HUE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS! Tind no difficulty in securing what thoy requiro for their ta bles at our store. Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. l'KKSONAL. Hon. D. D. rhillips, of Gordon, -was in town yesterday. Krod. Wolf, of Pittsburg, transacted busi ness lioro yesterday. MIsh Rachel Rcoso, of Ccntralla, visited friends in town yesterday. W. It. Townsend, of the Kopitszch Soap Co., was in town yesterday. Messrs. James and Gcorgo Schoencr were in Mabanoy City yesterday on business. Alexander Govan, of Pottavlllc, who lias Leon spending several days with his daughter, Mrs. llritton, of Turkey Bun, returned homo yesterday, A Child Knjoyg The pleasant flavor, gentle action and sooth ing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if tho father or mother be costive or bilious, tho most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should h.'ivu'u bottle. Twelve Photos for 60e. By sending us your cabinet, together with 60 cents, we wilt finish you ono dozen photos. 11-2-tf W. A. Keauey. Ilrlnllu Writes Attain. Kditou IIukali) : I would like to Bay something in reply to Martin Fancy answer ing my challengo and calling me to Shenan doah to mako a match. Now, then, Mr. -'uhey answered my challenge to run ono hundred yards and ho took good aire not to answer it in the papers, after I had asked him to answer through tho Mkrald, or the Vilkon-Il.irro Hews-Denier. When my backer and mo went to his own hotel in Shenandoah to make tho match he was afraid to put up. Tho only excuse ho had was that ho would not run mo 100 yards. Hut ho said he would run mo 120 yards. Ho claimed that was his distance. Now he las only run ono race at that distance. All his other races were at 100 yards and ho wants to take mo out of my distance. Fahoy is trying to hold up his reputation as a foot runner in Schuylkill county, but if ho want to hold it up ho will havo to put up and run me. Ho has more wind than speed. What I say through tho newspapers I am willing to back with tho stuff. All Schuylkill county papers please copy. Jam KB IT. Bmblin. Warrior Hun, Dec 13, 1892. USE DANA'S SAltSAPARILLA, its "TI1E KIND THAT CURES." Klectrlo Hallway Bulletin. Hproaficr tho electric railway cars will leave tho corner of Cherry and Main streets at BiSO a. m. daily and every 2Q minutes thereafter until midnight, at whlcli hour tho last .car will leavo for Girardvlllo. On Mon day,' November 7th, 1802, tho fare for any length of ride between Shenandoah and Girardvlllo will be reduced to five (6) cents. Coming HveiitM. Dec 1G and 17. Drummer Boy; or Spy of Bhiloh, in Fergusons theatre, under the auspices of W. lamp No. 200, P. O. S. of A, Dec 22 Grand fair, Columbia Hose & tara Fire Engine Co.; Ferguson's front hall. Deo. 20 and 27 "The Confederated Spy; or Tho Blue and Gray," under the auspice of Honry Ilorncastlo Camp, No. -I), Sons of Veterans, in Ferguson's theatre, for tho bene fit of Boldlers' Monument fund. Feb. 13. First annual ball of Gen. Har rison Lodge, K. of P., in Bobbins' opera house. U8K DANA'S SAUSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CUBES" Bust work done at Brcnnan's Steam Laun dry Everything white and spotlcM. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed The Wm, l'enn Fair. The fair of the Liberty Cornet Band, of Lost Creek, now being held at Wm. Peun, i drawing large crowds. A largo assortment of very beautiful articles are on exhibition at the fair, among them lounges, double heaters, chairs and jowelry of all kinds." Miss Mar garet Small presented a very beautiful piece. Mrs. Harvey Miuers a pin cushion, Mrs, Dr. 8. 11. Brady a largo doll bride, Mies Alice Metz a china ornament, and John Weeks a pin cushion with P. O. S. of A. monogram. I.hiip'b Family Medicine Moves the Jloweln Each day. In order to bo healthy this is necessary, i MR. LEOKIB SURPRISED. Tho School Teachers Waited. Upon Illm Last Night. Surprised Indeed was Mr. Lccklo when at 7:30 o'clock last ovculng tho school teachers in a body entered his home, and for a few hours took undisputed possession. Mr. Lccklo is the most popular teacher In the corns, and many Were the expressions of delight when his co-laborers hcanl of his good fortune In securing an appointment in tho department service at Washington. To pay a tribute to his merit as a man and teacher, and to evidenco