FINE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS! Find no difficulty in securing what thoy require for their ta bles at our store. Corner Grocery, rmtNONAL. Centre and White Sts. THEIR STOCKINGS. finesse nt What Santti Clauft Will do Vur Souie. Policeman Holvcy will find another new rotter in Ills stocking. Chief Burgess Smith, a goose. I'olicem.m Tempest, a self-cocking revolver. Councilman Lamb, an appointment at Jtarrisburg over tho -fis, J. J. Franoy, an iron steamboat. Jolm F. Finney, a Southern plantation. Tlio IIkuald, a check for tho money Council owes it. Tlio IIkiuld reporters, nn invitation from tiio Couiicllmeu to nttend their next meeting. A Happy Man lilie'-ho n s lied Klaif Oil for Khe"mltm, Neil lima. ToothHCI))' mid chronic pln. li'g ! ie . ny wlilch oiinn every time. Try It, S3 a ntH i mi KIhh Oil ..--old at V. 1", U. Xlr II - Drugture. Twelve 1'hotoH lor 60o. By semling us your cabinet, together with 60 cents, wu will finish you ono dozen photos. 11-2-if W. A. Keaoky. Ilirrtrlc Hallway llulletln. Hereafter the electric railway cars will leave tho comer of Cherry and Main street at 5:.J0 a. in. daily nud every 20 minutes thereafter until midnight, at which hour tho last ear will leave for Uirardville. On Mon day, iiovemlier "th, 1892, tho faro for any length of ride between Shenandoah and Girardvillo will bo reduced to flvo (G) centa. UE DANA'S SAUSAI'ABII.LA, ITS ' Till: KIND THAT CORES." OoM and silver watches, diamonds, precious stone-,, solid sterling and best plated silver wart , 11. & It. liuuijuet and parlor lamps, brnus.'M. oplionl goods; everything in great variey. at lloldcruuu's, corner Main and Lloyd streots. tf fnniliiir ISventK. Dor. 20 and a" "Tlio Confederate Spy; or1 The IJIuh and firay," under tho auspices of Henry IIomcAktle Camp, No. 40, Sons of Veterans, in Ferguson's theatre, for tho lieno fit of Soldiers' Monument fund. Jan 3 -21st annual supper of tho Wolsh lUplist church In Uolibins' opera house. Fob. 13. First annual ball of Gen. liar riaon Lodge, K. of P., in Kobbins' opera house. Don't sutler with indigestion, use Baxter's Mandrake Hitters. 1m at Coiit-lilng !,oitl to Cniinuinptlon. Kemp's Ilalsuiu will stop tho cough on co. N eck ties, in u tilers and silk handkerchiefs in all ihe liilrtt mid mo-t approved styles and at exc. tillngty low prices nt tho Peoples' store. Id IC-tf ii' st work douo at Dremwn's Sioxdi Lami' dry r.vrrylhlng white id spotlur. luce cur'a'iis a specialty. All work Kinuanteed Christum ServlcrH. Eiiily services will b hold In the Trinity Bcfi ruiBd oliiireh to-imirruw moriilug, at 0 o'clock. Thu Sunday school connected with tho church will hold Its Cliristuiw entertain-nii-iit .MnniUy evening. Clni .Unas prayer meeting will bo held in tlio M. tliodist Episcopal ohurch at II o'clock to morrow morning. To morrow e-cnlng the P. M. Sunday school will hold a wrvico of song in tho eh iri-li, uni! i tin' direction of isupcrlmun dent lUug'i. USE TMN A S S Vlt-iAPAIilLLA," ITS "Till; KIND 'J II AT C'UKKB." .r.unl 'J'lin- ut .III 11! 111)'. Tin-lar '-it nmti In the uushieM, John TnoM, Jnoilio wi.oiell the best of ovry- tlniiL' I lit" is ;'ooil to drink, will iriid tlio fin coi luiii h in Pottfrville at bis tnloou, 208 W Murl.i Miiut, on Christmas Monday, De- ."itli iicm Letter l.tnl. Tim (oil. '.von- lctturs remain uncalled for In tho -iioii ir.nuj'i. cnuylkill oouaty, I'a., post Hi-, .mix r si Jom bEi.ii Prllchard Ooorge J'uril.n . ill.n? for advertised letters should nlr.iM! hnv advertised." One vent will bo tli.i.,:l on all mlvijrtlMsd letters 1L a KoVEli, 1. 