The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 23, 1892, Image 2

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    The Herald.
Jr. A. .frortelor
JU O. JIOTiCrt.... B.JUor nl JWilfWiw
VT..T. JfU 7 Kr.VS.... ... .Viral Editor
J. JC. llOYJtlt IIui(Nrii Hanagrr
The Eviramu IIbhu.d hai a larger circula
tion la Shenandoah than any other paper pub
tabtxL nooks open to an.
I .n,T, per year,.... S AO
Tr-'.tti.T, per ir .... - I 60
Advtrtltlnq Unlet,
Transient, 10 cents per line, Aral Insertion ; t
wnt per line each subsequent Insertion, Kato.i
lor regular advertising can bo had on applica
tion at tho office or by mall.
Bniered at the Postofuce, at Hhenandoah, Pa.,
(or transmission through the mailt
as second-class mall matter.
"What Its Sees unci Hears Daring HI"
Tho Ornud Army Post, of town, annually,
and at about this time, furnlsliei indigent
mldlcrs and widows with nice, plump tur
Vcys. Tho custom started soon after tho
Tost was organized and has lapsed at no
timo siuco, Tlio old soldiers who sharo in
tho commendahlo work always feci good after
tlis presents are given.
Tills topic reminds mo of an incident
related to mo a few evenings ago by a vctoran
f tho Post. "It was in the winter of 18G1,"
raid lie, "and I was attached to headquarters
near Alexandria, Va. Christmas was draw
ing near and, liko others who had parents
and other relatives at homo, I oxpocted a
nice box. Tho day of realization arrived
and how onr mouths watered when wo beheld
the oxpress packages unloaded on our com
pany street, My box was a good-sized ono
and I imagined I could see cozlly packed
inside a nico Toasted turkey, pies, cakes and
other delicacies. I wasn't disappointed, for
when I opened tho box I beheld not only a
roasted turkey, but also a pair of chickens,
filled with the choicest stuffing; raisin, mince,
cherry and other kind of pies; cakes in all
tho Bhapes tho tius in uso in those, good old
times could cut them, and many other tooth
somu things calculated to tlckio the 'inner
man.' On top of all was a paper bag con
taing, or, rather did contain soft cut tobacco
for ono of my messmates whose parents wero
loo poor to send him a box. That paper bag
did tho mischief. I had not noticed that
Ihero was a hole in It until I ate a piecoof
rite and then, Oh, my ! wasn't I sick ! On
areful examination I found that everything
in tho box was well peppered witli tobacco
and I was obliged to throw all away. No, I
had a Christmas dinner sowbolly, hard tack
nnd black coffee. Ever been there?"
"Two years laler," continued tho veteran'
'I spent another Christmas in Virginia. This
time I had better luck. It was Christmas
Evo. In company with George Smith, our
colored eook and guide, and others, I slipped
out from our quarters and mado a heo-lino
for a farm two miles distant. Wo had rifle3
with us. On arriving at the place ono of tho
foraging party was stationed in front of the
houfowllh his rifle pointed at a window.
Another ono of tho party knocked, at the
door. Tho window went up and a muu asked
what was wanted. Pointing a gun at tho
man's head the guard ordered him to remain
iuiet and all would bo woll. Then tho rest
of tho party lootod tho poultry pen and se
cured two dozen turkeys nnd chickens,
Theio wero sorvod the noxt day to all who
wero in tho secret and could keep a stiff up
per lip. Wo killod the turkeys and chickons
before entering the cump and cleaned them
iu our tents, burning the feathore and waste.
It. was lucky we took this precaution, for tho
ase was retried early, but as no slgus of
tho fovl proceedings were discovered, somo
colored rutin of shady reputation were obliged
to shoulder the suspicions."
I see by the last letter of the Hbhald'b
rottsville correspondent that there is a Urge
majority s ntlmont among the school teachers
in favor of having 1'otUvlllo fixed as the
permanent piece for holding the annual
Teaehirs' Institute. Ooodl Let Pottsville
have it. Tbo Institute has always been a
uuett -a In every respect when held in Shcn
andcah and we know there are a number of
people (and uiauy of them school teachers)
who me net residents of the town, hut favor
it as the place. But all tho success tliat has
attended the sessions hero and tho favorable
impressions conveyed to the peoplo who
would favor us were duo to tho personal
efforts of our people under, in somo casosl
circumstances of a very adverse character.
