The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 30, 1892, Image 3

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Both tho method aliQ re&ulta 4vhen
Syrup of Figs id taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
gently vet nromhtly on the Kidneys.
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
rtcues and lovers mm cures hnmuirtl
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over, pro
duced, piensiiiK to the tasto and ac-
centiriin to ilia stomach, nromnt in
its action and. truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agreeablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have mado it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for salo in 60c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
cists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
!i il
curu n jiruumuy lor any una wnu
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
Etch ncaflacho and relievo all tho troubled Incfr
dont to a bilious etato of tho Bjatam, Buch oa
Business, Nausea. Drownlhesa," Distroaa aftor
eating. Pain m tho Sldo, &o. Whllo IholrmoaB
remarkable success has beou shown la curing .
Ee&Sacho, yot Carter's Llttlo TJvor Pitta lira
eqnuly valoaMo In Constipation, curing and pre
venting thlsannoylnncomplaiut.ivhllo they also
correct andlBortlors ox thostomachtlmulatotha
;'Tcr ana rcgulatotlio bowels. Even 1( the; onlj
&t3 s they would boelmos tprlceless to Ihoso wna
Jral.'er from this dlatrcaslngcomplalnt! butfortu
sataly theirgoodnessdoes notend hcre,and those
who once try them will find these little pills vain
aula In so many ways that they will not bo wil
ling to do without them. But aftor allalckb.034
(is the bane ut so many lives that hero Is whera
-nemakepurgreatboast. Ourpllljeurditwhlla
others do not
Carter's Little Liver Pills ero very email ana
tery easy la talio. Onts or two pills inako a dose.
They are Btrictly vc.jutablo ai.d do not gripe op
rnwA hiil.liw lmli rintlnaf.llnn nlcasQall who)
usotbetR invlalsatlccents; nveforSl. Sold
by (lyaeta everywhere, or cent by mail.
cSffg n MCD1CIHC CO., New Yorki
Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.
For a lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous
Plaster will give great satisfaction. 5 cents.
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says:
"SMloh's Vitalize 'HAVUD MY LIFE.1 I
I ever used.1' For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney
trouhlo it excels. Price 75 eta.
tTiivAvnulatarrllf Trvthlfl Reinedv. Itwlll
relievo and Cu-e you. Price 50 cts. Tills Iu.
InntAF for ltssuccessf ul treatment I" furnished
free. Eblloh's Remedies are Bold by us un a
guarantoo to give satisiacuon.
For sale by O. H. Hagenbuoh.
IN. H. Downs' Elixirj
-TTaji ntnml 11m tm t for H TXTY YEARS i
tana has proved ItseU the nest remedy i
t known ror tho euro, pi '"' Woi '
otnight, Coldi, Whooping fJoughp antl
t all Lung Jtlieat fin young or oiu.
1'ilco 250., ouo., anu si.uu por douio.
I EEta?, J0EUS5H 6 LOSS, flop., BuUsjtra, 7t.
for over two years my little girl's lif.
. . made miserable by a case of Catari l .
l v discharge from the nose was large
. onstant and very offensive. Her eye
ivrame inflamed, the lids swollen an.
i ry painful. After trying" various reme
U;. s, I gave her rarcrca The flrst 1,01
tie seemed to EJiSal aggravate th.
disease, but the symptoms soon abated
and in a short time she was nmi
Dr. L. B. PiTCjigy(j,rackeyt Ind
Our book on Blood aed Skin Jl$eagsg mallei)
The Notorious Swindler
Been Working in Auckland.
Ho Is tVplI Klinwn III This Country Hns
L'usod as a ClurKyniHii of Vnrloua l)n
nomlnntlona Ills Oroat Dnllclil Vlotlm
Ir.lne Oonlldllin; Women Tim Mysterlulia
pnths nf fe'nme or Ills tVitnn,
Uosion, l)ec. 80. Tho "Rev." William
iliimmond, known throughout tho Uni
ted States and especially New Englnnd at
a confidence tnnn, bigamist, swindler and
almost overy kind of a, criminal In the cat
egory, has been up to his old tricks In
Auckland, New Zealand, according to ad
vices celvfd by tho polloe ot this city.
wlio were applied to for information by
tue Auckland authorities,
Uefora he was exnosod. however. h6 SUC'
ccedod 'in nnirryllig' irwrhltlij lld'JiW
there, and after ho curing fo.UUU or her
money, deserted her, leavine; for Japan,
where he Is tiow supposed. to bo.
