The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 10, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    VENING jllALD.
VOL. VII.--NO. 321.
U J.
ZB South Main St.
UKADquAn.TV.ns ron
Trimmings, Ladles' and Chlldrea's
Shades and Shadings,
Carpets and Oil Cloth
KWT flf ty cent storm serges will compare fa
lUI vorablywilh OOc goods sold In Pblladcl
"I phla and other cities. I am selling an all-
wool Jlablt Cloth, worth GOo. for30n per
fard. I have the best Mo Corset In the region,
lain Flannels, worth 25c. sold here lor SOo per
yard! 4-1 wldo Muslin "-old for 60 per yard; the
beet Gray Flannel sold for 18c per yard, and a
Oooil Flannel at 12c per yard. A good IJlankot
for TOo a pair.
Everything a Decided Bargain.
GENTS' Natural Wool Rults, worth
2.60, Fold now for2. Comfortables
and Blankets cheap. Como at once and
secure good values at old reliable stand,
28 South Main street, next door to Grand
Union Tea Storo.
Saloon and Restaurant
Leading Saloon In town
Cenlrr and Wlittf titi.,
(Uickcrt'u old stand)
First-class Eating Bar.
Finest Whiskeys In the Market
Manufacturers of
Of Every Description.
Flags, Baoges, Caps, Regalias, &c
Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited
Bents to announce to his friends and
patrons and tho public generally that
ho has purchased the barbershop lately
occupied by U. J. Yost,
Ho. 12 West Centre Street,
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street,
Ur stocked with the best beer, porter, ales,
whlBkles, brandies, nines, etc. Finest cigars.
Eating bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all.
So Close Out Surplus Stock a ftiv pieces Floor Oil
Cloth, Uvo yards wide, at SO and GOo. litg
ular prices, SSc ami $1,00.
Zlnolcttm2 yards wide,
2Uree Cars No lliniothy Hay.
Two Cars lino Middlings.
One Car Jbancy White Middlings.
One Car JPure Choxour own maJiel f
One Car Fancy Clipped Wliite Oats.
Florida Oranges,
Pine, Iitrg;c
Condensed Milk,
Extra Quality
pcnausoN'S tiibatiie.
r. j. rsnouiON, manager
Tho musleal comedy event of tho season. The
peerless Irish comedienne,
May Smith Robbins,
Supported by a superb company of comedians
and boubrettes in the legitimate musical
comedy, In four acts,
"Little Trixie!"
Tho Ilomp Heiress.
Under tho management of Fred. Bobbins.
Bright, Sparkling Muslo.
Sweet Singing, and
Best Dancers on Earth.
Walt for this great attraction.
Prices, 25, 35 nml 50 Cents.
Roserrod scats on salo atKlrlln's drug store.
A play that advances with the times,
Mugg's Landing.
Ererything new and improved.
New Medleys.
New Soug.
New Specialties.
If you bare to borrow tho price of ndmlsslon
go hear tho famous
Four-ln-Hand Quartette.
Prices, 35, 35 and 50 Cents
Reserved scats on salo at Klrlln's drug store
Saloon and Restaurant
Tho loading plHco In town.
Has lately been entirely rcno
. voted Everything new, clean
and fresh, Tho finest line of
Wines and Liquors !
Cigars, &c, foreign and do
mestic. Free lunch berved
each ovenlrg. Big schooners
of f rcsh,llecr,Porter, Ale, &c.
J. J, DOUailERTY, Prop.
Bakery : and : Confectionery,
No. 29 East Centro.Street.
Ice cream all the Tear 'round. Onen Sundays,
I am now making u superior quality of CREAM
uiiKAU, something new. xou want to try it
you'll use no other If you do.
Others for 3.7, 45, BOo nnd upwards. Parties
having carpet rngs should send them and have
mem maae into a ursciass carpet.
Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St.
