The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 29, 1892, Image 3

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    Both the method and results when
Byrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the tasto, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo made it the most
tionular remeJv known.
Syrup of Fig3 is for Balo in 50o
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for nny one who
Trisnes 10 iry iu uo not. accept any
Sick Headache and relieve all the. troubles not
a3ent to & bilious etsle of tho system, BUch ed
Dizziness, Kausea, Drowsiness, Distress after,
estlng.ralato'theeide, c While their moat
remarkable roosesa hat been shown Is coring 4
Heilaehe, 'yot Carter's lltlta Liver Pills affl
equally raluablo In Constipation, curing and pro
venting this annoying complain t.whllo they alia
correct aUi8orersoithestoinach,stImulalethflj
IlrerandrBeUlatothoboweK ETealf thoyonla
(Acb they would bo almost priceless to t&oso who
suffer 1 rom Cils distressing complaint; but fortu
nately thelrgoodness does notond here,and those
who once try them will And these little pills valu
able In so many Trays that t hoy Trill not bo vrlt
linG to do without tljem. But after aUElckb.Qil
'isthobanoot so many lives that horafswliera
'ire make our great boast. Our pilU euro It whila
others do not.
Carter's Wttle lives; PUla ore -ery small ana
very easy to take, Ono or two pills make a dote.
They arostriatly vegetable and do not gripe or
pirro, but by their gentle action pleasoall who
useinem. inviaisiuiiacemat UTOiorca. wm
ly drucutats everywhere, or aont by mail.
Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore
Thront. Sold by ell Druggists on a Guarantee.
For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shlloh's Porous
Plaster will give great satisfaction. a cents.
Mrs. T. S. Haw lttns, Chattanooga, Tcnn., says :
"Shfoh'irttalbcr' SAVED Sir LIFE. I
I ever used." For Jlyspcpsin, IJver or Kidney
trouble it excels, TriwKcls.
Havo you Catarrh? Try this Remedy. Itwlll
relieve and Curo you. Price CO cts. This In.
Jector for Unsuccessful treatmentisfurnished
free. Shlloh's Remedies are 6olJ by us on a
guarantee to give satlsf action.
For sale by 0. H. Hagenbuch.
There is Hope
For over'v one who lias blood trouble, no nmttci
In what shape or how low? standing, jiriivliloi.
none or the vital uraans hae been so far lit
paired as to render a cure impossible. 8. B. ?
goes to the root of the disease, anil lemove th
cause, by expelling tho poison from tho body, an
attlieeamothuol-t a tonic to tho wholo system
However '.ad your caso may be, theie is bopo
Cured moot a most malignant tvp
of chronlo blood trouble, for whit,
1 had used arious other reined ir
without effect. My welglif Increased, and n
l.oulth lmproted hi uvery way, I insider 8. 6. P
the best tonio I ever used.
"8. A. WltmiiT, Midway, Ga."
Tie.itiso on blood, skin and contaclous blo(
poljon mailed tree. ttWUT SPECIFIC CO.,
' r Atlanta, Ga
Win .urs wllhoit midleloa tl WuIimi reisHIm fr.v
.,n.t. i.viviiin,.nii ierci, ieiie or IttUIICItuei
Itltt! lbuitl0D, drtlDi, lotiii, utrvona 4ttlUr, list?
Itiincn. Ubi uor, rauiBlUia, aldair, llrtr o4 bitddt r eta
ttlttuU, Uu b.eX, lumbtfo, ditto, fcDrtl lll-bitltb, u
lblltlttrlebil eoaul&s Knoaerful LnrMiia,.f
olhm, na gntt m eurrtat tbtt u lottantlr rll br lbs vairil
flr forMt SB, 000.00. Dd mUI f ore lt of fi obofo dtio
tti orao pay. Tbauvanda bar bea eotad by tbla mart atatu
lDfatlqaftar all other raiaa'tlai rattd,aad wasiva boa
uor povarfal lmpro-ad ll.HIIUl HsvirVhonT ii Ut
Craatail boaa arar affarad waak cuan I It) K tvrlULL 11KLTS.
