The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 03, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    rrrs y ' - mm:
1 . t H :p3,
VOX VH.--NO.342.
... 1
A Big Drive
3? CT.
2V, South Main St.
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods !
Gents' red underwear that
formerly sold for $1 will now
go at 80c.
Special saleo Blankets.
Only a few more of those de
sirable Coats left over which
will be sold regardless of cost.
Carpets and oil the
lowest prices consistent with
first-class goods.
Dress goods, notions, etc.
House Painters and Decorators
Have adopted tie following prices for papir
hanelng nd decorating tor 1833,
CJoiiniiciiclitjr Alarcli 1.
rr piece for Brown and TVhlte Blanks 12J4c
' Ollt Paper"...;. 15c
EmUsed Papers .18o
" Decorating Ceilings 16c
" ' Jolnlngor Butting -18c
Four Cornices to bo charged as 1 piece 18o
Glueslzing, per room 12x11 Scat 60c
Larger and smaller rooms according to size.
Removing old paper and preparing walls, 25o
, aer hour. All work guaranteed.
No Paper Hung by the Day,
John L. Hassi,eb, T. W. Conviixb,
J, ,H. M r.ux, Wm, J. Link,
EllWA&D KVEltliTT.
Baa purchased the best apparatus In the mar
ket, and Is now prepared to take every style of
photographs. Views of buildings, machinery
and all kinds ot outdoor work a specialty. Each
purchaser of one dozen cabinets at 13.10 Is pre'
seated with a large crayon ree. This offer la
good until April 1, 1883. Copying and enlarg
ing. Work done at short notice and low prices
DABB, N. White St., a$P&m.
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joo Wyatt'a)
19 and 21 West Oak Street,
Bar stocked with tho best beer, porter, ales,
whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars.
K atlng bar attached. Cordial Imitation to all.
8. KISTLKR, M. D.,
Office -120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
Florida Oranges,
15c par Doxen.
2 $c
Just Received Direct
Florida Oranges,
JSTwo 2?attwna in Brussels and Ingrain Carptltt.
Few Patterns Floor Oil Clothe,
Use Minnesota
pEncysoN'S thbathe.
Hire Nlgbt Engagement, Commeneucg
The Utile MorrioMaker,
Louise Hamilton
Supported by a strong company.
Monday Night, 'Mfogg's Ferry."
Tuesday Night, Xitttle Dclfctivo."
Wednesday Nit-lit, "Oar Angel."
He sure-nnd sco her In her damcee and hear bet
m'ner now euiigs.
Prices, ;i5, s ai d 35 Cents.
Reserved Boats on bmIc atKlrlln'e drugstore
y ' Of Every Description.
Flaggy BaagtA, Caps, Regattas, Sc
Write for catalogues. Correspondence eollcltf
Begs to announce to his friends and
patrons and tho publlo generally that
ho has purchased the barbershsp lately
occupied by B. J. Yoit,
No. 12 West Centre Street,
(Christ. Bossier's oldotand.)
Main Jiurt Coal ,, Htieii;urtnli
Best beer, ale and porter on tup. The finest
nranasoi wmsueys ana cigars, foot room ut
The recognized wonder ot thelSth century. 1.
uowat the Central IKubo. corner Centre and
White streets, Hhenilndoah. Mhe reads the
past, prcucni una iuiuro periainii.g 10 lore,
courtship and marriage, domestic troubles and
Business difficulties. Here ror mort timooniy
Celebrated Porter, Ale and Beer
Manager Shenandoah Branch
Homemade Hag Carpet.
Taken out of the loom to-day. Others for 45
50 and 53c, extra heavy. Ilrussels aud Ingrain
Carpets and Oil Cloths. Kcmnuuts will be sulri
almost at your own price.
O. X. 3?EHOECE'8
Carpet Store, 10 South Jaitfm Si
per , Dozen.
Jirttn the Grower
Tards JFide, at 50 Cents.
Daisy Flour.
OouncUuien H-aoOUBldor Th- ir
Decision to Tate the Fairlsy
Caeo to tho Supromo Court.
Tho Olaim to bo Paid.
