The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 31, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Find no difficulty in
securing what they
roquirb for their ta
ble at our stove.
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
Trains Sow ArrlVH hmI Depart from
Twi'lltli nml M.irliet.
Trains ore now running In ami out or tin
Jtavdlng's magnificent new Market Street
Station, l'bllndelphia. It it oxpeeted that all
the trains now running in and nut of the
ntaliou at Ninth mid Grown streets will conn1
to the new station in a few weeks,
Tho now depot was dedicated to Its ir
poses iirumiitly :tt i o'clock Sunday morning,
vfheii Train Director Brown, of th Station
jHilled open the throttle of engine 350, and
Uain No. Kill rolled eHitorthoimuumolh truln
ed over the elevated road to the main lino
towards Rending.
Tlio train was tho Hnrrlsliurg and Shamo-
iln Express und was made up of (our curs,
kaggago No. 518, smoker No. 200, passenger
esache Not). Ttl ami 080, manned hy Fulton
Jones, conductor in charge; D.inlclJ. llarner,
krggago master, nml Brakcmcii J. J. Fitoh
and F. Condor. F.ngino Jtfifl was held under
control hy Engineer Michael A. Welsh and
the flicman was William C. Orth. Welsh ban
keen in tho employ of tlio coniinny since 1873
and an engineer since lbff!.
7.G0 was the scht dulo time for the nrriva!
f tho first train in tho now depot, and a fo
nsomonts before the toot of tlio locomotive
yras heard as the train approached, and the-
tmin itself camo in sight towards Callowhill
-slJcct. As promptly as the 4 o'clock train
had taken its departure the7.fj0canietoa.stoi
on time. ItTVas No. 120, tho Rending accom
modation, aild consisted of endue 359. with
tho veteran l'atrick Cassidyat tlieIirottie,ainl
fireman Frank Oeeuer, haggago car aud five
1 soaches, manned by Conductor Howard
Jtichards, hiiggago-master Jlachacl Oillenund
Urakemen Horace Dausand GcoigeW. Snyder.
Tho train was crowded, as were the others
-which followed it, during the day, until
shortly after (i o'cl ck at night. Many of tlie
jpaewsngers rode out of curiosity in older to sec
the now deiKit aud its elevated railroad aji
Coming Events.
Feb: 13. First annual Jlioll of (Jen. liar.
risou Lodge, Knights of Pythias, at Bobbins'
pom house.
Feb. 22. Martha Wellington Birthday
farty, in Bobbins' opera house,; tmder the
nspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of the
f. M. church.
aiureii 10. lew tmity in itobbius' i.pera
houio, under the auspices of the Welsh Con
cregatlonal church.
Lime's Family Medicine Moves IlicKimrlj
Baoh day. In ordef to be healthy this if
Superior goods at 25 pur cent, lower than
elsewhere at HolUerroau's jew elry store. tt
lie Ae-Htlemy llrataiirnnt.
The Pottsvilie headquarters for Sbenan
floah oople and others living North of the
Mountain, for hot toddies, hot punches, beef
tea and all kinds of wines aud liquors of the
Vent brands, is tho Academy Restaurant, John
T, Cooney, proprietor, M. A. Cooney, nwiet
nt. til.
flfken Baby was sick, we gave her Castorfa.
When she was a Child, she cried for Cniteria.
When she be camo Wins, she clung to Castorta.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Wnuteel, ,
To complete files, two copies each of the
JJtenino IlKBAin of January 1st, 2d anil
4th, and February, 1602. VA liberal price
will be paid for the same.
A bad oiugli or cold oalU lr a good remedy
-.tlie cure lor It. Congiin, Oolds, La
Orlppe and onsumptlon, a perict una
per nanentonre U PHu-riua, the worn cas-
yield to !l battling propertiea '"osU. iffi cents.
Pan-Tina Is aula at 1'. P. I). Kirhu's el nig
;ieetrl ItullwHy Itiilletin.
Hereafter the electric railway ears will
leaf tlte earner of Cherry and Main streets
at 5:30 a. m. ilaily and every 90 minutes
thereafter until midnight, at which hour the
last oar will leave for Girardville. On Hon
day, November 7th, 1B02, the fare for any
teogUt of ride between Shonandoah end
Si rare! vi lie will be reduced to five (6) cent
All those who liave used ' Baxter's Man
drake Ditteni apork very strongly in their
pralae. Twenty live cents per bottle, lm
IllMt or llemarrhukls
Permanently cured without knife or ligature
V" danger or au&tig. No delay from lute
in while under treatment. Patknta who
are rapoaiialejteed not pay until woU. X
purfeet mre guaranteed, fiend for drcuUr.
m Bom lata St., PtoWelfibiii.