Ilaallb aal tliorooa Slirosth l.tAIHMK.kU la SO u (
rr othar atata.
uta ib. iata ai;atraia(i (atouaiata, aaaiao. utr
v mail, addraia
GUxaxjaTV xiiiiiOTRia cq,
Kt- r ' 2"dway. new vof
HE, m ra rrsa
SSLv CURE., (1
His Demurrer to the Allega
tions of Presbytery.
lie Declared That the Indictment Ac
cused lllm tit Teaching Doctrines Which
1I Had ltepnlitrdlr An
Att,tM,riimut riavais Ills Inquisitors.
Nkw YonK, Kov. 29. In the Presby
terian heresy trial Dr. Briggs Is ahead up
to date. Ills was the vlotory yesterday,
and he owes it to his logic, lie led bis
accusers off Into a side Issue sad contused
them with bis arguments. He mixed
them up t,o that they ailed tn their an
swers. The merits, ot the cuss were not
In a demurrer he attaoked the two
most essential counts In the indictment.
la another momout Presbytery would
have voted to strike out these two counts,
but Colouol McCook saved his committee
rom total defeat by calling for time.
The issue yesterday was upon the sub
stitution of the new Indictment for tho
old. Dr. Brlites was in his seat beneath
Moderator Bliss' chair, lhe court was
assembled tn the great auditorium of the
Old Scotch Church.
Then hegau the response of Dr. Briggs
to the amended charges. He objected to
tile amended charges an being insufllcient
in form and legal effect, and also to tho
regularity of the proceedings. lie stated
his objections in clear, concise, compaot
Dr. Briggs laid bnro the legal nspect of
tho case. But this did not' stir up
the audience. It was when he reached
the evidence and the charges that Inter
est was awakened. lie found the indict
ment was radically changed by the
amendments proponed by the committee,
and that the evidence proposed as proof
of the new charges was also radically
The two counts picked out by Dr.
Briggs as a centra of uttack ar9 num
bered 4 and 7 in the Indictment.
They uie, respectively, that his address
teaches that "muny of tne Old Testa
ment predictions have been reversed by
history, and that this great body of Mes
sianic prediction has not aud can not be
lulfllled, which is contrary to the essen
tial doctrine of the Holy Scripture and of
the Standurds of the Church, that Qod is
true, omniscient, and unchangeable,"
iind that "tho processes of redemption
extend to tho world to come In the case
of muny who die tn sin, which is contrary
to the eesentlnl doctrine of .Holy Scrip
ture and the Standards ot the Church,
that theprooess&s ot redemption are lim
ited to this world."
He warmed up in stating his objections
to these charges. Not only were they en
tirely now, but they aharged him with
teaching doctrines' which he had repeat
edly aud expressly disclaimed.
They were entirely without justifica
tion from anythlug taught in his inaug
ural address. They misrepresented aud
misquoted the doctrines ot the address.
He considered this an offense against
Christian courtesy and an imputation ou
his veracity.
The Court heard those heated words in
Absolute silence.
The clerical and lay jurors listened
with the closest attention in he wont oil
to show how he hud disclaimed any such
teaching as second probation, or tlmt the
prophecies relating to the coming ot
Christ were not to be fulfilled.
The motion to quash counts 4 and 7
was laid ou the table aud adjournment
What the committee will do cannot be
said. , They may muster up courage to
stick for the two charges. These charges
are the most serious, tor they touch the
gravest questions at issue in the higher
criticism and the new theology, nunioly,
the force of the prophetic writings and
tho future state ot the dead.
The case continues to-day (rom 8
o'clock to 5 o'clock.
Butcltlai of a Clffnr Slautifuoiurer
Binoiiamto.v, N. Y., Nov. 29. William
O. Ogden, jr., a cigar manufacturer ot
this city, committed suicide yesterday at
the family home In McDonald aveuuo, by
cutting his throat with a tuble knife.
Ills wife found him in the batu room
with u knife in hU hand and after a
struggle succoeded In wrenching it from
him. lie regained posseaslou ot It, how
ever, mid quickly applied It to his throat.
Testimony ThIci-ii lu Tout llurna' Cuae.
Pittbbuho, Nov. 20. Testimony was
takeu yesterday in the oase ot Thomas IS.
Burns vs. the Pittsburg Baseball Club.
Burns last season wits engaged to play
with, captuin and munage the Pittsburg
club for u term of three years. The case
is to oomo up in the Chicago courts ou
the 12th of next mouth.
