HERABD. THE EVENING VOL. VlI.--NO.311. SHENANDOAH. PA.. THURSDAY. DEOEMBE OKE CENT. R )K 1892f. hp. J 28 South Main St. nnArKjtMiirnna ron Y GOODS ! Trimmings, Ladles' aad Children's COATS Shades and Shadings, Carpets and Oil Cloth VffY fifty cent storm serges will compare fa lYI .'vorably with 90c goods sold In Phlladel " plila and other cities. I am selling on all- wool Habit Cloth, worth 60c, for 30 per fnrd, I havo the best 60c Corsot in tho region, lain Flannels, worth 2So. sold hero for 20o per yard; A-i wldo Muslin old for 6c per yard; tho best Gray Klanncl Fold for 18c per yard, and a Good Flannel at 18c per yard. A good Blanket for 70c a pair. Everything a Decided Bargain. GENTS' Natural Wool Putts, worth K 60, fold now for 12. Comfortables and HlanketB cheap. Come at onco and securo good values at old reliable stand, 28fouth Main street, next door lo Grand Union Tea store. ime Is money at tho Great Jewelry Depot You eee all the latest designs In Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware. RinRs, $1 lo 2P0. Ear iliiRa, $1 to $50. Brooches, fiuc to $S0. Gold "Watched, $10 lo 51G0; Silver, 17 to $50. Rogers Bros triplepluted all verware and Gnrham solid sterling silverware and souvenir spoons. Opera glasses, neeUluees, gold pens, pencils, gents' watch chains, scarf pins and gold eye-glJsses. All our goods are bought CromWie best bouec-B in America and are sold at from 26 to SO per cent, lower than elsewhere. Holderman's Jewelry Store, Corner Main and Lloyd Streets. JOHN F. PLOPPERT'S Bakery : and : Confectionery, No. 29 East Ceutre.Street. Ice cream all the year 'round. OpcnHundays. I am now making a superior qualltyof CREAM MtKAD, something new. You want to try it; you'll .use no other if you do. Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. liar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales, whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars. Eating bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all. The Finest in the Our Fanny Ntn-ZOrop Genuine '. . ' New Orleans Baking Molasaef,: ' , , ' Our btriotly lre$h Cream wy B utter. Our Mno Jkrtsh Dairy Suitor. OurNtw Milling Qreelc Buclcwluat Flour Our Fancy Brands of Xiortlurn sugar Corn, New JPaoIctng "Bijou "Sunbeam," "Pride of Shenandoah," "JSoer green." , Our "WJiolt" lomatoes. FOR SALE, One Cnr Fancy "WliHe Middlings, Two Curs Flue Middlings, 4 Two Cnrs No. x Tiuiotlty liny. Baper-ahell Almotulg, vonaensea Mint, z cons jor zoo. 1892. CB.EISTMAS Dives, Stwaa?t A list of Holiday Goed, nevr and noycl. GRAND OPENING DISPLAY. Lamps, Plush Orocls, Dressing Cases, Albums, Manicure Sets, Hbnvin -otx Cigar fwts, Glove and Ha dkerchlef Boxes, Collar nnd Cuff Iloxs, Oak and Leather lewolry Cases, Silver Cabinet Ntand-i. Celluloid Frame and Photos, Novelty Candy Iloxei1, Fancy ISottles with host Perfume, Nut picks and Nut crackors. Children s Sets, Ivntv. s and Forks, Fancy Pin Cushions, Hachet Cases, Gents' Lcntl or Cases, for trnvelluif, f rum (Wo to J5 76, consisting of hair brush, comb, razor, soap, brush, tooth powder end bottle. Patent Shell Novelties, Dig lot German tvaio, Desert Plates. Plo Plates, Cream Pitchers nnd Fancy Dowls. China and Japanese Sumera.d Carlsbad Ware, After Tea Cups and Saucers, llon-bon Mustard", 'roam Pitchers, Hone Dishes, Vases, Tea Pote. Cracser Jars, Uugarand cream wets. Chocolato Pots, Funcy Cake Plates, Gaines Alt Ilabn. Drummer Hoy. Golden Esg, Coo-Coo. Cocked Hat, Peter Coddle, llagatcllo 230 to $1 00. lilsquo Figures. llclures. ono lot of 300 to bo closed out at Ma Dolls of every varioty, from 6o to S7.60 each.drossed and undressed, blatlonory knglnes.all description Iron Toys Passenger trains, flro en gines, hook and ladder trucks, sur rys. drays, sulky, dog oarui, ban sons, veloolpodes, farm wagons, express wagons, hoso carts. Washing Sets, Child's sets of Dlsbcs, Doll Currlngos, Doll Chairs, Gan.es Peck's Had Hoy, Hood to Washington, Steeple Cliaso, allor Hoy, lloo-l'eep, Shovel Hoard and ai d many others. Tool Chests, Drums, Kubber Goods. Tho half has not been told, yet wo do say that wohaveiho llnest selection of Holiday Goods over biought to Pottsvllle. We extend an invitation to all to In spect it. Stpre open every night till 9.30 o'clock. DIVES, P0S1FM t STEWART POTT8VILLB, PA. C. GKO. MILLER, Manager. 