TWICE TOLD TALES! Aro sometimes a boro, but when the people aro told twico that at Gallagher's Cheap Cash Storo thoy can buy Flour and Tea at lower rates than anywhere in town they ar glad to test the truth of tho oft repeated etory. Ho also keeps on hand full lino of Groceries, Fresh Butter and Eggs, Po tatoes, Green Tmck, Hay and Straw Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store 1 (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CKNTKK AND WEST STREETS. CHAS. ZALLA Respectfully notifies his friends that he will open a new store at Corner Jardtn and Oak Streets, Whore he will keep a full stock of G-reen Groceries, Clgtr i. Tobacco and Candy. Poul try and all kinds of game la sctton.. Oystorei and Ix. Open Monday, Novembor 21. A Knotty Problem ! Is the Gift question, but it will be solved by call G ing at the store of J. P I Williams & Son, where P you will find the most T desirable presents in the S Furniture line, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Ma chines. J- p- , Williams & Son, 13 South Main St. Scheider's Saloon and Restaurant Leading Saloon In town Centre and Wliltn Htti., (ISIckert's old stand) First-class Eating Bar. Finest Whiskeys In the Market. DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant The loading place In town, lias lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, clean and fresh. Tne nnest hue of Wines and Liquors I Cigars, &c, foreign and do mestic. Free lunoh served each evenlrg. Big schooners of fresh,Heer,Porter, Ale,&o. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J. J, DOUGHERTY, Prop. PHOTOGRAPHER DABB lias purchased the best apparatus in the mar. Vt, and is now prepared to take every style of pnotogranhs. views of buildings, machinery ! nil kind s of outdoor work a specialty. Each 1'irctaserof one dozen cabinets nt I3.M) is pro . utcd with a large crayon rce. This oiler Is kuuuuuui April i, in, uopying ona enlarg fug. Work done at short notloe and low prices. DABB, N. White St., Bric2SK?BU,. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ, Hossler's old stand) Main nml Coal NtH., HUeiiuudoali. Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest arenas or wmsiceys anu cigars, root room at- acnea. WEEKS lias removed io Bill Jones' old stanc 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Wusre ha will be pleased to meet the want) of his friends and the publlo in Everything in the Drinking Line H. J, lYL'GUIHE'S Sporting and Musical Resort ! Second St., GIRARDVILLE. Best Wines, Liquors, Beers, Ales and finest Brands of Cigars always on hand. Hess' Livery Stable, xi8 N. njCnrlcct Alley. NEW BDOQIES AND HARNESS, SAFE HORSES Finest turnouts In town. a tto Rtrer-A t-la w BTIBIUMDOln, PA. . P?.-Room II, P, o. Building, Bheoaaaoah Mi Yalaflj BliUdiif, Potts tUJaT ""uou Both tho method and results when Sjrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tlio tasto, and acts jpnily yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head iches and fevers and cures habitual oiistipation. Byrup of Figa ia the nly remedjr of its kind ever pro luced, pieasing to tho tasto and ao ifiptable to tho stomach, prompt in ta action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tbo most healthy and ngreeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fig3 i3 for sale in 50c ind $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro iuro it promptly for any one wbo wishes to try it. I)o not accept any lubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISGI CAU IOUISVIUE, K1 NEW YORX. N.Y. EIci Headache and relieve all tbo troubles !ncf dent to a bilious eta to of tbo eyatom. such a9 Dizdcess, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Tain in the Side, 4o. Wblla their most remarkable success has been shown in curing Heaiacba, yet Carter's LMttla Liver MM ara equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pro venting thisansoylERComplaint, while they alia correct alldlserdcrsof tbestoinachtlmulatetha .