Minister Potior Honored.
Puiladblpiiia, Nov, 20. A dinner
was given Hon. William Potter In honor
ot his appointment as United States Min
ister to Italy at the Union League last
night. One buudred and seventy-five ot
Mr. Potter's friends, most ot them prom
iueut in Philadelphia politics, were pres
ent. Homesickness Madt Hrr Insane.
Tamaqva, Pa., Nov. 29. Homesickness
has made Mlsa Maud McFaddeu insane.
For three months aha was a governess in
a family in Lancaster and constant long
ing for home upset her reosou. She is
now at home but recognises uo oue of
her1 family.
VU Known Shirt Manufacturer Dead,
AsburT Park, N. J., Nov. 29. Cor
nelius N. Finch died yesterduy) aged 47
years. He was a member bf the firm ot
Downs & Finch, the largest shirtmukers
In the country, which failed three years
ago. He hud been sick only week.
Senator C dtiuitt Co'tvulscnt.
Atlanta, Go., Nov. 29. Senator Col
quitt mid his wife, both of whom have
been suffering front paralysis, are now
convalescent, Senator Colquitt will be
in his seat Iu the Senate lu January,
Aralibtsliop AValsli Irarirs lllmalultlam,
Dublin, Nor. 29. Archbishop Walsh
unuouuoes himself as favoring bimetall
ism, which he saya may save farmers ol
Ireluud from ultimate ruiu.
Hio Kulaer Goes A-aannlng.
Berlin, Nov 20. The Emperor has
startetl for Silesia on a shooting trip, lit
has recovered entirely from his recent
Ills Thumb Caught in ! Look at Ills Quo
Mini' T.irn '
ExMORE, Vo,, Nov. 29. 'President
elect Cleveland, Clark Duvls, and Mr.
Ferrel, president of the Broadwnter club,
were up by light of day to go duolc shoot
ing, but they were met by a drlztllm?
rain, nnd, as Mr. Cleveland is suffering
frbm a slight cold he returned to the cot
tage after a few minutes' walk.
,A.bout 10 o'clock the rain ceased, and
the g'uunlng party once more started for
the boat.
Attempting to outer the boat Mr.
Cleveland came near falling iuto the
water by its dipping.
After getting under Way Mr, Clove
land, in attempting to load his gun, in
some way caught his thumb In the lock,
badly lacerating it.
This and the com tan t rocking ot the
boat seemed to greatly "annoy him, and
he asked that the boat be headed for the
His wishes were complied with, and
soon the party were quietly resting iu the
club house.
Mr. Ferrel, who is somewhat ot a sur
geon, dress'd the wound, whioh is nqt a
dangerous one.
Spirited from Hal Hume by the Woman
Whom Him (Mils Mi.thrr.
BninaKroiiT, Nov. 20. Little Hettle
Peppier has been found. Yesterday her
father went to Har'ford, where she had
been left at the Pratt street hotel last
Friday, and brougL' her home.
When asked who loft her there she said
"Mamma." Mrs. Keppler at first pro
tested her Innocence, and Bald she did
not remember what she did Friday,
claiming that she had been drugged.
Hettle is an adopted child, and Mrs.
Peppier claims that she received a re
quest from a strange woman, who said
she was the child's mother, to take her to
the depot. one did so, and that was the
last she remombers. Hettie's mother
was known as Deliu 1'ipam, aad her
death is reported as ocouring lu the hos
pital two years ago.
When confronted with the chllds
statement the only remark Mrs. Peppier
would Innke was, "If the child says so it
must bo so."
Mrs. Peppier spirited tho child away
because shu was jealous ot the 5-year-old
ll. lloTed that the Itrltlsh Cuusul Will AM
iu Hie I'rneaculion.
New Yoiik, Nov. 29. "Captain" Ed
ward J. Yornell, the clevor swindler,
who has represented himself as T. Au
brey Peart, a young Englishman, now of
Fresno, Cal , and son of Chaplain Pearl,
of Her Majesty's prison, Birmingham,
Euf. , was again remanded lu the Tombs
police court yesterday on a charge of
In 'the courso of his career Vornell
came to this country from England and
settled in California, whore he met
young Peart
From the young man he stole his let
ters of introduction and worked them
with shrewdness in several places. He
drew upon the ohaplain for money,
much to the latter's surprise, as the real
son was writing glowing letters ot his
It Is believed thnt tho British Consul
will take a hand In the prosecution.
