Evening hebald. VOL. VH.--NOV297; SHENANDOAH. PA.. MONDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1892. ' . r 1 ONE GENT. ie3. cr 28 South Main St. UEADQDABTBItS FOK GOODS ! Trimmings, Ladies' ana Children's OATS Shades and Shadings, B O BOOKS K S WILL THERE) BE A WAR OVER THE BRIDGE ? BOROUGH OFFICIALS GHAGRINED Tho Pennsylvania Railway OEQ clals Say They Will Tolerate no Interference and Will Call Out the Sheriff's Posse. ANOTHER CAVE-IN. gKwns HE controversy ovortlie fi?A iSl Pennsylvania Railroad ' Carpets and Oil Cloth if Grand Opening of the fY fifty cent storm serges will compare fa- voraDiy witn vuc goods sola in Philadel phia and other cities. I am selling an all- wool ftnhlt fllnth. nrnrth fUlo fn.W. na Prd. I have tho best 6flo Corset in tho region, lain Flannels, worth 28c. sold hero lor 20o per .vurd: 4-1 wldoMusllu sold for 60 per yard) tho uray r iannci soio. lor 100 per yard, and a Ififuvl Plnnnnlnf tOn no.. ..n ...1 A l ill......... I y iwr iw u pair. Everything a Decided Bargain. I , flENTS' Natural Wool Butts, worth I VI 2 fit). Fold now fnr 2. rViTnfnrtnhlna and lllankcts cheap. Como at onco and Becuro gooo. values at 01a reliable Btand, 28Houth Wain street, next door to Grand uliuu itu aiuro. jjook ucparunein 'yjJSiiiSE DECEMBER 3, '92 10,000 llooks for Christmas Gifts at Time! Is money at tho Qreat Jewelry Depot You Bee all the latest designs In Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware. JUngs, $1 to 2S0. Ear iiDgs, $1 to 550. Brooches. BOo to $50. Gold ( "Watches, f 10 to $160: Silver, $7 to $50. Rogers Ilros. triple plated sil verware and Gorhuui solid sterling silverware and souvenir spoons. Opera glasses, necklaces, gold pens, peuclls, gents' watch chains, scarf plus and gold eye-glasses. All our goods aro bought from the fcbest houses in America aud are old at from 25 to 30 per cent, lower than elsewhere. hHofderman's bridgo Bccretly ercctod by the company in tho southern part of town on Friday night Is waxing warm. Tho borough authorities feel chagrined over the action taken by tho company and they aro leaving no stone unturned to dovisosomo means hy which they may remove tho often sive abutment. It b stated that ono lawyer consulted has given an opinion that tho railroad company is not in possession of the site upon which abutment stands and that the hnrnnr.li luthorities have a right to remove it as an unlawful obstruction. Meanwhile, tho Pennsylvania Railroad ofllc Soveral of them camo into town by special car last evening, at about 8 o'clock, and hold a consulfation in tho ticket office of tho depot at tho lower end of Main street. They listened to the state ments of the contractor nun" hi rnr,.,o ,i below regulur viewed thn work Tir i..! ,i m cials instructed tho contractor to guard tho bridge at all hazards; that tho company had possession and tho borough had no right to interfere in any way with tho bridge. Tho officials also left with instructions that if the flUR Book Department Is now fullv utnnlraA it-Ul. ( I, 1 i . . I nf utH,.i t n ... als aro on tho alert w' u.i,imha tfutcuiiu UUU iviiHueuu- iieous Works to be found In Pottsville or larger cities. We advise all those who wish to purchase books of any Kind to call and see what we have to oiler before purchasing elsewhere, as we sell our books far book store nrlces. We call special attention to our Im lnense Stock of Staudard Seta whlnh wo are offering at tho lowest prices ever heard of. A full line of all the Standard I2mos, comprising a series of over COO vols., at borough authorities 'attempted to use forco to 191 nontu in nlitti mi. I . . remove tho bridge, and tho contractor found ho had not sufficient force to protect tho property, ho should at onco call upon tho Sheriff for protection, Jewelry Store, Corner Mam and Lloyd Streets. JOHN F. PLOPPERT'S Bakery : and : Confectionery, No. 20 East Ceutre.Street. I am