The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 01, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    -Tsi -w--v-
IV V n
j3 V
W VOL. VII.--NO. 340.
()N"B 0EL
IP. T.
28 South Main St.
Clearing Sale of
Winter Goods !
Gents' red underwear that
formerly sold for $1 will now
go at SOc.
Special sale of Blankets.
Only a few more of those de
sirable Coats left over which
will be sold regardless of cost.
Carpets and oil cloths at the
lowest prices consistent with
first-class goods.
Dress goods, notions, etc.
House Painters and Decorators
Have adopted the following priced for paper-
hanging una uecoraung lor inn,
coiuiiit'iicliiK fllnrcli x.
Per pieco for Brow n and While Blanks ISHc
" ' (Jiit Paper loc
" " Einborsed i'npors lfo
" " Decorating Ceilings 18o
" ' Joining or Butting -18c
Four Cornices to be charged as 1 plcco 18o
Glucslzing, per room 12x11 feet - 50c
Larger uud smaller rooms according to size.
Removing old paper and preparing walls, Sic
per hour. All work guaranteed.
No Paper Hung by the Day.
R. D. R. HAOENlirjCH, FKAN018 Dkeoan,
JonN L, Haksleu, T. W. Convili-e.
GkohueM. Boyeh, Gbo. W. Hassuui,
J. II. ME1II Wll. J. LINK,
Has purchased the best apparatus In the mar
ket, and Is now prepared 10 take every style of
photographs, views of buildings, machinery
and all kinds of outdoor work a specialty. Each
purchaser of ono dozen cabinets at fS.60 is pre
sented with a large crayon rco. This ofTer Is
good until April 1, 1893. Copying and enlarg
ing. Work done at short notioe and low prices
DABB, N. White St., BnckW.
Plait's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street,
Hr stocked with the best beer, portor, ales,
whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars.
Bating bar attached. Cordial invitation to all.
JJ- 3. K1STLEH, M. D.,
Office 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
Never Tails !
lo Give Satisfaction.
all A fl O"
.Sigh Grade Family Flour.-
ITancy Minnesota
Patent Plour.
2Vo Butter In fte MurJtet at Any Price.
Just Received Direct Jbrom the Grower
an Invoice of Hreah
15 and 25o iier Dozen.
A perfect production of the meeeMfal
oomedy drama,
She Couldn't
Marry Three !
Interpreted by an efficient company, nestled by
the universal lltt'e favorite.
1'roilueed Willi all Thmr Own Semery.
A (mod soene of the Corniih coast with re
vol fng lighthouse. Carboy's Abbey by moon
light. BlDgly Tunnel, the most natur.1 rail
row scene. A succession ol benmlful stagr
features, thrilling climaxes, songs and dunce
A mirthful presentafon whose ohlef mgro
aients are brilliancy, vim and sprightllneas.
Prices, 25, 50 mid 75 Cunts.
Keservod scats at KIrlln's drug store.
The Little Mcrrle-MaUer,
Louise Hamilton
Supported by a strong compauy.
Jlomluy Nijdit, "Fogg's Ferry."
Tuesday Night, "Iilttle Detective."
Wednesday Night, "Our Angel."
He sure and see her la her dances and hear her
in her new songs
Prices, 15, 25 aud 35 Cents
Reserved teats on sale atKlrlln's drug store,
Manufacturers of
fm (oDd
fSjp Of Evory Description.
Flags, Baages, Caps, Reganas, &i
Write for catalogues. Correspondeifco solicits
Celebrated Porter, Ale and Beer
Manager Shenandoah. Branch
Home-made (Rag Carpet.
Taken out of U10 loom to-dav. Others for 15.
60 and Ci'c, extra heavy. Hrussols aud Ingrain
u.irpeis ana uii uiotns. Kcmnanis will ue sold
almost at your own price.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St.
Milling Co.'s
Item Hian a Ynr Ago it Was
the Subject of Public Notioe
and Aroused General
Sympathy The Story.
X accident whtcli oo
mirreil In the Keliley
Run colliery yesterday
bears with it many
touching features aside
from the sufferings of
the victim. Washing
ton Eisenhower ami his
family reside on East
Line street, near Rowers. Fortune lias been
very sparing with the household and many
uflltetions have fallen upon it the past few
years, and espocMtlly within tha jiast ten
months. - Yestorday Mr. ntsenhuwor, the
head of tlio family, sustained injuries from a
blast that deprive the household of his help
for Homo weeks lo come. Klyiug pieces of
coal toro the llcsh aud nuncios about li Is
thighs, lower abdomen ami left arm and the
greatest oaro will bo required to heal the
Mr. Eisenhower's version of the accident
is that ho was driving a chute. In preparing
for a blast ho put a touch squill in one hole
and a sulphur squlh in another. After light
ing both ho retiied to a place of safety. One
of the holes fired. Mr. Kifcnhowor says he
waited IS or 20 minutes lor thy other and
then went into the placo to relight the other
squib, supposing it hud gone out. Just as lie
got to the place the shot went olf and he
caught the force of the flying debris on his
thighs and arms. It is said the sulphur squib
went oil' first and the touch squib, for some
unexplainod reason, held lire.
