THE EVENING HERALD VOL. VH.--NO. 295. SfiENAJSTDOAH. PA.. FRIDAY. DECEMBEB 9. 1892. .ONE CENT. IE3, cr. 28 South Main St. IlEAPQUAItTEHS rem Trimmings, Ladles' and Children's COATS Shades and Shadings, Carpets and Oil Cloth WWY fifty cent storm serges will comparo fa lyl vorably with 90o goods sold In l'hlladcl ' I phla and other cities. I am selling an all- wool Habit Cloth, worth SOc. forSOn per yard. I havo the best 60o Corset In tho region. I'laln Flannols, worth 25c, sold hero for 20o per yard; 4-1 wide Muslin fold for Co per yard; tho best Gray Flannel sold for 160 per yard, and a Ootid Flannel at 12c per yard. A good Blanket for "Dc a pair. Everything a Decided Bargain. GENTS' Natural Wool fiutts, worth riW, fold now for 12. Comfortables and Ulankets cheap. Como at onco and secure good values at old reliable stand, 28 Bouth Main street, ncxtdoor to Grund Union Tea Store. Time! Is money at the Great Jewelry Depot You see all the latest dedans ill Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware. KltiKs, U to $250. Enr-iliiBS, $1 tofoO. Brooches, 60c to $50. Gold "Watches, $10 to $1C0; Silver, $7 to $50. Rogers Bros, triple plutetl sil verware and Gorhnm f olid sterling silverware aud souveulr spoons. Opeiu pliuses, neckluces. nold pens, pencils, gents' wutch chains, scarf pins and gold eye-glasses. All our goods are bought from the best houses in America aud are sold at from 25 lo 30 per cent, lower than elsewhere. DRY GOODS ! 1 Holdermaris Jewelry Store, Corner Mam and Lloyd Streets. JOHN F. PLOPPERT'S Bakery : and : Confectionery, No. 0 East Ceutre.Street. Ice cream all tho year 'round. Open Hundays. I am now making a superior nualllyof CltEAM llKKAD, something new. You want to try It; you'll use no other If you do. Piatt's Popular Saloon, to (Formerly Joo Wyatt's) 19 and 21 West Oak Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. OIUVKCU V 1 IU IUU UCflk VWl UUI LCI. utca, Katlng barattacheu. Cordial Invitation to all. 1892 HOLIDAY New Raisins. Ntn Cleaned Currants. New Citron. Now Prunes. New Evaporated J?e.aches. JSew Evaporated Apricots. New Italian Dried Cherries Fnncy New Crop, Opcu-Kcttlc New Orleans Baking Molasses. New Comb Money very fine. JStio Paper-hhelled Almonds 2Go a pound. fNew Florida Oranges Stio a New Mince Meat We Oflcr a Large Sloclc of Fancy New Canned Corn. u which arc the JFlntst o o o BOOKS K S Grand Opening of tho liook iicpurtinunt DECEMBER 3, '92 10,000 Hooks for Christmas Gifts at rjUR Book Department Is now fully stocked with the largest assortment of Standard Juvenilo and Miscella neous Works to be found In I'ottsville or larger cities. We advise all those Who wish to purchase books of any kind to call and see what wc have to offer before purchasing elsewhere, as we sell our books far below regular book store prices. We call special a'tention to our Im mense Stcck of Standard Sets which wo ure offering at the lowest prices ever heard of. A full line of all the Standard 12mos, comprising a series of over 500 vols., at 12 cents in cloth binding. These never before sold for less than 25 cents each. American Copywright Novels by Mary J. Holmes, Murlan Harland, Augustus J. Evaus, Mary Allies Flem ing, Julius I'. Smltb, published at $1.C0; our price, 03 cents. In our selection of books we never forget thu little folks. A full line of Illustrated Story aud Toy Books. We do not have space to montion more. The balance you can see by visiting our sale of books, and be con vinced that this shall bo the sale of all sales yet held In books. DIVES, POSIEROY h STEWART POTTSVILLE, PA. C. GEO, MILLER, Manager. 