The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 25, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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ft' .
Find no difficulty in
securing what thoy
require for their ta
bles at our stove.
Comer Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
ptnlng of the llrnillnc ItallroiKl'ft Srrr
Passenger Depot In I'hllailrlphla,
Tie General Passenger Department of the
Reading Railroad announces that on anil
after Sunday, 2!)tu inst., the trains of the
Heading division, now running out of and
inl the Thlrtiicnth and Callowhill street
depot, will depart from and arrive at ho new
Terminal station, corner of Market and
Twelfth streets. The new building, when
eanplcteri, will be tho mst magnificent rail
way structure in the country. In its present
unfinished state it will bo used only for the
Id Thirteenth and Cullowhlll streets trains,
the station at the latter joint being nbau
4ened no far as passenger traffic is concerned.
Several weeks iv ill probably elapso beforo the
ew edifice is rendy for tlio trains noir
mailing to and from Ninth and Green
streets. For tho present, the entrance and'
exit will be on the Twelfth street side of the
station, between Slarkct and 1'ilbert streets
Another Kiectrle Charter.
Governor I'attison yesterday granted a
charter to the Lakeside Street Railway Com
pany, which has been organized to connect
th several towns in this, Luzcrno and Car
hon counties with the famous summer resort
from which the railway takes its name. Tin
capital stock of tho company is .150,000.
John F. Finney, president; O. A. Kcim,
secretary; S. W. Yost, treasurer; John Grant,
R. J. Tost and II. C. Boycr.l incorporators.
Capital to build the road has already been an
Htiffntss In the ncclx or joints may bo in
stnntly relieved by a few application's of Sal
Tattoo Oil. It is cheap, sato mid reliable
S!5 tents.
Neekties, mufflers and silk handkerchiefs
In all the latest and most approved styles and
fct eseecdingly low prices at the Peoples
tore. 12-15-tf
Best work done at Brennan's Steam Laun
dry. Everything white and spotless. Lao
ertaina specialty. All work guarantee!
Kleh nut Fay' Dramatic Company
A fair-sized audience witnessed Bich and
Fay's Dramatic Company in "Iliclc'ry Farm''
and "Winona, the pride of the Prairie," at
Centennial Hall last evening. The company
is a strong one and is deserving of encourage
ment. There are no drones in it and wa (ail
to Me why the company did not engage tho
Academy of Music and play to popular
prices. Many a company has appeared on
the boards of the Academy that could not
lialf compete with this company, Their
repertoire consists of over a dozen popular
and moral plays, which the most fastidious
might witness. The company consists ol
Chas. E. Homer, Geo. W. Murray, Harry
Itich, Kyrie Kennedy, W. D. Cmlius, narry
T. Donaghy, Alico Rich and May Wallace.
To-night will bo their last appearance here.
On Monday evening they will appear at St.
Clair for one night, after which they will go
to Frackville and other towns north of the
mountain. Potisrillc Chroniele, Jan, 10th.
The above company play a two-night en
gagement at Ferguson's theatre commencing
this evening.
"I've used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in ray
family for a lone while and wouldn't bo with
out H. I know H'h a good medicine. John
Harrison, t'ostmastcr, uuyton, Kfflngham Co.,
Buy your child a pair of robber boots
They will cost you but 90 cents at the I'eo.
pies' store, 121 North Main street 12-15-tf
Holdernian's jewelry store leads as ever, tf
When Baby was glek, we gave her Casterfa.
When she was a Child, she cried for Cattoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Cartoria,
When she had Children, die gave them Costoria.
rrnlmtile 1'ittul Injurirn.
Steve Stviirlz, a Polish miner residing on
West Centre street, met with an accident at
Turkay Run colliory yesterday that may
result fatally. He is under the oare of Dr.
Stein. Swartz was caught between a car and
the timber of a gangway. Several of his
ribs were crushed.
Tho Academy JU-ftauraut.
