The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 12, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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1 bo troubles !ncf
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i. Distress after
IWhllo their most
lown la curing
Liver Pflla srs
I n. curina and ir
at, while theyelsa
licclcssto tnosawSa
I mpiunt; but form-
nuu ncre, ana tnose
I shuttle pills vala.
I' will not bo wil-
lifter aUalckheaa
It hero Is whoro
IU cure it while,
fry small and;
BUlilkaA UUBO. 1
uot grips or1.
use au wna
II. Bold I Diamond RraniL
lina Only Genuine. A
in Itetl and Gold Dietnl.ia
ud unit nDtwn. xnKe
F fuaa danoerouM ufcififu
r pariicuitvrs, leatimomiu tua
l-mllec." M return
BOO TutimODiftU. A'anxt i'aptr,
Pinical OoUadlfon Hquar
. UUIU, A (S
bee, No. li North Jardln
Lwns' Elixir!
Tot t for BZXTT XEAJtS
TcA Itself Ujo beet remedy i
Kiio euro of Consumption,
bids, Whooplno Cough, andl
f Diseases in youiu or old.
b.,60o.,and tl.OOporbottle,
JDSnSOB LOSS, ?icjs., BfjllsstM, Vt.
1 1 ITS sri.C IFIO Is totalliunllke p i
r lilooil mcillclno. iccurei qumm
Llou ana ckin uy rcinovintrinc jioim'
Iiao time supplies pooa nioonioii
.. Don t no imposed on uy bud.-i
nro r .1:1 to bo just as Rood, it .
in"illi no Oil TUE 1.1! n in I
(Icsinany ll I III.. UlUII&iL
C3, or rcnevcu so inucu buuermg.
i3 badlr poisoned last year, whirl tut of nru. r ilifceasert an.
Vi of iraflcrlii '. no anuetlte am
luNJf e. T'i Domes or
fit lit nnt. Then) is no
ftr far liliMid dh. aaea.
oa blood and ekla dlseasoa mailod f roo.
Bnrr erucmo co, auwiu, g.
raina like to
linistry Not Considered Suffi
ciently Purged.
M. HIITol Uusdls Tlslbly ruder the Caustic
AVards of tho Vresldlnc; Judge He
HaUes Damaging Admissions Ilecard
lu the Money He Hud ItocetTed.
Paiu, Jan. 12. A strong feeling Is
expressed that Premier Ribot has not
sufficiently purged tliu Ministry of thoso
who, whether lnnocont or guilty, hnvo
been tinder suspicion in connection with
the l'linum.'i scandal.
In deference to thin overwhelming pub
lic demand for a further reconstruction of
tho mln'stry, M. Rlbot had u long conver
sation with Admiral Gervnls, Chief of tho
Department of Marino and of tho Colo
nics in regard to accepting the Ministry
of Marino and of tho Colonies in phico
of M. Burdenu. Admiral Gervaisc, how
ever, declines the Ministry of Marino and
Colonies. Ills ostensible reason is that
he prefers to devote himself to his prosent
uivul duties, as thereby he can better
fctrve tho interests of France.
At the Cabinet Council, after n discus
sion of Admirul Gervals' declination, it
was decided to detach tho Colonies from
the Marine and attach them to. the De
partment of Commerce, under SI. Sieg
fried. The Marine portfolio will bo
ottered at once probably to another high
naval ofllcer.
The Cabinet Council decided not to
make a ministerial statement before tho
C hambcr, but to give any explanations
which deputies might request.
The Judge Openly C'viiHurcs lilm Durlnc;
tho Conspiracy Trlul.
Paius, Jnn. 12. Tho trial of Charles
de Les-eps, Marius Fontane, Baron Cottu,
uml M. Eiffel, accused of complicity iu the
Panama Canal frauds, was continued In
t nu Court of Appeal and gavo much valu
able information regarding the bribery of
newspapers to prevent hostile attacks
upon the company, and also to proveut
Luu publication of matter that would
have shown the true condition of affairs
on the Isthmus of Panama.
