TTTTT JLJOJDj EVENING HERALD. VOL. m-NO. 339. SHETANDOAH. PA., XDESDAY. JANUARY 81. 1893. oivi&oEsn?. A Big Drive IS SOW ON AT ?13 South Main St. Clearing Sale of Winter Goocls ! Gents' red underwear that formerly sold for $1 will now go at 80c. Special sale of Blankets. Only a few more of those de sirable Coats left over which will be sold regardless of cost. Carpets and oil cloths at the lowest prices consistent with first-class goods. Dress goods, notions, etc. THE MASTEK House Painters and Decorators Have adopted tic following prices for paptr bunging i ml decorating for 18K), Comiiietic'liiKf Maicli r. Per piece for Brow n and White Blanks c " ' (lilt Paper .. 15c " " Embossed Papers 18c " " Decorating Ceilings ISO " ' Joining or Butting lSc Four Cornices to be charged as 1 piece ISo Gluesizltig, per room 12x11 feet .'. 50c Larger and smaller rooms according tosize. Removing old paper and preparing walls, 25c per tour. All work guaranteed. No Paper Hurg by the Day, R. C,, JOHN P. GARDES, ER. D R. IIAGENBUCU, I uancibDtkgan, JOHN L. HAPSLEn, T. W. CONVI1.LE, lL01tOi:M. DOYKU, GEO. W. HAHSLElt. J. II. MraiL, Wm. J Link, Edwaud EvEitrrr. PHOTOGRAPHER DABB Has purchae&Ithe best apparatus In the mar ket, and is now prepared to take every style of photographs. Views of buildings, machinery and all kinds of outdoorwork a specialty. ISach purchaser of one dozen cabinets at 3.t(i Ik pre sented with a large crayon reo. This offer Is good until April 1, 1898. Copying and enlarg. tag. Work done at ttort notice and low prices DA8B, N. White St., BriegraHWg. Piatt's PoDular Saloon. (Formerly Joe Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Ur stocked with the best beer, porter, ales, whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars. JE atlng bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all. jy- S. KISTLER, M. D., " rHYBIClAK AND 6URGKON. Office 121) North Jardln street, Shenandoah. ilffii'S It Never Fails ! lo Give Satiafacliort. Northwestern High Grade TRY 11 til f TA IJH ri2ik TH km m ra b.j i. ai Fancy Minnesota JYo Baiter in the MnrUet at Any Price. i JTust Jtecelved Direct Jsrom thqMrower on Invoice of JBreaH PLOBIDA OSILsTGKEJS 15 and 25a &Sa Jin Amusements. pKItQUeON'S TItiSATRK. - P. J. FB1I0U90N, MANAOBIl. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1.JJ93. A perfect production of tbe Successful comedy dranu, , She Couldn't Marry Three ! InterpretBil by an effiotent company, headed by tbe universal Htt'e favorite. LILLIAN KENNEDY. X- Produced With all Their Own Scenery. A grand scene of the Corni li const with re vol' rngllshtliouse. Carboys Abbey by moon light TJlngly Tunnel, the most rail road scene. A succession ol boauiifld stage features, thrilling climaxes. songs anctdance. A mlrtblul prescntaion whose chief ingio dlents are brilliancy, vim andsprightllness. Prices, 25, 5 ud 73 Ccutp. Reserved scntB at Klrlln's drug store. pERGUSON'S THEATRE. p. J. riiiiousoN, UANAUUl. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, '93. The Little Merrle-Makr, Louise Hamilton Supported by a strong compaDy. Monday Night, "For'h Ferry." Tuesday Night, "Little Detective." Wednesday Night, "Our Angel." Be sure and sue her In her daaces and "hear her la her new songs Priced, 15, 25 antl 35 Cents Reserved seats on sale at Klrlln's drugstore. ABRAM HEEBNER 00. PORT CARBON, PA., Manufacturers of Of Ever' Description. Flags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &,i -FINEST GOODS-LOWEST prices.- Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicltec L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Celebrated Poiier, Ale and Beer JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch, CTS. PER YARD ron Home-made 'Rag Carpet. T.iken out of tbe loom to day. Others for 15, 60 and 52c. extra heuvv. Brussels and Iuurain Carpets and Oilcloths. Remnants will be Buld unnost at your own price. O. XX 3T"3i?S.XOE:3Ei'3 Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St. Milling Co.'s, "Family Flour. 