FINE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS Find no difficulty in securing what thoy require for their ta bles at our stove. Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. AMUSEMENT NOTES. .Tlooklngs ol l'lnys to bo Produced at Fcrguiiou's Theatre. Little Goldle, In "Tho Itocky Mountain "Waif," attracted two lurgo audiences to Harris's theatre yesterday afternoon and last evening. Tho play deals liberally with Western scenes and Incident, butitlsnono the less interesting and entertaining, tho scenery was much bel tor than the usual cheap stuff seen with productions of this character. mtiburg Leader. "Tho Kocky Mountain Waif" will loproducod at Ferguson's thcatro oa Wednesday evening, December 14th. DRUMMKH BOY. Tho great war drama, "Tho Drummer Boy, or Spy of Shiloh," will be produced at Shen andoah, in Ferguson's theatre, under tho auspices of Camp 200, F. O. S. of A., on next Friday and Saturday evenings. The charac ter of the drummer hoy will bo assumed by Miss Minnie Ouldln, of Fottsvllle, who with her littlo sister, llertie, will introduce specialties at different times during the play, l'hil. J. Conncll will play the part of the young rcuei sergeant, .frail liuuedgt a character In which he is said to hare no superiors on the professional Btago. Camp V2o of town, it is expected, will attend In a hody. GirardviUt Gazette. A Child Knjoys Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action and sooth iug effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother bo costive or bilious, tho most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. USE DANA'S SAKSAI'AItlLLA, its "THE KIND THAT CUKES." Twelve 1'liotoH for 60c. By sending us your cabinet, together with CO rents, wo will finish you one dozen photos. "2-tf W, A. Keaoey. ISIectrto Hallway llulletln. Hereafter tho electric railway cars will leave tho comer of Cherry and Main streets at 5:"0 a. m. dally and evory 20 minutes thoreaftor until midnight, at which hour tho last car will loavc for Glrardville. On Mon day, November 7th, 1692, the faro for any length of ride between Shenandoah and Qirardvillo will be reduced to five (6) cents. Tho reason why ArnicaandOll Liniment is so popular with tho ladies is because it not only is very healing and soothing but Its odor is not at all offensive. lm TIMELY TOPICS. A String of Thoughts nnd Fancies the Itdltor. uivo us restriction In immigration that will restrict. The new wator company lost an ablo counsel In tho death of John A. Nash. Esq Let the peoplo elect the President by all means. Those in favor of an extra session of Con gress appear to be in the majority. In fixing the limit of restriction to cm! gratlon make it five aye, ten years. Electrically speaking, tho antbracito region Is going to take tho lead in electric railways. "Wo are tho peoplo" were badly left lasl week. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company is not roado up of dummies. "Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Awuy," Is tho namo of a little book just received telling nil about No-to-lae the wonderful, harmless, guaranteed cure for chewing smoking cigaretto habit or snuff dipping, A'o-to-bac is tho only guaranteed tobacco habit euro in the world sold by druggists. Men tion this paper. THE STERLING REMEDY CO., 45 Randolph St., Chicago or Indiana Mineral Springs, Ind., and get a book mailed free. ll-ll-13t-eod The Union llml Charge, The Young People's Union of tho Enclish Baptist church had charge of tho services in tho church last evening, in tho absence of the pastor, Rev. H. G. James, and conducted them very successfully. Rev. Wells, formerly of town, but now of New York, spoko in the in tercets of tho Union. Coming Kvents. Der, lfi and 17. Drummer Boy; or Spy of Shiloh, in Ferguson's theatre, under the auspices of W. Cnrup No. 20G, 1. O. S. of A. Dec. 22 Grand fair, Columbia Hoso & t'am Firo Engiuo Co.; Ferguson's froutfiiall. Dee. 20 and 