The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 07, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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&L. VII.-NO. 31 9.
r J?, jr.
2U South Main St.
Trimmings, Ladles' and Children's
Shades and Shadings,
"Carpets and Oil Cloth
BHYlifty rent storm serges will compare fa
jyl vorably with 900 goods sold In Phlladcl
' plila and other cities. I nm selling an all-
wool Habit Cloth, worth 60c. for 30c- per
yard. I have the best otto Corf et in tho region.
Plain Flannels, worth 25c sold here for 2Uo per
yurui i-i wiuo iii usiin mjiu mr cw per yura, mo
best Gray I'lanncl sold for lc ner vard. and a
Good Flannel at 12c,per yard. A good Blanket
lor oc a pair.
Everything a Decided Bargain.
GENTS' Natural Wool Suits, worth
raw, sold now for t2. Comfortables Hlankcts clicnp. Come at once and
secure good values at old reliable stand,
28 South Alain street, next door to Grand
Union Tea Store.
Saloon and Restaurant
Leading Saloon in town
Oentrx nnd Vhitf Nt.,
(Ilickert'a old stand)
First-class Eating Bar.
Finest Whiskeys in tho Markot.
Manufacturers of
Of Every Description.
Fags, Baoges, Caps, Reganas, &c
Write for catalogues. Correspondence! solicitor
Begs to announce to his friends and
patrons and tho publio generally that
he has purchased the barbershop lately
occupied by 1J. J. Yost,
No. 12 West Centre Street,
Piatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
19 and 21 West Oak Street,
Itsr stocked with the best beer, porter, ales,
whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars.
Sating barattached. Cordial Invitation to all.
So Clone Out SurpUis S.'0(I:a ffiv piecs
Cloth, tivo yards wide, at SO ami OOc.
nlar prioes, 8Ke and. $1.00,
LinoUinnii yards wide, 78e. J? fular price, $100.
Ikrce Cars No, 1 llmothy Hay.
Xwo Cam line Middlings.
One Car Jbanoy While Middlings.
One Car Pare Chop our own mate.
One Car Fancy Clipped White Oats.
Florida Oranges,
Pine, Iarsre
Condensed Milk,
Extrn Quality
rand Opening
Our efforts to make thti display the grandest
and most elaboralo wo have yet attempted has
been achlovcd after m my weeks of hard work
and by searching through nil tho Tarlousmar
kots. Tho Innumerable articles wc offer Include
the following at low prices;
33ooUs-WolTe 1,000 lJmos, beau.
tlfully bound in cloth and gold, which m will
sell at 20ci elsewhere. 35c,
J'lwai Cnar and Atbutna Our lins of plnsh
cases thli season have been selected with th
greatest care, including NhaTlng Sets, Sewing
Implements, Manicure Sets, Plush. Albums In
nil the lrtcst designs. Hymnals and Oxford
lllblcs at all prices,
An claborato array of Ilrlc-a-Urac and Risque
Figures and Celluloid goods. Gold pens nnd
pearl holders, (1 to to. In pluth cases, 11.50 up.
Games of all Description.
4 IVortli lttnin Street.
Matters aro
Becoming Interesting
And in tlio musical line to-day without
doubt the most IntcioHilngmutlerls that
E. W. Wilde
Has procured tho most complcto stock
of Musical (foods in tho co nty. embrac
ing ev rything in the musical line Tho
next most Hilt-resting thing is that ho is
selling those delightful new
can bo played by any one In a few days.
1'i.uioa. Organs. VlolIns.Gultars, lira
Instruments, and full line sheet music
Cor. Jiirdin and Lloyd H(b
Saloon and Restaurarn
Tho leading place in town.
Has lately been entirely rcno
vatod Everything new, clean
and fresh. The lincsl Hue of
Wines and Liquors I
Cigars, ic foreign and do
mestic. Freo lunch bcrved
each evcnirg. Big schooners
olfreBh,liecr,Porter, Ale, &c.
Bakery : and : Confectionery
ffo. 9 East Centre Street.
Ice cream all tho year 'round. Open Pundayb
C am now making a superior oualltyof CliEA v
BREAD, something new. You want to try it;
ou ii uso no otner n you ao.
