The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 10, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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iT A Temler-IIeiirted Driver-' . lw "I S
HjjHVsTTMTn fiT) nmnDTTHO Atnae.cohwaStoiiiniruri a stcon if Trfin.r Ki y I Ihnn k" .v
HMHr J: 111 ill UIW U JCJIVIJUO Ufenl " Suddenly tho driver 'got down, I O i
Find no difficulty in
Securing what thoy
require for their ta
bles at our store.
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
Jtferne to Iferirimon Theatre Conilnr;
5 A.IHI10 specialties Introduced in "Mugu'a
Lading" aro now mid aro seldom if ever
raallcd In farce comedy. "Mtir"s I.anloj I
Tf HI appear at Ferguson's theatre W-niorrow
- " uxrur. TMXir."
lovers of jBno muslo and genteel comedy
"Trill enjoy '"Little Trixlo" at Ferguson's
theatre, noxt Friday ovcnlng. Tho company
macs highly recommended, and is artistic in
Very sense. Tho comedy is high class and
refined, whilo the specialties are first-claes in
every respect. Patrons of tho theatre may
expect a rare musical and oomedy treat.
nigh-prlced compctlt- rs disregard a woll
established law of nbysirs wuen thoy buck
against Solvation Oil It is tho best and
, ebeapsst. S5o.
riles or Hemorrhoid
Permanently cured without knifo orllgature.
No danger or suffering. No dolay from bus
.loess whilo under treatment. Patients who
- m responsible need not iy until well. A
perfect euro guaranteed. Send for circular.
It. HEED, SI. D.,
129 South 13th St., Philadelphia.
Refers, by permission, to tho editor of the
i Xvdhino Herald. tf
Great Sarrlllco Sale.
Jm fancy holiday gooils, candies, etc., left
from Christmas will bo sold at sacrifice
wlowj as I don't wish to carry over any of
tho No reasonable prico refused.
18-27-tf MAX Keese.
A Temler-IIeiirted Driver?
A stage-coach was tolling up a stoop i
icenU Suddenly tho driver trot down,
dmd, whilo tho horses wero stralttlng
ivory nerve, ho noisily opened the
ioueh door and slammed It to ngaln.
"What is that for?" inquired one of
the travelers, impatiently.
"Sir, the road Lb vory steep and I am
Uolnte It for the ftftko of my beasts."
"How Is that?"
"Why, you sec, every time 1 open tho
door and shut it again they fancy some
one has got out" Annates Politique
et Litteraires.
A .lmic or Human Kntnift.
Mr. ltonald I am sure thatyournlecc,
who makes hor debut noxt week, must
be a very lovely girl. ,
Mrs. Dowager Sho ewtnltUy Is; but,
as you have never seen hr, how camo
you to know it?
Mr. Ronald I hoard JIfcW Fading,
who is in hsr fourth Mason, say that
she was a perfect irlghtt,,-rIdge.
An Aporctfrhita Itemedy.
Mrs. Selby Doctah, do chile dun gone
irwaller 'r pint ob ink.
Doctor Ilab yo' dun cnnydlng fo' de
relief ob 'im?
Mrs. Selby Pro dun made 'm eat freo
sheet ob blottin" paper, doctah. Was
dat rite? Brooklyn Lifo.
A Mortal Ininlt.
"What did Waite say that mortally
offended Miss Fithavc?"
'Why, just after her fruitless visit to
Europe ho had the temerity to allude to
her as a peerless creature." Life.
Great Big Chunks
Whacked Off Prices !
AM those who have used Baxter's Man
irake Bitters sperk very strongly in their
praise. Twontv flvo cents per bottle,
Coining Events.
Fob. 13. First annual ball of Gen. liar
risou Lodgo, It. of P., in Bobbins' opera
Fob. S3. Martha Washington Birtliday
Party, in Bobbins' opera house, under tho
amniceg of the Ladies' Aid Society of the
P. M. church. ,
Jan, 10 Lcctnro by Eev. Anna Shaw, of
Massachusetts, under the auspices of Shenan
doah W. 0. T. U. Subject, "The American
There aro many common liniments sola
but there i only one rna iin cure lor all
forms of rfnralns. Cnl, Hrnbstwar.d all bouilv
natn. Its name is Hcd Flag Oil. Costs 25
cents. Sold at P. P. D. h lniu drus store.
Twelio Photos for COc.
By sending us your cabinet, together with
60 cents, wo will finish you one dozen photos.
11-2-tf W. A. Keaoey,
Mary, who owned tho llttlo lamb,
Is married now, you know;
Her flrst born son Is ten years old.
