The Herald. tiPimtin 11 11 or.iTPii UXflinnu It. 11. OIulEiffl. 7 Lehigh Valloy Division. First National Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. THE ELECTION OF Mfl RTI N TWrtJIBlWV DAILY, SUNDAY HX01UTBD WKKM.Y, HVS31T SATUllllAT. jt.A. nomu .... it a, ho ib.. ....... n: tr. waiiuxs.., jr. k. nomK , VropHei-or ...HJIInr and l'iMMur r.l Hffur ...-.. IIimIii mi) JranH" T! lirarusa IIkkii.d han a larger otrculv Mi hi WiMUHMloati tSa any other ( pper pb 4MMa, Rooks opw to all. SUBSCRIPTION RATE' liAMUi, xir year W 00 Wiaur, per yer 1 GO Ailitrtltlnu ItitWt, TrWMtent, 10 con Is per lino, first insertion ; S MUt Ho each anbsenucnt insertion, Kales frTtnUr advertising oanbehad onjappllcK Vm xi (he oflloe ur 1)7 mall. JtnlwedjAt the I'o.-Holtloe, ut Shenandoah, Pa., tor tr.MiimlMiuii tbrftugh the .mails at seoond-olaas mall matter. Vara fur your favorite teaohcr. A.DXBKKY flvo jjoiira old Is' astoif lihlug the natU03 Jof Little llock by reading at sight books ;;ln all Inn Kuagoi that Is, on the presumption that the late Tennessee mountain liar hn not crossed "over to 'Arkansas Bat it would astonish a good many of thonotlrsa down there to hoar any biwly read. The salary of tho President of the United Statci is $50,000 a year. It is a big sum, to he sure, but a mure baga telle oomparecl with the salaries paid some of tho aoions of royalty in ISurope. Tho Prince of this, or the Duke of that, whose entire domain doen not exceed in siKaonenf our I'enu sylvania countlos, receives twice aud sometimes thrice, the salary of the President of this 'great country. The jwoplo are, of course, taxed to meet moU demands upon their purees or property, and the wonder Is that they Uo not rebel. Hut they appear to have berime aoeustomd to It and henee "grin and bear it," though It must lie evident that they are so circumstan- evxl ttaxt they have no alternative but to submit. Iy Mr. Cleveland carries into effect his expressed determination to make his administration, e-txontlally a busl me?B instead of a political one, it will be a marked innovation upon the uuatom prevailing in his previous ad ministration, and the result will be looked forward to with deepest inter est by the country Renerully. The opinion of tho President-eleotis, that "this is a time when business men are needed. The questiono before the American people, are questions that can be solved bv business men. Ite forms in the tariff will bo easily aeoomplished if plain, practical busi noss men are selected." This will not b cheering news for those who have based their claim to appointment in oiBee on the fact of their having ren dered special political service, but who lack the qualifications required for tho efficient discharge of the duties of the positions they seek. A OLiiRK of a bank in one of the in terior towns ol this state, who one year ago iled with some thousands ot the bank's money, has returned. When he lied it was to New Za!aud, but had no sooner settled in Auck land that he had to run, not stopping till ho reached Sidney. But there wm no rest for him in that city. He had to leave in such hu3te as to aban don la is trunk. Then ho went to Ohlaa, but the hand of the law kept reaching out for him, and to escape it took flight to India, but it was still after him, and turning on his trucks, he came to England, and then to the United States, surrendering himself. He was tired of the chase over land and sea, haunted by the presence of of tho law. He has not much of the money left, but he is rich in exper ience, which ought to be useful to .others, who, tempted as he was, im agine as he did that one can defeat the -world's detectives. Bo fab 21 persons have paid with their lives for their error in venturing too close to thorallway wreck at Alton inaction, through either curiosity or a with to lend any help which might -be needed. Itin singular that in the orowd which the burning wreck attracted there was no one to warn the reet of the peril there was in the Hamee eo near the tanks of oil. But perhaps that warning was given, aud and not heeded. That I fairly prob able. A orowd at an exciting lire usu ally acta ae if it had lost not only ita reaaou but It Instinct of self-preaerva-Uoji. The