The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 06, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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    The Herald.
lit, A. I KrA'K.... ......... ..Vroprittor
It, C.llOVKU ...f!,litnr anil JlitHWiw
W. .X. WA1KINH . TmciiI ISdUiir
J. r. lorff... llulnnM Manager
Tan Kvenino llEUAI.i) ha a larger circula
tion (n 'Hhennndoah than an' other paper pub
MHM. Hooks open to nil,
tUiLr.por year - M 00
vrMKT,r, par rmr I CO
Atlwrttnlnft Jtntn.
Transient. 10 cent per line, first Insertion ; 5
eat per line each subsequent Insertion, Hates
tor regular artrertlslng can be had on appllon
tlon at the ofnoe or by mall.
'Entoredjot the Postoflloe. at Shenandoah, !.,
(or transmission through the malls
as second-dun mall matter.
Hocuubo It is tliu military out post of
eur ProIHc coaot.
Because nnnexatlon will extend the
blo-nlng of the American Byntom of
Reonuse it is much nearer to the
Unlteii Htatca thau to any other
-UJeeauRO annexation will benelit
UeeauBB if we don't take it eome
other country will aud imiKe it a
dungeroua menace to ua.
Uecuuse Americans are the most uu
rerntm element of the foreig u popula
tion, aud because American rapltal lias
dureloped! . the resources of the
Uecauie the annexation Idea la the
patriotic American Idea.
Because anuoxatlon Is the loglo of
'tlie situation.
Vte for your favorite teacher.
OrtK of the petitions before the Sen
ate la from Kansas for pensions to
militia men. The heroea of that
state who have been disabled by
wounds aud dlseAse while fighting
over ootiuty seat sltea want the nation
to provide for them.
The terrible exercise of lynch law
In Texts ia condemned universally
by the American nross. On the sub
ject the Pittsburg Times has this to say:
One shudders as he reads in the his
tory of a distant century the story of
such a crime and such a punishment
ns that of the negro in Texas, reporled
in the yesterday'a news. But who
shuddered as he read that tale of th
day in the iday's paper? Five minutes
after 1J. was read it was forgotten,
Crime aud cruelty impress us in pro
portion to the distance of the period
from our own in which the one was
committed and the other Inflicted.
Peenle who read of that atrociouB
thiug aud dismissed it from thought
almost immediately, would, had they
road it in a history of the Thirty Years
War, for instance, have related it to
their ueighbors and uaed it as an 11 lus
tration of the barbarism of those days
long gone. In all the infernal savage
ry and cruelty of the past there is
nothing which exceeds that crime aud
its punishment. In a history, it
would make the blood run cold; in a
newspaper wtll In a newspaper, it is
one of the items.
Wo say we are civilized; we think
' we of this enlightened age would not
be guilty of deeds that would blacken
the memory of other ages. So we said
before the days of the Commune In Par
is, that city which boasted of its civiliza
tion. That and after it, loug after Id
Zola's story of the awful umash-up
showed us what fools we were, aud
what a ridiculous false pretense
is thin veneer of polite maimers,
this outward show of the Christian
regeneration in which we take pride.
Mttuy a savage in his uakeduess would
have revolted against both the crime
and the punishment of that Texas
From the eighth Btory of The Ttmea
building we look out aud, ho far as
steam and smoke and fog will allow,
8e niMslve piles representing wealth
aud power aud learning, the produots
' of oivllizutiou we boast, and wonder
how long theiutluence of this civiliza
tion would stand before the savagery of
jwwiloii which all these hut poorly con
ceal to a man that has brains as woll as
eyee. We need not long memories to
mwlideds right here which remind
ua ef that in Texas.
I'ocaimism never helps any ono, hut
who that knows the meaning of that
Texaa atrocity can drive from him
the pasimistlo thought ? After all the
striving for good, the demoniac evil
whloh grins hideously from every pos
sibility of crime and cruelty.
Tjis naval men who are itching for
a chance to try the new cruhera in a
light are awfully envious of (he cap
tain of the Boston, who has an oppoi-
tunitytogo through the motion of
war at Honolulu. Theio la a ship
load of oflloers who would give a
month's salary If this nation would
go to war with somebody.
'i have been using Salvation Oil far back
ache, at)llnes Id Im neck, and pain In the
Hide a nd found it an excellent oure. I keep ft
onsta ntly on hand. Cbua. tlaUwr, Union BUI,
.v J."
The Government Awaits Ad
vices from Minister Stevens.
