THE EVE ALD VOL. VH.-NO, 344. SHENANDOAH. FA.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY G. 1893. ONE GhWC. NING r j I? ' ft 4 8J A Big Drive IS NOW ON AT IP. J 2 South Main St. Clearing Sale of Winter Goods 1 Gents' red underwear thai formerly sold for $1 -will now go at 80c. Special sale of Blankets. Only a few more of those de sirable Coats left over which will be sold regardless of cost. Carpets and oil cloths at the lowest prices consistent with first-class goods. ss goods, notions, etc. THE MASTER House Painters and Decorators Hateadojrtod tic following prices for paptr hanglng and decorating for IWS, Comineiicliisc Alarcti 1. Per piocc for Brim n and Wblto Blanks 12o " ' (Jilt Papers lBo " " Embossed Papers 18o " " Decorating Ceilings 18o " ' Joining or nutting,.- ISO Four Cornices to he charged as 1 piece 18c Qluesizlng, per room 12x14 feet 50c Larger and smaller rooms according to slzo. Removing old paper and preparing walls, 25c per hour. All work guaranteed. No Paper Hung by the Day, R. C, WEIBESMOTEII, ' Jori N P. OA HPF.N, CJR.D. R. IlACBNTIlJCU, FltANClS DEEGAN, John l, HAssixn, T. W. Convjixe, George M. Uoyek, Geo. W. Habbleu. J, li. MEIIL, Wll. J LINK, EDWARD EVERETT, PHOTOGRAPHER DABB Baa purchased tho best apparatus In the mar ket, and is now prepared to take every style ol photographs. VlewB of buildings, machinery mud nil kinds ot outdoor work a specialty. Each purchaser of one dozen cabinets at (3.60 Is pre sented with a large crayon ree. This offer U rood until April 1, 1893. Copying and enlarg ing. Work done at short notloe and low prices. DABB,N. White St., Brt(SSSSfBMir. Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Htr stocked with the best beer, porter, ales, whiskies, brandies, wines, etc Finest cigars. Hating barattached. Cordial invitation to all. M. S. KISTIiER, M. ., PIIT8IC1J W AND aUXGXOK Office 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah, 171 ,TMiT1 A O 15o per Dozen. Florida 2So Just Received Direct OABFBTS FLOOE mmm jrlU New Tailerns in Brussels Ntw Patterns JTlcor Oil ClotJis, Two Yards Wide, at 60 Cents, Use Minnesota J&musements. EKGUSOK'S THEATItli. P. J. rUHOUSOtf, HANAOIHL Three Night nngagement, ConHBencing MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, '93. The Little Merrle-Makor,' Louise Hamilton Supported by a strong company, Monday Night, "Fogg's Furry." Tuesday Night, "Little Detective." Wednesday Night, "Our Angel." Desure'tinfi sec her In her dances ami hearbcr ) her new songs. Prices, 15, as nnd 3s Cents. Reserved seats on sale atKirlln's drug store. glF.HOUSON'8 THEATRE. P. J. FEKOUSON, MANAOKJt. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th The Event'Of the Season. The Great Nibbe's Burlesque Co., With their own Superb Orchestra, and that greatest of all Modern Bur lesques, fife fM and pi? fob? A big city show. 20 Handsome Indies and vauueviue Artists aireci irercn a series of successes. Fasclnatlnc girls, handsome costumes, fancy dancers, graceful marches. No Advance in Prices. Reserved seats on sale at Klrlln's drug stort ABRAM HEEBNER CO.. PORT CARBON, PA. Manufacturers of ocietij Ejood$ : Of Every Description. Ffags, Baoges, Caps, Regattas, &t a-FMESr G00DS-L0WES1 PRICES.-ttfl Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicitor' L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Celebrated Porter, Hie and Beer JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. 35 CTS. PER YARD ron Homemade Hag Car-pet. Taken out of the loom to-day. Others for 45. fiO and S!c, extra heavy. Ilrussels and Ingrain Carpets and Oil Cloths. Remnants will be sold almost at your own price. Carpet Store, 10 South Jardtn St. wl TO O'OC! Oranges per Dcxen. Xrom the Oroiver and OIL CLOTH. and Ingrain Carpets Daisy Flour. tfXS. SKr 51 '"' Sift;; PMC ' 3SV nameL,BS8lO&UAEB,AJilna,rv isprintod - - 'avaan hour or to Ulliug stoma mm .uul S, mka. the iwnul .r l oimh ,! fv.,n "S FIRE DESTROYS A SLAUGHTER HOUSE. BUT THE LOSS WAS NOT GREAT Tho Frozen Stroets Handlcappo'd the Flremon and Sovoral of Them Narrowly Escaped Fatal Injury. t i niTr "v A- . u night Saturday tho firo bell sent an ahum out upon tbo dear, cold air. All tbo companies wero out with appar atus In good tlino and skinning nlong the streets at as fast n rato as thoMco covered streets would permit. Tho Are was located "at Szymansklo's slaughter house near tho Cambridge breaker, below tbo lime kiln. The burned structure was not of much value, but it contained n boiler, engine ami chopping unci other machines valued at several hundred dollars. Tho building soon succumbed to the