THE EVENING HERALD. YOL. VII.-NO. 307. SHENANDOAH. PA.. FKIDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1892. ONE CENT. OP. Or. 28 South Main St. HEADqUAIlTEUS TOa Trimmings, Indies' and Children's Shades and Shadings, Carpets and Oil Cloth If Y fifty cent storm serges will compare fa nI . Torably with We goods jeold In Fhlladel " phla and other cities. I nm selling an all . wool Habit Cloth, worth 60c, for3rti- per fard. I nave the beat 60o Corset In tuo region, 'lain Flannels, worth 25c. sold hero for 20c pe yard: 4-4 wideMuslln old for5o peryard; the boat Gray Flannel sold for 18o per yard, anil a Good Flannel at 12o per yard. A good Blanket for TOO a pair. Everything a Decided Bargain. GENTS' Natural Wool Hulls, worth 83 SO, fold now for 2. Comfortables and Blankets cheap. Como at once and secure pood values at old rellablo stand, 8 Houth Main street, Bout door toGrand Union Tea store. Time! Is money at tho Great Jewelry Depot You eee all the latest dei-luns In Diamonds, Jewehy, Silverware. Rings, $1 to $250 Ear lings, $1 to $50. Brooches. FOe tn$H. Gold WatchtB, $10 to $150; Silver, $7 to $50. .Rogers Bros, triple plated sll verware and Gorliamt-olld sterling silverware and souvenir (noons. . Opera plattts, necklaces, irolil pens, pencils, Rents' watch chains, scarf pins and gold eye-glases. All our goods arc bought from tho bqs,t. houses in America and are sold at from 2.1 to 30 per cent, lower than elsewhere. Holdermaris Jewelry Store, Corner MtiTn and Lloyd Sireets. JOHN F. PLOPPERT'S Bakery : and : Confectionery, No. 29 East Centre Street. tee cream all tho year 'round. Open Sundays. I am now rnaklug a superior quality of CREAM BREAD, something ug new. you wunno ny u. you'll use no other if you do. Piatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Jos Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Mar stocked with the best beer, porter, ales, whiskies, brandies, wines, etc. Finest cigars. Eating bar attached. Cordial Invitation to all COATS Finest in i' i the Our Fancy 2V iv Ct op Genuine Ni'w Orleans Baking Molasses. Our Strictly Jhresh Creamiry Bjtltftr. Our Fine irtsli Dairy Butler. Our2ftw 1' ihtng Creek Buckwheat Flour. Otir JBancy Brands oj A'ortlurn avgar Corn, Niuj Packing "Bijou," "Sunbeam," "Pr.Ule oj. Shenandoah," "Evergreen." ' I" -l , I .., ' Our "WhoU" lomatoes. FOB SALE, Otic Car Fancy iiHe MlcJcUIiijg; - Two Curs Flue Middlings, ..... T' ' ' ' I I ' Florida Oranges, 2S cts. a dozen. PajAs-jihvll Almonds, '-ido a pound. Conilansed JMUk, ii cans or 28a. ' CLOSING OD'L LOT OF FLOOR oil. ILO'JIIS nt 50c a yaicl-a yards wide. Tlicy are ends oi p-tccHoml odd patterns and arc wortli more nioiiy. AT KEXTER'S 1892. CHRISTMAS Y Stewart A list of Holiday Goods, new and novel. GRAND OPENING DISPLAY. Lamps, Plush Goods, Dressing Cases, Albums, Manicure '-ets, Khnvlmr etB. Clear nets. Glove and Ha dkcrchlef Boies, Collar und Cuff Hoes, Oak and Leather i owelry Cases, Silver Cabinet .stands, Celluloid Frame" and Photos, Novelty Candy lloxe?, Fancy Bottles with best Perfume, Nut plcUs and Nut crackers, Children's sets. Knlv s and Forks, Fancy Pin Cushions. Sachet Cases, Gents' Leaf or Cases, for traveling, ir. mfl'Hj to J3.76, consisting ofchalr brush, comb, razor, soap, brush, tooth powder nd bottle. Patent hcll Novelties, Hlg lot German Wot 6, Desert Plates, Pie Plates, Cream Pitchers nnd Fancy Bowls China and Japanese Sumerad Carlsbad warp, After Tea Cups and Saucers: Bon-bon Mustard". Cream I'ltc'jcrs, Hone Dishes. Vases. Tea Pots. Craoncr Jars, Hugar and Team sots. Chocolate Pots Fancy I line Plates, flaes-'Alt Hnb'i. Drummer Dov Golden Egg, Coo-Coo. Cocked Hat, Peter Coddlo, Ilagatello Ziu to it uu. nisnue Flcrures. 1'lctures. ono lot of 300 to bo closed out at 29c. Dolls ef every variety, from 5c to $7.60 each dressed and undrossed. Stationery Englnos.all description Iron Toys Passenger trains, flro en glncs, hook and ladder trucks, sur rys. dray, sulky, dog oarts, han sons, velocipedes, farm wagons, express wagons, hoso oarts. ' Washing Sets, Child's sets of Dlsbos, Doll Carriages, Doll Chairs, Gaines Peck's Bad lloy, Road to Washington, Steeplechase, sailor Boy.' Hoo-Peep, Shovel-Board and a'u many others. Tool Chests, Drums, Rubber Goods. Tho half has not been told, yet we do that wenaNO'bO unost, selection oi iioiiuuy Goods ever brought to Pottsvlllo Wo extend an Invitation to all to In spect it. Store open every night till ) o'clock. DIVES, I'OMEROY t STEWART POTTSVILlE, pa. O. GEO. MILLER, Manager. 