Their Itei-uptimi liy the l'reMdcnl Will In-l)li)i-il
l(uHhl(livn ortlio i'rovlniunnl
Uivmmmit by Itngluml Is Nutm to Hit)
CoutinlMloiiMi-A J.lvfly Legislative
VH'k Mopped Out lor Congruf IllIN nl
I'ulille lntrrt to L'uiim tip. '
Wabhinoton, Feb. 0. The llnwniittii
OmitnlMtioiR'i'S do not expect to have any
statement to nialjo to the public ruiganl
liiK tlieirerrtitul Until utter the comple
tion of their conferences with Secretary
They will 1)0 busily engaged during the
intervals between these meetings with
tho Secretary In preparation of tliu argu
ments that they will advance in rupport
ot their application (or the annexation of
the island by tlio United Slates.
It i said that the conferences between
tlie Secretary and tho Commissioners will
not be anything more than formal until
after the nrilval ot tliu next steamer
from Hawaii, which ia duo in Sail Fran
cisco on the 8th hist., bringing further
atl vices as to the situation ot affairs upon
the islands.
The State Department expects to re
ceive by that steamer full reports from
Minister Stevens of the events in connec
tion with the revolution and of what has
occurred since.
The Commissioners 'also look for addi
tional instructions from the Provisional
Government regarding their mission to
this country. Until these communica
tions have boen received It is said that
the Commissioners will not be presented
to President Harrison.
The Commissioners, while they are say
ing very little ou the subject of tho ulti
mate accomplishment of their object, In
timate that they feel very much en
couraged. No arrangement has been made for
their reception by President Harrison,
but this will probably take place in a ew
days as the recognition of the new govern
ment by this country removes any hesita
tion tliu president might feel in giving
the commissioners a formal audience.
The oliicial announcement contained in
Minister Stevens' despatch to Secretary
Foster that tho representatives of all for
eign governments bad recognized tho
Provisional Government of Hawaii
was evidently us much of a surprise to
tho Commissioners now hero as it was to
the general public, as it may -Kenerally
be construed to include tho representa
tive ot Great llritaiu.
The Commissioners say they left Hono
lulu at 11:15 o'clock in the morning of
tho day of their departure, and up to 15
minutes before that time they bad not
beard ot the action of Croat Britain's
representative, although they bad been
in communication with the executive
council before their departure.
They say it is probable that the British
Miuister bad met tho United States Min
ister ou the morning in question and had
communicated verbally to 1dm the in
formation that he bad just before noti
fied the ofllchils of the uew government
of his recognition or that ho intended do
ing so, wliicli gave to Mr. Stevens tlie
grounds for tliu statement contained iu
his despatch. This is tln only way lu
which the Commissioners can account for
the matter.
The Commissioners say they have full
power to negotiate a treaty of annex
ation with the United States and al
though they have uot been oilicially
recognized by this government, yet they
are encouraged to believe from the man
ner in which they have been treated that
their mission will succeed.
Tho statement is now made that all
governments, including Great Britain,
have recognized the Provisional Govern
ment of Hawaii.
Secretary of State Foster and Secretary
Tracy have adiifftted that tlie supposi
tion heretofore entertained that the
British government has withheld recogni
tion of the new Government in Hawaii is
Toll of Cnnurvbs flfgiii'iling llnwall.
Nuw Vobk, Feb. 6. The Herald says
that a poll of Congress in regard to tlie
Hawaiiau question shows the following:
Iu tlie Senate 24 favor annexation, So a
protectorate and 2o are non-committal;
In tho House, 88 want annexation, 40 op
pose it and 77 are uou-commlttal.
Important 3Iuurs Tlntt Will be Tuken
Up During the Wrnk.
Wasmnoto.v, Feb. C. To-day marks
the beginning of the last four weeks o
the Fifty-second (tongress and the clash
of interests demanding attention which
must inevitably arise from the announce
ments si ready made promises an exceed
ingly lively legislative week.
These subjects include such Important
roetwure aa the bills for the repeal of the
Silver Purchase uot, for the ebtablishuieut
ot a National Quarantine, to preent
dealings in futures (the auti-Optlou bill)
and for the establishment of a General
Bankrupt law.
A. discussion, the end of which before
the aewsiou closes cannot be foreseen, un
less brought about by the presentation of
appropriation bills, is likely to be precipi
tated in the Senate at the very uoginniiiif.
if Mr. Hill carries out his intention of
avkiug the- Senate to determine whether
or not it will take up th o bill to repeal
the Silvw PurcbaM Uw.
Senator Uullom will endeavor to have
the bills for the amendment of the Inter
tate Commerce laws disposed of this
week, but will probably not antagonize
Mr. Sherman's desire to get tbe .Nicar
agua Canal bill out of the Senate aud
over to the House.