Pottsville held tho Institute for years and In
time many of her people wore led to the
conclusion that tlio county seat was the only
placo at which it should be hold. This
impression took such a strong hold
npon our friends south of tlio moun
tain that when Shenandoah asked for tho
institute they held up their hands in horror
and characterized the request as audacious.
Shenandoah secured tho Institute, neverthe
lets, end held it for three years, and at the
end of each of these years tlio treasury of the
organization was in a decidedly moro healthy
condition than at any time since Pottsvlllo
first got tho idea that she had a mortgage on
St. When finally the Institute was sent hack
to I'ojtsvllle our people had already con.
eluded that the returns wore not sutQcient
for the time and troublo spent In securing it
and the financial aid given to maintain it
here and make it a success. Out when ccr
ttlii supporters of the county Beat policy
claimed after Pottsvlllo got the Institute
in tho e0 session that Shenandoah, would
not get it again, as the teachers had concluded
that: the town was not tho place for It, we
made a fight and showed the fallacy of tho
statement by securing tho Institute for
1681. This last victory was of great
benefit to us, for It showed conclusively that
It was our people who did not want the In.
UtU 407 long and aUTd w of all tax.
icty as to tho selection of aplaco for L When
arrangements wero being mado for the last
session hero it was with the greatest difficulty
that our peoplo could bo aroused to an appre
ciation of their coming. They wero luke
warm and many said they wished Pottsvillo
had held on to it. Nevertheless it was a suc
cess. It was helped aloug by our business
peoplo and others "for this time," as somo
said, and it was taken for granted on all sides
that Shenandoah would not ask for it again.
So I say that Pottsvillo may havo the Insti
tute and may hold on to it with the assur
ance that our people wilt not deem it selfish
fordoingso. It is u glorious institution and
should bo uphold, but we aro not anxious to
havo Its meetings hero, nor do I think that
any other town in the county outside of
Pottsvillo is troubled that way.
Yesterday was tho last day on which a per
son could register to allow him to vote at tho
coming Spring election. 1 hoso who failed to
attend to this duty will havo to qualify as
tho law dlrocts.
Thero is considerable activity in somo of
the wards in both tho Democratio and Citi
zens' partios. It was expected that the Citl
zens' committee would bo called together be
furo tliis to tako somo action towards "getting
together" and making u determined fight to
recover tlio borough from tho control of tho
Democratic parly; but it seems that the
treachery of certain Citizen members of tho
Uoruugh Council who sacrificed the School
Board and rusortcd to other tactics last spring
to securo their own election and further their
pet projects, lias shattered trust among tho
rank and file and a largo number of them aro
undecided whether they will go into a con-
tost this spring.
A conservative viow of the present situa
tion is not promising to tlio Citizens' party
and unless a speedy reconciliation is brought
about between tho factions it is doubtful if
tho Citizens' ticket will stand a ghost of a
chance fit the election noxt spring. No ox-
011 so can ho made that sufficient warning lias
not been given, nor will any would-bo loader
who now ignores advico and is holding back
to formulate some plan of his own havo any
reasonable excuse to cry treachory if a crash
should come. Now is tho time to act and if
the opportunity is not accepted and acted
upon quickly let the dilatory ones brace their
shoulders for tho responsibility. But let all
barken to tho warning onco and for all timo 1
Thero must not bo tiny ono man power in a
Citizens' movement.
Tlio present Borough Council was elected
as a Citizens' body and was of that com
plexion by a membership of 8 Citizons to 7
Democrats, but through tho peculiar vindica
tory tactics adopted by certain members last
spring it was organized as a Democratic body.
The membership of the present School
Board consists of 8 Democrats and 7 Citizens.
Tlio prospects are that the Democrats will
gain one member In tho Fourth nnd Fifth
wards, which will givo them 10 to 5 on tlio
now board; and it is a question if they can bo
prevented from capturing the two members
to ho elected in tho Second ward. In that
case they would havo 12 to 3.
Haven't tho vindicated "reform" citizens
elected last year paid dear for their whistle?
And isn't it timo tu "get together?"
Worth of stock to select from in plain, band,
fancy, engraved, stone and other rings,
jewelry, gold and silver watches, silverware
and fanoy goods, at Ilolderman's, corner
Main and Lloyd streets. 12-10-tf
Commander James H. Deuu.
Old Sofdfer'o Gratitude
Torturing, Life Destroying Dyspep
sia Cured, Another Triumph for
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
Mr. Jnmns S. Ienn. Commander of Gen.
Grant Pout, C..A.K,, Uuutlimt, N.Y., ami
Chief U. H. Mull Agnut of the UUter Ss
Doluwaro ltullroail nutl one of the most
popular uud well known Gentlemen In
the East, whoso veracity Is beyond
question says I
' I ttos nil run down with DYSPEPSIA.
