The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 20, 1892, Image 2

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The Herald.
M. A. ItOTKU - .. Proprietor
It. C not Jill ..EJUnr and i"nMJrr
VT. J. rA1KIXS focal JMffer
J. ft. ltOTMt M.,llMnM ifanagrr
Tfc Ktxsiho I1kiiij haaUrgcr circula
tion ta Shenandoah than any othor ptor pub
llihftd. Hooks opo to tl.
D iti.T, per year, W 00
W tcKLT. per vcar - ........... 1 S
AdtertUtny Itfr.
Transient, 10 cents per lino, first Insertion ;
eonts per line each subsequent Insertion, Hatos
for regular adfertlsing can bo had on applica
tion at the ota oo or by mall.
Kot red at the Postofflce, at Shenandoah, l'a.,
for transmission through the malts
ail second-class mall matter.
lUir. Towlck'n Klsoimriio Sunday Heftim
the M. K. Congregation.
The sermon in tlio If. K. chnrcli on Sunday
morning was on "Tho strength of weakness,"
2 eor.XIMO "When I am weak then am I
stone" The weakness of which Paul spoke
was not physical for this has nothing to do
with human goodness nor groatnoss. It
oald not havo been mental weakness for the
atrencth of his lode and tho beauty of his
rhetoric forbid tho thought. Nor was It mor
al or spiritual, for the moral grandeur of I1I3
llfo and tho pure spirituality of his writings
attest tho contrary. Nor can it bo that he is
merely appropriating tho epithet others haJ
applied to him. What then does tho lioroic
Taul mean when ho spenks of his woaknoss?
"Who is weak and I am not weak." "When I
am weak then am I strong.
Tho weakness of which he speaks was the
feeling which resulted from several things,
chief of which was hit long continued re
flection upon the dospeiato condition of the
world as he know it nud its terrible doom as
ho learned it: its estrangement from God,
its abominablo wickedness, its flltby practices,
damnable herosies, hellish allurements. He
saw that "tho world lleth in tho wickod one'
and that men wcro rushing to hell as fist as
their vices could drive them. Then lluro
was his profound conviction of personal
responsibility for tho spread of tho Gospel and
tho uplifting of men to God. Hu felt that ho
was his brothors keeper.
Ho was seized with the conviction "woo is
xne if I preacli not tho Gospel" not an cmas-
ultaed Gospel but "tho whole counsel of God."
Ho felt, moreover, that lie must preach it not
only in season but out of season. Thcro was
so much to bo dono and so few engaged in do
Ing it and so many engaged In hindering it
that tho cry is extorted "who is sufficient for
these tilings." The angry mob drives him
from Antloch, he floes from flying missies at
Iconium, is dragged for dead from Lystra, is
imprisoned at I'hilippi, ridiculed and arrested
at Athens, and is boaton in his father's house
at Jorusalem no wonder lie felt weak. Hut
It was suoh woaknoss as only a master mind
can feel aflor realizing the overwhelming
magnitude of the work, tho tremendous re
sponsibillty under which he lives and the
in&deouacy of his own iiutlvo resources
it takes a moral gigant to feel such weakness,
Let us not suppose that it was like much of
weakness that we hear of now and which ro-
suite from spiritual leanness and downright
sloth fulness. Ills was the weakness of a soul
throbbing in unison with the thought of God
and entering fully into his designs concern
iug a lost nice and agonizing to seo them ful
filled, but at the samo tlino fooling restricted
in all his efforts by tho limitations of ilesh
and blood and the oppositions of tho foes o
Tho difference between moral giants and
pigmies is often measured by tho elftct pro
duced upon them by discouragements and
Impediments. Character reveals itself most
conspicuously in tho great crisis of lifo. Tho
outward disadvantages under which Paul
rrosecutcd his apostolic work the want of
social prestige, commanding presence, olo
qiiont utterance friendly influence, combined
with the constant oppositions and persecu
tions of his enemies would havo crushed
ordinary mortals to tho earth, but to Paul
they wero merely "infirmities in which lie
glorified" stepping stones upon which he
climbed to "the secret place of the Most
High" and linked himscK with the Infinite
Whatever strips us of our selfsufllciency and
drives us to seek God's holplng grace Is a
source of strength and blessing to us. Ob
stacles and hindrances are often blessings in
disguise. When doubt begins to ask "who is
euflleleut for these things, faith may, always
safely respond, "I can do all things through
Chiist which strengthened! me." Tho
living God haa declared "My graco Is sufficient
for thee, for my strength is made perfect in
Piles or Hemorrhoid
Permanently cured withoutkuifo or ligature.