This inamaco makes las' ninth, so tar
ns known, and at least five ot the victim
lzed wonieli uro living.
He has acted as a Methodist, Unitarian,
f ree Will Haptist and I feshyterian mill'
ister, as u phystclau and lawyer, and had
Joined ana been uxpollutl irom mauy se
cret societies. Yot, with all his misdeeds,
ho has been arrested but twice and each
time escaped punishment by some play
at his trials.
He anneared lu Yuka, Cnl., some yeara
ago and had with him two woraeu, one of
whom he called his wife and the other bis
sister. He preached in tho Methodist
Church and his apparent piety won for
him high regard. Ills alleged wife and
sister died within a week of each other.
He collected some $2,000 on policies on
their lives aud soon afterward skipped
the town, leaving u number of cnlltors
In South PoUltney, N. Y., he ucted as a
Catholic prieBt, and is said to have appro
priated a sum of church money when he
lefc town suddenly.
In Alluntown, I'a.. he is.remombered as
I'resbyterian minister and a. "conscience
less liar and profligate. " in ligonier,
Ind., he appeared ns a physician, but the
town growing to wurin for him he went
to Wolf Lake, Ind.. 'When he left there
the citizens expressed their gratification
by firing cannon. At Indian Lake, Ind.,
a house that ho lived iu was burned, aud
he secured $1,500 iusurnuce oh tho furni
ture. There another ullegod wile died,
and sl.000 life insurance came to him.
Lata in 1885 he auneared as Drencher
in Bedford. Mass.". and after tlx months'
service was driven out of the town." Ho
was a Unitarian there. Ho then went to
llndiscm, N. H., and later appeared at
Franklin Falls, the same State. He won
a Freewill Baptist ndnistor there and
made love to a widow, Mrs. Dr. W. II,
Brockway. who had money. Just afte
their marriage he got $,000 deposited in
a savings bank in her name and also se
cured a $1,000 bond she held. Then ho
dosed her with morphine and immediate
ly left town.
A neighbor found Mrs. Brockway in
stupor and saved her life. The $2,000
was In form or a draft on iioston. liam
niond was arrested iu Boston pnd takeu
to Franklin Falls, but when his wife
found' that her money' was safe she was
persuaded to drop tho complaint.
A few mouths lator be was arrested for
perjury iu Montreal and the police found
in bis room a full kit of burglar tools
in tho surntner or 1887 he was a lawyer
in Macon, Fla., and married wife No,
He turnedtiip in Savannah, Ga where
representing himself as a Mason and Odd
l1 el low. be sold a piece ot land which
did not exist to a Mr. Jackson for $1,000.
in December, 1837, be was arrested in
Fulton county, 111., the day before he was
to marry again, and was charged with
ileeclng a farmer ot Sl.UOU. The money
was returned and Hammond got oil with
an eight months' senteuce.
After his discharge he was heard from
in two or three Western towns aud cities
but in 188'J he again disappeared and has
just been beard from again.
T.O Curona KniploymeutKxcltes Irishmen,
Dcuun, Dec. 80. ConsidornUIXclte-
ment has been caused in Irish home rule
circles by the news that tho imperial au
thorities have directed bcotland Yard
take the spy known as Major LeCarou into
the employ of the Uovernment for tuo
purpose of tracing out tho guilty parties
connected with the Dublin explosion.
Caron is greatly abhorred by Irishmen of
all factious.
J'uris Kxolted Over an KKjiloston.
Paius, Dec, 30. An explosion ut 1:30 a.
m. in tho ball leaning to tue suite oi
offices between the ground floor und tho
first Btory of the prefecture of police has
caused a sensation. The authorities are
undecided as to whehter the explosion was
the work of Anarchists or merely an ac
cident caused by a leakage of gas. An in-
vestigation is being bold.