-.Yer null juuuuuu ma uuweis. ivon u lueyomj- Aehsthoy would b aim oatprlceleiata those who suffer fromthiadUtressingcompIawt) but fortu. Mtely ttelrgoodtiCHSilocsnotendliere.and those who once try them will find theso llttio pills valu. nblo in so many ways that they will not bo wit ling to do without them. Butafter&Uslckheaol Is the bane of so many Uvea that hero Is where Tremoltaourgrcatbotut. OurpilLicuraltwhila others do not. Carter's Little Liver Mis are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills umkoa dose. Thoy are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purse, but by their gentle action please nil who uasthem. Invlalsata.'ircntst ilvefor$L Bold by arnegiata everywhere, or scat by mail. OARTER fnT.OtCIHS CO., New Y0r(t SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Poro Throat. Sold by all DniEirista on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Hack or Cheat Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great aatisfaction. 35 cents. SHILOH'S VITALIZE!?. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tcnn., snys t "Shttoh'tYitaluer'HAVIlD Ml' LIFE.' 1 KnsiderUIMbatremedvforadebaUatedsiistm J ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney troublo it excels. Prico roots. .CATARRH REMEDY. Havovou Catarrh? Trvthlsllemnilr. Tf.wlil relievo and Cu-o you. Prlco 50 cts. This In-, Jeotor forltssupoOTsfiiltreatmentisfurnlshed tree. Eblloh's Remedies are sold by us on a guarantee, to five sutlsf action. For sale by O. H. Hagenbuoh. JN. H. Downs' Elixir WILL CURB THAT AND STOP THAT ITftS stood tho tei t for 8TXTT TJ!AltS i load has proved itsolf tho bott remedy i known for tho euro of Con$umitlon, iOought, Coldt, Wliooplni Cough, and I all Lung I)lteate$ In young or old. I'ilco25o.,60o.,unil 1 1.00 per bottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE. : HfiHST, JOmJSOa t LOSS, Hulingtct, Vt. 1 BWIITS SPECIFIC Is totally unllUo ,r other blood meillcliie. Jt cures illscasi si tho blood and skin bv romovlnirtho doIaoi nil at tho eamo time supiilios pooil uloou to 1 1, listed parts. Don't bo imposed on by eubhi uus, which are said to be just as Rood, , at true. Ko inedlcine til THE UlflDI I is performed as many In 1 HE nUltLL undcrrul cures, or relieved bo much sulleriiig. " Jly blood -was badly poisoned last year, v hlcl constant source of sulfcrlnir, 110 appetltu aim .iiiujuituiii luc. inn uuiiieitui roughc me right out. There is no .rittiT nimiUlv fnr lilnnil illaAa.Aa fviin uAvin, uayiuu, uino." Treatioo on blood and skin diseases mailed f rco BW1FT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ja. CARHR'SI tffl mi 1 lEIlj (BIpMILOH'sT gl ffiRE..B RIBOT AGAIN UPHELD Failure of the 'Latest Attack Upon the Government. EXCITING SCENES IN THE CHAMBER. M. Mlllvoyft'ft Motion for n Vote of MNa Cannricnrc" Defeated Overwhelmingly rinquet nnd llouvier Defend Thorn selves Tito Premier's Strong Addreas Cridls Averted for tliii iresent. I'AWB, Dec. 24. 'The scene In' the Chamber of Deputies when M. ilillevoye interpollnted the Ministry regarding ad vances or money by tub Pitimmn Cminl company was of the most stormy clmrno tcr. IX. MUlovoye said thnt lie desired ta question tho government ns to tlio fncts in its possession relntlng to tho use oi contributions by a former Premier from tho Panama company) Whose cor rupt and criminal operations aro now being Investigated. II. Hibot, in behalf of tho government, said he accepted immediate discussion of tho subject. President Floquet thereupon vm-.iicd tho chair, JI. Pcytral taking his placo uu l ascending the tribune. '$ There was a liusli In tho Chamber, as tho former Minister began hl.i address of exculpation, and every face was turned toward tho speaker with tho most euger interest. M. Floquet repeated what he had already stated before tho Committee of Investigation. Hu reiterated with em phasis that, while a member of the Mints try ho had never received money from the 1'anuma company for any purpose what ever and ho denied auy improper purposo iu the insertion of paid political adver tisements in the press. Count Jules do Hemes, an ardent Roy