25 CTS. PER YARD FOIt OIL CLOTH. Others for 3T, 43, BOo and upwards. Parties having carpet rags should send them and navo them mado Into u first-class carpot. CarpefStore, 10 South Jardm St. 1893 SEASON. dcztw. only the best quality in stock. Goods we have ever sold. A MOW EXPERT'S VISIT COUNTERACTING THE WORK OF COUNTERFEITERS. INSPECTION OF MONEY MADE No Ofllulal Announcement is Mado but it la Intimated That Bomo New Counterfeit Bills Have Been Put Afloat. psnwjJ IIEKK aro evidently a number of now coun feit .bills hi circulation, for to-day tlicro was a visitor to town whoso coming Is a pretty good Indication, of activity on tho part -of .the enemies of tho United States treasury and tho banks. Tho visitor was J. M. Dye, of Philadelphia. He is a tall, stout man of llorid complexion and makes n conspicuous figure on tho street In his O. A. li. suit and cow boy hat. Mr. Dyo makes a business of keeping track of counterfeit bills and pays periodical visits to the batiks and largo business places in tho various parts of this stato to soo if they havo any bogus bills on hand and to give infor mation on the latest issues by wiloy counter feiters. A number of business men of town circled about tho visitor at ouo of tho hotels to-day and listened to his thrilling tales of tho pur suit and capture of counterfeiters and gazed with surpriso at bogus bills and photographs he prodused. Mr. Dye gave no intimation of what uew counterfeits wcro on the market, but it was said by olio gentleman who was in consulta tion with him, that soma crooked ten-dollar bills may bo expected any day. Growing: Stronger Dally. Our new Saving Fund, known as the Guar antce, is rapidly growing into favor. Monday afternoon, December Cth, a now series of shares was opeuod by tho board of directors which is made up of somo of our most prom inent, professional and business men, who aro all share holders. Nearly seven hundred shares havo already been sold and tho de mand increasing. Five hundred additional shares are now offered to accommodate those who have not yet secured what shares thoy desire Salo of shares at tho oliico of tho treasurer, Charles W. Denglcr, Justico of tho l'caco, Main street, fiom 2 p. m. to 8 p. m, All information kindly given to those who call. DIltKCTOKS: President, Moses Owens, dry goods mer chant. Vice President, J. W. Erwin, dentist. Secretary, II. E. Denglcr, assistant post master. Attorney, S. G. M. Ilollopcter, Esq. Treasurer, Chas. W. Denglcr, Justico of tho Peace. Alfred F. Morgan, shoo merchant. Henry Hoehler, proprietor Shenandoah Meat Market. Elmer W. Wilde, music dealer. Junius Stein, physician, N. J. Owens, outsldo foreman Indian Rldgo colliery. J. S. Calleu, physician. 12-7-2t 29 prizo medals havo been awarded to tho manufacturers of tho only genuino Imported Anchor Pain Exjieller, tho great German remedy for all Rheumatic disiasos, Gout, Neuralgia, Sprains, &a 25 aud DO cents a bottle, at C. II. Hagenbuch, P. P. D. Klrlin, J. M. Htliau, und other druggists. 3t MA1IANOV CITY. A special election will bo held hero on tho 20th lust, to docido whether or not public water works will ho established. Tho cleo tiuu will ho held under tho old system. The water will be secured from Locust and Mill Creeks and tho spring run at New lloston. The supply required will bo 000,000 gallons every 21 hours. The estimated cost of tho plant ! $09,060. Tho residsnce of Mrs. C, D. Kaior waB th scene of a delightful musicale a fow evenings ago. Prof. Jones, Mrs. D. M, Jones and Miss Maggie Kaiar participated in it and sue ceeded In affording the guosts an evening of splendid entertainment, Mrs. Kaler Is u royal hostess. The McCloskcy Club enjoyed a pig roast at (I rim's hotel Tuesday evening. A musi cal and literary entertainment followed and all enjoyed it Immensely. The members of tho McCloskoy Club are a jolly set of fellows and they never seem to he bothered