I doctored and doctored but It all resulted
the same way. Icrewrrorso. Ituffcrtl
untold misery night nnd day. Jly caso
was pronounced xneuTablt. suffered
this way for full TWO TEABS. I
rhanccd to meet Dr. Kennedy on tbo
Btrctt about that time, and I told hi in of
my condition nnd ho said, " Juiirr," you
need not tuffer so.'como to my odlro and
I'll tfve you a bottle of FAVORITE
REMEDY, tako It morning, noon and
night, and it will euro you. I took tho
medicine ns directed, but had bo conjU
dtnee in a cure, as my caso had been tried
by so many. After using it a week I be
gan to feci better, nnd In a short while
oiler that I was ENTIRELY CUBED
"Jittt think of it, entirety cured. That
terrible distress, everything I ate.
lteaking vp tour In my throat bad all
gone and I have not hud a moments dis
comfort since. To-day there Is'nt a
litalthtr wan In tbls country nnd my
npjftlto li (fraud, j bcioru i couid eat
n KEG OF NAILS if I had to and digest
them with case. Favoisitr Remedy U
the foe fcl D..peps!a and poor healtlu. . ,
Yours truly,
Itofluumr, MarcU ltith, Vfiti,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Dr. Jnlirmton Snys Mr, lllnln U llotriliif
Ills Own.
W'ashihotok, Dec. 23. "Last night
uneventful ono for Mr. Blaine,' i
was un
said Dr. Johnston this morning wlion mcl
at tho door of the'BiKinc residence. I
"I havo just come from his bedside nnd
found him holdinc his own. The fact
that he (lost not scent to loso strength is !
encouraging. Ho convorsei whenovci
permitted to do so, in fact, is Inclined to
talk too much for his own good. Ho ns
slmilatcs his own food and that alone
Rives him tho necessary strength to com
bat tho disease and withstand relapses
should they come.
"I can add nothing more except to say
that I see nothing in his condition to
warrant appiohensiou on tho part of his 1
family and friends of any immediate
dunger." I
Tho house was more brilliantly lighted 1
laat night than for some nights past.
Tho Host lorecnst Obtainable Whitney
Jlay tie Secretary of htato. I
New YonK, Deo. 23. The Hon. Don M.
Dickinson nnd Col. Daniel S. Lnmont
wero unions Mr. Cleveland's visitors yes-1
terday. I
Tlio report, stronger than ever, Is re
vived that tlio Hon. William 0. Whitney
is slated for Sooretury of Statu.
Close friends of Alr.iWIiitney say tuat
It would bo a very difficult mutter for him
to decline Mr. Ulovuluml's iuvitution to
enter tho Cabinet, especially us its Pre
Tho best forecast yet obtuiuablo of tho 1
Cabinet is us follows:
Secretary of State William C. Whit
ney, of Haw uvk.
Secretary 01 tho Treasury Jonu u. car-
lisle, of Covinuton. Kv.
Postmuster-Ueueral issue rusoy uray,
of Indiana. . I
Attoruey-Gonoral Qoorge Gray, of Wll
miugton, Del.
Old FrlttmlJ lleuaw Tholr Attentions iu
Her llnur or l'orll.
LoNDO.f, Dec. U3. Mrs. LUlIo Langtry
is rather better, and tho fever from which
she is suffering bus subsided sufficiently
to allow her to sleep.
Hor servants aro kept busy answering
the messages of inquiry regarding hor,
which have been rocelved from many dis
tinguished persons, including, It Is re
ported, the Prluco of Wales, through his
prlvuto secretary.
Soveral cable despatches Inquiring about
Mrs. Langtry's condition have ulso boen
received from America, but their con
tents have not been given to the public.
Mrs. Langtry's Illness has orongbt back
several former admirers, who nro display
ing by gifts of flowers and otherwlbe then
anxiety for hor recovery.
There is no doubt sho is critically ill,
although her friends havo strong confi
dence that sho will recover.
' For a Mnuual Trolnlnc Institute.
IUliTFOitD, Deo. 23. Appletou K. Hill
yer aud Ills sister Miss Clara E. HUlyer ol
tlila city liuvo given $50,000 to tlio Hart
ford Younc Men's Christian Association
1W a nianuul traitiinir institute to be
f.nh,.i1 ilm TT!l1vi.r Timtltntn in honor ol
called tlia iiiiiyxr institute, in uortor 01
their father, tuo into lien, uiiarics 1,
Ityan 'Goes to ltay St. T.oulJ.