25 CTS. PER YARD I'Oll OIL CLOTH. Others for 35. 43, 60o and upwards. Partlos having carpet rags should send them and have them mado into u llrst-class carpet. Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St. Market. QGo a pound. 1892. MEETING OP THE SCHOOL BOARD LAST NIGHT. ELECTION OF TWO NEW TEAGHERS Miss MoGulnosB and Richard Mo Halo Added to the Corps to Mako up tho Number' Ro ducod by Resignations. CHOOL BOARD mt In Sr sticctal session last nli?ht to discuss tlio resigna tion of Miss Eisenhower and Mr. Leekla as members of tho corps of teachers. They were reail and accepted, and the beard at onco proceeded to elect two new teachers. AH the Democratic members of the board were present, while -only Messrs. Trezise, Beddall and Gablo were on hand to represent the ininoiity members. Tho applications of tho following named teachers wcro then read: Misses Annio L. Williams, Jen ii I o Guntcr, Gertie R. Hess. Mary E. McGuiness, Nclllo L. 0'IIara and Mr. Richard A. Mcllale, who is teacher in ono of tho local night schools. Tho Democratic members had evidently held a caucus and agreed upon the teachers they would voto for, while the three minority members were divided. It was reported that tho Republican members had a chanco to make a deal before tho meeting was held, but they refused to comply with a condition providing for tho promotion of ono of tho teachers. When tho roll was called Mepsrs. Conry, Hanno, O'llaren, Lynch, Brennau, Burke, Gallagher and Muldoou cast their eight votes for Miss McGulncss nnd Mr. McIIalo and they wcro declared elected. Messrs. Beddall nnd Gablo voted for Misses Hess and Williams, whllo Mr. TiezUe cast his votes for Mls&es Guntcr and O'Hnra. Afler tho result was announced Mr. Beddall moved that the placing of teachers to 1111 tho two vacancies bo left in tho hands of the superintendent. Mr. Gable seconded tho motion, but Chairman Conry declared it out out of order on tho ground that tho rules of tho board mado such a provision. Mr, .IleidallinsistCil upon. .his. ruotiootandh1 result was that he, the chairman and Mr. O'Ucarn had a little exchango of words, which was ended before it grew warm by a motion to adjourn. The ofllco of Superintendent Freeman to fleets tho excellent exhibit made by our schools at tho recent county institute. Tho walls uro covered with handsome nnd skilled drawings of tho pupils and they woro much nil mi red by thoso who attended tho meeting hist night. Superintendent Freeman In conversation with a Herald reporter afler tho meeting said, In order to facilitate tho work of filling tho vacancies justly and properly, ho would like to have all candidates for promotion sco him personally and present their respective claims. He says tho positions will be filled on tho basis oi merit, term of service, and tho best interoet of tho schools, and regard less of all other considerations. MAUANOV CITY. John Pollard, of Ashland, attended to bus iness In town yesterday. Thomas Doyle, Division Superintendent of tho P. & It. C. & I. Co., imo up from Potts vllle and visited the colllerles-ln his charge. Harry Bubb, of Mahunoy Plane, wag tho guest of his couslu, Harry Yungt, on Tues day. Madame and Augustus Neuvllle, in tho "Iioy Tramp," appeared in Kaier's ojiera houso last evening to an appreciative audi euee. i'utrick Dempsoy, who wag run over by a mine our at Mahnnoy City oolliuiy some weeks ago, U getting along nicely, Mike Itollck, a Hungarian employed at Steel's colliery, was severely Injured yester day. Whllo engaged in his duties as ori loader the unfortunate man woe caught be tween loaded can aud so badly squeezed that he tiled while being borne by hit friends to the diot to take tho train fur the Miners' Hospital, He was a single man and had only been in this oouutry u few weeks. Dec. SU, IBM. Prof. Barrett, of St. Lawrence county, N. Y., sroakliig of pulmonary diseases, says: uot ouo death occurs now where twenty died before Downs' Elixir wag known. Over fifty yours of constant mmwi prices Downs' ElUlr at tho head of thoHong list of cough remedies, lm Special l'alr Attraction. The management of the Columbia Hoso Company's fair now being hold ovary even ing In l'erguson's two front halls is constant ly on the watch for novel attractions and has secured Connolly & Helnu, two popular com edians of Philadelphia, who will give their original songs and duets at tho fair to-morrow (Friday) ovcnlng. 