alist, Indulged in a violent attack on M. Floquet and denounced his conduct iu tho alleged bribing of nowspupers under cover of political advertising. The Count ex claimed: " You not only allowed tho people to bo robbed of their savings, but joti wero an accomplice in the nefarious crime " At this there was the wildest excite ment. Deputies stood uud waved their arms, and shouted, some in denunciutiou, others iu upproval of the language used by Count de Berues. When order had been restored In some degree, M. Millevoye arose, and indulged iu u violent uttuck on M. liouvlcr. M. Houvier arose to make an explana tion uud defense of his conduct. Ho said thnt, at the time of the Boulanglst agitation certain people hud lent to tho government lifty thousand to ouo mm dred thousand francs to supply a pressing want of secret berviee funds to keep up tne light against isouuuiger, una prevent him and his followers from carrying out their schemes against the Republic. " never," added M. Ilouvier, " had uuythlnj to do with the Panama Canal Conipauy, and never attempted to control the press, und when Baron Iteinacli offered to help the Government, I refused to uccept his assistance." M. Ilouvier was still In the aisle when Millevoye stepped into tho speaker's tribune, ilia lirst words of tliu iioulan- gist deputy showed his purpose to precipi tate a crisis immediately. Ho spoke briefly but violently. On behalf of those who hud the honor of Franco ut heart he demanded a dissoki tion. At this .point uproar on the lloor interrupted Al. Allllevoya uud he stood silent until tho cheers and shouts of pro test subsided. Then he moved a voto of "no confi dence." As ho left the tribune thero was little demonstration, uud M. Iiibot, the Premier, aroso to defend the government amid profound silence The purposo of M. Millevoye, he said, was uppurent lo nil. Ho Intended to un load scandal ufter caudal upou the gov ernment until ho wrecked It. "M. Mlllevoyo," continued M. Rlbot, "is attempting to bring to trial not in dividuals, but the Republican institutions of France. Ills attack is directed, not against tho Cabinet nor : against those persons charged with corruption, but against national institutions which huvo been built up'by the labor and self-sacrifice of devoted patriots. "Honesty iu politics above all, I say," M. Iiibot calkJ out as ho turned to face tho Right, "but uo toleration of men who conspire to ruin our Republic. The whole machinery of tho law has been set In motion to punish the guilty. Can you not wait for the verdict f" (Prolonged cheers.) The upplauso with which this was re ceived vtus stilled suddenly by M. Dorou lede, who sprang to bis feet and, waviug his right arm abovo his head, shouted: "Down with the Parliamentary sys tem 1" After the President had restored order by repeated appeals to tho Deputies, M. Ribot concluded his defense with tho words: "Those who flatter themselves that there is no government in France are de luded and, It the occasion come, the pres ent Cabinet will not hesitate to prove it. This government is prepared to defend the Republic." The ilrmness and calmness of M. Ribot 's address evidently had won for him ths sympathy of the Chamber, for, as ho left the tribune he was cheered with except ional enthusiasm. M- Dcroulede seemed to realize this and bis subsequent speech was mild to the point of taineness. He explained bis plan for revising the constitution ut some length nnd, in his peroiui. on, astounded Ids hearers by de claring that he felt full conlldcuce in tho probity and intelligence of tho Ministry. M. Millovoyo's vote of "no confidence" was then put und lost by a vote of ii&i to 01. Tremendous cheering and upplauso from tho Left followed tho announce ment of the result. Saw York Curlers Sturt Tueaday. New York, Dec. 21. -Four New York curling clubs will leave for Utleu next Tuesday morning. They will play against the Utica club Tuosday afternoon for tho Crawford cup. They will go to Toronto on Thursday, where they will have match games with Canadian clubs. Glass 