now making a superior quality of CHE AM you want UltKAD. somelhimr nnw. Iiu'll use no other If you do. t to try it; llatt's Popular Saloon, (Formerly Joe Wyatt'a) ) and 21 West Oak Street, 1 SHENANDOAH, PA. m olskies, brandies, wines, etc Finest cigars, fttatlng barattached. Cordial invitation to all. I2i cents in cloth blndlnir. Thes never before sold for less than 25 cents each American Copywright Novels bv Marv J. Holmes. Marinn rTnrlnnfl. Aui'llstllH .T. "Rvnn. Mnrv An-noa Riam- ing, j unusi'.bmith, published at 1.50;Wnrn, nf .fi- i . . , - , , nnrnrl nftnurXu Worth of stock to select from in pkiin, band 11 I lancv. encravpji. Ktrnm mwl nti ,.tnnn In our selection of books wo newr 1.1 . " .. , . ., ..... , ., . , .. .. ju'.x" Kuiu uu ouver waicjics, snvenvaro iorget tlio little lolkH. A full line of I and fancy goods, at, Holderinan's. Illustrated Story and Tov Books We do not have space to mention more. The balance you can gee hy visiting our sale of books, and be con vinced that this shall bo the sale of all sales yet held In hooks. Main and Lloyd streets. lUJtSONAI.. 12-10-tf DIVES, POMEROY k STEWART POTTSVIIAU, O. GEO. MILLER, Manager. PA. 25 ron IL892 HOLIDAY SEASON aNeiv Jtai8ins. , - Nen Cleaned Curr (litis. JSrew Cltrjon. . 2fciv Prunes. New Evaporated Peaches. 2t(w JEvajwrated Apricots Kcpresentativo J. J. Coylo was a visitor to town this morning. Councilman Bcttcridco is about to rptirn from tho butcher business. Thomas D. Tacgart returned to Phllaflnl. phia yesterday morning. Miss iiclders, of St. Johns. Nova Scotia. i visiting at Mrs. J. Grant's. Mrs. Brown, of Philadelnhla. Is visiting her daughter, Dr. Stein's wife. r"TQ VADfl S. G. M. Ilollopeter and J. II. romeroy, j J. O, 1 JiiV. I VlVlJ Esqs., went to Pottsville to day. 8. A. lleddall returned from Norfolk- Vn On Friday, well pleased with the country. J. 41. Gllck, Postmaster Eberla and Ptr Griffith, of Girardville. wero in town vostnr. day. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Walters, of Pfintrn. villo, Snyder cbunty. aro tho eucsts or tlmtr daughter, Jlrs. John Iiohland. Major J. V. Finney is homo aeain after an extended visit to Norfolk. Old Point Comfort. Petersburg, Itir-hniond, Va., and Washington, u. u no appears in excel lent health. Messrs. M. Mellct. M. D. Mulnnn. .Tnma .T Franoy and P. J. Ferguson arrived homo on oaiuruay alter spending soveral pleasant days in Washington, D. O., Norfolk and Old Point Comfort, Va. I'acker Colliery No. 3 Mine Workings Cause More Trouble. Tho Lehigh Valley Kail road tracks near Lost deck wero carried down again to day by another cavo-ln of tho workings of Packer No. 2 colliery. Tho cave-in was a largo ono and left tho tracks affected suspended several feet in tho air. It occurred nt noon. The passenger train duo here from Ashland at 12:53 arrived ai tho west brink of tho pit just after the surface went down. Tho pas. sengers were delayed until a train from town was sent down for them. Until tho road is made safe again trains will be run up to each sido of the cavo-ln. A 1,000 SHARES OOVireil In tho Now Saving Fnml This Is Not Insurance. Win. J. Morgan has made arrangements with the new saving fund to sell ono thousand (1,006) shares, this month, at sixty (CO) cents a share and furnish every member with a certificate cuarantcelni? maturitv In snwn years or ciirhtv-four monthlv nnvmnntii. TliU association has loaned thousands of dollars In llazleton and other points and has among Its members a largo number of tho best aud most conservative business men of the state It is tho only saving fund that gives a gunranteo to mature the stock in seven (7) years. How is it possible to make small savings niako moro money than by this plan and there is no better plan by which a poor man can pav for a homo. This association is ready to loan money in Shenandoah now. Don't forget that tho A'ew York National Building