The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 20, 1892, Image 4

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Find no difficulty in
securing -what they
require for their ta
bles at our store.
Corner Grocery,
Centre and White Sts.
City, spent
"Tim" Clrim, of
yesterday In town.
Ex-Poor Director Nolfcrt, of TSarnesvlllo,
ttsi Been In town yesterday.
I. A. Bamborgcr camo homo yesterday and
will remain with his parents over theholidays,
Gcorgo Holvoy nnd Edward Kester, of
Shenandoah, were Jit. Cnrmel visitors yester
day, -.Iff. Camtl News.
Messrs. J. J. Coylo, of Mahanoy City, and
J). D. Phillips, of Gordon, veto among tlio
visitors to town yesterday.
C. T. Straughn, Deputy State Councillor for
District No. 140, Junior Order United Atnerl
.hi Mechanics, has received a beautiful
insignia of tho office.
A. E. L.Lcckic, who left town on Saturday
to take a position in tho postal department at
Washington, writes to tho IIeiiald that ho
is pleasantly located in that city and expects
to enter tho Georgetown Law School on Jan
nary 3rd. Mr. Lcckio has enrolled his name
as a regular subscriber to tho HmiALD.
A Child linjoys
Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action and sooth
ing cfl'ect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of
a laxative, and if tho father or mother bo
costive or bilious, tho most gratifying Tosults
follow its use: so that it is tho best family
remedy knowu and every family should
have a bottle.
l'opuliir llimir for (Irntlcliifn,
The popular hatter and gents' furnishing
goods dealer in PotUvltle is It. J. Mills, and
hi? phi e of business is No. 2 North Centre
street. His specialties are tho Dunlap silk
hat, gloves, shirts, collars, cuffs, umbrellas,
etc., at popular prices. Money Is saved by
baying from Mills. Look in his windows for
bargains. 1217-lw
It VurH the Collar,
The Sunday A'nes thinks tho Borough Conn
cilNijectment resolution was "eminently pro.
Tw r. We oxiKJCted this decision from tho
Counc il's organ No. 1 and only wish to sny:
l inuv ye'l,
Ami u may "holler;"
Hut it e m bet its bottom dollar
Tun: we're an Independent paper,
Aud don't wear the Counoll collar.
A Strlnfof Thoughts nnd ancles of the
Coslett had a very flno, fat 'possum on ex-
hihltlon last week. It found a purchaser in
a short time.
Wo received a basket of flno Jersey persim
mons last week. They wcro so good that
they did not last long.
It is expected that tho new house letter
boxes will bo ready next month. They will
ho qulto handy and all who want to seo tho
mail scrvico Improved should secure a box.
Santa Claus is gotting ready to mako his
rounds and tho young folks aro anxiously
n waiting his appearance.
Thero is much sickness In town from what
arrears to bo tho "Grip." One cannot bo too
careful of his or herself Just now. Keep your
head cool and feet dry.
Tho money order and register business at
tho local tost oflico has been very great tho
past two weeks. This week will mako tho
employes huttlo to keep ahead.
Bead tho IIeuai.d dally. Thero is always
something of importance in Its columns;
Go and heaT tho wonderful phonograph In
tho P. M. church Thursday evening. It will
be a treat to all.
Tho letter carriers aro not having a picnic
this week. They mako their rounds loaded
down with Christmas gifts for their patrons.
Over 700 persons enjoyed tho phonograph
conceit at Ilazlcton last Friday night. Don't
forget it next Thursday in tho P. M. church,
All styles of carpet sweepers it C. D.
Fricko's carpet store. Buy ono for your wifo
oi mother foraChristmasprcsent. 12-lG-Gt
Tho reason why Arnica and Oil Liniment Is
so nonular with tho ladlos is because it not
onlv is verr healing and soothing but its
odor is not at all ollensivo. lm
Twelve I'liutu Tor Due.
By sending us your cabinet, together with
60 cents, wo will finish you ono dozen photos.
11-2-tf W. A. Keaoey,
Klertrlc ltullivay Itiilletln.
Hereafter tho elootric railway cars will
leave tho cornor of Cherry and Main streets
atr::jOa. in. daily and .every 20 minutes
thereafter until midnight, at which hour tho
last car will lonve for Oirardvillo. On Mon
day, November 7th, IfcW, the faro lor any
length of rldo twtweeu Shenandoah and
Girardville will be reduced to flvo (6) cents,
(jirvin, Duncan & Waidley's
A new lot of Mirrors French bevel and German
plate glass. Also an elegant assortment of Lemon
ade sets and all kinds of Table Glassware, Fancy
Engraved Lemonade Sets for $1.25, including tray.