'Workers' AVugea Ileiluceil. TxiNIiflW. TW. 24. Tim nmnlnm nt nil the ifluss wnrka in Trwda linvn rwMvnfl notice of a reduction in wages of three Burnings a weoK. ine causa 01 tne reuuo tion is dullness in trade. The men intend to resist. Sentenced to the Death Chair, New Yoiik, Dec. 21. Frank W. Rochl, the murderer of the aged veteran Capt. Frank Paulsen, has boeu sentenced to be executed at Sing Sing during the week beginning on Feb. 0, 1693. Accident!? Killed a Friend. Woncr-siEn, Mass., Deo. 24. Tomes Cornell, BO years old, was Instantly killed at about S a-, m. by a bullet frpm a re volver in tbo Iiniuls of John A.' Krusell, nged 20 years. Tho shooting took plate at tho house of Oscar fahtiltaren on Mill bury avenue, near Qraftou street. The shooting was accidental. Drowned After'n Dunce. Umonvilix, N. Y., Dec. 21. Stephen Sullivan nnd David Evermont wero drowned in the Wallkill, just over tho Jersey line, at noon. Both parties at tended a dance at Sidney Hedglnnd's the Bight before. As thoy were crossing the Wnllkill on the ice both men broke through. The Dnnnn-Flcldm Fight. New Ont.BAN8, Dec. Zi. The Crescent City Athletic Club Is making 'rapid pro gression the new arena uud it will bo ready in time fur the Bowen-Flelden match on Jan. 5. Monday u I.egul Holiday. Albany. Dec. 24. Deputy Attorney Oencr.ll Hognn has given an opinion thnt Monday will he a legal holiday under the statutes, r;iirlsimas falling " Sunday. LKWI8 M. KDMUNnS, South Hortwlok. N Y. gBoiLs, carbuncles!! TORTURING ECZEMA, -Completely Cured I S3 EHDAHA8AIUUIABrU.ACO., W t3 OEMTB Two riariaeolhad"r.arlnpc"5 3whi,h nrjRthave iioUoiiffl mv Mood aa 12 BTUC had tlio "Milnclc-a" shortly af-SH 1 ni-. ter In their worst form. I took a laroeS tgamountof Dr a medicine, but they left 1110 woriej HlanrliiotBhle-towork. DH m K 1 lI n 1 ferrtnly afflicted wlthSS HlVillL lola, had alx and tivu cttr-jj .liunclea at one tlmo, I tried everything!!! 5: 1 rould hear of but continued to have bolls. TUAT Added to all this Jzcmua Z 1 t" 1 tormented tna night and day, the1 Ej Itching was inteusc. I had severa palna in rights Qiida and bark, continual hotidnchl-. IQH Mjrtl I RPR diacmiramd. At lart iH mjJ nCO heard of DANA'S SAHSAl"A-S rJlRILuA, commenced using tt, and the OitrilHl Bsuottlucoimilrtely rtJIti:i me. S Yours refpertfully, LU LEWIS JL EDMUNDS. Sfi Iqm TLo truth of the aliove l certified ti by m ls 11. iLiioLHUooK.r. sr Hi f5 ouuLn sianwiLK, n. v. P3 Dana Sarsaparilla Co., Bellas), Maine, fcjj GRAND "R1 A T' AND FESTIVAL BENEFIT OF OF LOST CHEEK, In Bender's Hall, Win Penn, FROM Dec, M to Ih ABRAM HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA Manufacturers of j&cieiiij joodg Of Evory Description. FlagS) Baages, Caps, Regattas, &c WFINESf GOODS-LOWEST PRICES.- Write for catalogues. Correspondence sollcltea rhichf.ter'a Kncll.h Diamond fleamA. LPILLS wftTN rellaMat. ladies. tut.j Brand ia Ited and Gold niti:(fl( irurfK wr LAiciHirri unguis ui- MM, rid wiiii uut ribbon. TuLe atoothrr. Rttuitdanatrcnti tuLitiiu tiOHtan4 imittitunt. At Oroftjini, or n4 4e. In mitipi fur unrtlouUra, t'tjUmoolala anl It. II 1 airilflll Tallmm.lali ir.i. . T. J. O'HAKEISr'S BaibQi Slop, C0fl,M AIN AND OAK STS. Erervthtntrln the tonsorlal line dona In Unit. class style. A nno bith room uttached. JOHN R. COYLB, Alloroty-at-Liif and Real Estate leit, Oflles UeadsU's Uaildliic, Sheascdhos, IH mm jc LKwis nr. Kmiimns, 12 Liberty Cornet Band rENNYROYA Orlftlnul umf i 3k THE NATIONAL GAPITAL Latest Additions to the Pros pective Cabinet. 