and Loan Association Is Tho most equitable. The most scientific. Tho most profitable. The most progressive, Tho most philanthropic Tho most comprehensive. Distributes its risks better. Builds un tho towns as well as tho citlr. It is the best cleariug house for the small savings of a nation. If you can save six cents a dav vou can make $300.00; if you can save ten cents a day you can niako fuOO.OO ; if you can save twenty cents a day vou can make $1000. If you will learn the plan you will tako stock atock: lor sale every day at Win, J. Morgan's hat store everv hour the, stirn la nwn Sworn testimony as to reliability furnished u uesireti. it you cannot save at least G cents a day don't tako stock. This is solid business and is done under tlin nlan The new saving fund is the fund for you and there are now 1,000 Bhares of it for salo in unenanuoau. QUEER FREAK OF A PENN SYLVANIA ENGINE. IT HANDLED ITS OWN THROTTLE A Swift Run From Silver Brook to New Boston Junction and no Ono In the Oab No Damn go Done. men at when they should have secured injunction?'' But, after all, this Pennsylvania Itafltoad bridge matter is not the worst blander the present Borough Council has made, When that body decided to put in the oleetrio flro alarm system tho comnnnv relvlnt tlwi contract said that it would agree to keep tli. system in good condition for one year, free of charge. All who have any connection with tho buslnoss thought that a very fair offer. A few weeks ago, when complaint was mad at a Council meeting that tho system was not working as it should, somo members sug gested that a notice bo scut to the Gamewell UNAWAYS on railroads Company, asking it to attend to the repairs if are very dangerous un- "" "ceded. To tho surpriso of all it dcr the best of clrcum-1 Was nnnouncca tbat wulo the company had I verbally offered, to keep tho system In repair stances, hut when an fr ono year, there was no mention of it in engine has full swing of the written contract, and thereforo if th a road for a number of ytetn needed any repairing tho borough miles there Is ,. would have to pay for it. causo for a Yesterday an engino of tho is soma sensation. Pennsylvania O, ye Godsl isn't such managomont of affairs encouraging to taxpayers who hnvt OIL CLOTH. Others for 33, 45, 50o and upwards. Tarties uuving curpei rags stiouia send tliem and navo them mildn fntn n f!r.t.Mnaa .-i .... Carpet Store, 10 South Jardm St. 1893 "Wo lead, nover follow." Dioldennan's Jewelry store, corner Main and Lloyd streets. 12-10-tf Injured by masts. Thomas Hughes, of West Coal street, had his left leg and side badly contused Friday last by a blast of coal, which struck hitu when he was In a heading of tho Kchley Bun colliery. Tholnjmies are not of averv serious character. Friday night last Mike Narowlcz. a Polo residing on East Lloyd streot, had tho flesh torn from his left hand aud finzeri bv tho exploding of a pleeo of dynamito In Bear Eidgo colliery, lie was sent to tho Miners' Ilospital. Holderman's jewelry store. anu Lloyd streets, Is bettor stocked this sea- son man any other competitor's Jn this town or county. 12-10-tf NKCItOLOOV. Boss Bull, ono of Schuylkill's oldest clti zcus, uica at nia nomo in Port Carbon on Saturday. Ho was 82 years of age and the o.f ,1 . A n 1 .1 .... I HJJ . 1 1 t . , I . , uvwWWw,uunrDiiuw in mo state, air. NeiU Italian JDHed CfierrleS Bull was Chief Burgees of Port Carbon aud 1 1.0.1 l.ftt.l m a,- I.