J J1 WANTS, &o. tto II UKNT. A desirable stablo and car. I' rlR0 house on Market alley, between Cen tre and Lloyd. Apply at llKHAM) ofllce. If rll UKNT A good-sized stable. Apply to II, D Schoenor, 31 North Main street. 12-B-lw LJ -t.Oa Monday, beccmbor 5th, & black setter mixed with spanlol A sultablo renard for Its return lo John Wcoks' lestaur n, IT south .Mulu street. 12-10 Zt J- OST. On Thursday. Ueccmbcr 8th, a black J una whit ' H 'tter dog, bad on n now leather vollnr H ward will be paid for his roturn to iS. J. Yoit, ll W. vntro street. lS.lOxt Tpon. SALIC CHEAP. Ono of Chambers & I; Co's copying presses, the present owner kmlnft no use for ill belns good as new. Cull ut HKUALD OfllCO. BANK M.Ef!TIOV. Tho annual election of tho stockholders of the Merchant' Na tional Hank, ot Shenandoah, Ia will bo held at tbo Uanlilng Homo, TuoHday. January 10th, I80J, botwecn the hdusj of 1 and 4 p. tn for thopurpoio of electing thirteen (13) directors to sorTo tho enduing year. lt-19 5V-es K 11. HtMinit, Cashier. WANTED. V man of temnerato habits and who does not smoke tob.ieoo to work as laborer in a iiowdi r mill Wages .tl Hi per day and house rentlrof Steady won. One who understands machinery ptcferrod, pply to John A. Tllinan, tiiionaudoiah. ia-lU-3t OALA11Y OB COMMISSION To agents to 3 handle tho Patent Chomical Ink .Erasing Knell. Tho most useful and novel invention of tho age. Hrases Ink thoroughly In two seconds. Works like magic. SmitofjOO per cent, proat. Agents making (51) per weok. Wo also want a Bonoral agent to tatto chargo of territory, and appoint sub agents. A rare chance to make money. Write for terms and sample of eras ing, Monroe Erasing Mfg. Co , acOM, La Crosse, Wis. 11-ffii lm FOR SALE. A valuable property on East Coal street. One-half cash only required. Possession given April 1st, 1893. Suitable for a wholesale house or factory. Apply at Hekai.d ofnoe. tf di to IIS per day at home, selling Lightning 3)0 Plater and plating Jewelry, watches, tablewaro, &c. Plutcs the finest of Jewelry good as new, on all kinds of metal with gold, silver or nickel. No experience, no oapitai, Every house has goods needing plating. 10 25-2m II. K. DELNO & CO., Columbus, O AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY or Com mission, to handle tho now Patent Chemi cal Ink Erasing Poncll. Tho qulckost and great ost selling novelty ever produced. Erases Ink thoroughly In two Bcconds. No abrasion of paper. Works llko magic. 200 to 600 per cent, nrnflt. Onn nfrfmt's sales amounted to 1020 In six days. Another 133 In two hours. Provious experience not necessary. For terms and full Particulars, address-The Monroo Mf'gCo., La rosso. Wis. xl39 6-2My T-kttnPOHITIONH FOR GOOD 11USIVK.SS I Men. Tho Provident Life Assirlatloo,. jno. &JI n. ijioony street, iiatiimoro, iu. sires to engage a manager In tbis turt of tho state. An nmrsrlmiced. active business man. who cm present proper testimonials, as to character and ability, and who Is willing to do personal work, is offered a permincnt andnrofltabljnosltlon. Tuo Association also rtqulres tue services of special, dlstrlct.aud focal agents, Aaarcss, 3-8 2w "AQKNor DEPAltTMENT." tfjl C PAYS for n homo lot at May's Land' U)XO Inc. the fine suburb of Atlantic City. ( squares from It, It.; commutation fare to Phlla., 25 cents; has court house, hotels, schools, brick, and lumbering mills, with finest water power; Una driving, tlshing, gunning, bathing, selling; city and country combined; 35 bouses built last year and not one empty; a safe and sure investment; $50 Invested will Increase t3C0 In 6 months; 3 mills built this year; lots are uu teot aoove ocean; iu per cent, on xor casn; ., In. B-V5. 