11. Thomas It. Phillips is conflned to his herao by an attatk of pleurisy. j Honry Wclkel went to Shamokln this afternoon to visit his parents. Mrs. J. F. Finney and family returned from Philadelphia yesterday. Prof. Ernst, of tho Hazleton Business Collcgo, was In town yesterday. Miss Efflo Henton canto homo yestorday from Bloonnburg to spend the holidays. ICcprcrcntatlvo Coylo, of Mahanoy City, camo over yesterday on important business. Druggist Iko Shaplra left for Boston, Mass , yosterday to spend tho holidays with his In tended. Misses Sarah and Theresa Rubimky and Jennlo Fink, of Potfsvlllo, are visiting Mrs. Harris StiT. Harry M. Wnslcy, a student at tho Phil adelphia College of Pharmacy, is homo for tho holidays. John Kirns and Bert. Hooks, who nro teachers in Cumbria county, camo homo to spend Christmas. "Art." Hullopttcr Is homo from Philadel phia, and will eat his Christinas dinutr under tho parental loof. Charles Kirlln, who Is attending tho Pennsylvania Military Academy at Chester, will oat liU Christinas dinner at homo. Misses Hattio Jones aud Annlo Stein returned to town yesterday after spending several days In llloomsburg with friends. Mbs Eacbcl Kecso, the charming daughter of Superintendent Edward Kccse, of Cen tralis, is to sing at tho Y. M. C A. concert at Pottsvlllo on the 28th Inst. Miss liteso has a splendid soprano voico and her solos will bo among the features of tho entertainment A. D. Williams, who has been managing the branch of tlio Manzanillo Medlcliio Company, manufacturers of Ko-Da, for the past five weeks, will go to Shamokln on Monday to open a branch there. Thin arrangement will not interfere with tho branch here, which will bo continued for auother week. During his stay Mr. Willlans lias shown himself a very cncrgitlo business mini and one with whom it is a i loasuro to liao busiuoss rela tions. His sales havo beon largo. 3IAIIANOV riTV. Miss Mngglo Llddlo, of this place, is visit ing friends and relatives In Mnuch Chunk. Georjto Klltio paid a business tilp to Hazlo- ton on Wednesday. Collieries in this vicinity aro stopping this week owing to the scarcity of cars. George Wellmlf, of town, spent a few hours in Tauiaqua looking after business. All tho P. & B. C. &4I. Co. colliery mploycs in this district will recclvo tho wagos duotbcui fortbellrstbali of December to-day. P. J. O'llreln, of Schuylkill Haven, transacted business with the collieries in this vicinity yesterday. W. W, Haines, a hustling New York manu facturer, tpent a few boms on Thursday with District Superintendent Skcnth. William Itlcliardson spent part of Thurs day In Tnmaqiia looking alter business. Tho Mountaineer Council, Jr. O. U. A. M. fair, which is being held in tho Armory is being well attended. N. A. S. K. Ollleern. At a regular meeting of Shenandoah As sociation, No. i, of the National Association Stationary Engineers, tlio following wero elected to fill tho ofllccs for tho coining year: Past President, O. A. Crobaugh ; President, John Hooks ; Vice President. Andrew Kcnnidy; Secretary, Klllian O'Neill; Treas urer, Joseph McAvoy; Conductor, Joseph Maley; Doorkeeper, J. H. Koxby; Grand Deputy, J. H. Iloxby. When ritvliy wua siok, ire gave her Oostorla. y,1ien alio wua a ChilJ, she crkl for Owtor. Wh'ti fiv txvam Mine, the clunz to Oastarta, "Whu she had t UlUrcn, she gavothem Crulcrla. f 1 oi-tm- i- 44 I litUtlt' M --I. to suit all eyea, at Portz'8 book -toii, jNo. HI North Main 4.27-tl iv h It tine I. it 4 HVI t'V tf-U time flour. Bit turo that tho Ai II a i: it. Ahand, fa., isprlntuu 3-S-Staw Xmiii t i .OH MxiiaiiiK Mot.-a the ltnweU Jitcli day 1 order to be healthy this nooossary llolilorit sjiw.hy htoro, corner Main ud LIotu .hi? oetlcr Mwi.iifl this wa sou than ucy oU--1 icu'iietilor'i iu thl town or iunly. 12 10-tf i:r. iNAM SAnmpAKlLLA, m 'TUB KIND THAT CUBES." Where to Buy ! For substantial Christmas and New Year PRESENTS Visit JL . ei! isros: uTniture Hall ! 