ran TTIWIfM , II J 'I f 1 EVENING VOL. Aai.-NO.331. SHENANDOAH. PA., SATUllDi . JANUARY 121. IH.I3 ONE CKNT. THE HEItALD. A Big Drive 1H NOW ON AT IP. J". 2H South Main U Clearing Sale of Winter joods 1 Gents' rettunderwear that formerly son for $1 will now go at 80c. I Special ale of Blankets. Only a aw more of those de sirable Coats left over which will be jpld regardless of cost. Carpts and oil cloths at the lowestjjrices consistent with first-oss goods. Drps goods, notions, etc. GDSON'B THEATRIC. F, J. FEBOCSOX, MANAOKIV &IIJEDAY, JANLTARY21 ISteiV.Eiont ef the dlstlngwlBtied aotress, Madame Neuville, and her ion, AugustinJ Neuville, The popular' yontiE-oomedian, and their caret till selected company or players In THE BOY TRAMP. With Its wealth of Special Scenery, Btngo Settings, Mechanical Effects, Properties, &c. Prices, 25, 35 and 50 Cents, Reserved seats on sale at Klrlln's drug store DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant Tho leading place In town. Has lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, clean and fresh. The finest Hue o.' Wines and Liquors I Cigars, &c, foreign and do mestic. Free lunch served each evening. Big schooners of f resh.Beer.Porter, Ale, &o. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J. J, DOUQHEItTY, Prop. T. J. O'HAJtEN'S ZBstrfoer Slaop, COR. MAIN AND OAK ST 3. Everything In the tonsorlal line done In first class style. A fine hath room attached. Mi m SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FLOOE OIL CLOTH and So Close Out Surplus Stocha few pieces Floor Oil Cloth, two yards wide, at 50 and 60c. Beg ular prices, 8Sc and $1.00. Linoleum 3 yards wide, 7Sc. Btgular price, $1.00. FOE ltorev Cars JtVo. llimothy Hay. Two Caret Jbine Middlings. One Car Jsancy White Middlings. One Car Pare CJiojiour own make. One Car Fancy Clipped White Oats, Morida Oranges, I'ine, Large Condensed Milk, Extra Quality two cons lor 25 cents,1 Our Directory. jJe POgl' office Shenandoah. Office hours from 7:30 a. m. to7:30'p. m Money Order nnd Registry De partment open from 8:00 a m to 7:00 p. m. Following ts a schedule of the arrival and departure of mall trains. Mull matter for despatch must be In the office thirty minutes netors me time given Deiovr: Arrival. Deltmaliim. Departure. P.M. A.M. 1:40 i:U A.M. F. U. 7:20 12:52 :08 3:08 11:M 8:00 12: 52 :0t 3:08 8:1") l:ai 7:30 7:00 1:35 7:00 1:4 7:00 7:20 2:&ip 11:80 6,20 7:20 2:fn 9:08 11:80 11:80 2:51) 8:01' 7:20 2:60 hlla., Westers 2:So 8:08 8:18 1:40 and 9:0 :45 Southern Statts ts) 1 New York and East- East-1 nd V UK.) J. ern Ktatcs and ( points on L. V 9:0 1:25 9:50 1:20 :08 Asland, QlrardTllle. 1:25 2:29 1:40 2:28 8:18 1:40 2:) 8:18 2:2(1 8:18 8:08 9:&(l llayen Hun, Centra-1 Ua.Mt atrmolandV Hhamokin. ) ( Pottsvllle. 8:60 9:66 Mahanoy City. I Mahanoy Piano, Lost I 9:68 1 Creek nnd Hhaft. 2:91 9:58 i Frackvlllo. Carriers make a general collection at 6:00 a m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery ut 7:15 a. m. and 3:15 p. m. Additional deliveries and collection? aro made In the business part ol town at 10:15 n. m. and 2:00 p. m. Hire Alnrut Hoxes. The following list shows the location i (be alarm boxes of tho Shonandoah Fir Department: LOCATION. 15 Coal and Dowers streets. 15 Bowers and Centre streets. U Ilrldgo and Centre streets. 15 Main and Contre stroeta. H Main and Poplar streets. 35 Main and Coal streets IS Gilbert and Centre streets. 43 Gilbert and Cherry streets. 52 Chestnut and Coal streets. To send an alarm open the box, pull down the hook once and lot go. When an alarm if sent In the Are boll will sound the number of the box and repeat the alarm four times. HOW TO LOCATE ALARMS. If the alarm is sounded from box 15 the Ore Bell will strike one, then pause and strike five which will Indicate that the fire Is In the vicinity of No. 15 box. Every alarm la repeated tour times Begs to announce to his friends and patrons end the public generally that he has purchased the barbershop lately occupied by 13. 3. Yost, Ho. 12 West Centre Street, SHENANDOAH FA. 25 Fir'CTS.TER YARD ropt OIL CLOTH. Others' for 3o, 45, COo and upwards. Parties having' carpet rags should send them and have them made Into a flrst-claas carpet. O.D.X'RXOKXi'S Carpet Store, . 