UK Ilorottgh Oonwsll
lirld a rcp.alar eenii-
monthly meetlriR Inst
liiftlit and all hut two ol
the Coimcilmon werp
present. Tho abseutoes
were Messrs. 1'lmlen
and Gallagher. The
smiling counteimiiro of
tlie Hkralu raportor was ao miwingand the
Counciluien in attendance seemed much dis
appointed bewrase ho did not give theni n
olher oppjrtMuity to "fire" him out. The
reporter whs absent upon, ndvice of wminel
that the llicr.ALD Iium done all that is neces
sary to Klve it groundg for lenal actios. Wo
are enabled to givo a fall report of this pre
ceedlnjp) at the meeting, hovrever.
Tlio meelinr; wan a vury sliort no. It
started half an hour late ei(fht o'clock and
closed at Much of tho Utoo vim taken
up by the eemlderatton oi mile and no
sprcad-3gle sjjecches tvere rawlo. Tk only
discussion of any moment arose over tho
resignation of fieorgo Uolvoy from the paid
police-force. Jt wns accepted and Mr. iablo
wanted to prosecd to fill tho vae-mcy at once,
but the rest of tho members objected .and it
was decided to let the matter rest until after
tho spring election.
A claim for damages by Unrif. Uossler was
considered. llr. Bossier wasted lor
ilainago dene to his sleigh by reason of tho
borough anthorities allowing ice to form
b.irk on Oik street. It was decided that an
offer of $25 bo malo to Mr, Bossier.
Tho claim of.ex-IIlgh Constable Pairley
wns considered. Mr. FairVey reeelved juda
ment against the borough several months ago
for salary. Payment lias been delayed be
ouso Council threatened to carry the rase to
the sapreme court. The claim only amount
ed to aliout $32, xelU8ivo of costs. Council
last night decided to sttlo the case by pay
iug the judgment.
Councilman Gable reported that he visited
Pottsvillc. Mid 'consulted the Borough Solicitor
on the, injunction suit in connection with the
public water works project. Mr. Gablo 6aid
Council could proceed to issue bonds, but tho
Solicitor advised that nothing be done until
the court renders its decision in the case.
As far as the police force is concerned, the
four men of the regular fcrcu are to have
charge and in cue of necessity the Chief
Barges3 and Chief of Police ill have powor
to put on u special officer,
Arrangements lluder Way for the He.
oppQinir off faikeslrio.
The management of Lakeside Park, which
was so popular with tho pleasure seekers tho
past two summers, is now actively engaged in
making arrangements for the re-opening of
tho park text season. Many changes lor the
improvement of tho grounds will bo taken in
hand early in tho spring. Ono will bo a vast
improvement in the hotel accommodations.
Mr. Noison, who controlled tho hotel last
season, has withdrawn his application for a
license and the court will grant onu to B. J.
Yost, who will assume chargo of the hotel
within a few weeks.
Tho grounds will receive a general over
hauling and all accommodations will bo ar
ranged for tho increased patronage that will
ho expected next summer by reason of the
construction of an electric road to connect
with the surrounding towns and enable the.
people to travel to and from tho resort more.
The picnic grounds will receive special at'
tention this year. Many additional scats
and tables will be provided. A radical change
may also be expected in connection with the
arrangements at the lake, whereby the peo
ple will be more satisfactorily accommodated
than they have been in the past.
There is promise of several special and
elaborate attractions at tho trotting park aud
other parts of the ground. Tho management
has alroady received many applications for
dates and terms. Applications for tho picnic
grounds are already filed and many of the
beet dates aio taken. The grounds have
secured such a hold upon public favor that
people find it necessary to apply for dates
several months ahead.
Best work done at Bi cumin's Steam Lauu
try. Everything white and spotless. Lace
iuttaius a spcoi&lty. All work guaranteed
Notice to the I'ublle.
Notice is hureby given that the Shenan
doah Heat and Power Company has estab
lished an office at No. 0 East Centre street,
(Anstock'a) Shenandoah, Pa., where all
business of the company will icccivo attcn-1
tion. H, V, Titman,
3-3 2t Superintendent.