IWu, by penuntaion, to the editor of the
Svxsmt lbnunv. t
My Meek lot Vwr Ver gift in jtwwlry
jid fauey aoo4 shall be as esuipUte as ever,
iloldwinau's Jewelry store. lSfp8tf
The M, K. IIi-vivhI Nxrvicn Vry Success-
Itil-lt. v. 1'owlck's 8. rinoii.
The revival services which have lieen held
in the 11. K ehnreb since the new year Iwgan
have been aleadily increasing In Interest mid
give promise of still greater reeult On Sun
day sixteen iraons were received Into the
fellowship of the ohuroh, making, with thoe
previously received, twenty-seven who lm
been converted sin re the meetings began, to
say nothing of the backslider reclaimed and
some who have not yet Joined. The love
fwir in the morning was a season of great
iplrltnal refreshment. The aeimon wliloli
followed, on "Individual cflbrt to bring mi-
new to Jesiw," made a marked Inipreeslon
upon the congregation. And when those
who would pledge themselves to renewed ef
fort to bring af least one sinner to the Jainh
of God during the coming week were asked
to rise, a goodly number stood up.
In the evening ehairs had to le planed In
the aisles to accommodate the congregation
The sermon was from the teat, "There is joy
In heaven in tlie presence of the angela ol
God over one sinner that repented!, more
than over ninety and nlnejnst potions which
need no repentance." Luke 16, 7-10. This
speaks to our heart. Its messago concert
Ibe intimate relation that exists bctwen
heaven and earth. God has only one great
family "tho family in earth mid in heaven '
"Though now divliloil by the stpnm,
The narrow atresia of death.','
Whon the Itaby of Iklhloheiil was born, tin
angel who announced the fact to the wonder
ing shepherds wss toon joined by "a multl
tmlo of the heavenly host praising Clod and
SHjlng glory to God ill the highest and oi,
earth neaec. good will toward men." Who
knows how many glorified spirits of Just men
mado perfect were among them? Ccrtiilnl.t
they do not ceAec their interest in us when
thev leave this world else why wore Most
anil Ellas ; permitted to return and coufui
with Jesus upuu tho holy mount with refer
ence to that which ho was soon to ac
complish at Jerusalem "which things the
i.ngols desire to look into."
In yon celestial spheie, where lifo is seel,
in its true perspective, what aro tho iuven
Hons of Edison, tho victories of Grant, tin
uchlcveuiunls of Lincoln, the fortunes o!
Vanderbilt, the patriotism of Washington
tho Empire of tho t afars compared with tin
penitence of a broken-hearted piodigal who
coming to himself and realizing bii deepuiat
want, says, "I will arise and govto in;
Father." This is thu only thing that stiii
the harmonies of heaven. Hero is u mothci
whose wnywaid i-on left home in disgrace
Ho has been a companion of drunkards nm
ballots. Sho Iiub given him up for worse
than dead. Ono day sho responds to
knock at tho door aud there ho stamb
clothed In his right mind. Ho found tin
Saviour in a little country :hurch where lib
name had been a terror and ho has rami
homo to toll mother about it. Tho giftot n
Continent would be a paltry nothing to thai
mother compared to tho recovery of her hoy
Tho parable of tho lost sheep pictuiestln
pity of tho shot held for tho miseries of tin
lost, aud tho parablo of tho lost coin picture
tho sense of loss which has been 6Uhtalncd bj
tho disappearance of tlio missing treasure
Both together they express tho divine
solicitude for sinners ; not only on accuunt of
tho misery of tho sinner hut on account ol
tho loss which heaven suffers by their
estrangement. We often pity sinners be
cause of tho terriblo doom they are coiirtini'
but who pitieB tho sinner's Saviour ho died
to sao him iand who is defrauded of his
claim? Wo may pity the prodigal, but what
uf his poor father?
The joy of heaven over repentant sinnerp
is not restricted to the angels of God. Angel.-
are not the only inhabitants of heaven
John tells us that he saw "a great multitude
whom no man could number, who had come
up out of grout tribulation nml washed thoii
robes and made them white in the blood ol
the Lamb." And if the veil should be
diawn, and our oyts should be opened to
night we should doubtless see husbauds or
wives, parents or childien, brothers or sisters
or friends looking with longing desire for the
decision you aro about to make. And us one
and another decides for God wo should see
that tho joy in heaven is in tho presence ed
angels. Shall it thrill thu spirit of that
father or mother you promised to meet in
leaven ?
"The Limited JIiill."
There was a literal crush at Ferguson
tbeatie last night to witness the performance
of Elmer E. Vance's "Limited Mail." When
tin tiL-c arrived to open the doors, the pnvo
ment and street in front of the theatre was
paced by u seething mass of humanity, all
eager to gain admittance. It was at least
8:30 beforo the people wero all in. Mr.