The Pottsvillc headquarters for Shenan
doah people and others living North of the
Mountain, for hot toddies, hot punches, beef
tea and all kinds of wines and liquors of the
Vast brands, isth Academy Restaurant, John
T. Ceoney, proprietor, M. A. Cooney, assist
ant. to
SpecUele to Milt all eyes, at Portz's book
ud statiouery store, No. 21 North Main
itret. 4-27-tt
Speelut Salt-.
"Dolfab AJframj, and Fan By Slippers at the
Peoples store; 18-15-tf
.My stoek for New Year gifts In Jewelry
and fancy good shall be as complete as ever.
Holdernia-'s jewelry store. 12.8l3tf
The United Mates Impress Company (Oets
ft Ten Years Contract.
A ton years' lease hit been secured by the
United States Express Company to do busi
ness on the e ntlro Reading nnd Lehigh Val
ley Railroad system. During tho past three
years the United States Company hot trans
acted business over the Reading Railroad by
a renewed yearly contract, but now a ten
years' lease has been extended. Including tho
I.uhlgh Valley system which has hitherto
Iteen occupied by tho Adams Express Com
pay. Tho deal, it is stated, not only takes
away iv largo portion of Die business of tbu
Adams Kxpieoss Company, but shuts it out
of a number of large towns which can only
lo reached by the Lehigh Valley road. These
towns inoludn Allentown, Bethlehem, Eaton,
Scrauton, Rochester and others of importance
It Is also Btated that a contract has been
entered into by which the United States Com
pany and tho American Express Company
will exchange business, sneh an arrangement
having oxisted prior to January 1 between the
Ameiican and the Adams companies. Within
tho next ten dys the United States Express
expects to occupy offices in the Reading Ter
tnlnal depot at Twelfth and Market street",
giving the company largely increased facil
ities. It is pridlcted that when the express leasef
on the Boston and Maine and other lines con
trolled by tho Reading shall expire tho United
States Company will succeeded to the busi
ness. C. E. Topping, tho popular and good
natured General Superintendent of the
Atlantic division of tho U. S Express Com
pany, accompanied by a number of assistants
and Superintendent Itlakslec, of the Lehigh
Valley Division of the Reading system, nus
in town yesterday and made arrangements
with Station Agent T. J. Davies to take
charge of the express business February 1st.
Inferences t lYrgnson Costing
The Standard Dramatic Company is the
beet repertoire company which has been seen
here this season: The Yankee drama,
" Uick'ry Farm " is an imnienso success.
Summerviltc Journal. The Staniard Dramatic
Co. will appear at Ferguson's theatre for
two nights commencing this evening.
"tub limited mail."
After this season "Tho Limited Mail,"
Elmer E. Vance's popular piny, will not bo
seen except in the largest cities, where the
company can remain a week or more, the
6cenic and mechanical efftcts 'being' ton
heavy and complicated to warrant it perform
ance in what is known to the profession as
"one-night stands." A force of six stago
carpenters, three propeity msu, and an
electrician is carried by the company. At
Ferguson's theatre on Monday evening, next
John F. Higgins spent the day in Pottsvillc.
Cashier Leisenring, of llazleten, was in
town yesterday.
C F. Heist has again beeome proprietor of
Hotel 1'enn, Reading.
J. K. P. Schcifly and Charles Burehill wen
to Pottsville this morning.
Joseph Lehmler, of Philllpsburp, is visiting
relatives nnd fiicnds in town.
Commercial touiist Heilner, of Philadel
phia, did business with our merchants yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Titman, of Williams-
port, are the guests of Mrs. E. 15. Hunter, of
South White street.
II. J. Kelly, of Ccntralia, paid a visit to
town this afternoon, but did not remain long,
as he was obliged to go to Pottsville.
Ed. McDowell, the genial advance agent of
the Lillian Kennedy Company, is in town
making arrangements for her appearance
here next week.