No better knewn remedy exists for all
forms of Rheumatic diseases than the Gen.
nine Imported Anchor Pain Hxpeller. 25
and 50 cents a bpttle. To be had at tt II.
Hageubuob, I'. P, 1). Kirliu, J. M. Hillan
and other druggists. at
Spectacles to cuit all eyes, at Ports's book
vad stationery stuie, No. 21 North Main
Freeh Morris Bivor C'ovo
aily at tWlttt's.
4-27-tf ,
l) t rs received
rybody Talking .Miont It unit Vol
Flawing in lroin ttlH) iHrtern Two
Day UrcnntR llriikvn Mr, Will,
linn INiurth I'Ikco.
tfelHe Unlrd S707
Momo H. Waslej 821)4
itnes Stein 1M9
rank H. Williams - ir,;o
Mahnli litrehHrt U66
ary A. Con-tlly 13M
Bridget A. Bunwi 11HI
fjarrlc Fasst '
Wllle D. l'hllUps 7-5
SrjA. Ktuok -- 80'
nna M.Dengler S60
Vary A. I .utterly - 4M
Qarrlc M. Smith 4211
fJattleHeM - 391
Maggie Cnvanacgh - - 31
Xlla I'luuser 178
Clara 1 "line 177
Annie Mucsell 113
.Turn H. lAnila 1VS
Hamnh Keee IS'
Irene Shane , ll
Voles polled yoMcrday '-"HI
Grand total - 1W4I
Yentrnlay was tho nd-lotter day f the
HiiiiALD's twhers' contest and tww-day
leeords were smashed to pioee.
The vo'o received during tho day aggro
(rated 2 220. This was by far the greatett
unmix r of votes received in one day since
the contest opened.
Two teachers received nearly 700 votes
each during tho day aud oueli of these
eeiptii surpassed nil previous returns by one
teacher on ono day since the beginning of
the contest.
The highest suuiber of vokfl received by
teachers during the day were: Miss Wasley
6S4; Miss Balrd, fifiO; Miss Stein, l3; Mr,
Williams, 233.
Notwithstanding tho immenso tilling of
votea there was but one change in the po'.i
tions of tbe leaders of the contest. Miss
Balrd retalni first place. Miss Wasley second,
Misa Stein third, and Mr. Williams passci.
from sixth to fourtli place, forcing Misses
Fairchild and Connelly into fifth and slxtli
places, respectively, Miss Burns still holds on
to seventh place as she held setond for s
many days, although Miss Faust seemB to bo
steadily gaining upon her.
There never was a season when so many
people appear to have toughs :uid eolds.
Those who know the vzlue of Dr. Coxe'
Wild Cherry and Scneka prefer it to all
other remedies.
f)liiuto IlLtireen Mr. FIfttiburu anil ir.
A few days ago Iloliert Fislibnrn lest u tow.
She strayed to tho premises of William P.
Seward, on West Line street. Mr. Seward
had his son drive tho cow about town in
ser.rcli of tho owner, and the efforts failing.
ho locked tho animal in his stable. Yerter
day ho advertised it in the IIkdald. In the
evening Fislibnrn appeared at the stable and
demanded tho cow. Mr. Seward told him
there was an advertising bill and fifty cents
for feed to pay. Fislibnrn didn't tare what
was due, he wanted the cow. He didn't get
it and appealed to 'Squire Walker, wh
issued a warrant for trover and conversion
and caused Soward's arrest.
Mr. Seward Eaid that he did not want the
animal, but thought he was entitled to thi
cost of advertising it and keeping it safe for
tho owner. Fishbnrn only wanted his tow
and didn't care about expenses, lie ranted
about the ofQco liko a wild man and the Jus
tice was obliged to notify him that he wii'
fined G2 cents for swearing. Fishburn then
declared that the Justico couldn't collect the
fine. At first the Justice was about to com
init Seward to await trial, but ho changed his
mind and adjourned the case for furthei
hearing to-night.
The Depot Case.