M. Fontane stated that he had held tho
position us manager of the company's
press affairs until lStjj, when the exac
tions of tho newspapers became so heavy
that he was compelled to abandon the
post. Since that time ho had been merely
the private secretary of M. do Lesseps.
11. Fontane stated that ho had dis
tributed to tho press only 60,000 francs in
drafts payable to bearer.
Interest in the proceedings centered iu
tho examination of M. Eiffel, the con
tractor. The questions put to him by tho
court resulted in lively fencing between
the President aid M. Eiffel's lnwrers,
who raised objection after objection to
the interrogations. Tho legal sparring
occupied considerable time und afforded
amubemeut to the audience.
Itii.iillv t Fllfpl nilniittml thnt ha hitd
cashed checks for 12,000,000 franca, which
had ostensibly been drawn to pay for ma
chinery, while he had actually only ex
pended 1,500,000 francs for that purpose.
It required considerable questioning to
bring M. Eillel to the admission that, i
besides the 2,000,000 francs given to M. J
iieoraru mm tue ijuuiijuuu iraucs given to
iiiin.1, ,i lJoinnnli t niMUWO hml been nald
by him to a certain contractor whose
favor, liko that of Hebrurd and IMnuch
wus indispensable to success. .Presiding
Judge Perivier then asked:
What did you do with the 0,000,000
received by you for taking to pieces and
bhipping to the Isthmus and there recon
structing machinery, which, as a matter
ot fact, you never even supplied iu this
"1 kept that sum becauso it lormeu
part of my remuneration for tho risk I
was undertaking," lamely replied M.
I consider such a transaction void,
replied Judge Perivier, severely, "since it
was tho result of an error, to say nothing
moro. Tho .Frosecutor-uenerni win ten
you more about this at the subsequent
sittings of this court."
M. Eiffel visibly qunlled under these
words, and the audience roso to their feet
to get a better view of the manner in
which he bore tho reproof.
Judges for the Yale-Harvard Debute.
Nkw Haven, Jan. 12. The Yale and
Harvard unions have oeen unable to so
cure the services of Profs. Hadley, of
Yale, and Taussig, of Harvard, as judges
of the debate at Cambridge on Jan. 18,
nnd Prof. Scligmau, of Columbia, and
President Andrews, of Brown University,
will officiate instead. The third judge
will probably be Speaker Barrett, of the
Massachusetts House of liepresentutivos.
No Trouble nt Coal Creek.
Knoxville, Jan. 12. The report that
went out apparently from Kuoxvtlle
stating that trouble is imminent at Coal
Creek between free miners and militia
over convict miners is without foundu
tion. In fact, the mountains are in such
a condition ftom the heavy enow drifts
that operations against the fort would be
Want the Racelverslilp Vacated.
PiTTBmjna, Jan. 12 . The Supreme
LodL'e of the Order of Solon held a meet
ing last evening at which resolutions
were unanimously adopted that the order
go into court noxt Saturday and ask that
tho receivership be vacated and the man
agement of ike order's affairs transferred
to its officers.
Steamers Shut lu by lee.
Hambubo, Jan, 12. Ten steamships
were sighted off Cuxhaveu us they drifted
eastward in tho midst of enormous ice
floes. All had steam up but were appar
ently helpless. Only tho German tank
steamship Paula, Captain Ulnch, was
llognn nnd Lyons Matched.
New Youk, Jan. 12. "Kid" Hogan,
the scientific little bantam-weight of
Brooklyn, and "Dolly" Lyons of this city,
were matched last night to battle before
tho Coney iBland Athletic Club on Feb. 0
for a $1,000 purse and au outside bet of
Illnkey to Capiulu Vale's Kleven.
New Haven, Jan. 12. At a meeting o(
the Vale football eleven last evening,
Frank A. liinucy of Tonawnnua, N. Y,,
was chosen captain for the keason ot 1803.
Ulukey has played end rush on the Ya.f
Itveu two years.
Coal Baalnrs Mow Jlnfuio to Soil to Email
Consumers at Any i'rloc.