Probabilities favor the conclusion
that legislation upon matters ot general
public moment accomplished by the Sen
ate will be almost entirely confined to
such bills as the Appropriation commit
tee may call up.
The programme of the House for the
week la fairly well outlined, except as
respects the anti-Option hill. Mr. Hatch,
for reason of bit own, decline to say
what move he intends to make with re
gard to it.
Mr. Hatch has asked' for recognition in
order to call up the PadUook Pure Food
bill, And tbe Speaker will give him the
opportunity dethvd Besides the Pure
Food bill, the measures whtoli are most
likely te be oonoiilereU under -suspension
of the rules art) the bill for Obe admission
of Utah Into the Union a State, i lie
Torroy Bankruptcy bill and the New
York Bri4m bill.
Wednesday is the day named in the
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
lS Powder
fonatlfutlon for counting the Electoral
ote. And Thursday and Friday will be
levotud to a discussion of cloture and of
the sliver question.
It cannot be told at this tlmo whether
or not t he efforts to forco tho sliver ques- (
lion ton vote will De successful.
The appropriation bills will monopo
lize most of the tlmo of the House not
occupied by tho silver question, tlie Klect
oral count and suspension of tho mice.
The Deinlsii of lite Kx-Secrctur)'H Wife
Canto Wlriespi-eKil Sympathy.
Nnw Yokk, Feb. 0. Tho death of Mrs.
William O. Whitney has awakened wide
spread sympathy throughout the coun
try. Tlie funeral will ho attended from St.
Bartholomew's Church, 44th street and
Mmlison avenue, at 10 a. in. to-morrow.
P.ov. Dr. Greer, pastor of the church,
will conduct tlie services, assisted by the
church choir. Interment will be at Wood
lawn. Only Mr. Whitnoy and the nurse who
attended her during her illness were pres
nt the death bed.
Mr. Whitney sat up until 2 o'clock, at
which hour lie retired to his bed, aud the
bouse was darkened.
A few minutes before 3 o'clock the
uttrsu hastily summoned him, and he
hurried to Mrs. Whitney's room, reaching
there just in tlmo to see her expire.
So unexpectedly did death conio that
there was not even time to summon her
father, brother, aud sister, who were In
tho house, having been called there when
Mrs. Whitney's condition first appeared
serious. They reached the bedside a few
minutes after her death.
A ISro'ihlj il Divine Creiites u Senmitioii by
Anmmncfui; WurWllh KiiKluiui.
New Yokk, Feb. C -Tho Itev. Mr.
Kent, pastor of tbe Lewis Aveuue Con
gregational Church, Brooklyn, created a
sensation by announcing that war had
beeu declnred with England.
Ho addi l that he had received authori
tative in! urination from Washington
that President Harrison had issued a call
for H',000 volunteers, and that ho had
heard that the Boston had been suuk iu
Honolulu harbor.
After tbe services tho congregation
gathered on the street aud discusssd the
information given out by their pastor.
It was some time before thoy found that
tbe whole thiug was a hoax, aud that the
pastor bad been imposed upon.
Citizens of bouthlugtuii Orirauize to Pun
ish Cruel Husbands.
Soutiiinotox, Conn., Feb. 6. Indig
nant citizens hero have banded them
selves together as White Caps, and there
is likely to be some tarring and feather
ing done before loug.
Several men have gained reputations
as chronic wife-beaters, and these tbe
White Caps havo decided to punish.
Notices have been served on several of
the men to tho effect that if they do not
stop their cowardly work they will bo
given a coat of tar and feathers and rid
den out of town.
Sulciilo of Mlis Roup, a Wealthy Young
Woman if Jtriioklyu.
BnooKi,Y.v, N. Y., Feb. C Mies Sallie
C. Koop, 2a years old, committed suicide
at hor home ou Montagu street, Brooklyn
Heights, by taking chloroform and then
firing four shots into her left breast.
Miss ICoop was tho daughter of Her
man H. Koop, a wealthy retired mer
chant, who died suddenly four years ago
at tbe Pacific Street Riding Aoademy.
Soon after Miss Koop's sister Francis died.
Since that time Miss Sallie has been a
victim o melancholy,
WaterfonJ, N- Y.
' Headache for 10 Years !"
Dana's sarsapariiia
Ms. Hall was tub niur mam th imtfiniftK
ntMiim rumiui t niTvu tun. i. . a .,.
ETlriiullxtiCLT. ffl
HQ OEN-ri.KMbN. I have beeu mfferer fromgl
dbbbb mimiiio ma j is vs. s -si t trill lan
fTStull 1 $aw in uueot our ItwtU rapei ma tulvvrttH--Mfntitnt
oj your medlctiM, aud uwttiuoiiUlg of iu
BMOIltlPt'llll I'lirCI. M
I iIhcuImI in trv .in lttlfl ft.. t k..Hl.