flames nud within n short time tho lights of the firemen's lanterns and tho burning debris showed tho upright figures of the boiler, engine and machines, which retained their positions, but wero badly damaged by the flames. Mr. Symanskc places his loss at about f 1,000. The origin of the ilro is un known. uno ol tho results ol tho tire was an acci dent by which several members of thuColum bia Hoso Company narrowly escaped losing their lives. The firemen took the two-wheeled hose carriage, known as the "crab," out of tho hoso houso and started south on Jardin street with it. At Poplar street they turned east to go to Main, nud down thatstrcet to the road that leads past tho slaughter houses. Poplar street, from Jnrdiu to Main, is very steep. It is regarded us dangerous for wagons oven when it is not covered with snow and ice. fraturday night it was an smooth and bright as a looking-glass and unfit for pedes trians, much less vehicles of any weight, Hut the firemen did not know of its condi tion until after they turned tho corner from Jardin street, and then it was too late. Four or five men had hold of the pole, but their utmost strength amounted to nothing. Tho "crab" took speed at the very top of tho hill and tho speed increased so rapidly that the men in chargp wero barely able to guide it, About midway between Jardln street and Pear alley tho men lost all control of tho "crab." It took a diagonal course from the middle of tho road to the pavement on the south sido and tho next moment went crashing against tho sido of a house at the corner. The collision stopped the progress of the "crab" by badly wrenching tho wheel and axle on the right side. The polo was also badly bent. Tho weather boards of tho house were somewhat damaged. It was considered a mlraclo that tho men who at tempted to take tho "crab" down tho hill were not badly injured or killed. They all say their escape was' an exceedingly narrow one. The apparatus was returned to tho hoso houso. A male coupling of tho hoso is re ported missiug and the finder is requested to return it to the company. Everj' mother should havo Arnica & Oil Liniment always in the house in cose of accident from burns, scalds or bruises. lm Died, NICHTER. At Shenandoah, Sunday, Fob Gtb, lelfl, Agatha Nlchter, relict of tho late Lewis Nichtor, aged C3 years 4 months and 15 days. Funeral on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. High mass tu tho Holy Family church. Interment at Aununciation ceme tery. Friends and relatives respectfully invited to attend. A mother to kind, A mouurwo adoroj A fond loving mother, Gone to Heaven forever more. Gone but not forgotten. 2-6-2t USE DANA'S SABSAPAKILLA, m "THE KIND THAT CUBES." A Tlmbttrman Injured, Thomas Snyder, of West Cherry street, was Imdly injured about the bend by a fall of rock iu the Cambridge colliery yesterday. Mr. Snyder and othsrs wero engaged in timbering a jiace In tho mines when the fall occurred. Tho injured man is being cared for at his homo. How often we hear middle-aged people say regarding ttiat reliable old cough remedy, N, 11, Downs' Elixirs "Why, my mother gave it to me when I was a child, and I uso it In my family; it always cures." It is always guaranteed to cmo or money refunded, lm Slll'CfKSlul UevlritlM. The revival services in tho Methodist Episcopal church will be continued each evening through the week. Several visiting ministers are expected to preach. All are Invited. Bett work done at Brtnnan's Steam Laun.' jry. Everything white and spotless. Lace lqitmin a specialty. All work guaranteed Twelve lhutu for flOe. By 4fe&Ubg u your cabinet, together with 50 00 ts, wo will finlali you one dozoa photos, '1-S-tf W. A. Kbaoev. Buy Ktstone Hour. Be sure that the name Lbssio & Baee, A land, Pv is printed on evory soak. 3-3-3taw MORE VOTES RECEIVED SATURDAY'S POLL NEARLY TWO THOU 3 AND. Tho I'rlxniti of the Teachers Continue Clipping nud Sending In the Cou pium Thirty Thousand Will Soon be the (Inuul Totnl Nellie Halrd 4MU ABMsStWn - auto Mary A. Connelly 35G0 Mtttno II. TVailcy . 