And ho to school does go.
He clt oxcltes tho teacher's ire
By fracturing the rule,
Then, as of old, tho children laugh.
To see the "lam" at school.
Detroit Freo Press.
Of Blntior SetH at the rate of 3 0 per chunk.
Conio see our IIS iitce Prlncea Dinner Heta -at
$10.00 easily worth $1,1,00. Kemember. these aro
English goods." Look nt iliein, even H you do not wish
to buy. Wo m sell you a Hit" l'nt cjet at a
most reanonaUle prico el her JCngilch or Auier
lean mnuuf'icttire. Wliite GrunltH dipt and Hnucera
as low as 40o per set. Odds and ends lu Fancy China
of all kinds are golfg rapidly. Oome unnn if
yu wili to match up broken cet. Art pot
tery, lumps, stationery, novelties etc, etc., etc.
Girvin, Duncan & Waidley,
3 Soutli JSZzxlm. Stroot.
r. -Croaby'a huocoMor,
Piuncbton, N. J., Jun. 10. Tho Rev,
John It, Davis, D. D., of the Princeton
Theological seminary, class of '84, has
accepted the unanimous call extended to
him by tho Fourth Avenue Presbyterian
Church, New York city.
Colorado Smntn Deadlock Hrollen.
Denveii, Col., Jnn. 10. The deadlock
in tho Senate was broken by a combina
tion of Populists and Democrats. Keu
nedy, the Democratic candidate for Sec
retary, was elected by !20 to 15 votes.
Political Cards.
Neckties, niufllora and silk handkerchiefs
hi all the latest and most approved styles and
t exceedingly low prices at tho Pcoplos'
store. 12-15-tf
Suporior gocls at 23 per cent, lower than
lsowhere at llolderman'a jewelry store. tf
Beat work done at Brcnnan's Steam Laun
dry. Everything white and spotless. Lacs
curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed
Best photograplis and crayons at Dabb's.
The Gentleman's 1'rlmid,
If you want to look well-dressed, woar
Boulap hats and Eighmo dress shirts, sold
nly by R. J. Mills, the leading hatter of
Tottsville. lie keeps tho finest line of neck-we-ar.
Ue is now taking orders for bicycles,
av make you want. A few second-hand
bievclea that he will sell cheap. 12-lG-lw
.lAiie'a Viillllly Sli'dlolno Sluves the Howels
Buih day. In order to lie healthy this is
lloldemian's lewelry store leads as ever, tf
Wa Jiave 900 pounda toiniou, more or
less, which we will sell cheap for cash, liv
bie ua further use for the Mtoa. Apply at
HBftiXt ultloe.
UonchliiK Irfwda to OoostuoptUm.
Kmp Balsam will stop the eoogh
'Hie Aeacleioy Mturnt.
Th Pottsville headquarters for Sbenwi
&mh people and others living Kortti of the
Uonatein, for hot toddies, hot punches, beef
b and ail kinds of wines sad llquors of the
Ufthraada, is the Academy RestUTnt, John
T, doottey, proprietor, X. A. Cooney, aaost
ant. te
Whern Babyte stok, w gave her OaMorta.
to wm a fAiid, sto aried for Oastoria.
yiYm fba bwn M toi, aha ehug to OMSoria.
TTheuie bad Cfcudren, aha ave thm Costoria.
All Ills Fault.
Mr. Binks (wliose invalid wife insists
on boarding) Look hero, now. The
Medical Record says nothing will im
prove a woman's health like sweeping,
baking, bod-malting, dish-washing and
polishing the silver.
Mrs. Iiinks Huhl You know very
well you never got mo any silver to
polish. No wonder I'm sick. N. Y.
Weekly. J
Wanted to ltevlso the Solar System.
During the Inst total oelipso of tho
sun a boy was selling smoked glasses
at a ponuy apiece.
"You ought to make money," said the
"Yes," said tho young merchant!
"ours would bo a good business if the
dull season wero not so long." Boston
.Similar J.lnei.
"Mr. Ilawley," said Cynicus to the
comic editor, "you ought to know my
friend Barker. You are both working
in similar lines."
"Barker? Barker? Who is he?" asked
"He is the manager of tho cemetery
at Bronx Hill." Truth.
The plague of breaking lamp
chimneys is abroad in the land.
There are two sorts of chim
neys; brittle and tough. Ninety
nine in a hundred are brittle.
The Avorst are imported from
Germany. The best are Mac-
beth's "Pearl-top'& "Pearl-glass."