Cincinnati, Jog 12. No relief appears
in sight for tho5 affected by tin action of
the coal dealers' combine. Coal mer
chants refuse to coll to small consumers
at any price. Thoy are husbanding what
they haTc In their yards and elevators
for the unavoidable fulfilment of con
tracts with large consumers.
The abnormal condition of things Just
now the river gorged with ice, naviga
tion absolutely closed and the thermome
ter down to zero is causing intense suf
fering umong tho poorer elements of the
Unless coal can be brought in by rail
consigned to dealers outside the combino,
it is hard to forotoll tho limit to which
the suffering may extend.
A Series of J'atulltlm by the ltojrul llluo
l.lmi Express.
Pi.Ai.ntielo, N. J., Jan. 12. Tho Koyal
Blue line train of tho Baltimore & Ohio
rullroad, castbound, over tho Central
ltailroad of New Jersey tracks, due hero
nt noon, had three fatal accldoutB within
a few milos.
The first was nt Summcrvillo, where a
man was struck and killed.
At Bound Brook a furmor named John
Blakcly was killed.
At Dunncllen John Cunningham was
walking ulong the tracks. Ho failed to
hear tho warning whistle, and before tho
onginecr could stop his train tho engine
struck Cunningham and threw him into
the ditch beside tho track. When picked
up ho was dead.
Ho was employed nt Ellzabethport.
A Train l'rozen l'nst to tho Track.
Chicago, Jnn. 12. Tho Diamond special
from St. Louis, met with a strange ex
perience which delayed tho train four
hours. While taking water nt Gibson,
this State,the overflow from the tank con
gealed on the tracks under the tender and
froze tho wheels fast to tho track. The
trainmen cut the ico away, but to no
purpose and tho train was stuck fast un
til unother engine came to its relief.
Sirs. Marshall AVill Itecover.
New Youk, Jan. 12. Mrs. Walter Mar
shall, who was shot by her husband on
Tuesday night after he hud killed Bobert
Diugfelder, her suspected lover, and be
fore he killed himsolf, is in Bellevue hos
pital and will in all probability recover.
Her throe bullet wounds are nil in tho
flesh and ought to heal rapidly.
ilolsa Vuluulilo llui-ro Nair.
DmtANGO, Mcx., Jnn. 12. A burro,
loaded with $5,000 worth of silver bars, is
roaming ut large in the mountains around
tho town of Pu iblo Nouva, if ho has not
beou relieved of ills valuable burden by
robbers. He wandered unobserved away
froni'ii train of burros carrying silver to
this city.
On Trial fur Hazing.
Annai-ows, Md , Jan. 12. Tho trial of
Naval Cadet Lelaud F. James of South
Carolina for hazing has begun hero.
Navul cadets Hutch J. Cone, Bichnrd J.
Fellows, J. J. Bryunt and C. S. Jones tes
tified for the prosecution. No direct
testimony was developed ugntnst Cadet
' James.
Ice Jam In New York Harbor.
New Youk, Jan. 12. On account of
an unusual jam of Ice in the East and
North rivers navigation througliou
tho day was effected with extremo
difficulty. Many of tho ferryboats could
I not reach their slips, and with their loads
I o passengers were wedged In tho ico for
l'oerstel a Complete Wreck
St. Louis, Jan. 12. Ex-Treasurer Foer
stcl, wheii his son committed suicide
three weeks ago, was a vigorous man,
hale and iu the primo of life. He is now
a wreck physicnlly and mentally, and hh
hair has turned almost white.
Overcome by Foul Air.
Londox, Jan. 12. While a number of
men were engaged in cleaning tho doublo
bottom of the cruiser Medea, nt Chatham
four of them were overcome by foul air.
Two of them died before medical assist
ance could reach them.
BUrer Purchasing Act.
Washington, Jan. 12. The bill repeal
ing the silver purchase act has been re
ported Irom the House Uommlttee on
Bauking and Currency by Mr. Cato,
(Uem., Ark.) and has been placed upon
tho calendar.
lteporter Bnrker's Ilody Itecorered.
Boston, Jan. 12. The body of Joseph
F. Barker, the "Transcript" reporter who
lost his life lu tho Federal street tiro Tues
day has been removed from tho ruins.