thought of those 21 lives goto out in agouy is dreadful, but it to almost ae dreadful to think that when another wreck occurs under sim ilar circumstances there will be Just at) big a crowd as it to be wrapped in flames. A big fire never occurs in a oJty but there is a throng ready to rtteh In where there are perils as deadly as those before which men have hesitated on the battle field. The marvel is that there are few such records of death to be made as that one at Alton Junction. Keep away from the burning tanks and blazing walls. Let not this lesson at the Junction be wasted, j Mrs. Lease Renounces Popu lism in Consequence. ITS 1!1'F1!(.T ON Till! U. 8. SKNA'I'J! DentorraU Say 1 liclr l'nrly lit 'ow An- nrtMl of Control Affcrr March I Fruit, loss KIToru to Ktnut Senator In Mituy Wnnliini StNteft. Topbica, Kun., Jan. 28. Sirs. Lease aul Mrs. Dlitg, who have lweii promi nut in the rowioila of the Populist part)', who took au native part in the campaign, and whom: work is recognized hr having lieon a itoteiit factor In the Pop ulist success, are furlmir. over the elec tion of Martin a Senator. They thought ii stalwart Populist ought to liare been elected. "You can say for me," paid Mrs. Least to a reporter this morning, "that the election of Judge Martin Is a death blow to tlio Populist party in Kansas. I ru tiouucc my allegiance to it. " Mrs. DiggH said: "When the Populist party elected Judge Martin hh Senator it committed huloide. From its ashes, however, will arise a now party not to be dominated by political trickstors, which will carry out the will ot tho people." ToruKA, Kn., Jan. 20. When tho Lc islaluro mut in joint session the Itepubli- can members of both House and Senate declined to answer to their names as the roll wni called. Nlnety-ono persons roaponded to their mimes, eight more thau a quorum. Elev en ot those were members ot the Populist House, and had got their seats through contest proceedings. The rehiilt of tliu rote as finally an nounced wusi Martin,85; Coburn,4; Ban na, 1; Snyder, 1; Close, 1. President Daniels announced that as Judge John Martin had received a major ity of tho votes he had been duly olected United States Senator. Before this was done Senator Baker (ilep.) demanded that the Itepuhlicaiis hare a right to vote. The President ruled that luo vote hav ing linen announced no further votes could be received. The Populist joint session at onco dis solved, aud Senator Baker offered a reso lution which het forth that 10 persons who voted In the joint Session had no le gal right to a seat, und calling upon member to meet and olect a Senator. Speaker Douglas was promptly olected Chairman ot the Republican joint session atter the resolutions were adopted. Ad ineffectual ballot was then taken, the vote beinir: Aly, 77; no quorum be ing present an adjournment was taken. The Itepublicans claim that Martin's election is illegal, inasmuch as it was participated in by a Houso whose organ ization they allege to bo unconstitution al. That question, however, will have to he Buttled by the United States Sen ate when Mr. Martin appears with his credentials. DEMOCRATS ARE JUBILANT. Xliey llAlleto ihrtt aiartlu's Election UIvpk Them tl 0. S. Senate. WAsmsoroN, Jan. 20. Thero is gen eral rejoicing among Democrats at the Capitol over the newB announcing the election of Judge Martiu to the Senate from Kansas. The fact that Judge Martin is a Demo crat and received n majority of tho votes of the Legislature which has been recog nized by the Governor, assures tho Judgo ot tho certificate, which will give him a prima facie right to tho seat of Senator Perkins. Democratic Congressmen congratulate themselves thnt their party Is now prac tically assured ot the control of the Sen ate atter March 4 next. THE NEBRASKA CONTEST. Senator ruddock' Friends Not Con till cut of Success. Lincocn. Neb., Jan. 20. There is little change iu the Senatorial situation save there is a oold feeling between Senator Paddock and John 1L Thurston. Thurston's friends say that their man was forced to withdraw because Senator Paddock used his Senatorial influence- with the Union Pacific of which road Mr. Thurston is general solicitor. The result is that Paddock's