Two sorts as to workman
ship; fine and coarse. The
fine are Macbeth 's "Pearl-top"
and "Pearl-glass." The coarse
are rough and out of propor
tion; misfits and misshapen;
they do not make a good
draft; they smoke.
Two sorts as to glass; trans
parent and gray. "Pearl-top"
and " Pearl-glass" are clear, fm
and tough not tough agains1:
accident tough against heat.
Call for "Pearl-top" oi
" Pearl-glass chimneys.
Pittsburgh Pa. Geo. A. MACnrcrw CO.
Subject to Democratic rules,
poll COUNCIL, (Fourth Ward)
Kubject to Dcmocr.itic-rules.
OK COUNCIL, (Ihlrd ward)
Subject to the rules ot tho Citizens'
ating convention.
JJ0U COUNCIL, (Second ward)
Subject to nemocratiCirulcs.
OK COUNCIL. (Second Ward)
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
IOIt COUNCIL (Second 'ard)
Subject to ritizens' party rules.
TitntD wa:u,
Subject to DcmocrntlOulcs.
Read This !
free rip to f I) e f orlVs air
." " .
In Schuylkill Ctonnty,
Creeper T
WANTS, &o.
FOK KENT. Society and club rooms in the
post olllco building. Apply to M..M 1 urke.
Attorney, Koora 3. 12-U-tf
1T7ANrKI) Aroodclrl to do general house
VV wo
ork. Annlv lit
17 South White street.
Coffee's rehldente No.
1-10 L't
1 E Two t'uck clelRbs. nhriost new.
i. uonry , i o tu bourn Jiuin
street Shenandooh. l-livot '
ron s
r Apply to
' ANTED. A gentleman now visiting town
Vl la desirous of purchai-lug a number of
line specimens of sulphur dl -mends Parties
bavin? good bard pletCB will call at ibo
IIKIIAI.D OlllCO. 1-3-tf
I 1
Horsu : Ice :
rr. wsfKaa--offii m
I Bole
I -A.
Realizing that the Public Sahool Teachers will be among thoe uost desirous of snjojin; 9
TUIV i d) THE WORLD'S COLUM1IIAN EXPOSITION, nd witn a rlew to proridine a
inccntlTO for a material increase in sales of tho Evk.nino IIkkild for 1893, the pubilshor has
concluded to placo within the reach of all the publio school teachers In the territory named aa
opportunity to visit tho Exposition in July noxt, spend ten days there, have boad and lodj
nta flrat-class hotel, and 8' cure railway transportatloa Including sleeping berths Iran
Shenandoah to Chicago and return,
-&H Jfyee of Rni eost.'H-
The contest will open on Monday, January Kith, 1193, and wlU close at i p. m. or Saturday,
Julyl, 1803.
A voting coupon will bo published In each edition of the E vinino Hkhald, a Sat timile of
which Is published below. Each coupon will represent ono vote.
Tho two teachers who receive the greatest number of total votes np to the oloslns hour
above stf.ted will bo declared tho winners.
All coupons must bo cut out ot tho Evknimo Herald and sent, securely sealed In enrel
opes, addressed to "Contest Editor, Evening Herald, Shenandoah, 1'a."
,tny pcr.-on residing In any place may voto as often as he or she may desire for ono or more
teachers engaged lu teaching In a public school north of the Broad Mountain at the close ot the
enrrent school term; jirorMeil, that any teacher who may bavo been incapacitated by sickness
or accident for teaching for a period of not more than three months prior to the end of the
term, may also compete.
Each voto for each teacher must bo represented by a seperate coupon.
A coupon bearing the name of moro than ono teacher or specifying more than ono rote for Bl
eacher will bo thrown out as void.
Each coupon will havo thedatoof its lssuoat tho lower left hand corner, and such coupons
lhustbo In the hands of the Contest Editor within ten days after tho dato it bears.
A careful record will bo kept of tho names of all contestants, and all coupons will bo file
nd kept safe until the final adjudication. Thrco prominent and retponslblo men of Hhenau-
loah will be selected to act as judges, inakn tbo llnal count, and annouueo tho names of tho two
dinners. Hhould thrco or moi o teachers be tied on the hlgbest number of votes, tho judges will
ie al owed to decide.
Tho mimes of tho winners will be announced on or beforo Saturday, Julv 15, 1S93, Should
ho winners bo absent from Shenandoah at tho time they will bo informed of their good fortune
jy telegraph, so that they may start on ihe trip as soon thereafter as possible.