1ln lnDi.ail Unn.1 fn. nl.Al.lnv MAY'S LANDING IMPROVEMENT CO., 6f8 Frankllr St.. 1'nllauelphla. win S BARTER NOTICE. Notice Is hcroby given that an application will be made to Court of Common Pleas of the County of Schuylkill, State ot Pennsylvania, on Monday, tho 26th day of Dec.. A. D.. 1893. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, under tho "Aot of Assembly to provide f or tne incorporation or certain corpor ations," approved April 29, 1874, and the Runnlcmcnts thereto, for tho charter of nn Intended corporation to be called and known as "King John Sobleskieo III Polish Roman Catholic llenoUclal Society." of Mljenandoah, Pa., the character and oblcct of which arc : Tho maintenance of an organization for beneficial and protective purposes, by tho establishment of a bcnedclal fund tberein. and to cultivate a charitable and banevolfnt spirit nmontr tho members thereof. Sold Souloly to be curried ou atxhenandoah, Pennsylvania, and for those purposes to have, posses and enjoy all therighl8, benefits, and privileges conferred ny saiu Act oi ABsemoiy. M. M. Buhkk, Solicitor. Shenandoah, Pa., Nov. 2d, 1892 11-28 3w CHAS. ZALLA Respectfully notifies his frlonds that he will open a now store at Corner Jarcfin and Oak Sireeis, Where he will keep a full stock of Green Groceries, Cigri, Tobacco and Candy. Poul. try and all kinds of gumein season. Oysters axicl 37i wla.. Open Monday, November 21, Scheider's Saloon and Restaurant Loading Saloon In town Centre, and H hit ft SI:, (ISIckert'a old stand) t First-class Eating Bar. Finest Whiskeys In the Market PUBLIC SALE o 1'JcitsoxAZ rno van r r. There will be a public tale, on the prtmtses, one mile north of Lakesldo (East Mahanoy Junction), on Saturday, Dec. 17, 1892 At 10 o'clock a. m of valuable real estate. The property consist of o grist mill, dwelling house, barn and ojtbulldlugs. There are 25 acres, more or less; a splendid fruit orchard lu bear ing: never-falling well and springs. The locu tion is very desirable; good markets near, such as Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Tamaqua, ilazle ton, etc. Terms of Sale Ten per cent, down on day of purchaso: 40 per cent, within three months, and tho balance oan remain on mortgage. For fur ther particulars apply at the IIkhau) office. Jl-lO ts Mils. ELLEN IIEISER. T. J. O'HABEN'S 33tr"foer Sliop, COR. MAIN AND OAK STS. Everything In the tonsorjnl Una done In first class style, A tine bath room attached. M, M. UURKE, A TTORtffir'A r-LA W, SHKtrASDOAH, PA. Ofnooe Room 8, P. O. llulldlag, Bhonaadoah. tod Kfltorly Uulldlng, PottsvlUs. Both the method and results when Byrun of Fies ia taken: it is nleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts crenuy yet promptly on tuo Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro luced, pleasing to tho ta0to and ao jeptablo to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and liavo mado it tho most popular remcJy known. Syrup of Figs is for salo in EOo and $1 bottles by all leading drug giste. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any nib'stitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISC CAL, IBV1SVIUE, Kt HEW YORK. H.f. EIck Headache and relieve all the troubles incf. dent to a bilious etate of the system, suoh OS Dlcdneas, K&usoa, Urowslness, Distress aftor cttisg, Pain In the Side, tc While their moa5 remarkabla micceas baa been shown In curing , neaischo, yet Carter's LUUo Liver rfHj am equally valuablo In Constipation, curing and pre venting thlsannoy!nijcomplalnt,whlla they alls correct all disorders ox tbostomachtlmiilatoths ;ivcr and xcguhtto the bowels. Even if they oalj Acbstbey would bo almostprlcelus to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; butforta