104 S. Main St. (jirvin, Duncan & Waidley's A new lot of Mirrors French bevel aftd German plate glass. Also an elegant assortment of Lemon ade sets and all kinds of Table Glassware, Fancy Engraved Lemonade Sets for $1.25, including tray. Our stock for holidays is complete. Call and sec our stock of Plush Goods, Ornaments and Tpys. Our Candy Counter is quite an attraction these days, . and sales increase as the festive season approaches. Our patrons will do well to make their X-mas pur chases early and avoid the great rush which immedi ately precedes the Great Holiday. Q Soutla TSLzr. Stroot. ForX-mas and New Year Presents A reminder of some ot tho most suitable- articles for such, ana also tho place to buy them. 3BA.FLQrA.i:Xrs Just opened at 25 South Main St. Seff's Double Store. J FULL line of Dry Goods, Under "p wear, Notions, Hosiery, Blankets, Comforts, Boots and Shoes, which must be sold be before January 4th, 1892. AT OUR OLD STAND, No. 23 South Main St., we will keep a full stock of Men's, Boys and Children's Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnish ing Goods. Call and secure bargains. lEGJBITSL 23 and 25 SOUTH MAIN STREET, A Good Serge or Cloth Dres, A Fine Shawl, Fine Wll'on, Moquetteor Goat-skin Rug, A Gnoil Carpet, ASetofTubleLiiieiiB, NupUliiBto match, Pair Gents', Ludlts' nr Children's Kid Glovep, with fur tops, J. J. PRICE'S, A Plush nr Cloth Coat, A Pair of Good B ankets, Iliiuilnnnit- Pair Chenille Curtains, A Fine Carpet Sweeper, A Fine Unil relin, Bilk Hitiidkerchiefsand Mufll-rs, TowelH, MtifU. Pocket-books, etc. All of which con bo purchased at OLD RELIABLE NORTH MAIN STREET. If you are necking a place to purchase CHRISTMAS CANDIED! a.- No. 35 North Main Street M. L. KEMMERER, Wholesale and Itctall Dealer. Special brand of Candies for Sunday Schools. All the latest styles in Fur niture. etc. We cannot and will not be undersold. MSUOUSON'H TUBATKB. P. J. FEUOUSON, HANAOEll. WEDNESDAY, DEO'BER 21 Matinee Saturday at 5.15 p. m. Minnie Lester ! And her own company In a now play uvcry night. Ill unit new tihow. Jack Sheppard and the 40 1 hie voa A Hand Concert Every Il'ght by tern vwu ti.u. I'oiniliir I'iIccm. Ueenrvud eau on sale at Klrllo's drUR store SALOON AND RESTAURANT ,l6 IlaHt Ccitirc hiicct. 11 e teat beer, slen, porter, wlilnUen, brandies wipes anu nnesi cif,'aiA ajvivyn vu utiu KOBE IlT LLOYD, Prop at The only place in the county where you can get Hot Soda! Is at Chri FOR THE W. V. OTTOS ,No. 27 Qoutli 3LSa.ixx Stroot. The larsrest stock of confec tions and Clear toys in town. A good mixture for 20c per lb. Fruit cakes for X-mas. Bread. pies and cakes of all kinds. By Special Request ! Of u number of too citizens of Shenan doau wo will remain hoi'e Ine Week Losger Tho Cliristmis-Kow Year week will posltlYO'y bo ibe luHt. Ko-llahxs performed man.v wonderful oures and tho mauaiter has received tho most flatter- lDK teHtlmonlals f oin Slicnanooah people. Hy tukliiK adruiitane of the advertising prtco you save 75 ccntB on ovory boitle, THE CHEAT Mexican Medicine Co. Has opened a branch office in IM BUILDING, 8 EAST CENIRB ST. SHKNANDOAIl. "YKSS Matters aro Becoming Interesting And tn tho musical lino tc-dny without doubt tho most Imereeilne matter Is taut W. Wilde Has prooured tho most complete stock ot Mu-lwil (loodb lu the en my. embrac ing ov rytbltig In ln- niusioal line The next most tnti rcstliif llilPI! U that hols Boiling thot delightful new -AUTOHARPS- can bo play d hy any one In a few days I lunos, Organs. Vlollim,Oultare. ltrua Instruments, and full lino sheet u.uslo. Cor. Jarilln und Lloyd HIb 75IIIVATH 8AT.U OF A IlBSlltAlU.H FARM, 1 A uemraUie Imle farm In the Oalawlwa Valley, near Kretw' siutlou. rrum blirnanaoub. will b CI) mlnulea walk bold at private wtlu vx uniii) iuk on mi1 itn iuiM.H. ntv mrin oun- Uirrn xu .,tri. more or lea-. In high mate of lUiuvauou hiii mil in mrin ny lleiir with Louse utid fnnu buildli an. or will fdrmiui- kioek and Implemenla along with the farm. If uisircu 'ine own r isuesirous 01 leaving llie country lor information, apply op tho im rmgeg. IS-lT-d&w-lm MYLKS WHITE. nstmas Holidays ! Tlit retail Toy Department of Fred. Kcltlian, llll North Main street, con tains uthotco collection of the most ap propriate articles for CHRISTMAS and HE IV YEAR GIFTS. Ico Cream mado to order nt shortest notice. 