Yauee has J; grasped one of the
essential points tbe presentation
of any play and carries it out, namely
earefnl attention "to tho niinutit details
in Binge-setting, and other managers would
do well to follow his esample. The play was
very good, and eveiy ono appreciated tho
uiagnifioient eetibnlcd trRin which ciossed
the f tage. Tho auw-mill at n was very roal
istio and it did not lequircany ostmoidinary
effort of the imagination to make the spec
tator think he I was in a real saw-iudl
Little Beatrice Is ono of tbe best contortion
ists that bus ever appeared hero. The rest of
the own puny ably tiutained their parte.
. Cotttr'sf Auction tittle.
J. Coffee will soil hiseotireetoekhy auction
to settle the estate and the sale will be with
out reserve. The stock consists of dry goods,
boots, shoes, ladies' and children's coats. Stile
very eveniugl between G and 10 o clock
Private tale during the day. Call and ex
amine the goods and prices. The higbtiit
bidden will take the goods.
Philip Cofpejs,
1-u-3m Poet Office Ihiildiug.
The man lege fever ha a firm hold upou
the Lithuanian people of town. The wed
dings among tliem for the put two days
number fourteen, six last night aud eight
to-day. m '
towUr tor long SSwtnWwuf
Harfiaoa, Postuaster, Ouytort, HtfTlighum Co., I
worms nix aoimay inpi
i o Days at the World's Fair
With accommodations at a first-class Chicago hotel, and transporta
tion to and from Chicago, Including sleeping bertha, all free of cost,
To the 2 Most Popular Teachers.
CONTEST CLONES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M.
lrhe two teachers who receive the largest number of votes will be taken
to tlie World's Fair and royally enterthtued by the Hhhai.d Oat oat this
coupon, en 1 on tbe bl nk lines write the name of the I'i blto isubool Teaeher,
north of tee Hroad Mountain, In Schuylkill county, whom you eonolder moat
popular, and aendt' totho 'tmtt KitUnr, KnUiy llrrald, Hltrnatttlonh,
l'i." Every coupon pro erly rilled out counts ae oue vole for one teacher.
Brery persoi, young or old, can vote, and vote as often ae ihey please.
Coupon must be In tbe bands at the editor within ten (10) days after the
date It bears.
Name of Toacher..
Name of Voter..
31, idta.
Holeleinnan, the jeweler, will give
number eif vote a hanelgonio gold neekltice.
It. J. Mills, tlio 1'ottf.ville H titter
rn.oii.inif ilw. Krniii1 litu'linat liinnlici' of
. V.V, 1 O -
Mnx Heese will give tlie tcneher
votes u nniHisomo touet. tot,
The two touchers who receive tho groatest
above statodwlll bo declared tho winners.
All coupons must bo cut out of the Evenimq
opes, addressed to " JZUtor, Jlvening ltcnilil, Shenandoah, Pa."
Any poon reslfllng In any place mny voio as
teachers engaged In teaching in a public school north of tho Hroad Mountnin at tho close of thi
current scliool term; jiroiidrtl, that any teacbor who may bavo been incapacitated by sicknoi-
jrncoldoi't for teaclii.ig for a period of not tnore
term, may also compete.
Each vote for each teacher must be represented by a seperato coupon.
A coupon bearing tho name of more than one teacher or specifying more than one vote for
teacher will be thrown out as void.
A careful record will be kept of the name of all contestants, and all coupons will bo filer
and kept safe until tho final adjudication. Three prominent a&d rofcponslblo men of Shenan
doah will be selected to hot as judges.mako the Hnal c unit andounou co the namos of tho twi
winners. Nhoultlthreo or more teoehers be tledon the highest nunberof votes, the Judges wib
bo al'oweil to decide.
Tbe name of tho winners will be announced on or beforo Saturday, July 15, lb3. Hhouli
tho winnerH be absent from Shenandouh at tbe time tbey will bo informed of thelrgood fortum
by telegraph, so that they may start on iho trip oh soou thereafter as possible.
All blanks in tho coupon must be tilled out, cs eclally the blank requiring the namo of th
ccr-onvotn g. Tho number of votes received at this office upto-1 p. m. each day will bo pub
lisbed In tho next issue of the Heiiai.d with tho names of tbe teachers voted for.
milEauditors of the Plough of Shenandoah
hereby notify the Presidents and Secretaries
of all the recent conventions held in the town
that they will be at the Council Chamber at 7
o'clock on Tuesday evening, January 31, 1893, for
the purpose of receiving the names of all candi
dates nominated for public offices in Shenandoah
and to be balloted for at the coming election.
These nominations must be sworn to or affirmed
as correct before a Justice of the Peace by the
Presidents and Secretaries of all said conventions
as repired by law, or
nominated by ballots;
cept them.
- t
Jurors. -
The following Shenandoah citizens have
been drawn for jury duty in March : Christ.