calolythetrgoodnessdosnotendhere,andtho8a Trhooncetry them will find thoao llttlo pills valu dble In so many ways that they will not bo wil ling to do without them. But after allslck head la the bane of so rasiiT lives that liorolswhero worariecmrgruit botuit. Our pill cure It whlla others do not. Carter's Little Llvor rills ara very small an! vory easy to hike. One or two pills makoadoio. That ai e strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by tiioirgcntleai--tion please all who nsethtm. Iavl&lsat2SccTit3 ; flveforjl. Soli by drogsiiits everywhere or sent by malL OARTE7J MSniOIHE CO., Mow York! WALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Cures Continxnptlon, Coughs, Croup, Bore Thront Sold by all Drugcisti on a Guarantee. Kora Lame Side, Eack orCnest Shiloh's Porous i'iaster wiu give great nanstactioa. 35 cents. SHILOH'S VITAJ.IZER. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Cbattnnoog-n.Tonn., says: "Sh(!oh'sl'ttaIteerS4r.Kl 11' LIFE.' 1 consider it the bett rem e-dufora lUUUtated wten I ever used." For Dyspepsia. Liver or Kiducy troublolteiccla. l'rluoiScis. HILOH'S CATARRH RESVIEDY. Hnvo you Catarrh 1 Try this Itomody. Itwlll rcliovo and Cu-o you. rnce fx) cts. This In lector lor its successful irenimenni lurnisnoa ireo. Shiloh's ltcmcdles are sold by us on a guarantee to pivo Batisiuction. For sale by O. H, Hitgenbuch. CHILDREN F6r over two years my little girl's life i as made miserable by a case of Catarrh. . lie discharge from the nose was large, unstant and very offensive. Her cyis .ecame inflamed, the lids swollen and -ry painful. After trying various rem--lijn, I gave herBSgspgaThe first bot tle seemed to ffiqS8jflg aggravate tin; lisease, but the symptoms soon abated, .nd in a short time she was cured. Dr. L. B. Bitchev, Mackey, lnd. Our book on Wood and Skin Diseases mailt d ' -co. Hwwr Sl'ECJFlo Co., Atlanta, Oa UTISTMTNTS. ttST WITH tttCTKO- uiir.HrTis lUf!HMtNTS. Wi susrcMsenT. fIU Anr vltboQt acalelue all tTialarsi reialtlns frtt .iTi.tiio or b kib, Kerf (oiri., ne.ei or laoucrctltl Mlual fiba,lioa. tlrftlu, l....e, n.rfvua dtl lift r, tlt9 1..1DMI. laBCuar. rhtti.KuLl.m- klduar. Ilv.r kd bifedd.r uu pUlbll.uca back, lambuo. bcIaiIm. ivnarftl 111-Biallti. 1M Tllli Uf IrLf tMIt eaatAlu. Itund.rflil fuurai.Bi.ala OTar al atkara.BBd tlvaa a corraut tliat ll iBataBtlr fall by ls vearal ar wt furrall Sb.UOO.iio, ai.il Bill aura ail f tba abora dliaa aaarBepar. Tbouaaaaa navs b-.a auraa lata raaraaiau tBViBtlaBaflar all oilt.r rauadla.- lallad, aad a(lB baa iraai or laiumaeiala m iBla bbq evart amar aiaui. Our ixwarfa) liasiovad rLllTUfi' athPSMWHT ll la raatail beOB avar affarad a.k maa: iniKH I, J1L1, PELTS II. .Ilk aad tiaaraaa Blr..,lh (,11HMIIU la SU la )iVS, Saad far laria U''-arraia4 famfblau, Baalad, bar CARTERS nATALWH : W IN ELiOT5 mil mm Hp ' oaclway. NEW YORK SAYS THE TALE IS TRUE Lawyer Beck on the Alleged Poisoning of Non-Union Men at Homestead. DOCTOR AND A DRUGGIST TO BE INCRIMINATED, SAID Mr. Heck, Who Is Counsel for tit Car- net;lo Company, Itoporta Thnt ut Least frlx 31111 Laborers liavw DUd from rolion A Tiumber of Arrestato be Mado In a Few Days Itoliert Deatty, AVho Was Arreatad In Loultvllle, Directly Cliargad tVlth th Crime. 