New .4
fjutlons to the Press Club.
rk, Dec. 80. ueorgo J. Gould
sent WJ check for $1,000 to the treas
urer of the Press Club Building and Char
ity Fund yesterday. The same mail
brought $1,000 from Senator W. L.
Brown, $850 from the Knickerbocker
Trust Company, fiOU from atern Bros.,
$100 froiu "Rider and Driver" and $50
from John H. Spoliuan,
Kndorseil Smith lor Senator.
Newark, Dec. 80. The Business Men's
Turin Reform Club of JJils city has indor'
sed James Smith, jr., for United:: States
Senator to succeed Rufus Blodgett. -
Oool Year fur the Wool HusloVss.
Boston, Dec. 80. For, the year tho bus-
i -1.. 1 i,n...nn ....i......,t..i t
Ulian 111 iiuui uoiu 4umwo n Buusiuiiimi pu-
crease, The sales are considerably larger
than last yoar and the receipts also;
i i
Congressman l'cel'f Son Dead.
Wabhinoton, Deo. 80. Representative
Peel, of Arkansas, tins received a despatch
announcing the death ot bis son, u prom
lsiug youug lawyer in Arkansas.
Street Car I.lnns rurcliaseit.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 80. A syndicate
composed ot western stockholders of the
C. B, & Q. railroad, has purchased the
ttreet car linos of Alton.
Alphoasa de Itotluclilld'i Generosity.
Paris, Dec. yO.-r-Alphouse da Roths
child has given one mllUoufraucH for the
bensllt of women accouched In Paris ho-
Dinner In Honor of a Printing Anniversary
New YonK. Dee. 80. Tho two hun
dredth nnnlvorsary of the Introduction, of
the artot printing in flew xorit is to no
celebrated on the liJtli of April next byjiu
dlnnemt Dclmonlcd's." The dinner, will
be given under the management of the
TypotUotn) society ' ana tuo printing anu
uuusuuig vrauos oi mis city.
Cholern Comrulslonre Xudtgnant.
St. I'ETKnsnuno, Dec. 00. Tho younger
members of tho Cholera Commission are
indignant at tho farcical proceedings of
tho Commission. They declare that
their time was wasted, the old medical
officials reading reports praising the bo-
nelicetice ot the Uovernment and Indulge
log in fulsome flattery of the nobility.
Mysterious Disappearance.
Monctox, N. B.p Deo. 80. Havel ock
Johnson, a farmer of the parish of Bob-
ford, has disappeared mysteriously, and
ns he had a considerable sum of money
with him, uo motive for his voluntary
disappearance can be discovered. Foul
piny is suspected.
Want Immigration Stopped.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 80. Tho St.
Louis Lodge of tho United Brotherhood
of Carpenters and Joiners of Aijjsrli v aro
prcparliigV 'petition "f pr ' proAepfct ihrt Ato
CoWreW asking for' the' lnUeftmiV
pension of ull immigration into tne Uni
ted States?
Xcaped Lunatic tVooilocatcd.
WoiteESTKn, Mass., iDec, 8o Hamilton
Wood, who escaped from the Worcester
Lunatic hospital iMouaay night, is with
friends in New York, where ho will re
main if be oxhibllBluo ; violent, insanity.
Dr. Qultnby has bee'nl notified
Ileporta Ovordrliw,n.
Rome, Dec. 80. The! "Moniteur," organ
of the Vatican, says that recent reports
In regard to the mission of Monsignor
Satolli to the United States are overdrawn
and promises to give fuller light shortly
on the subject.
Fountain to Hobo for Chicago.
Chicago, Dec. 80. A granite drinking
fountain, surmounted by n bronze statue
of tho goddesx Hebe, the gift of Joseph
Rosenberg, of ban rrnnclsco, will Uo
placed iu the Lako front l'ark. It will
cost $10,000.
Lamp-chimndys cost so little
that we let them go on break
ing. We go on buying "and
What should we do ?
Get Macbeth's ',' Pearl-top "
and "Pearl-glass;" they are
made of tough glass, tough
against heat ; they do not break
m use : they do Irom accident.