with dull care. The eisteddfod to bo held hero on Christmas day under tho auspices of tho Mahanoy City Choral Society will surpass anything of tho kind over held here. Tha committee Is working bard to make it a success, UBK DANA'S SARSAI'ARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." Give II I in it Cull. " Pop " Schooner is again in business and, with Ills son, Jamos, who is well known throughout tho county as an expert caterer, has oponod an oyster house and restuuruut at 30 North Main street. Tho bust meals at all hours and nt reasonable prices. All kinds of soups and Schoencr's famous pepper pot con stantly on hand. Glvo " 1'op" a call. lS-D-Zt ORE'S OBSERVATIONS. What Ho Sees anil Hears During Ilia Travels. Tho muddy condition of the streets has resurrected a number of puns and ono can hardly cross any of them without having one of tho chestnuts hurled at him. Gcorgo Schmlpf, of I'ottsville, was in town yesterday and in company with Deputy Coroner Brcnnan went to Delano to inspect tho boiler of tho cngino that exploded near tho red bridge last week and killed Engineer Barry. Tho Inquest is dolayed by reason of Conductor Eroh being confined to his bed. His hip was dislocated in tho accident and ho will not bo able to go about for somo time. There aro somo pcoplo in town who think tho School Iloatd has not acted wisely in deciding to have no exhibit in tho public school department of tho World's Fair. They claim that an exhibit from this section would ho interesting from tho mere fact that it would show what tho children of tho an thracito flaldfl of l'l-nnsvlvmila nrn dnlni' In tho public schools. This opinion is shared by many and it is not an insignificant ono. Our schools could send exhibits that would com pare very favorably with somo work douo in tho schools of larger places. One of tho end men at tho thoatro last night made our muddy streets the butt of a joko and put in a good word for street paving. His remarks provoked moro applause than laughtor and tho miuttrol evidently realized that ho hud struck a popular chord. Ode. 1'KltSONAL. Prof. Theodore, the piano tuner, is in town W. W. Lewis, of Mahanoy City, was a visitor to town last evening. Dr. P. O'Hara, of town, is most likely to bo appointed physician at the Michael Malono and William Nciswentcr went to Pottsvillo on tho 1:10 p. m. train Wednesday. P. J. O'Neill, of Gilberton, was awarded tho contrict to supply tho almshouse with COO pounds of tea. Elmer Hlggins and Mrs. Goose, of Houtz dale, aro visiting tho family of Peter O'Don uell, at Turkey Run. Dr. Straub, who has been on the sick list, is improving. Dr. M. S. Kieticr is looking after tho doctor's practice. E. il. Ycagley, of Harrisburg, who repre sents tho firm Hagy St Bltncr, qucenswaro dealers, of Reading, transacted business hero on Wednesday. Superintendent Woillington Bertolotto at tended tho minstrel performance at Fergu son's thoatro last evening in company with T. J. Davies. It Pay to AilvertlHo. Oa Wednesday Daniel Blow placed an ad vertisement in the HunALii announcing that two mules had ostrayed to his premisos at Yatosville. Yesterday a Polish rcsidont of this town claimed tho animals and proved ownership. Tho Hr.KAI.n is tho boss ad vex Using medium. FitEK of CiiAitoi:. Before buying writo to Messrs. F. Ad. liichtcr Si Co., 17 Warren street, New York City, for tho valuable book, "Guide to Health," and road tho indorse ments that tho "Anchor Pain Expoller" re ceives at tho hands of prominent physicians. 