CniOAQO. Dec. 23. Tommy Ryan, the
pugilist, has loft this city for liay St.
Louis, whero Uo will train for his light
With Dawson. ltyan's irienu'B iiav
raised $10,000 with which to back lilui.
Killed While Coupling; Cars.
Troy, N Y.,Doo. 23. Conductor John
..u., . . , . .
Fapincau, 2!) years old, was killed while
.. 1 4 ., . . ....
coupling cars on tho Central Vermont
railroad at House's point, ills ueau was
crushed between a Hat oar aud a box car.
lie resided at St. Albans.
Lout S35.000 at Poker.
West Whatuom, Wash., Doc. 23. Mar
tin Ware, ol iilaiue, single, aged 25, after
losing SJj.OIW at pjker, purloined a target
rille from a shunting gallery and was
found with a bin lei through Ills heart.
Mr doctor says It rcta srentlr on the Btomarh.
liver And kidneys, and In a j)leant laxative. This
drink la made from herbs, and It prepared for use
ta easily as tea. It la called
A 11 dniKfttHta sell It at 60c. and $1 a packaice. If you
cannot Ret It, send your address for a free sample,
une'n Kmiilly Medicine move the bouH
rncli Uay. Inorrlprtnbetienlttiy thtshnereaAary.
AUdrcai oilAl'Olt F. AVOOUWAKO, ha Jto v, W. V.
Ilesnectfully Informs his old friends and the
public Generally tbat be has taken cbargo ot tho
old stand lately occupied
where he will keen on hi
a uy t'eiix Aaricus
a Iresh stock of
Porter, Ale and Lager Ueer,
1'lne.t brands of
liquors ana uigars.
Pnul Rnmmn Traney's Ilulldlng,
raui OUmma, Cor Main and Poplar SU
a. KISTIiXR, M. D.,
ruruoiAN and evROKon,
OSlce-llu N. Judla strMt, ShsoaoaMlL Pa
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
III Itcslgoatlon Arcupterl.
New Yoiik, Dec. 23. Tho resignation
of William B. Breene, secretary. of th
American Bunkers' Association, has been
Cnlilll Not Guilty.
NoimiAMrro.v, Muss., Dec. 23. Th
jury iu the Cnlilll murder caso returned 1
verdict 01 not utility, niter ueiug out i-i
Nothing New In th rolsonlng Casts.
PrrTMiuno, Dec. 23. Thero is nothing,
new in the Homestead poisoning cases.
has been brought about by the
introduction of Cottolene, the
new vegetable shortening. The
discovery of this product, and the
demonstration of its remarkable
qualities, has attracted the widest
interest. Hitherto the common
shortening has been lard, or
indifferent butter. Every one has
probably suffered occasional dis
comfort from lard-cooked food ;
while it is well known that thous
ands are obliged to abstain entire
ly from everything of that kind.
To such people, Cottolene is of
peculiar value, widening as it
does, the range of what may be
eaten and enjoyed. Cottolene
is a cooking marvel. It combines
with the food imparts to it a
tempting color, a delicate flavor,
and an appetizing crispness.
No trace of greasiness remains
to offend the taste, or disturb the
Cottolene is worthy of the
careful notice of all those who
value good food, of itself or for
its hygienic properties.
Sold by Lending Grocers.
Mado only by
CHICAGO and 13a H. Delaware Ave, Phlla,
TOH BLE. A house and lot at tho north
' west corner ot Ja'dln n d Cherry streota.
Apply to Mary M. norraan, on premises.
FOtt KENT. Society and club rooms In tho
post olnco building. Apply to M. M. Hurlte,
Attornoy, Koom 3. lS-H-tt
handlo the Patent Chemical Ink Erasing
inoll. The most useful and novel Invention of
tbo ngo. Erases Ink thoroughly In two seconds.
Works like magic. 2(XMo5iX) per cent prottt.
A rents iimkinir (fiO ner week. Wo also want a
general agent to take charge of territory, and
5 b nconls A raro ch.MC0 10 mni,0
Wrtte for terras and samplo of eras-
Monroe Erasing Mlg. uo., xuu, j.aurosso,
$H to K15 per day at home, selling Lightning
O Plater and plating Jewelry, watchei.
mhlnivnrfi. &e. Plutes tho ilnest of iewelrv
good as new, on all kinds of metal with gold,
sliver or nickel. No experience. No capital.
suver or mcKei. ino experience. ru
Hvi'rv house has coods needing nlatlng.