All blanks iu tho coupon must bo filled out, eBt-cclally the blank requiring the name of tho
icri-on voting. The number of votes received at this ofllce up to 4 p. m. each day will be pub-
ished in tbo noxt issue of tho IIehald with the names of the teachers voted for.
8(9taels to salt 4I aytf, at Forte's book
inA iiatieary utaf, No. 21 Morth Main
KraaL 4-27-tf
KptKilul Sale,
l,.and Fancy Slippars at ths
TMto, AHmm,
Pemks' sfcmu !
ltay Kafsioc flour, lie sare that the
naw Lamia & fcAKR, Ashland, Pa, is printed
mi every sack. 3-3-3taw
17011 KENT, OK SALE. A store in good
' location doing a business of S40.iXiO per
annum. A ffood business chance. Address
box 31, summit IUIL Pa., or T. J. Mu lahey,
301 Cherry street, Shenandoah. 1 Mw
Fhist National Dank. I
Shenandoah, Pa., Jan4 9, 'OJ f
Thn nnnrrt nt Direct rs ha this day i eclared
a semi-annual dividend of 5 pei cent, payablo
on demand
j NO. K. jurjifrENHiau, i,asmer.
mission, to handle tho new Patent Cheml
cui Ink Krastnir Pencil. Theauickest andcreat-
est selling novelty ever produced. Erases ink
thoroughly in two seconds. No abrasion of
paper. Works like magic 200 to 600 per cent,
proilt. One agent's Hales amounted to J680 In
six days. Another iSl in two hours. Previous
uvnprUii-fl nnt. nprnBsarv. For terms and full
Sartlculars, address Tho Monroe Mf'g Co., La
robse. Wis. x!39 5-21-ly
ugent for Schuylkill County.
Hardware. Iron, Oil, Paints, Robes
Horso Illankets, Skates, Sporting Goods.
IJeutlcjurtrtera For
Florida Oranges
Tonsxirtal Itrm.
A urcmaturely bald young man, who
Is very vuin about Ms personal appear
ance, asked a Now York barber:
"Have you got any stuff that will
make the hair grow on my head?"
"I should say so. Just you try my
matric elixir, and in less than a month
you will look like one of the monkeys
in Central park." Texas Sittings.
Mumma lit a Hole.
Little Dick This is Saturday, and
mammu and papa are going to the the
ater to-night. I'm awfully glad.
Little Dot Why is you?
Little Dick 'Cause sho can't wash
me to-night, an' she'll get up so late to
morrow morning she'll have to let mo
go dirty or miss church. Good Uews.
A Lucky Urlmntte.
Mrs. Meadow My sister is just the
luckiest ffirl that ever lived. You know
she married a summer boarder, and has
to live In iJew Yorl.
Mrs, Lawnmo Yes.
Mrs, Meadow Well, she's got the
catarrh so bad now she can't smell. N
Y. Weekly.
Only Half Way.
Algy Mr. Bunker, I think I have
been in your employ long enough to b
entitled to an increase in salary.
Bunker I agree with you partly, Mr.
ItlUTera. I think yon have been in my
employ long enough. You can go.
lloston Globe.
A forttful Han.
She It is not right for you to be
flirting with young ladies, particularly
when you were married only last week.
He Uy Jove, that's so; I had for
gotten all about It. Please excuse me
for my absent-mindedness. Texas Sitt
ings. A True ion.
"Your boy's ISnglish is rather bad,
Mrs. Moriarty," said the merohant to
the office Toy's mother.
"Thrue far you, MUtber Smithers.
lie's OirUh all troo," replied the proud
mother. Judge.
Two VIeies.
Marie No man should kiss me unless
be was engaged to ma.
Clalra And no man should be en
gaged to me unless ho kissed mil. De
troit Free I'ress.
I A desirable little farm in tho Catawissa 1
Valley, near Krebs1 station, SO minutes walk
from Shenandoah, will be sold nt private sale
by applying on the premises. Tho farm con
tains -"0 acres, more or les, in high state of
cultivation. Will sell th- farm by itself with
house and furm buildings, or will sell farming
stock and Implements along with the tarm It
desired. Tho owner is oesirous of leaving the
country. For information, apply on the
nrt mlses.
12-17-d&w-lm MYLES WHITE.