RSgTtMtljr relieved me, uid by tho tStnc I luul taken
ntwo more boUH't X WAN C;U
i morv buttk'i 1 VA
itm. i owl
yfuftaul'u utifl rt-lliille uiilllii. 11
gj Wttnfcud, i'.'IP "jEiEflME Ball, gj
na CoboM. v. y.
Sb Disa Sartapar'Ua Co.
P tftruuu-iit. lln
Ballad. Mains. M
8 ' m
Waft a Third Cousin lo Abraham Lincoln.
Little Hock, Ark., Feb. 0, Judge L.
C. Lincoln, a prominent attorney of Con
way, Is dead l.ere. Ho was a Mason In
high standing, and a third cousin to
l'rosident Abraham Llneolji.
strlckci. Wltl
Y., Feb. 0. Dr.
Horace Lathrop, a prominent physlcla i
and momher of tho State Medical society,
baa been stricken with apoplexy. It i?
feared that bo will not recover.
Mr. HikIIcoii Hut Ho Well.
Salkm, Mass., Feb. C Kx-Sccretnr
Kndlcoit is reported as not heing quite a'
comfortable as he has heen durhiK the
past two days. Ho has had a severe at
tack ot grip.
'.il Iti-tow Z.-n in Vermont.
Bahhe, Vt., Feb. 0. Last night tbt
thermometer registered 24 degrees below
Clifford Jilachman
A Boston Boy's Eyesight
Savocl-Porhaps Hio Life
By Hood's Siirsaparilhi Ulood Pol
soiled by Canker.
Head the following from a grateful mother:
" My little boy liad Scarlet Pever when years
old, and it loltliim very weak and with blood
pninoiic-fl svitlt rnnhrr. Ills eyes became
so Inflamed that bis sufferings were Intense, and
for seven weeks lie
Could Not Opon Hio Eyes
I tool: liim twice dining that tlmo to tho Eye
and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, hut their
remedies failed to do hint the faintest shadow
of good. I commenced giving him Hood's
Sarsnnaiilla and it soon cured blni. I Lave
never doublod that it nil his iafii,ov.n
it tint ins very lite. You may use mis tes
timonial in any way you choose, lam always
ready to sound me praiw oi
Hood's SarsapariHa
because of tho wonderful good it did my son."
AtiniE P. Blai'khan, 1!888 Washington St,
Po.iton, Mass. Get HOOD'S.
HOOD'S PlLLS ro hand made, and are per
feet In composition, proportion and appearance.
J? OR RENT. Society and club rooms In tho
i. post omce Duiiaing.
Apply to M. M. Burke,
Attorney, Room 3.
TfJOlt HALK-LlTery outflt for pale cheap for
V cash. Apply to M. P. Conry, No. 31 South
Main direct.
FOUND. A sum of money. Owner can have
ntrift llnnn nrnvlnn. nu-nAratti n. TlAVlnfT pv.
ponsos ana applying to j riopperi s, ;
Past Centre street, Shenandoah. 1-30-tt
r OST. An account book of no value what
Ij ever except to on ncr. Pinder will please
leave same at IIeuald office aud recoivo
X X r ANTED. Two brizht men of cood ad-
YV dress, for a paying position Must furnish
good reference and security.
Apply in person
at UEHAL.U omce.
IKY ANTED. A girl about 18 or 20. tidy in nn
YY pearance, good babits and not afraid to
wora, oan una employment m a smau iamuy
no cnuaren, oy applying at tne uikalu omoe
jNone oiners neea apply.
ilOAL MINERS WANTED To dig hard and
j sou, coat tn apucning vein nveieet illicit, no
gas. gooa roor. iteguiar work tne year tnrougn,
liooa wages. Appi- or aaaress jonn'r. .tones.
fsupt., uayton, Virginia, 16 mllos from Kleii
mond. 2-S-tn-eod
OTBAY NOTICE. Came to the premises of
the undersigned, ivo. 415 wet lano stroot,
on Wednesaav. Pebruary 1st. a small oow,
The owner can have tho same by proving
properly ana paying expenses.
2 2 3t William Sxwaiiu.
OK AH to (16.00 per day at home selling
$O.UU Lightning Plater and plating
icuelrv. watcbos. tableware. &e. Plates the
llnest of Jewelry gnud as now, on all kinds of
metal with gold, silver or nickel. No expert
enie. No rapltal. Evory bouse hag goods
neeaing plating.