friends nre not as sanguine ot success as they were, for Thurston's men nre up in arms at what they deem an unfair advantage taken ot their clilel. The failure of the Capital National Bank aud the involving of several State officers therein ia causing the Senatorial struggle to retire to the rear. The Fight In Wyoming. Chbybssb, Wya, Jan. 20. The latest voto on the Senatorial question does not bring tne problem any nearer solution than it was before the vote was cast, The Democrats seem to be veiling their Intentions by giving complimentary votes. Tne ultimate choice will proba bly be Judge Corn or W. H,Holliday, un less the Populists unite upon one of their number imd Insist upon holding out for him. Jloitfattn's Senatorial Doadloclc. Hexkna, Mont., Jan. 26. Only 04 of the 71 members of the Legislature re sponded to their namta in the joint aes fioiu Several pairs were announced The vote stood: Sanders, uu; Clark, Dixon, 11; Collins, Vi. No Change In the Voting In Wunlilneton Oltmpia, Wash., Jan. 20. The two ballots taken for United States Senator resulted in no change. 16 KILLED, 30 INJURED. A Fana;er aud I'lflaht Train Collie In llunslu. St. Pxtkkbbvbo, Jan. SO.- A passenger train on the railway from Wllna to Minsk yesterday ran into a freight train that bad beeu stopped by a ueavy snow bank In front of IU Fifteen persons were killed and thirty criously Injured. Vourliros' SucceMor. Nw York, Jan. 20. Edward Van Etten, at present superintendent ot the I to in e. watertown as ugu&nsuurg rail road, ha lweti appointed general superin tendent of the Kew York Central roau. Ilnlfonl' Nomination Confirmed. WAsniNOTON, Jan. 26. The Senate in executive session yesterday conurmea tho uouiiuation of Elijah W. Halford to be major aud paymaster in the Unluid (States army. AESOLIiTEOf PURE MR. M'COMAS CONFIRMED- The Vole, Aftr 1'onr Hour of Debnta, Htontl 3 X lo 13. Washington, Jan. M. For the first this session them was a protracted strug gle in the oxecutlvn seasion of the Senate over a Prmldential nomination, that bf Louis McCoinaa, ox-secretary of the National Republican osmiulttee, to be Associate Justice of tho Dint riot ot Co lumbia : Supreme Court. With Li a few days utter tho reception of tho nomination the opposition began to develop iu the shape of various more or leas vague charges touching the business integrity ot the nominee. esterday the Senato went into execu tive session with a determination on the part of tho Kepubliuaii Seuatoru to secure the confirmation of tho nomination before adjournment. The case was in charge of Senator Mitchell, of OrogoD, who, in behalf ot tho Judiciary Committee, moved that tho nomination bo confirmed, luo opposi tion, however, desired to be heard, mid was heard at length. More thau four hours were consumed iu the debate. Tho oppo.-ution to the nominee in the Senato win based almost entirely upon the ground that Mr. McComus was not a resident of the District. When It came to u vote there was no attempt to lilibvster, aud the rosult was decisive, the vote standing 31 for con- UrmatLou to 11! for the opposition. CATHOLICS IN THEUNITED STATES. The 1803 Directory l'Juoo Tiiolr Number ut 8,H00,OU6. New Youk, Jan. 20. Advance sheets ot the Offlcial Catholic Directory for 18J3 have just been issued. The Catholic population Is givou as 8,- 800,093 to whom spiritual guidance is givou by 14 uvchbishops, 7 bishops, 9,397 priest, ot whom 0,03t are Micular and 2, 4415 are regular priests. There are 8,477 churches, 3,485 stations and 1.7GJ chapeU. The l.oio students for the socular prlostliou I are uduoatod iu 38 semiuat-les. J.liti"arul7 oollugas, 057 noiMeniles and 'J.ti-il parochial schools; 728,203 children attend tlie parochial schools, 20, 533 orphans aru cared for iu 243 orphan asylums, beside which Micro are 403 other churitablo institutions. Paupers Held ut New York. New Yohk, Jan. 20. Thtrty-ono second class passengers on board the Rod Star steamship Waeslaud were transferred to Ellis Island for examination. It was found that four of the men were on their way to Pennsylvania under oontraot. Twenty-ono were ponuilosa and six had not sulllcient money to permit their landing. The contract laborers and thu paupers