10-35-2ra 11. K. DELNO & CO., t olumbus. O
iwwiilR will bo received at tho offico o tno
Mineral Hatlroadand Mining Company, Sha-
jnunui, , uum uuuii v,,, ...iu..,
. lor thesinktnir of astiaft 950 fret In depth
I UMitiMllnnl .nil nil airrtllahtn Infnrm!
mpkln, Pi, until noon on January 15th 193,
HnpflltlrjktlnnR and nil available Information
wllfbe furnisheaon application to Morris Will
lams, Hupermtpnaent, snamoKin, r.
Wllkos IJjrre, Pa., Deo. 10, J8M. 1S-!S lw
i:iVIN(l A. ITAIOD. iiiiiiiutur,
mlBsion. to handlo the new Patont Cnerai-
oul Ink Eraslnir Pencil. Tlio Quickest anil Erent-
esr senini; noveiiv ever urouueeu, r.ruHuif iuk
thoroughly In two seconds. No abranlon of
puper. works like magic. 200 to 600 per cent,
profit. One agent's solos amounted to $620 In
six days. Another MS In tvo hours. Previous
eiperionco not neoesnary. For terms and full
puriiuuiars, uuurwo iuu wuuiuu wibwi., ut
Crosse. AVls. st39 6-21-ly
rfil K PAYS for n home lot at May's Land.
J J-O tug. the tine suburb of Atlantic Cltyi
win.ircH from 11. H.: commutation fare to I'bila.,
25 cental bns court house, hotels, schools,
churches, cotton, naner. clothlne. clear sash.
brick, and lumbering mills, with finest water
power; line driving, fishing, gunning, bathing,
selling; city and country combined; 85 houses
built last year and not one empty; a safe and
suro Investment; 150 Invested will increase
laoinOmonlhs; 3mlllibullt Ibis year; lots aro
eu teet aDovo rtcean; n per ceni. ou ior cusu;
2 lnm fnr K!A: title Insured. Send for circular.
Frankllr St , fniiaaeipnta. vsu-tm
The great reallstlp comedy-drama,
Down the Slope!
A truly American play, full of startling sur
prises, with wunderlul mcchanlcul
cOects, depicting
Life in the Coal Regions I
or sneoiai scenery under tne
management of Mcsrs.
win u, uurton suo.
Prices, 35, 35 and 50 Cents
Ileservcd seats on salo atKlrlln's drug storo,
Largest and oldest reliable purely cah cora
paules represented by
120 S. JaromSt, Shenanooai,Pa.
Now for the
Everybody wants a now
the best place to
C, Cleaver's
Where you will fluii a
Hats, Caps, Gents'
Cor. Lino St. and Girard Avo.,
As XJs"0.tl2
J. M. Qllok again has
g) Boots and Shoes
In tho valley, and defies successful compe
tition. His prices for Boots, Shoes and
Rubber Goods ate lower than tho lowest.
J". Jkfa.
No. 21 Parker Street,
Lehigh Valley Division.
Anthraclto coal used ex
clusively. Insuring cleanli
ness and comfort
Arrangement of passenger trains Dee. i, 1802.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. L.O-
hlghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua,
Allentown, nothlehem, Easton, Philadelphia,
Hazleton, Wcathcrly, Quakake Junction, Del
ano nnd Mahnnoy City at 0.01, 7.40, 0.08 a m.f.
1S.DJ. 3.1U. D.Z7 p. m. j.
For New York. 0. i. 9.08a. m.. 18.52. 3.10.
6.ST p. m.
l'or iiazioton, wiwes-uarre, wniie iiaven,
Plttston, liaceyvillo, Towanda, Sayre. Waverly,
Elrairo, Hochester, Niagara Kails and tho West,
10.41 a, m., (3.10 p. m., no connection for Heches
ter, lluffalo or Niagara Palls), 8.03 p. m.
For liclvldcre, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, O.dl a, m., 6.27 p. in.
l' or uimucrivnio ana xrenion, v.uo a. m.
For Tunkhnnnock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8 03 p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and Lyons, 10.41
a. m.( 8.03 p. m.
For Jenncsvllle. Levlston and Beaver Meadow,
7.40, 9.08 a. m., S.27, 8.03 p. m.
i'-or Auaenriea, iiazioton, atocKton ana num
ber Yard. 0.01. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 12.62, 3.10,
6.27 p. m.
l' or cranton, cm, v.vo, 1u.11 a. m., o.iu, o.n
8.03 p.m.
For Uazlebrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton and Freoland,
6.04, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 6.27 p. m.
For Ashland, Olrardville nnd Lost Croek, 4.27,
7.46,8.62, 10.16 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.10, 9.16
n. m.
For Itaven Hun, Centralla, Mount Carmel and
Shamoktn, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.07 p. m.
For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City acd
Delano, 6.04, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a m., 12.62, 3.10, 5.27,
8.03, 9.33, 10.28 p. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 7.55. 11.56 a. m
2.10, 4.30, p. m. and arrlvo at Shenandoah at
9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.CT p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5.50, 7.40,
B OS. 10.41 a. m.. 12.62. 3.10. 4.10. 5.27. 8.03 n. in.
Leave Pottsvillo for Shenandoah. 6.00. 7.35.
P.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. in., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.16, 9.30
p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 6.01, 7.40, 9.03,
10.41 O. in., 12.52, 3.10, 6 it, H.U3 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7,30, 9.15
11.06 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 6.S0, 7.10, 7.64 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland. Olrardville and Lost
Creel;, i.'a, v.ui a, m.,, -is p. in.
Delano, Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Bethlehem, Easton ana now row, s.w a. m,
2.65 p. m.
'nr I'm nnmnnia uddd m.
For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
ni-lnnn. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.30. 2.55. 4.40 6.P1 P. m.
Leave iiuzicion lor &nenanuoaa, o.ou, ii.ou
m.. 1.05, 4.37 p. m.
Loavo Shenandoah for Pottsvillo, 6.50, 8.40,
Clan n. m.. 2.45 n. m.
Leave Pottsville tor Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
a.m.,i.i!3, p. m.
1 A. n W UlUAlW'i UGU. itlKC
& G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass Agt.
Philadelphia, Pa,
A. W. NONNEMACHEll. Asst. G. P. A.
Houth Bethlehem. Pa.
Trains leavo Shenandoah as follows:
lFnr TJnw York via Ihlladelnhla. week davf
2.08,,10.03 a.m., 12.83 2.48,5 63 p.m. Sunday
2.0S, 7.48 a. m. ! or New York via Maucn ununit,
week days, 7.18 a. m.. 12.33, 2.43 p. in.
na k a m , a ,h au .. n ,o ni ., K r.Q n n. U,,n.
i-'or iteauinir ana I'miaaeinoia. ween uuyis.
P.M, ..ID, lU.VKI U. Ult.lA.tM, M.10U.WI J. u.. j .
aav. z.u. 7.40 a. m., i.a p. m
For llarrlsburg, week days, 2.08, J.18 a.m.
&49. h.K n. in. T
Kor AUontown, week days, 7.18 a. in., 12.33,
2.48 p.m.
i- or I'oiisvine, ween oays, iu . i.oo,
48, 5.53 p. in. Sunday, 2.08, 7.4 a. in., 1.28 p. ra.
If or Tamacua and Malianov City, week ua
2 rw. 5.23. 7.18.10 OH n. in..l2.33. 2.48. 6.53 n. m. Sun
any, 7.40 a. m., p. m. Aaauionai lor
Mahanoy City, week days, 6.58 p. m.
For Lanoastcr and Columbia, week days, 7.18
a. m., 2.48 p. ra.
Fnr WllllnmsDort. Sunburv and Lowlshurtr,
week days. 3.S3, 7 18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.68 pro.
iunoay. j.h a. in., d im p. ra.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days. S.08, S.23, 5.23,
.18, 10,08, 11.24 a. m., 12.33. 1.33, 2.48, 6.53, 6.58, 9.33
p. m. sunaay,, a. m., a.iu, t.xa p. m,
For Olraravllle, (Rappahannock Station),
weekdays. 2.08. 3.23. 5.23. 7.18. 10.08. 11.28 a. m,
12.33,1.33, 2.48, 5.53, 6.58, D.33 p, m. Sunday, 2.08,
3.23. 7.46 a. m 3.03, 4.28 p. m.
For Ashland and Shumokln. week days, 3.23,
5.23, 7.18, U.2E a. m., 1.33, 6.58, V.33 p.m. Sun'
day, 3.23, 7.46 a. in., 3.03 p.m.
Leave New Yorkrvla Phlladelnhla, week days
'IILVma X'VJlb ollCii, All 1 IUA11 .
7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.15 night. Sun
aav. o.uu n. m.. niifni.
