FINE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS ! Find no difficulty in securing what they require for their ta bles at our stove. Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. THEATRICAL NOTES. Reference to Ferguson Theatre Coming Attractions. Little Goldlo, in tho romantic play of "Tho Bocky Mountain Waif," commenced an engagement at tho Opera House last evening, and was greeted by a packed house. Tho compaily and play are tho best of the class on tho road, and tho performance of last cTening was applauded throughout. Tho came bill will bo repeated this evening, and wo cipect to sco aasthcr full house. Prises a usual. Norfolk Virginian, Korfoll; Va. "Tho Eocky Mountain Waifo" will be pro. dined at Ferguson's theatre on Wednesday evening, December 14th. DKUMMini noY. Tho cast for tho presentation of tho "Drummer Boy, or Spy of Shiloh," by Camp 200, is tho finest home talent that' has yet appeared in our theatres. The appearance of Mr, Phil. J. Connell, in tho loading role, is sufficient in itself to draw crowded houses. There are over ono hundred peoplo in the cast. Tho play will bo produced in Ferguson's theatre on Dtccmber ICth and 17th. A Child Knjoys Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action and sooth ing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of n laxative, and if tho father or mother be costive or bilious, tho most gratifying results follow its use; bo that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. A (ii'iioral Law Practice. Sol . Foster, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, has entered upon tho duties pertain ing to the' general practice of law. Special attention will bo given to suits for damages rcsuHiug from railroad and mining accidents, and to cases requiring legal advieo and assistance in tho larger cities of tho state and country. USE DANA'S SAKSAFARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CUKES." Twelve Pliotng for BOc. By sending us your cabinet, together ,with 60 cents, wo will finish you ono dozen photos. 11-2-tf W, A. Keaqey. Kli-ctrio Hallway Ilullctlii. Hereafter tho clectrio railway cars will leave tho corner of Cherry and Main streets at 5:30 a. in. daily and every 20 minutes thereafter until midnight, at which hour tho last car will leavo for Qirardvillo. On Mon day, November 7th, 1892, the faro for any length of rido between Shenandoah and Girardville w ill be reduced to five (6) cents. Tho reason why Arnica and Oil Liniment is so popular with tho ladies is because, it not only is very healing and' soothing but its odor ii not at all offensive, lm GILBERTON COUNCIL. Proceedings or Its Interesting Regular Monthly Meeting. A regular monthly meeting of tho Qllber- ton Borough Council was hold at Maitovlllo in tho hoso house on Thursday. Members present: Dennis Sheehan, John Stone, W. It. MIddlcton, Patrlok Delanoy, Lldlo Oorly and Philip Hagorty. W. R. Middloton was elected president pro tem. ln4lio absenco of tho regular president. Tho minutes of tho regular and special meetings were read and approved. Tho Supervisor's time book was compared and found correct. On motion, it was agreed to issuo orders to pay tho workmen. Miscellaneous bills Yrcro read and thoso found correct approved. On motion, it was agreed to issuo orders in payment of tho same Mr. Stono, a member of the Street Com mittee, reported tho team road in an almost Impassable condition on account of tho mud thrown on it by tho Traction Company. Con siderable comment ensued. On motion of Mr. Stono, it was demanded that tho Traction Company shall plank or macademizo tho road, immediately, as per ordinance. On motion of the same, it was agreed that five moro electric lifhts will bo put up for uso of the borough, two for Draper sido in East ward, one in Middle ward and two for West ward. On motion, it was agreed to issue an order for $100 for each hoso company, three in number, in too borough, for faithful services. On motion, it was agreed to havo four olec tric lights in each hose house 12 in all. On motion, adjourned. NOTES. Pay day here to-day by tho Reading Com pany. Edwin Whyn has opened a shoo store in stone's building. Tho electric road will bo open for travel on Tuesday. William Stone, who left England the last of November, Is expected