25 CTS. PER YARD rou, oil cloth: Others for 3. 45, Mc and upwards Tartles having carpet rags should send tliem and havo mem muuo iniu u urBi-ciuoa tuii'ck Carpet Store, 70 South Jardin St. Two Cars No. i Timothy Hay. 1892. M arket TESTS I FOUR ALARMS TO BE SOUNDED Expressions Of Dissatisfaction are Blooming and There are Threats of Going Baok to the Good Old Stylo LECTHICIAN DAVIS, who has chargo of tho electric flro alarm sys tem of town, announces that alarms will bo sounded to night, at 7 o'clock, from tho Main street boxes, so tho peo ple may lio prepared for repaired alarms to-night. There is great danger that unless a big chanvo in public 6entlment takes placo very soon there will bo but few alarms by the system after tho or ganization of tho noxt Borough Council. The fact that it lias been a sourro of annoyance since tho company turned it over to Council has not served to keep down tho spirit of projudico that prevailed when tho system was put in and somo members of Council openly declare that they would not hesitate to favor a movement to go back to the old-time lopo- pulling system. Somo members are making capital of tho system and are pointing to tho fact that they wore opposed to the innovation, wiiilo others say that had proper attention been given to the contract was made for the system tho company that put it in would havo boon obliged to mako it givo satisfaction to tho people for a year, or take it out. Taken all in all tho "firo alarm" is rapidly coming to tho front as one of tho red letter incidents of tho year. Gold and silver watches in endless variety eultablo for Christmas presents, at Oscar Yost's, 102 North Main street. 12-19-Gt Anil Stilt TUtty Come, It was a very unwise course which tho Horough Council of Shenandoah pursued toward tho representative of the Shenandoah Herald In refusing tn admit him to take an account of Its proceedings and debarring him from its meetings. Tho right and tho duty of tho press to report and havo its representa tives attend meetings of municipal or other governing bodies Is too fully acknowledged now for any body of men to set it at naught. Atthesametimo regard for his profession, and the truth-, should compel' such representative to faithfully and as accurately as possible report proceedings, Tho Shenandoah Council has taken the wrong, step, and should freely acknowledge it, and extend to tho Hkrald representative every facility to exhaustively report its proceedings. 7Vi- Weelbj Record. For the best and silver rimmed spectacles go to Oscar Yost, 102 N. Main street. Eyes tested frco. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10 fit Tliv U'llaru Funeral. Tho funeral of tho Ute Martin F. O'Hara, who died Tuesday evening from the effects of injuries received on tho Lehigh Valley Rail road, took placo this morning from the resi dence on Bast Lloyd street. Tho attendance was very large, prominent people from many parts of tho county being present. Itequiein h Igli mass was celebrated iu tho Annuncia tion church. Itev. H. F. OT.eilly officiating, assisted by Itev. Kane. The remains were in terred in tho Annunciation cemetery. Messrs. Thomas Qitiuii, ofMahanoy City; C- Quinn, Michael Muldoon, Mipkaol Tierney, Harry Rradigan nndT. SI. Soaulan were the pall bearers. Shenandoah City colliery, at which the deceased held a clerkship, wus idle In consequence of the funeral. Tho reason why Arnica and Oil Liniment is to popular with tho ladies is because it not only is very healing and toothing but its odor is not at ull oll'ensivo. lm Prof. Barrett, ol St. Lawrence county, N. Y speaking of pulmonary diseases, says: not one death occurs iiuw where twenty died before Downs' Elixir was known. Over fifty years of constant sucoess places Dawns' Elixir at the head of the long Hit of cough remedies. lm ri5KS(r.. J. R, Coyle, Esq., went to New York city to day to transact business. Mrs. II. K, Bowman and Mrs. George Sclmener have returned from a brief visit to Philadelphia, C. G Palmer, our old