Our stock for holidays is complete. Call and sec
our stock of Plush Goods, Ornaments and Toys.
Our Candy Counter is quite an attraction these days,
and sales increase as the festive season approaches.
Our patrons will do well to make their X-mas-purchases
early and avoid the great rush which immedi
ately precedes the Great Holiday.
8 South, JVEzxxx Stroot.
We Are Just Opening
Up a full line of
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
JU sult of ii "lltimltl" Importer's Observa
tion lit Court,
John B. Coylo, Esq., entered his' Tulo of
refercuco to aibitrato tho slander suit of his
cousin Hon. J. J.Coyle.of Mahanoy City, and
Frank Whitney, a law student, County
Auditor James J. Moran, and M.M.Burke,
Etq., wore chosen arbitrators. Tbey will sit
at Pottsvillo on Jan. 4,next,to hear testimony.
Through his attorney, M. M. Burke, Esq.,
Augustus Delcanip presented his petition
praying for discharge from prison under tho
Insolvont Act aud Jan. 2 was fixed by court
for hearing.
The surety caso of Margaret Dovers vs.
Hugh Dcvcrs was nolproisei,uiiCL over forty-
live others.
In the case of Medlar vs. Wadlingcr nnd
Smith, nrgumcnt r rulo for judgment, the
court took tho papers. Ulrich for plaintiff,
Burko for defendants.
Argument was mado on tho petition In tho
case of Homnan, a school director of Bahn
twp., praying that n writ of qun warranto is
suo. Bechtel aud son for petitioner. Ulricli
Tho oopo of Gaughan vs. Mcllalo has been
oontluucd to Jauuary term.
For suitable Christmas presents call at
Fricko's carpet store and look at his rugs,
ottomans, hassocks and carpets. 12-15-Gt
Tho Lester Company.
Tho Minnlo Lostcr company opened a
week engagement at Ferguson's theatre last
ovening bofoio a packed house, producingan
interesting drnraa of Western mining life,
entitled "Silver Ledge.!' Tho production
was replete with 6tngo and scenic effects and
the company sustained all tho roles with
oxcollent success. Miss Lester, as llesie
Glarkxm, was vory acceptable aud merited tho
hearty applause that was frequontlyawarded.
Miss Lester's specialties were among tho
features of tho entertainment and her Irish
and Scotch reels, Bailor's hornpipe, buck
danco and American dances wore especially
clever. This evening tho "Crcolo Spy" will
be produced.
CARPETS for Fall Trade.
New styles arriving dally. ,
Just opened at
25 South Main St.
Seff s Double Stor-e.
FULL line of Dry Goods, Under
wear, Notions, Hosiery, Blankets,
Comforts, Boots and Shoes, which must
be sold be before January 4th, 1892. .
No. 23 South Main St., we will keep a
full stock of Men's, Boys and Children's
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnish
ing Goods. Call and secure bargains,
n 1 "
But go to
SNYDER'S, Coal andJardin Sts,
He has the best lino ot
Boo"ts JEtracL Shoes
In Shenandoah. Don't fo'get the placo,
Snyder's, Cor. Coal and Jardin Sts., spy..
If you are seeking a placo to purchaso
No. 35 North Main Street
Wholesale and Retail Dealer.
Special brand of Candies for Sunday Schools.
The only place in the county
where you can get
Hot Soda !
Is at
No. 27
South 3VI.iTCL Stroot.
The largest stock of confec
tions and clear toys in town.
Neckties, mufflers and silk handkerchiefc QQ mixtUre for 20c per lb.
in all the lutestand most approved styles and j p . j f X-lliaS. Bread,
at osctediugly low prices at tho Peoples' . , r n 1 i
12 15-tf
Hold and silver watches, diamonds, precious
tnnM, solid sterling and best plated silver
warn, 1$. & II. lwuquet and parlor lami,
bronzis. optical goods; everything in groat
vnrietv. at Holdermau's, corner Main audi
Lloyd streets. tf
Doming HvenfM.
Pec 31. hunch Itasket Party, in Robblns'
lodge room, South Main St., under auspices of
Co. A, ra. Light Infantry.
Dir. 22.- -(irand fair, Columbia Hose &
8 . Jin Fire llninc Co.; Ferguson's front hall.