Lsave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4.00, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. in. Sunday, 7.15 a. ra
4.00, 6.00 p. ra.. from tlroad and Callowhlll and
8.S5 a. ra.. 11.30 D. m. from 9th and Oreen streets.
bunaay, u.uo a m., ii.w o, m , irum via auu
Leave ueaaing, week nays, !.&.. 7.iu,, ii.wj
a. m., O.OD, 7.07 p. m biinaay,, iu.a a. m,
Leave Pottsville. week days. 2.11). 7.40 a. m.
12.30, 6,11 p. ta Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2.05 n. m.
ieave'iumaiiua, weeK aays, b., a,
m.. 1.21, 7.15, 9.28 p. ra. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a.
2.50 n. m.
ivoavo uananoy uuy, weex aays, s.,,
11.47 a. in., l.&i, 7.42, p, m. bunaay,, b.i
a. m.. 8.20 n. m.
t .... I , ,i j.- a tin jm
6.30,9.85 a.m.., 6.20,6.28,7.67,10.10
p. ra. bunaay, z.4u, i.uu, ..; a. m.,, o.ui p. ra.
Leave Olrardville, (Rappahannock Station),
weeks days. 2.47. 4.07. 6.36. 9.41 10.46 a. m.. 12.05,
2.12, .11, 6.26, 6.32, 8.03, 10.16 p. m. Sunday, 2.47,
4.07. B.33. a. m.. 3.41. 5.07 n. m.
Leave Wllliamsport, week days, 8.00, 9.50, 12.00
a, ra.,3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p, m.
For Uultlmore, Washington and the West via
n, & O. It. It., through trains leave Olrard
Avenue station, PhllailclpWa, (P. & It It. It.) at
3 tn, s.ui, n.( a. ra.,, v.iu p. m. ctuaoay.
a du, B.uw, 11- a. m., a.w, o.k, 7.10 p, m.
I.eavo Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
ana noutn street wnari, lor Aiianiio uity.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 am, 200, 4 00, 600,
p. ra. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, 5 45, 6 80 p m,
Sundays Express, 9 00, am, Accommoda
linn. S IM1 11 m nnd 4 3fl n m.
Returning leavo Atlantic. City depot, Atlantlo Arxausas avenues, weeauays xnyrcoa.
7 w, 7 4a, v w a m anu iiNpm
Accommodation, 8 10 a ta and SO p Hi.
Sundays--Express, 4 00 p m.
Aconminndatlnn. 7 80 ft m and 4 SO D m.
a 0. UAN0OCK,Uea'iU4'r?At.
I. X. BWKlOAJtU, Oca I Uuscer
Holidays t
lint for Christmas, and
get them Is fiom
Hat Emporium
most complete slock of
Furnishing Goods
the finest line of
First National
Slicnandoali, I'einm.
LEISENRING, President.
P. J. FERQDSON, Vice President
S. W. YOST, Assistant Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
NOVEMHER 15, 1891.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after tho above
date for Wiggan's, Ollberton, Frackvllle, Now
uiisiio, mi. uiair, 1'ottsvuie, Hamburg, Heading,
Pottstown, Phamlxvllle, Norristown and Phil
adelphia (Broad street station) at 6:0(1 and 11:46
a. m. and 4: 15 p. m. on weekdays. For Potts
villo ana intermediate stations v:iu a. m.
For Wlggan's. Ollberton. Frackvllle. New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsville at 6:00, 9:40 a.m.
and 3: jo p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town, Phcenlxvllle, Norristown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leavo Frackvllle for Fhenandoah at
10:40a. m. and 12:14, 6:01, 7:42 and 10:09 p.m.
Sundays, 11:13 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
i.eavo i-ouHvine lor ancnanuoaa ni iu:ia,
11:48a. in and4:40,7il5and 9:42 p. rn. Sundays
at 10:40 a. m. and 5: 15 p. m.
Leave I'hiiaucipnia (uroaa street station) for
Pottsville and Shenandoah at 6 67 and 8 35 a m,
4 10 and 7 00 p m week days. On Sundays leave
at 6 60 a m. For Pottsvillo, 9 23 a ra. For New
York at 3 20, 4 05. 140, 6 35, 6 60, 7 30. 8 20, 8 30,
0 60, 11 00. 11 14, 11 35 am, 12 00 noon (limited ex
press 1 06 and 4 50 p m) 12 41, 1 35, 1 40, 2 30, 3 20,
0U, 4 02, D w, o uu, o yu, o ou, y la, o is unu iu w p
l. 12 01 night, Sundays at 3 20, 1 05, 4 40, 5 35,
8 12. 8 30, 9 Ml II 35 u in and 12 41, 1 10, 2 30, 4 02
(limited 4 60) 5 28. 6 20, o 60, 7 13 ana 8 12 p m ana
12 01 night. For Sea Girt, Long llranch and in
termediate stations 8 20 and 1114 urn, and 4 00
p in weekdays. For and Washing,
ton 3 50. 7 20. 8 31.010. 10 20. 11 18 am. 12 33 (lim
ited express, 1 SO. 3 46.) 4 41, 6 57, 7 40 p m 12 03
night. For Freehold only 5 00 p m weok days.