homo any day. ' Don't Tobacco Spit or Suioko Your Lire Awny," Is tho Damo of a little book just received telling all about Ko-to-lao tho wonderful, harmless, guaranteed euro for chewing smoking cigarette habit or snuff dipping. AWo-Anc is tho only guaranteed tobacco habit euro in the world sold by druggists. Men tion tills paper. THE STERLING REMEDY CO., 45 Randolph St., Chicago or Indiana Mineral Springs, Ind., and get a book mailed free. ll-ll-13t-eod S2r,ooo Worth of stock to select from in plain, band, fancy, engraved, stone and other rings, jewelry, gold and silver watches, silverware and fancy goods, at nolderman's, corner Main and Lloyd streets. 12-10-tf Go to Holdcrman's jewelry store to select your Christmas present. By making a small deposit goods will be laid away until called for. Corner Main and Lloyd streets. tf Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that tho name I.eesio & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed an ovcry sack. 3-3-3taw USE DANA'S SAKSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." Cuming Kveuts. Dec. 10 and 17. Drummer Boy; or Spy of Shiloh, in Ferguson's theatre, under tho auspices of W. Carup No. 200, P. O. S. of A. Dec. 22 Grand fair, Columbia Hoso & team Firo Engine Co.; Ferguson's front hall. Doc. 20 and 27 'The Confederated Spy; or The Bluo and Gray," under tho auspices of Henry Horneastlo Cump, No. 49, Sons of Vetorans, in Ferguson's theatre, forthebeuo fit of Soldiers' Mouument fund. Fob. 13. First annual ball of Gen. Har risou Lodge, K. of P., in Robbins' opera house, Host work done at Hrcnuan's Steam Laun dry. Everything white and spotless. Laco curtains a kpecialty. All work guaranteed A 1'nrt About Smoking. Wo have positivo proof that there are groat Jieneflts to be derived from smoking in tho results attained from the smoking of "FER RIS" DELICIOUS HAMS AND BACON. Don't suffer with indigestion, uso Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. lm Pile or Hemorrhoids Permanently cured without kuifo or ligature. No danger or suffering. No delay from bus iness while under treatment. Patients who ro responsible need not pay until well. A perfect cure guaranteed. Send for circular. E. KEED, M. D., 129 South 13th St., Philadelphia. Refers, by permission, to tho editor of the Evknino IIeeald. tf jAue'i Family Medicine Moves the liowels .Kacu day. Most people need to uso It. Goods sold at Holdcrman's jewelry store jroru 25 to 30 per cent, less than elsewhere. 12-10-tf 'ERGUSON'S THEATRE. P. J. rEROUSON, MANAGER For two nights only, Friday and Saturday, DECEMBER 16th and 17th, '92 Tho great war drama, entitled The Drummer Boy, Or Spy of Shiloh. Under Auspices of W. Camp, No, P, 0, S, of A, Over 100 People In tho Cast. A. F. NAIL in the Leading Role, 'Uncle Joe Phil J. Connell as "Frank llutledee:" Minnie Guldln as "Drummer Hoy;" .lobniteese as "Mart Howard," and Little lier tie Guldln in her specialties, to gether with excellent local cast. Prices, 15, 25 mid 35 Cents. Reserved Boats on sale at Kirlln's drug store. WHAT WOVLV TUU M'MNDTOR A X-MAS GIFT? Spectacles to suit all eyes, at Portz's book .Bind stationery store, No. 21 North Main street 4-27-tf "When Baby mi sick, we gnvo her Castorla. WIibu she was a ChlM, she criwl for Castorla. M'hen she became JIUw, she clung to Coktorla. When fclia had Children, she gave them Castorla, Frh Morris JUvev Cove Oysters received daily Ouslett's. 0-23-tf 1 . . . . t 1 n.Tl na iiunl Al nr 'liri' ... a .- ....... , .-.. tii, . ids of dollars to make Itknowotbat tot. 1 t PuoXllua free ut 1'. P. D Kltllu's drut 're. Matters are Becoming Interesting And In the musical lino to-day without doubt tho most interesting matter Is that W. Wilde Has procured the most completo stock of Musical Goods In the co nty, embrac ing ev- ry tiling in the musical line The next most interesting thing Is that he Is selling those delightful new -AUTOHAEPS- can be played by any one In a few days. Pianos, Organs, VlolIns.Qultars, brass Instruments, and full line sheet music. Cor. Jardin and Lloyd Sts, PHOTOGRAPHER DABB Has purchased the best apparatus In the mar. kci. uuu ih now nreuareu lo laKB everv sivieni nhotocrarihs. Views of liulldlnra. mnohlnprv and all kinds of outdoor work a specialty. Each purchaser 01 ono aozen caoinets