The case of Amandus Woomcr and hi
driver against Messrs. Kclmaii, Hopkins and
the Messrs, Hafner, employes Of the P. k E
freight depot, in which the defendants were
charged with assault and battery and fulec
imprisonment, was up before 'Squire Denglcr
last night. The defendants waived a hear
ing and entered bail for trial at court. .
CeUVu's Auction Sale,
J, Coffee will sell his entire jtoek by aection
to settle the eetate und the sale will be with
out reserve. The stock consists of dry goods,
boots, shoes, ladies' and children's coats. Sale
every evening' between 6 and 10 o'clock
Private sale during the day. Call and ex
amine the goods and prices. The highest
bidders will take the goods.
PUU.IT t'Orb'KB,
1.193w rest Office Bcilding.
A Choir OrgunUcd.
Prof. William Waters has sccceedwl in
organizing a joint choir of singers of this
town, Wm. I'enu and I.oet Creek, for competi
tion at the eisteddfod to be held at Shamokin
on Washington's Birthday, The choir is now
roaJy for practice and will told Its first
regular meeting at the Union church in
Lest Creek this evening.
Every mother should have Arnica & Oil
Liniment always in tho house in rase of
accident from burns, scalds or bruises. m
Twelve Photos far SO.
By sending ns yoar cabinet, together with
60 cents, wo will finish yon one dupeu photos.
U-2-tf W. A. KiUQKY.
Bay Ke stone flour. Be sore that the
uarac Leasm i Bits, Ashland. I'., is printer
jn every sack. 3-3-3tavr
to mmm w
Tho Pormar Said to Too Original,
Novel and Very Economical.
Tho Latter Just Wnat la
TWAS intimated I. u
IIkralu reporter last
night that a n ember of
prominent men of town,
Junction with
residing in
other parts ot tho
county, have In con
templation n plan for many btrough im
provements on nn extensive, but very
economical and convenient scnlo. The im
provements will inelude many things tho
town needs very much and one of the most
Important will be newly devised plan for
sewerage whereby all public and private
properties will he given a service at an ex
tremely low rate by onu system.
The so verage system to bo controlled by
the proposed combination is an original and
novel idea, by a gentleman well known in
Tamaqua and tho asuraneo is given that if it
can be introduced in this town every street
aed alley will bo perfectly drained and kept
in good condition at a cost of less tkau what
the borough pays annually 1i Kct-p gutters
and dralus ppoa, and the further assurance Ik
given that one-third uf tho town can be
furnished for huta small item above what it
has cost tho borough the past tlueo yeara to
change grades and crossings on aeeuunt uf
impel feet water courses.
Another scheme foreshadowed by the
combination is a syslematio collection of nil
waste matter, ashes and garbago at the bus!
nesa places and residences for a very siuali
monthly payment. The informant says that
for tho small sum of ten or fifteen cents a
month this service could be given in a highly
satisfactory manner and all bouses could be
kept clear of all refute by two or three col
lections a week.
When asked when these reforms would br
given the public in tangible shape tho infor
mant said, "It all depends upon the spirit ur
me borough authorities. We are net Tead
to make known nnj-propositions at present,
hut by the middle of Marrh wo expect to
have all affairs in good shape. If the Bor
ough Council will then bo constituted ol
liberal-minded and progressive men and we
ran secure certain reasonable concession",
which will be absolutely nocessiry for a fill
ftllmeut of our plaus we 'will be ready fjr
work by the first of April or May."
Mure Offers, ,
Tho president and secretary of The Home
Friendly Society of Baltimore, Md., Messrs.
u. ii. I alley and George A. Chase, write to
the Hebalu that tber will present tho hielrv
competitors in the HtiULn'e Teachers' Con
test with two handsome gold headed silk
umbrellas and will haie the handles en-
raved with any inscription the Herald
may deem best, and send them on to bo
placed on exhibition in some storo window.
Tho letter concludes, "We both havo married
Pennsylvania school teachers aud appreciate
their worth." The Herald has answered
the letter rcnuestine tho eentlemeu to havnl
the following engmvings made before for
warding the umbrellas : "Shenandoah Hkb
ald's Popular Teachers' Contest, JaiL-Jnlyf
1893. , votes."
l'rogresaivis Kuclire.