10 South Jardm St Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe Wyatt's) b and 21 West Oak Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Bar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales, whiskies, brandies, wines, etc Finest cigars, t atlne bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all. JIT S. KISTLER, M. D., " PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Offlce 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah. LINOLEUM, SALE. mid Sweet 25c n dozen. CORRESPONDENCE THAT WILL EXCITE INTEREST TAYLOR-BEEBB CASE DISCUSSED Tho Lossob ,ho County Sustained by Roas in of tho Court House Muddle Fully nnd Impar i filly Coneldarod. Sptslal niEAM) Correspondence PotthvilLb, Jan. 21. UK1NQ tho time wlien Samuel Garrett and A. J. Hliortull were two of tho tbreo County Com missinnirs of this county, James W. M. Newlln, Emj., of Phlln dulpbla, and Samuel A. Giirrett. of I'ottsvllle, both practicing attor- neys, were ongiigid by the county to coneci about JG.000 back taxes from tho Comii - wealth. Tho monoy was promptly collected and pioinptly covered into tho treasury, and Mr. Garrett ns promptly received his 25 per cent., ninuuiitlni; to about $1.41)0. Mr. New lln nover authorized Mr Garrett to act a, liis agent and claimed that the county of Schuyl kill owed him a similar amount, payment uf which being lcfused, Mr. Newlln brought suit to recover It. With tho $1,400 so Soped In which was more than his share nnd leav ing Mr. Newlln to tuko caro of hts own interests and collect his own stakes, Garrett went West to gro" UP with the country and he has never returned, nor has he yet been elected to Congress or Governor of hii adopted state, but rumor has it ho is practicing law in California and making money, Mr, Newlin's case came up for trial before Judge Ilecbtel this week. The present County Commissioners, with their proverbial sbortr sightedntis. with the tingle exception of Ellas Reed, went In for a fight, with Guy E Farquhar and William Wilhelm, Esqs., a; special counsel, Ex-Solicitor Minogneand tho now solicitor. Camming, sitting in bas reliel at the conmcl table and like "lirer Rabbit ho say nuffiu'," TUB COUNTY LOSBS. On Tuesday afternoon the jury retired, af tcr being well charged by the judgo, and very soon agreed, staling their vordi :tand bring ing It into court ou Monday. It gave Mr. Nowlin $1,471.72 and costs. Now tlKf'uuwiso men 'of the Commissioners' Board, who wouldn't uprefi with Mr. Heed last week to feather of stupidity, to stitch in their dunce caps. And so it goes tho taxpayer pays the piper every time, Tho beginning of the new year has marked a period of official blunders.so far. Perhaps, the niot stupendous one is (or will he, when consummated) tho settlement of the case ngainrt Architect Heebe and Contractor Tay lor, who robbed the county in building tho new court house. But for a kick mado by Counsellor Whltehuuso last Saturday In court when the matter was under consider tion this iittlo game set up as it looks, (but we hope not) to compound a felony, aud to exemplify the old adage, "a fat hog's rump is always greased," would liavo gono through smoothly and swimmingly. But it was a vigorous kick was that of tho objecting lawyer and Brother F. W. Bechtel, Mr. Taylor's most active counsel, had to put the $111,000 in bank and await u moro liberal and meritorious adjustment, which Mr. Schalck, who was originally employed by certain tax payers with $160, along with Messrs. llenning and Whitohouse, will have to accept about $S00 less than he reported to the court, under cover of the Auditor's names, that ho was en titled to. Wo have heard of salary grabs bo- foro but this little gamo to get $3,300 and let his colleagues hustle for a few dollars in fees, was a bold one of Mr. Scbalck's and brought forth the lively aud vigorous kick above re furred to. SAUCE rOE GOOSK AND OANDKR. It appears that negotiations fora settlement have loen going on fur some time. F. W. Bechtel for Taylor and A. W. Schalck for several others, principally for Mr. Schalck, have been the prime negotiators. Mr. Boch tel wits perfectly right in securing an acquit tance of his client by tho best possible means nay, it.was his duty to his client and when that settlement was the means of