Others for 3.", 45, 50o nnd upwards Parties
having carpet rags should send them and have
mem raaao into a nrst-ciusH carpet.
Carpet Store, 10 Souih Jardin Si.
onci Sweet 25c n dozen.
two cans lor 25 ccuts.
OUR POT'! LYiLL'i LH'l'TiiK !
Tho "Hemld'8- Special Oorroapon -
dent Says That Ho will Expoto
Evory Councilman Who
Shirks Hiu Duty.
Special Herald Correspondence.
",lns '"'rough has pretty
much tho saiuo kind of
job lot Coiinellmcii
as Shenandoah com
po.od of tho sumo kind
of material with just
as much good sense
no more. ami about
tlioaveingo amount uf
brains, courage and in
tegrity. The taxpayers
have just had served up for their digestion,
by the daily papers, a n ee little morsel in
the shape of "a light that cheats;" one which
won t "turn on," in fact a sort of a "never
give-broadwith one-fish ball" light, for
which tho borough authorities have Iiciii
robbing tho treasury to pay, It is proposed
now to "turn oil the light" in earnest so that
the pwiplo can at least sua w hat sort of a lot
"f dummies they have in their leglslativ.
boily, ctllcd 11 council.
In the first place, let me say, that the
Edison Illuminating Company which heat
tho Anthracite Klectrie Light Company out
of the contract for keeping the borough in
the dark, and eapeeially its Couneilnien is
composed of some of our leading progiossive,
homo-loving,' self sacrificing citiwus and
christian gentlemen, tomo of w om,
holicvc, really believed thoy wero going to
give tho borough what it contracted for, to
nit: an ekctri i light of 2000-caiidlu power
for $90 per year for eacli aro fixture, or lamp
ind as there aro one hundred anil seven
lamps in the town the school boy tan oasiI
ailculate how tho IMison company would
scoop in $10,105.00 of the people's ducats for
the year ending Februaiy 10th, 1603. Let
me state, en patanl, as tho Frenchman says,
that the borough ha paid its light hills with
commendable regularity, having ordertd u
bill of $811.00 to bo paid last Tuesday night,
just after the committeo on Light, thiough
Mr. Seaman (who is nervy and hal to do
Chairman Puglt's work and present Un
report, as Mr. P. was unuiual to a task of
uch magnitudo) had thrown in the bomb
shell of a report which proved how wo do
nof bask iu all tho light we pav for those
wintry nights.
m: was couhaolous,
Mr. Seaman is not afraid. He cirno to tho
front and took a weak-kneed chairman's
place and prosentcd tho report of an Inves
tigation which established tho fact that the
benevolent gentlemen of tho Elortric Illum
inating Company wero gottlng paid for what
they had uot furnished. It all eame about in
tins way. Several and there are a few
progressive borough fathers took it into their
heads that tho lights from different lamps
were unequal and none oi them gave out
what was claimed by tho light company, a
power equal to 2,000 candles. In truth the
company, in tho opinion of thcte certain
progressive couucilmeu, wero hiding their
lights under as many bushels, so to remark,
and they organized a secret investigation
with Carl Herring, tho well known Phlladcl- j
phia electrician, for n guide. The result was
that Mr. Herring and what he don't know
about such things is not worth finding out
discovered that tho spiggot of tho treasury
was continually turned on whilo tho Kdlson
Illuminating Company's light was shut off to
vory great oxtent. Out of forty-six tests
and thirteen lamps measured Mr. Herring
discovered that instead of 2,000-candle power
the average was only 003, and one lamp was
only giving 150, a loss of 1,550 caudle power
in ono place, at 5th and Arch stroels. What
tho citizens of that particular locality have
done to the Morough Council to subject them
to such harh treatment is not reported, but
enough wa slfowh to confirm the investiga
tors and taxpayers in the b-lief that we are
being cheated by a set of gentlemen who
were brought up in 11 school far different than
thoje in which the Boss Tweeds of other
cities were reared.