1 Fruit and Christmas cakes made in tho Uncut style, W'oaio alsoprcpnr'd to supply Hun daj Softool with Candies at wholesale prices. Fred. Keithan, Baker and Confectioner, 101 North Main Street. G rand Opening Display. DEStEABLE X-MAS GISTS. Our efforts to maltothl- display tho grandest and most elaborate we bave yet utUtnptedhas been afler mnny weeks of hard work and by soarihlng through all the various mar' hots The innumerable articles wo offer Include the tollowlnp at low prices; 3EJoo1iisi Woh'vo 1,000 ISmos, beau tlfully bound In cloth and gold, which wo will sell at 'Mo: elsewhere. 35s. l luth Cimeu iiml .1 Uiums Our line of plush easoH thl season havo been selected with tho greatest caic, Including Hliavlng Sols, Sewing Implemcals, t- antcure Sets, I'luih Albums In nil tho li test dealgns. Hymnals and Jzford Dibles at all prices, An elaborate a-ray of llric-a-Ilraoand Risque Figures and cllulold goods. Gold pens and pearl holders, U to (S. In plush cotes, (1.50 up. Games of all Description. 8) BOKT'T BE A GILLY 1 But go to SNYDER'S, Coal and Jardin Sts, Ho has tho best line of Boots 03. oL JS3taLojs In Shenandoah. Don't fo' get tho place, Snyder's, Cor. Coal and Jardm Sts. ID in 0 IS PETER GRIFFITHS, -GIRARDVILLE, PA.- CD i i CO - o CD o tn s rt be o r CD o o er-K O -! CD CO i Large Stock of Cellar Furnaces Second-hand Bar-room StOv$&, At low prices. Uulldois' supplies, nails and hardware of all kinds Fnll stock of Mining Run. ljues una unware. Tinsuiuning in all lis branebes. Roofing, Spouimg, Plumbing and Gas-FiWng Promptly Attended to. Z. KT9 mm OF FillliADIJU'mA, Send their ESgre Specialist T Slieiiaiidonli, Wcctin Htlay, Jau. 4. lie will bo found at the Kcrjiusou IIutiNc From 8:30 a. in. to 6:30 p. in, l'ersons wno nave ncadachc. or whose eyes are causing dl- .uwiui v Diiuuiu 1111 uiiuii iiiuir Knt'ni:ii,Hr. itnn tniia celve Intelligent and skillful attention NO CHAltGl will r- IE tn i amino you eyes. Every pair of glasses ordered is guaranteed A. M erry X -mas And a Happy Now 'Year I HOOKS & BROWN, 4 North urn In Street. HeucIqiiurtcrH For Florida Oranges I wish to announce to the public that I will receive a car load of Oranges direct from Florida, sweet and juicy, for the holiday trade. Will be sold for 12c a dozen and up. Furnished to Sunday schools by the box. .A- WOMEE,. 124 N. Itlnln Street. CfNH FUlt A WINDOW SHADE. Others, ready to put up spring roller, for o, S5c, 4So,8Uoand upwards. J'ar- lies uesi ring oniy ins snaaing or nx luroscun be accommodated. C, D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardm Street. Greeting To all Our Many Patrons. rprjE largest lot of Toys, Fancy Plush Doodn, Droislng Canes, Manicure Bets, work Jloxca, Necesfarles, Binok er' BtitB, Wlilbk Ilolders and thous a mis of articles too numerous to men tion In )iluth aud Hllvorwuro lines. Over 600 lhuly l rested DoIIb 25 pir cent, loastlmn uny huiieein tlilaoruny other county. Iron Toys, Steam En gines, Hook and Ladder Truck-!, Eloo trlo Motors, strung enough to run any toy; largo Houuo Gars, Doll Carriages, Rooking Horse, Blaoklioarda, Sleighs, Building Blocks and all latest guinea. A VERY fqw fine Muslo Boxes that will play flfty tunes or more. Call and seo them. Tool Chests, Bureaus, and Wardrobes for children. A large variety of One Christmas Dishes and Bisque goods at prices uever before seen. Ladles' fine writing paper. Fine Christmas and New Year Cards in satin and pliidli the latest noveltlea. Also Books suitable for tho Holiday trade. Air Guns for the hoys best hi the market at lowest prlce. Fancy Safes and thousands of other articles. Beautiful Horn Goods. Something New. Only Ladies will be in Attendance, Commencing Saturday, November M. lew Tof and Fancy Goods Store 16 W. Centre St., Ferguson House Block.