wero held. nob Utm for Broach of I'romlflo. OcriAif GnovE, Jan. 20. Mrs. Nellio Crano-Van Nortwlck ol Asbury Park, the niece of the late Bishop Peck of the M. K. Church, has beguu suit for breach of promise against Robert liolbrook, a con tractor and builder at this place. She asks for $10,000 damages. Newport Harbor tfreo of Ice NEwroirr, It. I., Jan. 20. The ico blockade in the harbor id a thing ot thu past, and the harbor is practically freo ot ice except in close proximity lo some ot the wharves, where solid Ice still remains. NEWS OK THE DAY. -Parker & Hanson, merchants of As toria, Ore., have failed; liabilities, $50, 000. Extraordinary precautions against the Cholera have been taken at City of the Mexico. Thoma9 Cheney of Bradford, Pa., com mitted suicide at HornollsvJlIe, N. Y., yesterday, by taking laudanum. The annual festival ot the St. Lawrence International Musical Association opened last night in Ogdunsburg. N. Y. A bill will be introduced iu tho New York Legislature to-day embodying the Ylews of Gov. Flower in regard to the construction or better roada through out tho State. It is stated by members of his family that Uishop FUllllps iirooks uiou without making any will. It is estimated that his real and personal proporty cannot fall far short of $750,00a Tho Customs Department of the Do minion has granted the petition ot Canadian wheelmen to admit free the wheels of visiting American cyclists, when known to uo uona uue tourists. Attorney-General Itosend.ilo announces that he will begin quo warranto notion in the Supreme Court to oust Isaac W, Sberrlll trom the oitloe of Oounty Treas urer of Dutohess oounty, New York. A party of 100 skaters had a narrow es cape two days ago from being drowned while seating on tue usiaware near Uaiu deu. The skaters, who were ou a large oake ot ice, were carried down the river. A tug rescued them. WoMttiar fo;tiaic WASHtKarOK. I). C Jan. M. tor New Bn-p land: Pair, colder, northwesterly, shifting to southeasterly wiuiU, For Eastern Now Tork, Battarn I'unylva nla, New Jersey, Delaware anil MarylutUi Pair, northerly winds, booomloy variable. For Wasteru Now Vura and Western I'snn- aylvauia: Ilaio, followed by clearing wuather except at lake stations, oold wave, shifting northwesterly wluas. NMW VOltIC .1I.VUICKT9. New York. Jan. 36. Money on oaU was easy at 1 1-3 anu s t-per uuuu BONDS olosino ruiCHi. 17. 8.1s. r H31-3 v.a.a.0 uji-j STOCKS OliOsiNO. IIO.OM. ! lllllllllll 133 Delaware, Liosawanui & Western..,, 1&41-J Kne L rMoproforred...,, W Ijikuakoro 1,J0 THE TRIALS WERE FAVORABLE. Certain Novt that the lliinoroft Will ISxoead Contruot Kequlromenttt. Washington, Jan. 20. Private advices received at the Navy Department from Newport state that the preliminary trials ot tho practice vessel Bancroft this week were favorable in tho highest degree and it is certain that tho vessel will greatly exceed her contract requirements. Tho highest run of tho Bancroft over the measured mllo was 11 knots, or two knots more than required by the con tract. This will give the builders, the Moore's of Elizabeth, N. J., a premium ot about $10,000. Tho l'ciulon 11111. Washington, Jan. 20. Tho now Pou- nion bill as framed by the majority of tho sub-committee does away with pen sion agencies throughout the country and provides lor payment ot pensions by checks directly lrom tue treasury lie partinont, aholishea examinations ot ap plicant by surgeons and provides for tho appointment ot 150 special examiners to hereatter make examinations. The "WUroiHln tjenatorshtp. MAritsox, Wis., Jan. 20. The joint ses sion ut the L.'gislaturo met yesterday for the election of a United States Senator but no selection was made. John C. Snoouer received 50 votes, tne joint Re publican strength, each of the Democrats voting for a Democrat from His District, Another joint convention will bo held to day and each day until the caucus makos a selection. T'rvight Vrelc Near Slatlngtoii, 1'a. Lkiqhton, Pa., Jan. 20. An east-bound coal train on the Lehigh Valley railroad collided with the rear of n passenger tratu about throe miles west of Slating- tou yesterday, completely wrecking tho engine ot the former and about sixty coal cars, liotn traoKs