,fllHllHl THE EVENING HERALD. U VOL. VII.-NO. 313. SHEN AND O AH. PA.. SAT UB DAY. DECEMBER 31. 1892. ONE GENT. IF. 0 28 South Main St. IIHADQUAItraltS FOIt Trlmmlngi, Ladle' and Children's DRY GOODS ! Mi COATS Shades ana Shadings, Carpets and Oil Cloth JJY fl"y cent storm serges will compare fa iVj vvorably with Wo goods sold In Philadel ' phla and other cities. I am selling an all- wool Habit Cloth, worth 60o, foraio per fard. I hare the best 60c Corset In the region, lain Flannels, worth 25c, sold hero for 20o per yard; 4-t wide Muslin sold for 5o per yards tho best Gray Flannel sold for 18o per yard, and a Ucod Flannel at 12o per yard. A good Blanket 'for TOc a pair. Everything a Decided Bargain. GENTS' Natural Wool Fuits, worth J2.50, Fold now for 'i ComrortableB and Ulankets cheap. Come at onco and secure good values at old reliable stand, 3 South M aln street, next door to G rand Union Tea Storo. ilTime ! Is money at the Great Jewelry Depot You see all tlie. latest designs In Diamoiifls.iOeweliy, Silverware. Rings, $1 fi $250. Eur-iirgs, $1 to?50. Binoclies. fOo to$c0. Gold Watches, $10 to $150; Silver, $7 to $50. Rogers Bios, triple plated ell verware and Goibimj t-olhl sterling silverware and souvenir ppooiis. Opera plafceef, necklaces, gold pens, pencils, gents' watch chains, scarf pins and gold eye-glasses. All our goods are bought Irom the best houses iu America and are sold at from 25 lo 30 per cent, lowpr than elsew hire. Mdkermans Jewelry Store, Corner Afam and Lloyd Streets. JOHN F. PLOPPERT'S Bakery : and : Confectionery, No. 20 East Centre!Street. Ice cream all the year 'round. Open Rundays. 1 am now making a superior qualltyof CIIEAM UltEAD, something new. You want to try It; you'll use no other if you do. Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street, BIIENANDOAH, PA. Bar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales, whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars. Eating bar attached. Cordial Invitation to aU. The Finest in the Market. Our Fancy Neu'ZCrop Genuine New Orleans Baking Molasses. Our Strictly Iresh Cream -ry Butter. Our Fine Jbresh Dairy Butter. OurNtw Wishing Creek Buckwheat Flour. Our JEancy BranOa of northern btigar Corn, New Backing "Bijou," "Sunbeam," "Pride of Shenandoah," "Evergreen." Our "Whole." FOB (.One Car Fancy "WliHc Middlings, Tw j Cars Fine Middlings, Florida Orovges, SG cts. a dozen. JPaper-sJiell Almonds, 2Go a pound. J Condensed Milk, ii cans or SGc. ' CLOSING OU'I A LOT OF FLOOR OIL CLOTHS at 5oc a yard-a yards -wide. Te art- ends ol and tie worth 1892. OH.EISTMAS A list of Holiday Goods, nerr and narel. GRAND OPENING DISPLAY. Lamps, Plush Or ods, Dressing Cams, Albums, Manicure -ets, Hhavlnir -cts Cigar Ki ts, Oluve and Hai dkerchtef Boies, Collar and Cuff Uotts, Oak and Leather Jewelry Cases, Silver Cublnet Mtunds. Celluloid Frame and Photos, Novelty Candy Boxes', Fancy Bottles with bost Perfume, r ut-plcks and Nut crackers, Children's Sets, Knlv. a and Forks, Fancy Pin Cushions, Sachet Cases, Gents' Leather Cases, for trnvcltntr, fri'm 0!o to $5.76, consisting of hair brush, comb, razor, soap, brush, tooth powder nd bottle. PatentWhell Joveliies, llif? lot German Waio, Dosert Plates. Pie Plates. Cream Pitchers and Fancy Howls, tjninaana japaneso sinner am Carlsbad Ware, After Tea Cups and Saucers. Ilon-bon Mustard", ("ream Pitchers, Hone lVsies, Vases. Tea Pots. Cracker Jars. Hugar and Cream Bets, Chocolate Pots, Fancy case Plates, Games All ltabu. Drummer Hoy. Golden Eire. Coo-Coo. Cocked Hat, Peter Coddle, Uagatelle, 10 ti w. Hisouo Flcures. Pictures, onolot of 300 to be closed out at isic. Dolls of every variety, from Bo to (7.60 each.drcssed and undressed. Btatlonery Engines, ull desi-rlption Iron Toys Passfngcrtralns, Ire en gines, hook and ladder trucks, sur rys, drays, sulky, dog carts, han sons, velocipedes, farm wagons, express wagons, hose carts. Washing Sets. Child's sets of Dishes, Doll Carriages, Doll Chairs, Qaiuos Peck's Had. Hoy, Road to WasDlngton. Steeplechase, -ailor Hoy, Moo-Peep, Shovel Hoard and and many others Tool Chests, Drums, Itubber Goods, Tho half has not been told, yet we do tay that wouaie'no nnesi selection 01 iioiiaay Goodsover brought to Pottsvillo. We oxtend an invitation to all to In spect It. Storo open every night till 9 30 o'clock. DIVES, I'OJIEROY & STEWART FOTTSVM.I.K, PA. C. GEO. MILLER, Manager. 