75c. Jttgular price, $1.00.
and Sweet 25c 11 dozen.
two cans lor 25 cents,
Rlnatown and Lakesldo Vlsltod
and Mado Lively by Morry
makora Who Court Jack
Frost's Embrace.
it HE continiianco of the
invigorating woathcr censor.
nnd excellent sleighing
condition of tho roads Capt, Edward Davis, a resident of Tama
lias opened a Joyous qua, visited friends in this town 011 Sunday
carnival season and last. Although Mr. Davis lias been a
pleasitro parties are bo-' resident of Schuylkill county for over forty
Sfe"'' lug formed on all sides. '
Sleiehtiic parties nro .
rampant and tho livery stublo keepers aro in
high glee.
Last night Shenandoah sent out two largo
parties, one consiilcd of twenty five ladles
and gentlemen, who arranged the ntr.ilr as a
surpriso to Frank J. Brcnnnn, in honor of
tho 2Gth anniversary of his birth. Tho start
was mado from Mr Brcnnau's house on South
Main street and four large sleighs wcro re
quired to accotuiuudato tho party, which
comprised Misses Sallio Deianey, Lizzie
Grady, Elllo Mcllct, Annie Monnghan, Mury
McQuluness, Annio Clauscr, Mary Lally,
Anuio Shechy, Hannah Morrison, Lizzio
Carroll, Katio Whalcn and Etnma Eisen
hower; and Messrs. Patrick Monnghan, 1'. J.
Cleary, James Gallagher, James Monaghan,
John Cleary, Thomas Coyne, William De
ianey, I'. J. Brcnuan J. J. Eeilly, M. Snyder,
J. Ilillan, John Brcnnan and Michael Bradi
gan. Tho party drove over to tho Catawissa Val
ley and made a stop at 0110 of tho IMngtown
hotels. Dancing to tho. music of Toolo's
orchestra and a first class supper mado tho
hours pass pleasantly until nftor midnight,
when the party started for homo.
There was another sleighing patty from
town, which was not quite as large us tho one
above named, but was equally enjoyable in
all respects. Tho party was mado up of Mr.
and Mrs. George Robinson, Mr. and Mrs.
William Wllluian, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ellis,
Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Broome, Mr. and Mrs
W. J. Jacobs, Misses Lizzie Jones, Nellie
Baugh, Annie Tiiumins, Sarah Golden, and
Mr. T. A. Timuiius.
This party drove to Lakeside, whero supper
was served and dancing wag Indulged in for
several hours.
Appointments 3Iudo tor llxttiiiinltig;
speetor nnd li'ort-mt'ii Applicants.
The court at PotUvillo yesterday appointed
the following hoard for tho examination of
applicants for appointment to Mino Inspec
torships: Engineers, Uebcr S, 'Ihompson
and John It. HolTuiau ; Miners, Thomas
Eversou, l'ottsville j John Dciupsey, Miiiors
villo; Frank McCormick, Shenandoah.
Tho following hoard was appointed to ex
amine applicants for mino foreman certifi
cates: Sixth District, William Stein, ox
oflicio ; William Carroll aud John Thurlby,
miners, and W. H. Lewis, mino operator.
Seventh District, Jehu Minzo and William
McCaughuoy, miners; Andrew Eobcrtsou,
mine operator.
Eighth District, Samuel Gay, ex-officioj
James Welsh and II. S. Crooks, miners, and
Thomas Doyle, operator. -
In the Soventh District no appointment
was mado on tho part of mino inspector as
Mino Inspector William MuMurtrie had but
recently died and his successor had not yet
been appointed.
Tis trial nnd severe test that has proved
the great and wonderful merits of Dr. Coxe's
Wild Cherry and Seneka in attacks of Croup
and stubborn coughs.
Work Heine Doue by the Lithuanian J:d.
uentlonal Society.
Tho Lithuanian Educational Society has
arranged a Sunday school which was opened
last Sunday at Mellet's hall on Centre street.
Several addresses were delivered before a
largo audienco consisting of at least three
hundred men. Dr. Salupas entertained the
audience for a full hour with au address on
"The I laces of Mankind and the Antiquity
of Man." Eev. L. Dewbakl gave a brief
biographical sketch of Juaue Davidson, the
originator of trade unions in England, aud
afterwards the reverend gentleman spoke at
length on "America, its Geography, Political
State, etc." Besides this there were other
short addresses made. The audience was
very much interested in the matters brought
before it by the speakers.