townsmin, who has returned from. Ilutto, City, Montana, visited the Heiuu) sanctum to-day aud gave an In teresting account of life in that section of the country, Tho llKitALU will give tho publlo tho benefit of his reminiscences shortly. Through tha courtesy of Rcpresen'atlvo elecA John J. Coyle, tho IIehalm lain receipt of a copy of "Pennsylvania and the World's Columbian Exposition," compiled and pub Ushed under tho direction of A. B. Farquhar, executive commissioner, A Child Ilnjoys The pleasant flavor, gentle action and sooth Ing effect of Syrup of Figs, when In need of laxative, and If the father or mother bo tostivo or bilious, tho most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is tho best family rowedy known and every family should have a bottle, No Injunction. Thero is no injunction against our Florida oranges. They are open for examination to all. Graf's, 132 N. Jardlu street. 12 21 3t licit photographs and crayons at Dalb'i, WILL RECEIVE EXTRA TO-NIGHT. MISS LESTER. A lllograplilcal Sketuii ol the Ilrtlllnnt l.lttla Aitre... A HmtAJ.D representative called at tho Ferguson House this morning and had the pleocuro of an Interview with Miss Minnie Lester, whose company is now playing a week's engagement at Ferguson's theatre. Contrary to tho usual rule. Miss Lester is oven uiuiu viiniiuiuK v iiuiiiu iiinii diii? mvii 11 1 tj stage and that is saying a great deal. Thus farhcrcareerhasbeenn most brilliant success, nnd ho is, oeyonil doubt, destinid to be numbered among the galaxy of bright stars that adorn tho American stago. Her Btage life began at tho early age of 1G years, when she appeared wttu unanirnu, in "Kit, 1110 Arkansas traveler, as jsmry uranium. Her next engagement was with Monroe & Rice, In "My Aunt Bridget." She played with them for two seasons, after which sho organized a repertoire compauy, which sho now owns and controls. The company Is tho strongest on the road, and numbers 22 people. They have their own band and orchestra, the latter of which is conceded to bo tho finest .that has ever appeared with any company in Shenandoah Their repertoire consists of eight plays, seven of which are played each week. The present season was opened at Mt. Vcrnoni N. Y., August 5th, whero she opened 11 now opera house. Last May Miss Lester was married to Mr, George K. Mitchell, who now manages hor company. Miss Lester's dancing is so highly ap 'predated that at a recent performance alio was encored five times, and only resisted when too much exhausted to appear again. She is a pupil of Ed. Collier, the celebrated dancing master of New York. Last Monday was tho twenty seventh anniversary of Mr. Mitchell's birthday, and the writer was shown a handsome gold watch which Miss Lester presented to him on that occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are a happy and loving couple and richly deserve tho great success they aro having, as it is solely the icsult of earnest work. This evening they will present the " Rose of Killaruey." Buy your cliild a pair of rubber boots, Thoy will cost you but 00 cents at the Peo nies store, 121 North Main street 12 15-tf Determined to I'ro.ei-ute. John McCulIoiigh, of Morca, arrested Wed nesday afternoon, charged on oath of Richard Amour, chief of police of Traction Company's lEallwuy.with fighting on a or, Sunday even ing, between Qilberton and St. Nicholas. He was lined ten dollars, upon tho payment of which ho was discharged from custody Since tho branch has been opened seven men have been arrested for creating disturbances on the cara. The company is determined to nrosecute all offenders Until it enforces tho same obedicuco to rules as ou all other ralhvuys. Santa Clans' Headquarters. . The headquarters for beautiful Christ mm prctcnuis Mellct's, 22 East Centre street, Shenandoah, Thp largest aud best assort ment of doll?, toys, games, picture stcry books, albums, toilet esses, Ac. Young and old can secure what they want at the very lowest prices. ' 13-17-7t 2,000, Wo have 2,000 Florida oranges to sell for Christmas. Just as good and just as cheap as ever. Graf 's, 122 N. Jardin street. 