27 "Tho Confederated Spy; or The BIuo and Gray," under tho auspices of Koury nomeastlo Camp, No. 49, Sous of Veterans, in Ferguson's theatre, for the bene fit of Soldiers' Monument fund. Feb. IX First annual ball of Gen. nar rison Lodge, K. of P., in Robbius' opera houso. Bet.t work done at Dieunan's Steam Laundry- Everything whito and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed MMrrltMl. iiarrv Levitt, of Ontrnlla, and Miss Bessie Siegel, of town, were united for life fcy Rabbi Babinowilznttho Jowish Synagogue of Kehelos Israel yestorday afternoon at 2 o clock. Spectacles to suit all eyes, at Portz's book nd stationery store, No. 21 North Main street. 4-27-tl Slight I'lrn nt Colliery. A fire started in the boiler houso at Maplo Hill colliery this morning, but was extin guished befoic It did much damage. Ono of the rafters supporting tho sheet-iron roof was burned. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." Ankle Crushed, James Connelly, a boy engaged as a "spragger" at the head of the Ellcngowau shaft, had ono of his ankles crushed this morning. Tho boy fell whllo running with a car and tho wheels rassed over tho ankle. Notice to Titxpuyrrs. All persons paying taxes between now and January 9th, 1693, will save five (5) per cent. JOHN F. HlGQINB, 11-2-lm Receiver of Taxes. GRAND WHAT TroVLU IOV Sl'JSHD roit A X-MAS GIFT? When you hnvo decided this question go to (-irvin, Duncan &: Waidley's jjND make your Pclcotinn. There you will flud an V eudlesa variety of goods suitable for X-tnas or Wedding Gifts. Perhaps It might be a Tea or Dinner Bet, or a Toilet Set. In the Crockery or China Hue we have n handsome assortment. Bee our 112-piece Deco ruted Dinner Bets for $10; Porcelalne and China ones for $17 to $i!5. Glassware and Lamps In either of these we show you the prettiest things for the least money. X nias toys and novelties. Visit us for fine Candies and DoIIb. 3 Sou.t3a nUEciixx Stroot. We Are Just Opening Up a full line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's CARPETS for Fall Trade. New styles arriving dally. T T PRTPF's OLD RELIABLE U. U. JL JLVXwJLj kJ, NORTH MAIN STREET. Just epenedat 25 South Main St. Seff's Double .StoRE. J FUII, line of Dry Goods, Under-H wear, Notions, Hosiery, Blankets, Comforts, Boots and Shoes, which must be sold be before January 4th, 1892. AT OUR OLD STAND, No. 23 South Main St., we will keep a full stock of Men's, Boys and Children's Clothing-, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnish ing Goods. Call and secure bargains. 3BSr3F,? 23 and 25 SOOTH MAIN SWEET, iff BQBPT BE A CMMaY ! But go to SNYDER'S, Coal and Jardin Sts. Ho has tho best lino of Boots &, JKfcuoos In Shenandoah. Don't fo-get tho plate, Snyder's, Cor. Coal and Jardin Sts. sEC3ra3a-A.3xrxcAii. ispa. 9! B 0 ID If you aro Bceklng a place to purchase CHRISTMAS CANDIED! No. 35 North Main Street M. L. KEMMEREE, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer. Special brand of Candies for Sunday Schools. G TP AND PESTIYAL BENEFIT OF Libe Band rty bornct OF LOS T GKKK1C, In Bender's Hall, Wm Penn, FROM Don't sufl'er ivlth indigestion, nee Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. lm Died. in OHE8.-()n the 12th iurt., atShenan doab, Pa., Margaret, relict of the lato James Hughes, aged 07 years. Funeral will take place on Wednesday, 14th lust., at 0 a in., from the reeldenue of the daughter, Mrs, Michael Burns, 828 North Chosmut street. High mats in tho Annunciation church, Inti'i-niont in the Aununeiation cemetery, Relatives and friends resiiectlully invited to ttond. 