The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 10, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 6

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pi: rr? i ..
ruimruuy in
what they
for their ta-
i A -
"ii our sturu
Corner Grocery,
Kntrc and White Sts.
lH.nlirdlent AVhlt'ty.
I "I'm not point? to play with Whlttv
any mnre," said Jlmmicboy. "llo's a
awful dihoborent boy."
'Why, what has Whltty done?" asked
i.limraioboy's inumma.
. "lie doesn't mind mo at all," said
Jlinmioboy. Harper's Young' People.
Infantile riilloftopliy.
I "Hollo. SliankRl Did yor hear dat
Jimmy .Utilises' dad Is dead?"
"No. Old ho leave Jimmy anything"
"I dunno; but I guess hp, didn't leave
him nuthln' bnt a orphan!' Lifo.
Iiittlo Qlrl Mamma, I guess the
bhoar'tlrc a Uttlo too big.
jfiiitimn Why so?
Little Girl Thoy stopped hurting me
the first week. Good News.
ltpforo nml Alter Marriage.
1 used to call her angel, glad to own
She had no wiiure to fly to Heavenly climes;
Hut one might think since then those wings had
i er&wti,
To sett the way she tries at me these times.
Demorcst's Magazine.
Tlin Oho Mm Wonted to See.
"This ii tin- cow that pivrs the mill!
von drinh." f-jiil Farmer Mcrtdergrass
to his little nu
from the c-ity
Ik, nl '
t t h iiaod the interested
1 1 t j u plea .e show me
t i i tho iec- cream?"
the ci
"N ;u v
W that
iuuao pruueetieu 10 ue election ot ft
Speaker, each member rising iu his seat
and naming his choice.
The vote was: For Wm. Sulzer, 71;
Geo. R. JIalby, 52.
Measrs. Quigley and Malby were nn-
pviutcu u uuuiuiibieo 10 escort iir. tsulzer
to the Uhair. Ho made a neat little ad.
. The followinc ofllceri were then elected
Clerk, C. R.; sergeant-at-arms,
1L B. Redmond of Cohoeaj doorkeeper, E.
A. Moore of Richmond oountv: first assis
tant doorkeeper, A. J. Wolkowial of Erie;
seooaa assistant, aoortesper, W. (J. Fit
Jilns ot Oueidn; stenographer, T. Hasaett
at bteuueu.
In tho Senate.
When the members of the 8enate took
tlielr seats they found the first bill of tho
session newly printed lying ou theirdesks,
It was tho Constitutional Convention bill.
Tlio Senators devoted an hour to hand
shaking and the exchange of Nevr Year's
All the Senntora were present when
Lieut. Governor Sheehan's gavel fell.
Iho Rev. Dr. Hattershall ottered nraver.
Lieut. Governor Sheehau then addressed
the Senate briefly.
The usual committee wove then ap
pointed to notify the Governor and Aa
rembly that tho Senate was ready to nro
seed to business, and a, short recess was
taken to give them time to do their er
rand. When they returned the Governor's mes
sage was read.
The Governor's Bleatnge.
He describes his visit of inspection
to the various State institutions nnd
praises the efficiency and honesty with
which, as a. rule, I hey are administered.
"The financial oonditlon of the State is
very satisfactory. There is practically
no State debt. Tho only outstanding ob
ligations ore virtually already provided
for. They consist of $150,000 balanoe of
canal debt, which mature next October,
and' for the liquidation of which there is
now sufficient money In the Canal Fund,
and of 1800,000 Niagara Reservation
bonda, the last ot which do not mature
until 1695, but all of which can be paid
at any tlne from surplus moneys now In
the Treasury, with the proper legislative
Until the joint committee of Senate and
Assembly, appointed at the last session
lot the Legislature to investigate
netnoas or. taxation in the difiereni
ates, submit 'heir report, the Governor
Jntircm making- any recommenda-
.the subject.
jsing to 1 be recent Buffalo strike.
kon ot the Legislature Is called
rut cond.tton of the enuiD-
jLitioual Guard, and a recom-
Ljtla that pr vlsion he made
LVorld'a Fair be says.