1 27-8t II. K. DBLNO & Co., Columbus, O,
t aamlnl tration on the estate ot Wliil-m
It James, deceased, late of the Borough of hhen
nndoab, Schuylkill county. Pa., having been
I rauttd the undersigned, notice is hereby given
to all parties having claims against said estate
to present the same to David It. James, 319
South Jardla fcueot, Shenandoah, Pa.
David It. James,
William J. J ames,
John r. James,
Shenandoah, Pa., Jan, 16 1903. MG-4t-oaw
mission, to handle the new Patent Chemi
cal Ink Erasing Pencil. Tho Quickest and Kreat
eat selling novelty eter produced. Erases Ink
thoroughly In two seconds. No abrasion of
paper. Works like magic. 200 to 50J per cent.
profit. One agent's sales amounted to (020 In
six days. Another (32 in two hours. Previous
experience not necessary. Por terms and full
m.!aiiI.hi ..AAa nlh.lfnHn ,f Tn
Crosse. Wis. xtS9 6-24-ly
A very successful Corporation wants an Agent
to represent It in Shenandoah. Will pay at
least (ISO per month. Business U endorsed by
Banes and leading couimerolnl house. Agent
muni. inve( Ttou wmi-n ls iuuy seeureu. i
Deadline A ehauce of a lifetime to obtain
good paying husiuess from the start. Addmsa
for u ineular' 1 1 EM'l HC.-iTION'.' P O.
Box 1328, Ntw York. l-3-12t-t,ts,s
KfcAUJNti r. iu olMIU.
Lehigh Valloy Division.
Anthracite coal used ex
clusively, Insuring cleanli
ness una comfort
Arrangeraest of passenger trains Doc. 4, 1892.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
I'cnn Haven Junction. Munch Chunk, r.n.
hlehton, Slatlngton, White .Hall, Catnsauqua,
Allcntown, Itcthlchcm, Easton, Philadelphia,
Uazlcton, Woathcrly, Qunksko Junction, Del
ano and Mnhanoy City at 0.O1, 7.40, B.08 a m.,
12.B2.3.10.R.S7 p. m.
eor .now lorn, ism, v.uh a. m., 1Z.6Z, 3.10,
27 p. m.
Vnr IfnKlAtsin. WllUfin-tlarpn. mita TTavAn
PIttston, Lacoyvlllo. Towanda, Sayro, Waverly,
Klmira, Rochester, Niagara Palls nnd the West,
10.41 . m., (3.10 n. m., no connection for Hoches
tor, Buffalo or Niagara Palls), 8.03 p. m.
Por Dclvldorc. Delaware Water nan and
Struudsburg, C.U4 a. m., 6.27 p. m.
i' or iamucrivine ana xrcnion, v.os a. m.
Por Tunkhannoclc, 10.41 a. tn., 3.10, 8 03 p. m.
Por Auburn, Ithaca, Uenovu and Lvons, 10.41
ra., 8.03 p. m.
Por Jeanosvlllo. Levlston and Ueaver Meadow.
I.W, V.UO U. JU.a 0., O.UO 1. XU.
Por Audenrlcd, llazloton, Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 8.01, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10,
f p. m.
Por Scranton. 6.01. 8.08. 10.41 n. m.. 3.10. hM7
Por Ilazlobrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton and Precland,
.01, 7.40,9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 5.27 p. m.
Por Ashland, Olrardvlllo and Lost Creek. 4.27.
.40, 8.62, 10.16 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.10, 9.15
i. m.
Por Raven Run, Centralta, Mount Carmel and
Shamokln, 8.52, 10.15 a. in., 1.40, 4.40, 8.07 p. m.
i'or Yatosviuc, 1'orn l'laco, Mahanoy City and
ucianu, o.ui, ,,vj. v.uo, lu.ti a m.. li:.ox. d.iu.
d.03. 9.83. 10.28 P. m.
xrains wm loavo nnamoKin at 7.dd, ii.m a. m.,
10. 4.30. c. m. and arrlvo at Shenandoah nt
.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10. 5.27 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 5.50. 7.40.
1.03, 10.41 a. tn., 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 6.27, 8.03 p. m.
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a.m., 12.32,3.00, 5.20,7.00, 7.15, 9.30
p. m.
Leave Shcnarnloah tor Hazieton, 6.04, 7.40, 9.08.
lu.ti a. m.,, b.iu, o.., a.w p. m.
L.cavo uazieion ior anenanaoan, i.w,
11.08 a. m 12.45, 3.10, 5.30, 7.10, 7.56 p. m.