at J.MJ is pre sented with a larco cravon ree. This offer is f;ood until April 1, 1BU3. Copying and enlarg. ng, Work done at short notloe uud low prices. DABB, N. White St., M&lmig, WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Whtre lis will be pleated to meet the wanu or ms mends ana me public in Everything in the Drinking Line. When you have decided this question go to (jirvin, Duncan & Waidley's yiND make your selection. There you will find an " endless variety of goods suitable for X-mas or Wedding Gifts. Perhaps It might bo a Tea or Dinner Set, or a Toilet Set. In tho Crockery or China line we have a handsome assortment. See our 112-plece Deco rated Dinner Sets for $10; Porcelalne and China ones for $17 to $25. Glassware and Lamps In either of these we show you tho prettiest things for tho least money. X-mus toys und novelties. Visit us for fine Candies and Dolls. 3 SoutlL IVEcvixx Street, We Are Just Opening Up a full line of . Ladies', Misses' and Children's CARPETS for Fall Trade. J. J. PRICE b, New styles arriving daily. OLD RELIABLE NORTH MAIN STREET. jusvcpeneaai 9 -1 25 South Main St. oEFF S JDoUBLE STORE. J FULL line of Dry Goods, Under wear, Notions, Hosiery, Blankets, Comforts, Boots and Shoes, which must be sold be before January 4th, 1892. AT OUR OLD STAND, No. 23 South Main St., we will keep a full stock of Men's, Boys and Children's Clothing-, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnish ing Goods. Call and secure bargains. gsESISEJJgES, 23 and 25 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 0 DON'T BE A IlaXaY ! Hut go to SNYDER'S, Coal and Jardin Sts. He has the best lino ot Boots a,nd. Slioes In Shenandoah. Don't fo'get the place, Snyder's, Cor. Coal and Jardin Sts. SECEKTAKTP OA EC, 2?. 9! 8 If you are seeking a plane to purchase CHRISTMAS CANDIES .., No. 35 North Main Street M. L. KEMMEREB, Wholesale and Iictall Dealer. Special brand of Candies for Sunday Schools.' Hess' Livery Stable, xzS N. Market Alley. NEW BUGGIES AND IIAIINESS, SAFE HOUSES Finest turnouts la town. Would be pleased to receive a share ol the j.rand Opening Display.. DESIRABLE X-MAS GIFTS. ' Our clTorts to mako this display tho grandest and most elaborate wo have yet attempted has been achieved after many w eefcs of hard work and by searching through all tho various mar kets. Tho Innumerable urtlcles we oflcr Include the following at low prices; 33oolxs-Wehvo 1,000 12mos, beau tifully bound In cloth and gold, which we will sell at 20c; elsewhere. 35c Flush Cases and Albums Our line ot plush cases thl season havo been selected with tho greatest care, including Hhavlng Sets, Sowing Implements, Mantcuro Sets, Plush Albums In alltholrtest deslgss. Hymnals and Oxford Bibles at all prices, An elaborate array of Drlc-a-Braoandliisque Figures and Celluloid goods. Gold pens end pearl holders, 11 to 15. In plush cases, S1.50 up. Games of all Description. FOR THE HOOKS & BROWN, 4 Xortli HI 11 1 11 Street. ollais Saved ! J. N. Knevels, with A. J. Bbocner, pays: For the past three years I have been a suffer er with tetter ou tho hands, lhavo betn com pelled to leave several positions on account of It and have used dozens of so-called cures but until I used Mexican Herb Ointment I got no relief. I have used one box and my hands ore now almost entirely well . I am glad to be able to recommend Jt to allsullercrs from tho samo complaint. -THE GltEAT- Mexcan Medicine Co. Has opened a bnnch office In lm EUiLDIE 8 EAST CElilRE ST SHENANDOAH. "TjlEUOUSON'S THEATRE. V. J, JTEUUUbOH, MAPAUBlt. WEDNESDAY, DEO'BER 14 The entrancing ray of sunshine, LITTLE GOLDIE. In tho rcallstlo comedy, THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN WAIF Masterpiece ot sccnlo art. truthfully portraylug nature's wonders. The Garden ot the Gods." I'lko's Peak. "Grand Cavern of the Colorado," "Manitou," Ete. A. lleautlf ul I'ony, Genuine Colorado Durro. Now Bongs, dances and specialties. "You wiu taugn ana iuin uooui iu Prices, 25, 35 and 50 Cento Reserved seats on sale at Kirlln's drug store. Rates : Reduced ! JOE AND FRANK LEE! 29 West Cexitrc 8tM Will, on and after Monday, December 12th, do laundry work at the foilowlni prices: New White Shirts ....10 cents i;tiiur8....... in CuB............ .s 1 Other goads laundered at proportionate rates. ll-Mt JOE AND FKAJK MJE, hristmas Holidays ! The retail Toy Department of Fred. Keltban, 101 North Main street, con tains a choice collection of the most op. proprlate articles for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR GIFTS. Ice Cream made to order at shortest . notice Fruit and Christmas cakes made In the finest style. We aro also prepare d to Bupply Sun. da Scoools with Candles at wholesale prices. Fred. Keithan, Baher and Confectioner, m North Main Street. 41 GIRARDVILLE, PA. ITfl hUR Rlnn thn InmcRt nGanrtmrnt 4n iVia .. . ij ... . . ... Valley Irving. Noveity, New DrTTcinderelr man, Itlvul, Now Model, Old and New Lehigh. A full lino always In Mock. Also Ursttasi Hne Second -Iiand Stores IIontorM nncl Furnnoon. A"iA?00S"l?It0D.a.?avn.rran,t'd or money refunded or exchanged. A flnn iin nt rn iiuvnncounaininers itesi moves lors 3 each: No.KSlO- cooA Nn 1 (.fni i7Z r,;'vi " -from I0 up, and Stoves and Hanffcs f om M to 110. l5very one vaintoa t ia ? heiile up In any part of the county within 20 miles ol ' airardvllie warraBtea- ono- delivered and pw Over lW dlilerent sizes and styles or Second-hand Heating Stoves to select from ai0 . fine line of Single and Double Heaters, both round and mim Sn SJi-J. rom Al8 Roofing, Spouting, Jobbing, Plumbing and Gas-Fittmq Ma;ffiaspeciaUy""s extra cnarpe - v uuuui Benefit to All. Are you prepared for the stormy weather? It brings slop and mud ; and this is time of year that you want good and substantial Slioes to stand the wear and tear. We have just such shoes for both old and young, at prices to suit all. It will pay you to call and examine our stock and be con-' vinced of what we say. PEOPLE'S STORE 121 North Mam Street. DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant Tho leading place In town. Has lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, clean and fresh. The finest lino of Wines and Liquors I Cigars, &o., foreign and do mestic. Free lunch served each evening. Dig schooners of f resh,13eer,Vorter, Ale, tic. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J. J, DOUGHERTY, Prop. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT, (Chris t, Dossler's old stand) II n in mid Coal BIN., Hlieiinndouli. Uest beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest o rands of whiskeys and cigars. I'ool room at rnea. 10 CtNTS FOR A WINDOW SHADE. Others, ready to put up spring roller, xor sac, hoc, oc, ouc ana upt arus. rar ties desiring only the shading or tlx. turcs can be accommodated. C. D. FR'iCKE'S Carpot Store, 10 S, Jardin Street. g2 Heaters and Furnaces, jP? BOTH NEW and BCOND-H AND OF PHILADELPHIA, Send their Ejf e Specialist To Slicuniuloali, 'Wednesday, Dec. 2r, Ho will be found at the Fcrjf uso it House From 8:30 a. m. to 50 p. m. Persons who have headache, or whoso eyes are causing dh comfort should call upon their specialist, and thev will re ceive intelligent and skillful attention. NO CHAHGE to ex amine you eyes. Every pair of glasses ordered is guaranteed to be satisfactory. A Merry X-mas Greeting: To all Our Many Patrons. And a Happy New Year I rpilE largest lot of Toys, Fancy Plush Goods, Dreeslng Cases, Manicure Sets, Work Uoxes, Necessaries, Smok ers' Sets, Whisk Holders and thous ands of articles too numerous to men tion in plush and silverware Hues. Over 600 llntly dressed Dolls 25 per cent, less than auy houaeln thlsorany other county. Iron Toys, Steam En gines, Hook and Ladder Trucks, Elec tric Motors, strong enough to run any toy; largo House Cars, Doll Carriages, Rooking Horses, Blackboards, Sleighs, Building Blocks and all latest games. A VERY few fine Muslo Boxes that will play fifty tunes or more. Call and see them. Tool Chests, Bureaus, and Wardrobes for children. A largo variety of fine Christmas Dishes and Bisque goods at prices never before seen. Ladles' fine writing paper. Fino Christmas and New Year Cards in satin and plush the latest novelties. Also Books suitable for the Holiday trade. Air Guns for the boys best In the market at lowest prices. Fanoy Safes and thousands of other articles. Beautiful Horn Goods. Something New. Only Ladies will be in Attendance, Commencing Saturday, November 20. MAX 3E?1.ES353J3ES Hew To and Fancy Goods Store 16 W, Centre St., Ferguson House Block,