William Pooler, Councilman and farmer, of
St. Clair, who is Governor or something or
other of the Sons of St, George, was in town
last evening und inspected the local lodge.
Mr. Pooler is on a tour of inspection through
out the state. He is as full of fun as ever
and mnde it pleasant for his fellow Britons
last night.
In n Line or Two,
Pleasant yesterday.
The free library is a buccoss.
' Another slight fall of snow last night.
Shenandoah has little fear of a freshet or
ire gorge.
Dealeis in overshoes did a good business
this winter already.
Revival meetings in the Methodist Episco
pal church arc unusually interesting.
Rev. John Gruhler's lecture on "Palestine"
to-night ought to draw a large crowd.
Thoie was little suffering in town during
the recent cojd snap for waut of iuel.
Rev. Dr. Uellvillc, of Pottsville, preaches
in the Presbyterian church this evening.
Merchants are selling their winter goods at
a reduction to miiko room for spring stock.
A large sleighing party of ladies passed
through town last evening from Mahanoy
There were no lees than half a dozen
runaways ynMirday. None of the sleighs
were damaged.
The local pt office has been oilicially
notified of the fact that it is now under tho
civil service rules.
Orders have been received at the local post
office to weigh all outgoing and incoming
mail matter for 30 days, cumrnencing
February 1st.
A Painful Arcldrnt,
The venerable father of Councilman
Scheifly is suffering from the effects of a pain
ful accident. When about to descend a stair
way from his bedroom ho tripped and fell to
the bottom of tho steps. Mr. Schcitly fell
with such force that his body knocked the
door at the bottom off its hinges and it fell
upon him. Mr. Scheifly was unconscious
when found. Ho sustained several painful
brubecand his friends have foars for recovery
oniaeeunt of his advanced ago. Dr. Hamil
ton is attending him.
World's Fair
rrv. 'zrr. ,
i o Days at the World's Fair
With accommodations at a first-class t blrago hotel, nnd transports JJ
tlon to and from Chicago, Including sleeping herlhs, an free or cost,
To the 2 Most Popular Teachers.
CONTEST CLOSES JULY 1st, 1893, at 6 P. M.
The two teachers who receive the largest number of votos will be tnken
to tbo World's Fair and royally entertained by the Herald. Cut out this
coupon, an! on ttio blxnk Hues write the name of tbo Public School Teacher,
north of tho Broad Mountain, la Schuylkill county, whom you consider most
popular, and sendi' totho 'I'nntett JSMtor, Evening Ilrmld, Shenandoah,
J'a." Kvcry coupon pro:t rly tilled out counts as one vote for one teacher.
Crery person, young or old, can vote, and vote as ttr as they please,
Coupoa nuat be in the ! t the r4ltr wltkla tea (IU) ojb after th
ate it kears.
Nam of Teacktr..
o Residence
Name ol Voter....-
JANUARY 25, im.
Holrtunniin, tho jeweler, will give the feinnlc teadicr receiving the highest
number of voles n handsome gold necklace.
It. .1 Mills, the Pottsville Hatter and Furrier, will give the hidy teacher
receiving the second highest number of votes a handsome set of furs.
Max iteeso will givo tlie teacher receiving the second highest number of
votes a handsome toilet set.
The two teachers who receive the greatest number of total votes up to the olesing houi
abovo stated will be declared tho winners.
All coupons must be cut out ot the Eveniuo Hkhald and seat, stcuiely sealed I euvel
opes, addressed to "Contisl Ktlitor, livening lleiald, Shenandoah, J'a."
Any person residing In any place may vote as often as he or she may desire for one r wiort
teachers engaged in teaching in a public school north of th Broad Mountain at the close of thi
enrrent school term; provided, that any teacher who may have been incapacitated by sickness
or accident for teaching for a period of not more than threo months prior to the end f tlit
term, may also compoto.
Each vote for each tcaeher must be represented by a seperate coupoa.