No danger or suffering. No delay from bus
iness while under treatment. Patients who
are responsible need not pay until well. A
perfect euro guaranteed. Bend for circular.
E. SEED, M. I).,
129 South 13th BU, Philadelphia.
Refers, by permission, to the editor of the
Eyjcnino IIebald. tf
rcsentnl In ft Jtrler iind Interesting
Form-Lutest News From nil Parts or
Schuylkill Personals and Other
Mrs. Joseph Portor, of West Mahanoy
street, returned homo aftor a two month visit
up country.
Mrs. Rev. D. M. Jones, of Olyphant, Is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
John Ilarkor, of town, spont Sunday In
Shamokin among friends.
Adam Tuckor, formerly of this town, but
now of Pottsvllle, srent yesterday at his old
Coal Inspoctor O'Brien, of Schuylkill
Haven, attended to business at tho colliorics
In tho Mahanoy District yesterday.
Fred. Steockol, boiler maker, was at
Mahanoy Plane yesterday looking after tho
condition of colliery boilers.
Andrew Mack, In " Irish Loyalty," played
to a full houso last night and every ono who
attended seemed woll pleased with tho
rendition of his part.
Tho New Orleans Museum and Parisian
Glass Illowcrs, after exhibiting horo for tho
past weok, left yesterday.
Nick Sholoinos, a young Pole aged 12 years,
of Gllberton, was thrown from olectrio car
No. 17 and had his ankto broken.
William Brennan, who was so terribly
njured at Springdnlo colliery ono day last
week by a mulo kicking him, has been lying
n a precarious condition ever since. His
skull was crushed and the physician in
attendance deemed it unwise In his weakened
stato to perform an operation. But last
Saturday Dr. Weber took tho caso in hand
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
'DHMfel Baking
A CorroHpomlent Wants Shenandoah and
Miilumoy City Connected.
Editor IIerai.d: It seems to mo that
tho only way in which ono can secure what
ho wants is by "kicking" and "kicking"
very hard. It has, In almost overy instance,
succeeded In securing what has been sought.
Why should not wo, as merchants, get to
"kicking" now so Hint tho Traction Com
pany will extend its road to St. Nicholas and
connect with Its road there, or olso extend
tho same to Mahanoy City by way of
Fowler's, or some other sultablo route, there
by taking In part of Mahanoy township that
is not already traversed? I know that
Mahanoy City would not want this and
would opposo It all they know how, but, then,
Mahanoy City should not havo any moro
rights than any othor town. That town is
jealous of Shenandoah and wants tho earth.
Shenandoah is not built that way. Our
people wero anxious that their sister borough
should havo the electric railway as well as
the. rest of tho county and that is tho reason
why, I presume, Shenandoah poopio secured
a charter In which Mahanoy City streets wore
included. It will not bo long before Shcnan
and successfully performed tho operation of doah merchants will becomo nrousod and find
trepanning and hopes are now entertained of lots of their Mahanoy Valloy custom slipping
the young man's speedy recovery. away from them because the facilities for
Tho Columbian Fair which is being-hold reaching Mnhauoy City will be better than
by tho membors of tho St. FIdcles German those for reaching Shenandoah.
Catholic church in Kaior's hall, is being well Let President Bailey and Manager Yarna'l
attended. I be seen and importuned to make the oxtcn
Thomas Wylie, of town, took advantage of sion, and at tho same timo let them bo assured
the new electric lino to visit friends In of tho good will and co-operation of tho citi-
Dec. 20.
rtlit I'nllnry Incorporated.
UonDENTOWN, N. J.. Dec. 20.- The Iron
sides PoUory (loinpiny, named after nnd
nenr the home of Mrs. Delia C. S. Parncll.
now being started here, have filed their
certificate in the Secretary of State's office
at Trenton. The worn of building the
kilns has been given out to contractors.
Now for the Holidays !
Everybody wants it new lint for Christmas, nnd
tho beet place to get them Is from
M. C, Cleaver's Hat EmDorium !
Where you $111 And a most complete stock of
Hats, Gaps. Gents'1 Furnishing Goods
Cor. Lino St. and Girard Ave, GIMRDYILLE, PA. A Co.'s Collateml Sold.
Boston, Dec. 20. The collateral of
Irving A. Evans & Co., deposited In the
Maverick Nutlonal Bank as security for
the indebtedness of the firm to the bank,
wero sold nt auction at noon. Receiver
Boal of the bank bid them in at $70,710.84.