25 CTS. PER YARD FOB OIL CLOTH. Others for 35, 43, 50c and upwards. Parties having carpet rags should send them and have mem maoe into a ursi-ciass carpet. O. X. FTIIOBIXS'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardm St. lomatoes. SALE, 1892. r Two Cars No. x Tflmotny nay. pieces end odd patterns more money. KEITER'S mm i correspondence prom the OOUKTTiSEAT. A THEME ON RESOLUTIONS Sound. Advice for Our Readers by One Competent to Recommend. A Thesis on tho Oounty Almshouso. Bpeulal IIbbald Correspondence. PoTTSVILLK, Dec. 31, 1892. OSSIDF.lt the old year JUICWl a tto pomp and mag- qucrer, and tho purity and innocence of a fresh and healthy babe. Give it a glorious and hearty welcome. With new resolutions, new hopes and new ambi tious let us start over again, and be somebody among some people, forgetting and forgiving their offences, past sorrows and past vices. Upward and onward should bo our watch word ; to conquer and live our passport. Tho year just waning has had its victories and its defeats. What of tho new ono just dawning? Starting out with new resolutions, too many Bhould not be made only to bo broken. Ono well made and well kept Is worth it hundred contracted iu Billyness and broken in hastiness and nastiuoss. We should remember that all of us are too pioue to err j and wo should resolve to refurm ourselves in order to reform our brethren. To that end let us give the public tho news iu a perfect Bhapo and our criticUins in a charitable and well-meant style. ALMSHOUSE MISTAKES. Down below Schuylkill Haven there is an institution called tho Almshouse, kept and maintained by tho taxes collected from the peoplo for the support of uufortunato paupers and managed by three directors elected by tho people. Next ytar tills Board will con tain Slessrs. Ebling, Bcrgan and Dcnythree fairly good representati . of tho solid yeomanry of our county. They aro just now preparing to select their subalterns and lay down new rules and regulations. Steward KmericJc is to be retained bo is tho present btewanloss; and with tho exception of a change in tho physicians, ull tho former incumbents are to hold over. W. F. Shep herd, Esq., is to bo choeon solicitor again although George J. Wadlinger, Esq., iaglving him a lively tusslo for the placo. For our part wo don't cate who gets it. Tho public will be still safe and it wont benefit tho pauper ono bit tho more, whoever wins. Mr. Shephord has been a good solicitor and counsellor and Mr. Wadlinger will make just as good a one, no matter if he is over-ambitious. Georgo has been a candidate for many things, a judge, a Wiational position at tho last Democratic state convention, and a member of tho county standing committee, and is now said to aspiro to tho county Democratic chairmanship as well as poor house lawyer. All of us havo rights to aspiro few of us get thero. For goodness sake, let he who asks,teceivo everything he wants. Hut let tho directors make no mistakes noxt year. It is said every visitor who calls gets his dinner, a little stlululcnt and a cigar, if ho wants one. , Yet recently Steward Emcrich shut down on feeding somo Demo cratic plumbers who were putting iu some good work at the llousoaud made thom bring their own dinners while hundreds of callers got all they wanted without asking, during tho past year. Now is a good time to im' provo on last year's follies. The food sup piled and paid for by tho people is for the poor of (the House, andl Steward Emerich should begin now and turn off the sjiiggot of his kindness with the taxpayers' supplies. I'KACE AND ritOSl'EEITV'. Above all let us strivo for peace, prosperity, profession and plenty of pertinent pointers to push us Into prominent positions. These are noble alms. They will ho the Hkrald's, your scribe's, and should bo tho readers. All are gained by attention to details, Tho Herald for 'ninety-threo will be a paper