2950 MahaUI'nlrthlliJ S2T6 Frank D. Williams 2147 Bridget A. Hums 1445 Carrlo Faust l(l7 I.1UW) It. Phillips Ml Anna M. DongVir C4I Mary A. l.alteity 671 MaryA.Ht.wk EOS Carrie M. Smith S$2 Hattlo Hchh 437 Mapglo Cavanaugh - 231 ClaroClino- 210 ElUCbvuscr 201 Annie Mawsell 183 James It. l.wla 154 Hannah Reese 141 Ircue Shano 121 Votes polled yesterday 188S O rand total 2WO0 Tho rctiirns of the IIukalu's public school teachers' contest Saturday created great In tercst and in some, places mingled disappoint mcnt and surprise. Tho great leaps mado by some of tho leaders to dectdo which should secure tho box for Ferguson's theatre to-night wcie tho objects of special attention. The positions or tho leaders uro the same to-day a they wero on Saturday, with one exception. Miss Stein has again mken second place and leads Miss Connelly by thirteen votes. Th vote polled Saturday was not near ns high as that of Friday, but compared with tho average returns of previous days it is pretty high. Saturday ciocd tno eighteenth day, or third week, of the contest. Tho average number of votes per day for that period was a fraction over 1,101, which is ample proof of the popularity tho contest lias met witli and the great interest tho public has taken in their favorite teachers. Those who were left considerably behind tho past week should not heeomodishcartened. Thcro is no doubt that tho dashes were du in a great measuro to tho theatrical box offer. Still if the lenders should continue to roll ti big scores, those lower down in the list should remember tint th6ir friends will have ample oppcrtunity betwen now and July 1st The following communication speaks for itself: Editor Hkhai.ii : Unclosed please tlnd coupons for your very opular contest. Ii Dhows groat business enterprise on your part and should be appreciated by all the residents of your town. What a grand treat it will be for tho scholars when tho teachers return to have the wonders of the fair described to them I only wish other journals would take the mat ter up as you have done. My votes are for Miss Datrd, who seems lo be the most popular teacher at present. I hopo tho contest will bo spirited and cause no 111 feeling among the ills appointed ones. Yours truly, AMOS ItEDKORD. Pcrryvllle. Md., Feb. 2. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." THE THEATRE. Reference! to Ferguiinu Theatre Coining Attractions. Louise Hamilton and her comedy company opened a week's engagement at Music Hall last night. We have gotten so used to "stars" of big frame and usually considerable fatness, tho sight of a petite graceful little girl like Miss Hamilton' apparently not far in her teens is almost startling. Tho audience admired this petite person last nighthowover and thoy said that she sung, danced and laughed her way into their affection. She is mercuiially active and perennially efferves cent. ll'ffAe-I(irr Leader. Miss Hamilton will appear at Ferguson's thcatio for three nights, commencing this evening. HIS KinS AND HIS NODS. An excellent combination Is the Nibbe's llurlesqus Company, which is drawing large audiences at the Academy of Music this week. The members are all artists lu their line and deserve the splendid patronage received. The company closes here with to-morrow night's performance. Pittsburg Telegram. At Ferguson's theatre on Friday evening, February 10th. USE DANA'S BABSAPABILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CUBES." In a Few Lines, For once the News and Herald agrees. Both want Hawaii annexed. Shake, brother, Qayton, Va., near Richmond, is one of the latest mining towns.' Josiah Drossier, of Wm. Penu, has been granted a pension of 9 per month, dating from November 4th, 1690. Lane's Family Medicine Move the llowela Eaah day. In order to be healthy this If lecessary. Additional iteicrrolr. HeberS. Thompson, Cblef Engineer of the Girard Estate, spent a few minutes iu town to day before going to Olrardvllle to look after matter? pertaining to the construction of an additional reservoir on the G Irani Estate lu couuocttou with the present Lost Creek dams. Messrs. M. P. Quiun and Lewis Grant havo heott awarded tho contract to construct the reservoir at the sum of $75,000. SpoutaolM to suit all eyes, at Porte's book nd stationery ttoro, No. 81 North Main :treet e-UT-ti Fresh Morris Blver Covo Oyiters received lailr at fcalett'e. 9-82-tf Bost photographs and eravons at Dabb't 1 A LARGE GATHERING IN THE REFORMED OHUROH. REV. O'BOYLE ON YOUNG PEOPLE Thoy Should Not bo Allowed to Walk tho Stroots Alono at Lato Night Hours Some Suggestions to FarontB. ONS1DEIIABI.E inter est has been aruupoil by Itev, Bobert O'Boyle's scries of sermons to young people based upon personal investi gation and observation of local affairs mid last night tho Trinity Bi. foimcil church was packed with people whoso attention had been attracted by tho announcement that tho clergyman would pi each on "Social lleform," Those who expected to hear a discourse of tho Dr. Parkhurst order wero disappointed; hut thoso who wero prepared for good logical reasoning and clean cut, but appropriately framed slashes at