They are fine, well made,
exact; they fit the lamps they
ire made tor; stand upright;
the shade is right; they make
a right draught tor light; they
are uniform. Both bear a label
for your protection. Look for it.
Lie willing to pay a nickel
more and stop tnis constant
expense and annoyance.
rittebureh. To. Quo. A. MACiisrn C0V
Mrs and MIbb Kempton
But a Mother's Love Surmounts
all Difficulties. Her Darling
Child Cured of Bright' s Disease
by Dr. Kennedy's Favorite
My daughter had Briijht's Dietase. Tier
ankles, feet and ete were terribly ticollen.
Four ot our bett i'V' piytieiant attend
ed her but her life B B was iletpaired of.
A mother's love surmounts all difficulties,
and I determined to try Dr. Datid Ken
nedy's Favorite lUmeay, made at Hon
dout, N. Y.
am'.h'aU ALWAYS fcSSlJ!
ed upon this course for ono by one tho
well known symptomt of the disease left
her. Words fail to express my gratitude,
and I cannot too earnestly recommend this
great nicdl- I 1 KS EJ C -'ine Her
recovery iiLCiw was entire
ly duo to Favorite Remedy, which was the
only medicine taken after her case was
abandoned by tho physicians. Mrs. Laura
A. Kismpton, West Rutland, Vermont,
Can you not see that such an earnest
and out spoken statement as the above
comes from the heart and is sincere ?
And does it not show how valuable this
trreat medicine becomes to those who are
in need 1
CbiehttUr EdcUiU Ptamond II rand.
OrlitlnnlMud Onlr tienulne. A
ri wostjB riiaui. t-auicw.
Urn et t for CXtchetttr t IfngU Di.
mod Brand tn ted od atul Ju1
boivt. tuUod with Mu ribbon, Tk
no other. Sefuu dnnaertyu tulititu
lion ami imUMtent. At Prugfljti, or teni 4o.
Id CUnipi for ptrtlouUri, ttiUfnooftJ and
Uclier for l.Hdtv,M Uur, by retura
lIulL 1 0.OUU Teitiinonlkli. JfM.
- Cblt?hctf r Cucioloitl Do51bJ1oii Hauarih
36 EnHt Centre Street.
The best beer, ales, porter, whiskies, brandies
wines and tnest cigars always on hand.
Largest and oldest reliable pnrely cau com.
panics represented by
120 S. JaroijSt., Sie(ianooah,Pa,
' i Laymen
rreralllnrr Opinion of Catholic, nn,
lU-Karillmr the Case nf Dr. "cf",jee
New York, Dec. 80. The Comik, jj
of Itoinnh Cfttli61lc Interests, com)Hie t
uy members of the Catholic Club, ni
Ust night in the club house add discussed
In nn informal inauncr the situation In
the Roman Catholic Church In this city lu
relation io the restoration of Dr. Mc
Olyun, In conversation afterwards with one of
the Committee, Mr. Crlmmins, ho said to
n reporter that tho prevailing opinion at
the meeting was that something hud been
concealed and that until some explanation
was given it would be folly for tho laity to
Mr. Crlmmins, who was chairman of
tho meeting, was against any hasty action
being taken.
World's Fair llureau.
Clltcuoo, Dec. 30. The World's
Hotel and Boarding Bureau, an organiza
tion to caro for visitors to the World's
Fnlr, In which a large number of tho Chi
cugo terminal railroads are interested,
will establish its permanent general of
fices, on January 8, in the Temple Court
building, corner of Jackson (aud Qninoy
The State Board of Arbitration after
hearing tho Cumberland, N. J,, glass
blowers announces that thero is no causa
for Interference on the part of the Board
and that thero Is nothing to arbitrate.
Theodore Dorinau, while Insane, jumped
headfirst into a deep weep well at Grand
Pre, N. S., aud was Instantly killed.
The affairs of the Order of Solon are
now lu the hands of the receiver.
Fire destroyed the Marshalltovvn, la.,
Hue high school building. Loss, $50,000.
