The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 04, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. VTL--NO. 343.
A Big Drive
28 South Main St
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods 1
Gents' red underwear that
formerly sold for $1 will now
go at 80c.
Special sale of Blankets.
Only a few more of those de
sirable Coats left over which
will "be sold regardless of cost.
Carpets and oil cloths at the
lowest prices consistent with
first-class goods.
Dress goods, notions, etc.
House Painters and Decorators
Hit adopted the following prices for paper
haegtaj; i.ud decorating 'or HOT,
ConiiDfitclnsr Mnrcli X.
Per place for Brown and "White niftnks....12V',c
" - Gilt Papers J5o
" " Embomed Papers- 18o
" Decorating Ceilings ........18o
" " Joining or Butting.. ...18o
Four Cornices to bo cbnrgt d ns 1 pleco 18a
Ulueslzlng, per room 12x11 feet 60a
Larger and smaller rooms according toslze.
"Removing old paper and preparing -walls, 23o
per hour. All 'work guaranteed.
No Poper Hung by the Day,
Joiih L. Ua6slkr, t. W. Conville,
J. H. Menx, Wh. J Link,
Edward Everett,
Has purchased the best apparatus In the mar
ket, and Is now prepared to take erery style ot
photographs, views of buildings, machinery
and all kinds ot outdoor work a specialty. Each
purchaser of one dozen cabinets nt t3 60 U pre
sented -with a large crayon rce. This offer le
good until April 1, 1893. Copying and enlarg
ing. Work done at short notloe and low prices
DABB, N. White St., Bric2
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street,
Bar stocked with the best beer, porter. Ales,
whiskies, brandies, wines, otc. Finest cigars.
Eating barattached. Cordial Invitation to all.
S. KISTLER, m. d.,
rnyaioiAn and svhoxon
OfJlee 110 North Jardin street, Shenandoah.
15o per Dozen.
Just Received Direct
Florida Granges,
:-' CAEFETS and '
New Patterns in Brussels and Ingrain Carpets.
Jf&w Patterns Floor Oil Cloths, K
Two Yards Wide, at 50 (tents.
Use Minnesota
Three Night Eninipcnient, Commencing
Tha LlttU Mcrrlo-UaVtr,
Louise Hamilton by a strong tompan j.
Mouday Night, "Kogg's Ferry."
Tuesday Night, "Llttlo DetectiTe."
YTediiMduy Night, '"Oar Angel."
Us Bum aad see her In her dames as hearier
in ner new lungs.
Prices, is, 25 nrd 35 Cents.
Koafrred seats 00 sale atKirlln'e (iter, store.
Manufacturers of
IP Of Erery Description.
Flags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &.t
Write for catalogues. Correspondence sollslto-
Wm. arrisz
Begs to announoe to his friends and
patrons and the public generally that
he has purchased the barbershop lately
occupied by II. J. Yost,
No. 12 West Centre Street.
(Christ. Bossier's old stand.)
.renin mid Coal hih,, Mieiiuitdonli.
Best beer, alo and porfr on tap. 1 he finest
brands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at
tached -
Tho recoctilrcd wonder of the ltth esntnrv. t
now at lhoOntrul House, corner Centre and
White street's, Mienandoah. i-be reads tin
pust, present and future pertainli g to lore,
courtship und marriage, domestic troubles and
business difficulties. Here for (-hort time only.
Celebrated Poiter, Hie and Beer
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Home-made 'Rag Cartel.
Taken out of the loom today. Others for 45.
60 and 62c, extra heHvy, Hrus'-els and Ingrain
Carpets and Oil Cloths. Itemnunw will bu h jld
almost at your own prl o.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St
pet' Doztn.
Jbroni 17ie Grower
Daisy Flour,
Tho "Writer Criticizes the Brooks'
Act and Suggests a Sub tituto
in the Form of aa Exoiso
Sptutsl Hr.AD Correspondence.
Potthtillk, Feb 4, 16'J3.