some of tho social sloughs of town were satisfied. Hov. O'Boylo took his text from St. Peter II; 3; 11. "What maimer of people ought ye to be lu holy conversation and ( Rev. O'Boylo graphically described tho creation. Man was created in God's own imago, in righteousness and iruo holiuoes. But man did not retain his original stato of perfectness. Sin entered his being and vitiated and blunted all of his God-given powers and capabilities. The intellect, sen xihilUy and .. Uod placed in man by the dlviue act to be developed by him, to bo used by him for . God's glory. Man, however, also t social being. Ho is by divine creition so constituted that he must be associated with his fellow beings. Itev. O'Boylo then very vividly p.iintti man iu his social nature. Tho congregation was wrapped in closo attention lo what tho speaker said of the condition of tho social lifo in our midst. What is the condition o ociety in our town ? Dots it tend to elevate tho men and women to a higher plane Among the yoiing.nion and women, how aro the affairs? What is tho style of converts Hon what are tueir deeds? They tiro certainly not of a high degree. Parents have a duty licre, to look alter their young sons and daughters more, than they are apparently doing now. Young women, alone, ought no to ho seen on our public streets at ten r eleven o'clock at night. What is necessary to briug about this social reform among our young people is that they surround them selves with good Influences and the good people of their community. The christian church must como to tho ies cue of these yuung people. Tho church is their only safety. Itaiso the standard of morality and you Mill iff sen tho great immoralities in our tomi. Let the church lift tho people upon a higher plane, when there will be a bctttr atmosphere around the ones whom Christ loves nud for whom Ho sacrificed his life. Purify tho homes. Look upon tho marriage relation as a holy one, "Whom God hath joined to gether, let no man put asunder." Itev. O'Boyle loft a strong impre slon upon his listeners ami before the close of the service announced that his subject lor noxt Sunday evening will bo "Our Public Schools." JUDGE GREEN STRICKEN. Seized by a Paralytic Stroke Thl -Morn. lutr at Ills Homo, Special to the Herald. Pottsville, Feb. 0. Consternation was caused at the court house this morning by the announcement that Judge Green had re ceived a paralytio stroke. When the report was reetived Judge Bcchtel was on the bench anil lawyers were awaiting the arrival of Judge Green for the disposal of a number of eases whUh bad been set down for argument to-d.iy, ainoug them tho injunction suit in connection with the proposed Shenandoah public waterworks. An investigation confirmed the report of the Judge's illness. It was learned that as Judge Green was making preparations to leave his home for the court houee the stroke oauie upon him. The investigation alse de veloped much apprehension on the part of ' Judge Green's family and friends. They fear It may have a fatal termination. J Judge Green's affliction will greatly erip ile the butinoss of tho court .nud leave tho sole remaining Judge overwhelmed with un disposed caseti. Judge Pershing Is still a very sick man and is at Atlantic City, ivj lug to recuperate. It is out of the question te expect that he will be able to render any help to Judge Bechtcl, for some time at least, Inconsequence of Judge Green's tllntss tho Shenandoah water cose has been continued indefinitely. lusurauce 3Ieu Kat, A numberof the superluUndeute, assistants and other agents of the Prudential Insurance Company from Pottsville, Tamaqua, Makanoy Oity, Ashland, flirardvtlle aud other plaoes hail a social gathering in oae of the hotel of town Saturday evening. About thirty rep resentative), of the company Were present and after uf u good supper they wiled 'avaan hour ur to Ulliug .wing a good time generally. OBE'S OBSERVATIONS. What lie Sccn nut! Ileum During Ills Travels. I picked up a Himleton pnper yesterday and rend an interesting little piece that bill tho home reciprocity theory as squarely on tho head as anything I hare seen In that connection for some time. The writer says: "One of the United States Exprcua agent camo into this office on Wednesday. 