A coupon bearing the namo of moro than one teacher or spt olfylng more than e vte for
teacher will bo thrown out as void.
A careful record will ho kept of the names of all contestants, and all coupons will beflleo
and kept safe until tho final adjudication. Three prominent atd responsible men of Shenan
doah will he selected to act as Judges, make the final euunt and announce the names of the two
winners. Should thieo or more teachers be Ucd on tho highest number of votes, th Judges will
bo allowed to dtcldo.
Tho names of the winners will be announced on or before Saturday, Julv 15, 1?93. Hhouh)
tho winners bo nbsent fiom Shenandoah av tho tlmo thoy will be informed of theirgood fortuut
by telegraph, so thnt they may start on ihe trip as soon thereafter as possible.
All blanks in the coupon must bo filled out, especially the blank requiring the name of tht
percon voting. Tho number of votes lcceived at this office up to i p. m. each day will be pub
liBhed in tho next issue of tho Hbraltj with the names of the teachers voted for.
A Hall.
The first annual ball of tho National Dem
ocratic Club of Shenandoah will bo held in
Robbins' hall on Monday evening, January
30tb, 18PU. First olass orchestra in attend
ance. Grand march at 0:30 o clock. 1 C5-rt
WANTS. &o.
FOit RENT. Society and club rooms In the
post ofllce building. Apply to M. M. Murlie,
Attorney, Room S. 12-H-tf
IOIt KALE. Livery outfit for sale cheap for
1 rash. Apply to M. P. Coury, No 31 South
Main street. l-J0-tf
FOIt HA f.E. Cheap a heater which is as good
as new. Apply at P. E, .Magarglo's, 11
Kast Ci ntio street, Shenandoah, 1-34 lw
WANTED. A gentleman now visiting town
is di sirous of purchasing a number of
fine specimens of sulphur diamonds Parties
having good hard pieces call at the
IlKllALD office. 1-3-tf
WANTED Two good, modest girls for gen
eral housework. Apply at Peter's saloon,
15 North M.iih street. 1-3) tf
NOTICE. good, sober, industrious young
man. trom 2.J to 40 years old. can go' a
good position by applying to C. J. Qulnii 'li 13.
Centre street, bhenandoah.
17OR WALK. A valuable property on North
J1 White street. A good block frunt two
houses nnd stable back, For particulars apply
at IIF.HALi) ofllce. 1 SJ-tf
VTfT AN I'l-JD. A young man to do lnxldeand
outside worn In a grocery store. Must be
experienced. No other need apply. Address
Vox 110, Mienandoah, I'a. 1-23-lw
mlssion, to handle the new Patent Cheui'
cal Ink Erasing Pencil. Thoquichcst and great
est selling novelty ever produced. Bias' s in
thoroughly in two seconds. No abrasion n
paper. Works lllto magic. 200 to 600 per cen .
prollt. One agent's sales amounted to rtSioiu
six days. Another (33 In two hours. Previous
experience not necessary. For terms and full
particulars, address The Monroe Mf'g Co., La
Crosse. Wis. Yt39 5-34-ly
COAL WANTED. Proposals will be received
until no"n Monday, Junuary 3"), for 160 tons
of chestnut, B0 tons of stove and 'J5 tons ot egg
coal, delivered at the Almshouse coal yard,
Pennsylvania railroad, Schuylkill Haven,
John Ugiigan,
HonitRT Elil.lNO,
W'M. DEIllt,
Board of Poor Directors.
Schuylkill County Almshouse, Jan. 17. '93.
1 20-91
XTOTICE To the Stockholders of tho Heat
IM and Power Company, f-hennndoa , Pa.
At a regular metuinyoi the Boardi.f Direc
tors of this con puny tbo Executive Committee
was authorized 10 uve thirty clays' cotlce to all
stock or Kbare holders that 131(1 shaies of new
stock will be Issued at par value of ten dollars
per share.