Impropriation U all
Inded daring the
L will need an ad-
lif I3UK000 to
rly acid that
k.ia herewith
it fHd
I'rr.rntetl l llrlf r ml Iiitcri-stlnji
"unit Latent Nnws I'rom nil l'art. of
Schuylkill Purminnln and Other
(leorge Qwlnner, wife and
New Year's day hero with
family ipent
tlio former's
Iteiiben Hall anil daughter, liable,
Monday with Slistnioklii friends. '
llruce IlUck, who uncut tlio holidays bete
with friends, left fur his homo on Monday.
Messrs. Luke Davis, Thomas Irvvin and
Palmer Krca visited Shnrnokiti friends Slon
day OVOllltlR. '
Mrs. Joseph Southwood, of Mt. Carmol, is
visitlnB her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mr. Anthony Hletly, of St. Clair, left for
her h nno on Monday. Sho was tliOKuestof
her mother here.
Miss Carrie Fliillltn and Sadie Morgan,
two of Mt. Otrmcl's iliarnilng young ladies,
aro visiting town friends.
Miis Miriam Weidenpaul was a holiday
visitor to her parents hero,
Messrs. Charles and K-'wnrrt ficlfaum and
James Firn attcndc.'i n pool contest at Girard
villo octween Adam Friday, Davo Drown and
two Girardvlllo young men.
Will Jones has genu hack to tlio lluckwcll
University to resume his studies.
MissMaiy Dull'y spent the holidays with
friends hero.
Miss Minnie Jones and Gerllo and Kdith
Farliliigor spent Monday with Mt. Carmel
Cliarles Hiltz visited Centralla's fair ono's
Monday evening.
Georgo Lenahan, one of Gillie) ton's bright
young men, visited town friends Monday
Mioses May Fortnor and i lo. Schauin spent
Monday with friends at Glrardvllle.
Mitb Mary lleufcon entertained, a number of
her friends at her homo Monday. Among
them were Mistes Edith Further, Mattio
Jones, of town ; Carrie Phillips, Sadio Mor
gans, of Mt Carmel j Messrs. lliuee Fortnor,
Jlrme Mack, Will Jones, Claude. Kress and
Chnrles lliltz, of Girardvillo.
William Powell, of Wast Cherry street, is
on tho sick list.
Hoi. Swindt, of East Lino street, isnursin
a veiy soro arm.
George Wilde, of town, spent yesterday at
Hazleton nmoiiR friends.
Mrs. Iticliaidsand Mrs. Sadler, of Girard
ville, spent last evening in town.
John L. Williams, of Shamokln, and
daughter, Miss Jennie, are visiting friends
in town.
Albert Broom and wife, of town, left to-day
for Shamokin to attend tho funeral of tlio
former's unelcv Charles Ilrooin, who died
Monday afternoon from a parlytlo stroke
Klevtrlo Itnllway Itulletln.
Hereafter the electric railwuy ears will
leave the corner of Cherry and Main streets
s.t S:30 a. m. daily and every 20 minutes
hour the
who aro not citizens ot the Stiu
oro uriKnown to its officers or to
thority. .
Xoraluatlnns by tlio Democratic and Ite
piilillcan Caucuses.
IlAnTKOitD, Jan. 4. The Republican
House caucus last night nominated Isaac
W. Brooks of Torrington for Sneaker.
Andrew F. Gates, tho present assistant
clerk, for Clerk. Tho Democratic Housu
cauous nominated Guonra M. riiinn nf
Mtlford for Speaker and Timothy Ii". Me-
iartuy 01 wtuusor ijOCKs lor Ulerk.
Tho Democratic Senato caucus nomina.
toa Frederick W. Hoiden of Ausonla for
rresiuent pro tern, and Charles W. Com
siock 01 iiontville for Ulork.
The Senate is a tie noliticallv. with th,
Democratic Lieutenant-Governor for nre
siding ofheer. The Republican Senators
new a caucus, but made no nominations.
Ho Itevlews the llnanclul Condition
the Slitte Kcouoiny Itecomiucndt-d.
Columbus, O., Jan. 4. Gov. McKinlev
in ms annual message to the Legislature
reviews the llnancinl condition of the
State, which shows a deUoit in the fund
amounting to fcCO.SS&iJS.
lie says tho revenues of the present
year will not justify the sum of the ap
propriation maae tor tne preceding year.
He advises that economy be practiced
ana that appropriations be kept within
me estimated amount of revenue.
lie recommends that the voice of the
people be heeded in thedomauds made for
reform in municipal government and
recommends the establishment of a bodv
to make a complete report on the canals
01 tne state.