their friendship for him personally, forty-thrcoadmiriug friends all teachers culled at his homo and in tho most enthusiastic merrymakings whiled away a few Joyous hours. Solos and duetts were rendered, instrumental muslo admirably per formed; declamations and speeches, glowing with fervid eloquence, were delivered. Evory speech contained a tributo to Mr. Leckio's ability aud accomplishments. Prof. Freeman, wisely affectod, in sub stanco said: "Mr. Leckio's work in the grammar school has been of tho most ex cellent nature, and I fear wo will havo con siderable difficulty in filling his place. In saying this I do not reflect upon tho ability of tho other teachers. But it docs not matter how excellent your scholarly attalnmcuts, how good a teacher you may bp In the lower grades, yet without tho experience in tho grammar school you will find that position a very dlfllcult one to manage" Mr. Ehrhart heartily endorsed what Prof. Freeman had said, and after speaking about Mr. Leckio's intellectual attainments gaid, In suhstanco: "Ho was a faithful, in dustrious aud conscientious studout, and apt scholar and a devoted pupil, and if tho same qualities inspire him In his futuro action, I entertain no doubts of bis ultimate success." The following aro tho names of tloso who wcro present: Misses Jennie Kamage, Clara Cllne, Lizzie O'Connell, Lydla Eisenhower, Anna Dunglcr, Mahala Fairchlld, Bridget Burris, Amelia C. Schoeuer, Aunlo Mauselh Jennie Lambert, Carrie Faust, Eliza J. Fin norty, Mary Stack, Mary Lallerty, Ella Chuiser, Lizzlo Lcho, Minnie Harnett, Sallio Coury, Annio Kiminell, Mary Connelly, Magglo Breunan, Sallio Faddcn, Mary Wasley, Corlnno Tempest, Mary Fox, Carrie Smith, Irene Shane, Mary Roberts, Nellie B.ilrd, Ida Kolb, Lillio Phillips, Hun. nah Morrison, A nnioShcchcy, Mary L. Lynch, Kiito Cunningham; Superintendent Free man, Principal Ehrhait, and Messis. Wm. H. Britt, John B. Schcunlng. J. W. Burke, M. F. Conry, F. J. Williams aud J. II. Lewis. Neckties, mulllers and silk handkerchiefs in all tho latistand most approved styles and at exeeediugly low prices at tho Peoplos' store. 1215-tf All styles of carpot sweepers at O. D. Fricko's carpet store. Buy ono for your wife oi mothor for a Christmas present. 12-15-Ct Mrs. lllackur Dead. At St. Clair, December 13th, Mrs. Sarah, widow of tho lato William Blacker, formerly of Shenandoah. Buy your child a pair of rubber boots. They will cost you but 00 cents at tho Peo ples' store, 121 North Main street 12-lG-tf Chart Open. Tho chart for tho sale of reserved scats for "Tho Drummer Boy of Shlloh," which is to bo produced at Ferguson's theatre on the 16th unci 17th iusts., under tho auspices of Wash ington Camp, No. 200, P. O. S. of A., is now open at Kirlin's drug store Tho reason why Arnica and Oil Liniment is so popular with the ladles is becauso it not only is very healing and soothing but its odor is not at all offensive. lm V Halvatlon Oil tho greatost euro on earth for pain Is universally accepted liy horKomenaud veterinarians as the no plus ultia of liniments. Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the name Lrsio & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed sn every sack. 3-3-3taw Spectacles to suit all eyes, at PorU's book and stationery store, No, 21 North Main street, t-T-tl "Whoa Baby was aisle, we gave br C&atorla. "When she wm a Child, alio crUl for Cajturta, AVlien she bocame 3(L, he dun t Caaturia. When aha had Children, aha gave them Caatorla. G rand Opening Display. DESIRABLE X-HAS OIPXS. Our efforts to mako thin display tbo grandest and most elaborate we have yet atu mpted has bion achieved alter many weeks of hard work and by searching through all tbo various mar ket. Tho Innumerable articles wo otter lncludo tbe following at low prices; 33ooUi9-Webire 1,(00 12mos, beau tifully bound In cloth and gold, which wo will hell at 3Uc; elsewhere. 