Trains leave tor Ashland, G Irardvllle and Los t
urccit, t.zv, v.4u a. m., p. m.
por Yate'viue, 1'ark 1'iace, Mananoy cur
Delano, Hazleton. Black Crcclc Junction, Pons
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown
Uethlcbem. Easton and New York, 8.40 a. m.
2.55 p. m.
i-'or I'nnaaoiDnia iz.w z oa d m.
Por Yatosvllfe, Park Place, Mahanoy City anil
Delano. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.30, 2.55. 4.40 CPTp, m
ueave tiazieton ior sncnanaoan,, ii.ju
m.. 1.05,4.37 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 6.60. 8.40,
Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 8.30. 10.40
a.m.,i.), oao p. m.
i a. owuiuAuu.uen. Mgr.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
A. W. NONNEMACUF.R, Asst. G. P. A.
South Uethlehcm, Pa.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
Por New York via Phlladelnhla. week davs. a.m., p.m. Sunday
.it) a. m. i' or flew i oin via iviauca ununit.
week days, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.48 p. m.
Por Reading nnd Phlladelnhla, week days.
2.08, 5.23, 7.18, 10.08 a. tn.,12.33, 2.48,5.53 p. m. Sun
day, 2.03, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. in
For Harrlsburg, week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m.,
2.48,5.53 p. m.
i' or Aiieniown, wcea oars, a. m.,
2.48 p. m.
f or I'otisvuie, weea oays, 7.10 a. m., iz.33,
48, 5.53 p. m. Sunday,,2.08, 7.46 a. m., 4.23 p. m.
I'Ui iuuiuuuuuuu .uduuuuv Wll.., uuvn.
2.08. 5.23, a. m.,12,33. 2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sun-
any,, 7.40 n. in., p. m. Aaauionai ior
Mahanoy City, week days, 6.58 p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18
a. m., p. m.
Por Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lowlsburg,
week days, 3.33, 7.18, 11.28 a. ra., 1.33, 6.58 pm,
Sunday, 3.23 a, m.. 3.03 p. m.
1 ui iuauuuuv riauu, vvcou uujb, .uo. o.o, o,jOt
7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a. m., 12.33, 1.33, S.48, 6.53, 6.58, 9.83
p. in. sunuay,, 3.zs, 7.40 a. m., 3.U3, 4.zs p. m,
Por GlraravUle, (Rappahannock Station),
week davs. 2.08. 3.23. 5.23. 7.18. 10.08. 11.28 a. m.
12.33,1.33, 2.48, 6.53, 6.68, 9.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08,
3.23, 7.46 a. m., 3.03, 4.28 p. m.
Por Ashland and Shamokln. week davs. 3.23.
5.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 8.68, 9.33 p. m. Sun-
aay, .to a. m., awtj. m.
Leave Now York via Philadelphia, weekdays-
7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.15 night. Sun'
day, 6.00 p. m., 12.15 night.
Lsavo New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4.00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m,
umiu x luiMDiuin. niion uuj a, iu, ju.w a. ui.
4.00, 6.00 p. m., from Market and 12th. Sta., and
8.35 a. m., 11.30 p. m. from 9th and Green streets.
Sunday, 9.05 a. m., 11.30 o. m , from 9th and
Leave Reading, week days, l.u,7.lo, 10.05, 11.50
a. m., s.05, 7.07 p. m aunaay,, lu.ts a. m.
Leave Pottsvllle. week davs. 2.40. 7.40 a. m.
12.30, 6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.10, 7.00 a. m 2.05 p. m.
Jcave Tamanua, ween aays, s.i, lt.i a.
in., t.Mi, ttHJf v-o y iu. kuuuujr, u.w, ,.yj a.
2.50 n. m.
Leave Mahanoy Cltv. week davs. 3.45. 9.18.
11.47 a. m., 1.51. 7.42, 9.54 p. m. Sunday. 3.46. 8.12
a. m., a.zj p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week He vs. 2.40. 4.00.
6.31,9.35.10. 40.11.59 a.m.,1.05.2. 06,,7.67,10.10
p. m. aunaay, ..w, i.uu, o.- a. m.,, o.ui p. m.
Leave Olrardvlllo, (Rappahannock Stntlon),
weeks days, 2.47. 4.07, 6.38, 9.41 10.46 a. m., 12.05,
2.12, '.11, 6.28, 6.32, 8.03. 10.18 p, m. Sunday, 2.17,
4.07. 8.33. a. tn.. 3.41. 5.07 n. m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00, 9.50, 12.00
a. m.,3.30, p. m. ounuay, ii.iap. m.