29 prlzo medals awarded to tho manufac turers of this valuable picparatlon. St Tlio Aruilnmy Itvstlttiruilt. Tho Pottsvillo headquarters for Shenan doah peoplo and others living North of tho Mountain, for hot toddios, hot punches, beef ItH IWIU 1U1 KI1IU8 111 1Y1I1UB UUU liqUUrS Ul II1U host brands is tho Academy Restaurant. John F. Couucy, proprietor, M, A. Cooney, assist' to ant. A HurprlKo. Tho friends of Mr, aud Mrs. David Eisen hower, of No. Spruce street, very agreeably surprised tho couplo Wednesday evening by calling at tho resldeuco in a body and open ing u session of festivities. Gamosof all kinds and Instrumental and vocal music comprised tho programme. A very enjoyable evening was spoilt by all. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." lionoKrnpli ISntertulument. A ph mograph exhlbition-conccrt will bo given tho Primltlvo Mothodist church on 1 Thursday evening, 22nd lust. No ear tubes will bo used in connection with thu phono graph. Tho instrument that will bo used Is capablo o( entertaining on audience of over 1,000 people at one timo. 8. Theodore, tho well known piano tuner, is now at tlio Ferguson House, where ho will bo pleased to rectivo his friends and patrons. Ho will hereafter make quarterly visits to town and orders may be left with tho clerk at abovo hotel. 12-8-2t Violin LoKiioim. TW .Tnl.n Tnn. tr,,,.1. f rl. j;; ": , n, rn;,rj : :v,i . City opora houso orchestra, is prepared to givo lessons on tho violin on reasonable terms. Orders may bo left at tho Kcudrick House, Shenandoah, 12-3-lm Holiday Announcement. Miss Vlrgio Ilollopcter will, on Tuesday next, place soveral pieces of hand-painted chlnaware on exhibition nt tho People's drug store, cornor of Main and Centre Btrccts. The plocog will bo for salo and will mako very appropriate Christmas presents. 12-0-3t Notion to Taxpayers. All persons payiug taxes between now and January Otli, 1803, will savo flvo (5) per cent. John F. Hiooinb, 11-2-lm Receiver of Taxes. luuviniuinuim in uu miuuriUK ffliu wiuu and coughs. Dr. Hull's Cough Byrup, will al- woys help and never disappoint you, us other cough remodles do, WAS IT VENGEANCE ? i THRILLING EXPERIENCE OF A YOUNG COUPLE. ATTAGKED ON A LONELY ROAD Tho Younp; Lady'B Escort Was Badly Bruised Timoly Arrival of Two Minors, but tho Assailant Escapos. YOUNG lady named Morris, residing at llos ton Run, was a victim of an atrocious assault while on her way homo from this town on Wed ncsday night. Miss Morris camo hero in tho afternoon accompanied by a male acquaint- anco and visited Ferguson's theatre. There was no means by which tho couple could re turn to their homes by rail and thoy con cluded to walk. Tho route taken was down South Main street aud out tho Pennsylvania railroad and along a path on tho hill south of tho Shenandoah City colliery strlpplngs. Tho road is a very lonesome one, but as tho couplo wcro well acquainted with it they had no fears. MlssMorrisand horoscort wcro walking at a pretty lively paeo and had well ascended the path that leads over tho hill when a man stepped from behind a stump they had just passed and exclaimed, "Hold on a minute !' Tho girl became frightened and hurried on, and her escort stopped to encounter tho stranger and givo his charge a chanco to get away. "What tirno is it?" tho stranger asked as ho approached. .Tho young man said ho had no watch. "Who is that fellow with you ?" was the next question, and fear Ing that some ono was approaching him from behind the young lady's escort turned to look. At tho same moment tho stranger jumped forward and struck him with somo uuknown instrument ho carried in his hand Tho blow was intended for tho head, hut foil short and struck tho young man with con siderablc forco on tho left shoulder. Realizing the stranger's intentions thu escort grappled with him and the young lady who had meanwhile retraced- her steps scrouraed for help. Two Polish minora who were on their way to town from work, heard the screams aud run ovor the brow