8ECRETARY FOSTfcR TO RESIGN. He noes to Paris In February to Itoprcsent tho United SJtnto In tho llehrlng Sen Arbitration Mr. Illalue's Condition This Morning Much Improved-Attempt to be Made t Itepcal Hie Miermun Silver Law. Washington, Deo. 24. It i s conceded In Democratic circles here that Mr. Cleveland has mado no Uuul determina tion regarding the construction of his Cabinet. Rumor associates many names for the few portfolios, among them that of Senator Carlisle for tho Treasury port folio and Colonel Laraont for tho Navy portfolio, but nothing can bo asserted with any degree of certulnty. It is reported that Speaker Crisp will run over to New York next week to confer with Mr. Cleveland. Chairman William Frank Harrity is also expected at the same time. bpeaker Crisp, it is said, will also meet Williutu 0. Wultnoy nnd will confer with Mr. Cleveland on tho mtbject of legisla tion during tho present session and the extra session problem. Mr. Cleveland has engaged his apart ments at the Arlington Hotel for occu pancy during the throe or four days he will bo here before his inauguration. On the sumo floor upurtiuents have beeu so cured by Mr. Croker, Mr. Gilroy, E. C. Benedict, Col. Lamout and others. MR. BLAINE'S CONDITION. A Murked Improvement He la llrlghter and More Chevrful. Washinoton, Dec. 24. The news from Mr. Blaine this morning is more cheerful thnu it has been nt any time during the week. Ho has not only continued to hold his own, but shows a number of favorable symptoms heretofore absent. For tho moment his condition has t changed for the good. ! The excellent cure and attention Mr. Blaine has received has brought nbout a reaction from the great depression of vi tality which manifested Itself in Sunday's attack, and Mr, Blaino himself now shows. 'i vlifjht extent, a return to tho sanguine ifuperament which has been one of his characteristics. Ho Is .perhaps n litilo stronger, but there must be always present a fear of a renewed attneki This morning his pulse is better, his temperature lower, nnd ho is brighter and more cheerful than the doctors haVe found him uny day this week. He takes nourishment better. Tho doctors will not discuss the medical features of the case, but it seems probable thnt Mr. Blaine has had fover along with the other very serious features of his ill ness, and that this fever has been allayed in part at least. ! A rumor prevailed quite extensively yesterday that members of Mr. Blaine's family had telegraphed for Cardinal Gib bons to visit tlio Blck man, but investiga tion proves it to havo been unfounded. Secretary of State Foster Will ltotp;n. Washington, Dec. 24. Secretary of State Foster will resign bis portfolio be fore going to Fnris wbero heroes to rep resent tlio United States before the Bohrlng Sea arbitrators, who are to meet February Dd. As only three weeks will elapse between tho date of the secretary's departure and tho end of the present ad ministration tho vacancy will not be illled. Assistant Secretary Wburton will act during tho interim. Agreement With Mexico Itenewed. Washington, Dec. 24. Tho Secretary of War has issued a general order an nouncing jx renowal of tho pgreement heretofore entered into by the government of the United States of America and the United Mexican States whereby tlio fed eral troops of tho two countries may cross over the territory of tho other in pursuit of savage hostile Indians. To Consider I'inunnlal I.eglaliitlnn. Washington, Dec. 34. There is to bo an organized effort in the House after tho holiday recess to bring about some sort of financial legislation. It will probably take the shape of an attempt to repeal the Sherman law, under which tho Gov ernment is purchasing 54,000,000 ouuees of silver a year. Chnnges on the Cushlnir. Washington, Dec. 24. Lieut. C. McK. Winslow has been detached from com mand of tho toipedo boat Gushing, and ordered to hold himself in readiness for ion servico; Liout. F. F. Fletcher from duty in tho Board of Ordnance and or dered to command the dishing. Four Teurs for Munsluughter. Boston, Dec. 24. Iu the Superior Court Merris Powers wns sentenced to our years in htato prison for man slaughter. Towers, who lived in East Boston, struck his agod mother because she refused to give him money to pur chase liquor, and the old lady died a few days later as the result of his blows. A Popular Iload House Iturueil, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 24. Baders' Hotel, tho well known (stopping place for roadmen and bioyollsts goiog to and from this city to Coney Island, and which was located at tho