Por Baltimore, Washington and the West via
U. & O. R. R.. throuch trains leave Glrard
Avenue station. Phlladelnhla. (P. & R. R. R.) at
3 wi,.ui, u.-.t a. m.,, 7.18 p. m. Sunday,
3 ou.o.i-, a. m., 3.00,, v. id p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
ana noutn street wnnri, ior Atlantic uity.
wcouaays Kxpress, uo a m, z uo, t uu, B oo,
p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 5 45, 6 SO p m.
Hunaays express, vuu, am. Accommoaa
tion. 8 (XI a m and 4 30 l) m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot. Atlantic
nna Arkansas avenues, weeaaays r.xpress.
7 uu, 7 40, u uu a m ana 4 uu p m
Accommodation, o iu a m ana iwpa.
Sundays Express, 4 00 p in. v
Accommodation. 7 30 a m and 4 SO n m.
O. G. IIANCOCK, Gen'l j?as3'r Agt,
1. A. HWKlUAUU. mm i Manager
NOVEMI1ER 11. 1601.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tho above
date for Wlggau's, Gllberton, Prackvllle, New
castle, at. uuur, l'otisvuio, uamourg, iteaume,
Potutown. Phoanlxvllle. Norrlstown and Phil.
adelphla (Uroad street station) at 8:00 and 11 :45
a. m. ana : io p. m. on ween aays. r or row
vllle and Intermediate stations : 10 a. m
For WIggan'a, Gllberton, Prackvllle, New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 4:00, 8:10 a. m,
aud 3:10 n.m. For Ilambure. Reading. Potts
town, Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:10 a. m., 3:10 p. ra.
Trains leave Prackvllle for Bhonandoah at
10:40a.m. and 1U:14, fl:U4, T.w ana lo:wp. m,
Sundays, 11:13 a. ra. nnd:40p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10: IS,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40, 7: IS and 9:43 p. m. Sundays
at 10-40 a. m. and 6 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street station) for
Pottsvlllo and Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 36 a m,
4 10 and 7 00 p m week days. On Sundays leave
at &K a ra. Por Pottsvllle, 9 28 a m. For New
YorkatSS), 4 06, 4 40, 6 86, 6 50, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30,
9 50, 1100, 11 14, 11 36 am, 12 00 noon (limited ex
press 1 fit) and 4 50 p ra) 12 41, 1 35, 1 40, 2 30, 3 20,
1 00, 4 02, 5 00, 6 00, 6 20, 6 50, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 n
m, 12 01 night. Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35,
8 12. 8 30, 9 50: 11 35 a m and 12 44, 1 40, 2 SO, 4 02
(limited 4 50) 5 28, 0 20, 6 50, 7 13 and 8 12 p m and
12 01 night. Por Sea Girt, Long Uranch and In
termediate stations 8 20 nnd 11 14 am, and 4 00
p ra weekdays. Por Ualttmore and Washing
ton 3 50, 7 20, 8 31, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18 a m, 12 35 (lim
ited express. 1 30. 3 46,) 4 41, 6 57, 7 40 P m 12 03
night. For Freehold only 5 00 p ra weekdays.
FornalUmoreonlyutSOi, 4 01, 5 08 and 11 SO p
m. Sundays at 3 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 a m, 4 41, 6 57
7 40 p m. 12 03 night. Baltimore only 5 OSf It 30
p ra. For Riohmond 7 20 a ra, 1 SO p m and 12 03
night. Nuntlays, 7 20 a m, 12 03 night.
Trains will leave Harrlsburg for Pittsburg
and the West every day at 12 25 and 310am
and (limited 3 00) and 8 40 p m. Way tor Al
toona at 8 15 am and 110 p m every day. Por
Pltutburg and Altoona at 11 20 a in every day
and 10 20 p m week days.
Trains will leave Sunbury for Wllllamsport,
Elmlra, Canandalgua, Rochester, Iluffalo and
Niagara Falls at 6 10 a m, and 1 36 p m week
days. Por El intra at 6 30 p m week days. Por
Erie and intermediate point at 6,10 u m daily.
Por Look Haveu at S 10 and 9 56 a' in dally, 1 36
and 5 30 p m week days For Ruiiovo at 5 10 a
m. 1 35 and 6 30 p m week days, if nd 6 10 a ra on
Sundays only. Por Kane at 6 10 a m. 1 35 n m
, woeh .i..ys.
. C ii lm;u
J. R. Wood,
Gou'lPass'g'' Agti
1 Ufn'l Maaagor
First National
8hciinnlou!i, Pcumi.
. W LEISENRING, President.
P. J. PERGU80N, Vice Prealdeni
J. R. LEISENRING, Cashier.
S. W. YOST, Assistant Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 8.
(nierest Paid on Savings Deposit.