36c. 1-UmU Vntfn ami Album Our line of plush oases thli season have been selected with tbo greatest care, Including Khavlng Sols, Sowing Implements, Manicure Sets, l'lusb Albums In nil the Irteet designs. Hymnals, and Oxford Bibles at all prices, An elaborate array ot Ilric-a llraoand Bisque Figures and I'ellulold goods. Gold pens and pearl holders, il to 15. In plush ooaee, J 1.60 up. Games of all Description. HOOKS & BROWN, 4 Xortli Main Street. BUT W (j-irvin, Duncan & Waidley's A new lot o Mirrors French bevel and German plate glass. Also an elegant assortment of Lemon ade sets and all kinds of Table Glassware, Fancy Engraved Lemonade Sets for $1.25, including tray. Our stock for holidays is complete. Call and sec our stock of Plush Goods, Ornaments and Toys. ( Our Candy Counter is quite an attraction these days, and sales increase as the festive season approaches. Our patrons will do well to make their X-mas pur chases early and avoid the great rush which immedi ately precedes the Great Holiday. 3 SBoixtla. 3MCgv:re Stroot. We Are Just Opening Up a full line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's COATS .CARPETS for Fall Trade. New styles arriving dally. J. J. PRICE'S, OLD RELIABLE NORTH MAIN STREET. Just opened at 25 South Main St. Seff's Double Store. A FULL line of Dry Goods, Under wear, Notions, Hosiery, Blankets, Comforts, Boots and Shoes, which must ' be sold be before January 4th, 1892. AT OUR OLD STAND, No. 23 South Main St., we will keep a full stock of Men's, Boys and Children's Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnish ing Goods. Call and secure bargains. S3E3EE.3, 23 and 25 SOUTH MAIN STREET. ID If you aro Boekiog n piano to purchase CHRISTMAS CANDIES! ..,. No. 35 North Main Street M. L. KEMMEEEK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. Special brand of Candies for Sunday Schools. The salo of dollar bottles of Ko-da, the great Mexican Mood Tonic, for 85 cents, for the pur I pose of Introduction, will continue for ono I week longer. As tho merits of tho medicine become Huown tho demand grows greater. It I is a positive cure for dyspepsia, headache, neu- I rslgla, rheumatism, scrofula, heart troubles, i vti H lt performed many wonderful cures :m ba manager has received tbe most flatter I in '4tUraoniaIs fioin Shenandoah pernio. y tn lug advantage of tbe advertising piico you ire 75 cents on every bottle. THE O UK AT Fresh Morris Itlver Cove Oysters reorl dally at Ceslett'a. tK ' i Wm. McCarthy, HM H. 8th St.. tln-im.ail, Ohto, writes: "f usedDr. I5uu Cough i?v. it In ray family with good results." We i,.,.m nieud It to all beads of families as the i Mexican Medicine Co. Has opened a branch office in E.A1TS BUILDING, 8 EAST CENIRE S7 -SHENANDOAH HctKlciuiirters For Florida Oranges I wish to announce to the publie that I will receive a car load of Oranges direct from Florida, sweet and juicy, for the holiday trade. Will be sold for 12c a dozen and up. Furnished to Sunday schools by the box. .A.. WOMEB, 124 lira J ii Street. FOR THE pl'UlGUSON'S TTlEATItK. P. J. FEriOUfaON, MANAOEIL For two nights only, Friday and Saturday, DECEMBER 16th and 17th, '92 The great war drama, entitled The Drummer Boy, Or Spy of Bhiloh. Under Auspices of W, Camp, No. Ill Pi 0, S, of IS, Over 100 Pcoplo In tho Cnst. A, F. NAIL in the Leading Hole, 'Uncle Jos' rhtl. J. Conncll as "Frank Rutlcdge-," Minnie Ouldln as "Drummer Hoy;" John Reese us "Murt Howard," and I.lttlo Her tie Ouldln In her specialties, to gether with excellent local cast. lriccH, 15, as ami 35 Cents. Reserved scats on sale at Kirlin's drugstore. A Knotty Problem ! Is the Gift question, but it will be solved by call- G ing- at the store of J. P I "Williams & Son, where F you will find the most T desirable presents in the S Furniture line, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Ma chines. J- p- Williams & Son, 13 South Wain St. Matters aro Becoming Interesting And In the musical line to-day without doubt tho most Interesting matter Is that W. Wilde Jlns procured the most complete stock of Musical (Joods in lbeco uiy.embrao lug everything in the musical line Tbe next most lnti rcuuiiK thine is that he la selling those delightful new ATJTOHARPS can bo played by any one in a few days. V lanos, Organs. Vlolins.Uultars, lirass Instruments, aud full lino sheet music. Cor, Jartlin aud Lloyd Sts. hristmas Holidays ! Tbo retail Toy Department of Fred, Kclthan, 104 North Main street, con. talcs a choice collection of the most ap propriate articles for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR GIFTS. Ice Cream made to order at shortest notice. Fruit and Christmas cakes mado in the finest style. Weaie also prepared to supply Bun day OcdooIs" with Candles at wholesale pricos. Fred. Keithan, Baker and Confectioner, 104 North Main Street. JpEROUSON'S