A lew years ago ono of M r. Eisenhower's
sons was killed 011 tho P. & R. railroad at
No. 3, and n short timo after another son was
killed on tho Lehigh Valley railroad, in the
cut near Mniu street in this town, Lust Jluy
when the family was sorely in distress finan
cially aud otherwise on account of Mr.
Eisenhower having been out of work for a
number of weeks, partly 011 account of ill
hcfs and because work was scarce when he
was well, an infant died. Tho facts were
given to tho public and tho family was re
lieved of its distrisa, but a few days later the
sixteen-year-old son died suddenly. An In
vestigation showed that he died from the
cil'ccts of a kick on tho head ho received from
a luulo at Forepaugh's circus when it ex
hibited at tho trotting paik.
For tho past few months tho family lias
enjoyed better fortune, the fathur having
secured employment at Keliley Run, but
just as he was hoping to soon recover from
the effects of the Mivero stroke of misfortune
he is made the victim of a serious accident.
In it Few LIuvH.
A blizzard coming.
After Hawaii Canada.
Tho mails are being weighed.
It looks as a go for Hazle county.
The School Hoard meets to-night.
Annexation of Hawaii is now tho talk.
One inoro month under Harrison, then .
Many peoplo fail to keep their pavements
Tho license mill at Pottsvillo is grinding
out more licenses.
Four old soldiers died last month in Shen
andoah and vicinity. .
The ice bridge at Niagara Falls is attract
ing travel front this county.
Tho now stable, on tho rear of Mr. Fcrgu1
ton's residence, is about completed.
With tbe annexation of Hawaii will conio
the settlement ot tho negro question.
Peter S. Grow, who died on Monday at
Wm, Pcnn, was one of the First Defenders.
Uncle Sam is prepared for war, if that
should come, caused by the annexation of
And now the whiskey trust is "busted.1
Trust "hustod" many whiskey sellers long
before this.
Seo the great railroad sceno in "Sho
Couldn't Marry Thrco" at Ferguson's theatre
tills evening.
The beer war in St. Louis may result in
reducing the price to 25 cents a barrel. The
teeue of operations should be'ehauged to thin
A l'ashlon Kvont.
Tho mid-whiter assembly of Our Club will
be held in Bobbins' opera house on February
8th. The Schoppe orchestra will be lu
attendance aud it is oxpeoted tho event will
ho one of tho most fashionable of tho seatou,
The committee anuouncee that admissions to
the assembly will be by Invitations only and
thW rule will apply to spectators and all
Sneotttclos to Buit all cveo. at Portz's hook
ud stationery store, No. SI North. Main
'treet. 4-27-ti
Twelve Photos lor Sue.
Ry sending us your cabinet, together with
30 teqK, wo will finish yon one dozen photos.
U-2-tf W. A. Kbaoby.
The way to get rid of a bad oougii or cold
is to uw.Dr. Coxo' Wild Cherry aud Seneka,
I'rloe 36 and SO ceut.
Hay Jtiiskm flour. Be sure tb&t th
naiaoLBSMCi & Baku, Aihhad, Pu la printed
on;every sock. S-3Jtaw
Freeh Morris River Cove Oyster received
daily at Coslctt'o. 9-22-tf
rirat TrO 8vk r the OoMtent, KmlHl
With fNurly I'lfti-en Ttioiioiiud
Vote He veil C'ntitvalKiitH
A Mr tli l,(HM) Mitrli.
NelUe Hair..,, fJ8
Arnes Strfo, j ....... imi
Mahail FAtreWld ... 134?
Mary A. Con lly ig,-n
Maine U. Wastry IS
Frank 11. Williams 11 It)
Bridget A. Durfas . 1005
Carrie Faust... A gcg
Llllio 11. Phlll m
Alary A. uaBeAy fu
Mary A. StMhU. ., 73
Carrie H. Smlli) ,fr.i
HatHo Uesa...4 m
Anna M. Dongftsr Wo
Maggie CavDlfiiKn M
E1U ClausT.. mi
Clara 1 line .". 177
Annie Manself 143
H.mnati Iteesei 110
Irene Shane.,,.6 1 13
Jdmes It. rwfil no
Votes polled yesterday 1B-B
Orand total H tur.