6UIt 35 Patent F1qui j?r Dozen. ' m FOR THE BATTLE ! SBOOKD WARD- DEMOCRATIC TICICBT NAJUBD. NOMINATION FOR COUNCIL OPEN V, J. Brennan Koelvee the No mi- nation for School Direoor: All PartieB are Now Heady For the Campaign. UK UemocruU of I lie Seeoml want held a supplemental conven tion at the Sclieilly r'. 'SSii; I was not moh a uonven- 1 1 nil us was held tait Tueslay u v e u i n g. Theie wai no crowding :fi..jM anrl scrambling for the poll window and no challenges or lengtliy Piiecches. It was a quiet affair in the hands of Hie special corn- Hiiltten appointed to uoniinate a ward ticket after the Citizejp' ticket of llic w.nd should be liamiil. Cuudidates were named for all offices except Council, and they are : F. J. llrcuuau, School Director; William H. Shoemaker, Juslico of the Peace; Jolm Kiscnhart, Con stable; Jl. P. Parcel!, Jhdgo of Election; Andrew Mclusky, Inspector. The naming of Mr. Bhoomaker is an endorsement, rather than a nomination, lio having been nominated by tho Citizens' convention last Friday night. When usked byn HElttli reporter wliy a candidato for Council was not selected a gen tleman who attended the meeting said that when tho matter was under consideration Eomcbody said it was reported John V. Fin ney would becomo an independent Kepubli- cau candidate fur the otllcc. Upon this statu- picnt tlie meeting concluded to leave the nomination open with the understanding that if Mr. Finney decides to become sucli a candidate ho will receive the endorsement of the Democrats in tho ward. The convention holdlatt evening complete all tickets and now both parties will get down to folid work. Taking into considera tion tlio statements from all sides and care- fully weighing tho standing and backing all candidates, it may be said that the Citizens' party never stood a better chance to elect its borough ticket. The ticket is a ntnmir nnft nnd RppniR tn ilivft entlrn tion to the Gorman Democrats, who were dissatisfied with tho Irish Democratic ticket, and have been declaring sineo tho noniiua tions were niado that il tho Citizens party put! up a good ticket they would support it to a man. Several prominent and inlluential Germuu Democrats said to day, "Tho Citizens' ticket is a very strong oue, and should bd elected USE DANA'S SAUSAPAETLLA, its "THE KIND THAT CUKES." MesaeiiKci-s Go OtV. Express Msonger Schuyler, who has done duty on tho' local division of the Lehigh Valley railroad for several years past, to-day made his final trips. Mr. Schuyler goes olf the service with tho rest of tlie Adams Express Company messengers,; whoso services aro no longer required on account ol tho express business on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad combined systems having been absorbed by tho United States Express Company. It is said many of tho deposed messeugers will bo given other places by tho Adams company; and it Is also said that oue of tho rsilroad officials has hinted that the train baggagemastors will hereafter liaudlo the oxpi'033 business. ' t a Stiffness In tho neck or joints may be in tUuitly relieved by a few applications of Sal vatiou Od. It lu cheap, sato and reliable. 