I can only say this iu concluding
abject. There is ono way out of the
dililoulty. Curl Herring is the scientist who
recently conducted a similar investigation in
Elizabeth, N. J which resulted In sur
charging the light company with many
thousand dollais, and if pushed the result iu
l'oUsvillo must be the same. Now as the
contract is for five years, let tlie Electric
light Comiuy jwy back to the borough
$6,000, clean its latniw, put lu stronger
dynamos and give ua 2,000-candle power. If
tins Is not done, in the face of the damniug
facts brought to light by the investigation,
the people wiU riro in their might and force
their repretentalivesiu Council to bouien and
do their duty to tho tax payors. So far as
your correspondent is concerned ho proposes
to seo that 110 councilman iluuks iu this
mportant matter, without exposure in these
columns. I make no threats, but 1 "am
fter" every fellow who allows himself to
forget his duty. Every mau who is button
holed against his duty iu this matter will he
exposed. The light will be turned on In
earnest If there is any flunking or basic-
idlng from duty and we now call upon
every man to gt dowu to his meat aud be on
l.ll gw
hand to take u hand on the night of tho 17th '
inst., when tlio ll;ht subject will come up for
, action. I happen to know sorao of tho men
who aro wcnK in such an emergency and
know somo who aro strong ami tho latter
proposo to see to It tlio former help thorn do
something at the next meeting to right n
Remonstrances have been filed to date
against tho following applicants for liquor
' ' of tho
1. J. Sweeney, bottler, Klino township;
Peter Mackin, wholesale, Klino township;
Peter Leahy, retailor, Mahauoy City ; John
Nelson, ictailcr, Last Mahanoy Junction ;
Mary Lipsett, retailer, Shenandoah ; John
Lynch, retailer, Mahanoy City ; Leo Long,
retailer, Shenandoah j V. J. Creedeu, retailer,
Shenandoah ; Karol Majcsulls, retailor,
Shenandoah ; John Conry, retailer, Shenan
doah; James M. Dougherty, retailer, Shen
andoah; llox llradley, retailer, .Shenandoah
P. J. Graham, retailer, Shenandoah ; An
thony Tuhak, letiiller, Shenandoah; Win,
Uempsey, reUiilcr, Mincrsvllle.
inuaueiiauiioaii remonstrants aro re pre
seuted by Attorney Hollopetcr. A number
of other remonstraiicoa are looked for.
Patrick Cummiiigs, of Mahanoy City, J01,
IJrowu. of rrackville, and William Loyle, of
lIa,Ieton, charged with burglarizing tho
P. & It. It. l. station at New Philadelphia on
the night of December 8,last,and hiking thero
from an express jiaekage, coats, umbrellas,
Ac were found guilty.
William Fishburn and Robert Iiodgers aro
neighbors on West Cherry street, Shenau
doah. Mrs. Mary Powell is tho widowed
daughter of Mr. Fishburn; she lives with her
father. The father and daughter prosecuted
Kodgurs for an alleged assault and hatter com.
mlttcd on September 21, lb!)l. The case was
tried yesterday. This morning tho jury
rendered a verdict of guilty iu the, Powell
CHnc, and iu tho Kishbui n rate not guilty, de
fendant to (y a flue of $15 and costs. At
tnuey Whitehouse, counsel for Fishburn and
daughter, was unable to take part as he is
still confined to Ids homo with his tpraintd
foot. 41. M. liurke, liij., was substituted
Iu tho suit agaiuit the Knights of
Annunciation the arbitrators filed an award
finding and directing that tho costs ho paid
by the defendant bociety.
The arbitrator in the slander suit of Hon
,1. J. Uiylu will meet to-morrowat 10 a. m.,at
the court house.
A deed lroiu William N'eiswinter and wife
to Thomas James, for a lot 011 Wlilto street,
was filed to-day. Consideration, $2,000. N.
'A ltreezy Time" r.ust Xlglit.
Tho slzo of the audience that greeted Fitz
& Webster's " A Urcezy Time" at Ferguson's
theatre last night was not at all common
surato with the style and character of tho
play. From the moment the curtain iu-o
until the play was over the audience was
convulsed with laughter. The play in itself
is a plotless farce comedy and consists mainly
of sparkling repartee and bright, witty and
catchy sayings. During tho play a number
of specialties woro introduced. As Heube t
Jf rrifli Id Mr. Fitz is away abovo and beyond
all adverso ciiticism, and not only looks the
Yankee farmer, but acts it up to nature.