of tho hill, but before they could givo any assistance tho stranger broke away and ran down towards the strippings. Ho is described as being a stoutly built fellow of about 35 years of age aud drossed very much after tho fashion of a tramp. Miss Morris and her ecort continued their journoy without further molestation. Tho latter had a pretty badly bruised shoulder which was struck seveial times by tho stran ger riming tho struggle Tho friends of tho couplo say that tho stranger's intentions no doubt wcro to frjgi,tcncj 0r tl, oscort and subject tho ,UUUK "olnan 10 n"'K'c. ta gentleman a Heuald reporter conversed with last night baid that from what ho gleaned yetsterday ho had formed another oplnlou, Ho says that tho oscort the young lady had Is objection- ... , , , , able to somo of her fr auds and that tho 'stranger" might havo been one of these friends iu disguUo who wanted to wreak 1 vengeanco. Tho young man is by no means a match iu build for tho stranger and he could havo been much more punished if the latter desired. "I boliovo," said tho inform-! ant, "that tho oouple wore watched and fol lowed and that the 'stranger' was well acqlmlnted wMll tll0 D0Ul,l3,, No rcport of .. , , , iuu ouo uasueen uiauo 10 tuo ponce Hero. For Children anil Ladles, Mai Reese has mado arrangements to have a grand Arestophone concert Saturday after noon at his headquarters for Christmas toys and goods, 14 West Centre street, Ferguso Houso block. Only ladies and children will bo admitted and no admission feo will bo charged, The Autophono is a recently lm portod musical instrument of a high standard find rfiiwlnra QfttnMtnii. 41,a ,.,t,al or n iL ti, h r Jin ' '"'""S1" U VOr OOO ' nons m be rendered. Chart Opeu, Tho chart for tho salo of reserved seats for "The Drummer Boy of Shlloh," which is to no prouucouan'orguson-s theatre on the 18tli and l.thlnsU, under the auspices of Wash- ington Camp, No. 200, P. O. S, Of A., Is UOW opon at Klrlln's drug store, Coughing Lniils to Coinuiiipllon. Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough once. at There can be no other answer than that Dr. Coxa's Wild Cherry aud 8eneks is the best Croup Remedy ever prepared. Prioe S6 and 50 cents per bottle. ThA linn .Tnltn li' Mtnilli nt WAUtn,ln..- A1U., JUOge OI 1UO UlTOUlt ( -OUt't of ( '111 1 1 ill I o Md.. Buys "I have used Hulvatimi M for , thoumatlsm. Its effects were piuuuu auo i,l Ing." fe TIMELY TOPIC9. A Hiring or Thought und I'nnclon of tli Kdllur. The heavy rains of tho it fow days has had the effect of filling tho dams and thu springs flow more freely. 1 1 is to be regretted that Main street l lu ImiI condition, but It mil not be helped. Tho saving fund people givo the Hhhami credit for tho quick sales of their stork. Everybody rouda tho loading dally of this region. It is to be hoped tho next time tho police corral those bad hoys they will send them whero thoy will bo out of mischief. Wo beliovo they aro guilty of all tho depredations committed in towu lately. Tho minstrel sticct parade yesterday drew a largo crowd after it. Their music was good. Croup and scarlet fever aro still prevalent to somo extent in town. Dealers in sulphur diamonds havo done good business so far this Reason with tho show jicoplc. Old stagers keep shy Of the vendors. Almost every day wo hear of this or that project about to be started, but few of them appear to materialize. On and after January lBt, 1893, tho feo for registering letters will be reduced from 10 to 8 cents. Tho new Columbus postage stamps will bo on sale after January 1st, lb83. Thoy will be tho samo width and twice as long as thce now in nse, and will compric a series of pictures commemorating the discovery of America. Should tho "wild oat" banking act prevail