California'! Legislature.
Sacrajiento, Col., Jan. 4. The Call
fornla Legislature assembled yesterday,
Kepublloans organizing the Senate by
electing a. u. uarnenter or J-,os Angeles
President pro tem., and the Democrats
organizing tho Assembly with F. B.
Gould of Merced as Sneaker, and Gearm
recKnam 01 aanta Ulara us Chief Clerk.
Gov. Markham's message was not pre
sented and no business was transacted.
Cadets May beAgalu Imprisoned,
A.N.fAPOLis, Md., Jan. 4. The 10
cadets who wero lately imprisoned on the
Suutee for escorting Fred L. Perkins, a
dismissed cadet, to the main gate are in
danger of going back to the Santee for
terms ranging from CO days downward.
They all failed to file statonieuta at the
beginning of their incarceration, and now
having handed them in at a late day they
are subject to punishment for tardiuoas.
Killed hy an JZxprasg.
Trot, N. V., Jan. 4. The Nevr York
express struck a carriage containing
Henry Wallace, his wife and daughter,
of Fort Anu, at Whitehall yesterday.
Wallace was instantly killed. Mrs. Wal
lace was badly injured and may die. The
daughter'! right arm was out off by the
wheels, and she may also succumb.
Bourgeois Ymty lit.
4 U. Bourgeois, UlnUtei
Is sriouilx 11L
Q-irvin, Duncan & Waidley's
A new lot of Mirrors French bevel and German
plate glass. Also an elegant assortment of Lemon
ade sets and all kinds of Table Glassware, Fancy
Engraved Lemonade Sets for $1.25, including tray.
Our stock for holidays is complete. Call and see
our stock of Plush Goods, Ornaments and Toys.
Our Candy Counter is quite an attraction these days,
and sales increase asthc festive season approaches.
Our patrons will do well to make their X-mas pur
chases early and avoid the great rush which immedi
ately precedes the Great Holiday,
6 Soutlx JMCrxlxx Stvoot.
Our Directory,
Offlco hours from 7:30 o.
ra to 7:30 p. m. Money
Order and Registry De
portment open fromBilXI
a. m to 7:00 p. m.
Followinc is a schodule of
the arrival and departure of mall trains. Mall
matter for despatch must he In the olllco thirty
mlnuteB before the tlmo given below:
Arrival. Destination.
P.M. A. M.
1:40 4:24
8:00 9:08
1:10 9:45
1:25 9:60
1:25 9:0S
1: 0:01
2:23 U:M
8:18 0:50
2:2(1 V:&0
8:18 0:50
2:20 9:50
(Phlla., Western
1 nnd f
Southern States)
( New York nnd East-
cm mates and
points on L V 11. It.
j (Jlrardvllle.
( Raven Run, Centra-1
i 11a, Mt Carmel and
Hhamokln. )
Pottsvillo. j
Mahanoy City, j
I Mahanoy Plane, Lost I 11:30
1 Creok and Hhaf t.
Fraokvlllo. 7:20
m. and 7:00 r. ra., and a general delivery at 7:15
a.m. and 3:15 p. m. Additional deliveries ano
collections aro mado In the business part of
town at 10:15 a. ni. and 2:00 p. m.
Type For Sale.
We havo 200 pounds minion, more oi
less, which wo will sell cheap for cash, hav
ing no further uso for tho. same. Apply at
IIkuald otlice.
Fire Alurin lioxes.
Thn lollowitie; lis-sums-the location l
be nlarm boxes of "lie shonandoab Fire
15 Coal and Ilowors streets.
16 Powers and Centre streets.
24 Bridge and Centre streota.
25 Main and Contre streets.
84 Main and Poplar streotB.
35 Main and Coal slreets
12 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
52 Chestnut and Coal streetH.
To send an alarm open the box, pull down
ho hook onco and let go. When an..alarm Is
sent In the lire bell will sound tho numberof
.he box and repeat tho alarm fiur tlm is.
1 now to looath ai, hms.
( If tho alarm Is sounded from cx is me nre
-irl will strike one, then pause 110 air no nve
Lveral times. '
An Amendment.
nriggs-That girl you introduced me
iu in (Jix-ny SlOW
Griggs Why, she said sho thought
iingp-nui she? Yes, she's pretty
R ntv lint , .1 ... 1 "
A I'tirntiux.