Ker York's Trphus Itecord.
New Youk, Jan. 12. Tho typhus re
cord for the past twenty-four hours, ns
reported by the Board of Health. was four
new cases and live deaths.
A Ruddy Glow
on cneett
and brow
is evidence
that the
body is
getting proper nourishment.
When this glow of health is
absent assimilation is wrong,
and health is letting down.
Scoffs Emulsion
taken immediately arrests
waste, regardless of the
cause. Consumption must
yield to treatment that stops
waste and builds flesh anew.
Almost as palatable as milk.
Prepared by Seott & Dawne.M. Y. All druggists.
nespectfuily Informs his old friends and the
puoiio tieneruuy mat lie Has taken clutrgi
old stand lately occupied by Felix Adricks,
s toe it o
Porter, Ale and Lager fleer.
Liquors and Cigars.
Finet brands ot
Paul Summa,
Franev's HutMlnS.
Cor. Uiun sod I'oplar Sts
Chestertown Excited at
Governor's Action.
Land Talk of Lynching tho Four Mur
derers AVhnso Sentences tVcro Not Com
muted Muryliuid's Gorurnor (llvos Ilea
sons for Spurlng Dm Young Nogroes.
CtlESTKnTOWN, Md., Jan. 12. Intense
excitement reigns in Kent county. Four
of the octette of murderers who assassin
ated Dr. J. H. III11 have been removed
from this place. Their Beutences have
been commuted by Gov. Brown.
Thoso whose lives nro spared nre Henry
Hurtt, Joshua lUinurd, Charles Emery
and Lewis Benson.
Thoso who nro loft nnd who will surely
hang to-morrow, If they are not lynched
before, nro Chnrlos Brooks, Moses Brown,
Fletcher Williams and Frisby Comegys.
Sheriff Plummer was awakened early
yesterday morning and informed thnt
Captain Cndwnllader of Baltimore was at
tho door with 130 poiloemau and an order
from Gov. Brown for four of tho con
demned prisoners, whose sentences had
beou commuted to life imprisonment.
"I charge you," tho order went on to
say, "to be careful that secrecy is pre
served and that these men are delivered
instantly aboard tho vessel which goes for
them and safely conducted to the Mary
land penitentiary. Caution your deputies
that secrecy must be observed and noth
ing must interfere with this order."
Tho criminals were carefully awakenod
and in n few minutes weio on their way
to tho ice boat hut robe, tho vessel on
which Captnin Cadwullader had arrived.
A few persons came to tho wharf as the
Lutrobo steamed away for Baltimore, but
thoy did not know what had happened
until hours later.
Excitement and indignation amounting
almost to madness followed tho discovery.
llemurkH were mudo thnt it would be
dangerous for tho Governor to be seen
uboui the town now that the murderers
had been commuted.
Crowds gathered in the neighborhood
of the j.til and iu all places of public re
sort nud discussed the matter in loud
tones. There seemod to be but one opin
ion that the eight men should have been
Lewis Justice, a prominent merchant,
appeared to voico the sentiment of the
oxcitod populace when he said:
'"You can hardly realize the pitch of
excitement to which the people are
worked. If the secret had leaked out tho
police would not have had so easy a job
to get thoso men."
Murylund' Kxecutivo Tells AVhj
Commuted tho Sentences.
Baltimore, Jan. 12. Of tho eight col
ored men und boys who were sentenced to
be hanged nt Chestertown to-morrow for
the murder of Dr. J. II. 11111, of Kent
county, last summer, four are uqw in the
penitentiary at Baltimore.
Thcso aro Joshua Brainnrd, Lewis Ben
son, Henry Hurtt, und Charles Emory.
Their sentences wero commuted by Gov.
Brown to imprisonment for lifo at hard
Gov. Brown gives tho following, among
other reasons, for commuting the sent-;
"I had to protect the fair name of
Maryland. Such a wholesalo execution
us this would have been has uovcr been
heard of before lu the criminal annals of
the country. Tho whole country was
aroused over it.