1S-S9-U The l'lrst Coin. The editor of the HuruLD U the possessor of tho first souvenir Columbian half-dollar coins received In this section. He secured two of tho 10,0(0 coins ordered by the New York Afuil atui Bxprtt when the govern ment flrkt decided to make them. Holderraan's Jewelry store leads as ever, tf Don't delay, always be on time, for preven tion is bi ll, r thsn ture All Ltiughs and colds aud huih ufli milium of the ibroai and lunpuag h ml to I'm suinpuon are curid by Pr Hulls I'euihHyrun. "GOD'd GIFT TO MAN." Uev. Powik'f ChiUlmii Sermon to the M. H. Congregation. Tho sermons on Sunday in tho M. E. church were delivered with special reference to Christmas. Tho morning subject was "God's Gift to Mau," Luke 2-10-11 "Fear not, fur, behold I bring you good tidings of great Joy, which shall bo to all people." The thoughtful reader is Impressed with the extreme simplicity and brevity with which the sacred writers deal with tho most Im portant truths. Tlio account wo liavo of the most Important event of tho ages ii com pressed into a few short paragraphs which can bo read in n few moments. Dlvlno truth wins its way by no human artifice but by Its own Inherent power. The apocryphal gospel! aro full of details which havo been invented by men with a view of ministering to human curiosity But it is characteristic of the true word of God to touch salient points with sufficient fulness to answer our practical needs whllo at tho same tlmo giving am plo scopo for tho ojerciso of faith. The birth of Jesus was tho realization of tho world's expectations. No sooner wero our first parents driven from Eden than a Saviour was piomlsed. Tho j over expanding stream of prophecy awakened ( t au uxpeciHiioii among mu curecn race, wnicn j was oemmunicalod to the surrounding nations, that a great deliverer was soon to arise. Consequently the shepherds were not sur prised at the announcement, nor were tho wito men from tho far east, nor was Herod, I It was no mora than they expected. Why then did they not receive Him ? Becauso of tho humble manner in which he camo. But did not their prophets say that he should bo without form or comllness? Yes, but they also spoke of him as u king. No doubt much of the perplexity concern ing His Messiahship resulted from tho la- ability of His ago to crash tho thought of a kingdom founded and administered on prin ciples of love. The deliverer they expected was ono that should doliei them from tho slavery of Iionio, and they wero disappointed to find that Ho scarcely alluded to It. It was tho slavery of sin that He camo to end. Many peoplo thought, as they still think, that the only way to remove an evil Is to openly attack it and administer immediate and positive relief. But such was not tho Saviour's plan concerning many of tho evils which alllicted tho race Ho cduiated tho conscience, created bcttcrimpulses,awakencd loftier desires, and furnished tho conditions under which men wcro enabled in a certain sjsiisji to, themselvoa rernove the oviU from which they suffered. Thus, whllo Jesus did not meet the views of tho ruling chvisos, Ho did supply tho deepost needs of all classes. llo traced all their evil up to sin and then proposed to destroy sin "to put away sin by tho sacrifice of Himself." This was tho import of tho "good tidings." Wherover tho gospel is preached in its purity there civil and religious liberty is enjoyed. Wo owe all our blessings to tho event we celebrate. Whllo to many Christmas is a season of dissipation aud debauclmry let us profit by turning our