Boiling Suffering Women I
Miss Hay Harris, of Tamaqua, spent Satur
day and Sunday in town.
Charles llarnhard and Potor Cress, tho
United States Express Agent, received a con
signment of 150 turkeys last week from
West Virginia. They wero shipped by ono
of Girardville's citizens, G. W, Barnhard,
who has timber tracts down thero. They are
expecting 150 moro this week.
The Citizens' Cornet Band will givo a con
cert in tho Palace theatre on tho cvoning of
Docembcr 30th. Several bands from sur
rounding towns will take part.
Manager Becker has booked for Tuesday
night the great realistic comedy-drama
'Down tho Slope," Jos. Wllltlian. For Wed-
nosday night ho has Stetson's big spectacular
"Undo Tom's Company," composed of 30
Mrs. J. Prico is having a brick pavement
put in front of hor residence, opposite St.
Joseph's church.
John Dolbin, of Mt. Carmol, was a visitor
to town no Sunday,
Albort Arnold, proprietor of tho Oatelit,
wont to Philadelphia Monday morning on
business trip.
"We load, never follow." Ilolderman's
Jewelry store, corner Main and Lloyd streets.
Shenandoah, Dec. 19, 1802.
DIUAtliflod Rllnc Catholics Will Ak
Illm to Soul -llielr OrUvanoe.
liEADtNQ, Pa., Dec. 20. A warrant ban
been issued for ths arrest of Father Janus-
klewicz, pastor of St. Mary's Polish Cath
olio Ohuroh, who ordered the removal
fiom the sacred edifice of Mrs. Frank
Wolnawlci, a member, on the ground
that she was disturbing the most lug.
A wnrrant was issued at the snuio time
)rJohn Stlgoskl, special oflicer at the
Church, for assault.
Mrs. wolnawlcz claims that tne omcor
luid violent hands upon her in ejecting
There has been trouble in this church
for some time past nnd tho difference
will probably bo speedily brought to a
The dissatisfied membra have decided
to 6end a committee of five to Mgr.
Satolll, tho Pope's special representative
In America, to endeavor to secure the re
moval of the priest.
Tallod for 8300,000.
Ciiicaqo, Dec. 20 Dennis E. Sibley,
president of tho Sibley Elevator company,
has failed with liabilities of $2M,0D0.
Alive to the interests of
our lady readers, wo pub
Mrs. Simpson's letter
to Dr. Kennedy.
Dear Sir : I was nn In
valid for yenrs, suffering
from kidney 1 rouble nnu
female- weakness. Phy--leians
prescribed for me
.and I took various rem
edics, but -o benefit resulted. Our daily
paper noticed tho success of l)r. David
Kennedy's Favorite Itemed), of Hon-
i dout, N. Y., in cases similar to my own.
I purchased it. Tho first bottlo taken In
small doses, but very rcguinr, Improved
ma ivondorfiilly. Jly complexion
cleared, nppciilo improved, sleep was
sound nnd refresh indued n 1 iti le further
use entirely cured inc. There never was
a medicine tor woman-kind. likeFavoiito
Itemedy. With all my heart, let me urge
them touso it. Relief will bo the result.'
Hits. S. P. Siur60N, Turner, 111.
bucn a frank, candid
statement leaves the im
print of truth upon its
Tho best proof of the
Talue of Dr. Kennedy's
Favorito Itemedy, is Ihe
good it has dono. What
reason then for one fuller,
ing, or half sick, to
remain so.
WANTS, &o.
Apply to M. M. liurke.
r?01t UENT- Society and elub rooms in the
L post omceDunaiDg.
Attorney, Koom .
AI.AnV Oil -COMMISSION To uironts to
i handle the Patent Chemical Ink Erasing
encll. The most useful and novel invention or
tho age. lirases inn inorougniy l n iwo seconun,
A .Ant. Trmlrtnir Kl) nr week. We also want a
general agent to take charge of territory, and
money. Write lor terms ana sample oi eras-
IfnnrnH l-lrafilni? Mfff. t:o . XbOJ. IaurOHSO.
Wis. Il-'Jolm
to f 15 per day at home, selling Lightning
iu pulling juwuiry, wuitiicB,
Pfates tho finest of jewelry
good as new, on all Kinds of motal with gold,
Plater nn-
tableware, &c,
silver or nickel. No oxporiODOo. No oapllal.
Everv house has goods needing plating.
10 25-im H. 1C. BELNO & CO., Columbus. O
A mission, to handlo the new Patent Cbemt
mi Tniri.mRinir Illicit. The oulckest and great
est selling novelty ever produced. Erases Ink
thoroutrniy in two scconua. u iiurusiuu ui
paper, works like magic, zoo
When Baby was lV, we govo her Castorla.