southern oxlt of l'rospect I'ark, was destroyed by fire at 4 a, ta. Selling Acquitted, New Yoiik, Deo. 24. Tho trial of Jos eph Selling, on a charge of. having mur dered John J. Wogan last Christmas morning in Tom Gould's saloon, resulted In a verdict of acquittal. Sir. Iuiigtry Hotter. London, Deo. 24. Mrs. Langtry rested much better last night. Her fever has much abated, uud altogether her condi tion is such as to glvo great encourage ment to her friends. A Hunk Director's Sudden Death. New York, Dec. 21. J. M. Fisk, a di rector of the American Exchauge Bank, died suddenly at the office of the Presi dent of that institution shortly before noon. Klttanlne Iron 51111 Shut Down. Kittanino, Fa., Dec. 21, The Kittan lng Irou Mill has been shut down after a ruu of a couple of 'months. About two hundred men are thrown out of employment. HEART nlSEASB m...w.r3i BTATtSTlcstbowtlmtonoln FOtTl has a weak or dluoaaed Heart. Tho tlrst symptoms nxo abort brcuth, oppression, flntterlnfr, mint nnd huni-rr erM-lls.imln Itirlue.theiiemothcrtnij, swollen nnklt-a. tle-opay (nnd slrnth.1 for wnlehlJE. MH,rS"W;W 1IEAKT CffltH lia tnarvcloua romrdy. "I havo been troubled ttlth heart diseaso fur rears, my left pulso raa very neat, conld at tines scarcely feel It, tho smblieet cxeltonjent would always weaken my nerves nnd benrtend a feor ef Inpeadlng death etorcd mo In tbo face for hoars. DllI.nH NEI:viNB and 3VHW JIEAKT CUIXB Ii to only uicdiclnd that has proved of any bono tlt nr 1 cured me. Ij. M. liyer, Cloverdalo, JId. Jflr. '''Ilea r.lver I'llla aro a euro remedy for RIlEoutneaa n;id Torpid Liver. SO ltose nn cents. Fi.m t(. k co Ilonrt Disease, with wonderfrl ecrta Free nt Crucelsu. or address DR, MILC' KCDJfiAU CO., Elkhort, Ind. CURE YOURSPLPi ifre. x.,-.,....Z77 ..." Srour drnenlet fnr a i,,,i . 3 without tho aid or publicity of a i doctor. Non-poisonous nd srunranteotl not to ttilctnre. I"' vr..acrtai Amertcan Cure. Manufactured by r t Tho Evans Chemical Co.l CINCINNATI, O. U. S, A. Heaiihful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Jbnppod Hands, Wounds, Burns, Eta, Removes and Prevents Dandruff. mm RussliiFi soap, 'pecially Adapted for Use in Hard Wate Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies on Other Chemicals are used in tbo preparation of W. BAKER & CO.'S BreaWastCocoa which Is abtnlutcly Intro and soluble. IthasmorethanthreettmeM (lie ttreiiyth of Cocoa mixed I Willi Ktnrnh. Arriirr,,e n -vis suu ia iur uiuru eco nomical, coaling less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishinir, and easilt Digested. Sold by Grorers ererynhere. W, BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. fllinXlinr w"i tlie unOerslsnea, wer rillr I IIHr entirely cured or rupture by 'Ul I UUL Ur.J.B. Mayer, -31 AichBt!, Philadelphia, Pa., H, Jones, Vbl'lps, Kennel Square, I'a.: T. A. Kreltz, Hhitlngtou, Pa.: IS, 11. Small, Mount Alio, fa.; Key, B. 11. Khe. mer. Kuiibury,iPa.: D. J. Delict t. 2118. lstn t.. iteadlnic, Pa.; Wm. Dlx, 1820 Montrose Bt Philadelphia; ii, L. ltowe, SOU Kim Ht , IteaoV ing, Pa.; tieoree and Ph. llurkart, 139 Locojav it., Heading, Pa. Hend for elrcular Act on a new pilnclpl. leituiato the liver, etomsrJi biid bowels (ArsurA lAi time I'a. Miles" lTxia tpevtuv cure ouiousness, torpid liver utd eonstlpa jpi. oriAiiecn. iDuut-ea. irerttl KAdtiaMa.OFtntiV t. BUii Bel Co . eiUurt, k. LEWIS' 98 Ut e- J0WSEBE3 aid rssnjiao iwvn retrav f r ut M il. mf ih tttt t IT 18 THE BKrif tVr ltuslu uu ,t klan irt-c. ei PMNNA. HALT M'P'O OT Gen. Ag .1vmia.,rak; 4 "Mothers Friend trlftKES CHILD BIRTH EASY. Oolvln,Ija,Doo.f3, 1880. My w'lf o usoj fltOTHBU'S FRIEND bofbro hor third oonflnemont, and rays sbo would not ba without it for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILL3. Sent by express on receipt of price. tlSO per bot tle. UMkVoMotlim"Wtaree. BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO., tarn siu vaunnuaaiat. ATLANTA, OA. AGENTS WANTED. Salary and expenses paid. Address TV'.&T; HMiril OO . Uenova Nurssry. Urumt, W. i r 1 iH IS. i, .1.1 ,i i