which should bo welcomed in evory house hold, olllee, counting-room, and publio place. Learning as we age, your scribe will endeavor to educate and elevaia in his periodical letters, whilo he will strive to emulate and allcviali; emulate his superiors in the pro fession and thereby alleviate the troubles of the peoplo in their search for truthful news, by giving everything that is important to tell and omitting to record all that which does not entertain and enlighten. Prone to err a I havo said, all of us are we may fail, but to try to Improve Is our one new resolution for the new 'ninety-three. The reader can aid us materially and thereby reform himself and herself, anil all his and her relations. And first of all let everybody ubscrlbo for the IIuuai.d and resolve to be a subscriber for life. This should bo a new resolution by the people who aro not now on the Herald'b roll of honor. Let them do their duty and we will do ours. roiNTS. With two judges sick the chances of a rapid transit court noxt week are not glowing, Judge Greon has Joined Jmlgo Pershing on the sick list. He is sick abed but improving. Judge Pershing Is out of bed, improved, and hopos to take his now oath and resolution next Monday, but we feur he will not bo able to try caees. Major J. V. Finney was a Pottsvillo visitor twice this week. John A. Itetlly, Jr., J. J. Coakloyand others from Shenandoah attended a hop at Centennial Hall, Thursday night. xue ci. i.. uotei pcopio uavo commenced to j advcrtlso in your paper I notice. It is never too late to begin to do good. Tho New Year will bo a good ono for Landlord lltennan and brother-in-law, Woll. District Attorney Koch and Attorney Whltehouso returned from New York Friday morning. II. J, Muldoon, of your town, shook hands with a "good-fow" of his many friends here last Tuesday, He was following by John A, Rcilly -vnd William Brcnnau, Main street mcrchan. Every othtr man one meets from St. Clslr Is after a position at Harrisburg for the leg islative session. John Rattigan, Clerk Toole's efficient clerk, proposes to read law. Mr. Itatttgan is an able young man, and will bo an honor to the profession. Mr. Michael's newly Improved cafo has doubled its trade since ho advertised in the Hkbalv. Two of the Commissioners hare re-ap pointed the old list of clerks, janitors, etc., and left Mr. DoTurk to moralize and "rosoloot" alone to turn over a new leaf and never run for oliico again. N, USE DANA'S SA11SAPAI1ILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." BIG EXCITEMENT. Continued Siicrst ot Wiio'h KinrnKeinvnt In Sliciiiiitiluali. A'cno lait night had ono of the largest audiences ever Been In Rabbins' opera houio. Tho hall was packed to tho door and sovcral hundreds were turned away. Tho front seats wero nearly all occupied by ladies. Owing to tho enormous success Veno has had and tho increased demand for his remedies ho will return next Wednesday and will lec- turo every evening for a short time. A first class cntcrtnlnment will bo givcu at each lecture. Vcuo's remarkable remedies have had a tremendous sale through tho coal region and miraculous euros aro being reported every day. Veno is staying at tho Ferguson House, where his medicines can be obtained after next Wednesday. They can also bo obtained every night ut Rohbius' opera house, where he is lecturing. His cure for deafness and catanh, cold in tho head and bronchitis is unsurpassed by any physician in tho world. Veno obtained the recipe from Sir Morcll McKenzie, who was looked npon in Europe as tho greatest authority in the world for diseases of tho throat, nose, eyes and ears. This gentleman was knighted by the Queen of England. Veno Electric Fluid is a liniment. It is different from any other because ituiontains tho elements of positive and negaflvo electricity. Great excitement was caused in Pottsville, Scranton and other cities by-.the miraculous cures made upon cripples for rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago and stiff joints by this liniment. Veno has other remedies for dyspepsia, liver complaint, nervousness, skin diseases, etc. Judging from what the people and tho