- uig uuim ,ui uver ioriy years, or slnco the borough became a borotieh. with thn i . . " exception of one year. Ho located at Port Carbon In 18:12, having moved there from Chester county. Tho funeral will take place at 2 p. m. on Wednesday. Mrs. Margaret Huches died at tl.r i,m nf tier daughter, Jlrs. Michael Burns, on North Chestnut streot, this moraine Mrs. Nimlie was tno widow or James Hughes, who was killed In tho civil war. Tho di-mumi years of ago and previous to becoming a rosi dent of this town, fourteen years ago, resided atTamaquj and Pottsville. The surviving children are all residents of this loini nml are Margaret, wife of Michaol Burns; Mary, wife of Michaol Dolan, aud Patrick, Johu aud Andrew Hughes. Fancy New Crop, Opcn-Kcttlc New Orleans Baking Molasses. fito Comb Money very fine. Hctv J?aper-hhelled Almonds SSo ajiound, w Florida Oranges 2&c a dcziw. Nttv Mince Meat-only the best quality in stocJc. We Oiler n Large Sloclc at Fancy New Canned Corn. wong which are theZJTinestlGoods we have ever sold. AT KEXTER'S Goods sold at Holderman's iowelrv storn I from 23 to 30 por cent, lesa than elsewhere. 12-10-tf Violin r.fu..niia Prof. John Jones, loader of tho Mahanov City opera hemw orchestra. Is nranarod in civo lefisous on the violin on ronsnnnlilA torma Orders may be left at tho Kendrick House, Shenandoah. 12-3-lm Ihu 1 I." U . V. u .A. . . Ohio, writes: "I used Dr Hull s Cougb Hyaun Wm. McCarth in my family wltb cood results." Wn n-mm. mend it to all heads of families as tho best." Presents bought at Holderman's lewelrv store carry with them an absolute guarantee as to the purity of metal and certainty of perfection in construction and finish. Corner Main aud Lloyd streets. 12-10-tf Tlie Wonderful Piionoirranli. The people of Shenandoah aro to bo treated to a wonderful entertainment in tho Prim itive Methodist church on Thursday evening, December 22d. Mr. L. H. Howe, of tho Edl. son Phonograph Co miianv. will bo hero wltli Edison's latest phonograph, and all appliances necessary to givo a concert that cau bo hoard and enjoyed by 1.000 people. Tho will Include the reproduction of all kinds of, sounus, irom tue lull brute band down to tho sweet low tones pf a iluto solo. Also the barking of dogs and tho full muslo of a ham yara. uon't tan to near it. Get your tickets early. Simply wonderful. 13-10-3t-sws - . auaiiB eucuuiugui iu vuzpayurs wiiu tinvt Eallroad Company got away from its crew at placed the management of an undertaking Oliver iirooK ana tor about fifteen miles it involving an outlay of over $100,000 in tb dasbed along tho rails at a tcrriflo pace, but fortunately there is but littlo Sunday traffio on that branch and the engino caused no damage of any kind. It seems that a coal train was wrecked at Silver Brook yesterday. Whllo tho crew, in cluding tho engineer and fireman, wero viewing it and speculating on tho beat means to get tho track cleared, the engine, In somo mysterious manner, became uncoupled and was put In motion. M. , . .a inu engineer anu urcmen wero at somo distance from the engine when it started. It was at first thought that somebody was run nlng tho engino a short distance from tho wieek and when it was realized that nobody was in tho cab tho "steam horse" was bound Ing away at a lively rate of speed. J" Dispatches wero sent on ahead and tho eu gino was given a clear track all tho way to Now Boston Junction, where it stopped of Its own accord on account of the steam giving out. USE DANA'S SABSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." Gold and Bilver watches, diamonds. nreciou3 stones, solid sterling and best plated silver ware, B. & H. banquet and parlor lamps, bronzes, optical goods: evcrvthinp in mat variety, at Holderman's, corner Main and iiioya streets. jf The Academy Itestuurnnt. The Pottsville headouartcra for Rhennn doab peonlo aud others living North of thn Mountain, for hqt toddles, hot punches, beef tea anu tui Kinds ot wines and liquors of tho best brands Is the Academy Restaurant. John F. Coouey, proprietor, M, A. Cooney, assist ant, to Jlnllduy Announcement. Miss VIrgio Ilollopeter will, on Tuesday placo soveral nieces of )imnl.imlntwl chinaware on exhibition at tho People's drug store, corner of Main and Centre streeta. The piecos will be for sale aud will make very appropriate Christmas presents. 