Miss Webster, in the dual rolo of Daisy
LigUlfool and Cholly Fait weather, demon
strated her versatility and ability, nnd
sustain ed the many good things that havo j
boen said of her. Want of space alone for.
bids individual mention, for the entiro cast
was above tho average. During the ovening
a unmbor of musical specialties were intro
duced. Tho Tennis Quintette was excellent
U3was also tho Maudoliu nlaviue. Miss
Webster played a Saxaphoue solo, and with
Mr. Fitz played several coruet duets which
were encored several times! Manager Fergu
son is straining every uorvo to book none but
tho best plays, and Shenandoah people should
support him, and not become possessed with
the idea that because once in a whilo a bad
company is booked that all aio bad. Jlauy
veteran managers aro hoodwiuked at times,
and of course fake companies will creep iu at
times. Tho next attraotion will he "Muggs'
Lauding," a first-class play by a first-cla
comiiany, and which was only seaured at
great trouble and expense. It will lie here on
Wednesday ovening, January lltli.
Madnlas Senteuceil.
Joseph Kadulas, the Hoe thief who
gave the police of this town considerable
trouble, veaterdav rannlvMl Iwn uiiIiihaa nt
one year each and pay all costs. In one ease
he was sentenced to restore the stolen prop
erty he received.
In case of hard cold nothing will relieve
the breathing so quickly as to rub Arnica and
Oil Liniment on tho chest. lm
The llest.
Now let us tell our story. More appetising,
delicious pork products were never served
upon our tables. Sweet and tender they are
the very acme ef splendidly prepared pro
ducts. No wonder the nanio of Ferris is
mentioned wherever tho best Hams and
Baoou aro known and desired; nothing
strange in the fact that the best trade all
handle them. JVmo England Groetr,
Truth like gold is not the less so for hav
ing recently been brought out of the mine
Dr. Coxe's wonderful Cough Syrup bearing
the full image of the former and the shining
stamp of the latter, iases current every
where. My stock for New Year gifts in jewelry
and fanov poods shall be a romnliitn nn
Holderman's jewolry store. lSJJS-tl
. Oom"ooa Offlclrvlly Report That
u blto Has Boon Socurod for
tho Structuro M. H. Mae
tor's Design Accop ed.
MEKTING of the Hold
iers' Monumint Com
mittee win 1 eld in tho
Cornell ahambcr last
night and was attended
by twenty representa
tives of the several so
cicties that liavo be
come interested in tho
movement. Tho com
mitteo on sito reported
that it had secured permission to place tho
monument iu the middle of tho square at tho
intersection of Main and Centie streets; and
that the Schuylkill Traction Company had
agreed to change tho courwj of the electric
road at that point to make room for tho 111011
u in cut.
The eommltlee on designs also retried and
submitted designs by Itlchard Collins, Potts
villo; lluckrraltor & Co., Philadelphia;
Chieopeo Itronze Co., Chicopee, Mass.; While
Unitize Co., llrldgeport, Conn.; and M. H.
Master, of town.
The designs wcro carefully scrutinized by
an tlio representatives anil, While there was
a dill'erence of opinion as to which was the
best nnd most appropriate, tho design sub
mitted by Mr. Master was adopted. Three
ballots wcro required to make the selection.
Tho commit ee will meet again, i the
samo place, oil Friday evening, 20tli inst., by
which time specifications of the style and
cost of tho adopted design will bo pn pared.
The nnnio of N. H. Downs' ttill 11 en, al
though he has been dead many joais. Hi
Elixir for tho euro of coughs mid colds hat
already outlived him a quarter of a century
and is still glowing iu favor with the public
Where ami When Sfrvlcet Will h Cn.
ducted To-morrun.
Trinity Reformed church, Iter. Hobert
O'llojle, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a. m.
and 8:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
Knglish Lutheran church, M. II. fiavlce,
pastor, Services at 10:$() a. m. and 6:30 p. m
Hunday school at 1:30 p. m Prayer meetlnr
Thursday evening at 7.
Welsh Haptlsi. church. Preaching servloea at
10 a. m. and 6 p. m. by tho rastor, Her. D. I.
Kvans. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Everybody
.Ml Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street, near
Main. Evening servlco by lay reader. Sunday
school at 2 p. ra. All seats free and every.
body made hoartlly welcome.
ltoman Catholic church of the AnuneiatIon.
