FINE GROCERIES HOUSEKEEPERS! Find no difficulty in securing what thoy require for their ta bles at our store. Corner Grocery, Centre and White Sts. Coining Kvents Doc. 10 anil 17. Drummer Soy; or Spy of Shlloh, in Ferguson's theatre, under the auspices of W. Cainp No. 200, 1. O. S. of A. Dec. 22. Grand fulr, Columbia lloso & team Firo Engine Co.; Ferguson's front hall. Doc. 20 and 27 "The Confederated Spy; or The lilue and Gray," under the allspices of llonry llorncastlo Camp, No. 40, Sons of Veterans, in Ferguson's theatre, for the beno fit of Soldiers' Monument fund. Fell. 13. First annual hull of Gen. Har rison Lodge, K. of P., in Hobbius' opera liouso. A Child KnJuyH The pleasant flavor, gentle action and sooth ing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of n laxative, and if tho father or mother bo costive or bilious, tho most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is tho best family remedy known and every family should liavo a bottle. GET ONE. "Winter Incursion Hook of tho l'entigjl. VHiilu Jtailrouri. A very valuable book lor tlicwe contem plating either an extended winter trip or a short visit to tho sunny South has Just been Issued by tho Pennsylvania Itailruad Com pany. Many useful suggestions and infor mation are contained in the littlo volume, which is copiously illustrated and provided with n valuable map of all tho territory under consideration. Copies may be obtained at the ticket oflicoB of tho company, or upon ap plication to Geo. W. Iloyd, Assistant General 1'asscnger Agent, 233 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. A (Jcneml I.uw I'rnctlrr. Sol. Foster, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor at Law. has entered upon tho duties pertain ing to tho general practice of law. Special attention will bo given to suits for damages resulting from railroad and mining arcidents, and to cases requiring legal advico and assistance in tho larger cities of tho state and country. UdK DANA'S SAUSAPAltlLLA, its "THU KIND THAT CUliES." Twelve riiotfis for fillc. By pending us your cabinet, together with DO cents, we will finish you ono dozen photos. 11-2-tf YV, A. Keaciev, KliTtrlc Kllllway Itulli tln. Hereafter tho electric railway cars will leave tho comer of Cherry and Main streets at 5:30 a. m. daily and every 20 minutes thereafter until midnight, at which hour tho last car will leave for GIrardvillo. On Mon day, November 7th, lb02, tho faro for any length of rido between Shenandoah and Girardvllle will bo reduced to five (6) cents. E. n. Wagner has the contract for laying tho crossings lately torn up by the electric railway company. William Kramer and Kobcrt Green trans acted business In Shenandoah Wednesday afternoon. Great preparations are being niado for tho fair to bo held by Co. F, 8th Regiment, N. G. Pa., which will open December ICth and be continued until tho 31st. Tho GIrardvillo Gas Company aro getting in their winter's supply of ccal. Four doublo curs arrived Tuesday. John Mile, tho confectioner, is having a bay window put in his rsldenco on Parker street. George Clmdwiclc, shipper at Preston No. 3 colliery, and Miss Sadio Moll were united In marriage by Hot. Richard Kalnes, Wed nesday afternoon. Georgo Williams, of Sliciiandsali, was groomsman, and Miss Cora Moll, sister ol tho brido, was bridesmaid. Willis Grumm was usher. Monday evening, Dec 12, tho dancing ray of sunshine, Minnie Lester, supported by her talented company of dramatic artists and superb band and orchestra, will eommence a six nights' (matineo Saturday at 2.15 p.m.) engagement, opening With tho bei.atlful and amusing play, "Silver Ledge." Tho bund will make a parado dally and give a free open air concert every evening in front of the Palace thcatro at 7:15. Miss Lestor and company have been doing a Bplcndid business wherover they have appeared, and tho per formances have given entire satisfaction. Win. Davis, of Ashland, lias accepted a position with Philip Mass, the merchant tailor. Phil. J. Connell, who has many admirers here, is to tako thepartof "Frank Rutlcdgc," in tho "Drummer Hoy of Shlloh," which appears in your town on tho 10th and 17th insts. Quite a largo crowd from this place will undoubtedly witness the play. Mlon't Tnlmcco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away," Is the naino of a littlo book just rcccivod telling