Worth I tnirlh HU
WO below Green, PhUdeIrlfc.
AFTER tba rtrallj fhjtlclan, Xbt hot
( Jul and KdvertlilDK dootori hfs failed
as well qukcki nho promise to curl
you after nil otberi fall, And to e1t you
a vrlitea gunrkiitee, free tdrioa, fret
treilmeuti and afwr tbe belt evlodlert,
tbe pill & sou facto ren, with Uielr -called
tOQlcj, rtftUratlteg, Ubleu, nip
porters, and otber ecret oortrum fenra
bag concerns, the home cure medlcUee,
etc , etc., bate anladled aud robbed too,
THEN ma and I Tift n P TOTTT.
a bo baa bad 0 years' Europe&a Hospital und 36 years' practi
cal experience. Beexamiuedbylilm. He lit candidly ten yoo
m hviber your ease la onrable or doL lie dott not gaarantw, not
does he claim to be God's equal, hut be does cure the mort dev
perate cbkci of Byphtlli, Ulcen, Stricture!, OonorrhceaJ
Polion, and SlBCharces. hurTctirn frrm Melancholia am
do nbenrtedaiHii, and all those diseased from elfecta of jroathfvj
Indlacretlon, of both sex)', an- ure of a core. Eemember,
DR THL doea care whit all others only claim to do. DVL
THEEL uses common iene treatment. Ho com blue the Alia
pathlo, llomoeopathte, and Kclectfo syatetns of rnedklne wher
ever they aro (ndlcnled. Hnure Dally, y to S e'obtckt even
ings, 6 to 8, Wed. and Rat. een!ngi from 6 to 10 o'clock ; Bon.
darit S to 17, Send 10 eta. worth of 2-ct, ft&txps for book
"Truth," the only true medical book advertised, a friend tartl,
Jounit, and middle-aged of both rcxet. Write or call, AVOID
octors worntnf you agatott medical books i they are afraid r o
will find their Ignoraiici- rtnoxed. II RAD Dr. Tbeel'a teatt
IDonlala la Wednesday' and Saturday'! 1'biladelpbla Tint.
Rubljer Cement !
For Slato, Tile, Tin or Iron Roofs.
Sold in all size packages trom 10 pounds up.
Pointlnir ud and renalrlne all cracked Inlnl.
on all kinds ot roots, and around chimneys,
conlnff stones. sltvlichtB. dormer wlndnwn.
Butters, wood or stone work, hreaks and nan
holes, or any place to be made water-tU hti uu
equallod for laying nnd bedding 8LATE AND
TILE ROOFS, also copings. They -will never
leak or become loosened- It Is very adhesive,
sticks (Irmly to anything, lormlng a tough,
leather-like skin over tho top, will not run or
looson from Joints or cracks, summer or win
ter. This cement needs no reference. It has
stood the test for thirty-two years, and novor
falls to giro perfect satisfaction. It Is the
most useful article a roofer can have In his
shop. The cement Is prepared ready for nse.
am is to De applied witn a trowel, ana is kept
moist by keeping covered with wattr or oil,
and will not get stiff or dry. Colors, brown and
black. (Established I860 ) Address,
J. G. IIETZEL, 56 Maine St., Newark, N. J.
Are sometimes a bore, but
when the people are told
twice that at Gallagher's
Cheap Cash Store thov can
buy Flour and Tea at lower
rates than anywhere in town
they are glad 'to test the
truth of the oft repeated
story. He also keeps on
hand full lino of Groceries,
Fresh Butter and Eggs, Po
tatoes, Green Truck, Hay
and Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store I
(Muldoon's old stand)
Mfdlcal OtUcd, 20G N. SECOND St., FMlal'l, Pa.
Are the oldest In America for the treatment of
Special IllHemiea fc Ypnthfiil Trrars.
Varicocele, HydroMe, ltupttire. Lost Manhood.
Treatment Iit Mnll n Nperlnlty. (iimw
muntcatlon Marrt-lly i "nflth mini Hi-nrl stamp 1 t
ItnoU. limcehnurkiO X. M to a I". M . 6toll
,11 All day Saturuar.g Sundays, 10 to 12 A M.
Saloon : and : Restaurant'
First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tem
perance Drinks ai.d Cigars. Fine eld Wlnea
and Liquors always on hand.
II. O. FOLMER, Prop, ,
Hess' Livery Stable,
n8 N. Market Alley.
Finest turnouts tn town.
Would be pleased to rocelve a share of the
public patronage.
Offices Room t. P. O. UulMlng, -iti9Bndob
ind ster)y Uulldlng, Potta vllle.