Tivo Itesldoiils of Juhnatuwn, X. V., 3Ieet
Heath Willi. Urivitic.
Amsteudam, N. Y., Nov. 29. While
Cyrus Shultz and Theodore Vim Dilesen,
two residents of the village of Johns
town, were driving from that village to
Fonda last night in a single carriage, the
carriage was overturned into a deep
ditch by the road. -
The men were drowned, the carriage
holding them under the water. Each
leaves a wife and children.'
Van Detiien moved to Johnstown from
Yonkers about three months ago. He
was a builder and contractor.
llouae Appropriation Commute DIeotlnif
Wasuinoton, Nov. 29. A preliminary
meeting of the House Committee ou Ap
propriations was held yesterday, ten
members being present. The estimate
for the Pensions, Fortifications aud Dis
trict of Columbia Appropriation bills
were referred to sub-committees and the
committee adjourned until Thursday
ICncrlneir Killed ut 1'uterson.
Patirso-v, N. J., Nov. 20. Walter
Allee, an engineer in the employ of the
"Evening Nows" Printing and Publish
ing company, was caught in some un
known manner iu the machinery used
for operating tho prosses yesterday after
noon and was Instantly killed, his neck
having been broken and his face crushed.
Nlueteou Counts Ag-alnst l'octer.
Boston, Nov. 20. Judge Putnam sus
tains 10 counts ugtiinst Asa P. Potter,
ex-president of the Maverick batik, charg
ing him with making false utrlus In
the books. He quashes 11 counts, charg
ing him with making false reports to the
Comptroller. Mr. Potter will be tried
by jury on Jan. 21.
Amerlaait Vublla llamUH Congress,
Citv of Mexico, Nov. 29. The dele
gates from the United States and Canada
to the American Public Health associa
tion', hafu arrived hore. The congress
conveues this morning. The programme
consists of various medical subjects aud
A Mler llumed 111 Ills Home.
Milan, Teun., Nov, 29. The residence
ot Samuel Yates near this city was de
stroyed by tire aarly in the morning.
Yates perished In the flumes. He was a
miser, and west reputed to have a large
sum ot money concealed in the house.
LI f Savins Htu1 Ion Koeper lllamlssail.
Washington, Nov. 29. The Secretary
of the Treasury has dismissed from the
service, Lenin E. Core, keeper ot thu life
tttvlug station at Metotnpklit Inlet, Va.
His offense wus tulsltyiug his dally
Public Pun rtl f ir Minor Sun Hun.
Rous, Nov. 99. The government has
decided to give Siguor Shu Bop, the dead
MiuisUr ot Marine, a publio funerul.
King Humbert visited tho death, cham
ber aud plkood u wreath ou the coffin.
Diphtheria nt Jamestown.
Jauihtown, N. Y.jNov. 20. Twelve
oases of diphtheria Inive been reported
here and it is (eared the disease will
Loubct Ministry Overthrown
by the Panama Scandal.
A Dontantl That An Autopsy bo fluid
Upon Mia ludy Prclpllald th l)e
fat Humors That tla Itajron la Not
llamif, nut Mas l'lod tn AvnM Arrest.
Paris, Not. 20. While the resigna
tion of the Ministry created some ex
oltoment, yet such a result bid been ex
pected for several days, as it was evident
that the Cabinet could not long with
stand the furious onslaughts that were
being waged against it.
The vote against the government stood
804 to 219.
The favorite candidate to succeed U.
Loubat Is Henri Briuson, who Is still in
the prime ot life, and has behind him
the experience of Vice-President of the
Chamber, President of the Chamber,
President ot the Budget Commission, be
sides succeeding Jules Ferry lu 1683 as
Wheu the Chamber of Deputies met, M.
Brisson, Chairman ot the Committee on
tho Panama Investigation, demanded of
the Government that an autopsy be held
on tho body of the late Baron Belnaoh.
M. Ricard, Minister of Justice, roplled
that the law did not permit it. A divis
ion was taken as to sustaining M., and the Government was de
feated. The resignation of the Ministry was at
once announced.