12.12.2t riled or Hemorrhoids Permanently cured without knife or ligature. No danger or suffering. No delay from bus iness while under treatment. l'atlcnU who aro responsible need not pay until well. A perfect euro guaranteed. Bend for circular. B. UK HI), M. D., 120 South 13th St., Philadelphia. Refers, hy permission, to the editor of the EVJ5NINO llKUALD. tf line's l'umlly Medicine Moves tlie lluwels Each day. Most jieoplo need to uso It. When Baby was slok, wo gate her Castorla, 'When she was a Child, she pried for Castorla. YThcn she became Jllsn, Uio clung to Ckwjorla. Vbea she liad Children, she gavetlmn Castorla. Fresh Morris Biter Cove Oysters received dally at Coslett's. 0-22-tf The prnprlttors of run-Tina have ient tho usancU of dolbi r to uiu ke It k uowu t hat It cores i:ouicbs,Oolds and UiClrlnpo. Trial botth-s of I'uu-'i'iuu freo at i: V. IS ICIillu's drug store. , Dec. 1Qth to E6th rand Opening Display. DE3IEABLE H-MAS GIFTS. Our cfTbrts to jnako thin display tho grandest and most elaborate wo havo yet atti mpled has been achieved after many weeks of bard work and by searching through all tho various mar kets. The innumerable articles wo otter Include the following at low prices; Boolisi-Wo kve 1,000 12mos, beau, tlfully bound In cloth and gold, which wo will sell at 20c; elsewhere 35c. J'luth Vases ami Album Our lino of plush cases thN season havo been selected with the greatest care, including Shaving Sets, Sewing implements, anlcuro Sets, I'lush Albums in all the lrtest designs. Hymnals and Oxford Bibles at all prices, An elaborate array of Brlc-a-Hraoand Bisque Figures and Celluloid goods. Gold pens nnd pearl holders, $1 to 15. In plush cases, 11.60 up, Games of all Description. FOR THE HOOKS & BROWN, 4 Kortli Main Street. Matters aro Becoming Interesting And in the musical line to-day without doubt the most interesting matterls that W. Wilde lias procured the mostcompleto stock ol Mueloal uoods In the county, embrac ing ovrythtng In the musical line The next mewt Interesting thing is that ho is selling those delightful new ATJTOHARPS con be played by any one in a few days. fianos. Organs. Viollns.tlultnrs, Brass Instruments, and fuliltne Bheet music. Cor. Jurdin nnd Lloyd 8ts, PH0T0GBAPHER DABB lias purchased the boat apparatus in the mar ket, and is now prepared to take every style of photographs. Views of buildings, machinery and all kinds of outdoor work u specialty. Kach purchaser of one dozeu cabinets at J3.601s pre sented wi th a large crayon rce. Tills oftor la good until April 1, ltfflS. Copying and enlarg. Ing. Work dono at short notioe aud low prices. DABB, N. White St., Opposite Hrlckt-chooinidg. W S EKS Has to Bill Jones' oldstano 17 riOi ' t ( t SJA1N STREET, Whwe he win , jua to meet the wanti or his hieuos una the publlo In EYorythtaQ in tho Drinking Line. Hess' Livery Stable, r8 N. Mnrlsct Alley. NEW BliGtiiU AND RAHNESS, SAFE HOUSES Kmeat turnouts in town. Would t' nleasnd In rral.. . .v,... . ,v. publlci(ioige. Dollars Saved I J. N. Knevels, with A.J. Khocncr, says: For the past throo years I have b en a Buffer er with tetter on tho hands. 1 have betn com pelled to leave several positions on account of it and have used dozens of so-culled cures but until I used Mexican Herb Ointment 1 got no relief. I have used one box aiid my hands are now almost entirely well I am glad to be able to recommend it to allsLflcrers from tho samo complaint. -THE OltHAT- Mexican Medicine Co. Has opened a branch office in mn SUILD1M, 8 EAST CEN1RE SI SHEKANDOAH pEBGUSON'S TIIEATBE. P. J. FERGUSON, MANAGE1L For two nights only, Friday and Saturday, DECEMBER IGtli aud 17th, '92 Tko great war drama, entitled The Drummer Boy, Or Spy of Shiloh Under Auspices of W, Camp, No. 215, P, 0, S, of A, Over 300 reoiile in the Cast. A, F. HAIL in h Leading Role, 'Uncle Joe' Phil. J. Connell as "Frank Ilutledgo;" Minnie Ouldln as "Drummer Jlpy;" JohnlteeBo as "Mart Howard," and Little Her tie Ouldln In hcrspeilaltles, to gether with excellent local cast. Friccs, 15, 25 unci 35 CciHa. Itescrved scats on sale at Kirlln's drugstore. Hafcs : Reduced ! JOE AND FRANK LEE! 29 West Centre 8t Will, on and after Monday, December 12th, do laundry work at the fodowlng prices: New White Shirts-....-....., ........10 cents Collars- 11 CufTs..,......