UDUES Ilechtel and
Orccn have been busy
all week wrestling with
(he applications for now
llcensis. It Is surpris
ing wliat good charnc
tors tho men who ap
ply, suddenly ret up for
themselves, when it
cornea to the point of
wanting to become dealers In liquor. It Is
liquor that 11 lis our Jails, our almshouses nntl
kcot'S tho Criminal Courts busy and the men
who sell it can as easily fit a good character
on themselves as they can put on a porous
plaster or chest protector. If some of theso
follows were to set up for nngcls I supposo
they could readily flnd friends to give them u
clean hill of purification. In tho law of
liceuso there is a requirement which makes a
place applied for "necessary for tho accommo
dation of the public." This it is, I suppose,
that opened tho eyes of the court tu the
great ticoessity of licensing three adjoining
places on East Norwegian street, in this bor
ough, and six or eight within two squares on
North Centre street, in no moro than two of
which can the public find accommodations.
It is this requirement which makes liars of
so many otherwiso good citizens when tbey
omn tare and tako an oath to tell tho truth
and immediately proceed to blind the court
as to tho real facts of tho case.
I.OillliD WITH LTAltS.
"Necessity is thu mother of invention," it
'as long been salil, and I would rise loamend
by adding aud also tho boss lieu that pre
sides over the liar hatchery. Wo havo on our
railroads such trains ns the Congressional
Cxpress, tho Markot train, tho Limited Mail,
tho Cannon ltall, and tho Huckleberry; nuw
Is a good timo to put on all roads leading to
ho county seat trains called tho Unlimited
Liars' train, with through car3 to the county
seat, stops t ovi ry fence corner for Ananins
ind Sapphire plenty timo for cracker and
lioreo-radish lunch at 50 t.rccmtiM along tin-
route. Coming down to bed-rock facts our
Hystcrn of licencing liquur marts is all wrong.
It 13 an Imposition on the Judges to degrade
them by requiring them by law to gnuii
them and the sooner tho Legislature abolishes
Mr. Brooks' act and Its amendments and sub
stitutes something like an excise commission
th better for the morals of the few remaining
truth tollers in the commonwealth. It is a
burning glianiti that the saying "all men art
iiars" (presout company excepted, of course,
is becoming to bo recognized as the quint
essence of truth.
At n very early day, and at a timo most
opportune, a bill has been prepared and will
be introduced Into tho Legislature now in
session (which bill will doubtless become a
law, becauso it is sadly and luilly needed, in
fact it is moro of a necessity than half the
places licensed annually to sell liquor en
titled "An Act to providu for tho health and
safety of the peoplo of this Commonwealth."
The most important provisions of tills sojii
to hecome a law will bo tho sections which
will ko engrafted therein to mako it com
puUory on nil boards of managers of p1ace
of public iiunieeiuent an1 resort, maintained
by companies chartered by tho Uw'of tin
state, to keep their buildings in tepair and
making it tho duty of tho mayor or chiei
burgess of nuy city or borough upon com
plaint made by nuy thieo tax-paying c!tizei
thereof, that tho place so maintained o
managed Is going Into decay or is unsafe from
any reason or cause, to notify tho mamger
or dltoetors thereof to .inako tho ncccssarj
repairs or Improvements withiu thirty days
and iu default, or for neglect, thereof, It will
be the duty of Mich mayor or chief burgees
tu prosecujo the said managers or directors
criminally In the Quarter Sessions and upon
conviction it will ba the duty of tho court tu
leuteuca the culprits so criminally negligent
to fine and imprisonment. This law will
have a salutary nffoct tho moment it has been
signed, which it surely will ho when it has
been proierly uirasascd to the Governor.
In Pottsvllle A law of this kind will bo of fn-
culculable benefit to the people who patronizr
and frequent the halls and rented apartments
of the Union Hull Association, which In
iudo the academy, the main hall, post office
and other learnl rooms.