As lrireshadowed in yosterday's Hkkai d
we lind to-night tliat seven tenohers who aro
competing in the IIkhai.d's tenclicr's contest
are nbove tho 1,000 mark anil tho eighth is
loss than 100 behind it. Tho positions of the
seven lenders Rr the sumo as yesterday with
one exception. Miss Wasley has ised Mr.
Williams aud leads him by a score of 13'i.
The high day records madu yesterday were:
Miss Baird, 535; Miss Wasley, 2U(i: Mls
Fairchild, 173; Miss Stein, lfiS; Mr. Williams,
157; Miss Coiielly, Ho; Miss Burns lh
and Mhw I-'anst, 125.
The score of yesterday and the day before
show that the' friends of Miss Baird have
taken a startling interest in her behalf and
the young lady now leads her nearest con
tostant by -400 votes.
As .was stated in this column several days
ago, it is not always tho swiftest that win a
race, and although a comparison of tho high
est and losvost in this cuntest to dato shows a
vast difference, thero is no reus in why one,
or even two of tho lowest may not yet perch
on tho topmost round. And as also slated in
this column several days ago, no matter how
far ahead one may get it carries with it no
assurance for victory. A leader with a large
margin dare not tarry. Twenty-four horns
will change the most beautiful picture.
Those In the Hillings of glory,
TboM In the gloom of defeat,
. All with tho battle-blood gory.
In the dusk of eternity meet.
We to-day present to the contestants and
our other leaders two very interesting mes
sages. One is lroui Pottsvillo and reads as
follows :
"Contest Euituh : Hurrah for your con
test I It is bumming Lore and receiving the
uppo't which suuh a deserving project should
receive. Announce in your next issue that
W. U. Mi.rtimer, the PottBviile jeweler, will
give tho gentleman teacher receiving the
highest number of votes a handsome. gold-
Loaded cane."
The other letter is one which overy reader
will peruse more than once. The icutiment
it conveys is ono of the loveliest and tho
teacher referred to will no doubt preserve a
copy of the letter as long as his usefulness in
tho greatest of America's fields of industry
continues, aud perhaps longer, if life exceeds
the vocation. Tho letter lays bare, clearly,
tho relation that springs up between a kind,
patient and efficient teacher, and an obedient,
persevering, industrious and appreciative
pupil. It is really the best communication
wo havo rccoived in connectioa with tho
contest. '
Mh.Editok : I seo by your paper that my
teacher, Mr. Conry, whom I know to be good
and kind, and deserving of first prize, has not
recolvod ono vote. In this letter you will Hud
one vote for him, which I have out out of a
paper that I bought with my own money.
Every penny that 1 shall get from now until
the end of the contest will be spent for votes
for him. lly printing this in your paper you
will do u kind act for ono who thinks n great
deal of his teacher A lovlug pupil.
B. GitAiiy.
Longfellow must always have thought of
the school teacher when ho wrote:
Tolling, rejoicing, sorrowing.
Onward through life he goe;
Each morning bees some task begun,
Each evening sees its close;
Something attempted, something done,
He's earcod a night's repose.
The name of N. II. Downs' still lives, nl
though he has been dead many years. Ills
Elixir for the cure of coughs aud colds has
already outlived him a quarter of a ctutttry
and is still growing in favor with the iwblio
It Is the Council.
When u liody of men, whether known as
White Obi, Mollis Magulres or by any other
designation, arrogate to themselves the iower
of law aud iullict punishment upon persons
with whom they are angered, it is evident
that society is In a wrong and to soino ex
tent iu a revolutionary state. Srrtwtm Tri
bunt. Our contemporary must have had the
doings of the Shenandoah Borough Con 11 oil
iu view when he wrote the above. Society is
all right it is the angered Couneilmen that
are not.
The HolilUr' Monumwit.
A meeting of the Soldiers' Monumrnt
Committee will be held in the C'oiuiil
chamber ou Fridny, ovulng, next, at 8
o'elouk. All membeni of the toumittce are
requested to be on hand.
Uoughlng I.endi to I'ousuinptloii.
Kemp's Balfau will stop tho cough at
whenaudoah and Mahenoy Oitv
Will Stilt Have the Adams
Service With the Aid of
the "Pennsy" Road.
LL eyes aro turned to
the express compmiics
and people in this sec
tion aie noxiously
awaiting tho ultimate
result.or tin! absorption
by the United Hlates
Express Company of
the business heretofore
done by the Adams
company. The main question is, will tho
consolidation Increase tho rales? No answer
can be given the question now.