-.,- ,..... J,."'.!!!!3 ' Other gods laundered at proportionate rates. IM-Ot JOE AND FHANIC Mr. (hristmas Holidays ! Tho retail Toy Department of Fred. Kelthan, 101 North Main street, con tains n cholco collection of the most ap propriate articles for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR GIFTS. Ice Cream made to order at shortest notice. Fruit and Christmas cakos made in tho finest style. We are also prepared to supply Bun day Scnools with Candles at wholesale prices. Fred. Keithan, Baker and Confectioner, 104 North Main Btreot. n FoT Bargains in First-class !2 Heaters and Furnaces, GIRARDVIT.TR pa IIVa..l.n.l..l . .. J. Vallcf"lrT Apollo, Othello, man, Itlval, l?ow Model, Old and New Lehigh; 'a till lino ojTwnS?n 5S?,i "'Sl-. 'ilfl!le.r Work'. jDU urBt-ciass line Benefit to All. Are you prepared for the stormy weather? It brings slop and mud ; and this is time of year that you want good and substantial Shoes to stand the wear and tear. ' We have just such shoes for both old and young, at prices to suit all. It will pay you to call and examine our stock and be con vinced of what we say. EOPLE'S STORE 121 North Mam Street. DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant The leading place in town. Has lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, clean nnd fresh, Tho finest lino of Wines and Liquors I Cigars, &o., foreign and do mestic Free lunch served each evening. Hlg schooners of fresh,llocr,Porter,Ale,&o. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J, J, DOUQHEUTY, rrop. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Christ, Bossier's old stand) Muln it ml Coal HtN.( HUeuaudonh, Itest beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest o rands of whiskeys and cigars, l'ool room at rljed. CtNTS FOR A WINDOW SHADE. Others, ready to put up spring roller, for 25o, 85c, 4fo,G0o and upwards, l'ar tloa deslrlncr onlv tha tduidfm nr nr. tures can be accommodated. C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardin Street. eeond-Jianel Stoires Hoators xtaacl. 3?"urnoooH. All In good conditon and warranted or monev refund .,..,, . .. Advance and Miners' Hesl stoves for 13 each: No. kik" Vif K ,T " 1e "jo or No. rNew Roofing, Spouting, Jobbing, Plumbing and Gas-Fitting Promptly attended to at the lowest market nrf avk ,rferVePCClalty' ti8$7;S!r& ttgd? OF PHILADELPHIA, Send their Eye Specialist To Sliciiandoali, Wcdn, sday, Dec. ax. Ho will be found at tho Ferguson Mouse From 8:30 n. m. to 50 p. rn Persons who have headache, or whoso ores are causing comfort should call upon tholr specialist, aid tb?v wfil ret telvo lnte'dlgent nnd skillful attonflon. NO CIIAR(5e to e ffiSWESb?' PS,r 01 BlaBSCS reCd1!8AglQaran0,eCeXd A Merry X -mas And a Happy New fear I Greeting To all Our M Many Patrons. nPHE largest lot of Toys, Fanoy Plush Goods, Dreeslug Cases, Manicure Sets, Work Boxes, Necessaries, Smok ers' Sets, Whisk Holders and thous ands of articles too numerous to men tion in plush and silverware lines. Over 500 finely dressed Dolls 25 per cent, lesathau any houselu thisorany other county. Iron Toys, Steam En gines, Hook and Ladder Trucks, Elec tric Motors, strong enough to run any toy; large House Cars, Doll Carriages, Rocking Horses, Blackboards, Sleighs, Building Blocks aud all latest games. VERY few flue Muslo Boxes that L will play fifty tuues or more. Call and see them., Tool Cheats, Bureaus, and Wardrobes for children. A large variety of fine Christmas Dishes and Bisque goods at prices never before seen. Ladles' line writing paper. Fine Christmas and Now Year Cards in satin aud plush the latest novelties. AlsoBooks suitable for the Holiday trade. Air Guns for the boys best in the market at lowest prices. Fanoy Safes and thousands of other articles. Beautiful Horn Goods. Something New. Only Ladies will be in Attendance, Commencing Saturday, November 2d. - - New Toy and Fancy Goods She 16 W. Centre St., Ferguson HouselBlock.