1'lTTSDuno, Dec. 12. E. I. Beck, counsel for the Cnnicgle Steel company, limited, was seen this morning and confirmed tho story of the poisoning. Ho says his In formation is that at least six deaths re united from poisoning. A Homestead druggist and physician are implicated. Tho powder was given to a dog and It died in a few minutes. A number of ar rests will probably be made In a few days. Coroner McDowell has not yet been noti fied. He will go to Homestead this afternoon, however, to investigate tho cause of tho death of Isaac Juries, who died suddenly nbout two weeks ago. Juries was a wit nets iu the Critchlow caso. If the detectives in the employ of the Carnegie company are to be belioved a vast conspiracy of murder has grown out of the Homestead strike. It was a plot, they say, to poison by wholesale the non union workmen at the Curtiegio com pany's steel plant, nnd tho developments mplicate members of tuo Amalgamated Association and oilicialsof other labor or ganizations. As a result of the plot it Is nllcged that thirty or forty persons nlrendy have lost their lives, and scores are still suffering n hospitals and at their homes from the 'fleets of drugs. To-uay nine more per- sens are under arrest, ostensibly on trivial charges, but really to avert suspicion un til all their alleged fellow-conspirators uuvo been secured. The many cases of illness in tho mills at the time of the occupation of Homestead by the military were attributed to bad river water, yet despite the efforts to better tho supply the sickness continued. It was two months ago thut the first sus picion was entertained that tho peoplo were being poisoned, but it was not .until Saturday that tho evidence wag deemed strong enough to warrant legal steps. lliu object of tbo plot, it is said, was to make life in the mills unendurable. The price to be paid when the mills were closed was $0,01)0. Kobert J. Ueatty Is now under arrest iu Louisville on the chargo of poisoning non-union men nt Homestead. Ho had previously been arrested in Pitts burg but escaped. The information on which the original arrest was mado was sworn out by J. H, Ford, a Pinkerton detective, and charges tlio prisoner with administering a deadly poison to William E. Griffith, chief cook n the mills. It was learned last night that special officers have been Investigating the matter for two months, und have worked up a good case against several of the union men, ns well as against cooks who were employed In the mill with Ueatty. It is understood Ueatty supplied all the cooks with the poison they used, and was middlo man between those engaged In the con spiracy. INDIAN DEPREDATIONS. Outrages mi American nnd Spunlnh Set tlers in Moxioo. CniiiVAJiUA, Jfox., Dec. 13. The Yua-' qual Indians, to the munher of 2,000, have banded with several hundred llayo Indians and many outrages have been cptumltted by thorn on the American nnd Spanish settlors in the valley of tho Yua quai and Mayo rivers during the past three weeks. Near tho village of Rio Dlco the hacien da of Pablo Munosta, a wealthy Spaniard, was attucked and in the engagement two sons of Munosta and six Mexicans were killed. The handful of Mexican soldiery in that section are unable to accomplish anything in the way of bringing the In dians under subjection, and thej have not yet had the courage "to meet the red men lu battle. A forco of 500 troop will be Immediately sent to the scenu of the dep redation.. A Church In a Steamer. Washington, Dec. 12. Blshon Paret. of the Protestant Episcopal diooese of Mary land and the District of Columbia, will hoon have built for him a steamer the in side of which Will be fitted as n church. The steamer will carry tho Bishop and his assistants to the oytter dredging grounds on Sunday, where services will bo held. . .. . .. A juuriuiya ituco for ma) raoiiatoraiiip, Albany, N. Y., Dec. 12. A well! In formed Democrat and intimate friend of Chairman Edward Murphy says that Mr. Murphy has nt present 70 members of the Legislature pledged to vote for him iu the cuueus which would select both the Speakership and Senatorsbip nominees, Indian Aeiit Iteported Shot. Great Falls, Mont., Dec. 12. It is ru mored that there has been trouble among