Superintendent Hill, of Philadelphia, and
Route Agent Huff, of Bending, were in town
yesterday arratigiug to get all Adams express
matter from Pottsvillo to this town over the
Pennsylvania Bailroad's short line, so there
U 110 likelihood thnt tho compauy will
abandon its agency here.
With some other towns it will bo different.
Messrs. Hill aud Huff have visited or are
now visiting Delano, Ashland, (lirardvllle,
C'entralia and Haven Bun and are closing the
business of the Adams agon as at those
places. As these places are only readied by
the Reading system of roads the United
States Express i'onipauy gobbles p the
Siahahoy City will share tho fortune of
escaping tho absorption. It is understood
that tho Adams company will maintain its
agency there and will get its packages in and
out of tho town by wagons connecting with
the Pennsylvania Railroad at tho cemetery.
Mr. Lugan to-day succeeded Mr. Al. Pal
mer as agent for tho Adams company at
Mnhanoy City.
Miss Jenuio Itamage, of the High sehool, is
W. S. Grow, of Scrauton, is visiting friends
iu town.
William Ilillhousc, of Park Place, was in
town last evening.
Mis. James Watson, of Trenton, was in
town this morning.
Thonus Touln, of Frackville, was a town
visitor Monday eroning.
Merchant John J. Pricu is laid up with
rheumatism and a painful felon."
Milfotd Shiroy, after visiting frleuds at St.
Clair, returned homo ou Monday.
No Change.
Tho following collieries drawn to return
prictB of coal sold iu January, 1693, to de
termine tho rato of wages to be paid, make
the following returns:
llaat Colliery, 1'. Si U. C. & I. Co 2 68-2
Hammond ' ' SoTS
SuHoltt " " 2f8.8
mcnaiuson " " .iItiti-4
KlUngownn " " Xet(
The average of these prices is $2.01-0 and
tho ratu of wages to bo paid for the last two
weeks of January, and tho first two weeks of
February, 1693, is five per cent, abovo tho
$8.50 basis.
"I'euscd Dr. BuII'e Cough Syrup in my
family for a long while und wouldn't be with
out it. I khow it'B a good medicine. John
H.imsoa, Postmasier, GuytoB, EDlngbaui Co.,
(Julte tlratlfylug.
In addition to the great demand niadounou
our largo presses, caused bv tho interest
taken iu tho teachers' contoet, our job presses
are kept constantly golug iu order to keep
up with the rush of orders for Job work, bnt
so far all work has been turned out witli our
usual neatness and despatch. This is cer
tainly gratifying to both tho HtitAr.ii ami tin
largo circle of friends, and it is also tho very
uest evidence that our people know where to
obtain first class work at moderate prices.
Stiffness In the neek or taints m.r a In
stantly relieved by a few applications of Sal
vattou Oil. It is cheap, sale und reliable.
) cents.
tlolut Parade.
All societies of town are renuetd In
send one representative to a Joint committee
for the purnow) of urenariutr a suitable ro-n.
gramme for tho celebration of Washington's
Birthday. The committee will meet iu
Mollet's hall, Saturday evening. February
4th, at 7:30 o'olock.
Wm. H. Dbtthky,
It ReitreHuitiiur Jr. O. II. A. M
In oase of hard cold nothing will relievo
the breathing so quickly as to rub AruWamui
Oil Liniment on tho chett. liu j
CuHVo'ii Auction Sale.
J. Cotieo will sell his en tire stock by auetion
to settle the estate and the sale will be with
out reserve. The stock consists of dry goods,
boots, shoes, ladies' and children's eonts. Sale
evory evening; between 6 and 10 eclosk.
Private sale during the day. Call and ex
amine the goods aud prises. The highest
bidders will take the goods.
1-19-8W Post Offlua Building,
To somplete flle, two pie eaett of the
EVBKiNfl Hbrald of Jaumuy 1st, 3d aud
1th, asd February Sth, IbUt, A litwntl price
will be paid for tbe smim.
Lane's Hi in lly Medicine. Mux-, the Hawaii
Booh day. In order to bo hwlthy this is
Best photograph aud travouj at DabVs.