Cherry street, abovo West street, Rev. H. r.
O'Kellly, pastor Musses al 8:00 and lO.OOn.m.
Vespers at 3:00 p. m.
ht. ue.irgoa Lithuanian Cataolio church.
corner Jardin and Cherry streets. Itev. L.
Abromaltls, pastor. Mass and preaching at 10
n. m. Vespers at 3 n, m.
Ebcnezer Evangelical church. Iter. It. M. LIch-
tenwalncr, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a.
m. in German, and 0f80 p. m. in English. Sunday
school at 1 .30 p. m. All are heartily Invited to
Salvation A rmy, corner Main and Oak streets
P. Klnghland, Captain. Services all day, eom
rr.cnolng at 7 and 11 a. m. and 3 and 8 p. m
Meetings will bo held e very night during the
week excepting Monday night.
English llaptist church. South Jardin street.
Itev. II. G. James, pastor. Preaching at 10:30
a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at ! p.
m.,Doacon John Iiunn, Superintendent. Monday
ovening at 7 o'olook the 11. Y. P. U. will meet.
General prayer meeting on Wednesday even
ing at 7 o'clook. Everybody welcome.
First Methodist Episcopal church. Hew Wm
Powick, paBtor. Divine worship at 10:30 a. m
and 0:30 p. m. Goneral experienoe meeting
at 9 a. m. Morning aubjeot: "Proving God."
Kvenlng subject : "The Consecration of
Service." Revival services every night
Sunday school at 2 p. m. Kpworth League at
5:46 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30 on Thursday
evening. Strangers and others are always
Primitive Methodist church. Kev. J. Proude,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a', m. and
9:30 p. m. Morning subject: "Ambition."
Evening subjoot: "Power of Little Things."
Sabbath school at 8 p. m. Christian Endeavor
at 6:45 p. in. every Sabbath. Class meetings
Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock,
and Sunday at 9:90 a. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday at 7 p. m. All seats free. Any ono
not having a church home is cordially invited
to come here.
OitUmis' Stmitlluff Oommltteo.
The members of the CUisenj' Standing
Committee of this borough are requested to
meet at the publio house of Ralph Oliver,
Iorth Maiu street, ou Monday evening,
January 9th, 1883, at 8 o'olock.
10 3t U. a Hover, Chairman,
Fresh Morris River Cove Oysters received
lailyat Coslett's. 9-23-tf
For Ladles Only.
On Monday next Veno lectures In Bobbins'
opera house to ladles only, young or old,
married or single. On Tuesday night he
lectures to men only. Admission to these
two lectures 5 cents eaeli. To-night lie gives
au extra special performance. Admission,
10 and B cents.
"Full 0 lYuubU" Is the unbappy su0eru
with twins aud ihumatim. Rd Flag Oil i
the laiiv-i.s pam cure ir RheumatUm, Gout ,
.Neuralgia uud Lombaau. Casts V eents.
Red Flag Oil is sold at P, P, D. Klrlln"s drug
Will Maurer left on Wednesday for
A number of our society people rccetvwl
Invitations to attend a hop at Tremont ou
January 13th.
Crawford Ilennle left for Philadelphia,
where he will work iu the office of the firm
which he represents, for a month or two.
lleckcrt and Suger, butchers, are cutting
ice on Hlnnchahn Lake on the out-sklrts f
j tho city of tho west, HomesTllle.
Oscar Kciffur, of Philadelphia, is spcndUc
the week lu town,
Peter Cress Is sontemplatlng a trip to M
orange grovo down in Florida.
Miss Mary A. Eagan, of William street,
died Thursday morning otter au illnrti f
four days. Sho had been living in Shenan
doah and came homo Sunday to tee htr
mother, wheu she contracted cold whiek
resulted iu her death.
The annual meeting of the Glrardylllo Gas
Light Company was held Monday evening
last, nnd tho following officers elected :
President, Louis Ulass; Vice President, Dr.
W. L. C. Forrester; Secretary, J. M. Gliek :
Treasurer, E. Reckcr, Simon Swoyer, 1.