Slienaiidouh will havo two or moro banks under it. Are you looking for a suitable lot to build on? If so, apply at tho Hkkald for infor mation. A big surpriso in storo for onr readers. Wait for it take no oilier. Wo lately read in a Western newspaper air article about swapping wives. It is a good idea if all parties are satisfied with tho exchange. It is said that iealous wives will put phonographs in their homes when they go away on a visit and losvo their husbands homo. It takes an American woman to beat tho record. If you aro looking for handsome Christ mas presents for friends givo Miss Virgie Ilollopcter a enrfe blanch for hand-palntod chinawtre. As an artist in this lino sho cannot bo boat. It has been a long timo since we hoard finer music than that d's ourwd by tho minstrel baud last night. A MAMMOTH DISPLAY. .lzlln Itrmliidpr of tlm Approach r IIolldayH. Of all tho placos in tho town making holl- day displays tlio establishment of Holderman, mo jeweler, at tho corner of Main and Lloyd streets, seems to bo tho most admired. Such a display of gold aud silverwaro and all kinds of jewelry has never been seen in this town beforo. The stock is a most extensive and valuablo ono and includes bronzes of all designs, fancy ornamental ware, fancy clocks decorated for parlors, genuino " II. & H." banquet and parlor lamps in silver, gold, ivory and onyx, and onyx tables. In Jewelry tho stock embraiices gold and silver watches of all makes and'dtsigus, queen, fob and vut chains, charms, plain, band, fancy, engraved and stone rings. But this is not all. The. display of silverware makos tlio storo glitter with richness and embraces everything both 111 nlftttul Itllll fiftllil wara A.,,..n.. ,1.. att,0,p frnit k"ivi. forks and spoons, I nun uisiies, souvenir spoons, oyster forks, tea SOttS. butter dilTlMI. fuisfnra U'nlnr t,U,l.... cko baskets and table ware iu general. A special display of gold pens and punoils is nl made People In search of useful and lmlldiomo "l'01' t Rive thoir f.londs as Christinas prtsents should not fail to visit u, 1 1 wi Iluhlermau's. The prices are 'Mi per cent, below those asked for similar articles iu the hirge cities. CnlVeo's AiiuuiiiiciMiieiit. I will sell tho entire stock of the estate of which I am administrator to make sottle- lue"t by January let. This is no humbug, nut an uppurtunity of a life time. Look at the prices: Sheeting, 2 yards wide, for merly S6c, now 20 cents j unbleached musllii, 10 Inches wide, previous price 10 conts, now 7 cents a yard ; tuhlo cloth unbleached of the best quality, 35 cents per yard. Ladietshoes formerly Bold at $1.50 now $1.00; children's shoos formerly sold at $1.00 now 00 cents; 5, show eases, 1 safe und storo fixtures for salo cheap. Coffee's, corner of Main and Oak streets, post otllco building. Household goods' will bo sold at 17 S. White street. 10-M'm' Holiday IMxpliiy, Hooks A Brown, the North Main street stationers, have their show windows elabor- tely wronged for tho Christmas holidays, i Thoy have an excellent stock of stutlouerr . ,., . . . . "M."y'i tho articles displayed are of very handsome' aud uuique design. More Mualn, Thn mnmliorH nf tlm Hninf llnn organizing a minstrel troupe for the purposo of rivlue an ontertaimnont In Wn ., QO.l nr I.Vlirimn. nn-rt K.l.ln.,..). will also bo given In other towns of the ootmty. The Board of Control of tho band' will hold u meeting to-morrow night Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's. Chart Opsn. Tlio chart Is open at Klrlln's drug store for the sale ol reserved texts for the "Confederate Spy," which is to bo produced at Ferguson's theatre on tho SGtli aud 27th insta. for tho benefit of the Soldiers' Monument fund. (Additional local newt on tecond page) ... ijiu .