were ousiructeu ana traffic suspended for about ten hours. Assistant Wlielpley to ltesls. WAftitiNfiros. Jan. 211. When Treasurer Neboker returns to Washington from In diana, James W. Whelploy, tho Assistant Treasurer ot the United States, will re sign his position. Mr. Wlielpley will become nrst vice-president of the Amen can Security & Trust Co., of this city. Hunrie Strike Acln On. Mukcie, Ind., Jan. 20. Tho Bwiteh men's strike that has been on in the Lake Erie & Western yarda at this place for the past two weeks, and which was tlioiieht to have been settled, has broken out anew and it is believed will finally develop into a general tie-up. To bo Presented To-day. WABniNGTOS, Jan. 26. The new Rus sian Minister Prince Coutiicusene will be presented to tho President to-day. He is about 45 years of ago and is a descend ant of the Empress Constantino. Mr. David 21. Jordan ol Edmeston, N. Y. Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless A Comvleta Cure by HOOD'S SA11SAFA11ILLA. . This Is from Mr. D. M. Jordan, a re tired farmer, and one of the most re spected citizens of Otsego Lo., JN. Y. " Pniiriin venrs niro I had an attack of the gravel, and have since been troubled wltli my Liver and Kidneys gradually growing worse. Three years ago I got down so low that I could ncnrcely wullt- T Innkori mnrft lilcn a enrmo than a llvlntr belnc, 1 had no appetite and for live weeks I nte nothine but urncl. Iwas badly emaciated and had no more color than it mnrblo Maine liners K!,rNflnfl.rlilA wa recommended and 1 thoiiElit 1 would try it. Before I had .finished the first bottle I notloil that I felt better, sul-fAi-A.1 lAaa Utn Inftimimntlou of the bind. ..i,r,i uni.vUlnii timnnlor becrnn to return to my face, and I begun to feci liunsry. After I had taken three botUes I could oat anything without hurting me. Why, I got so hungry that I had to eat 5 times a day. I have now fully recovered, thanks to Hood's Sarsaoarilia I feel well and niu well. All who know me marvel to see me so well." 1). H. JORUAy, H00D'8 PILL8 are the belt afUr-dluner mils iitit dlfMUoa, cure baaoaene anu diuoiuumi. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT (Christ Bossier's old stand.) Main and Coal hih., HliciiHiulonli Bestbper, ale and portr on tan. The finest oranas 01 wouaeys una cigars, rooi room ut. tacnea BUSINESS CHANGE. A very sui cessful Oorporatlon wants an Agent to represent It In Hhmandoah. Will pay at least 1160 par mouth. Business Is endorsed by llani-s and loading commi-rdul houses. Agent musi invest 1 which is luuy seourea k neddllne. A cba 00 of a lifetime to obtain good paying business from tbe start. Address lor p rucuiars 'tucwTl iUATiON," r. o, uox ixa, new Yoric. i-s-t2t-t,ts, Anthracite coal used ox oluBivcly, Insuring cloanll ness and comfort. Arrangement of passenger trains Dec. 1, 1831. PasftftriLrer trains leave Shenandoah for I'cnn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Lc- hlgbton, Slatington, White Hall, Catasauqua, Allentown, lletnlolicm, Kaston, Philadelphia, Ilazleton, Weatherly, Quakake Junction, Del ano and MahanoyClty at G.0I. 7.40, 8.08 a m., 1Z.I,3.1U, D.Z7 p.m. For New York, 6Si, 9.08 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, h.S! p, m. For Iittzloton. WilkoB-Ilarro. Wh to Haven, Plttston, Lacey vlllo, TowanUa, Sayre, Waverly, ISlmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls and tho West, 10.11 n. m., (8.10 p. in., no oonnoctlon for Itochos- inr. HtiriA n or Ninimrn i aiifli. h.uh d. m. For llelvldere, Dolawaro Wator Qap and strouasburg, o.w a. m., p. m. for iamuerivuie ana iTUEion, v.vo a. m. For Auburn. Ithaca, Geneva and Lvons, 10.41 a. m.. 8.IB n. m. ior j eauesviue. revision ona ueaver mbbuow. .40, B.0B a. m.. bJR, 8.08 p. m, A ..j4a..k1aI irn.lotnn U.AAlrtnn anA f.nm. ber Ynrd, 0.01, 7.10, 8.08, 10.11 a. m., 12.5S, 3.10, .27 n. m. For Soranton. 0.01. 9.03. 10.41 a.m., 8.10, 6.27 p.m. ior uazicnrooKfJcaao. uriucn anu r reeiuao, ui, 7.1'J, v.uo, iu.41 a. in., is.iw,, o.n p. m. For Ashland. Glrardvillo and Lost Creek. 4.27, ,46,8.52, 10.16 a. m., 1.00, 1.10, 4.10, 0.35, 8.10, 8.15 p. m. For Itaven Hun. Centralla. Mount Carmel and Sliamokin, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.10. 