'The murdered man will be amply
avenged, the outraged law of the State
will be carried out by the execution of
the four whose sentences have not beon
commuted, aud the fair name of Mary
land will be preserved from tho stain
that would have been inflicted on it by
the execution of thoso ignorant boys who !
wero in all probability the uuwilllng wit
nesses of a. crime that they wero power
less to prevent."
The Authoress' Bon Convicted of Man
slaughter, eecond Degree.
Brooklyn, Jan. 12. The jury in the
case of Frederick Fleming, charged with
the killinu of Patrick Taylor on July 10
last, returnee', a verdict of manslaughter
in ihe second degree. s
Fleming, who is the son of May Agnes
Fleming, the authoress, met Taylor in a
saloon, and au altercation arose over the
Homestead troubles.
On leaving tho saloon the two renewed
the quarrel, which culminated in Tuylor
attempting to strike Fleming.
The latter resented this by striking
back. Taylor" fell to tho sidewalk, and.
his head btriklng the curb, fractured his
Taylor died the next day.
Kidnapped and Held for Hansom.
Havana, Jan. 12. Ignacio Herrara.
son ot Count Barreto Herrara, was kid
napped yesterday from a plantation near
San Antonio de las Vegas by four baud
its, among them being Manuel Garcia
and the notorious mulatto, Plaseucia.
Tho bandits declare that they will not re
lease the captive uutil they receive
$2,000. A detaclnneut ot troops has been
sent in pursuit ot the robbers.
1'ound l'rozen to Heath.
Kinoston, Jan. 12. Eliza Wharton,
aged about 50 years, living alone on
Suawanguuk mountain, was fouud frozen
to death a short distanco from her home.
Indications point to her having left home
during the severe gale for a pall of water,
as a ail partially tilled, with the water
frozen, wus lying close by her side.
Trial of the Homestead "PoUoiier."
PiTTSBimo, Jan. 12. Tho Homestead
poisoning cases are to be taken up in tho
Criminal Court to-day, when Hugh
Dempsey, District Master Workman of
the K. of L , J. M. Davidson and Robert
Beatty will be placed ou trial.
Dead iiT Her Injuries.
Faterson, N. J., Jan. 12. Mrs. Mary
Vau Houte, ot Bridge street, Is dead ut
the General hospital f mm the effeoi ot
burns sustained during the night by the
upsetting ot a lamp with which she wus
searching for medieiue.
Mr. Hlulne Is Hotter,
Washington, Jku. 18. Mr. Blaine this
moruing is resting comfortably and there
U no evideuce ot au unfavorable change
in his condition.
Vuasral Mervlsrs In th Hennln Chamber
To-day Uls Career.
WAsniNQioM, Jan. 12. The death of
Senator John E. Kennn, of West Vir
ginia, wsi announced to the fc'rimte by
Mr. Blackburn. A committee of seven
Senators Faulkner, Blnckbiirn, llan
fom, Daniel, Wnltlmll, Mumleram and
Squire was appointed to take charge of
the funeral ceremonies in the Senate this
afternoon and to accompany the body to
Wist Virginia.
Tho direct cause of Senator Kenna's
death was heart disease, from which he
had been for some years an acute sufferer,
so much so that for long intervals he
had been compelled to abandon his duties
as Senator und to forego all mental exer
tion. Two summers ago, with a view of di
verting his mind from his physical ail
ments, he established an amateur boat
builder's shop and busied himself in the
mechanical operation of constructing a
boat. He partially recovered and resumed
his seat iu the Senate, and made one me
morable speech which was remarkable,
both for Its length nnd vigor, but he Boon
suffered a relapse, from which he never
His sufferings during tho last few
mouths of his life, from heart Bpasms,
were so poignant that to himself as well
as to ills family, death must huvo been
looked upon as almost welcome.
Mr.Kenna was born in 1848,and was con
sequently only 45 years of age tho
youngest man In the Senate.
His birthplace was Valcoulon, Va.,
since incorporated into West Virginia.
He worked on n farm until the out
break of the civil Avar, when he entered
the Coufedornto Army ns a private, and
fought through to the end.