"She Couldn't Mwrry Three."
The above title seemed to arouse tho
curiosity of the New York public, so much so
that on tlio opening night the house was
packed to the doors. The success of the play
was instantaneous, and during tho entire
Now York cngageuieut the theatre was
crowded. The play is an unqualified success;
tho scenery beyond anything seen yet; tho
company a powerful and evenly balanced one, (
uuu jiwao 4.tmuu jvi-uuvuy iw iuu ueruiuu
"Bess" presents a characterisation which for
histrionic ability has never been surpassed on '
tho American stage.
My stock for New Year gifts in jewelry
and fancy goods shall be at complete as ever.
Uolderman's jewelry store
What lit) Sects hiiiI Hears During III
"Jim" Robbins anil "Johnny" McGcwan
have loug lieen knowu m the "Two Old
Cronies" of tho town and cronies tlioy are,
too. When McGowan Is not engaged in
waiting on customers ho and "Jim" maybe
found at tho roar cud of tho storo playing
checker, or somo other kind of a gamo.
Robbing scours tho town for games and then
explains them to "brother John." Tho ,
former was initiated into tho mysteries of I
pedro tho other day and now all tho spuru
timo of tho couple is taken up In solving tho
gamo to a winning point. "Char'cy" Gibson,
0f clovatcd railroad fame, generally acts
years, this visit was the first for him to ruako
to Shenandoah,
Tho late Thomas Moore, who died on
Sunday, left a father 83 years of age, who is
living with tho widow and takes tho stroko
of bereavement with admirable fortitudo,
Tho lato Michael O'llara was a man who
was determined when ouco ho set his mind
upon anything. In spoakiug of his death
yesterday a friend recalled an incident of I
about twenty-eight years ago. Mr. O'llara
had been put on tho repairs in Shenandoah
City colliery. On tho second day after ho
commenced the work a pleco of top coal loll
upon a saw lie held in his hand and broko it.
O'llara loft the mino and declared ho would
never again work in another and ho didn't.
Two day's pay wa3 all ho over orew for work
in any coal inlnu. Ouu.
'Squire J. J. Cardin weut to Pottsvillo this
Benjamin Richards spent yesterday at tho
county seat.
MacIIenry Wllhelm, Esq., of Ashland, was
in town yostorday.
Mrs. John Wilde, of Mahanoy City, is visit'
ing relatives in town.
Mrs. J. W. Ucs-ser, of East Coal street, who
has been seriously ill duiiug tho holidays, is
Messrs. John A. Iteilly, of town, and M.
L. ShrelUcr, of Ashland, havo gono to Wost
Virginia to investigate coal lands.
Hon. J. J. Coilo, of Mahanoy City, and
Hon. D. D. Phillips, of Gordon, were circu
lating among our town people yesterday.
0 B and D. O. Williams, of Wilkes-Barrc,
are in town. Tho former will chango his
residence to lit. Carnicl and tlio latter will
again become a resident of this place.
Kufus J. Foster, a former member of the
local cori of P. & It. C. & I. Co. engineers,
and now ouo of the editors of tho Colliery
Engineer and a resident of Scrauton, will on
tho' 23d inst. deliver a lecture on Mino
Surveying at Wilkos-Barro before tho Y. M.
C. A, This is one of a series of lecturos on
mining to be delivered under tho auspices of
that association, of that place. Tho lectures
aro illustrated.
A l'oser for Mr. Inuib.
To Mr. A. D. Lamb, Qrawl Grinder and
Iloyal High Governor of the Town Coun
cil oj the Bo rough of Shenandoah:
In urging my expulsion from tho Borougli
Council at tho meeting last Thursday even
ing you said, "For my part I find it is impos
sible to do my wholo duty to the Board,
knowing my every act will bo misrepresented.
Wo warned tho gentleman six mouths ago
that if ho porsistcd in deliberately lying to
the peoplo through tho paper wo would bo
compelled to take tho stand wo havo. AU wo
ask is that ho will report tho proceedings
correctly and ho has refused to do so."