First to each present shareholder one share
to each Ave shares held, to all those dt siring to
.subscribe; and it any should not desire to tako
his or ) er proportion then the said balance to
be put up at puhlio sale at the nix', regutar
meeting ot tho Board of Directors.
This increase of stock is necessarv to nro-
vide for the debt contracted lor the construc
tion or tho steam heating plant.
.1. S. CALLI.N.
Sbenaudoan, Pa., Jan. 18, lb93. U9-6t
CJ1 K PAYS for 11 home lot at May's Land'
iliio ing, the line suburb of Atlantic City; 6
squares from It. It.; commutation fare to Phila.,
'Jo cents: has court bouse, hotels, ucnoois,
churches, cotton, paper. cluthlnK. cigar Bash,
brick, und lumbering mills, with finest water
power; flue driving, fishing, gunning, bathing,
soiling; city and country combined; 35 houses
built last year and not 01, e empty; a safe and
suro Investment; 150 invested will increase
saoinemonths; SmlllHDUlH this yoar: lots are
Bo feet above ocean; 10 percent, off for cash;
2 tola for 25: title Insured. Send tor circular.
Frankllr St.. Pntwaeipaia. s au-im
ilaa purchased the best aoDuraius in the mar
kot, und is now prepared to take overy stylo ol
nhotocranhs. views of bulldlncs. machinery
and all kimls ot outdoor work u specialty. Each
nurchaser of one dozen cabinets at M..S0 is pre
sented with a largo crayon ree. This offer is
good until April 1, 1893. Copying and enlarg
ing. Work done at short notlae and low prices.
D BB, N. White St., bBSSSbwc.
Holiday Trip!
."rrrr ,.. x
Political Cards.
-JJIOIl COUNCIL, (Third Ward)
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
JJtOR COUNCIL. (Second Ward)
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
fOU COUNCIL (Second ward)
Subject;to Citizens' party rules.
Subject to Citizens' party rules,
(Third Ward)
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
- (Second Ward)
Third Ward.
0IAT (7. DA VIS.
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
House Painters and Decorators
Havo adopted the following! prices for paptr
hanglng and decorating for 1803,
oiiimcuclitgr aiarcli 1.
Per piece forlirown and Whito Dlanks 12V4o
" ' Gilt Papers 15o
" " Embotsed Papers 18o
" " Decorating Ceilings 18o
" ' Joining or Butting J80
Four Cornices to be charged as I piece 18o
Gluesizlng, perroom Uxltfeet 8O0
Larger and smaller rooms according to size.
Removing old paper and preparing walls, 25c
per hour. All work guaranteed.
No Paper Hung by the Day,
R C, Wbiuhnmoyer, John P. Cakdiw,
R. D B. HAOB.xnncil, Kiianois Dkeqan,
John L., T. W. Conville,
GeougbM. Bovek, Geo. W. Hassleii.
J. IL Mehl, Wm. J Link,
Edward Evkuett.
The recognized wonder of the 10th century, is
now ai uiw itnirm iiouse. corner uentro ana
White Btreetn, t-henandoah. hho reads tho
rttiut. finri fntn.u natnlnln ,n I
courtship and marriage, domestic troubles and
business difficulties. Here for tliort time only.
36 Kntt Centre Street.
The best beer, ales, porter, whiskies, brandies,
wiuw uuu liurai always on nana,
rR. james srEiN.
, physician and aunaBON,
Office and Residence, No. 34 North Jardln
cureei, saenanuoaa.
Great Big Chunks
Whacked Off Prices !
Of Dinner 8tn at the rate of 3 0 1 per oliuuk.