11 list Ho Sees ami Hewrs Duriug
Tin! J(ittsvllle court gave the counsel for
the Borough Council of this town the (it 01 a
advice the Hkba mi gave the Ceuneilmea
years ago and the same advice the Borough
Solicitor gave them several months later
'go slow." When an application was mad 1
011 Monday to postpone argument on the In
junction, ou the ground that tho counsel for
tho water company was ill, Mr. Hcbalck, rep
resenting the borough, made a bitter prolans
and said tliat if the argument was not bad at
once the Couneilmen might go on with affair)
relating to the water works project and
take ohanses on what tho decision of the
eourt might lie. Judgo Berhtul said th.
grounds upon whioh the application for
pos'ponpincut was made were good ones ami
as the court would be busy with Hrenie ap
plications for the balance of the waek, the
case would have to go over until next Mon
day. The court added that as the Council,
men and eontrnctur were ander Injunction
they had bettor awult a decision of the court
after argument; that if they proceeded to
issue bonds or do anything else in the matter
tlioy would do so at their own risk. If the
Couucilmeu attempt to jump over the iu
junction of tha court they will find tusni-
selves in a dteper hole tliau they have planet!
thouiaclvos in by ejecting tho Hkkai.ii rs
porter from tho Council chamber.
Thomas McIIale, who received a tnteao
of six mouths imjirisoumcnt, $50 fine and tha
costs on his conviction fur assaulting llkrd
(jBUghan, was backed by n strong appeal for
mercy before sentence was passed. There
was a silver lining over him in the son leans
of tho eourt, in tho form of a petition aad
letters from Shenandoah citizens certifying
to his good character and praylug tr
Iu order to guard against any invasion f
small pox the board of health of the borongu.
of Shumokin bus ordered cemtmbtory
vaccination und many people of the town are
protesting against tho ordur. If they an
wise they will promptly withdraw all opjiesi.
tion to tho measure. It has a number F
" fresh fish " within its borders, jicoplo wh
flock into tho country in a filthy state aud
wallow iu filth in the dingy, crowded hovew
which they select ns homos after they jges
here. These people never dream of taking
precautions against disease unless officially
notified to do so, and frequently they fall t
doit thcu unless the notlco is backed b
some indication of force. Witli this view
alone iu mind tho jieoplo of S'uimokin shouU.
rcceivo the order with kindness aud sho
soino disposition to help the board of health
in carrying It out. At tho same time fas
people of Sbamokin must bear in mind that
it would be unreasonable to expect the heart
of health to enforce the order only against
one class, or certain classes of people. The
board would hao no power to make am
exception. Let tho pooplo look upon tha
order as a measure for the benefit of all aud
let the law-abiding citizens be tho ilrst t
stop up and set an example for the other classes;
by being tho first to submit to treatment
under the order.
Apropot of Max Reese's candidacy fine
Justice of tho Peace In the Third waul, his
friends tell a story from which they draw a.
point to show his kindness of heart. Wheu
Max was a justice in the Second wsid some
years ago he had for his constable a tall,
well develoiied man who was of burly ajt
pearaiuc whon beside a man of ordlnarr
size. At that timo a war was being wage
against peddlors. One day the constable
walked Into Max's olllce with a small Iwit
arrested for peddling matches. When stand
ing beside the constablo the boy looked like x
pigmy. Max asked for the witnesses and lb
constable said they were In Lost Creek. "Wo
cannot givo this boy a hearing without wit
nessoj," was the decision and the rnfaihl.
leaving the boy in tho Justloe s office, startei
lur Lost Creek. Max paid no attention t
the boy, who, obsorvinir that ho was undnr u.
restraint, implied or direct, walked out at
the ollico and disappeared. In due time the
constable returned with hi witna-ww
asked for the boy. He raved and swore
wheu Max said he did not kuow where be
was. "I am not a constable or a iailor. vou
should havo locked tho boy up if you wanlw-l
to keep him," was the only satisfaction the
Justice gave and the constable was cUimri
to iy the witnesses, the bill amounting V
something like eight dollars.
A FrateruMt Visit.
Last evening was a pleasant one for tha Jr.
O, U. A. M. iu this section, the nratuion Wlr
a fraternal visit from Carpenter OousmU, of
Asiuanu, to ttieir slater orgaaisaUon of tUi
town. Ouite a uleuant evaiiiiu wiu t -1
literary programme having been atraufed ft
u oeeasion. After adjournment of the
Council tl visiting mem bars, to tbe Humtr
of sixteen, were treated to est oyster Niatsw.
More I'rool.
As additional nroof of tba Riui n1! -k.
as an advertising medium we publish tfc M
lowing:' "Gentlemen : Please discowtlsMe
our ad' in your want ootumn. Tha mA
got us all tbe ineu we have room lor." '
ours truly,
C. J. mnsm, Manager.
A Voir. Pronw rioridM.
pnln ourss uesell. it's tai uuuiilluv ri
jyi '" 11, ieuiaii;ia tma r-pral
Ktrlln's drug store.
P. D,