the Indians 12S miles east of here and that Agent Simons was shot while trying to pacify them. It is Impossible to get any reliable Information from the agency. Areluliilio 1'raiiE's Juurnnr. Vienna, Deo. 12. The iiliysidans ot the Arcluluko Franz Ferdlnuml say that ha will be able to start on his tour utoil Wednesday, and the Empress Elizabeth is being iumlu ready to sail W'wlnoMliiy evening or Thursday morning. Judge Drun Will Kiialgu. Altoona, Pa.,Deo. 12. Hon. John Dean ot nollldayaburg, Itepubllcnu Supremo JudKe-elect ot fennnylvania, will send iu his resignation ns Itesldent-Judtfo of lllair county to Gov. Pattisou, to tako ef fect January 1. To lie SurrtiiiiluriMl )u (Irrinaity. Wasiiikoixjn, Doo. 12. Secretary J. W. Foster lias Issued a warrant fur the sur render ot Karl Schaefer, under arrest in New York City, ohargud with forgery and the utterance of furgd jmpur in Nurttim burg, Uermany. , Don't I'rur a HtrlUe of C'oiiiluctors, Cuicaqo, Duo. 12. V. I Ewing, super intendent of the It oct Island, says that the report of a strike ot conductors wost ot tha Missouri rlvur is absolutely untrue. MASSACHUSETTS MORTGAGES. The ler Capita Indebtedness la 8144 anal Is Kxccerli'd Only by Kamai, Washington, Dec. 13. Massachusetts Is the, first Eastern State whose statistics of mortgages have been completed by tha census office. It is shown that during tho past decade 280,283 real estate mort gages were made In Massachusetts, repre senting an incurred Indebtedness of t503, 455,650. The debt remaining in force Jan. 1, 1800, is $823,277,003, secured by 178,203 mortgages, and of this dsbt $42,441,247 Incumbers 020,812 acres, and $280,830,421 Incumbers 133,083 lots. During the do cado there has been an increasing mort gage movement, beginning with au in curring debt of $28,170,188 In 1880 and ending with $75,620,544 In 1889, while tho population Increased 25.57 during the satno period. The per capita indebtedness of Massa chusetts is $141 and is exceeded only by Eansas. Monuments for Dead Generals, Wariiinoton, Dec. 12. Tho commis sions to select models for tho statuos of Gen. Hancock and Gen. Logan, to be erected in Washington, has rejected all tho ' models submitted on the Han cock monument as unsatisfactory. A model was agreed upon for the Lo gan monument, but the artiBt's name will not bo divulged nt present. Appeal ofN'oir Yurk l'reas Club. NEwYonit, Dec. 12. The members of the New York Press Club are working enthusiastically to complete the $100,000 Which must be paid on Jan. 1, to secure the site for tho now Press Club building. Of this sum $00,000 has been raised. An appeal to the public to help tho work that the Press Club Is now engaged In, has been issued, To Oppose tho Standurd. Jamestown, N. Y., Dec. 12. A new company, of which F. P. Hayes, the do posed president of the Pennsylvania Gai company, is said to bo at the head, will ask permission to lay pipes nnd supply natural fuel gits in this city in competi tion with tho Pennsylvania, otherwlsa Standard Oil company. THAT CURES El m Of m m m m m a m 13 m m CItAllI,r.S SIMMONS, C .loca, N. Y A MARVEL IN C0H0ES ! :,!..,. i n: m mm Livtii uistjasbsa S VVMSD : J'U1TJUSI M gjDANA bABdAl. b . -.: E3 Wm Gentlemeni Ilovitij,' urrtiimito aoml& rniieultll by theuwof y. r Hamiparitla I ie'l itM Sgrny duty to let othen know tho great benefit 153 C3 1'or ir yfara I have bwn trouble-. uithSH MHi'U'ro lialiiHlntholStimiucli, ulo KIiUm SStiry ana 1.1 er HUci,.'