12-0-3t Wo have oar notions of a good Couch and Croup Remedy for a long whllo. Dr. .Coxo's I Wild Cherry and Sencka suits us in every re spect. Try It. I OBE'S OBSERVATIONS. Hunt no bees and lleura Uurlni- in Travels. Tho pooplo aro beginning to realize that when the IIebai.d repeatedly stated that somo or me preteut Councilmen of the bor ougn did not know what they wero doin half the tirao tho paper pretty well under stood what It was talking about. Tho latest confirmation of tho assertion is tho predica ment In which the borouch has benn nliwil in connection with tho Pennsylvania Rail road matter. Of course the Councilmen are out with excuses of all kinds and clal m nr. oneration from blamo on tho ground that the company broko faith with them, but upon this ground they cannot bo excused. Had thoy understood their business they would have secured an injunction at once. That they should have taken the word of a fore. man employed by a contractor for tho com pany that nothing further would be done on tho bridge is ridiculous. Our Councilmen have shown themselves hayseoders in this matter. The Borough Council's methods In connec tion with tho Pennsylvania Railroad bridgo matter wore quite in contrast with the methods adopted when tho Councilman wanted to show tho electric railway company that they were "the people." In tho Couu ollmon the eloctrio road found a nartv of bulldozers, tormentors and obstructionists, but tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company found in them a nest of nice, grectr farmers. hands of the same people. But hoi another blundor ro-appoars upon the horizon ! Look at the street I When th Messrs. Grant were before Council making arrangements for street Pavlnir tho nentlemen stated that they could do little of tho paving this fall and would prefer not doing any until spring. Council stated that tho electric rail way company was ready to pavo and it had' been decided to have tho company lay its railway along Main street aud pave at gradtt at tho same time, so that the work would not have to bo done again in tho spring. Council asked Mr. Grant if ho would reduco tho street on each sido of the railway to grado so as to make travel safo until the paving would begin in tho spring. Mr. Grant said he would do so. At tho last Council meeting complaint was mado that Main street was In a, dangerous condition since tho railway had been put in at grade. "Didn't Mr. Grant agrco to cut down the street to tho grado of tho railway 1" asked somo one. Tho answer to the query was that Mr. Grant had agreed to do so Vrbally, but as it was not in writing and as Council had not mado a contract for the paving there was no means by which he could bo compollcd to eu down tho street. Council was puzzled, but finally it wm deeided that the street committee ask tb electric railway coinnanv to cut down the embankments at each side of its road and try to make tho street safe for travel: and if the comiinny should refuse to do tho work that the committee do it at tho borough's expense. The borough is doing to work. Tho latter action of Council was as silly at the action, or, rather, non-action in the bridge matter. It recalled the experience of a onco too good hearted Chief Burgess of this town. A circus was billed to appear on tho Kehley Run baso ball grounds. The manager paid liis license and called for the service of Borne special police, who wero placed on duty by tho Uurgoss. After the show tha Iattr presented the bill for police duty. The man-. ager "kicked" on the sizo of it. 'I will not pay that much," Raid the Bhow- man. Well, now, I wouldn't ask. any man to work for me for nothing," pleaded tho bor ough official, "and If you will not pay the,,. bill I will 1" "Well, pay it," was tho heartless renlv of tho tout kiug. On. Holdornian's gold watches for $12 are sold olkowhere at $18. Silver watches sold from 1-3 to $& lower than elsewhere. Comer Main aud Lloyd streets. 