American news papers say wo have every confidence in reoqmmcnding Veno as ono of the greatest boa-lino wonder workers of the present age. He publishes a Journal of Health containing a skf tcli of his life and character and articles upon health. The Journal is given free to all applicants. YVutcliulght Service)). The annual watchnight service will be held in the P. M. church to-night, to comngpeo at 10:30. It will bo conducted by tho pastor and loaders. P Watchnight services will be held in the Ebenezer Evangelical church this (Sat urday) night, commencing at !) o'clock. First there will bo singing, followed by a sermon by the pastor, Rov. R. M. Llchtenwalncr. At 10:30 there will be another sermon, by Bishop O, S. Hainan, of Reading. Tho bishop will also preach In tho church to-morrow morning, at 10 o clock, iu tho German language. Watchnight services will also bo held In the Methodist Episcopal church to night, begin ning at 10 o'clock. A Homo for Court Attendant!. For those whe are obliged to attend the sessions of court at Pottsville, the N, E. Hotel oilers unsurpassed accommodations. Good rooms, clean beds, a well-supplied table and bar from which is dispensed choice liquors. All will be welcomed by host Wni. Breunan and his assistants and every effort will be made to please. 12-26-6t, Bost photographs and crayons at Dabb'a. Fott Olllee Notice. Monday, January 2, the post ofllco will be open until 11 o'clock a. m. The carriers will make but one delivery 7 a. m. Brownsville, Yatesvllle, Ellengowan and Turkey Run will be served with tho 7 a. m, delivery. Money orders and postal notes will not be issued nor paid. Superior goods at 25 per cent lower than elsewhere at Holderraan's jewelry store. tf Buy Keystone Hour. Be turo that the name Leesio & Bask, Ashland, Pa., is printed a every sack. 3-3-3taw We feel and know the importance of rec ommending rellablo and safe remedies to mankind in general. Have you a cough ? Then use Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka. Ureat Sacrifice Sale, AH fancy holiday goods, candles, etc., left over from Christmas will be sold at sacrifice prices as I don't wish to carry over auy of tho stock. No reasonable prlco refused. 13.27-tf Max Rkese. Lane's Futility 31ecllclne Moves the llowels Each day. In order to bo healthy this is necessary. Hohlenuan's jowolry store leads as ever, tf lllgh-prlcod competitors disregard a we'l established law ot physlra waen they buck against Salvation Oil It Is tho best ana cheapest. 35ti. AFTER PAINTDEALERS ! LOCATING THE BLAME FOR POOR WORK. IMPORTANT CONGRESSIONAL RILL Manufacturers and Dealers In Paints and Oils as Well as Painters and DocoratorB Interested. HE local association of the Master Home Painters' and Decora tors' Association o f Pennsylvania met 1 n town Wedniaday even ing. All the painters of town and nearly all the painters of the Mahauoy valley belong to tho local branch. Titus Berger, of Pittsburg, president of the itato association, was present at the meeting and delivered nn address, during which ho urged the members to exert themselves In securing the best materials for all kinds of work they undertake. Mr. Berger also re ferred to the convention of the state atno- elation, which will be held in Scranton on January 10, 11 and 12, next, when several interesting papers will bo read. John Beattie, the national president, will bo In attendance. After tho meeting a member of tho local association told a Herald reporter that ono of the most Important pieces of work the organization has in hand is to compel man ufacturers and dealers In oils and paints lo give quantity and quality as called for by tho labels on their packages. Many piintcrs are frequently condemned for their work, he said, when really tho painters themselves are deceived and defrauded by tho niauufac turers aud dealer sfroui whom they purchabo the materials. At the state convention a bill introduced in Congress on tho lflth inst., by Mr. Pugh, will bo discussed. Tho object ol the bill is to regulato the sale of paints, white lead, colors aud linseed oil. Tho bill pro vides that any pcr6ou who shall soil or oiler for sale