Now, Mr. Lamb, if your above statement is
true, if it is true that you aud your colleague
couucilmeu were obliged six months ago to
warn mo because I lied aud was incorrect in
reporting tho proceedings of the Council, nnd
I have since refused to report tho proceedings
correctly, will you please state why it was
that Council allowed mo to act as temporary
ollicial secretary at two of its meetings with
in tho jst six mouths, when the official
secretary was unable to be present.
W. J. V:f4ilNS, JSveMng lleiM.
Iu case of hard cold nothing will relieve
the breathing so quickly as to rub Arnica aAd
Oil Liniment on the chest. lm
Golden Kagle Election.
The following are the officer of Delano
Castle, No. 333, of Delano, for the ensuing
bIx months' term: Past chief, Charles" F.
Weaver ; noble cldef, Richard E. W. Reedy ;
vice ehlef, Amandes Keinory; high priest,
Mauasses Fry; venerable Hermit, Martin
Neeb ; master of records, Edwin L. Phillips ;
elerk of exchequer, Kdwin L. Phillips;
keeper of exchequer, John J. Hack, Jr. ; sir
herald, David Bh chert ; worthy chamberlain,
EdiuE. Evans; ensign, Thos. G. Smith;
esquire, Chas. F. Bretz; first guardsman, W.
W. Weaver; second guardsman, Jacob D.
Herring ; trustees, Chas. F. Bretz, Martin
Noeb, E. E. Evans ; representatives to the
Grand Castle, Edwin E. Evans.
Lecture l'ottpoued.
The lecture announced for this evening in
the Presbyterian church has been indefinitely j
liwipoueu, owing 10 me receipt oj a telegram
to day stating ihat owing to the storm Rev.
Auna Shaw would be unable to reaoh here.
Rev. Shaw will appear later In the season
and tlekets purchased for to-night will re
main good until that time. '
y tt t . ... ... .. . . I
It. II. raton. 613 Walton Aye., N Y. City, 1
ril!S,!- ol5veRe.'l Ur- B.U,L8 Cough s ruB
for years and and It the most effluaelous runedy
tried." - -
But It ia Said Thoy Woro Not
Acting in Beh ilf of iho Luw
nnd Order Society Tholr
NOTHEll scnsntlonnl
stir was created in
town last night by a '
report that somo out-of-town
lawyers nnd other
parties woro here on
important business con
nected with the grant
ing of licenses this
tr 1 spring Somo people
" got it on tho straight " that tho lawyers
who were making a tour of tho town nnd
paying particular attention to tho saloons
wcro under instructions of tho court and
.vero gleaning information concerning tho
location of buildings now containing saloons
and thoso for which licenses nro sought as
new stands. Thero wcro other stories nnd ,
theories, somo of them being of a most
exaggerated anil ridiculous character.
Two of tho mysterious visitors wero J. O. I
Ulrlch, Esq., of Tamaqtia, nnd John F.
Dolphin, Esq., of Mahanoy City, and thoy
wero not hero in tlio interest of tho license 1
court, if tho information furnished tho Hull
ai.d is correct, and there is no reason to
lleve that it is nut.
The information given tho Hup
.ald is to
peoplo in
tho elfect that thero nro ccrtal
town who, although they aro
not connected
with tho law and order D'
lOvcment, are en-
gaged in a movement t' .
ma erially reduce
tho number of license ll)a(,o3iuSlieiiiituo,ih
This movement, 4t ia ig not ,)roml,tul
by a strictly, in-scnso of (luty( hut erne-
naiLH lium a Imagines nlanii nf flinirinir In
other vonls, iie peoplo beliovo that there
aro t.oo ninny saloons in town to niako tho
receipts sulilciently largo to give all engaged
in tho business a fair proilt. With this idea
in view, our informant says, Messrs. Ulrich
and Dolphin have been f ngnged to make an!
inspection of the town with a view to ascer-'
laming tho character of tho saloons and the Trixie," is the greatest little Irish romcdu-ur.
character of tho buildings m which they ar ! that has ever appeared before a Girardv.I.,
iocated, together with the relation of each audienco. She is 0110 of the most gracelui
saloon to auothor so far as location is con- daucors wo have ever seen. Ia her vario
cerued, aud if they can succeed in "knocking characters storms of applause wore given
out" about fifty Hocuses they are to receive a her. Tho entire company is excellent -liberal
fee. lairardville Gazette, January 7.