enriching the county a few thousaud dollars it became a very commendable duty and a plowing one to perforin on tho jwrt of Mr. Bechtel. But what is "sauce for the goose" should be "sauce for the gander," if the gander is any kind of a decent gander at all, aud when it was pro posed to deduct about $5,000 from the $10,uO0 paid to lie devoted to lawyers, typewriters, witumceo, eta., and nearly one-half of the $6,000, or $8,300, was proitosed to go to one penou, some other persons thought it was time to enter a vory emphatic protest! So Mr. Whitahqnte kicked. lie fid among other things tUftt he was opposed to the set tlement, that he understood that his name was Inoliidid in tho list of attorneys to be paid, but until his original employers, the taxpayers, had discharged him he proposed to oppoe this settlement, denouuolug It ns un fair, contrary to law and as calculated to set a bad precedent. When he remarked that the poor Insignificant laroenlst. or thief, charged with a felony (to eom pound, which a I have said before is a oriine), oouldu t buy himself, or herself off like Taylor was doing, . Private fcalo during the Cay. Ctll and ex but that the court had always insisted upon t amine tke ui"l aud prices. The highest a plea o( guilty in tuoii oasee, tno speaker set a good many wise men thinking who were both ou and off the bench, iu the andlence and around the ragged edges of the temple of justice, , The speech had the desired effect us, ever sine the matter of settlement of the Taylor cascR has been held under advise ' mint. Hut otiu tiling la certain, the bill of fees and t'xpcnw will be cut down, decreas-' cd, "ra'cd." clipped or what ever-you may callit, until a dittrllmtinn much more equit able has been accomplished. A VIRY BAD PRF.CKDINT. The stupendously outrageous part of this wliolo schema is that the Omini,sloners, who have only been negligent and not robbers, are not to go fire alung with Tnylor aud Heebc, to whnsu fingers the gold sticks. No ono chnrges cither ol tho llireo Commissioners with getting one dollar of the large amount ! paid out for tho court house unless wo except $100 paid to one of them as a present Crim inally negligent and atrociously incompetent they wero but the real robbers were Taylor and Becbo. who have no affiliation with any ono here, either by consanguinity or through IniMne'S. Mr. Schalck and his auditorial stuff proposes to let them go frco and to mako scapegoats out of the three men who aro our fellow i ltizens, who havo been teared among in and who have many Interests in common with many of our host people. I pay it ii a piece of business which the court should sit ilonn on with all the force of iiejuditial ponderosity and not set a prt cedent that will stalk forward in the forwatd In tho future, like Banguo's ghont, ofiener than it is expect ed. Taylor and lit ebo should have been put on trial and convicted. They aro not entitled to any moro leniency from tho court, because tiny can pay back one-third of their plunder than the poor man who steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving children. POINTS. Tho nont Iittlo enterprise of our popular llorists, the proprietors of Madison's con servatory who havo arranged with tho pro prietor of Wasley's drug store In Shenan doah, where orders for lloweis can bo left, is to be commended. Tho interest taken in the Hbbald's World's Fair contest, south of the mountain, bids fair to send two of tho laireit of your girls to tho windy city. This is not all blow, cither, it is a lair and fortunats fact as the votes will demonstrate Candidates for county row officers are loom ing Up already on the Democratic side. So bt Henry Sehturmitn, present Recorder, hits announced himself as a candidate fdr rc ulectinn. Ho said in the Merchants' Hotel the other evening that he would like nothing letter than to havo that offlce fur life. Geoige Folmcr, of your borough, will mako the grtatest light of his life for Treasurer. S. C. Kirk proposes to succeed himself for Pro thonotary aud Joseph A. Nichler, the only double dealer in liquor in this town, serves notico that he wants Mr. Kirk's place. Niehtcr Btiys he is sure to win and Jack Toole says he will spend more money to get tlwre, Han--KirkIto)kiu.during his