When sbo was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became MUs, tho clung to CastoiU.
When she had Children, she cava them CastorUv.
The riuce For the Traveling
Itefrcsli and Nojourn.
Have you ever stopped at M. Michaol's
European Hotel and Hestaurant? If not, do
so when you visit tho county scat again.
Thero will be found an abiding placo such as
Pottsvllle can bo proud of. It has many
travolinir and local patrons for there Is
furnished tho best the market affords and
overv effort is niado to plonsc. Tho sorvlce
is perfect, which is so often neglected jn
hotels and restaurants. Mr. Michael has had
much experience in Ills business and he caters
to tho wants of ladles and gentlemen with
skill and close attention to details. All the
dining rooms aro homoliko and those for
ladles are attended by lady waiters and are
thoroughly private, whilo tho gontlemnn's
dining room is tho largest and most beauti
fully decorated In this region. The bar is
supplied with tho choicest liquors and tho
sleeping apartments are furnished tastefully
and comfortably. Au invitation is cordially
extended to call and inspect this newly fitted
I hotel. Heals and lunch at all hours, No. 18
S. Centre street, (near Academy of Music),
Pottsvllle, Pa.
12-17-3t M. Michael, Proprietor.
A bad milch or cold oallt for a cood remedy
-tho cure lor It. For Coutchs, Colds, 1j
Orlppe and Consumption, a perleH and
per nauent cure Is lan-rino, the worst cas-s
yttld to Its hfaltnir properties. 'osta 2cenU.
1'an-TlnaU sold at P. V. li. Klrltu' druu
ate re.
A Voice from Scranton.
Tho Shenandoah clty council took a very I
ridiculous view of a Journal's criticisms when
It deolded todobar Its reporters from attending
the council meetings. If tho criticisms were
unfair, this octlon was not necessary to offset
them among intelligent persons, and If they
were fair, nothing could boa more embarrassing
oonfesBlon of guilt, Council meetings are not
private caucusoi, but public assemblages In
wh'ca every taxpayer who observes tho pro
prieties common among gentlemen has an
undoubted right to bo present. ,5tern(o
Fire last night caused a loss of ft50,000
at St. Louis, Mo.
-Therr nro 2C.i!Ql,983 bushels of wheat
in private elevators at Minneapolis.
Tho official count in Michigan given Har
rison niue electors utid Cleveland live.
William Itussell. tho oldest paper malcor
in America, is dead at Uellow's Fulls, Vt.
All the miners and workmon of tho
Spring Hill, N. S., colliery, are ou strike.
The U. B. S. Dolphin has arrived at the
Wishiugtnu jNavy Yam irom norioiK,
Tho railroads centering at Kansas City,
Mo., aro ajjuin suffering from a ear suort-
In a dispute nt lSvansville, Ind., Bort
Tolo shot und instantly killod James
The First Bantlat Church, Galesburg,
111., was destroyed by fire with-a loss of
Postmaster-Oenaml Wanamaker has
established tho treo delivery system at
Phcuuix, Ari7i.
The North Amorican Endowment Asso
ciation. Boston, has lioue into the hands
of a receiver.
Viee-Presldent-olectStevenson and party
have left Bloomiuiiton, 111., on their
Southern trip.
It Is renorted that Anson, of Chicago,
will cuptum the ftcw York baseball club
nasi. lUUkiIl
to 500 hut cent.
protlt. One agent's salos amounted to wai in
six days. Another W In two hours. Previous
experience not necessary. For terms nnd lull
nnrtlnnlara ndrtrnRfl Thfi Monroe Mf'fT Co.. L,a
Crosso. Wis. X439 5-24-ly
Men. TUB ITUV1UVU t nBBm.ii.MU",
"or im T.lhoriv Rtrpet. ltalltmore. Md. do-
slres to engago a manager In this pm ofUio
state. An experienced, active buslaos man,
who can present proper lesiimouuus, us 10
character and ability, and wno is willing
to do personal work, is offered a permnncnt
andprolltabli position, Tho Association also
rquir?B l"6 sorvices oi special, uinmui. uuu
local agents, Address.
Take the Nickel Plate Holiday Excursions,
One fare for the round trip between all points
on tho line., longest limits.
or address B. F. Horner, Oeneral Passenger
Agent, Cleveland, 0.
A Voice From Florida.
Dr W. K.'Uynum, Live Oak. Florida, saysi
Med Flag OU U one of the most successful
iiflk cures we sell. It's an unfailing remedy
oV lufemnatUn.. Neura.rla and i Hprulns.