thought from tho festivities of the season long enough to reflect seriously upon the unspeakable gift of God the author of every good and perfect gift. Skin Dlsrasos. What spectaclo is moro disgusting than that of a man or woman with a skin diieaso which shows Itself in pimples or blotches on hands, arms, face and neck? It Is simply Impure blood. See what Brandreth's Tills did for a chronic case: George Chapman, Plnceniug, Mich., says : "For four years I was in the Mounted In fantry iu the U. S. Army, residing during that time principally in Texas. Almost all of that time I had a chronic skin disease, characterized by an eruption ovor tho entire surface of my legs and thighs, arms aud chest. The doctors termed It eczema. I had given up all hopes of over being cured, when Brandreth's l'ills were recommended to me. I concluded, to try them, aud I have thanked God dally since then tliat I did so. I used them for about three months, and by that time, was completely cured and have never had any trouble since." OlMtvas Hacked. I'. J. Ferguson fell into a humorous spirit on Christmas day. He learned that one of his brothers. In law had ordered some eanvaw- hack ducks from it distant point and they were to liavo been delivered horo In tlmo for Christmas dinner, but felled to arrive. I'. J. concluded that ho would reduce the disap- IMilntment and sent a box to tho brother-lu- law. The box arrived at tho house at dtnuer time, by express, uud C. O. D. It was re ceipted and paid for, and then opened. A duok with a pieee of canvass fastened to its back was pulled out and the look that was upon the receiver's face caused the dead duck to quack a most comical quack imaginable. USE DANA'S SARSAI'ARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CUKES." A Home Tor Court Attendants. For those who aro obliged to attend tho cessions of court at Pottsvllle, tho N. E. Hotel oilers unsurpassed accommodations. Good looms, clean bods, a woll-suppllcd table and bur from which Is dispensed choice liquors. All will bo welcomed by host Wm. Brennau and his assistants and every effort will bo mado to please. 12-20-Ct. Superior goods at 36 por cent lower than elsewberomt Holderman's Jewelry store. tf Live VlirUtinus (lift. George O. Smith, formerly agent for tho l'ennsy In town and now at Jlailetan, was presented with a ftno boy by his wife on Christmas day, Tho little fellow was horn at the home of iter parents, Mr. uud Mrs. 1 ' H Snyder, on Walnut street, Suubury L'cst licti'irsjil)5 Hid ctsyous at Labi's. BHUTALlASSAULTED ! i A MINER ALMuWLT BEATEN TO DEATN. ATTACKED WITHOUT WARNING. He Recognized HIa Assailant, but tin Man Mado his ILbcvPO Aftor Boinjf Warnod by a Woman. BRUTAL assault was committed last night upon a German miner named Michael Hcv m-An ,if tin. finlltll Nll 1M MaTn-tand-tho; man was to badly beaten that It was atj first feared be would die. Ho was beaten and kicked Into Insen sibility and his faco wai horribly bruised and swollen. Tho interference of somo miners who happened ujion the scene on their way homo alono saved tho man from being killed outright. Hevcron says that he identified his assail ant as ouo Stove Chesock, a Hungarian resid ing in Smith's row, nt tho South end of Main street. Ho was obliged to pass tho row on his way homo and met Chesock who attacked him without warning. Ho was first Btruck on tlio hood with somo instrument, and then repeatedly struck and kicked. Complaint was mado to 'Squire Monaghan, who placed a warrant iu tho hands of Con stable Toomcy and Special Officer Michael Hcatou. A woman learned that Chesock was being sought and sho warned the man. He throw up his work on tho platform nt Shenandoah City colliery and disappeared. Buy your child a pair of rubber boots. They will cost you but 00 cents at tho I'eo' pies' store, 121 North Main street 12 15-tf OIK V Itl) VILLU. Charles Schlosman, who Is attending col lege at Collegcvllle, is home for tho holidays G, W. Barnhard is homo from Montroee, West Virginia, to spend tho holidays with his family. Mall Agent George Glick wai a visitor to town tho lattar part