term- jntt about ending. Candidates for Commissioner have not yet been heard from. Clerk Toole will mako a vigorous attempt torcmain'whero ho is. Tho'llght for Register will be between Mr. Kisfler, of Vcst Ponn; and Ed. Hummol, of Pinegrovo, for. their party nominations. This year, however, tho Republicans propose, to liaijo somo of tho offices, and the Demo crats may just as well know it now. Tho rush to "lift" licenses continues great. Many of tho Bret to pay np and take out their new certificates got in early so that Iittlo violations of the law last year may not thwart them by confronting them just when they are safely over the first half mile in the race, Dr. Williams, of Gllberton, telegraphed to a prominent lawyer in town ou Wednesday that Alox Jacobs, of Gllberton, was pros trated with typhoid pneumonia and wanted to put in writing his last testament. The lawyer hastened to Mr. Jacobs' bedside and found him very low indeed. Many friends here have sent Mr. Jacobs their kind wishes for his speedy recovery. N. In reference to the mention of the Newlln oiler to settle for $d00, ns made above by our correspondent, it is but just to say that the County Commissioncis have denied that any such oiler was matle in their presence. They say that tho only offer of settlement mado to them by Newlin was made on Saturday last, at tho Commissioners! office, when Charles E Breckons, ono of the Newlln attorneys, made an ofl'er to accept $1,500 in full settlement of his-ellentB' claim. 1 he overtures of the at' tomey were looked upon by Commissioners Bowes and DeTurk as a "feclor" to know how they (the Commissioners) considered tbu oa e, aud therefore they passed it off without giving it any serious consideration, believing the oiler vrus not wade seriously. Ed. In case of hard cold nothing will relieve the breathing so quickly as to rub Arnica and Oil Liniment on tho chest. lm Special Services. Special religious services are being held in the Primitive Methodist church every even ing, exoept Saturday, to ooumence at 7 o'clock. The pastor will he assisted by sev eral ministers from other ohurolies. Gospel hymns will be used. A cordial invitation will be given to everybody. USE DANA'S SABSAPAKILLA, m "THE KIND THAT CURES." My stock for New Year gifts In jewelry and funoy goods shall be as complete as ever. Holdernian's jewelry store, 12196-U OollVe's Auction Sale. J. Coitee will sell his entire stock by auction to settle the estate aud the sale will tie with ast reserve. The stock consists of dry goods. boois, show, ladies' atwl ibildreu's pouts. Sale Bvery aveuing lietween G and 10 o'clock. bidders will take the omw. l'HIl.It' COPFXlt, Puu Ui building. 1-lS-aHr Fresh Morris River Cove Ojetere ueelved f iallr at Coslell's, U-22-tf MEETING OP THE COMMITTEE LAST NIGHT. GOOD PROSPECTS FOR THE PROJECT Tho Committee Rondy to Roielvo Subscriptions A Soliciting Commlttoo of Fiftoon Appointed. MEETIKO of the sol diers' monument com mittee, was held last evening in the Council chamber and proved to be a very impor tant one. Mr. M. II. Master, who was au thorized to prcparo a design for tho monu ment, rfas present with a design upm which lie had given much caro and it met with general stlisfucllon, with tho exception of one par ticular. Mr. Master's design calls for a bugler on top of tho monument and some members of tho committee favor some other flguie. Tills difference will bo adjaitid satisfactorily to all parties befoie the next meeting. There was a good attendance at tho meet ng and all tho representatives agreed that prospects for a successful termination of the roject were excellent. One of tho most important subjects dis cussed was a method for raising funds and it was decided to put soliciting committees at work. In pursuance of this Chairman Daviil Morgan was autboriaed to appoint, with the assistance of Secretary Dengler, a committee of fifteen to solltit subscriptions. This com mittee will be made up of three citizens of each of tho five wards of town. 1171 . r. , . nuu me unuuciai part ol ttte project was under discussion several rnembers strongly urged that as much publicity as .possible be given to tho desire of the committee to have an persons who havo pledged sabseriptlons to the fund pay the amounts