all about JVo-ro-lac tho wonderful, harmless, guaranteed euro for chewing smoking cigaretto habit or snuff dipping. No-tu-bue is tho only guaranteed tobacco habit euro in tho world sold by druggists. Men- ion this paper. THE STERLING REMEDY CO., -IB Randolph St., Chicago or Indiana Mineral Springs, Iud., and get a book mailed free. ll-ll-13t-cod Tj pe Tor Sale. Wo havo 200 pounds million, tnoro or less, which wo will sell cheap for cash, hav ing no further uso for tho same Apply at IlKKALDolllco. Iiuy Keystone flour. Bo sure that the name I.Efrsio & Co., Ashland, Pa., is printed on overy hack. 3-3-3taw II You I.iuwi Chicago at O 1. M. For cither St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha or Sioux City, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, an excellent supper will bo served in tho dining car. You can then enjoy a fragrant cigar and "swap lies" with your fellow travelers in tho smoking room or read a novel by tho light of tho electric berth lamp, and then go to bed in ft steam heated apartment car with a sense of comfort and security that all travelers desire. In tho morning you aro at your destination readyfor breakfast and business. For further particu lars address Jno. R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Williamsport, Pa. 12-G -It WHAT XOV Sl'JSXJ) I'Olt A X-MAS GIFT? Tho reason why AmicaandOil Liniment is bo popular with tho ladies is becauso it not only is very healing and soothing but its odor is not at all oU'ensivo. lm A (.fiotl Mlnatrelx. Tho entertainment given in Ferguson's theatre last night by the Sweeney, Alvidotfc Moclzo jiouci Minstrels was thoroughly en joyed by a large audience. Tho company isa 11 ret class ono and in addition to the minstrel scene, which is a feast of song, jokes and Instrumental music, many very clover spec ialties are introduced, notably tho juggling of Alvido and the tight rope work of C. H. fcwecney. Harry C. Shunk makes a very funny end man and specialist. Somo ex cellent clog and (oft shoe dancing is also introduced. JOT Best work dono at Ilrcnnan's Steam Laun dry. Everything white and ejiotlees. Laco curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed Don't suffer witli indigestion, uso JIaiulniko Bitters. Baxter's lm Piles or Hemorrhoids Permanently curod without knifo orligaturo. No danger or suffering. No delay from bus iness while under treatment. Patients who are responsible need not pay until well. A perfect euro guaranteed. Send for cireular. R. REED, M. D., 120 South 13th St., Philadelphia. Refers, by permission, to the editor of the Evenino IIeuald. tf I.nno'ii Family Medicine Motes the ltowels Each day. Most people need to uso it. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." 6lectacles to suit all eyes, at Portz's book and stationery store, No. 21 North Mala street. 4-27-tf When Baby was siek, we gave her Castorla. "When ahe was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she become Silas, she clung to Castorla. "When she had Children, alio gave them Castorla, Frosb Morris River Cove Oysters received daily at Coalctt'a. ( 0-22-tf It Suits tbo People Is what druggist y. teenuse Ihoy aretlrea Colds, Throat and Pan-Tina is tola nl Is the most iiwuv aulckly euros Coimhs, V.7,.; .llcf.ntprs. 25 cent. i lt. Klrllu's drutf store. , AT THE NEXT MORNING I TEEL URIGHT AND NEW AND MY C J 1 XION IS UCTTCR. it nt f M v tflwtor si v Ji Ink W mad Ir ani ly ttl I y on the Rtomnrh, -umlavtilw 'l.iis 1 i iHi'p&rud (or ue All (Irufigm' til is . i i in. -til wiper p.u . lluy one ttxhiy. 4.a-ie i k i.iulli Medlrlnti Htm the I'o'vrl eai'l' uy. Inoroertot U nlthy, thin . i . .iv Matters are When you havo decided this question go to Q-irvin, Duncan & Waidley's jjND make your selcatlou. There you will find an eudless variety of goods suitable for X-mas or Weddlni: Gifts. Perhaps It might be a Tea or Dinner Bet, or a Toilet Set. In the Crockery or China line wo have a handsome asortment. See our 112-pleco Deco rated Dinner Sets for $10; Porcelalne and China ones for $17 to i'25. Glassware and Lamps In either of these we show you the prettiest things for tho least money. X mas toys and novelties. Visit us for flno Candles and Dolls. 