12-10-tf Chief Burgess Smith mad a stnteinant tn . IIkrai.u reporter on Saturday iu connection with the bridgo matter. It doos not material ly differ with what the IlKKALD has already published. Mr. Smith says: "Last Thursday morning tho Street Committee called upon tho foreman of tho work. He nromlsed to tako out the foundation stones that had been laid and fill up tho holes. Tiendinir tho result of a consultation with the railroad company's engineer. I suggested that it would bo well for tho borough to placo a watchman nt thn place, but the foreman said that would bo un necessary as no more wprk would bo douo. When I found work was goiug on at tho bridge Saturday morning I consulted with Solicitor Potneroy aud he said that in his opinion tho borough would have as much sight to act in the matter after the bulldlns of the bridge as It had before and that, in, his opinion tho borough, could compel the com pany to remove tho abutment IT ft obstructed the publio highway, I also found that tho Chart Oneu. , ,, .. , - , ... j'uunu iiiguwuy, i amp round that tho The chart for the sale of mervc.1 sts for Couucl,mon W0T0 not 10 rho Drummer liny nf Rhl r.h wM1 la tl ... 1 . vw ' ,u "Tho Drummer Boy of Shlloh." which Is to- be produced at Ferguson's theatre on tho 10th and I7tii ants., under the auspices of Wash ington Camn, No. 200. P. 0. S. of A.. Is now open at Klrllu's drug store All goods warranted as ropreoeuted, or money refunded, at Holderman's lewelrv store, comer Main aud Lloyd street. 12-10-tf posse, so tating all in all I did not carry out niy intention of takiug 40 or 60 men down to tho bridgo to drlvo oST the company's won. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad bridgo near the Cambridge colliery is In position. It Is certainly a dangerous obstruction in tho ....1.1!- l.ll . . . 1 . j.uu.h- mguwuy at mat piaco ami tbere is a Unless there is a scarcity of work, our treat howl nv- it tv. nil ii.i . i business men expect to do t. good bu.siuri 1 who is blanioable for tho neelecfc com h ! during tho holidays. taunting reply. "Where wore tho Council. A Salvation Surprise, A surprise iiarty was tendered to Miwuw Fannie and Bewlo Klngsland, captains of tho local corps of tho Salvation Army, at tb headquarters qf the army on Friday evening, hy a number of the friends they liave mad during their stay here. Several gift were, made, Including a puise, and un authuiatia Salvation Army jollification followed. Among those who wero instrumental, iu making tho presentation were Mr. Shlrey, John Ferguson, Peter Dillmau, Isaae Jobm, Janioa Jofforwm, Mrs. Trivet, Miss Zimmer man, Jlrs. Hawley, Misses Cora Miller, Boadia Drumheller, Tillio Trivet, Sallie Jefferson, Mr, and Mrs. John Rhoades, Mr, aud Mrs. Wm. Jefferson, and Henry Rhnadiw. Tfc surprise was prompted by Miss Bessie Kings-, land being ordered to report at Scranton. She left for that placo on Saturday. USE DANA'S SABSAPARILLA, m "THE KIND THAT CUKE8." The Fair Committee. A joint meeting of the ladles' and trontlu. men'i Columbia Fair committee will bo held at the company's houso, on South Jardln street, on Tuesday, 13th Inst, at 7:30 o'clock r- a. John Babtsch, 12-12 2t Chairman of Committee. Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's. Go to Holderman's Jewelry store to select your Christmas presents. By making a small deposit goods will be laid away until called for. Corner Main and Lloj-d streeta. tf Palvatlon Oil the greatest cure on earth for pain is universally accented by boieeuen and veterinarians a. the no plus ultra of liniments. Chart Open. The chart Is opon at Klrllu's drug tore for the sale of ri served scats for tho "Confederal Spy," which is to be produced at Fcrguson'g theatre on tho 20th and 27th insta. for the benefit of the Soldiers' Monument fund. - (Additional local news on iccenJ pajs.)