25 cents. In a Few Lluett. Another fall of "the beautiful" last night. The electric cars are running legulaily and on time. Tho days are getting longer. You cannot help but notice that. Tho Borough Auditors will meet to-night to receive the nomination papers of tho late conventions. The remains of tho late John M. PrUel were interred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery this afternoon with military honors. In csiso of hard cold uothing will relieve the breathing so quickly as to rub Arnica and Oil Liniment on the chest. lm Successful Revival SerTlce. The interest in the revival services which have been in progress in the Evangelical church since the opening of the new year is increasiimt every night. The attendances have been very large the past ten days. Last niglit Presiding Eldor Medlar preached a ser mon and thirteen people were converted. Rev, Medlar will ho in attendance again next Tliuwlay evening. Spsetiiejej to suit all eyes, at Porte's bosk md stationery store, No. 31 Koith Main roet. l-'jn-U Buy Hyitpt Hour. Be sure 'that the namelilMslQ A Bake, Ashland, Ph., is printed oa.ovory suok. 3-8-3tw I., i fc-1 Obituary. Peter Grow, the well-known grocer of Win. Pea n and saloun keeper of Lost Creek, died at Ids home in tbe former plaee latt illicit. Mr. Grow was about 68 years of age. Ha was a veteran of the civil var. Lots of songg, dances and fun in " Slio Couldn't flurry TlireeU- -At Ferguson's thuitro to.mgrrow evtmlug. Freeh Morris Itlver Cove Orators received daily at Godot Vs. y-2!i-tf A GREAT S0KPRISE I NELLIE BAIBD'S GBlBAT JUMP YB8TRDAY. Vfntn Twiit.v-ffoinl 1'lnee to thn Mad, The ViiaiiK Ilecnlvi-s Over 1,000 rntnn Mlrt Hlwln In IScooiul I'Ihco, Melllc IMird UBK Ames 8tln Jrt MabnliPalrcldltl,.. lift Mary A. Com.olly ll Frank 11. WIlHurhs UM Ms me II. Waaley .i f RridRel A. Hums Carrie F.iust LUlle II. PlgllliM mi Mary A. Lafforly 4fti Mary A. Htaok W Hattlo Hess 312 Anna SI. Dengler.. 118) Carrie M. Smith . 818 Maggie Cavamiligli , 196 Clara ' line ' i 1W Annie Munttell 113 BUaOlauscr . 1 IU ilnnnati Kcese 118 Irene Shane 113 James It. I.ewls 101 Yesterday all rttonls were beaten In tho Hkuald's teachers' contest. The votes polled for tho day totaled HflSV,, making the grand total of votes 12,400. The highest number of votes polled during tho day cio Miss Balrd, J, 151; Miss Fairchlhl, 410; Miss Phillips 317; Mr. Williams, 2-10; Miss Stem, 18U; Miss Faust, 113. Hiss B.iirtl went from twenty-second to first place ; Miss Stein into second place; Miss Falrchild from fourth to third place, and Mr. Williams succeeded her in tlie foraicr position. On account of the rapid advance of Misses Stein and Fail child, Miss Connelly goos hack to third place and her former active opponent is three places below. Miss Phillips made a groat oilurt yesterday but the pace of tho week was so fast that the 347 Mites tho young lady received only elevated her from; eleventh to eighth place. Judging from the returns to dato and the ratftat which the returns have been coming in of late it would not bo surprising if seven of tho teachers would bo abovo tho 1,000 mark to-morrow night. Less than ono hundred votiw each will maku tho list six and the seventh can get there with a little over two hundred votes. A llox for tlio Teacher. Frank A. Ilarriman, manager of the Louise Hamilton Company, which will ap pear at Ferguson's thea'ro three nights "hex.t"weck, called at the ''llEitAbD fanc- tuni to-day and staled ho will place a box for thn Monday nighl performaiico at tho disposal of tho teachor who will have the highest number of vott-b in the Hkkai.u'8 leathers contest by tho report that will he published next Saturday evening. ' FINNEx FOK COUNCIL. t v- TJio Irri'preH.lble AlHjnr ISeconies au In- flcpendent CiiiKlUtutt,. Tho rumor which was current yesterday to tho effect that Mr. John F. Flunoy would become an independent candidate for Coun cil in tho Second ward, is continued to day by tho publication of his card, which appears in another column of this isuo of the H KHALI). A reporter for (he Hkkalu saw Mr. B'inney at noon to-day and had a brief interview with him regarding the conditions which brought him to tho determination to become a oaudl date. When asked what his object in be coming a candidate was, Mr. Finney said : The notion to become a