1.10, 8.07 p. m. For Yatesvillc, Park Placo, Mahanoy Ulty aca ueiano, e.ui, 7.4U,, iu.ti a m.,, a.iu, .ui. v.&i. iu.h rj. m. Trains will leave Shamokln at 7.55, 11.55 a. m., .10, 4.30, p. m. and arrlvo at Shenandoah at .ua a. m.,, 3,iu, p. ra. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville. 6.50. 7.40. 8.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 4.10, 6.27, 8.03 p. m. 0.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. in., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 8.30 n.m. l.cave anennnuoaa ioriiu7.ieuju,D.m, i.w.v.uu, 10.41 a. m., 12.53, 3.10, 6.27, 8.03 p. m. Leave Ilazleton lor Shenandoah, 7.89, 8.16 11.00 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 5.30, 7.10, 7.53 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Ashland. Olrardville and Lost Creok, 7.29, 8.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. ra. f or YfttPiViue, Jfara i-iaco, mnnanuy uuy. Delano, Ilazleton, Black Creok Junction, Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allontown, Uethlehem, Easton and Now York, 8.40 a. m 2.65 p. m. i' or I'miaueinnia 2 aa p. m. For Yatosvlllo. Park Placo. M ahanov City and Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.55, 4.40 6.P1 p. m. Leave Hazleton tor Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30 a. m.. 1.05, 4.37 p. m. Leavo Shenandoah for Pottsville, 6.50, 8.40, 9.30 a, m., 2.45 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.10 a.m.,1.35, 6.15 p.m. 1 a. Bwx.iu-A.itu, uen. luKr. C. G. HANCOCK, Gon. Pass. Agt. Philadelphia, Pa, A. W. NONNKMACHEK, Asst. Q. P. A. South Bethlehem, Pa. PHILADELPHIA & HEADING It. R. TIME TAUI.E 114 Kl-ITSiUT I4UV. Ill, IDVA. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: Vor Knw York via Phltauelnhia. week davs 108,5.2J.7.18,10.08 a.m., 12.38 2.48,6.53 p.m. Sunday 2.08, 7.46 a. m. For Now York via Mhuoa Chunk, weok days, 7.18 a. in.. 1U.83, S.4S p. m. l''or lieaamg anu I'nuaaeipnia, wecu cays, :.08, 5.23, 7.18, 10.08 a. m.,12.33, 2.48,6.53 p. m. Sun day, 2.08, 7.40 a. m., 4.23 p. m For iiarriBDurg, wcea days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m. 2.4H, o.&3 p. m, For Allentown, week davs, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2,48 p. m. For Pottsville, week days, 2.03, 7.18 a. m., 12.33, 2.48, 6.63 p. m. Sunday, 2.03, 7. 10 a. m 4.28 p. m. l or Tamaqoa anu mananoy uiiy. weeit oaya, 08. 5.23. n. m.,13.33. 2.48. 5.63 p. m. Sun day, 2.08, 7.46 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional for iuananoy uiiy, ween uuys, p. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18 a. m., .48 p. m. For WUUamsport, Sunbury and Lowlsburg, week days, 3.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.68 pm, Sundav. 3.23 a. in.. 3.03 p. m. f or Mnnanoy l'lano, weeK aays, .U3, d.--j, '.18. 10.08. 11.28 a. m.. 12.33, 1.33. 2.48. 6.53. 6.58. 9.33 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 3.23, 7.46 a. m., 3.03, 4.28 p. m. For Qlrardvillo, (Rappahannock Station), wecicaays, z.ub, d.-s, n.i,,, ii.a a. m, 2.48. 6.53. 6.58. 0.33 n. m. Sundav. 2.08. 3.23, 7.40 a. m., 3.03, 4.28 p. m. For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 3.23, 5.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.58, 9.33 p. in. Sun- aay, a.i, 7.40 a. m., a.iu p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH: Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days 7.45 u. m 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun' aay, o.w p. m., 11.10 mgm. Lsavo New York via Mauch Chunk, week days 4.00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 7.15 a. m l.eavu x UJiKueipmu, w eeK uuys, iu.wu. m 4.00, 6.00 p. m., from Broad and Callowhlll and 8.35 a. m., 11.10 p. m. from 9th and Green streets. Kunaay, a m., o. m , trom utn ana Qreen. Lcavo Reading, week days, 1.S5.7.10, 10.05, 11.50 a. m., D.t, 7.67 p. m sunaay, a. m. Leave Pottsville, weok days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m. 12.30, 6,11 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2.05 p. m. Leave Tamanua. week davs. 3.20. 8.4S. 11.23 a m., 1.21,7.15, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.13 a. m., 2.50 n. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.45, 9.18, 11.47 a. m., 1.61, 7.42, 9.51 p. m. Sunday, 3.46, 8.12 a. m., a.-ai p. m. T 1,)n,.nnn lllnnn mnnt. Ai a dirt J M 6.M,9.35.10. 10.11.59 a.m.. 1.05. 2.06, 5.20,6.20,7.57,10.10 p. m. aunaay, 2 iu, -i.iw, s.-i a. m., ts.m, b.ui p. in. Learo Glrardvllle, (Rappahannock Station), neeksdavs, 2.47. 4.07. 6.36. 9.41 10.16a. ra.. 12.05. 8.12, .11, 5.20, 6.32, 8.03, 10.10 p. in. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07. 8.38, a. m 3.41, 5.07 n. m. ijeavo wiuiamsport, wcea aays, s.uu,, iz.w a. ra 3.36, 11.15p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. For Baltimore, Washington and the West via B. & O. R. R., through trains leave Glrard Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & R. It. R.) at 8 50, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.56, 5.42. 7.16 p. m. Sunday, 3 DO, B.Ui, ll.-V U. m., 3.00, O, I,;, 7.10 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leavo Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf ana outn street wnart, lor Atlantic Ulty. Weekdays Express. 9 00 a m. 2 00. 4 00. 6 00. p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 5 45, 6 30 p m. rcunaays express, vw, am. Accommoaa tlon. 8 00 a m and 4 30 n m. Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues. Woekdavs Exnress. 4 w, 7 40, v w a m anu iw pm Accommoaatioa, s iu a m ana 4 si p m. Mundays Express, 4 00 p m. Accommodation 7 30 a m and 4 30 p m. C. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l Pass'r fAft I. A. HWEIGARD. Gen 1 Manager J3ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. sciirrrr.KiLr. nrvistoiJ. NOVEMBER 15. 1891. Trains will leave Shenandoah atter the above date for Wiccan's. Gllberton. Frackvillo. Now Castle, fit. Clair, Pottsville, Hamburg, Reading, Pottstown, Pboonlxvllle, Norristowu and Phil adelphia (Broad street station) at 6:00 and'U:4i a. m, una 4; lap. m. on weeitaays. i'ori'Oiia- viue ana imcrmcuiaie siaiions :iu a. m. SUNDAYS. For Wiggan's, Gllberton, Frackville, New uastie, st. uiair, pottsvuie at o:w, :4U a. m, and 3:10 Ti. m. For Hamburir. Readintr. Potts. town, Fhconlxvlllo, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m. Trains leave Frackville for Rbenandoah at 10:40a m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:09 p.m. nunuays, ii:u a. m. aauo:iu p, m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10:16, 11:48a. m and4:40,7:15and0:42p.m, Sundays at 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for I'oitsviue anu nnenanaoau at a bt ana b a m, 4 10 and 7 00 p m week days. On Sundays leave at 6 50 a m. For Pottsville, 9 28 a ra. For New York at 3 20, 4 06, 4 40, 5 35, W, 7 30, 8 20, 8 30, 9 50. 11 00. 11 14. 11 35 a ra. 12 00 noon (limited ex press 1 06 and 4 50 n m) 12 44. 1 35. 1 40. 2 30. 3 30. 1 00, 4 02, 5 00. 6 00, 6 20, 8 50, 7 13, 8 12 and 10 00 p m. 1201 night. Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35, 812. 8 30, 9 HI 1135 a m and 12 41,1 40,2 30,4 08 iiimiiea i ou; o b, o au, o ou, 7 ia anu 8 ix p m ana 12 01 nleht. For Sea Girt. Lone Branch and In. termediatn stations 8 90 and 11 11 am, and 4 00 p m weeauays. v or liammore ana wasmng ton 3 SO. 7 20. 8 31.910. 10 20. 11 18 am. 12 35 Him. lted express, 130,3 46,1 4 41, 6 67,7 40 p m 12 08 uigni. r or r reeaoiu oniy o uu p ra week aays r-or liammore only at a ua. 4 ui, SUB and 11 30 p tn. Sundavs at 3 50. 7 20. 9 10. 11 18 a m. 4 41. 6 hi 7 40 pro. 12 08 night Baltimore only 5 08, 1130 p iu. r or menmonu 72uam, i au n m ana 12 uo nlKlit. Sundays, 7 20 a ra, 12 03 night. Trains will leave Harrlsbure tor Plttsbure and the West every day at 12 25 and 310 am and (limited 3 00) and 3 40 p m. Way for Al toona at 8 15 am and 4 10pm every day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 1120 a m everyday Trains will leave Sunburv for WllHamannrt. Elralra, Canandalgua, Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls at 6 10 a m, and 181 p m week uuys. v or Kimira at o au p m week aays. f or one ouu lutvuueuiuiu iiuinis ai d iu a m uauy w. .... .u,dm .. . u u huh V IU l lii UdliJ, I Oil and 6 SO p ra week days For Renovo at 6 10 a m, 1 35 and 5 30 n m week days, and M0 a ra on Sundays only. For Kane at 6 10 a m, 1 85 p m 0. II. Ption. J. it. Wood. Gen'l Manager Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt BAN TH15ATHK BUILDING, UlieiiaiiUoiili, I'cmia. CAPITAL,- V. W LEISENRINCJ, President. P. J. rEHQUSON. Vice ProalilenV J. It. LKIBENBING, Cashier. H. W. YOST, Assistant OasliUr Open Daily From 9 to 8. 