Ked Flag Oil oosLs M cents. Bold at P. 1. 1),
XlrUu's drug store.
lUAUTER NOTICE. Notice Is hereby
Vj given that an application will bo mado to
the uou
the Stub diy ot Dec, A. V.. 1KU, ut lu o'clock In
nrt nf (lommon Pleas of the County of I
ScbuylUlll, State of Pennsylvania, on Monday,
the forenoon, under the "Aot of Assembly to I
nrovlde for the Incorporation ot certain corpor
ations," approved April ft). 1871, and the
fmnnlements thereto, for the charter of an
Intended corporation to be called and known as I
"Hins joan aouieguieo in i-uubu jwmuu
Poll nn u no, i la I UOlUOllO urneuClU! OOCieiy. Ul ouuuauuuuu,
on agents . .. . character and object of which are :
The maintenance of an organization for I
beneficial and nrotactlvo Durnoses. by the I
establishment of a bonehclal fund therein, and
to cultivate a charitable and benevolent spirit I
AmnnGP the members thereof. Hald Soelelv to 1
be carried ou at Hhenandoah, Pennsylvania, and
lor tnese purposes 10 nave, posses ana enjoy uu i
me rigats. ocnenis, ana privileges coaierreu
oy siu ab oi Assemoiy.
M, M. DUHKK, Solicitor
Shenandoah, Pa., Nor. M. 11-88 in
Tt n Onirf . Omtff hi. Bar, Throat. Croun. Influ
ents, Whooping Couth, Bronchitis indAithmi.
A certain cure for Coaiumptlon in nret stagee,
sad s sure relief la aivtnced itagei. Vee et one,.
You will see the exoellent effect after teklnf the
tret aoac. Bold by dealers everywhere. Large
feottUI 0 cents and 1.UV.
8. KI8TL15U, U. D.,
" Pn7R10lA.ll AND anjtanoN,
Office 10N Jsraln street, 3tenndoh P
J. M. Qllok again has the finest line of
3 Boots and Shoes
In tho valley, and defies successful compe
tition. His prices for Boots, Shoes and
Rubber Goods aie lower than the lowest.
No. 21 Parker Street, GIRARDV1IXE, PA.
Lehigh Valley Division.
NOV 13. 1892.
Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring
cleanliness and comfort
Pussenircr trains lcavo nhonandoah for
Penn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Le-
hlghton, Slatington, Whlto Hall, Catasauqua,
Aiicntown. iicinicnem. jasiou. I'miaaemnia.
Ilazleton, Wcatherly, Quakako Junction, Del
ano anu xviananoy uny ai e.oi. y.w, v.ue n m.,
12.& n. m.
i-or now York. is. 4. a. m.. r.o-. s.iu,
5.27 p. m.
For Hazleton, Wilkes-Darre, White Haven,
l'ltlston, Lacey vine, Towanua, sayro. waveny,
iimira, itocnesier, isiagara r aiis anu me w est,
10.41 a. m., (3.10 p. m., no connection for Itoches-
tcr. Iiuflalo or Nlatrara Falls). 8.03 n. m.
For Helvldere. Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudshurg, 6.04 a. m., 6.S7 p. m.
For Lamuermno ana Trenton, i.u a. m.
For Auburn. Ithaca. Geneva and Lyons. 10.41
a.m., 8.03 p. m.
i or jsanesvuio. revision ana ucaver xvieauow,
.40. 9.08 n. m.. B.27. 8.03 o. m.
For Audenrlcd. Hazleton. Stockton and Lum-
Dcr vara,, 7.tu,, iu.ii a. m.,, a.iu,
5.27 p. m.
i- or acranion, o.ui, w.uo, iu.ti a. m., a.iu, o.i p.
For Ilazlebrook. Jeddo. DTlfton and Freeland,
0.01, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.&2, 3.10, 5.27 p. m.
For Ashland. Ulrardvlllo and Lost Creek. 4.27,
7.48, 8.62, 10.15 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.S5, 8.10, 9.15
For Raven Itun, Centrallo, Mount Carmel and
Shamokin, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.07 p. m.
For Yatosviue, park Piaco, Mananoyuityaca
Delano, 6.57, 7.40. 9.08, 10.41 a m., 12.62, 3.10, 6.28,
8.03, 0.24, 10.27 p. m.
Trains win lanvo HnamoKin abv.M. ii.ra a. m..
2.10, 4.30, p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at a. m.. j.iu. d.i o. m.