candidate is not a new oue. months ago l determined to make an efl'ort to go to Council this year, and in pursuance of that determination announced myself as a candidate several weeks ago. My business engagements, how ever, wcro of such a nature that ten dayi ago I was in doubt as to whether I should run or not. My affairs are now, however, lu such shape that I feel I can devoto the nec essary time and attention to the olllco aud I have renewed my determination to stand,' "In addition," he said, "a number of my friends of both political parties have urged me to permit tho use of my name and have assured me of their support." To the query, have uu uuy special object in -becoming a member of Council 1 Mr, Finney frankly said : "Yes, I have a special object in going to Council. For tho mutter of that I might say I have several objects," " Will you kindly stato what they are ?" " In the first place, I want to go to Council in tho interest of good government and progressive ideas. I have no personal axe to grind, no friends to reward and no encirlies toninUh. What the Council, in my judg ment, should devote at least a portion of its time to is tho effort to secure manufacturing industries for the borough. Tho need of sueli inUustiiee is always admitted and often talked of, but no step is ever taken to offer suoh inducements as may bring capital it among us. "There are numerous other things which Council might do in the Hue of progress aud advancement, but it isn't necessary to euumewte them all here," said Mr. Finney, in eouclusiuu, "amoug them being better stieeta, sewerage, abundant light and plenty of good water." Downs' still lives, al though ha has been dead many yean. Ilia UUxlr for the cure of coughs and raids has already outlived him a quarter of a century and is still growlug in favor with the public lm UelderinMu's Jewelry store leads as sver. tf FfiDOBA'S FICKLENESS ANOTHBR 3IEQUEL TO STABBlNO OASE3. THIC FEDORA FEDKORKO AGAIN ENGAGED The Younsr Woman Who Was lm st tbe Cruise of a Death Secures a Third Loeerantl a Lietmee. ICICLE minded women are by no menus scareo in this world, hut wo men of tho calibre of Miss Fedora Fedrorko, of town, are of a raro class. Fcdum's fickle ness is almost beyond belief, liat strange as this story may seem II Is true in every particular and Fedora, if questioned about it, would not hesitate to confirm every statement in It, and senl her confirmation with asmilo.y Last week the Hbhald give Ui detail a Hungarian stabbing ease nnd tho particulars of a conspiracy lo kill tho man whu did the stabbing. All tho trouble arobo from Fedora's fickleness and she admits it. Less than two weeks ago redora was wooed by aud she encouraged the attention of her brother-in-law, Aften Basalage. Two days after she met Peter Cliupska. Her fancy changed immediately. A'ten was cast usido and Peter took his place in the woman's itl'ections. A marriage engagement followed miucdiately. The flume of jealousy burned brightly aud Altcn liasalage, IfrMryiug to find out where he was "at," received a dig in the back ftom a knlle in the hands of his rival, Peter. V law suit followed aud while the hearing was going on Fodcra boldly stated to th officers that her love for Afteu and I'eter had cooled and she would marry neither, no mutter how the suit might lesnlt. All the men Interested in (he case arc under bail. Justice Williams gave the young woman sound advice after disposing of the case, and told lur to bo carclul that her charms should not cause another stabbing.alfray. As tho Jus' ice tva-s sitting alone iu,his office last evening like Micawbcr, waiting for forue thing to turn up, Fedora Fedrorko walked into tho place, accompanied by a rather good looking Hungarian young man. Good evening, l cdora," said the iquire, Good evening, Jleosler HKewyer: I am