. mi ladly that IobER Em wet i at a time I lnd to May In (nL f DANA'S E SAHSAPiVllILLA Kamnul it to any allllvtl Hill, diaeuae of the Kid. gafnvva. Yourfl raepectfully, sgi m vuniwa, A. a. UUAtllH siauiu.s. apa The truth of the obnae la cartlflrd toby Vi Druggfat uf Cohoca, X. Y. I'Jj fj Never purchase of a " SUBSTITUTCI1, 'If H(a person who tries to loll you somethlngW eUo when ou call lor Dana's.) Our bat-El Stles ato being filled with a COUNTERFEIT ajjAHTICLE by "Subslltuters." Buy of thegS HONEST DEALER who sells you what youjj ask for, and II you receivo no benefit hoft Blvilll return your money. Dana Sarsaparllla Co., Belfast, Maine, jig H. J. M'GUIRE'S Sporting and Musical Resort Second St., GliURDVILLE. Heat Wines, Liquors, Doers, Ales and tines nranas ot uigars always oa nana. DO YOU WANT A GOOD ARTICLE OF COAL? If so, send in your orders to HENRY WARNICK, m Wont Coal Htrot. All orders for coal or for hauling of all kinds promptly attended to. Orders oan be left at the stores of K. O. Ilrobst, Bomb. Jardln Btruet, and Joseph Hall, North Main street. 1 1-10-lm FIRE INSURANCE. Lmrgesl and oldest reliable purely cash com panies represented by JDATVTID FAUST, 120 S. JaramSt, Shenonaoah.Pa. SALOON AND RESTAURANT 36 UiiHt Centre Htrcct. Tho best beer, alos, porter, whiskies, brandies, wines and linos t cigars always on hand. ROBERT LLOYD. Prop" S9 CslcbMttr'a Erullth DUmoiM ItranJ. fENNYRQYAL PILLS ri, BUWftyi (vuaiii. t adi KB, ttt PfUKglH kr Cklckttttrt fUgtith tU-, maud Brand lu I ted Had Ool4 biullk IMIM aV'aVtajd With bllM HMWU. TwLl 110 other. Jttru tfaMMf-oui nhttiht tloiu and imitatm! Ai brugf Ui, r Mod 4e. Id lUtspat fur ttkrllotiUri, SUU. lo.OOU ToiilmoultUt. AtfinaKfi 'mJll-r Taf I.aAdll' 1M fcflaW. hi -Ota., CMlirUr Ckuulcol LVilralUun ni)iiur JOHN R. COYIiE, Attoraey-at-Liw and Hul EiUte Ageit, Offloe Ileddsll't Uulldlnt, Bhenndho, pa m if v Sr P PRIEST CORRIGAN'S CASE The Trial of the Hoboken Pas tor Begins To-Day. HIS CONTEST WITH BISHOP WIGGER. Clktdlliooil That (he Cuss Will be One of the Most Important iu the Catliollo Church In Keccnt Vears-lrutlier Corrl- Kan r. KUItor Walsh. NswAnic, Dec. 12. To-day In the pan- toral losidenco ot St. Patrick's Cathedral, In this city, begins the trial of Itev. Pat rick Corrigan, pastor of tho Church of (Jur Lady of Grace, Hoboken. The caso will probably be one of the most famous n tho Catholic Church in recent years. The whole country is interested in it. At first tho affair was a personal matter between Father Corrigan and Bishop Wigger. Tho priest attacked tho recent German Catliollo Congress at Newark. He said that Its members were aiming to Germanize the country through the Catho lic Church. Bishop Wigger resented this attack, declaring that Father Corrigan bad insulted him, Archbishop Corrigan and the others who attended the Con gross. I1 ather Corrigan then severely criticised Bishop Wigger's ndmluNtration of tho Newark diocese. The Bishop cited the priest for trial before the ecclesiastioal court of the diocese. Father Corrigan was not silenced by the Bishop's action. Ho continued to write letters in which I10 reiterated his earlier statements. Father Corrigan, it is said, voices the sentiments of the majority of tho priests of tho country who are not Gennuns. I hero is a bitter feeling between the Irish American and German priests of the United States. Father Corrigau's stand at this time against Cahensly makes him tho mouthpiece of the priests w ho are op posed to the attitude of the Germans. In his trial the contest between the two ele ments of the Catholic clergy will natur ally come up, it is said. For this reason the case is one 01 national importance. Tho Kov. J. J. O'Connor, Vicar General of the Newark diocese and professor of dogmatic theology in the diocesan semi nary, is to bo the judge. Father Corrigan is to be represented by tho Hoy. JJr, Kicu- ard Lalor Burtsell of Rondotit, formerly pastor of tha Epiphany church in .New York,v' . was Dr. JlcGlynu's