Mr. XGU On ihn c(nn 1 i
have sucli dolt, woodony actors to reo-
air ivnow-'kos: that's so as to have
...itui irui1 to nre. Puck.
No. Euton, N Y
tS MlMaes j My ; wlf; horn of rarenli predls. H
BM 11 AS . Mjr wile't hMllh wm unuimlly guod S
IBJIo'raof I.OI,MA on iwitly all parti ot UitS?
BBjbodjri alttr atiiuol: Ji,ldl to the remrdlel u.od.M!
Kcmt 00 front of right ahoulder where It ha.S
BlSrilnil Jor al ytnr with almoat C'
Stuiit lriilullon ma I Icliliiz. SuioainlujES
HaWKVonlifrhfadhaibroVpn and dlkhargrdM
(j until alinpat unUrelj gona. IlabUual CoativeumS
gnalao grutlr rcll. eL 03
ml We havo hentofore unvI variety of remnlleirn
SHwlth but llttlu rnult, but DANA'S SAItSArA-jS
FyUlLLA tuu proved Kl tfiei-tual In rpllrvinir mvi
gm In the blood that I raurt aay it U a grand couibina-Sg
lion of renwdml uenU, an.l that my wlle'a great SS
improvement la ir.. to lu power aid the bleuloi tU
of a kind IVm idenefi upon la imo. el
m 1 have taken one bottle mjaelf and ttnd It a
nSplenUlil Altmiliic US
m ltelectuUy, HBV. A. J. DAV, m
EH 1'mWr M. E. Churth, So. taifton, N, Y. gjj
H m
H Only en SamparllU told en tht NoS
jS BENEFIT-NO PAY " plan. Only on could
hittand the, tnd that on It DANA'S, jag
jouzxaxsiizna this. h
S Dana Sartaparllla Co., Belfait, Malna.
11:30 8:00 "TO
y 0:03 3:08
I 8100
7:20 7;'tl0 37
g ' -1? Mr
1 rS"
I ,HlfU ' ".ill t.. .1
On exhibition In Ferguson's Illoclf,
S. Maiu St., Shenandoah, j
No Humbug. HolsAllvo.
AdutlfiiM', ut CoiiIm
Who lauRbsf Yon do. to do I And
everybody eUe when they sco,
and thelrmerry company In
eo our Msndolln Octetto. Quintette of
Musical Tennl- Rackets HclK)aotlo. Latest
New York Crnze. '1 he HOrpenllno Dance. Airy
Giiiccs. Pretty Faces. Merry GUnees i
Lovoiy uancN.
rriccB, 25, 50 hi d 75 Ci-iits.
Reserved scats on Biilo atKlrlln'u drug (.tore.
IIcatquitrtcr8 For
Florida Oranges
I wish to announce to the
mblie that I will receive a car,
-Ornnfrf flirprt. from '
learn te
Trouble In the Choir.
The little soprano shook her fist
In the leader's whiskered face.
"Your voice Is tenor'" she fiercely hisseo,
"Cut your conduct, sir, Is basol"
Chicago Tribune.
Trardlnc Off a Tlox of atanlllaa.
Mrs. Bronsnn ftrnrl,-li7i v.
J Kill 1
Imagine, Cliarley, what a lovely present
1 u. Kuiug ua get you lor unristmas.
lou ii do ourc to enjoy it.
He- t. .....
mr. iironson (nastily and with an-
ean.A-i 1 1 - . '
ija.cub irrcievancej laria, dear, rm
going to quit smoUiiur on tho Uftrmith
of December. Er--I thought youd Hle
w u.uuw uuuut it at once. Cmcaco
Sli Wn. CninnllmeutitrT.
Focrtr Mv wlf Is vAnlTi. i
Ilrown Aii How's f.hnf?
FoCTiT Whv. shn pamn mlrrhtw
f . " LIJI
uruwn now nnniv fm- inctnnr.a.i
w Mfc m lUUilCU
nu viuw a uesi, juranuon liannor.
Kutltled to tho Limit.
Miss Harlem (in M,r Tl
Chicago) Frankly, now, don't you
miuiv jfuu uHYK u, very large loot?
JU1SS Ijlvetvavtn Nn T ilnnil Jt
-. , . , lt vuil
remember what vou leamo,! o .i,i
you ouglit to know that every foot in
iiuliuu io tweivo inches. Truth.
i.J5?.W.r. "Jll B"ly n th. itomh.