marriod gettiu'." Wnat!" exclaimed thn Justice as he dropped tho paper he held in his hands and his optics almost bulged, "in love again?" "Yes, Meester Skervyer; I am in and 1 vaut a vat you call him''-; "A marriage, licence f "Yes, Meestcv .Skervyer, a licensed." "Will wonders never cease?" soliloquized the Justice us ho proceeded to fill cut the ap plication. . If the latest lover is not stabled or thrown iuto a mine breach in the meantime. Fedora will have u husband within the next' few days. The man who is to link lortunes with her was a witness against the lover who did the stabbing. Aften Basalage, the lover who was stabbed. Is still under the erne of Dr. Stelu. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, lis "THE KIND THAT CURES." PhltSUNAL. Mrs. James Stein tpeut to-day with friends in Pottsville. C. J. Quiuu transacted business at Halm noy City to-day. Mrs. H. A. Acker spent the day with friends in Reading. Mrs. T.J. Davies went to St. Clair thi morning to visit friends. Mrs. Daniel Bedea, who has been seriously ill tho past few days, was reported improved to-day. Christ. Schmidt and S. G. M. Hollopctcr, Esq., were among the townsmen who spent to-day at tho county seat. Roy Stride, one of tho bright young typos" on tho Mahauoy City 7VtAii, paid our sanctum u visit yesterday. Conductors l'icrce Schlicr and McAvoy, of Delano, with their wives, witnessed tho pro duction o( 'The Limited Mail" at Ferguson's theatre last night. No better known remedy exists for nil forms of Rheumatic diseases than the Gen uiue imported Anchor 1'aui Lxpellcr. 85 aud 50 cents a bottle. To be had at C. H. Hageubueh, P. P, D. Kirliu, J. M. Hillau aud other druggists. 3 "She Couldn't Marry Three" at Ferguson's theatre to-morrow evening The Sulrilerfe' .Monument. A meeting of the Soldiers' Monument Committee will be held in the Council chamber on Friday evening, next, at 8 o'clock. All members of the committee are requested to be on hand. v ltevlvitl Services. Bevival services ure being held in the P. M. ehuroli. Rev. S. T. Nicholas, of Maha noy City, will occupy the pulpit thib even ing. All are cordially invited. UwuglilMg I.ouiU to tiwumpttOH. Kemp's Balaam will stop the oougb at Tweive I'hutiM fur 50a. My Mfidlug u your cabinet, together with $0 eetvta, we will fiuiah you ono doaeu pliotee. U.S-tf W. A. Kbaoky. Best photographs and craYeiu at Dabb'e. POLITICAL POINT&. A Vv I'amgraphii Hearing t'pou th Ap" pr.Meliina; KleotlDn. The local Democratic organ says tin lr mans are not kicking aa severely as ihe IIkhaui says they are. People who will nt see can't see aud those who will not hear can't bear, but a deaf aud blind man hboulil lie able to eonipTthoud the stand tncOur' mans have taken. 'The Hermans will get their sharenex ear," says our ' Democratic contemporary. That bait has been held out to tho (lermoau so lung it has become stale and smells bad. In Mr. W'eidinnn the ieoplo will tiara a Receiver of Taxes of whom they eati feel proud. He Is a business man aud properly S owner of wide aud favorable reputation. If tho Borough Auditors aro as seiwilltu a the AVtvs makes them llioy aro foolikh. If the Citizens' party candidates had not bea annulled with nomination papers the Audi- ins would have been bound tu decline In piece their names on the ticket. To 4 otherwise would be a violation of the law. Mr. Daniel Neiwender announce he Is A candidate for County Cimmisiouor and to havo the announcement; of the lIstALU that his brother, William, was a candidate for the office, correctid. We make the norrcctiou cheerfully, but wisli it distinctly underslooJ that the Incorrtct announcement was mad upon the positive statement of William Neiswendcr that lie, and not'wl, was tho candidate for tho office. Wo wish to set our selves right In the matter and leave Hi J blame for the error