Rcith, C. Eberle, M. lloran aud Jatuv
At tho recent fair of tho American Hos
Company held in Ashland one ofurtoru
girls carried off the gold watch. Miss Llzaiu
Fulton secured $103, and her opponent, Miss
Debora James, of Ashland, H3.
Tho grand ball of the White Elephant
Club, which was to tako place Januury 2Stb,
has been io8tpoued to March (1th.
Tho First National hunk of town hat
declared a dividend of 2 per cent, of th
capital stock for tho six months ending
December 31, lfcU2, and have placed an equal
amount to tho surplus fund. The total
earnings for the past six months was
"Ashland HIInd IJoy," Prof. Kraff, in
coming to town. Ho will be here Saturda ,
January 21st. The Palace theatre will tin
douhtedly bo crowded as nearlj all ui
itscrved seats havo been engaged.
the fslr held under the au-.i.i's of n
Joseph's Catholic church at their hal, to
i..i..... ..... 1
inmutokiii, ttiiimi min blUMCU .Mull
evening last, has been drawing larse cryu
ihonurnow being held by Co F, HiL
Itegt., N. G. P., at Armory hall, Is not n,oe'
ing with the success it should.
S. L. Urown, District President of Northern
Schuylkill, installed tho ollicers of Washing
tun Camp, No. 12j, P. O. S. of A., Wednesday
A former Girardvllle girl, Miss Jennie
Williams, a bister to .Mrs. George Coop, of
Parker street, was married to Matt. Hodge,
loromau of tho Parrott gold mine, Ilutte
City, Moulana, December Cth. Tho wedding
was a brilliant affair and the presents woro
numerous aud costly, the most notioahln of
which was a cabinet of solid silver table-ware
presented by the employes of the Parrwtt
P. J. Gavin, local agent of the New York
Life Insurance I ompany, received $2,716.97.
in settlement of tho death claim of W. U.
Mrs. W. M. Hyre, of Mt. Laffee, is visitlntr
her parents on Julia street.
Mistcs Cassie Kline and Emma Gobbard, of
Mahanoy City, spent Now Year's day with
Miss Mary Wendel, of William street
We are pleased to chronicle tho fact that
Thomas Giilllford, of Railroad avenue, who
has boen in bed for sis montlis past with
pneumonia, is able to be about again.
Miss Anuio Uracey, of Parker street, and
Miss Lulu Maurer, of Ashland, left towu
Tuesday to attend the Kutztown State Nor
mal school.
Joe Nattrcss, of G Irani iwonue, has been
busy since Thursday receiving congratula
tions over the arrival of a biby girl.
Mrs. Joseph Green has presented lier Iras
band with a bouncing baby boy, Joe is all
sinilee over its arrival.
John F. Lavolle, M. E. McGuIre, Joseph
Kohoe, Lottie Haley, Lisaie McLaughlin,
Ellie Scanlau, Nell Gurniau and Mame
Lsvelle attended the Philopatriau Club ball
at Shamokin Monday evening.
The pole and wire gangs of the eleatric
company have received orders to work every
day, Sunday included, in order to hve the
cars running to ABhland by the 15th hut.
Contractors Kern and Eagan have pot their
force to work connecting Giran'ville ami
Mahanoy Plaue with rails, so that can can be
run between these two points by the suae
day. Work has been abandoned on the Lo
custdale branch on aucouut of the coJd
weather. Work on this branch will be
sumed as soon as the weather moderates.
Phil. J. Couuell, of PotUville, spent iv
hours in town last evening.
Th fine Newfoundland dog belonffc o
David Davis, night watchman of the 'i i -tion
Company, was stolen th other nil ..
Mr. Davis feels his low keenly.
"Little Trlxie" played to a bug audit.
Thursday evening but. The play it a fiM-
class one.
Jan. 9th, 1888.
Buy your child a pair e-f rnblwr baois
They will cost you but 90 cents at th 1W
plea' store, Ul North Main street 12-U.W
Ulble Characters.
A series of sermons ou Ittble characters will
be given by Rev. J. Proude in the 1'riiaieive
M ethodiat church, commencing lo iuanew
moruing. The Unit will be est " AuiMtiea,'
k. it. pittoB. m
Wsllon Am., ff.
wnie: "I have used
sa Dr. Bull s
tor years ana nna it
it the watt Mtla
colds arnd larmcHis
vw ever