There was a general disposition to
exact more information from the Govern
ment regarding Relimch, who la sup
posed to have been the chief beuedclury
of alleged Panama mismanagement, and
of the vast sums contributed by French
men toward tho undertaking.
When questioned by M. Brisson, M.
Blcurd still showed a purpose to shield
the Keinach estate, or at least to give no
satisfactory assurance that the estate ot
the dead baron would be made to dis
gorge, should uullty complicity be es
tablished. When this became ovident a majority
of the Chamber declined longer to sup
port the Uoverumeut.
The French Cabinet which has re
signed came into effect on Feb. 28. It
wus us follows: M, Loub -t, Prosident of
the Council and Minister of the Interior;
M. De Freycluot, Minister ot War; JI.
Iiibot, Minister ot Foreign Affairs; M,
Bourgooise, Minister of Public Insttuc
tion; M, Ricard, Minister ot Justioe and
Public Worship: 11. Q. Cavalgnac,
Minister of Marine; M, Develle, Minister
of Agriculture: il. Jules Koche, Minis
ter of Commerce; M. Vlette, Minister ot
Public Works.
Said that lie Hits 1 lid to Ksoape Crim
inal I'roaaeutlou.
Paris, Nov. 29. The Intense popular
Interest iu the Panama canal scandal has
been increased by the story of the
"Gaulols" that Baron Reluuch, the dl
rector, who was supposed to have died a
few days ago, did not die a natural or
unnatural death, but had fled to a for
eign country tu escape criminal prosecu
tion, and hud the luport ot his death cir
culated merely to bliu'l those who wished
ty expose thu dclil u his connection
with the company.
This story has found widespread cred
ence, but Is yet to be veritled.
Mlaslnc; from lluniHsteud Mnctt Thuy YVttve
Charged With Treason.
Pittsburg, Nov. 29. Hugh Ross and
ex-Burgess John McLuckie, the Home
stead strike leaders, who have been
missing since the churges of murdor and
treason were preferred against thsin,
returned to the city yesterday aud sur
rendered to the sheriff,
They will make application for ball,
nnd, pending u decision, will ba com
polled to remain iu jail,
Ross has been In England, and Ma
Luckie in Youngstown, 0.
Ilauik "Wrecker Oalruildor'a Trial.
Kinost6n. N. Y Nov. 29. Iu the
trial of Batik Wrooker Oitrantlor for per
jury, tho prosecutiou has so far shown
that the prisoner falsified books in order
to cover his peculations, Ou March UO,
1839, $10,000 were taken and the entries
appear In Ostrander's handwriting. The
present trial tor perjury is based upon
his false verification to the report ot the
baulc's condition, made on July 1, 11390,
in order to conceal peculations of over
Second CUuriie Against Smith Sustained,
Cincinnati, Nov. 20. Tho Presbytery,
by a vote ot 41 to 17, sustained the
second charge nguiust Prof. Smith.' The
specifications weru then voted ou, one at
a time, nnd all were sustained by a large
majority exoept the lust. Un this
rising vote wus necessary. Doctors Bryan
and Roberts voted not to sustain this
specification, but it was carried by a
small majority. Charge three was next
Oeorfflu and Chicago's Fair.
Atlanta, Qa., Nov. 20, An effort witl
be made by the Legislative committee,
which has just returned from Chicago, to
have tho General Assembly appropriate
$50,000 toward making a Georgtu ex
hibit at the World's Fair. Gov. Northon,
who was with the party, is strongly in
favor ot such uction,
Sudden Death of u Collng-tan,
PouauKpEPsiB, N. Y., Nov. 20. J. R.
Mote of Carvintou, Pa., u student ot
Eastmau Collegia In this city, died here
suddenly yesterday. He had been ill
with the measles but was pronounced
well. He was 20 years old. His Budden
death caused a actuation at the college.
Tirtdvo Year for Muidsrer Adams. 1
Pittsvield, Muss., Nov. 20. In the
Superior Court yesterduy afternoon.
Judge Deway Imposed' a seutenco ot 12
years la State prison ou Charles Adams,
who pleaded guilty to manslaughter In
ktlllug Charles Lussler ut Leuuxdnle,
Jun. 15, ,
lllrsolt Mightly Wounded.