A progressive euchre mitr was held at Dr.
and Mrs. Stein's residence on North Jardic
street last evening. The gncsts were royally
entertained and refrcshmtuts were served in
excellent style. The first prize fcr ladles was
won by Miss Garner, of Ashland, and Mr.
Samuel Sutten won tho first priae for gentle
men. The booby prizes were awarded to
airs. Joneu and Mr. Helderniau. Tho ladies
and gentlemen present were Misses Marv
Garner, Ashland; Anna Brown, Philadel
phla ; Corlnne Tempest and Agnes Stein;
Mr. and Mrs. Holderman. Mr. aud Mrs. A. T.
Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Stranbj Messrs. Sutteu,
Fowler, Parrottaud Lewis; Dr. Stein aud wife.
That Cold Wine.
Not a vestige of that intemely cold wave
that has been so confidently predicted for the
past week has been felt or heard of in this
vicinity. On tho contrary, comparatively
warm rains, occasional sunshine and a tern,
perature very frequently above the freezing
point have been plnying havoc with the
snow, loosening the ice in tho rivers aud con
tributing generally to the reopening of navi
golion without tho apprehended accompani
ment of a damaging ico fmliet. We may
have such a freshet yet, bat the chances are
against it.
ItevlvHl Services.
The revival services in tho Methodist
Episcopal church are attracting large con
gregations nightly. Rev. Ephraim Potts, of
WJlliam Penu, will preach this evening
The Soldiers' Monument.
A meeting of the SoldUra' Monument
Committee will be held in the Council
chamber on Friday evening, next, at S
o'clock. All members of tho committee are
requested to be on hand.
A Voloe From Plorldn.
HeA I'U Oil 18 one of tbu iuot uoohi1
mill fOUMhl UK sal I 1tya nnlnillui. cumnjl.
Tloldtiman's Jewelry store lease as ever tf
r Hiieomwts.,,, Nenrolgla and -mains
lloJ Flair Oil ousts X cents, gold ut K V, li
IC.,;ii ' Irag moie.
An IlitnreH'lnit Mnpplementnl Heperl by
Minn Inspector Stein,
The people interested In the tnlne "orklS
of the Fifth Anthracite iHsttlct will bo in
terested in the following statement, Ttliwib in
supplemental lo the rtiorl published by the
IIkuald n fow days ngo. It give a detnJU-4
list of all the fatal and non-fatal accident
that occurred in the district for the yew
ending December 31st, I89i, and is as fol
lows : Fatal accidents Ellenjiowae, A
Glendon, D ; Packer No. 3. 5 ; Bear Bon, .1 ;
Hammond, 3; Honey Iltook, Hos. 4 d S,
2; Primrose, 2; Boston Bun, 2 ; Sbeeandoa
City, 3; Knickerbocker, 2; Kchley's linn, 3 ;
North Mahanoy. 2; Mahanuy City, 1; Scboyl
kill, 1; Springdalc, 1; Park No. 3, t- Packor
No. 3, 1; Packer No. 2, 1; Buck Monnialn, 1 ;
Lawrence, 1; Wm. Penn, 1; Clilherlon, 1 ;
West Shenandoah, 1; Indian KIdgt, 1; Tir
kcy Bun, 1; Suffolk, 1; Maple Hill, 1 ;
Oneida, 1; Packer No. 4, 1.
There were no fatal accidents dnnne; the
year at any of .tho following collieries:
Pnoker No. 5, Girnrd Mammoth, Ixohinoor,
Girard, Klmwoud, St. Nicholas, Stlverbreolc
and Tunnel llldge.
Tho roeord of non-fatat accident is M
follows : Ellengowau, 5; OlenAon, 1;
Packer No 3. !); Bear Bun, 2; Bear Bidu-, 1;
Hnmnioud, G; Pilmrose, fi; Honey Ilreek
Nos. 4 aud 5. 21 ; Boston ICun, 4 ; Shenan
doah City, 2; Knickerbocker, 4; Kehley's
Unn, 4; North Mahanoy, 1; Schuylkill, 2;
Springdalo, G ; Park No. 3, 1 ; Park Wo. 1,
fi; Buck Mountain, 1 ; Lawrence, 1; Wot.