THEATRE. P. J. FERGUSON, JJANAOEIL Ono week, commencing MONDAY, DECEMBER 19. Matlneo Saturday at 3.15 p. m. Minnie Lester ! And her own company in a new play every di.qe. iiranu now snow, Opening play, "The Silver A New Play. Ledge A Rand Concert Evory Night by Minnie Les ter's own Hand. Popular Prices. .Reserved seats on sale at Kirlin's drng store DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant The leading place in town, lias lately been entirely reno vated Hvcry tiling new. clean and fresh. Tbo Snout line of Wines and Liquors I Cigars, &o., foreign and do mestic Free luncb served each evening. Ulg schooners ot f resh,Ueer,l'orter, Ale, &c OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J, J, DOUQHERTV, Prop. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ, Uosslor's old stand) nalnuud CoulHtH,, Hlicnnudoali, Heat beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest arands of whiskeys and cigars, icnca. fool room at- 10 CtNTS FOR A WINDOW SHADE. Others, ready to put up spring roller, for 5e, 85c, 45o. 60o and unwards. Par. ties desiring only tho shading or tlx lures can be accommodated. C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Stare, 10 S. Jardin Street. jJ B. KISTIiKIC, M. D., rnraioiAN and hvhqeob. Office ltO N. Jirdlu street. Bbenandoata, Pa DOJ'T BEI il G-IIcXiY ! But go to SNYDER'S, Coal and Jardin Sts. He has the best lino of In Shenandoah. Don't fo'get the placo, Snyder's, Cor. Coal and Jardin Sts. SnENiVHTDO A H, 3.3. ID 0 : 0) jOTt- For Bargains in First-class Heaters and Furnaces, BOTH NEW apd SECOND-IMP m ' li K r i THS Ejy M. JL A JlJIU m j. i l i ItK I !i II . 1 . GIRARDVILLE, PA. Ho has also the largest assortment in tho county, comprising the celebrated Anollo. Othello Volley, Irving, Novelty, New Uride. Cinderella, llloek W arrlor, Grand Perfect MnsirrWnrS' man, Rival, New Model, Old and Now Lehigh. A full lino always In .lock. Also rsi"asH line XTontors and Furnaoos, All In good conditon and warranted or money. refunded or exchanged. A fine line of No TNew Advance ana Miners' Rest stoves for I3 each; No. K. 10; good No. 1 Eccona'band doubli Tht! from 110 Up, and.Stoves and Ranges from mi to J10. Hvcri on. warrant up in any pari or mo county wunins) miles or Girardvlllo. ;- . Over lto diflerimt sizes and stylos of hetond-hand Heating Stoves to tolcct from. Also a tine line of Single and Doublo Heaters, both round and square, at all price-. Roofing, Spouting, Jobbing, Plumbing and Gas-Fitting Promptly attended to at the lowest market price. Anthony Wayne and American Washinr Machines a specialty, Stove, beater and range repairing promptly done Delivered withnnt extra charge sn OF PHILADELPHIA, Send their Eje Specialist To SiicuaiidoRli, Wcliitsday, Dec. 21. He will be found at the Ferguson IIuttHe From 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p, m I'ersons who havo headache, or whose eyes aro causing dis comfort should call upon their specialist, and thoy will re ceive intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHARGE to ex amine you eyes. Every pair of glasses ordered Is guaranteed to be satisfactory. A Merry X-mas And a Happy New, Year I Greeting To all Our Mapy Patrons. rpHE largest lot of Toys, Fancy Plush Goods, Dressing Caaea, Manicure Bete, Work Boxes, Necessaries, Smok ers' Sets, Wlilsk Holders and thous ands of articles too numerous to men tion In plukh and silverware llnea. Over 600 finely dreseed Dolls 25 per cent, lees than any hoiiBeln thlsorany other county. Iron Toys, Steam En. gines, Hook aud Ladder Trucks, Elec tric Motors, strong enough to run any toy; large House Cars, Doll Carriages, Rocking Horses, Blackboards, Sleighs, Building Blocks and all latest games. A VERY few fine Muslo Boxes that will play fifty tunes or more. Call and see them. Tool Chests, Bureaus, and Wardrobes for children. A large variety of lino Christmas Dishes and Bisque goods at prices never before seen. Ladles' fine writing paper. Fine Christmas and Now Year Cards In satin and plush the latest novelties. Also Books suitable for the Holiday trade. Air Guns for the boys best iu the market at lowest prices. Fancy Safes and thousands of other articles. Beautiful Horn Goods. Something New. Only Ladies will be in Attendance, Commencing Saturday, November M, New Toy and Fancy Goods Store IB W. Centre StFerQusonlHousBlBlock.