where it belongs. John Watson, the Citizens' candidate for Chief Burgess, is a strong man. There is not n thing that cm be brought against him. His honesty is beyond question and his reputation, both private and public, is tntV that none can conscientiously entertain a fear that if he is elected chief official of the borough the affairs of the town, so far a his; authority ill extend, will not be well oanf for. It is bad policy for tho Irish Democrats t itttciupt to deter tho Germans from acliux independently in borough nllalrs by threaU of vengeance in the fall election. It should be remembered that the German voters in. the Unions and other sections of Ihe counky cut quite a figure in county polities. It was David Hughes, and not Cliarlt Gibson, who received the nomination for Judge of Eliction in tho First ward on the Citizens' ticket. It seems very strange that the Democrat! editor of tho A'ews helped to nominate th Citizens' ticket in the Third ward and thta abuses tlie Germau Democrats because they intend voting that ticket. The columns of the Herald aro open to all oltieus, irrespective of party, in advert ing tho claims of themselves or their friends for office. Tho rates ate tho same to all 18 Cents Tier lino for tho first inrirltrvn atd i cents per lino for oaetS subsequent insertion run1 in udvauee from parties with whom vrffl have no running accounts. USE DANA'S SARSAPA1ULLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." See the struggle on the cliff in "She Couldn't Marry Three." At the theatw to morrow evening. War on I'.i.ves. Foxes have becurao so numerous in this section tlie paet few years, and the bounty pn. each scalp being only one dollar, very littl interest has been taken in fox hunting out side of a few who hunted them for the sport. As an Inducement to interest others in tho chase aud endeavor to wipe out theMjdestroy ing pests, Mr. George W. Beddall offers $1 in addition to the bounty for each fox shot for the next two months on the mountains nertk of, and within a distance of three miles of Shenandoah. One of tho most eilectlvo ways to protect game is to rid tho forests of the numerous foxes, minks and weasels, who am the most destructive element and greatest enemies game birds and animals have. Kollrely Mltlnl.lctory. , IV. J. Arkoll, publisberof Judge and Fran Letlies Illustrated Xeuspaper, writes : "Jvdoe Building, ) Cor. Fifth Ave. aud Sixteenth St., New York, January 14, IbBl.J "About three weeks since, while suffering from a severe col4 which had settled on my chest, I applied an Alloock's Porous Plaster, and in a short time obtained relief. """ "In my opinion, theso plasters should heist every household, for use in case of cough, colds, sprains, bruises, or pains of rny kind, I know that in my case the results have Wi utirely satisfactory and beneficial." A genuine train of esra used in the pro duction of "She Couldn't Marry Three." At, the theatre to-morrow evenlug. The Contest. Be oareful of the ten-day Unit. A number of vots are lost daily. Tbu fSUituAf Una L...1U ,.....r,. 1 ....1 still it is very warm. It is the favorite teacher that is kejMC voted fur. Don't forget this point. With eaak day the vote increases. Ytt surely have a cholee. There are no more prjttit or better teachers in tbe county. Be' sui to vote for at least two of them. It will be a pleasant trip for the two lueky teachers. Just think of it! Another beautiful tittle oh i Id's life saved by tha timely mm e.f Ur, Ouxe's Wild Cherry and Seoeka. It had a dangerous attack of Croup. Sellout Hoard Meeting. A regular monthly meeting of tfe firhial lfcwrd will be beld to-m arrow swing. A VqJob Prom Florida. Dr. W. V. MVnllUl. I.I V.1 ftB (nmlrln 81 Hag Oil to ob el tbe nasi sWl urnaiMu., Meumitia Hd email r Oil ooMs x aeuta. Kakl at V. P. D. tirnivs unig store.