For Baltimore only at 2 02, 4 01, 5 08 and 1130 p
m. Sundays at 3 60, 7 20, 9 10, 1 1 18 a m, 4 41 , 6 67
7 40 pm, 12 03 night llaltlmoro only 6 08, 1130
p m. r or iiiuumonu 7 su u m, mp m unu is w
night. Sundays, 7 20 a ra, 12 03 night.
Trains will lravo llarrlsburg for Pittsburg
and the West every day at 12 25 and 310am
and(llmitod 3 00) nnd 3 40 p m. Way for Al
toona at 8 15 am and 4 10 p m every day. For
Pittsburg and Altonna at 1120 a m everyday
and 10 20 p m weok days.
Trains win leave ounuury lur v mmuiayvtt,,
P.lmlrn. riAniindafffua. Rochester. Buffalo and
Niagara Falls at 6 10 a m, and 1 35 p m week
days, ForElmlrnet6 30pm week days. For ana lnierraeaiaie puiiiin iluiu 1 m uunj
For Lock Haven at 6 10 and 9 66 a m daily, 1 35
and 6 SO p m weok days For Renovo at 6 10 a
1 ao ana O Mu in wcvk uuye, uuu o iu iu un
Sundays only.
For Kane at o iu a m, lupm
wcck aays.
O. H l'uan,
J. R. Woou,
Oeu'l PaBS'B'r Agt-
Ueu'l Manager,
RQQSorlli I'ourlli HI.
l0 klo Oreco, l-UlulelpLU.
. tb bo.
llul tutl tAvetUuag doctor! biTe fftlld.
well Ki ouaiki lia pruiulM to euro
you kfur kll otbtrs full, u4 to ilrt ctt
b rlttca (uirKUU, fret bdtlct, lit
treauuaot; bud bfu.r tbt blt wludleri,
tlia blU uiKUuru-'turei.. wllb tbclr Ob
' bbllod Wbli.i, re.torbtivM, ubletb, up
Curun, buo oilier seurct --
UI eobwrui, Ibe bvma euro roedlolutb.
em , oio , bbo ludll bud ""J";.'
tuem 10 ud oobiuit hb. a. i. rata.
bo hn but 0 Eoropoan JloifiUl mwi uii rf 1
0l .iwrloooo. Bo exbmlbed b; buu. II. IUo;bJldl; wll jo.
b.tlior jour Obw ll curMo or bot. lie do oot luUMbM, aw
Co.. b ci.lm tu bo Ood o oqiul, but b. diro tbo molt dM;
I'bUou, Ibd Slochbriol. bbOVTO'. Irom M.ilncholl. , od
dowbbeortodu.... ud ill lbo dlM 'bi mrtuol youthful
IbdlKr.tlon, ot l.ib w.. oro .uro ot b eiin Eom.mbr,
1)K I'Uiri doo. euro b oil otb.n oolj cloim 10 do. Dtt.
IHELL ui common lu Irwliui ot II, comblno. tbo Alio.
roLblo. Uoiuioobbtblo, od F.elcHc nj.Uniit of ninlleluo ber.
e'er tt m (bdlubid. H'r.i lunr to I 0 clock 1 o.b
Inc. 6 to 8. u'od. badSkUoteoloir. (r'.ai S to 10 o'clock Suo.
Soto, U ii. HCbd 10 et. lnl Ol s 01 1UUIM for book
" Truth " tbo oolr true birdlool b K odvt rturd, b frlcbd to M,
louofribd luWdlo-ogMofbolb. UilleoruU. AVOIB
aoetor. worolof IOU of olo.l birdi ol bonk., Ib.y oroofrobty.o
111 find lluMr Tiuorobao oxii,..,l UK til Ur. It tel. UiU
bjaloU Iu Wedbudalr 0 bud Ualurd.j a fblUdaltblb riouo.
Saloon : and : Restaurant1
First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tern
perauco Drinks Cigars. Iine old Wlno
andUQUor. always oand