About two j uard ago a local paper called at
tention to the unsafe condition of this build
ing, nud frequently biuco tho managers have
been importuned to perform the simple duty
they uwo to a too lenient publio by expend
ing a little of tbolr vast and easily gotten
gains iu placing their monopoly In decent,
comfortable and cafe condition, but all these
appeals havo ben so far unheeded and now
the peoplp proposo to rise In their might and
eompel notion as Boon as the bill mentioned
has been eii.ietod Into a law. A petition as
long as the ruail between here aud Shenan
doah oould be jjotten to urgo the passage of
the hill but sooh a. oourse is not necessary as
all the Soauylklll members, aud marly all
other legislators Iu the state, fa torn measure
of this kind, knowing in they do that some
men must be made to perform duties which
they will not do of their own free will, and
that life l toe sweet to be (uitnwted to tho
trifling whims of dilatory and negligent peo
plo in chargo of our public resorts. When a
balky horso won't go he should bo treated to
h very effective done of eomo kind, and elm.
ilar niwllclno must sometimes bo applied to
cure the old fogy notions that take possession
of persons having the lives and safety of our
selves and our children In their oare.
A prominent, handsome and woll-to-do
render and patron of tho IIkiiai.o living In
this borough oilers to marry tho lady teaoher
who receives tho highest numbor of votos in
your World's Fair contest. Ho means busi
ness and says as he "couldn't marry thrco" ho
will select the ono who shall be selected by
tho popular verdict to bo recorded by July,
next. Well, won't tho lucky girl be happy,
euro enough? She will not only have her
pnrt of tho bridal tour paid for, hnt sho will
wote a gold necklace from lloldcrraan's and
geta husband who can pay for two wedding
trips, and pretzels and peanuts thrown in.
Let tho good work po on.
Among our citizens who voto rarly ,and
often for their favorites in your contest I
may mention It. J. Mills, Arthur Itosengarten,
Hnrry Schmidt, John F. Cooney, Gerald
SIcKcrnan, M. Angclo Cooney, John Rattl.
gnn, Kx-District Attorney Koch, his ox
assistant, Charles A. Snyder, John Mornn and
Momn, tho auditor. And thoy do not all
voto for the sumo person either. As some of
thoui nro singlo men you may guess which Is
the ono who has offered himself as a husband
to tho most favored lady.
There is no north of tho mountain lawyer
who comes to tho county scat who attends to
business moro assiduously than John It.
Coylc, Esq., of Shenandoah, Mr. Coyle, I
am happy to say, has a good legal prnotico and
knows his duty to his client and how to
perform it.
Tho liceuso mill has been grinding slowly
hnt surely this week. There will bo some
new places licensed In tho upper part of the
county and Shenandoah, which needs a few
more, will surely get fomo. Just think of it,
you have only one drinking siloon to overy
family of fivo. There is not enough. It is not
fair, it must be correcM, there should be
more, let tho thirsty he refreshed, if this is a
free country.
W. J. Whitchouic, Esq., has almost entirely
recovered from his New Year day mishap,
when ho sprained his lcfc nnkjo on Ken
Severn's Dolly Varden pavement in your
borough. During ihe long month of .Tanu
ary this well known and aclivo lawyer only
missed eight days from his work at the
coll it house or oilico.
Tho many friends of Dr. Williams hetc
were distressed to hear of his death last
Mondi y.
Warm work is being clone here to select
proper persons to borough and waid odlcers.
For Chief Burgeas, J. G. Frick, Chief Burgees
Dcrr, and the man who generally wins wheb
ho runs independent, M. B Bell, aro proml
nent for the chief executive oiTico In the
wards Baird Snyder, of tho South-East; Mai
Walker, of the South, and P. D. Helms, ol
the Middle, aro pretty Bure to be retuincd ti
Council. If the other wards do fcs well we
shall have no cause of complaint. The
candidates for School Director aio generally
Kood men,
Schmidt or Smithy, tho witness who was
Hilled for so loudly by Lawyer Brumm in tin
Zeiglcr homicide trial, has turned up at last
mil is devoting tho small change he formerly
wxpended for cigarettes in buying tho IlKR
alp to voto for ono of your accomplished
teachers. N.
Nnllco to the Public
Notice is hereby given that the Shenan
doah Heat and Power Company has estab
lished an ofilce at No. 9 East Ceutrestrect.