). M Mid .'" -"The CouftderatedlSpy; or
The Illue and (iruy," under the auspices of
Henry llyrni ostlo Camp, No. 40, Sons of
Vt-f-rans, iu Ferguson's theatre, forthebeuc
fit of Soldier' Monument fund.
Doc. 23, "Callle's Christmas," n Juvanil
open-tut, in the Welsh Baptist church.
Jan 3 -21st annual supper of the Welsh
Baptist church in llobbln' opera houte.
Feb. 13. First animal ball of fluu. Har
lison Lodgo, K. or P., in Kobuius' opera
Uriiml Tliuu lit .lumlio'a.
Tho largest man iu tho business, John
Trout, (Jumbo) who sells tho best of every.
thing that is pood to drink, will spread the
finest lunch iu Pottsvillo at his faloon, S08
W. Market street, on Christmas Monday,
Deo. 80th, next
Frtsdi Morris. Itiver Covo Oysters received
iaily at Coslett's. IMB-tf
licet work done at Drcunan's Steam Latin
dry. Everything white and spotless. Laos
eurtaim a specialty. All wotk guaranteed
Don't suffer with indigestion,
Vaudrake Bitters.
use Baxter's
The ComhiK I'alr.
The fair of tho Columbia lloso Company
will oiien in Ferguson's front halls on Thurs
day ovcnlng and continue to aud Including
January 4th, 1603.
June's Family Medicine Moves the Jlowela
Each day. In order to he healthy this
Buy Jieysfone Dour. Be sure that th
namo Ltf bio & Co., Ashland, Pa, is printed
en every sack. 3-3-3tsw
bpectaeles to suit all eyes, at PorU's book
and stationery store. No. 21 North Mala
Holdi-rmnn's Jewelry store, corner Main
snd I-toyd ktm'ts, is belter stocked ibis sea
sou than any other competitor's in this town
r county w
List l.Jiotogni hs nd aaj ons t Dalb's.
Where to Buy I
Por substantial
Christmas and New Year
O'Neil Bros.'
urniture Hall !
The sale of dollar bottles of Ko-da the groat
Moxloan Hlood Ionic, for Sj cents, tor tho pur
pose of introduction, will continue for ono
week longer. As tho merits of the inedlcino
become known the demand grows greater. It
Is a positive ouro for dyspepsia, headache, nou
rslgla, rhoumatism, sororuln, heart troubles,
oto. It hs performed many wonderful oures
and tho manager has received tho most flatter
log testimonials Iiom Shenandoah pooplo. lly
taking ndvaotao of tho advertising piice you
save 76 cents on every bottle.
Mexican Medicine Co.
Has opened a branch office in
104 S. Main St.
All the latest styles in Fur
niture. etc. We cannot and
will not be undersold.
36 Eunt Cum '
Matters are
becoming Interesting
And in the musical linn to-day without
doubt tho most Interesting mutter la that
. W. Wilde
Has procured the most complete stock
of Musical tioodn In the en nty. embrac
ing ov ry thing In tho musical line. The
next most Interesting thing is that ho is
selling those delightful new
can be playfd by any one in a few days
t'lanos. Organs. Vlollns.Qultars, llruss
Instruments, and full line sheet music.
Cor. Jnrdln and Lloyd Bis,
The best beer, ah porter, r t
wines and tinesv cjgats ' '. v
Oj au,
on Lino
,1. A desirable little farm in the Calowlssa
Valluy. near Itrebs' stuiton. 80 minutes walk
from She nauaoan, will be oiil at private sale
bv annlvlniz on the nrtnilafs. The farm con
tains VU ucrrs, more or les-. In high state of
iiiliivailou W 1)1 sill th farm by Hedf with
Luuho and farm hulldlMfs. or will sell furmlntr
stock and Implements aiong with the farm. If
di sired. The oner isucsirous of leavluKthe
country. For Information, apply on tho
OS w-im MYLE3 Wll ITE,
The rotall Toy Department of Fred,
Koithan, 101 North Main street, con
tains a choice collection ot the most ap
propriate articles for
Ice Cream mado to order at shortest
notice. Fruit and Christmas cakes
mado In the finest style, -
We are also prepan d to supply Hun
da Scaools with Candles at wholesale
Fred. Keithan,
Baker and Confectioner,
101 North Main Street.
Valley, Irvine, Novelty. New lirldo Cinderella,
man, Kivul, Now Model, Old and Now Lehigh. A full line always In stock
jrand Opening
Our efforts to mako thin display tho grandest
and most claborato we have yet atti mptc-d has
been achieved after msny weeks of hard work
and by searching tbioughall tho various mar
kets. The innumerable urtlcleswe offer Include
the following at low prices;
BooUs-Wobvo 1,000 12mos, beau
tlfully bound In cloth and gold, which wo will
sell at 20o; elsewhere. 33c.