3 Soxitla 3Vtxx Stroot. We Are Just Opening Up a full line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's CARPETS fc-r Fall Trade. New styles arriving dally. J. J. PRICE'S, OLD RELIABLE NORTH MAIN STREET. Just apened at 25 South Main St. Seff's Double Store. J FULL line of Dry Goods, Under wear, Notions, Hosiery, Blankets, r Comforts, Boots and Shoes, which must be sold be before January 4th, 1892. AT OUR OLD STAND, No. 23 South Main St., we will keep a full stock of Men's, Boys and Children's Clothing-, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnish ing' Goods. Call and secure bargains. JHJlEriEF39, 23 and 25 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BOJff'T BE A GIEiLiY ! nut go to SNYDER'S, Coal and Jardin Sts. Ho has tho best lino of Boots l:olc2L Shoes 111 ShCnandoah. Don't fo' get the place, Snyder's, Cor. Coal and Jardin Sts. ,0) H 0 If you aro seeking a placo to purchaso CHRISTMAS CANDIED! o00 No. 35 North Main Street M. L. KEMMEREE, Wholesale! and Retail Dealer. Special brand of Candies for Sunday Schools. G rand Opening Display. DESIRABLE X-KAS GIFTS. Our cllbrts lo makotbl'. display tbo grandest and most elaborato wo have jet aitiropled bas been achlcvul alter many weeks of bard work and by searching through all tho various mar kets. The innumerable articles we offer lucluae the following ot low prices! Boolis-We ht vo 1,000 12mos, beau tlfully bound In cloth and gold, which wo will sell at 20c; elsewhere. 35c. J'lush Cime nml Album Our lino of plush cases this season havo been selected with tho greatest care, Including Hhavlug Sets, Sowing Implements, f anlcuro Sets, Plush Albums in all the lrtcst designs. Hymnals and Oxford Bibles at all prices, An elaborato array ot lirlc-a-Ilraoand Bisque Figures and Celluloid goods. Gold pens and pearl holders, $1 to to. In plush cases, S1.60 up. Games of all Description. HOOKS & BROWN, 4 Nortli Main Street. FOR THE Becoming Interesting And In tho musical lino to day without doubt tho most lnlercs ting matter Is that . IV. Wilde Has proenred the mo9t complete stock of Musical (JooUs In tho county, embrac ing everything In the imislcul line. The next most interesting thing Is that be Is selling those delightful new Dollars Saved ! J. N. Kncvels, with A, J. Hhocncr, saysi For the past tbrpo years I have been a suffer er with teller on tho bands. I havo been com pelled to leave Bevoral positions on account of it and have used dozeni of so-called cures but until I used Mexican Herb Ointment I got no relief. I havo used one box und my bands nro now almost entirely woll I am glad to boablo to recommend It to allsullcrers from the sumo complaint. Benefit to All. -THE GltEAT- -ATJTOHARPS- can bo played by any ono In a few days. 1'ltinon, Organs, Violins, Uultnrs, Brass Instruments, and full lino sheet music. Cor. Jurdlnnud Lloyd Bts, PHOTOGRAPHER DABB lias purchased tho best apparatus In the mar. 'Mines, purchaser of one dozen cabinets at K-W Is pre- ket, and Is now prepared to take every styleof nhotocraohs. VIowb of bu'ldlngs. machinery and all kinds of outdoorwork a specialty. Kach scntcd with a large crayon rco. This offer Is f ood until April 1, lbwi. Copying and enlarg ng. Work dono at short notloo and low prices. DABB, N. White St., Opposite llrlcki-chooinidg, WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' ods tana 17 BOUTH MAIN STREET, Wbsre ha will be pleased to meet the wanli of bts friends and the publto In Everything in tho Drinking Lino. Ttr M. 1JURKE, ATTORN EY'AT-LAW, SHENANDOAH, PA. Offices Koom 8, P. O. Building, Bhenandoaa. puu Nirjy uuuuing, i-oiuiviue. Mexican Medicine Co. Has opened a branch office In ESAll'S BUILDING, 8 EAST CEiURE SI, SHENANDOAH. E EUQUSON'H TIIEATIIE. 1'. J. rmtODSON, MANAQEIL WEDNESDAY, DEO'BER 14 The entrancing ray of Bunshlne, LITTLE GOLDIE. In tbo realistic comody, THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN WAIF Masterpiece of sccnlo art. truthfully portraying nature's wondoiB. "The Garden of tho Gods," Pike's Peak. "Grand Cavern of tho Colorado," "Manliou." Etc. A liauutlrul l'onv. Ucnulne Colorado Burro, New songs dances and specialties. "You will laugh aud talk about 1U Prlcew, 25, 35 and 50 Cents Reserved seats on salo at Klrlln's drug store Reduced Rates JOE AUD FRANK LEE! 29 "West Centre St., Will, on and after Monday, December l'.'lh, do lauiuiry work at the ioiowin( prices: Now White bblrls 10 cents gaiurs uff -..3 lit in r wds laundered at proportionate rates. ll-WH JOE AND I'BANlC LEE. hristmas