Anstock's) Shenandoah, Pa., where all
ipusinoss of tho company will receive attcn
ion. II. W. Titman,
3 3-2t Superintendent,
Every mother should have Arnica 4 Oil
Liniment always iu tho lioiue in case of
accident from burns, scalds or bruises. lm
A Clever Llttlo Actrtus.
If ever uu aetresj found hernclf a favorite
from the start with our theatro-gocrs, Miss
Louisa Hamilton Is that ono. Miss Hamil
ton made her first appearanco here thissoison,
testerday afternoon, In " The Little Dctec
tive," In which play she won the hearts of
tho ladies aud children by her clever acting
aud various impersonations. In the evening,
however, tho hall was well filled, and Miss
Hamilton was at her best as Chip in the
comedy drama, "Fogg's Ferry." The com
(ny Is a good one, every actor being an
artist in his or her role. Tho company
remains here the rest of the week and we
would advise all who wish to see a good show
to feo Miss Hamilton's company. Popular
prices prevail, which puts it in the power of
all to attend. Aortoalfc OuzttU. 11 18
Hamilton will be seen at Ferguson's theatre,
three nights commencing Mouday, Feb. 6ih
Twelve l'liotus for fiuc.
By sending us your cabinet, together with
X) cents, we will finish you ono dozen photos.
1-2-tf W. A. Keaoev.
Letter List.
The following letters remain uncalled for In
the Shenandoah, .Schuylkill county, Fa., post
office, February, I'm:
Mielae Annie.
Parties calling for advertised letters should
please say "advertised." One cent will bi
jhurged on all adverttsod letters.
ii. a uoieu, p. m.
Best work done at llron nan's ataest Laan
try. Everything white and spot, Ljkx
attains a specialty. All work gnanuiieatt
Buy KsioHc flour. Bo Mire that U
oamo hmaa & BAim, Ashland, I'v teprinte
on every sack. 8S-9ti
Uer Six Tlioumind Votes Wern Pulled
Yesterday Miss ll.ilrd Wlim tho
Hot A (!rit,Iump by Mlns Con
nellyOther lllg ItccoriU.
Nellie Balrd tm
Mary A. Connelly 3301
Aenes Stein M,. ;iott5
Maine II. Wasley .... 2050
Mahal 1 Falrehlld , , , 2149
Frank U. Williams ikb
Bridget A. Burns 139,-,
Carrie Faust 1512
LUlie B. Phillips , .'. .1, g,2
Mnry A. 8taok 553
Anna M. Dengler 559
Mary A. Latterly 541
Carrlo M. Smith 415 '
ITattlo Hess... 42s
Maggie Cavanaugh 231
lSll.i Cluuser sol
Annlo Mansell 1(13
Clara ' lino 17;
Hannah Itecse S4
Jomes K. Lewis jja
Irono Sbaue 113
Votes polled yesterday (74
Grand total 2SOI8
Yesterday was a grcatono for tho HEiiAlD's
teachers' contest.
The way tho votes poured in in tho after
noon nearly drovo tho contest editor wild.
There was an avalaucho o' votes and the
only way tho editor can account for the tre
mendous vote is that tho ft ii mis of tho
lenders laid in wait und expected to take tho
prlva'o box iu Ferguson's theatre, Monday
night, by storm.
G.C74 votes were polled yesterday. Just
think of itl
Of these votes Miss Connolly polled the
surprising number of 1,095, running her
total rccoid up to tho second notch.
Miss Stein still holds third placo aud did so
by polling over 1,200 votes.
Miss Hainl's poll for tho day was 1,470 and
MisfWailcy's was C5C.
Miss Fairchild polled 581 and passed Mr.
Williams, who had 334 to his credit.
Tho jump made by Miss Conuellv from
sixth to second placo was a great surprise all
nouud. The young lady did not poll a very
largo voto during tho week and was steailih
oing down tho ladder, but the developments
.if yesterday clearly show that her friends
'were not dead, but sleeping," aud it was one
of thoso slumbers wo sometimes lead about,
in wuich the slumbers keep oue eyo oiien.