'I want your trndo' he said to tho advertising slicl- tor after ho had shaken hands. Tho adver tising man told him ho wanted hie, and m gestcd thas since there wus opposition and. competition a littio adveitising would lie wise Investment. "But I can't advertise.' "Why not?' "Well, you sec, tho express companion, or rather directors, got together and agreed not to do certain things nnd one of them was net to spend any money in advertising.' A- "The ndvorlMng nun shut him oft", You have a good deal of gall to como and ask fer trado from pcoplo whom your directors de liberately agree not to patronize. We'll do nothing for you or your company hereafter. Everything will go by freight or mail. Tho railroads advertise.' " Wonders will never cease," soliloquized a gentleman last evening in ono of tho hotels. "The- ingenuity of man seems directed solely to tbo saving of time, money and material, and if thoy keep on ns they have been for the past few years wo may expect to mold whatever wo may wish from practically nothing, Take, fur instance, tbo rcccut de velopments iu town. Hero is the steam heating company offering to heat done as of buildings from one plant at a great reduction of cost and here is that big brained merchant, Ben Severn, drumming up a market for a mixture called Koal-Spar, which he says will make one ton of coal do the work of ene and a half tons. The fust tiling wc know Sever, aud tho steam heat company will be console dating and they will bo offering us euoagli, square yards of heating surface to niako & Forcpaugh circus tent at less than it cunts to haul a load of coal from oue of tbo neighbor ing collieries now. This is indeed a wodr fully progressive age. The housekeepers are kicking like Texan steers because the merchants lilivo nnnouncwl that the price of soap has gone up. A store keeper told a lady tho other day that the rise was caused by a scarcity of fat. A gen tloaian who stood by suggested that soap might bo made without fat nud Schuylkill county people would make a mint of money out of it. "How?" asked tho mcreliant eagerly. "By utilizing 'Boh' Hunt's rraek villo soft clay beds and putting the soap o the market as 'Henry Clay's Choice."' Tho merchants of this town are never at a, loss of some excuso to give their patrons when tho prices of their goods go up, A lady went into a dry goods store on Main street Saturday and was surprised to find that the prices of linens had gone up several points. When asked the cause the merchant answered, " Tho World's Fair, ma'm." "The World's Fair! What has that tod with it?" "Why-why, you seo why, oh ! Yei, that's it, you s.eo there will be so many visitors at Chicago next summer all the hotoP) and boarding houses of that city have bought up all tbo linen on the markets for sheeting. Sco? How many yards ?" Hepresontative Burke, of Lackawanna, oa Friday introduced a bill strikiug at Hun garian aud Italian miners. It directs the creation of exauiiuing hoards in each in spection district of tho anthracite and. bitumluous coal region& oonsUting of nimj practical miuers or mine laborers. Mo cer tificate shall be granted to any applicant un less he establish by the affidavits of hinilf and two reputable citizeus that ho has two years experience in tho mines nnd not In that case unless he has a sufficient knowl edge of tho Euglish language to give warn ing of danger or undciitand such warning when given to him. Employers hiring per sons without such n certificate are puuiehahla by a fine of $100. The bill is endorsed by tho Knights of Labor throughout the anthra cite regions, where several serious accidents are said to have occurred by the Italian and Hungarian miners, who neither understand the English language nor the danger attended upon the work. The official programme of the eisteddfod to he held at Shamokin on Washington' Birthday has been announced. W. B. Powell Gwilym Eryri) will be conductor; James Sauvage, soloist; Todm Saurag, pianist ; Prof. J. Powell Jones, adjudicator Tho leading prize will be $60 for 35 voice on "The Pilgrims" nnd the next highert prlre will be $800, offered for "The Summer.' Obb. If there ever was a real cur for chrpnle, OougtM. Oo4d, Ilronouteal troublee ana La Orlppo it is Pn Tina. Don't lall to gt the giuuUK avoid substitutes. Oiits only X taau. Pan-Tina Is sold at P. P. u. Rlrila's Drug Store. Wanted, To complete files, two copies eaeh of tha Evmninq Hbiui.ii of January 1st, 91 and 1th, anil February 5th, IStB. A liberal prleo will be paid for the same. MuihUiib Committee Notice. . The Citizens' Standing OstUffilUee awl the candidate nominated by the party ate re qiwtted to mt at Olivet's Hotel, North Main street, to morrow Tuesday) evening t 7 o'clock. 11 C. Boy eb, Uhturuuui. Jab. Mi Klhknny, Secretary. Bucariuc kindliest- Di. Coxe's Wild Cherry .uul St iiika, the popular louh and Croup Mull). 1'iu'f '.'.i tii'l iueuts .i . iiit I'i.. O- ...,.1 -.ii . ' i .1