Penn, 4; Gilberton, 1; Wcit Shenandoah, 2;
Indian Itidge, 2, Suffolk, 2; Maple Hill, 3;
Onoida,2; Pucker No. 5, 1; Girard Mam
moth, 2 ; Kohinoor, 5; Girard, 3; EImwoo4,
1; St. Nicholas, 1; Silverbr&okj lj Tont
llldge, 1.
Mtthauoy City, Packer No. 4 and Tuikey
Ituu collieries had no fatal weeidonU duilnj
the year.
The accidenfs a6 rccorded'montulj- were m
follows: January-fatal, V; mn fata! 7.
Febmary fatal, 8; non-fatal, fi. March
fatal, 3; uon-fatal, 9. April fatal, 2; nni.
fatal, 8. May fatal, 0; non fatal, 21. June
fatal, 2; non-fatal, 0. July fatal, 4; m.
fatal, 8; August fatal, 4; nou-falat, 'i.
September fatal, 5; non-fatal, S. October
fatal, 5; non-fatal, 14. November fatal, V,
non fatal, 23. December fatal, 3; -fatal,
A Nlnu-Ilay Tou'K
A most desirable tour, is that of tho Fciii
sylvauia Railroad on February 9, embiuciue;
Old Point Comfort, Virginia Beach, Eiei
tnond und Washington. Nine days will !m
spent on tho trip, and $42.20 covers all 3
icnses during the entire time absent froat.
Philadelphia. It will bo on the well-knows
personally-conducted plan, a tourist
and chaperoue accompanying tho party.
whoso sole duties are to look after the -wel
fare and comfort of tho tourists. Tickets cr
information may be obtained br nnnlvl
the Tourist Bureau of Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, 233 South Fourth street,
How often wo hear middle-aped nnnnTn
regarding that reliable old oough Temcdy,
N. II, Downs' Elixir: "Whv. mr mntii .it-
gave it to me when I was a child, aud I use it
n my iamlly; it always euros." It i ,,!:
guaranteed to cure or money refunded. Ice.
A Now Piny.
J. L. Tempest, tho well known nl
- . - o
and manager, has just completed a new play
tounueo: upon a story of pleasant life in Ire
laud. He is uiaking arrangements to engage
Ferguson's thcatro for three nights in the
near futuro for the production of thii play
aud two others which havo already won muck
praise from both the press and the public
The new play will be produced with elab
orate scenic and other effects and those ac
quainted with the details say the prductio
win oe one ot the tlnest made in this seti
for some time.
St. Valentine's Day.
St. Valentine's day, when the birds mate
and loving Bwalns send cooing missive N
their best girls, will occur this year on Tues
day a week, and from tho number and style of
valentines displayed In dealers' windows,
there appears to be a determination on the
part of the manufacturers and dealers t
restore somo of tho former glory of what net
many years since was one of the most gen
erally observed days of the year.
A bad etNurb or mid cells lor a ooed mudr
the euro lor lu for Cough. Colds, T
Jrlnpe and Consumption, perleet, aoei
per nanontourels Fan-Tina, the wort oaoeo
field to 1U healing properties. (mu as eeatcv
Psa-Ttnals sold at P. P. D. Kirlin'a droc
Unesllou for the Auditors
Editor Hehald : Plee insert U your
paper the qnestion as to whether tho lterongk
Auditors were just In announoing the 31st ef
January as the final meeting at whleh to
aecept the nominations of the different
candidates that are already nominated. It
seems to me that it Is contrary to the law w
set forth.
II. H.
Shenandoah, Feb. 2, 1693.
Costlveuese can be permanently cured br
ibe use of Mandrake Bitters. lu
To complete files, two eejite sash of the
Sthnixo Hebalii of January 1st, 9d sua
Uli, and IeUtuary Ui, 18W. A liberal prios
wiXl be paid fer die same.
Ann's Family Medicine Moves the How els
KftO". day. In order to be besltby this it
ncMa sary.