Di 8, Trowbridge, manufacturer and
dealor in cobperage stock at Toledo, O.,
has fulled.
Threo new case of typhus faver havo
been discovered in Now York.
George Taylor, for many years general
freight agent of the intercolonial Railway,
is dead of hemorrhage of the lungs at
O. II. Royal, of Toronto, Ont., has been
appointed Lieut. -Governor of the North
west territories.
The Illinois Steel Mills at Joliet. 111.,
will clot.e down Jan. 1. it is drought
the mills will not start until April.
Over 2,000 men will bo thrown out of
A. Slobele was struck by a train at
Corning, N. Y., and died shortly after.
The carriage factory of W. J. Hunter
at Toronto, Out., was burned. Loss $10.-
Milo Noble, aged 0, while endeavoring
to savo his little sister, who had fallen
into the river at Dayton, O., was swept
under the ice and drowned. The girl was
rescued by other.
Miss Ayres,tele'graph operator'at Brigh
ton, Cal.," was murdered anil tho station
! hi rued iu ordor to conceal the crime.
A. J. ( alkous, editor ot the Mt. Ver-
.i.i... ind., "Sun," is dead.
'Hie lumber cut ii Minnesota last year
.u.i.iU.U'd to'C")0,C35,00(J feet.
'Ju account ot tho reappearance o! chol-
ei.i ,u il.unbiirg, closure of the port of
Cclou has again beeu decreed against ves
sels sailiug from that port after the 10th
The Mexican Central railroad has just
built the largest locomotive in tho world.
It weigh 200,000 xiouuds and has twelvo
driving wheels.
Tho Belwoou Zltiuufncturing works of
Bel wood, Pa., owntxl and controled by
Benjamin F. Stoner, liavo passed Into tho
bauds ot au assignee.
Two deaths from cholera have occurred
iu Altoua, u suburb of Hamburg.
The PhilUpsburi: National Bank, of
Phillipsburg, Pa., capital $50,000, has
been uuthorized to begin business.
The will of tho lato Joslah Levlness. of
City Island, hat been filed for probate at
White Plains, IN.
"Two Bottles Cured Mel'i
Hney Xroubte. Nothing Kumwl to help mel
Eul two bottles fBHIll) ME.
Cromwcato be Iru.tttorthy, sndoosupoDgg
" A. II. -McKJfi.JtwUtool Uierc.ce. 318
S Eperwcii,N. y. m
m Dana Sarsap'arllla Co., Belfast, Maine. g
Manufacturers ot
Of Every Description.
Fagst Baoges, Caps, Regattas, &c
Write for catalogues. Correspondence 101101101
Likely to Read
New York al
Any Time f
t That She Had Iteached lturrl
a ftlnkini? Condition lllsnriivctl
er May IIuto Drifted l'ar ic
Tho Cu, sho Kcfusml the (Inlllvo'i
tli Sou UK ...
lttlnc on ChrlBtma Tin
Proffered Bt X,,0OO,O0O.
Yessol and C
Deo. 80. The rumoi
Halifax, N. ,Bgt nght tllat the
in circu ation hero ,md reuchod Bar.
disabled stowmcrU.rlCondlUou ,ms be(JIJ
rington In a sinking by the Nc,r yorl.
disproved by iuqulry c
ugeut thero. the Bteam(!r
iVothlng uas oeen seen
wen sighted
thfcre. The ship has not
coast, ov-
anywhere oil tho Novia Scott
ery inch of which has been co
leu wiiu irom xarmouui io unutik
Nitw York, Doc. 80. Tho Umbr g
been spoken. She Is practically safe..
confident of bringing his vessel to port.
her commander, Capt. McKay, that hl
absolutely refused assistance from the
steamship which bore down upon the Cu
narder Christmas Day, coming so near
that the passengers on the two ships were
able to distinguish oue another.
Tho Umbria had broken down and her
able corps of engineers were then at work
repairing the machinery.
The very absence of these calls for as
sistance is abundant evidence that she is
not in a "bad way" and that her skipper
intends to bring his vessel into port unas
sisted. To the Wilson liner Galileo belongs the
honor of bringing to port the gratifying
news that tho Umbria is safe.