3 PER CE1TT. Interest Paid on Savings Deposit. K'JQIVorth FonriU HI. fJOO bclov Qreen, I'MlfrlelpMa. jUTER tbe fnmllj pbjilclan, tha k pllul and tdverttnlDg docton hav r9lt4, Rwctl quack ho promiae to euro yon truT all ottien full, tad to lire to a written guaranue, free idvkxw trcauiicnt; aad afur the b.-lt fcwtnOor, tbo pill mtnufiicturvrp, with tlitlr M oalleil wnlos, nwloritlYM, Ubleli, top- etc , to , in? e nwinfUM and robhfdywi, THEIf bo And coti(.'ilt 1)11 O, F. THEHU . (he hfimn euro nMtlIin. irho bM bad 0 ;eari' CaropeAn Bosplt&l aid 26 jeatV ftwl- cal xpi.rienoe. Be eiamiavd by bim. 11' nill'-BndldljteUyoa whether youraast Is curable or not. II 'ioetuotg'juraitee.aor don be claim to bedod'a eqntl, but bodtii cure the incst4fl' Ferate cae of fiyphUU, Ulcers. BtricturM, Gonorrheal olson, tod DlaciArgei. t-utH-UTi ft'm Melancholia vd dnwnbeartedDCHH, end all them aiwnr pd from eftucu of youtlUW Indlacretton, of imtti netrn, n Hiirc er a o re. Uemeaiber, UR THEEL dnf eurn bat all uihmi wily Halm todo. XiK THCEL vitt commoQ stoe tn ntmcnt. Mi coraWuf the Ml palblo, Ilouioeoitutlitc, nod Kilnctic fyilcDiiof medicine wacr rer tboy are indici-ted. Ilnun Dully, y to 8 o'clock t Ingi, fa to 8 , Wed. and Bat CTt ulnjt frtmt 6 u 10 o'clock I Sua duva, 9 to 12. Send H) cut. rrth vt -2tt etitmri Tor Lock "truth," tbo only true niPdlen) ho-'k tdit'rtlfted,a friend te ti.1, JouoK.and mlddle-nited of Iwili isre Wrltoor call, AVOID octors warning you ngalriBt tr.etlical bo4kt, tbiy ore afrtiliytt y, find their iRnoranoe -Kpnwd ItKtf) lr Tbwl'a twit ttoniaU In WednetUey'i and bat a rd ay rhUailLiijbU Tan. USED BY ALL ROOFERS. 3". G-. 3EE33!iE,SS1IS2Li,SJ ELASTIC Rubber Cement ! For Slate, Tile, Tin or Iron Roofs. Sold in all size packages from 10 pound) up. Pointing un and repalrine all oracked iolnts on all kinds of roofs, and around chimneys, coping stones, skylights, dormer windows, gutters, wood or stono work, breaks and nail holes, or any place to be mado wat -r-tltht; un equalled for laying and bedding 8LATE AND uuub'b, aiso copings, iney win never leak or becomo loosened- It is very adhesive, slicks firmly to anything, forming a tough, leather-llko skin over the top, will not ma or loosen from Joints or cracks, summer or wta tcr. This cement needs no reference, it has stood the test lor thirty-two years, and nevor falls to give perfect satisfaction. It is Uio most useful article a roofer can have In his shop. Tho cement Is prepared ready for use. au-. is to bo applied with a trowel, and Is kopt moist by keeping covered with watir or oil, and will not get stiff or dry. Colors, brown and black. (Kstablished 1860 ) Address, j. u. iiut.iLi, do maine u, newars, n. J. TWICE TOLD TALES! Are sometimes a bore, but when the people are told twice that at Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store they can buy Flour and Tea at lower rates than any wht-re in town they are glad to -iest the truth of the oft repeated story. He also keeps on hand full lino of Groceries, Fresh Butter and Eggs, Po tatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store I (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. CHAS. ZALLA Respectfully notifies bis friends that he will opon a new store at Corner Jardm and Oak Streets, Where he wl keep a full stock of Green Groceries, Clgrj, Tobacco and Candy. Poul try and all kinds of game In season '. Oystora anrl 3Tislx. Open Monday, November 21 Saloon : and : Restaurant ' 115 N. WHITE STREET. First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Por'er ar.d Tom peranoe Drinks aui Cigars. Fmo oiu W'r.on and Liquors always on mind. U. O. FOLMER Pros Hess' Livery Stable, n8 N. filnrlcct Alley. NEW BUGGIES AND HARNESS, SAFE DORSES Finest turnouts In town. Would be pleased to reoelve a share ol the punllo patronage jj- U. I1URKE, ' A TTORNSY-A T-liA W BlIIHASUOill, PA, Offices Room S, P. O. Uoilding, Bhonindoih and JCaterly BuUdlng, Pottsville, BE,