011 K PAYS for a homo lot nt May's Land
(pXO ing, tho fine suburb of Atlantlo City; 5
squares from 11. H.; commutation faro to Pbllu.,
'S cents; has court house, hotels, schools,
churches, cotton, paper, clothing, elgar sash,
brick, and lumbering mills, with finest water
power; lino driving, lishlng, gunning, bathing,
selling; city and country combined; 35 houses
built last year and not oue empty; a safe and
sure investment; W0 invested will Increase
ao in 0 months; 3 mills built ibis year; lots are
80 feet above ocean; 10 percent, off for cash;
2 lots for fi; title tnt-ured. Send for circular.
Kranklir St , Pniladelphla. 9-30-tm
Just received another con
sig'niiient of Florida Oranges
that the srrower wishes me to
dispose of to mahe room for
more. 'I will sell the choicest at
20c Per Dozen.
124 M. MfilJi treet.
Tho two teachers who receive tho largest number of votes will bo taken to the
World's Fair and royally entertalmd by the IIkkai.d. Cutout this coupon, an 1
on ti e bKnk lines write the name of the Pi blic Sihool Teacher, north of 11 e i .road
Mountain, iu Schuylkill county, whom vou consider mostpcpulur, and sendl to
the 't onte't J-MUor, hvcintig Herald, Shenandoah, 1'a." Every coupon prooerly
tilled out counts as oue vote. Every person, younger old, oau vote, and vote ad
often as they please.
Name ot Teacher .,
Residence -
Name of Voter -
A very suioessful Corporation wants an gent
torepr.sent it in Shmandoah. Wil1 pay at
least 160 per month. HuslnesH lsendorbtd by
Uani s and leading con 111. rolal houses. Agent
must invest llflO which is lully secured. r.o
peddling. A cba co of a lifetime to obtin a
Bi.od 1 aying businet-s from the Mart. Address
for particulars. IDENTIUCaTION." V. O.
ltox 1888. New York. 1-S-It-I,ts,s
Bvsrytbing Iu the tonsorlal line done in first
clars Biyl. A Sae bath room attaobad.
a t S. KISTLER, M. D.,
Ofnce 1J0 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
Has removed to Biff Jones' old stano
Where he will be plsaaod to meat the w&nU
of bis n-lenas and the pnbllo in
Brerrihiug in tha Briakiag Lia
SportiDK and Musical Resort !
Second St., 0IRARDVILLE.
Best Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ales and Snenv
nrands of Olpara alwava on band
Han nurchased the best apparatus in the mar
ket, and is now prepared to take every si via of
photographs, views of buildings, machinery
and all kin"s of outdoor work a specialty Eaob
pure-laser of one dozen cabinets at is.H) Is pre-
To the buyer who wishes to purchase goods
25 Per Geo! Below Usual Prices.
My entire stock of Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery,
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers MUST BE SOLD at once,
as I am about to retire from this lino of business.
We havo also reduced our line of OVERCOATS,
to one-half price. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats
and Ctipb nt prices nover before equalled in the county.
ForX-mas and New Year Presents
A reminder of some of the most suitable articles for such,
and also the place to buy them.
ree. This oner is
Coovlne and enlars-
Work done at short notioe and low prices.
DABB. It. White St., Brlcg'&.dg.
sented with a large crayon
good until April i, ieua.
Others, ready to put up spring roller,
for sac, sac, vc, ouo ana upwaras.
ties desiring only the b
tures can be accommodated.
ading or hi.
Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardm Street.
(Christ, Bossier's old stand)
HhIu nml C011I NtH., Hlieunndoali,
Host beer, nle and porter on tap. The finest
jrands of whiskeys and cigars. Pool room at-
A Good Herge or Cloth Drs,
A Fine Shawl,
Fine Wilton, Moquette or Qoat-gkln Rug,
A Good Carpet,
A Set of Table Linens, Napkins to match,
Pair Gents', LadieB' or Children's Kid
Glovor, with fur tops,
A Plush or Cloth Coat,
A Pair of Good Blankets,
Handsome Pair Chenille Curtains,
A Fine Carpet Sweeper,
A Fhio Umbrella,'
Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufllerg,
Towels, Mufla, Pocket-books, etc.
Allot which can be purchased nt
Qlt. JAMKrt Bl'ElN.
Office and Residence, No, 31 North Jardln
Street, Shenandoah,
Send their Ee Specialist
To Slieiinmlonli, 'Wednesday, Jnn. x8.
Ho will be found at the
Ferguson House From 8:80 a. m. to 530 p. m.
Persons who have headache, or whose eyes are causing dls
otmforl should coll upon their specialist, and they willro
oelve inulllgsut and skillful attention. NO CHAHOK to ex
amine your oyes. Kverypalr of glasses ordered Is guaranteed
to be satisfactory.