The news spread rapidly and relieved
tho anxiety of those who have frieuds
aboard. The officials and clerks at the
offices of the Cuuard company, though
they have latterly inaiutaiued that the
delay iu the uriival of the Umbria was
due to some disarrangement of her ma
chinery, showed by their faces and cheery
words that tho good news bad also brought
great rolief to them.
Telegrams reportlug the fact that the
steamer had beeu spoken were seut in
overy direction.
It i o o'clock Christmas afternoon,
and nlr. .lejinulng to grow dark when
the loon... u i.i the Galileo sighteu the
lights of me disabled Cunarder througli
the driving snow.
The U.iiileo came almost within hailing
distance of the Umbria, and, rounding
her stern, lay to, signifying by this man
oeuvre that she was ready to lend assist
A good view ot tho Umbria's deck was
obtained from the Galileo's bridge. Some
of the passengers on the Umbria tumbled
out on deck when they were aware ot the
presence of the second steamship, aud
some of the women waved their handker
chiefs to those aboard the Wilson Liner.
The steamer Lahu, which arrived early
this morning, reports havinir seen noth
ing of tho Umbria. Captain Helmers
states that he lias not sighted tho missing
She has uo doubt drifted away to tho
south of the regular course some hundred
Tho valuo of the Umbria and her cargo
is roughly estimated at 1.000,000 pounds.
Ite-Iusurniice Hates im the Umbria Ad
vanced Several Timet,
London, Dec 3.0 The ciblo message
from New York that the Umbria had
been sighted by the steamship Galileo
was indeed glad tidings to many anxious
friends and relatives here.
So great had become tho fear for tho
safety of the Umbria that underwriters
at Lloyds looked upon her as an extra
hazardous risk. Yesterday re-insurance
was effected upon her at the rate of
twelvo guineas premium, which Is rather
, high rate, but a few hours later
twenty guineas were demanded Some
re-lnsurauce was effected at this latter
rute, and this In itself was- a good indica
tion of tho anxiety felt in busluess cir
cles. As tho day advanced the underwriters
advanced their rate for re-insurance to
twentyflve guineas. .4
Old steamship men discussing among
themselves tho probability of the Umbria
having struck a derelict, said that even
If such was the case her watertight com
partments would keep her alloat unless,
perhaps, she struck in such a manner as
to tear her side out near the engine room.
This might have been done by the bteamur
striking the floating and waterlogged
wreck a glancing blow and catching au
anchor fluke lu her plates.
Caused a fire Thirty Miles Distant.
Utica., N. Y., Deo. 80. It has beeu as
certained that the lire which occured iu
Greene, Chenango county, on Christmas
morning, and which a loss of $28,000 was
entailed was caused by tho crossing of au
electric light wire with a telephone wire
In Binghamton, thirty miles away.
To Accumpany the Caravels.
Wasiiinqtok, De. 30. Orders hT8
been given by the Navy Department to
Rear Admiral Henhain, commanding the
European squadron, to have the U. S. S.
Nowark and Bennington accompany the
Columbus caravels from bpuln to the Uni
ted States.
Gladstone's Eighty-Third lllrthilay.
LoNPOir, Doo, 80. tjueen Victoria was
among the earliest to congratulate the
liight Hon, William E- Gladstone on the
arrival of tils eiguty-tnird mrtnany. net
telegram was uuuBually gracious In tone.
Hundreds pf other telegrams aud letters
have been received.
Cholera Increasing: In Ilumbnrg.
llAMmmo. Deo. 30. The cholera statis
tics to-day show a considerable increase
in the number of now oases of the disease,
seven patients having been removed to
the hospitals. Ono death occurred.
lew lllsllmln. Out.
Hazlbtov, To., Deo. 80. Deoause
could not settle bis board bill at the Jinn
sion House, on account ot his failure to
secure work, Samuel Kvans of Whitehall,
blew hi brains out In bis room.
A DriiBglst's Strange Disappearance.