12-2t-3t .lames Funeral. Tho funeral of tho lato William R. James took place this nfternoott from his late resi dence, on South Jnrdln street. Religious service was held at the houso and the ro mains wero interred in the Odd Fellows' cemotery. Tho uttondauco was largo and included the members of tho Welsh lodge of Ivorltos, of which tho deceased was a member. Plies or llxmorrholils Permanently cured without knlfo orllgature. No danger or Buffering, No delay from bus noss while under treatment. I'atieuU' who tro responsible need not ly until well. A erfect euro guaranteed. Send for circular. R, HEED, M. I)., 120 South 13th St., Philadelphia. Refers, by permission, to the editor of tht IVENItSO llBBALD. tf All goods warranted as represented, or money refunded, at lloldomian's Jewolry store), corner Main and Lloyd streets. 12-10-tf Turkeys, geece, ducks and chickens. Enough for everybody. Noxt door to post olllce. 12-20-lt Si dal Instructions. It is said that Superintendent Goodwin of tho Lehigh Valley passenger set vice, has issued a circular to all passenger train con ductors, notifying them that boys shall- no longer be allowed to distribute packages of candy, fruit, newspapers and magazines in the cars. Tho candy aud fruit part of the custom may be a nuisance, and in fact I havo found It such, but we believe the nowspapers aro necessities, especially when one is travel ing a long distance, USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." "Wo lead, nover fullow." Itolilcrmau's Jewelry store, corner Main and Lloyd streets 12-10-tf Fresh Morris River Covo Oyitcrs received laliy at Coslett's. 0-82-tf Hall cm tllirlatma. ThoSchoppo Brothers will hold a grand ball In Bobbins' opera house, Monday even, ing, December 20th. Full orchestra. Ad mlsslgn 35 cenU. ' 18-21-6t A bad mrugh or cold i-HU toi a gnud remedy -the cure lor H. 1 , r Coughr, t'oldv. La Oil, rut nnd ( (Ull-uniU'nn, n lu-rle i and l-r mmeni cure is ru-, 1111,1, tin- woit t-s u yield 10 lth uaiinr prni 1 u- ' ii iirent l'HU-1 lUtt IS Sl id U I P W. tc-e. K.rUn's driiif HE BUNCOED BIS BRIBE ! AGNES SCOTT HAS OP WOE. A TALE WAS DESERTED AND DEFRAUDED Hor Faith In Detective Agencies is Shaken and Bhe Has Under taken the Work of Running Down Her Husband. INTER asserted iUelf last night and few pcoplo ventured ujun tho streets to face tho nipping blasts. Thoso who did mako their appearance did not Uugcr upon the streets and when not within tho friendly shelter of the theatre walls, or amid tho scene of festivity at tho Columbia Hose Company's fair, sought tho warmth of the home fireside. But thero was one person who braved tho chilly blasts more than any other than the members of the police force. This person was a tall, handsome and elegantly dressed woman who Sent two hours Hitting from one place to another. A IlKUAi.n reporter was attracted by her actions, which were those of a person making an anxious search for some one. After watching tho woman for somo nine me reiwicr surccectoil 111 arranging a conversation that ultimately revealed the secret of her strango conduct. Tho 6tory is told in the woman's own words: "My name is Agnes Scott and I resido at Latrobo. I nm iu siarch of a scoundrel who will pay a heavy penalty If I can trace him and get him within tho hands of the law. Ho is a base deceiver and a thief. In the spring of 1690 I visited relatives at Savannah, Georgia, aud there I met a man named Thornton Scott, was iniroiiuceu 10 mm uy the lrlcnds 1 was stopping with and all that I could learn of him was very much in his f.ior, so tar us respectability was concerned. I understood that ho was manager for a commission house in Savannah and was reputed to bo worth several thousand dollars. I spent eight weeks in Savannah and during that timo Scott paid persistent attentions to mo Finally wo became engaged and in November, 1S00, wo wero married at Pittsburg. Wo went to my home iu Latrobo and in the middlo of January, following, ho loft me there, saying that ho wanted to return to Savannah and close negotiations for a branch ol tho house he intended opening at Phila uejpnia, neioro going (10 kuoccedou ill securing $3,000 from me, under tho pretenso that ho needed tho meuey to close the bargain and his own money was tied up in an estate that would not be settled until the following autumn. "After patiently waiting for soveral weeks to hoar from Scott, aud not