to tho secretary as soon as possible A list of these pledges, as published in the IIxbald from time to time sinco the project was first suggested, has been furnished thp secretary. It is hoped that by tho time the committee meets again all who have thus pledged them selves, or most of them, will have stepped up to. tho secretary's desk and madn th.lr pledges good.' All payments may be made or sent to Mr. II. E. Dengler, secretary, Shenan doah, Pa. Obituary. it is with regret that we announco the death of Jliss Sarah J. Hughes, daugbter of Daniel and Caroline Hughes, former residents of this town. Miss Hughes was in hcrBix teenth jearnnd n most amiable lady. The cause of death, which occurred at the family residence ,in Philadelphia ou Thursday, was rupumattsm of the heart. The .Tcmains ar rived in town this afternoon and were taken to the residence ,of. Mr. B. O. .Church, on South Whito street, and will bo .kept there Until tho funeral takes place, to-morrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment will be mado in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Sir, Tout's Succeii, B. J. Yost, the recently appointed organizer for tho State of Pennsylvania of the Patri otie Order Sons of America, returned to town last evening from Union county, where he has been very successful in his work. Mr. Yost says he has a number of charter appli cations for now camps ready and he expects to keep tho Stato Camp busy for some time in keeping up with his work. Klectrlo Hallway llulletln. Hereafter tho electric railway cars will leave tho cornor of CherTy and Main streets tt 5:30 a. ra. daily and every 20 minutes ihereaftor until midnight, at which hour the it car will leave for Glrardville. On Hon lay, November 7th, 1892, the fare for any ength of ride between Shenandoah and Urardvillo will ho'roduccd to five (5) cents. Needs Attendance. A water pipe on Gilbert street, between Oak and Centre, has buret and the ieo that has accumulated In that locality by Teoson of the bleak makes the streets dangerous for pedes trians and horses. At Centre and Gilbert streets the roadways were in n terribhwondi- tion to-day. This matter should receive the immediate attention of the proper author ities. Died. PURCELL. On tho 20th Inst., at Shenan doah, Pa., Lucy, daughter of Martin and Lucy Purcell, aged 9 years aud 6 man the. Funeral will take place on Sunday, aiud inst., at 2:30 p. m. Interment in the An nunciation cemetery. l-20-2t IIUGHES.-On the l&th hist., at Philadel phia, Pa Sarah Jane, daughter of Dentil aud Caroline Hughes, aged 16 years, 2 months and 10 days. Funeral will take place at 2 p. iu. on Sunday, 2&nd inst, from the residence of B. C. Church, 115 South White street, Shenandoah, Pa. Interment iu the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Friends and rela tives are respectfully Invited to attend. It StjrTloes Appreciated. Mrs. Maria Gibson has beea made the recipient of a handseme gold badge, the gift of the Women's Relief Corps, auxilliury to Watkiu Waters Tost. No. 146. G. A. II.. of town. The corps mado the presentation in j recognition of the valuable services Mrr. Oibeou has rendered the past two terms as iu , Past President. Best photographs and crayons at Dabb't, MISSIONARY MSBTING. An Interesting: Nes-ltui hi the Trlnlty,It-forim-il Church Tit.tliiy. The cxcrtitivo committee of the Ladle' Missionary Society of the Schuylkill Claitl met In quarterly session in the First Reform ed church to-day, tho President, Mrs. Rct. Henry Mosser, of Reading, presiding. AH tho officers and sub commitlces made their quarterly reports. , Tho session this morning was devoted " mainly to routine business of the society. The afternoon meeting was very Interesting. This meeting was principally of a literur character. Rot. O Boyle gave the society r. hearty welcome and his address was re sponded to by one of the lady members. Tho society is growing fast and oreatine quite an interest through tho classls. II ha pledged itself to raise during the ensuing year tho sum of five hundred dollars for home missionary work. This shows the true spirit of these christian ladies. Tho society adjourned at 4 o'clock tht afternoon, when tho members left for their respective homes. The following form th