Ho afterwards studied nnd practised
law until elected to Congress. Ho served
six years in the Lower House, nnd iu
1833 was elected to the Senateas a Dem
ocrat to succeed Henry S. Davis, the
father-lu-law of Secretary Stephen B.
Elkins, and the business associate of
James G. Blaine.
His tortu of service would havo ex
pired in ISO 3.
His death, nt this time, will add n new
feature to the Senatorial contest now in
progress between the supporters of ills
colleague, Senator Faulkner, and ex-Seu-ator
Camden, who are contending for the
Senatorship now held by Mr. Faulkner,
which will expire on tho fourth of March
Mr. Kenna's Washington residence was
on Capitol Hill, at 130 B street, N. K,
and it was there ho died.
A Trucu Decided Upon Split lu the l'opu
lists' Hunks.
Toi'EKA, Kas., Jnn. 12. The political
vendetta declared yesterday by tho Popu
lists and Itepublicau members of the
House ot Representatives against each
other has been abandoned. Arbitration
has taken its place. Last night's turn
of tho legislative kuleidoscope has brought
about entirely unlookcd for nnd surpris
ing conditions.
The changed aspect of affairs present
two phases. One of them is that the
double-barrelled legislature tired itself
out last night and both sides consented
to nn adjournment until to-day.
Tho other surprising phase of tho mat
ter is that tho Populist party in Kansas
evidently has two factious. One of those I
factions headed by Jerry Simpson, had 1
determined upon insisting that tho Re
publican members whose seats were con
tested should not vote. That faction was
composed of the Populist House und had
counted upon Its recognition by Unv.
Lewelling and tho Senate as the legally
nud constitutionally organized House.
But the Governor and the Senate, who
with other Populist leaders comprise tho
more conservative element of the party,
refused to grant such recognition. I
Thus the schime of the moro radical
Populists is bulked by members of their
own party, aud in nddition to their light
against the Republicans thoy have an in
ternal fight.
Secretary Tracy Gltos That l'irm the Con
truot for the Ilrooklyu and loiva.
Washington, Jan. 12. Secretary Tracy
has awarded the contracts for construct
ing tho armored cruiser Brooklyn and tho
Fen going battle ship Iowa, to the llrm of
William Cramp & Sons of Philadelphia,
at its bid of $2,9SO,000 for the Brooklyn,
and J-3,010,000 for tho Iown.
This settles the controversy ns to the
necessity and fairness of allowing one of
the vessels to bo built on the Pacific coast
nnd also as to the right of the Secretary
to award the bids on plans prepared by
the bidder.
Tunnel Company Incorporated.
Albany, Jan. 12-The Westchester &
Long Island Island rannel Railroad com
pany has been incorporated with a capi
tal of $100,000. Tho company will oper-
nto a tunnel road from some eligible
point on the tboro of Long island Sound
in the town of Westchester, under the
waters ot Long Island Sound to a point in
or near College Point, Queens county, a
total length of two xnllef.
New City Hall for Hew York.
New Youk, Jan. 12. At the meeting
of the Municipal Building Commission it
was decided to erect a new Municipal
building on the site of the present City
Hall. It is proposed to make it one of
the city's greatest ornaments. A com
mittee has been appointed by the Mayor
to prepare for advertising for plant and
peciflcatlons for the building.
For a Rrldge Across the l'ussaie.
Newark, N. J., Jan. 12. Two deeds
have been recorded with the County Clerk
which convey authority to the Now York
Bay Railroad company to construct a
bridge across the Passaic River. The lino
will join the Pennsylvania traoks at Har
rison nnd thus effect an entrance to Jer
sey City.
The Kulser Surprises a Harrison.
Berlin, Jan. 12. Emperor William,
while, returning from the wedding ot
Princess Marie, changed his route with
out announcement, and paid an unexpect
ed visit to the garrison at Strussuurg. He
found everything in as good order as
if his visit had been arranged for.
Senator floss to be Chosen,
Harkisburq, Jan. 12. The Democratic
members of tbe Legislature will hold a
joint cauous at 3 o'clock this afternoon
to name a candidate for United States
Senator. Senator Ross will be their
Twenty-flve Unlaw Zero,
Raqubttk Laks, N. Y., Jan. IS. Tb
temperature at 8 a. m., whs tweuty-flvs
below zero, with cloudNss sky.