CoinobCB our 112 piece Princess Dinner Mets
t $10.00 easily worth 513.00. Jleiiietiiber, these are
JSuyllsh goods. Look at them, even II you do not wish
to buy. We can nell you a lino Toilet Bet at a
most reauotiable price, either JSiifjIlsb or Amer
ican manufacture. White Granite Cups and Saucers
us low as 40c per set. Odds and ends In Fancy China
of all kinds are going rullly. Come soon if
y -u wish to match up lirokwi sets. Art pot
tery, lumps, stationery, novelties, utc, etc., etc.
Girvin, Duncan &? Waidleys
3 230-U.tll 3VCVl3CX Stl'OOt.
e jostle 1
Few white and colored blrinkcts, ladies' and child
ren's coats, which will be sold regardless of cost.
Come early and secure bargains at
121 N. Main Street, Shenandoah. I
Boots, SS&oe&s Hwcsits' 3Pu3?33 isbings I
' At greatly reduced rates. '
Citizens' liominatini Conventions
Arreeabls to tbn wishes of tho candidates for
office and others of ttio Citizens' party ot Snen-
andoah, expressed Dvvotoaia joint iiieeunK,
the Citizens' Handing Committee has oecided
upon the following programme for holding the
primal ies of tho Uve -wards, and tho Borough
Convention of tho laid party :
Mrst lrard-Kendrick's hotel, Friday even-
Ina, January 27, 8 o'clock.
Second Ward Perguson'B ball, Friday even
ing, January 27. 8 o'clock.
Third IPara' itescuo Hook and Ladder Com
oanv butldinjr. Friday evening, January 27,
Fourth ll'tird Offices of 'Soulie Itvukavrtca.
corntrOak nnd West streets, Friday evening,
January 27, 8 o'clock.
Fifth Ward Schmidt's hall. Friday evening,
January 37. 8 o clock.
Tho IJorough Convention will meet in Council
Chamber on Saturday evening, January 28, at
8 o'clock. Each ward must elect ono person to
servo on an Executive Committee, Bald com
rolttee to have power, for the following jear,
to fix the tlmo and place of the borough ward
The committee men in the respective wards
will call tbo conventions to order
H C. HOYElt, Chairman.
Jas, MoEuihnny, Secretary.
A Knotty
Problem !
Is the Gift question, but
it will be solved by call
G ing at the store of J. P.
I Williams & Son, where
P you will find the most
T desirable presents in the
S Furniture line, Pianos,
Organs and Sewing Ma
chines. j. p.
Williams & Son,
13 South Main St.
Others, ready to put up spring roller,
for 26c, S5c, ioc, 50c and upwards. Par
ties deslrlne onlv the shadlnir or Hi-
tures can be accommodated,
C. D. FfllCKE'S
Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardm Street.
Send their ESe Hpscialist
T SlteiiaudoHli, Wednesday, Feb. jc.
He will bo found at the
Fersruso n House From S:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.
Peisons who have htadacb. or wlrsse eyes are causing dis
tention should .i)l upon their specialist, and they will re
ceive Intelligent and stillital attention. NO C1IAKGI! to ei
umtte yonreyes. iirtry pair of glasses ordered la guaranteed
t he sallsUatorv.
Horse : Ice : Creeper
Sole agent for Schuylkill County.
Hardware, Iron, Oil, Paints, Mes
Horse Blankets, Skates, Sporting Goods.
Hc:itJ quarters For
Florida Oranges
Just received another con
signment of Florida Oranges
that the grower wishes me to
dispose of to make room for
more. I will sell the choicest at
20c Per Dozen.
X24 Blalu Street.
Saloon and Restaurant
Leading Saloon in town
'Jentr and U hltn Ms.,
(Ulokert's old stand)
First-class Eating Bar
Finest Whiskeys in the Market.
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stanO
vVbr ho will be pleaded to meet the vmnta
of his Mends and the publlo In
Swvythlnfl in tho Drinking Lino.
Sporting and Musical Resort I
Second St., GIRARDVILLE. .
Ucsl Wines, iLlquors, Ueers, Ales and 0.
brands ol Clgura always on hand, '
T -