l'luah Cast s nnd AUiuma Our lino of plush
ttihosthlt season have been selected with tbo
greatest core, Including Hbavlng Sots, Sewing
Implements, tvantoure Sets, Plush Albums In
all tho lr test designs. Hymnals und uxford
Bibles rt all prices,
An elaborate array of llrlo-a-IlraoandBlsquo
Figures nnd Celluloid goods. Gold pens and
pearl holders, $1 to 15. In plush cases, tl.GO up,
Games of all Description'.
4 Nortli Mil In Street.
IIca(Ujuurtcra For
Florida Oranges
I wish to announce to th
public that I will receive a car
load of Oranges direct from
Florida, sweet and juicy, for
the holiday trade. Will be
sold for 12c a dozen and up
Furnished to Suuday schoo
by the box.
124 N ninlti Street.
For Bargains in First-class
m him !
Heaters and Furnaces,
II 171
lie has also the largest assortment in the county, compiislng the celebrated Apollo. Othello
, "'"ck warrior, Grand Perfect. Master Work-
Also brst-class line
SXoators vxicS- 3Txirjinooi5(,
All in good condlton and warranted or money refunded or exchanged. A flno line of No rNra
Advanco and aimers' Kest Moves for 113 each; No. f . 810; good No. 1 second-hand double heateri
from $10 up, nnd Stoves and Kanses from So to 110. livery one warranted, and delivered d nut
up In any part of tho eounty within ! miles of Oirardvilfe. ueuvereu ana pm
Over 100 dIUcrcnt sizes and styles of Second-hand Heating Stoves to select from ai .
fine lino of Slnglo and Double Heaters, both round and square, at all prices.
Roofing, Spouting, Jobbing, Plumbing and Gas-Fitting
Promptly attended to at the lowest market price.
AiacnmuH a s
extra charge
intly attended to at the lowest murketnrlcn. AniiinnrWgn An...
Machines a specialty, Stove, kcatqr and range repairing promptly done Delivered within?
Send their Eye Specialist
To Sliennuilonli, Wctlnesday, Bee. ax,
lie will be found at the
FerjjruHon House From 8:30 a. m. toCO p.m
Persons who have headache, or whose eyes are causing dis
comfort should call upon their specialist, and thev will r-
ceivo lmeJigent and Bklllful attention. NO CIIAKGH to ex-
amino you eyes, livery pair of glasses ordored Is guaranteed
to be satisfactory.
eriy X-mas
And a Happy New Year!
rpHE largest lot of Toys, Fancy Tluah
To all Our.
Many Patrons.
Goods, Dressing Cases, Manicure-
Sets, Work Uoxes, Kecessaries, Smok
ers' Bets, Whisk Holders and thous
ands of articles too numerous to men
tion In plush and silverware lines.
Over 600 iinifly dressed Dolla 25 pur
cent. Iesthan auy house lu this or any
other county. Iron Toys, Steam En
glues, Hook aud Ladder Trucks, Elec
tric Motors, strong enough to run any
toy; largu House Cars, Doll Carriages,
Rocking Horses, Blackboards, Sleighs,
Building Blocks and all latest guinea.
V-EItY few fine Music Boxes that
will play fifty tunes or more. Call
and see them. Tool Chests, Bureaus,
and Wardrobes for children. A large
variety of flue Christinas Dishes and
Bisque goods at prices never before
Been. Ladles fine writing paper. Flue
Christmas and Kow Year Cards in
eatiu and plush the latest novelties.
Also Books suitable for the Holiday
trade. Air Guns for tho boys best in
the market at lowest prices. Fanoy
Safes and thousands of other articles.
Beautiful ,
Horn Goods:
Others, rtadytoputup spring roller,
lor vac, tuc. fao, wn ana upwaras, i-ar
tics desiring only the shading or tlx.
for i!5e, 85c. tie, 60c and upwards.
ties desiring only 1
turus can bo accommodated.
Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardin Street.
Only Ladies will be in Attendance,
Commencing Saturday, November 28.
Tof and Fancy Goods Store
16 W. Centre St., Ferguson House Block,