In accordance with tho terms by which
be Louiso Hamilton Thontricnl Company of
fered the private box for the initial per
formance of tho company's engagement at
Ferguson's theatre, which tukes placo Mon
d.iy night, it will now be in order for the
company to place tho box at the disposal of
uiss Baird. W 0 congratulate the young lady
upon her sacress, Sho has undoubtedly made
a mott spirited struggle for tho leadership
ind has shown great strength. Wo also con
gratulate the other contestants who are near
the head of the column. They, too, havo
mado a wonderlul showing, but, 0:' course, all
could not win. We would have been pleased
if all had tlod.
As referenco to the tabio at tho head of
'his column will show tho grand total of
votes polled in the contest up to the count
yesterday was 25,018. As yesterday was but
thosoveuteenth day of thocontest we find the
average for each day is a fraction over 1,471.
This is by far beyond the calculations of the
management of tho contest aud we are
eertainly grateful to the public for the ad
ruirablo support it has given tho projoat. It
h an nisurancc to us that tho people aro con
fident that tho contest is what wo roareseut
ir, and are leaving nothing undone to main
taina fair aud honest competition, with
justice to all aud favors for none.
And we would say right here, we hope no
one will placo any faith in absurd and
malicious reports that arc being circulated by
envious people, some of whom had not the
foresight and enterprise to get into the field
first and make such a showing as we do to
day. On all reports that have a color of
plausibility wo ask, as au act of justice, that
our side be heard.
The following letter was received from
Pottsvillo yesterday:
Contest Editoh : It Is chorged In this town
and by citizens of t-henandooh that you are
selling DmiALD's at the man office lor 60 cents
a hundred 10 any body who asks for them. It
Is also charged here thatooupons separate from
the papers have been furu'shed by the office to
parties who have voted them. As It Is next to
Impossible to ret th- paper hero the day It ie
printed aud it la rare that a copy is Be n ou
your ugeni's tables minute after the arrival
of the bundle. Wnuldu'l It be well to start Id
early In the morning and work three shifts
every twenty-four hours until July 1st r First
dloabute the public's Blind concerning the
obargea above mentioned. Obo thousand
papers could be sold hero every day at one cent
a piece If no advantage Is given such as Is Indi
cated in tfce above charges,
Pottsvllle, Fob. 4, mi.
Our answer to tho correspondent will be
brief. Aoiu but agents have tecurai cosi'm of
the Hebald at lees than one oent per copj
and no coupons have bcon issued separate
from the paper, uu( 110m iucA have lem
atked for. We will pay $5 for such name of a
man, woman cr child (other than agents) to
who we have sold Ubraliib at less than oat
cent a copy since tho teachers' ooutesi
opened. The charges are malicious false
hoods and eomo from jealousy. Such runion-
are thick in this town, and It is only the re
speot we havu for our oorretoudetit that
leads us to coutradlot theee that eom Irani
Pottsvllle, as wo have already repatdl.
denied them and our position Is the sanu to
day as it was when the rhst denial was made
Wo thank tho correspondent for the Interest
ho has token In tho contest.
Wo havo hefoio 111 n lettor from Wmlt
villo. It rends ns follows :
Contort! Khitcjk . Knelonod ' pie. se Siii
eoupouB from January 'M. According to your
10 day rule some of thorn would bo useless, bit
then I never get ray paper until tbn third day
attir issuo. Ueceived January 30 ;paper nt 1 1
a.' m. to-day, Hhould you restrict us to the
llMny rule we certainly will havoto 9 alt
voting, as It taken threetdays for the paper tu
urrhe, threo days for the loupuiis tobeseat
buck, letting me have a chance 0' sending frow
two to three coupons, especially when my mall
lays over, which is often the ense. Therefore I
hope you will imswer through rour columns w
can bo placed 011 equal footing with thou
residing in and about (Shenandoah. By giving
me six days I will be aulo to tend 10 roupous,
or if I could; send six a week, would it he
satiifnctoty I lam grr otly Inlcrrstr d 1n ai
contest and would therefore like to vota.