Leave Shenandoah for i'oitsviue. D.w, 7.u,
0.08. 10.41 a. in.. 12.62. 3.10. 4.10. ft.CT. 8.03 O.
ieuvu x uunviuu lor aucuauuwiu. u.w,
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m., 12.32, 3.00, 6.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.3U
p. m.
Loave Shenandoah for Ilazleton, 6.01, 7.40, 9.08,
10.41 a. m.. 12.62, 3.10, 6.27, 8.U3 p. m.
Leavo Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 7.30, 9.15
11.08 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 6.S0, 7.10, 7.68 p. m.
Trains leavo for Ashland, a Irardvlllc and Lost
Creek, 7.29, 0.40 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m.
For Yatevllle, Park Placo, Mahanoy City.
9 n m
wnr PhUp.rtnlnhla and Now York. 12.30 n. m.
For Yutesvllfe, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
riBlnnn. 8.40. 11.35 a. m.. 12.30. 2.55. 4.40 6.P1 O. m.
Leave Uazloton for Shenandoah, 8.30, 11.30
a m.. 1 OS. 4.37 n. m.
Leavo Shennndoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 8.40,
Qlft-m. 12.30 245 n. m.
' Leavo PottBVtllo for Shenandoah, 8.30, 10.40
a.m.,, 6.15 p. m.
I' A. SWEIQAHD, Gen. Mgr.
C. G. HANCOCIC. Gen. Pass. Act.
Philadelphia, Ta,
First National
SUenandonli, I'ennn.
P. J, FERQU80N, Vice President.
S. W. YOST, Assistant Cashier.
Open Daily From 9 to 3.
Interest Paid on Savings Deposit.
sonim.Kii.1. DIVISION.
NOVEMUER 16. 1891.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after tho above
t!l C PAYS for a home lot at May's Land
PXJ ing, the line suburb of Atlantic City; 5
squaVes from H. ll. commutation faro to Phila.,
JS cents; has court houso, holols, schools,
ohurches, cotton, paper, doming, cigar bush,
brick, and lumbering mills, with finest water
power; tine driving, fishing, gunning, bathing,
selling; city and country combined; S3 Iiousob
built last year ana noi oau euipiy; u mu uuu
sure Investment; f50 lnvestod will increase
Ml In Gmonths; 3 mills built this year; lots are
80 feet abovo ocean; 10 per cent, off for cash;
v. inta fnr title insurea. bena tor eirouiur.
FrankUe St., wiiaaeipma.
1'. J. rUllUUDUI., UAdlUCJI.
b'outh Bethlehem. Pa.
I1UE lAULH in E.ISAU1 nut. ii, lov.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For Now York via rnuaueipniu.
2.08,5.23, a.m., 12.33 2.
2.08. 7.48 a. m. For Now Yov:
wpcu oavs. a. in.. z.ta n. m.
For Rradlne and PhlladelDhlu. week days.
2.08, 5.23, 7.18, 10.08 a. m.,12.33, 2.48, 5.63 p. m. Sun
iliw. 2 (. 7.4B a. m.. 4.28.D.'m
For Harrisburg. week days, 2.08, 7.1 a. m.,
2.48,5.63 p. m.
For Aiicntown, week days, 7.i a. m.,
2.48 p. m.
2.48, 5.53 p. m. Sunday
1-Or IttUiUlua UIIU umiiwj umjto
Hi 7 1H.10.U8 a. m..!2.:i3. 2.48. 5.63 n. m. Sun
day, 2.08, 7.48 a. m., 4.28 p. m. Additional for
Mahanoy City, week days, 6.53 p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18
a. m., 2.48 p. m. ,
week days, 3.23, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 8.68 pm.
' For Pottsvllle. week days, 2.08, 7.18 a. m., 12.S3,
.48. 5.53 p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 7.46 a. m., 4.28 p. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days,
For Mahanoy Piano, week davB, 2.08, 3.23, 5.23,
1U 10 (W 11 fflt n.. in . 12.33. 1.33. 2.48. 5.5:1. U.M. 9.33
p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 3.23. 7--o a. m.,, .sn p. m.
Matinee Saturday at 2.15 p. m.
Minnie Lester !
And her own company in a now play every
night, llrand new show.
The Creole Spy.
A Band Concert Every Night by Minnie Les
ter's own uanu.
Popular Prices.
Reserved seats on sale at Klrlln's drug store.
