A largo stock of ma chines always on hand. Repairing ot machines a specialty. T. B. SHAFFER, Cor. Jardln and Lloyd Sts., Shenandoah Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 BOOTH JVIAIN STREET, Where lie will be pleased to meet the want ol hU mends and Uie publlo In S7G7ything in tho Drinklnrj Line. H. J, H'GUIHE'S Sporting and Musical Resort ! Second SI., G1MR1)VII.LE. Iltst Wlnae, Liquors, Ilcers, Alea and iranae ot Clears alwsya on band, J-U. JAMB8 8IHIN, PJirsiOTAX AND aUROSOX. Onice and Iti-sldcncc. No. 34 North Jardln Street, Shenandoah,