.iVink i. i.i Z J' ""t" Piefuwnt Jaiallve. This
All dn.r.mT.r," Sf,f.
cannot get it, seod youraddrew for a free Vmnh?
I.iine' Family jlle.llclne movea j tUe TiVoru
eh dar. In order to bo henlthy tlilsls fie?elf
36 Bast Centre Street.
Thel.b.'.alM: p9rter- whiskies, brandie.
. wines and f test clar. always on hand.
DeimHurc. MW J
i ml Hit
,dS?3S&fc&, AT
reef rip to
( -s" nr v- "sf -?
Realizing that the Public School Teachers will bo among those most desirous of enjoying a
TlllV IO TJlli WOltlsIi'BCOIjVMMAtr Il.XPOfilTTO,V,imd wlf a v'ew to providing an
incentive for a material Increase In sab s of tho Kvkninq Hkiiai.Ii for 1693, the publisher has
concluded to placo within tho roach of all the publlo school teachers In tho territory named an
opportunity to visit tho Expoltlon In July next, tpend ten diys there, have buad and lodg
lni ntn llrst-clnss hotel, nnd s euro railway transportation including sleeping berths from
Ni.cnondoah to Chicago and return.
-4JE1 free of ny Cost,
Tho contost will open on Monday,
July 1, 1803.
A votlni coupon will bo published In each edition of tl 0 Fvfnino Hlhami, a ao limit c ol
which Is published below. Koch coupon will represent one voto.
Tho two toachors who receive tho greatest numberof total votes up to tho closing hour
above stated will bo declared the wlnnors.
All coupons must be cut out of tho Evemmg Heualu and sent, securely sealed In envel
opes, uddressed to "fXiif( Minor. Jjecntug lie uhl, Shenandoah, Pa."
Any person rosldlng In any place may vote as often as he or she may desire for one or more
teachers cnnaged In teaching In a public School north of tho Uroad Mountain at tho close of the
cnrri-nt school term; provided, that any teacher who may have been incapacitated by sickness
orucoidot't for teaching fjr a period of not moro tban three months prior to the end of the
term, may alo compote
ISoch voto tor oach toacher must bo represented by a sepcrale coupon.
A coupon bearing the nnmo of more than 0110 toacher or specifying more thnn one vote for a.
teacher will 1 0 thrown our as void. "
Each coupon will have the d ito of Its Issue at tho lower left hand corner, and such coupons
must bo In the hands of 'he Contest Editor within ten days lifter the dato it bears.
A careful rt curd will be kept of tho names of all contestants, and all coupons will be filed
nnd kept safe until the ilnal adjudication. Three prominent ar.d responsible men of Shenan
doah will bo selected lo act us judges, male tho tlnal c unt and nnnounco tho names of tho tw
winners. Wiould threo or moro teachers be tied on the highest number of votos, tho Judgea will
bo nl owed to dtclde.
The names of tho winners wll' be announced on orbeforo Saturday, July 15, 1SS3. Should;
the winners bo absent from Shenandoah at the time they will bo Informed of their good fortune
by telegraph, so that they may start on iho trip as soon thereafter as posslblo.
All blanks In the coupon must bo tilled ou' especially the blank requiring the name of the
person voting. Tho number of votos 'received nt this office up to 4 p. m each day will be pub
lished In tho next Issue of the IIeiiai.d with tho names of the teachers voted fur.
Sample Coiipon.
The two teachPrs who receive tho largest number of votos will bo taken to the
World's Fair and n yally enteriali i d by the lli:u.Ln. Cut out th's coupon, unl
on ti e bl .nk lines write tho name of the X. bllcbthool Teacher, north of tne Broad
Mountain, In Schuylkill county, whom you con1dcr mostpipulur, and send 1 to
tlm '( utile t Jiditi ', tvemuy Jlerttld, kh nandoah, i'n." Jvery coupon proparly
tilled out counts as one vote. Every persou, young or old, can voto, and rote as
often as lhcy pi1 iso.
Name of Tricuer .
frem 9th
Leave Reading, week days, l.o5,7,10, 10.05,
Leave Pottavlllfi. nVJ o' in n ,n . '
12.30, 6,llp..m Sunday, 3.40, 7.00 a. rn.,2.0S p.