ecclesiastical lawyer .. n.' deposed priest's controversy with Art. .i. -uw,) Corrigan. For his action in the McGlynn cuse Dr. Burtsell was transferred from the Epiph any church to a country parish at Iton dout. He is regarded as ono of the ablest ecclesiastical lawyers iu the country. Bishop 'Wigger will be represented by the Hev. Dr. S. S. Smith of l'aterson, who is the author of a workon ecclesiastical law. The churces against Father Corrigan aro maliciously inciting odium against tho members of the Germau Congress held at Newark, as Germans, and against Bishop Wigger, as Bishop of the Newark diocese. It is believed that Bishop Wig ger will not appear at tho trial. In dio cesan trials the bishop generally acts as judge, but because Father Corrigan had attacked him personally Bishop Wigger decided not to be tho judge. Father Cor rigan protested against the appointment of Father O'Connor as judge, und asked Bishop Wigger to let Archbishop Satolli try the case. Bishop Wigger would not consent to these proposals. Father Corrigau's statements regarding Editor WaUh, of tho New York "Sunday Democrat," have excited particular comment. Ho said: " 1 Beo by a morning pnper that Sllchael Walsh, the disreputable greenhorn Irish journalist, continue his scurrilous charges ngiiinst mo in hh) capacity of ' orthodox Catholic' editor and defender of Archbish op Corrigan, Bishop Wigger and Mgr. Satolli.' " It is ft disgrace to have this man's name conneoted with the defense of any cause, much less with thnt of honorable men nnd distinguished ecclesiastics, and I would not have touched him at all had he not, by distorting und misrepresenting fucts that were known only to Bishop Wig ger and his chancellor, Bov. Denis IfcCur tie revealed to soma extent tho source of his inspiration. "Bishop Wigger unconsciously disgraced Seton Hall by conferring upon this bosom friend ut hii reverend chancellor and pre sumably at the request of the latter tha title of L.L. D. "During the lato presidential campaign this man, who claimed au interest iu two little obscure weakly papers, is charged with having offered ono of them to the Democrats and the other to the Republi cans, and ho now claims that he has Archbishop Corrigau's influence in his aspirations to the ollico of Iuternal Reve nue Collector, now held by Major Kirwin, This claim must be false, nnd a person of Walsh's antecedents is the last man that Mr. Cloveland would dream of appointing to oflleo. "His assortlon that 'Archbishop Corri gan, Bishop Wigger and Mgr. Concilio have convicted the Hoboken rector of misrepresentation and lies' is false, and ho knows that it is false, it he has any re gard for the truth. "Tho Archbishop has not disproved, or attempted to disprove, the truth of my statement of his straiuod relations with Bishop Wigger. "Mgr. Concilio has not denied that he wroto a secret pamphlet to the Pope, and when I chargod him with having accused the Irish, though ho himself is pastor of au Irish parish while claiming to be u hot Cahenslyite, be did not dure to produce a copy of the pamphlet 'as a final settle ment of the question. "I have the authority of a distinguish ed ArchbisHfjp, now in Europe, that such was tho charge. Let him produce the pamphlet if I have been misinformed. "The charge that my statement of Bis hop Wigger's treatment of Mgr. Douue is u lie, is also false. I am aware that Bishop Wigger, In a communication to the papers under bis own name, hus de- uouuceu my statement as an'uumltlgated falsehood,' but I am also aware that my statement is perfectly true to the letter and that Mgr. Douue, himself, lute in his possession the proofs ot my truthfulness." Not Hl I'lrat Attempt at Arson, Miduultown, Conn,, Dae. 