of last week. It. A. Smith, chief clerk, of Philadelphia, on Wednesday .oxaniiufid George Ulick and W. F. Kirwin, of tho Williamsport and Pottsvlllo railway postoflice. They each mado 03 per cent. In a remarkable short time of 30 cards per minute. Bernard O'Donncll, who was killed by a prematuro blast on Woduosday, at Hammond colliery, was buried Saturday morning. There will boa fino Winchester magazine rifle, 22 calibre, given to tho best shooter at Company F's fair. AH aro invited to com pete. Tho GIrard Saving Fund and Loan Association aud tho Peoples' Building and Loan Association held their regular monthly pay meeting on Tuesday ovcnlng, instead of Monday evening, which was observed as Christmas. Tho attraction at tho Palaco theatre on Thursday, December 29th, is "Killamey and tho Rhine.' The salo of soots indicates a largo house, C. W. Wagner spent his Christmas down in Washington, N. J. Tho proprietor of tho Palace restaurant gave on all day freo wino punch supper on Monday aud Georgo Ilachel, proprietor of the Globe restaurant, treated all his nations to a Christmas box. Miss Lizzio Davis, of Philadelphia, is homo for the holidays. "The Drummer Boy of Shtloh" was pro dueed to a very largo audience at the Palace theatre on Tuesday ovcnlng. Everybody was well pleased with the performance. It was for tho benefit of W. C. 125, P. O. S. of A- The Misses Mary, Emma and Lillian John son, Miss Emma Babband Miss Minnie Kiss inger, all Girardvllleyoung peoplo teaching school iu il life rent parts of tho state, ure home for vacation. Will Mouaghan, a young druggist of Phil adelphia, came home to spend a few days with his parents. Tho Oittxens' Cornet Band will give an excellent concert In the Palace theatre on Friday evening, Deo. 90th. A Bordy, the dry goods merchant, gave his friends a sample of tho orangas he raises on his grovo down in Florida, P. II. Ilor.m aud Miss Julia McDonnell wero united Iu marriage by tho Kev. Mo Cullough on Christmas ovenlug In St. Joseph's Catholic church. Tho reason why ArniraandOil Liniment is go popular with tho ladles Is becauso it not only is very healing and soothing but its odor is not at all offensive. lm Tho human mind has achieved wonders In many things, but none more wonderful thau the curative virtues of Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seueka, for Croup aud Hoarse ness, Coughing l.ruili to Consumption, Kemp's Balsam will stojt the cough at ance. My stock for New Year gifts in jewtdry and fancy goods shall be as complete as over. Holderman's jewelry store. ISJW-tf Watch l'ounil. Tho party who advortlsed u lady's watch in the Hkhai.d ran souuru tho property by culling iiH)n John Leary, 115 East Oak street, and proving property. II A Lindsay lateof No. SKnglneC'ompanv, lluiiiutnri- t'liv fire pcpurtmi nt.t-.iys. mat iho in luUi i - of am company huve i.mu Hujvuii .i U'l id . lUf if of sprm' and torrtn sm w uh n . iiraiifvina t"iii i 'd the best, uuv . . V OBE'S OBSERVATIONS. What He Sue hihI Hers During 111. Trnveln. It may not be surprising to some to heai that Dan Bradley, the only Dan of the First wnrd, has again gone down to the county tail. Poor Dan ! He bears a hard reputa tion, hut there are many wfcogive lilm credit for being a good worker and a pretty goo4 sort of a fellow when ho leaves drink alone. He Is unknown by hut few in this town ami the county scat and when ho walked into the Warden's office on Tuesday ho was hailed oa all sides with a familiar "Hello, Dan I bask, again ?" It is hut a short time since he was released. He returned to town with a determination to reform, but whiskey got holf him again and when his funds ran low li stolo nu iron pot to gst drink. Coa Btable TCoomey arrcBted Dan and the Polisk woman w'Jjo bought the pot from htm. Th woman waheld for receiving stolen goods. Whin Dan W going to jail he Bald he would try to help theS woman out of tho caic, as sh did not know hbJiad stolen the pot. There aro two other caseivngainst Dan for stealing a wash boiler and nno blankets, but tli losers refuse to proscoiHe- A young lady of town ld a