I.AaVA Tlllrllftllfl Anna onn .o . . l.i
m 1.81,7.15, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m.
i.xAi p. m.
IIBi m ItlK SrY' We(!k day8' 3-45' B
ft. m. S?ln 'w' I V
.e,aXe.j'ahan0T Plane, week djys, 2.40. 4.00.
8 30,9.35 a.m..l.(B,2.,5.20,e.20,7.S7,l6S
Leave Girardville, (Rappahannock Station).
4.O7; 8.33 o m. &4rs3r7 n m" """""
Leave Wllllamsport, week days. 8.00, 9.50,
i.m.,3,S5. 11.15p. m. Sunday, 11.15 n. m.
- -- ;;-i,'',"bi iuo tvesi via
11. & O. It. K., ihrough trains leave Girard
vfHS8tatlon- Phllhdelphla. (P. A R. R. R.) it
3 n-w a- m- 3 M. 7-1B P- m. Sunday.
3 60,8.02, 11.27 a. m., 3.66, 5.42, 7.16 p. m ououa,
ee.kP1llaa.elpillai Cbestnut street wharf
n,?,So,uih street wbarf, for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express, 9 (10 a nf, 2 00. 4 00, 5 00
. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a tja, 5 45, 8 30 p m
n t "-r'i ww, u m. Accommooa-
tlon,8u0amand4 30pm. ",-,'u""uuu-
Returning leave Atlantlo City, depot, Atlantlo
oU!as av0DUss: JVeekdaya-Express,
7 oti, 7 45, 9 00 a m and 400 pm
niuuuiuiuuuuon, a iu a m and 4 90 n m
Sundays Express. 4 00 p m
Accommodation 7 30 a m and Ohm
n ri ii a wrvw if . . ., 1 , . .
i. a. H5KrnrT,'rw,YX'v"1Jt2a rA,
firtirrvr.wiTT. nmior,,!
"MrWTT.' rVflll.O 1 a. loml
sto oucuiiuuoau mil
Pottstown.I'hrenUviUe, Nor stovl
4: 15 p. m. on week days J
pV.1 Wltyrrnn'ai ntlKr...,,
ntiH R Dn n TUn. TI 1
a. m.
w-t u iu,, u, iu y, ii ,
mXTZ K?f"Sff '?!, ."henandoah .
bundays llTiaa: m. and 5?40p, T lu;wp' m'
at 10:40 a. m Jinrt 1VT. v. rr, r J
l,pntia T)tittnHii1nUln r j . .
Tt.rn """"j't"'" luruuu aireei siauoni ro
J taville and Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 35 a ti
at 6 50 a m. For PottavtHe, 023am. For Ne
' w v OOD, O OU, 7 30. HaJ 8f
'iJ m' t,i.r mj 0 "' 7 13' 8 18 a"u io t
ma aai o Ei n w i Jl JaW
! vJ..lll,u i " ' 7 13 an
1ZU1 lllnt. l,-ne V
tprmr-iiititA nlntin.
p m woekdays, TV
ton 3 50. 7 20. a si o
Ited express, 1 30, 3
I Vei- llnlti.nn.
m. Sundayiat3 50, V
7 if! r rrt lm ,..,.
i Tl m Pfl, 1? tLn.r..1 n
nlffht Miitirini-o nn n
Trains will leave Uur
anu tne west every dai
andnimftpri srm J
toona at 8 15 am and 4 i1
i-itisDurgana Altoona s
and 10 SO p in week days.
Trains will leave Sunt
r.imiru, i anandalgua,
Niagara Falls at 610 i
days, ForkJmlraate
Krln nnrl inlAnnainA
r or uock naven at 6 1
uuu d ju p m week daj,
Sundavaonlv. PneirJ
u. ii. man.
ueat uan4er)
ead This !
Morfb's f air
In Schuylkill County,
10th, If 03, and wl.l close at 6 p. rn. on Saturday,
1 illiamS OOlT
13 South Main St.
- 18.
Aro sometimes a bore, but.
wnen ttie people are toll
twice that at Gallagher!
Uheap Cash Store they cil
Duy iiour and Tea at low!
rates man anywhere in toii
they are glad to lest tl
iruui or the ott repoatl
story. no also keeps j
hand full line of G-roseril
Fresh Butter and Eggs, Jj
laioes, trreon Truck,
and Straw