Tn nil fhntii. PfilnltnflAfl
cjECUSi. 1'ulnln Hide. Hboulder and
Arm.Nnort Breath, Oppression, Asthma,
Swollen Ankles. Wcok nnd slmotlierlmr
Sfpells, Jlropsv. Wind In Htomneh. etc., am
A now discovery bv tho eminent Indiana Bpeeud
l.t. A. 1'. U.ivls, Silver crook, Nrb.nlter tnklnc
f..ur bottles of HEART CURE felt better
tnnn ho had for twelve jronrs. "For thirty yours
Toublrd with Heart Dlwnsoi two bottles of
iiR. MILES' HEART CURE cured rue. -t3Tl
T5nn, Bucbsnnn. Mich." E. n. Wutn. WW
Mtuilon, G;i. bos taken DR. MILES' HEART
VURE for Henri trouble with ere"tresults Mrs.
i.e Dor. f Itchbunt. Mich., wui 111 lur 15 years nltei
l..urtUI-uanc.h.'id to hiri hmiso help, lived on
iiquul food; uncd Dr. Miles' Heart Cure nnd
.11 nulns lent nor; ron.nani ""0 curea ner. fine
frustrated bool:
FUUP; p.t dnigirlnts, or nriareea
.'.4llw til
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Cliemiealfl
aro used In tho
preparation of
ichicli a absolutely
pure ami soliiblr.
i Ithasmorelhanthreciimr
; t lie utrentith of I'oooa lulxrd
with Starch. Arrowroot or
'Suirar. and is far more eco
nomical, cnttinij lets than one cent a cup.
It Is delicious, nourishing, and BABULr
Suhl by Ororers everywhere.
W. BAKER (STCO., Dorchester, Ksum.
Clean up at night, and heat the day's cats
and bruises with
Vecause o its high percentage of tar.
JAS. S. ICIRIC &i CO., CUicfiKO.
White Russian Soap '"SXry'tnttgsr
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com
panies represented by
120 S. JaroinSt, Shenanooah.Pa.
tt I al Hi 1 iliS HUK
Act on a new principle
roaclste the liver, ewctwj
ana bowels through tht
nenes. lis. Milis' Fq&s
tpesailv cure btUosraeec,
torpid IItbt and consUps
tion. Smallest, mildest,
etuost I SjdoBeS,35cta.
Sunulee tree at drugging,
Sr. CUS H:L Co.. IW ttE
Tt Itrvngetl pvrtt Lr ! a. fTettttf
otLer Lye, It boiaf ta povder a&d ptclfc!
lo ft en wfta reniovb1 lid. tbe oookdu fta
Iwtys rctdr f.if uw, Will nact Ika bet ps
famed fiird Soap la TOmlsuu tvithmaloUitA
IT 18 TUB BEST tor otfftnilnc wiim rtps
SUIoftetlne Inki, claaeia, whln Wj(J
lnu, tmi, tta
f Gleet, WhlteB.8rJermatorrhmi.ti
7or anr unnatural riiRhaK. .via
your druggist for a bottle ol
Iwlthouttho aid or publicity of a
l hie u. it cures in fpw
l doctor. Non-poisonous and
(guaranteed not to stricture.
I Tin Universal American Cure.
Manufactured by
.The Evans Ctemical CoJ
U. a. a,
filtered child-bearing woman. I have been a
mill-wife for nianv years, and In each case
where "'Mother's Friend" hadbeenused ltlia
accomplished wonders and relieved much
suffering. It is the best remedy for rhtlMC o(
the breast known, anil worth the price for Butt
alone. Una. M. M. ftRUSTUt,
Montgomery, Ala.
Pent by express, charge prepaid, oa reoatpt
of price, $1.60 lr bottle.
gold by all druggists. Axlaota, UA.
Atieruey-al-Ltw ind Real Eitite Agent,
OOee Bedaoll'e Uuildkic ShwAnflhaa, f
ti K M
if, f
MB . ' ' !