Holidays The retail Toy Department of Fred. Kcltlian, 101 North Main street, con tains a cholco collection of tho most ap propriate articles for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR GIFTS. Ice Cream made to order at shortest notice Fruit and Christmas cakes mado in tho llnest atyle. Wo aro also prepared to supply Hun day Scuools with Candles at wholesale prlcos. Fred. Keithan, Baker and Confectioner, 101 North Main Street. I GIRARDVIIiLE, PA. Ho has also tho largest assortment In the county, comprising the celebinted Apollo. Othello Valley. Irving, Noie.ty. New Bride. Cinderella, Black arrlor, Grand Perfect? JI aster Work! man. Itlval, New Model, Old and New Lehigh. A full line always In stock. Alto Urst-class lino econd toires noators nud 37" xiriincoFj, All In good condlton and warranted, or money refunded or exchanged. A flno line of No. 7 New Advance and Miners Best stoves for 113 each! No. C, 810; good No, 1 f ccond-hand doublohentpr. from f 10 up, and Htpves and Itanges from J6 to'jIO. Every Ine ?raMed, and I Shivered nS pu! up In any part of tho county within 20 miles of GIrardvillo. .iuuunuiimjmi wver lw uiucrcni sizes nnu siyies or r-econu-band Heating Stoves to helect from. Also a no line ot Singlo and Doublo lleuters, both round and square, at ail prices. Roofing, Spouting, Jobbing, Plumbing and Gas-Fitting Promptly attended to at the lowest market price. Anthony Wayne and American Washlne extra charge Are you prepared for the stormy weather? It brings slop and mud ; and this is time of year that you want good and substantial Shoes to stand the wear and tear. We have just such shoes for both old and young, at prices to suit all. It will pay you to call and examine our stock and be con vinced of what we say. PEOPLE'S STORE 121 North Main Street. DOUGHERTY'S Saloon and Restaurant The leading place In town. Has lately been entirely reno vated Everything new, clean and fresh. The Bnest line of Wines and Liquors I Cigars, iio foreign and do mestlo. Free lunch served each ovcnlpg. Big schooners of fresh,Beer,Porter, Ale,&o. OPPOSITE : THE : THEATRE. J. J, DOUGHERTY, Prop. JOE WYATT'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT (Christ, BoBsler's old stand) rlnlii i ml Conl HtH., tttiemiiidonli Best beer, ale and porter on tap. The finest orands of whiskeys and cigars. Pi rhed. fool room bV ChlSTi FOR A WINDOW SUADK. ready to put up spring roller. )c. 490. duo ana unw arus. rar ties desiring only tho shading or llx turescan bo accommodated. C. D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 S. Jardin Street. For Bargains In, First-class Stoves, Hugos ! Heaters and Furnaces, IiOTO NEW anil SSCOKD-DAKD -GO TO- I) 117 OTD IMMl I) GRIFFITHS OF PHILADELPHIA, Send their Eye Specialist To Sliciinmloiili, Wctlutstlay, Dec. 2Z. He will be found at tho Ferguson House From 8:30 a. m. toSO p. in. Persons who havo headache, or whoso eyes aro causing dis comfort should call upon their specialist, and they will re ceive Intelligent and skillful attention. NO CIIAKUE to ex amine you eyes. Every pair of glasses orderedis guaranteed to be satisfactory. A Merry X-mas And a Happy New Year! Greeting To all Our Many Patrons. rpHlS lurgest lot of Toy, Fancy Plush A Doods, Drawing Casus, Municure Sets, Work Boxes, Necessaries, Smok ers' Sets, Whisk Hohlera and thous ands of articles too numerous to men tion In plush and silverware lines. Over 600 finely dreBfed Dolls 25 per cent, le&sthan any hou9elu this or any other county. Iron Toys, Steam Eu frlnes, Hook uud Ladder Trucks, Elec tric Motors, strong enough to ruu any toy; large liouso Cars, Doll Carriages, Rocking Horses, Blackboards, Sleighs, Building Blocks and all latest games. VEUY few flue Music Boxes that k will play Jlfty tunea or moro. Call and see them. Tool Chests, Bureaus, and Wardrobes for children. A largo variety of fine Christmas Dishes and Bisque goods at prices never before seen, ladies' line writing paper, l'ino Christmas and New Year Cards In satin aud plush the latest novelties. Also Books suitable for the Holiday trade. Air Guns for the boys best In the market at lowest prices. Fanoy Safes and thousands of other articles. Beautiful Horn Goods. Something New. lew Only Ladies will be in Attendance, Commencing Saturday, November 2d, Toy and Fancy Goods Store 16 W. Centre St., Ferguson House Block.