executive oommittco: Mrs. Ref. Henry Mosser, Reading ; Mrs. Kaufman nnd Miw, Rev. H. A. Kelser, Mahanoy City ; the MIsws Walter, Adams, Lcvan, Klefer, Miller anA Zerbey. AMUSEMENT NOTES. Ilooklugs of 1'lavH to bo 1'rottaorri at Ferguson's Thotitro. Tho house was packed full last night, and tho audience was perfectly satisfied with the excellent performance of "The'lioy Tramp.' Tho play is pretty, full of fun and human inteiest aud is much improved since iui production here 1ml scinon, both in cast and scenic effects. Tho company aro all capable people and acted their parts in a moot masterly manner. August Neuville is a meet clever comedian after the style of Roland Iteed, and made as great a hit with the big audience. The scenery is a big feature and was received with loud applause. Tht.Tlmtt, Buffalo, N. Y. " The New Boy Tramp" wiK appear at Ferguson's theatre this evening-. "tub limited mail." Among the attractions booked at Ferguson's theatre in the near future is Elmer K. Vance's great icalistic comedy drama, "The Limited Mail," which has created such a furore iu the dramatic world. It is said to be the most realistic and wonderful scenic andrneclianicBl production ever staged, anJ. the crowds everywhere are numerous. At Ferguson's theatre on Monday, January 30tk. Atone on the l'ralrle. The day was in that transitory state when twilight lingers in the lap of day and dark ness struggles for the ascendency. Thesuv hurigtn 0 great red ball of lurid flara betwixt heaven and earth; there was a feeling of profound quiet which seemed U settle on all things auimato and Inanimate. The birds, the insects, the very trees ani sprouting plants were for the moment hushed if in expectancy of some unforeseen, some inexplicable something which seemed t pervade the very atmosphere. A bull frog gurgled softly as he fell back into the limpid water. Suddenly over the brow of a distant hill', there appeared a solitary man, seated astride a great bay horse; he cast one lone sweeping glance around him and then wont back over the brow of the hill again. Ani that same night over seven hundred people wero turned away nnable to gain admissioe. to the Opera House where "Sho Couldn't Marry Three" was being played to the most delighted audience of the season. USE DANA'S SAR9APABILLA, rr "THE KIND THAT CURES." The leu Masee. The management of the Eden Dime Musee at Robbins' opera house has met witk such flattering success it has extended the improvements of the house and to-day mldeJ three new and beautiful sets of scenery te the stage paraphernalia. This improvement will serve to increase the museum's popu larity and make the venture a profitable one. To night there will be a special feature In the programme, a pie-eatiug match and the winner will receive a valuable prize. Sermons to Vounc; lien. Rev. Robert O'Boyle, of tho Trinity Re formed cliureb, will preaoh a sermon to morrow (Sunday) evening for young men. This is the first of a series of sermons Mr. O'Boyle will' deliver. The subject for to morrow evening is an interesting one. The young men of town should avail themselves of this opportunity and be benefitted by the service. 'MM worn out" Is the expreaelon of the Hveplest aurtfrer with lluo terrible rouiku Pan-Tina puis s, sicp to It. It a runedy tor 0ugh, Colds ft'.d I'ousuiuptlou, 26 oeule, I'an-TmaU sold at P. P. I). Kirlln'udrH tor. Mlectlun Tickets. The auditors of townships and borettgl should ler in ruiud that the law requires that the tickets to lie used in their, dittrjeie at tke approach lug spring auction matt bear a fmctimilt of their signature sad this wlU require a cut of the signatures. The H be alb is preiatred to furnish such eats Ar $&M aa4 will rornlah all elee'lou priutiug at esiually reasonable rates. Orders should he laft early a the date for the dlttrlbatloa ef aleeMea tickets is olosa at hand. All thoee who have used Baxter's Mat" drake Bitten sperk very strongly la their praWe. Twenty five rente per bottle, lm For Kale. A valuable property on North Whito atreci. A good block trout, two, homes and ataUe back. Particulate apply at Hkk.au oiaWe. l-2Q.it The tender approving smile of a me& wife, next to a bottle of Dr. OotK WAd dh&rry and Senok-a ie untold wealth in many a huwUle eattaga.