Schmidt, Thomas Tosh, H. C. Waruick,
Christian liierman, Christian FolU, Jr.,
William llrennan.
Beat work done at Dronnan's Steam Lann
Iry. Everything white and spotluw. Lato
orrtains a specialty. All work guaranteed
At the ritjuast of a number of ollliens of
tbsSeoniT Ward, I herety anuounte myself
at an Indspendtnt candldaio tor Counoi In
the Second Ward.
rJolin P. Finuey.
- - -.. Q
the female lonelier receiving the highest
mid Kilmer, will give the lady tcneher
votes a handsome set-uf furs.
- JQ
receiving tho second Itfglicst number of
number of totnl votes up to tbe closing houi
Hr.iiAi.D and sent, securely sealed in envel
oiien as nc or sne may aesire ror ono or mort
than three monthB prior to the end of tin
by Judges and Clerks, if
otherwise we cannot ac
Borough Auditors.
(Christ. Uotslcr's old stund.)
ainin and Coal Kt., HlieiuiitttoHli
Ilsst beer, ale and portr on tap. 1 he finest
brands of whiskey s and cigars,
i'opi room ut
A very siii ctssful Cornoruilon wanu an annt
to represent It lu bbi nandoah. Will pay at
leeetllbO ntr month.
Ilualness Is endorsed by
nTrurnial linltKim Aaant
llanos and leading con rru-roial houses.
must Invest $IAU wlk-li is lully seaured. ivq
peddling. A of a lifetime to obtain a
good pat In business from the start. Address
for porllculars. IDENTIl'lCATlON." P. O.
uuilia, flow IU1M I-3-12t-t,tS,B
We Are the People !
Who can sell you Chltin, dlag,
tlio prlcea asktd by most people.
Because ! .
We buy from manufacturers. Wo bayjti ,Jare quantities. We
are In ihe jobbing llHt. On French and aermtin China, Kngilth
and other imported ware ,we pJftco important order and thua
ave 16 per cent
Our Customers !
Ilecelve tlie ben lit. Doubt it, do you 7 Compare our prices with
any other dealer in any city, small or large, and we'll provo the
truth of our ntatement. Visit us for fine cnnrlles.
3 Sloxi-tla. I&EcxdLxi. troot.
Few white and colored blankets, ladies' and child
ren's coats, which will be sold reg-ardless of cost.
Come early and secure bargains at
121 N. Main Street, Shenandoah.
Boots, SIioss, Gents' liirra is!hm kes !
At greatly
A Knotty
Problem !
Is the Gift question, but
it will besolved by call
G ing at the store of J. P.
I Williams & Son, where
IT you will find the most
T desirable presents in the
VS Furniture line, Pianos,
Organs and Sewing Ma
chines. J- p-
Williams & Son,
13 South Main St.
Saloon and Restaurant
The leading place In town,
lias lately been entirely reno
vuted Everything new, clean
and fresh. The linen t line of
Wines and Liquors I
Oigars, &o., foreign and do
mestic. Free lunch served
eaoh evening. Dig subnoners
of fresh, lleer.Porter, Ale, &c
j,G East Centre Btreet.
The beet beer, nlus, porter, whiskies, brand!,
wines and nnest otgura always on baud.
n Others, ready to put up spring roller,
J3 for aBc, Sso, o, SOc aod upwards. Par-
tlOSdeslrlne OQlV thn RhHllruf hi- Hy.
tures can be accommodated.
Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardm Street.
yt lo.i nt prices below tho
Send their Kye Specialist
To flicnai:clonli, Weclitt sslay, Ftb. i.
lie will be found at the
Fcrirusoa House From 8:30 a. m. to6:C0 p. nu
Persons who have headache, or wroso eyes aro cnuslng dls
crmforl should call upon tholr specialist, and they will re
celvo Inte-lligBBt and skinful attention. NO CHARUE to ex
umlno yourcyes. Kvcrypalr of glasses ordered is guaranteed
to bo satisfactory.
reduced ratos. N
Sole agent for Schuylkill County.
llardftaroJroB, Oil, Paints, Robes
HorBC Blankets, Skates, Sporting Goods.
Headquarters For
Florida Oranges
Just received another con
signment' of Florida Oranges
that the grower wishes me to
dispose of to make room for
more. I will sell the choicest at
20c Per Dozen.
.A.- "WOMER,
124 N. Main Street.
Sch eider's
Saloon and Restaurant
Leading Saloon la town
Jntrt milt H7WM Sit.,
(Blckert's old stand)
First-class Eating Bar
Finest Whiskeys In the Market,
Mas removed to Dill Jones' old stand
Where he will be pleased to meet tbe wants
of his friends and the pabllo In
EveiythLiHj in the Drinking Lino.
Sporting and Musical Resort !
Best Wines, Llquora, Beers, Ales and
brands of Cigars always on hand,
Horse : Ipe :