receiving a re sponse to any of the letters I had written him, I started for Savannah and to my groat astonishment I learned that lie had not 111 that city lor several months. I also learned that ho had embezzled several hull died dollars from the commission houso there aud the circumstances showed that tho money ho thus secured went to pay tho expenses at tending our marriage. I returned to uiy home broken hearted. I was advised to placo my case in the hands of a detective agency, but tho sorrowful experience of a relative of mine, who was pra -tiddly roblxd by such an agency, deterred me in following the advice and I concluded to abide my time. A few woeks ago my brother, who is a commercial traveler, wrote me that he attended a play at Wllllamsport, He learned tint my husband was a member of a theatrical company that had just left that city for a tour of tlio coal regions. Singularly enough my brother did not send me the name of the company Jttid I, on the spur of the moment, started out on the cluo. My brother is now somewhere out in Missouri transacting business and It la im possible for in to ooninmnieate with him at present. Thus far I have visited Shamokin, Ashland, Olrardvllle, l'ottsvide ami other places In this section where theatrical per lormances have been given and to-day I came to this town, but all my joutneying has gone (or naught. I have saUsQed myself that my husband is not connected with the Minnie Lester Company, which is playing here, Mid the continuous disappointments have dis couraged me, I will make arrangements to have ull theatrioal eom)unies that come in this section scrutluixed and return to tny home to await dovolopmeuts. I would give a thousand dollars to have that scoundrel," eon eluded Mrs, Soott, as tho reporter left her. Mrs. Scott Is evidently as determined as she Is handsome. Sho said sho was uot afraid to travel alone through tho 'country and bIio has thrcQ more thousand dollars to part with if she can sue any chance uf overtaking her treacbcroui husband, Mis. Scott wont to Pottsvlllo this morning. Sho Intimated that sho would make arrangements to hive n watch kept iu this region ou her huihaud by a promise of a liberal reward iu csm uf success aud nothing If the man should not be fouud. Uut unless there is a sloolh hound of -- --- --1 rare cuaraciensiiCTS which wo navo raueci to find in our travels wo fear that Mrs. Scott will not succeed in making such a bargain. Goods sold at Holdermau's jewelry store from 25 to 30 par cent, lass than elsewhere. 12-10-tf Those who in the goodness of their hearts desire to btnefit their neighbors, hlmu'd recommend the uc of Dr. Uuus Wild Cherry uud Seneku. It A Lindsay lateof No 3EnirtneCompanv, Ilaluuiori City I'm lit purtnitut. Hays, that Hie m- u.ih is i h company have used Nalvuli 1 OU m umhI sprains and horeness with most I gratifying results U Is the best. Ontviacu. TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES. IiitfTfKthiir Paper Until Iteforp the Oouuty Hi'hool Director.. The following interesting paper on tho question of "Should the System of Marking aud Granting Certificates by County Super ItitendenM be Changed?" was read before the meeting of the school directors of Schuyl kill county, held at Pottsvlllo on Wednotday last, by School Dlreotor A. J. Gallagher, f town : Tho work of holding examinations and granting certificates to teachers is a very important part of the administration of oar common school system, and tho manner f doing tho work has a great deal to do witk tho success or failure of many schools. Uene any Bystem or method of holding examina tions and granting certificates to teachers Bhould be made and calculated to do tho most possiblo good for the schools, by mcetiug the wants of tho teachers' profession and the demands of the present advanced sonditieB of education. The rresent system of granting certificates does not nioet these requirements. It was Inaugurated with the common school system In 1851, and was calculated to meet condi tions and circumstances which have long since disappeared with tho gratifying growth of our people in intelligence. It is not in a cordance with good nutnasement or goorf common sense to allow ourselves to be gov erued in this important matter by a