Largest and oldest reliable purely catli com
panies represented by
120 S. JaroinSL. Slionanooah.Pa,
Respectfully Informs bis old friends und the
public generally that be has taken charge of tho
Oiu Bianu luieiy oucuyicu uy i-uu- auuuad.
where he will keep on hand a fresh stock ot
Porter, Ale and Lager Ucer. Finest brands of
Liquors ana cigars.
PaulSumma, oot,WB?tft at.
For Glrardvllle, (Rappahannock Station),
urnnk rtfwa 2 (1H 3 23. ft.23. 7.18. 10.08. 11.28 a. m.
12.33,1.33, 2.48, 6.53, 8.58, 9.23 p, ta. Sunday, 2.08,
3.23, 7.40 a. m., 3.1M, xa p. m.
wnr inh nnd nnn Kn-imoK n. weei uavs. a.&o.
5.23. 7.18. 11.28 a. m., 1.33, 6.58. D.3J p. m, Sun
day, 8.23, 7.46 a. m., 3.03 p. m.
..... . ..... ,(r. An ,.t . i,nn a Tf .
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days-
7.45 a. m 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12,15 night. Sun'
Lsavo New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4 m H 45 1 m.. 1.00. 4.30 n. m. Sundav. 7.15 a. m
4.00, 6.00 p. m., from llroad and Callowhill and
hash m.. 11.30 n. m. from 9lh and Green streets.
Sunday, 9.05 a. m., 11.30 o. m , from 9th and
Leave ltcaaing, weea aays, i.ivi,, n.ou
a. ra., D.65, 7.07 p. m aunuay, i.i, iu.ta u. w.
12.30, 6,11 p. in Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 2.OT p. m.
Leavo Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.23 a.
m., 1.21,7.15, V.2B p, m. sunuay, i.u u. iu.
2 m n. m.
.nt.A Ainnnnnv .T. wciu uuvb.
11.47 a. ra., 1.51, 7.42, 9.51 p. m. Sunday, 3.46, U1S
a. m., 3.20 p. m.
ijeave Aiananoy riuno, wou u yo, .w, 10.40.1 1.69 a. m.,, 6.20,6.28,7.67,10. 10
p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 u. m., 3.87, 6.01 p. m.
weeks davs. 2.47. 4.07. 6.36. 9.41 10.18a. m.. 12.0.V
2.12, i.U, 6.28, 6.32, 8.03, 10.18 p. m, Sunday, 2.47,
AM. R X. a. m.. 3.41. 5.07 n. m.
Leave will amsnort. week aays, .w,, u.uo
a. m., 3.3d, ll.lDp. ra. aunaay, 11.19 n, m.
For llaltlmore, Washington and the West via
11. & O. R. R.. through trains loave Girard
Avenue stutlon, Philadelphia, (P. & R. R. IU at
3 Dj,e.ui, ii.-f a. m., o.oof o.. p, m. ouuuuy,
stiU,B.u2, ii.n a. m., a.oo, o.i:, nop. m.
Loave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf
and rtntitr, Rtrnnt wharf, for Atlantla Cltv.
Weekdays Expross, 9 00 a m, 00. 4 00, 5 00,
p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a m, & 45, o 30 p ra.
Sundays Express, V00, am. Aci
.Inn Bl,lsm n1 1 SO n m
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, Atlantic
and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express,
7 0U, 7 is, sou a m ona pm.
Accommodation. 8 10 a ra and 4 SO p m.
Sundays Express, 4 00 p m.
Aocommodallon. 7 80 a ra and 4 30 p m.
O. G. HANCOCK, Uen'l xass'r (Aft
L A. BWEIQAIU;, Oen 1 Manager
a. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays. For Potts
vllle and Intermediate stations 9: 10 a. m.
For Wlecan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
Castlo. St Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:00, 9:40a.m.
and 3:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town, Phcenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leave ivracKviuo tor "ncnanaoan at
10:40a.m. and 12:14. 5:01. 7:42 und 10:09 d. m.
hundays, 11:13 a. m. and6:40p, m.