auy package of paint linseed oil bearing a label which falsely describes tho contents of such package shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject for tho first offence to a fine not exceeding $100, nor loss than $,,0: and for a second offenco shall bo subject to a fine not exceeding $500, nor lesi than $250 or imprisonment for not less than three months, nor more than one year, both. That bill provides that any label shall bo held to falsoly describo the contents of auy package o( paint or linseed oil if tho actual contents of such package shall bo found not to cor respond with tho content as claimed on such label; and that if any paint shall be found in the jossession of any dealer In paint it shull bo deemed prima fa ia evidence that the samo Is offered for salo. The bill also provides that tho Secretary of tho Treasury shall appoint a competent analytical chemist whose duty it shall be to aualyzo any paints or linseed oil sent to him by any purchaser; aud iu tho event of the labels on such paints or linseed oils being found to bo false, ho shall deliver to the District Attorney iu whoso district such paints were purchased his certificate showing tlio results of such analysis, aud tho District Attorney shall proceed to enforce the pen alties under the act. Tho bill has had a second reading. John L. Hassler, of town, and William II Snyder, of llahanoy City, will represent the local association at the state convention. A Word to tlio Ilousekecp r. (.Veu) Turk Evangelist.) Take it all in all, no article of animal food contributes more largely to tho support of life than tho ham. From the handy and rapid sandwich to tho daintiest of forcomeats, it is in constant demand. Our cockney cousins across tho water assure us that of all delicacies nono la more highly relished then "a bit o' weal cut with a 'ammy knife," and tho flavor of a good ham, we will all admit, is most appetizing. But there aro hams and hams, and perhaps ths least satis factory of all the housewife's purchases Is a rank, unsavory, ill-cured ham. Now those who know and they are the large army of those who never buy any other say that the famous "Ferris" hams are as near perfection as anything can bo in this imperfect world. A baked "Ferris" ham for dinner will surely cause n genial smile to float all around the board. Buy your child a pair of rubber boots They will cost you but 90 cents at the PeO' pies' store, 121 North Main street 12 lS-tf P. O. S. ot A. Election, The following officers wero elected by Washington Camp No. 200, P. O, S. of A., Thursday evening! Past President, William S. LIndenmuth; President, George Horn; Master of Forms, B. G. Hess; Recording Secretary, O. T. Straughn j Treasurer, C. H. Hagcnbuch ; Financial Secretary, W, J, Seltzer; Conductor, John Danks ; Inspector, Thomas Schappelj Outside Guard, David LIndenmuth ; Trustee, George Hassler. The camp has changed its headquarters from Robblns' to Bcddall's hall and will hold Its future mcetlugs iu tho latter place. (liven Away Free. A handsomo calendar given to auy one buying tea, cofi'eo, baking powder, &o., at our store on Saturday, December 31st. 18,30,2t Grand Union Tea Co. My stock for Now Year gifts In Jewelry and faucy goods shall be as complete as ever. Holdermau's Jewelry store. laJSd-tl HILL APPOINTMENTS. Commissioners llnwes uml llccd Maine tti Miu. Tho County CominiMloners met yesterday for the purpose of making their annual nppuinttuente for the tourt honso and prison. Tho nppolntmeuls were made by Messrs. Bowes and Iteed, Mr. DeTurk having bolted from the meeting beforo a vote was takea. Ho went over to tho jail and refused to have an J thing to do with the appointments of the hlllolliclals. There was no election for Solicitor, Ur. Reed having voted for B. W. Cummlng, Jr., and Mr. Bowcb for James Minogue. Fellow- is the list of the appointes: Chief Clerk Phil J. Connell. Docket Clerk J, P. Wadlinger. Assistant Clerk E. Edward Reed. Assistant Janitor Hugh Qulnn. Janitor John Bowes. ABBiBtant Clerk Wm- Barry. Fireman Chas. Graver. Night Watchman Robert Bowel. Policeman Frank Moyer. Clock Winder. W. H. Mortimer. Mercantile