12. Joseph Cheesbro, who net Are to Kdward O'Con nor's barn at Cromwell, Friday night, and was arrested in this city Saturday, 1 the same man who set tire to the Methodist church here soma time ugo. Iurreuie In Kxuortatlon ol llreadstuffa. WASiitNuroN, Deo. 13. There has been a decrease of nearly 7, 000, 000 In the ex portatiou of breadstulU from the United States during the last mouth as com pared with November, 1891. i.DrafjUU p.piS'MERWE CaviBsa B ii rsaaESiaaa I easEfBBtaaat Th or 0 Is nothing llko tho RESTORATIVE MiiRVINIi fJlocovurcd bj tho ureal specialist. L3r;.MILfIS, to cure all nervous diseases, as Hoadache, tho nines. Nervous Prootia Jon, GlooploEonecc, Neuralgia, St. Vltusa ranoe,nta and Hsterla. Jlnnj phyilcu ns 1 -oltln tbelr practice, anri any the results ara rjdVrf ul. Via b ivo bundn da of tcstimoaluls ' . t.icr-o from dru,Ti-tr "Vehftvo never known .Mylhlnp like It." Snow & Co., Sfncuso, N. Y. T'vfirrlKitllanoIdbrlnm.wonlsfif nr-iija.' J.Q. lf, illllsdala, Mich. "The host seller wo over ,nrl Vool 7orth & Co., Tort wnrne, Jnil. orvlti !) bettor ibnr. anvthlnR we ever 1.' II. F. wrattACn., connira, K. II. Trial onri Victor tcf'onlr y'pe.-ntaiiii-uiBts. .P.. MILES' MEDICAL CO., ClkhnrMncU ITiliLVli FKEfi. CURE BSffi YOURSELF! rrai.!.!-,.,., 7 nun un-iin uuuuiiurriKBa I lilea, Whl,A. . iT Jor any unnatural (list hnn-r.a.v lypur dniBjist for a bottle of swithoutthenidorpubllcily of a 1 nocior. won-poleonon and imonnteorl not to ttricture. I Till "nhersal American Cure. Manufactured hv , Th9 Evam Chemical Oo. CINCINNATI, O u. s HeaSiiiful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Snapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc Removes and Prevents PandxnfT. specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wates, Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies OR Other Chemicals aro used fn the preparation of TY. UAKEK & CO.'S reakfastCocoa whteh i ahtoluttly pure und sulublc. iJlhaamorethnnthvi timet the ttnnyth of C'01 oa mixed with Starch. Arrowroot or Sucar. nnd is far inoro eco nomical, costing I e8$ titan one cent a rup. It Is delicious, nourishing, and xasilt digested. Sold Ijj flrortrs tterj where. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. ntmTlinr we, we nnaersunea, wer hUP rUHE riUlodolnhln. Pa.. H.Jones Philips, Kennel Bquaro, l'a.; T. A. Kreltr., Hlatlrgton Pa.: E. M.Hraall, Mount Alto, Pa.: Itev.H ll.Bher rner, Hnnbury,il'a.! D. J. Uellett, 211 -i Vtlh Hi., Heading, Pa.; Wm, Dlx, 181W M.introsetlt Philadelphia; H. I,. Ilowe. m Elm Ht , Head, let', l'a.; QeorKe and I'll, liuraarl, ljcnst St., ileadlne, l'a, Bend for circular Act on a new prloclplo legjuale tbe lier, cuimBtla ana bowels , mnh th T.00EES " ?.--m ewe. bill nsneea. i?3 torpid llvr aufll consUps 'rS tica. r'i,ll', mildest, 1 cts, tf - iJt.i fyuuTi(itVjBjiiu. b. Kila Bel Co . ftLhuU lot IE WIS' 98 LYE (patkvt ) fttfctr I.t? H I n lug iv dm powlur ftiiij pivfiktBtl lit oan ith rfiii.able tid. tin- - iiifliU nt klwv tutdf fur utw Wllliiir.il tpo furue.l Hurt Sori In tOialnu iu.t. u;bkUnm IT IB T.IK BUST for ol., t ..irati, iaiftr.fwtliU ihi, cUtieti, mlntn buUUtt. (klutK in ( 10 PKNNA. 8ALT M'P'O Ca tie.i. An B..Phll,t'i rT'lafrV1 a,jBu-ag ta, 1 BBwiuuja: Every Alonth many women suffer from Bxceniva or Scant Menatruatlon; they don't know 1 who to confide Into get proper aavloo. Don't confide la anybody but try Bradfield's f Jpecinc for PAINFUL, PltOFUSE, SCAtUr, SUPPRESSED and IRREGULAR MENSTRUATIQN. g Book to "WOMAN" mailed free, R BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Oa. bald lr U Drunlala. B AGENTS WANTED. Salary and expenses paid. Addreis W HM1T1ICO., (leneva Nurierf. 0aT, N Ya. Xstabllshed ibis. wm mm . Uii lir' 1 1