narrow escape from being severely burned Pjie other evening. She Is a sufferer from rheutnaism and of lat has been obliged to havo her nibs wrapped in an abundanco of cotton. On Nho evening referred to a gentleman who hadcalled to see her, after lighting his cigar,ried t throw tho burning match into the stoVe, bat It missed and bounded back in such a manner as to set on firo tho cotton badges on th young woman's limbs. Fortunately tho fl was speedily extinguished, but both the young lady and tho young mau wcro slightly burned in putting nut the file. About tho only class of business in town that has not had a Polish or Hungarian pro prietor is tho Ecwlng machino business, but now that exception is done away with by the establishment of a Polish agency in the First ward. A circle of young people of town aro hop ing for a heavy fall of 6now to co operate with tho cold weather and give them a chance for a straw rido and a skating carnival at Lakeside. Such an event with permission to participate) extended to others who might wish to go would prove one of tho most eu joyable events of tho year. A gentleiuau of town lnfo"rnTsmethat IIS? S. Hancock who so successfully conducted the affairs of tho Primitive Methodist ohuich of town a few years ago, aud who Is now at Newcastle, has abandoned his old love and sought tho Methodist Episcopal fold. It now appears that the full time order announced to tho oinployes of tho P. & It. V. A I. Co. Monday night was the result of au error. I am informed that the order was to begin work full Tuesday morning aud iu transmitting it tho word "full" was con strued to meau full time, whereas it meant that the bosses should havo their men out iu full force. Tho present travel ou tho electric railway is remarkably good in view of tho present severe-cold weather and the absence of car stoves. When the cars aro heated tho busi ness of tho road in winter will undoubtedly be equal to that of ordinary summer travel- It is only a question of a short time when tho methods for heating by olectrioity will be perfected for uso ou all electric toads. Itents of houses in town have taken a tremendous boom lately and if they keey going up at the same ratio they have the wt fow months wo will have to import some millionaires to occupy them. Yesterday I was informed that a property owner who had just finished some new houses asks per month rent for them and bases the price on tho fact that they are heated by steam. The people in this town who eati aftbrd to pay that much rent are by uo means uu -oorou-, aud I would advise tho builders not to forgot the old maxim, ''Small profit, large salt," or they may some day find a row of white elephants ou their bauds. There is no dis puting the fact that there Is need of mom c iniioodlous and modern dwellings in town hut there is a danger of giving us too much of a good thing aud to avoid til is daiiger a weather eye should be kept ou the puwes. 0B. Fsr all Rheumatic diseases use Dr. ltioh tor's imported "Anchor" Pain Kxpelbr. It quickly allays all pain, at V6 and SO cants a bottle. Sold by 0. H. Hagenbueh, P. P. D. Kirllu, J. M. llillan, and other druggists. 3t Always ou Top. That is whore Mills' hats are. At his beautiful bazar, No. 2 North Centre street, R. J. Mills, popular hatter aud men's fur nishing goods dealer, offers the finest stock of collars, cuUs, umbrellas, shirts and underwear fur gentlemen. Call aud see his eovey ef live quail and bis QJffpa f "ve olarks vieiug with each other to please, 1 J-ltJ-lw bpeclal gale. Dolls, Albums, and Fanoy Slippers at tho Peoples' store. 12-15-tf - Ureal Sucrllli-e Sale All fancy holiday goods, canili. , etc., left over from Clirlstmas will b sold at sa Iflcs prions as I d ou t wish to carry over Buy of tho stock. No reasonable price refused 12-27-tf Man ' i i -k. If then- ever was a real -ur tm Uoiialu, ' nlda, Broncliloal trovib!. n (III)! I I H Pi, II '1 1 i.ti. Dou'lhitl t.' g. I I. (lilt Mlt'MltOteH. l 6l e 'n-1 ii it la Mild uv P. I. l enrunto .uo a Kt tll.i only 'ii ivirUu's Fi , .i i-.kivirCove Oysters received tai ' Oall 1 1 s.