legal provision thirty-four years old, made t govern an infant school system which kas now grown to sturdy manhood. The great defect of the system is that it gives to one man full power and discretion Iff make a standard of qualification for teacher and to issue certificates accoiding to his own judgment with scarcoly any legal limitations and without any recognition of the rights of applicants. Under the system there is tho gravest danger to the wolfaro of the schools aud an actual temptation to County Super intendents to uso their authority iu this re spect for their own personal ends. Should a man become County Superinten dent who is a little unscrupulous, who is a. politician and who places his personal in terests or his desire for success iu getting re elected abovo tho welfare uf tho Ruhoolfl, any 0110 can see ut a glance how, under the present system, he can lower the standard if tho teachers' profession by granting certifi cates to unworthy applicants and so inlln 1 incalculable injury upon the tchools. The welfaro of our schools is dependent mostly upon the teachers and the well'ate education throughout tho state depen Is chiefly upon tho teacher's profotisioti. ho one is allowed to teach in tho public school of our state without having passed an ex ruination aud having been granted a certificate. So we find that the granting of certificates gives us our teachers. Now, no one will dispute that our schools are rntitli d to the best talent aud material for teai'hmir that can ho secured, aud since, it must be secured through a system of examining and licensing, thero is no doubt whatever but that such a system should be as perfect us possiblo and best calculated to secure the best talent and merit for the teacher's profussiou. because in no other way can tho welfare of our schools be subserved and iu no other way cam wo moot the demands of educational progress. It seems to mo that there is not inui-h dif ficulty in tho way of constructing a system or method of licensing teachers whioh will be up to the requirements of the times, SulIi k. system should uot be iu the hands of oue man. It should he made so as to make the standard of qualification as high as possibb It should be absolutely fair and just to nil and should contain provisions for satisfying any ono who may suspect unfair treatment and the redress of any injustice which may have been dofee. I have not investigated the matter very fai . but I rind that there U an excellent, fair and successful system in vogue iu the City of New York, and the method of the United Slates Civil Service examinations is a model of fail . just aud honest examinations, at least in its construction; and I believe in its execution alto. Using the Civil Service method as a model, I ihink an intelligent oouiiuiitei eould easily form an admirable system for our county or our state to supplant the pres ent one, and .to my mind such a work is one of the moet necessary aud would be one of the greatest ieforms which it is practicable to make at present. Go to Ilolderman'i jewelry store to select your ChrUtmes presents. By making a smalt deposit goods will be laid away until called for. Corner Main and Lloyd streets. tf Ah, ha! Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and S-Uioka cured you of that cough, just as we told you. Price 36 aud 50 cents. Special Sale. Dolls, Albums, and Fancy Slippers at tha Peoples' store. 12-15-tf The Acudemy ltfstuunint. The l'ottsville hottdquui tcrs for Shenau doah peoplo and others lit Ing North of the Mountain, for hot toddles, hot punches, beef 1 tea and all kinds of wines and liquors of the I "est brands, is tho Academy Restaurant, Jobu 1 t-ooney, proprietor, M. A. Loouey, assist ant, tc Ilolderman'g gold watches for $12 are sold ehewliere at $18. Silver watches sold fr 'iu $8 to $6 lower than elsewhere. Comer Muiu mil Lloyd streets. 12-10-tf Callles UlutHtmti.. A juvenile operetta will be rendered la the Welsh Baptist chuich on Friday ening )i lumber 33, 1802, uuder the dii-.n u of Jehu E. Davia. Admission 10 couU. 12 20-lt Don't delay, always be on time, for preven tion is iveiii r itinn cure AH coughs and colds and such affi enons of the mroai nn! i-inpio lead to 001 sumption are cured by Ur Bull a t'-oughByrup,