Yours truly,
. l. a.
Wodesvlllo, 1 , Feb, 1, 1891).
Wo regret oxceeditigly tho posiliou our cor
respondent nnd old subscriber is In, but w
cannot sco how we can grant his rcqaest.
His statements nre certainly not very credit
able, to the general mail scrvico in Schnyl
kill county. Why, wo received coupons IhJs
week from Denver, Colorado, within the teu-
day limit and it is rcmarkablo that it should
take six days for a return from WadctvilU
which is nlmoat ou the outskirts of I'ottsvill.
Exceptions to rules iu tho light requested ax
llko rotten spots in apples. They tend lo dc-
ttruction and for that reason wo do not think
it would ho wise to comply with tho request.
Wo have already rofuecd to change one rule
that providing that the name of but ens
teacher shall bo placed upon the coupon
and must decline to muke an exception m
"A. L. G's'' case. Wo would like to see Mas
do what ho can for his favorite and wouli
suggest that perhaps he could make
arrangement with Mr. Wlldetinuth, , oar
Pottsvillc agent.
How often wo hear middlo aged people say
regarding that reliable old cough remedy,
N. H. Downs' Elixir: "Why, my mother
gave it to me when I was a child, and I ure it
in my family; it always cures." It is always
guaranteed to euro or money refunded, tu
IVhnt Ho Sees mill Hears During UU
It is important just now to observe who ia
washing dirty political linen. It will bo
necessary beforo many days to fell tho witola
truth concerning tho transfer of the school
affairs last spring and Edliors Lamb and
Morgan will find more data -at baud tlan
they care to use now. Let the light ba
turned ou.
The Citizens' Standing Committee will
meet some day next week to map a plan of
The appropriation mado by Council a ihm-t
timo since for tho new water scheme hu
already been absorbed, and yet all the bills
have not been paid.
It is now proposed to cct up a contest to
determino who is the most popular Council
man this side of the Canadian border line.
Wo noticed tome of our strictly temnerats
and straight-laced citizens act on the street
yesterday as if they had a "skate" on. Tho
pavements wore in a horrible condition
5cstcrday morning, hut when Old Sel got his
work in later in the day be made the Ice
If some of our Cotiucilnieu bad managed
tho affairs of some privato corporation as
thoy havo tho borough affairs tho past year
they wouldn't have held their positions
twenty-four hours.
Tho work of restoriue the Hiah school
building to its former condition will be under
way iu a few days.
Somo of the School Directors are disgusted
with tho methods of the fire insurance com
panies who issued policies ou tho Hlgfc
school building aud they intimate that thoy
would favor allowing all policies to lapse aud
not renew the insurance on the building, or
seek better companies. The company that
insured the detks that were damaged by the
recent fire has been trying to get the School
Board to consent to a sand pepering aud
varnishing of the desks, which would then
be no bcttei, and perhaps not as good, as the
desks that were replaced by the ones that ara
now damaged. Tho insurance rates are
certainly high enough to warrant a litH
more liberality when losses are sustained.
If there ever was a real Mir for arirnalo,
Cougbs. Colds, llrooolilo.1 troeblm and La
Grippe it is Pn'I'ln. Don't tail to get ttia
T nul cv avoid auhaUtntes. C ata only zS
ee t". Pan-Tina ts sold at P. P. 0. Klrllu'
urug fciore.
Wanted, ,
To complete files, two conies cash et the
Evening Hekald of January 1st, 3d and
1th, and February 5th, 1S02. A liberal prioo
will be paid for the same.
Cane's Family Medicine Moves the Hovels
lach day. In order to bo healthy this b
Spectacles to suit all eyes, at PorU'a beat
aid stationery store. No. SI North Malu
wet. i-SSf-U
Never do an act of which you may doubt
the propriety. Never tsegieat to guard against
a bad ootigh, but use Dr. Coxa's Wild Cherry
and Sen ska.
Fresh MorrV Ktver Cat Oysters received
-Ally at CbstsM's.
Rest photograph and era 7 014 at D.tba's.