Appraiser Walter Stevensoet. rniBON. Warden Jihn P. Martin. Matron Mrs. John P. Martin. Seamstress Miss Anuio Mcllale. Physician R, F. Weaver. Clerk Wm. J.Carter. Underkeeper Jamts Broderick. Bosj Weaver Michael Schoencman. Night Watchman Nicholas Brownmlller. Don't suffer with indigestion, use Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. lni PERMANENT SA'.TlPIOATE3. What the Commits giliine Since Its The Permanent Certificate Committee, as electod at the last session Of the Schuylkill ' County Teachers' Institute, consists of th following teachers: Livingston Seltzer, Palo Alto; Miss Minnie llartnett, Shenandoah; U. A. Klcos, Butler township; Thomaa Herb, Tremotit; J. T. Kelly, Cass township. This committeo met on December 23d and organ ized by electing Livingstou Seltzer rhair mau and U. A. Klcos secretary. After assigning the various branches to each mem ber it was ordered that tho committee hold its annual meeting for tho examination of applicants for jiermauent certificates on tho last Saturday of May, 1603, in the Pottsville Centre street grammar school building, A p plications Bhould be forwardod to tho County Superlutendent between May 17, 1603, and dato of examination. Each applicant is ex pected to forward a thesis upon some educa tional topic to the secretary of the committeo ut least three weeks before tho examination day and to present his rocummendation duly signed by tho proper officers, together with the professional certificatu, to the committee on the day of examination. Applicants for examination iu fflj'' branches must inform the secretary at leiflP'Jirce weeks previous to tho examination. The committeo ad journed to meet May 27, 1S93. The address of tho secretary is U. A. Kleos, Fountain Springs P. O., Schuylkill county, Pa. USE DANA'S SAUSAPARILLA, m "THE KIND THAT CURES." l'KHSONAI,. O. C. Lewis, of Mahauoy City, was in town yesterday. Miss Virgie Holloretcr Is visiting friends in Philadelphia. B. Leo Tally, of Baltimore, Md., is visiting friends inton. Hon. C. N. Bruinm was a visitor to town yesterday aftornoou. Michael Whalen, of Wilkes-Barre, was a visitor to town last evening, 'Squire Moiiaghan, of town, was in Potts villo yesterday, airing his prospects for the postmastershlp Miss Hannah B. Reese, one of Mahanoy township's school teachers, la visiting her mother at Steelton. Councilman James lus so far recovered from his illness that he is able to take short walks on the street. J. M. Crosland, of Pottsville, one f the best known men in tho county, died iu Philadelphia on Thursday. This morning's Jonrnal announces that Max Rccso will ba n candidato for Justioo of tho Peace In tho Third ward, Mrs. Mary A. Parrott left town last evening for Shamokin, whore she will spend the New Year holidays with her brothers, Thomuand Edward Morgan. Col. P. H. Monaghan, ot Girardvllle, is prominently mentioned In connection witk the prliicipalship of our borough schools t succeed Prof. Freeman. James L. Reese, of Ccntralia, who wo great laurels on the University of Pennsyl vania foot ball team, accompanied by hie eistcr,Rachol, passed through town yesterday. Mrs. Jacobs Laucks, of town, is lying at the heme of her daughter, Mrs. Joshea Payne, at Ashland, prostrated by paralysis which affliction attacked her on Monday, She is very old and is hardly expected te recover. Our former townsman, A. M. Reuse, now ef Shamokin, who has been connected with the Wilson biscuit company of Philadelphia, an traveling salesman for a number of yean, has severed hit connection with that firm and after the first of the new year will go oa the road for the well-known firm of Hender son, 1'fe.il It Co., of Baltimoro, iu the same liuo of business. USE DANA'S 8AR3APARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." Alwayu on Top, That is where Mills' hats aro. At his beautiful buaar, No. 2 North Centre street, R. J. Mille, popular hatter and u.eu'e fur nishing Kuoda denier, offers the finest stock of collars, cullk, umbrellas, shirts and underwear for geutleniuu. Cull and seo his covey ef live quuil ami bis corps of lire clerks vicing with each 'il, i .u please. 12-10-4W 1