' " I Till tl Cirt filtrsnrlH 1. t.
quickly disappear when troated with tlio
celebrated imported Anchor Pain Expellor.
l or salo at C. II. Uagcubuch, P. P. D. Kirliu.
J. M. Uillau, and other druggists. 3t
Kxplnnittloiis That linu't Uxplnlu by a
Very Long Sight.
Councilman A. B. Lamb spent two days in
Pottsvillo in the interest of tho borough,
no was paid $3 07 for his expense. Hero is
tho expense ft for both days, not men
tioning his loss of timo and neglect of busi
ness. J his leaves Mr. Lamb out of pocket
tho sum of 33 cents. Sunday Xeioi.
What went to make up tho fl expense?
Following this a bill was TiresiMitwl In
Council of $10 for a petition in tho interest of
the Electric Bailwav Comnnnv. lmi,;i
should not have jald tho bill as the petition
was purely in tho interest of tho electric
company. Sunday News.
It Council should not havo paid tho
why did it do so?
Itimsell Sage
Tho well known financier, writes:
"50G 7IPT1I AviiNUE, )
New Yokk City, December 20, 1800. 1
hp i 1 , A . , .
For the last twenty years I havo been
using Allcock's Porous Plasters. Thoy havo
repeatedly cured me of rheumatic pains and
I1"118 'n my side and back. Whenever I have
! &old, one on my chest and one on my back
Peuy relieve me,
"ily family are never without them."
Russkll Saqe.
Special 1'erferiiinnee.
Veno will conclude his visit here to-morrow
(Wednesday) evening by giving a special
performance at Bobbins' opera house. He
has engaged Miss Lydla Sullivan, from the
Bijou theatre, rhiladelphiasMiss Mame
Russell, America's favorite ; Hons. Munnsulla
in Kb Spanish ring act, and others. A grand
performance is promised for the small admis
sion of 10 aud 5 cents each, to commence at 8
Mleetrle HitllwHy HiUletln.
Hereafter the electric railway ears will
vetner,erot ud ln
fte;Tntil m dnTgh,,Vtw.c7 ZrT. t"
last oar will leave for GirardviUe. On Mon" I "Z'T, t T'W
lay,Novemberth,1898,the fare &r any XSZSl ' TooS
sill She1 rcr.; sffisyr"? fl",r
, ,,, ' . j they have laid the borough open to a suit for
Notice. I damages sure to result iu favor of Watkins.
The Democratic Staudtug CommittJe will If ,le reporter intentionally garbled his
meet at the Scheilly House on Tuesday even-, etufl" no lerved to be fired out. Mr. Wat
lug at 8 o'clock, January lOlh, 1893. k'ns u,s certainly been reporting too long to
All Democrats are requested to be present to
consult with committee.
By order of Chairmau,
H, J. Muldoox.
Buy your child a pair of robber boots
They will cost yon but 90 cents at the I'eo-
pies' storo, 121 North Main street 12-15-tf
"I'M of Trouble" l the unbappy puflerer
with twlus aua ibeumatUru. Ilea flag Oil is
t,,e tem !' cure f r Itheumatism: Gout ,
Neuwlgla and Lnmbao. rosU St cental
store ivuiiu s arug
rrocerillngs nt tnti Schuylkill
lulls or Jiitlce.
Pottsvillr, Jan. i). There was a Urge
attendance of litigants and others at the
opening of the tecoud week of January
criminal court this morning. Thero wore
many Shenandoah people present and a very
noticeable collection of dry goods bundles in
tho Sockolosky larceny ease. Judges Grem
and Bcchtel handed down opinions and weut
over the civil court list, in No. 1 cenrt rooia.
Motions and arguments were heard by Judgs
Bcchtel in No. 2 court room.
The charter of King John Soblesktpje
Polish Konian Catholic Society, of Shenan
doah, was granted.