Mount Vbrnoh. N. Y Dec 80. Ella-
zear LaViolette, it druggist of this city,
baa been uiUslnc; from bin home since
Monday anil tue tume have been runuest -
n tn InvwitliBite tha mitter.
-X "to Hr-HU fJK I Zr3SJBSr
Tha American pcopIC
Tnt c of nervous wrecka,ait aro rapidly bcoomlnp: a
tho Dfst remedy t Alpbon&oAthofollowlnKBUKKesU
Pa., swears that when hi- BonUeiupfllnof Butler
st. Vitus-DuDco. Dr.Mllos Cirustpcochlcsafrom
Nervlno cured htm. Mrs. J. It- isnt Rostoratlvo
njo,lnd.,Jli.TuT.or,of Lo(iitiPpt tiller. of Valpar
rfftlppd 20 pounds from titkintjttu Irrt, Ind., cacli
i.pncr VUtoM, jnti .w 4ruftr1of 10U II. A. Gnro
c'tmSadaT.andinuch li -O i'Tir, tltrzii.rfl cOnynJ
ntstiiSt ana ncrrnua prci'fiiMon, br onoa, cb
Xnntel Myers, Brooklyn, Mich.. Pays his dau tottlo.
wncurdloflnofiilty of t n yp its' utandlug. iphter
boflfsnnd Qno t("li oi iarr"hm( cures. Fltrrlal
at Otutslats 'Hilt rem my cuctuius no opiatc-s- "03
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Snapped Hands, "Wounds, Snrni, Etc
Removes and Provonts Dandruff.
specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watt
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used In the
preparation of
tvlitrh is absolutely
pure and soluble.
It has more than three times
thestrenath of Cocoa mixed
with Starch, Arrowroot or
Surrar. and is far more eco
nomical, costing less than one cent a cup.
It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt
Sold by Grorers ererynhers.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
niinTllfir We the undersigned, were
Philadelphia. Pa.. S. Jones Philips. Kenmn
Square, Pa.; T. A. Kreltz. Hlatington, Pa.: K.
M. Bmall, Mount Alto, l"a.; Kev. H. tl. Bher.
mer.'a.; D. J. Dellett, 211 8. 12U
St.. Heading, Pa.; Wm.Dlx,182A Montrose St.,
rnuaaeipnia; ri. u. iiowe, ai.iy jilm hi , Keao
Inc. Pa.: Ueoree and Ph. Hnrkart. 439 Locust
au. Heading, Pa. Bend for circular
Act on a new principle
rogolata the licr, ctomacti
and bowels tkrcuak th
nerves. II a. Mius'Pnxs
tpcedjv cure buioiifnooe,
torpid liver and constipa
tion. Smallest, mildest,
enrajtl frOdcsoP,3Scta.
EarnplM tree at rtr-jeirfel.
Ur. EUn Uti. Cj., Eltliirt, UC
ThllvnujarrlirulLjcBid,' CmUVj
other Lye Hbrlcg floe pdtt n4 pck
Id kB lth ruovftll 1I4, iiiimdMqiim
Kfcilf for UW. Wilt Dlftlt tl4 AsMrrW
fumed Hard Hor (n flOulunlea vUktviheiH
IT IS TMK BBBT for eletailng wim pt
sjlilnfi-oilog: oloMti, iubtB buu11",
f hints, tra, t.
rtRanplPlli pcnn n t hi. rr. n 'i
Iti-'JLlrh." 'tLuubniun vu.: tTU N TA . tj A J
l3jE?S0LD UY ALL UBU0GT3rii--5mJc
1 Salary and exp
'Onsen paid.
AWImt W A T.
1 HMITH (X) . Oeoeva
, EstAU1,he(1 18W,
Emm w KhiwlBH
SvSSSf Htronbledwlth GonorrliccaB
S5vWSr or any unnatural dlscharifeait
fiKMfyQtir driigr;lst lor a bottle of
f5f5VriUii(- . It cures In a tew darn
BjSSlEttJX'hoiit the aid or publicity of a
tWM&.ii0T- Non-poisonous and
uifTZm ""nnlepd not to stricture.
MwBiru?o,flrai American Cure.
1 q-mBsI
H 1' W