j,cavo roitsvuie ror nenanaoan ai iu:ia,
11:48a. m and 4:40.7:15 and 9:42 p. m, Sundays
at 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (llroad street station) for
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a m,
4 10 and 7 00 p m week days, un Sundays leave
at 6 60 a m. For Pottsvllle, 9 23 a m. For New
York at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35, 6 60, 7 30, 820, 830,
0 50. 11 0U. 11 14. 11 35 a m. 12 00 noon (limited ex
lelphlu, week days, press 1 08 and 4 60 p m) 12 41, 1 35, 1 40, 2 30, 3 20,
!.48,6.53p.m. Sunday 1 00, 4 02, 6 00, 600, 6 20, 6 50, 7 13, 8 12 and lOOOp
i-k via Mauch Chunk, m, 12 01 night Sundays at 3 20, 4 05, 4 40, 5 35,
8 12. e 3U, v wi u ao a m ana is a. l u, -a ai, v-
(limited 1 50) & 28, o 20, o ho, 7 13 ana s iz p m ana
12 01 nleht. For Sea Q Irt. Long Uranch and In
termediate stations 8 20 and 1111 am, and 4 00
p m weekdays. For llaltlmore anu wasning
ton 3 60, 7 20, 8 31, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18 a m, 12 35 (Urn
itcdoxpress, 1 30,3 48.) 4 41, 667, 7 40 p m 12 03
night. For Freehold only 5 00 p ra weekdays.
ror uammoro oniy ut s ik, ui, p uo uuu ii h
m. Sundays ut 3 50. 7 20, 9 10. 11 18 a ra, 4 41, 6 57
7 40 p m, 12 03 night. llaltlmore only 6 08, 11 3t)
p m. j.1 or uicmnonu t u m, i ou p ui uuu i
night. Hundays, 7 20 a m, 12 03 night.
Trains will leave Harrisburg for Pittsburg
and tho West overy day at 12 25 and 3 10 a m
ana (iimueu aw) ana p m. vvayiorAi-
toona at b id am ana iiodb every aay. r or
Pitwbureand Altoona at 1120 a m everyday
and 10 20 p m week days.
Trains win leave unmiry ror wiiuamsport,
Elmlra. Canandalgua, ltochestor, lludulo and
Niagara FallB at 6 10 a m, and lis p m week
days. For Elmlra at D so p m ween aays. . i'or
Erie and intermediate nolnts at 5 10 am dally
For Lock Haven at 6 10 and 9 66 a m daily, 1 35
end au p ra week aays r or uenovo at o iu a
1U uu
O. II. Poem, J. R. Wood,
uen'l Manager, uon ix-assg r Agt
m, 135 and 5 30 p m week days, ana 5 10 a re
Sundays only. For Kano at 6 10 a m, 1 35 i
weok days.
13 IEujo
rtC.rtll r'ourlli St.
bolow i Urteo,
IUX Dd advertlalLf dootora bftft fftlled,
imwell quEOli tu pruulM to cur
juM ftfutf Il oi tier lull, bd toilfyti
trmumui, Hd mtut lm UU nwludkra,
tbn fill tuvuurkufurerii, wllb their o
Ule4 inula, riKtvrRiliM. uUu, tup
txtrlera, tud Mlai ctri uonirum hum.
buf Htuocrus, (Le bunm euru umdloinoi,
etc , io , he wlbiiU-d ud rt-bl
hn hie had d rMM' CllTiilMU XtUtdUl Itld S8 V tTlCtt
cut eirltBflt. Bi iMoined tyiilm. Uu .uu ,uu tuljoa
lieihcr your one UcursM or Mt. lltrdoeo tnlc- pur
dua h eluim U be Uod't squsl, but b ditr ui tt moit aev
PirtU ohm ut SrpbUli. Ulcen. Btrlctnreii OouorrboM
oUon. i&d DUehwgoi. fitfcrr finu Mi iincholl tud
dnnbtrtdi.4jig, siud kill tbM dlwwH t t ' u kk i youthlul
Indljicrfltloa, or both . are auru ut a r lemtuUr.
iJlt TI1EEI duM eur wbt ll tiln 1 1 v tioiiodo. DR.
IHEEt am oommon mpm tremiii n ' if r nMw 9 tbe jUiot
vniblc. UoiacBitblet Mid Kuhuili -t it - of oifdlclDO ulitr
tter thtr are fudlwied. Jt""r. t.i m It-vk etco
Ion, 1148, Vpd.e4Bsvt.eitii'ni r, a 6 m 10 0 lock t Una
dkja, 9 ui IS. U4 10 n- t i , t uim for bonk
tbe onW lrunit-ilt ul 1 1 k atittrmwd a friend tr oM,
Jeanf , and mlddlt-ned ot u-itt - MriteureeU. A01U
oetraroliiCOueKtfni) H. at bonkn tbian ifrtiajrc
will find ibelr Iguorai.x -vj.-wi UFAt) Dr Tbcel tcU
inpiilaU la Wedovitdiij ui hiurd l'tillitdeliibla TitM
Saloon : and : Restaurant
First-class Latrer Deer. Ale. Porter and Tem-I
perance Drinks aAd Clgaru. Fine old Wine I
and Liquors always on hand.
U, O., Pro