Tho grand Jury on Saturday found
true bill against Joseph Bondcrick, charged
1th tho larceny
of a twenty-dollar bill
from Joseph Mitchell on the cars of the
Schuylkill Traction Company, at Wm. Finn.
In Liwrenco vs. Lawrence, divorco, au
attachment issued for alimony and counsel
Depositions wcro filed in tho foll'jKinj;
divorco cases: Keiscr vs. Reiser; A.J,,, Shay,
Esq,, examiner ; Itecd vs. Jtecd, S. y. Enter
line, Esq., examiner; Barr vs. flarr, M. Mi
Burke, Ebq , examiner.
The caso of tlio Sockolos'y sisters, of Wet
Coal street, Shenaudoo' cmircod with tho
larceny of a lot of d coo,ia bedding, &c.f
was closed before WQOn Attomoys KosU
ami anay rcprr tho uefolldants,
The court ... M0I1day next, grant alt
tho old 11 , a bulk, except those ob-
jected N(j otnor rcmonstrancos than
tho- w 'rtell Ju tUo Hehald havobecu
, shpimndoali applicants.
, . , u.inouucca tho following ap-
Examining Commlttco : John W. Eoseb"
D. C. Hcnning, John F. Whalcn, (f. J.
Wadlinger, Charles N. Brumni, K, If. KocU
and P. M. Dunn.
Library Committee : Guy E. Farquhur,
Mnsrm Weidman anil E. D. Smith.
I crnruuHitmers to tuko depositions: D. A.
I Jones, W. K. Woodbury, Joseph F. Patterson,,
j Martin F. Jtoore, Miss Jessie It. Littlo, J. T.
SnlleiiliRrL-dr. Jumna A. llinnlr nml IT C
Frederick Eberle, of l'ottsville, was a
itor to town Sunday.
May Smith Bobbins, who appeared at
Palace theatre. Thursday eveuimr. m "i.
i ti
and brighter than evor. They play Glrard
ville, January 12.
Eberlo & Blass, overall mannfaoturors, sold
orders amounting to one hundred and fifteen
dozen pairs of overalls on Saturdav
Howard Swoyer has been offered a position
iu tho market department of the company
store at Silver Brook.
The O'Neill Caso.
Editor Hkhald: Allow mo space in your
purer to state that tho grand-child of Mr.
O'Neill did not slip upon tho ico, nor was her
injury caused by tho ice iu any manner, but
by a defectivo pavement. Tho place where
she was injured (north end of Union street)
has nevor been graded, or curbed, and is a
menace to life and limb of any person paw
' 1 y uigni. in this
kubu mo cmiu inppea against a sill (which
one of tlio tenants has in lieu of a pavement)
aud was rendered unconscious, and lay in a
critical condition for over two weeks. Even
now it is not out of danger, although a
month has elapsed: and. beeidaa. h
t .uu, utiu(M, uor eyei
have turnl trrrii.w ,i rM '...,
od that l,B t w '., '.'
gioal operation. Under the circumstances I
think there is sufficient ground for damages.
The IIMU.D is pleased to make thin
statement of the O'Neill ease and is thankful
to " Citizen " for the information. The awe
was reported to the Borough Conncil last
Thursday night after the Herald reporter
w6 Reeled from the meeting and that Is the
rm tiie eue wa not more folly explained
in previous report. It is a desire to keep
04868 from PuMlc notioe that prompts
the Council to keep the H lot a lb reporter
from its meetings. Ed.
Turn on the Sank IJcht,
At Thursday night's meeting of oonsoUin '
Shenandoah W. J. Watkius, of the Shewn-
doah Hkkald, wa invited to leave on -
,,mte an ,lllot of himself by misrepresenting
members meeting after meeting. There is a
frown nig in the bqow bank somewhere.
Turn on the search light. ShamtMn IltraU.
7118 name of N- Downs' still lives, al-
though he has beeu dead many years. 11U
Elixir for the cure of umujIm and aoktahas
already outlived him a qfiarter of a oeutury
and is still growing iu
, or with the puhlta
Fresh Morris River Oo)o Oysters reeelveol
dally at Coslett'a. 9-SK-tf