Paius, Nov. 20. The accident to th
Hebrew philanthropist, Barun Hirsch,
occurred while the Baron was shooting
lu the forest of St. Germain. The wound
is not dangerous and will necessitate
simply a few duys' rest.
Ite Submits a Hllver 8clinm a to that Mont.
invjr C"Hfrauop.
lmus'srcLs. Nov. 211. In the Interna
tional Monetary Conference, Mr. Alfred
do "Hotbschlld, ot the English delegation,
proposed thnt the powers engaged, In thi
Conference should form an association
having for It object trie collective pur
chase annually of five million pounds
sterling, equal to one hundred and
twenty-five millions of francs, of silver,
thl to continue for a maximum period
uf five years, under the express .condition
tlmt the government of the United States
tliould continue its monthly purchase of
silver, similar to the purchases hereto
fore made by said government equal to
shout, fifty million ounces of silver.
Also, that the collective purchases ol
the powers should bo suspended if, iu the
ourse of the said flvo years, silver should
roach the price of forty-three pence an
ounce, the result desired being to
consider bow to obtain that rate.
The submission of Mr. liothschlld's
plan, was preceded by an explanatory
memorandum, quoting his correspon
dence with the Oovernor of the Bank ot
England. Iu this correspondence tho
Oovernor says that he Is always opposed
on prtnolple to bimetallism and thnt Mr.
Rothschild's plan is merely a momentary
palliative of tne crisis which the fall in
silver has provoked.
IheUovernor adds that nevertheless
this expression of opinion Is merely per
sonal. All other British delegates, except Ber
tram Currie, are known to approve the
plan proposed by Mr. Rothschild, and it
Is now confirmed that Mr. Rothschild
and the American delegates uro working
The United State Supreme Court Alurnil
that Judge's t-Hiitt-lluo.
Washington, Nov. 29. By a decision
of tho United States Supreme Court,
Edward W. Halliuger, under sentence ot
death In the Hudson county, New Jersey,
jail, will be hanged unless executive
clemency is granted.
Halilnger was charged with murder
aud confessed the crime, leaving tho court
to adjudge the degree of his ollense and
to pronounoe sentence. The court ad
judged him guilty of murder In the first
degree aud sentenced him to death. This
was In accordance with the New Jersey
law. .
The case was taken to the Circuit
Court of the United States for tho Dis
trict of New Jersey on an application for
a writ f corpus, and this court
denied tue writ. An uppeal was then
tuken to the federal Supreme Court, tho
ground for the appeal being that Haliln
ger had been deprived o life uud liberty
without due process of law contrary to
the fourteenth amendment lu that no
jury had acted on the case.
Over a Million rlualinls Storad Through
out Stiuth Dakota.
Huron, S. D., Nov. 20. Chairman
Rice ot the State Railway Commission
has gone to the southern part ot tho State
to secure, it possible, a break In the
wheat blookade.
He estimates that over a million bush
els of wheut are stored in warehouses uud
elevators ou various lines of road in South
Dakota. .The commission is deluged
with complaints ot Insufficiency of cars,
but are powerless to givo relief.
Tho present blockade is worse than
that experienced last November, and is
likely to continue uutil the middle ot
Buyers havei given! notice to farmers
not to hiul grain to market as It could
not bo received.
Surprise Ovt-r the nlenct, u thta Jury
Hutl ItfOitlU'tlendtid r.euleuey,
Pittshurq, Nov. 20. Frank Garvin,
thu newspaper artist who murdered his
wife, Cora Redputh Garviu, on account
of her supposed infidelity, was sentenced
to nine years in the penitentiary.
Garvin's friends were surprised at the
sentence, as the jury recommended thi
Utmost leniency to the court.
Nnn-linlou Mnn Disohiirzttd.
HouitsTEAD, Nov. 20. One hundred
non-uuion workmen left the Carnegie
mills yesterday in a body. It is presumed
that they wure discharged. The mill
officials refuse to make any statement
concerning them. This rem oval will
make an opening for the employment ot
a corresponding uumbar of meu from the
ranks of the strikers.
Whitney Knows Notlillic of a Cull.
New York, Nov. 20. Hon. William
C. Whitney stated positively last night
that he knew nothing of atiy oStll for a
meeting of representative Democrats la
be held in this city or eUowhere to ar
range any plan of regulating the action
of the Democratic party in the incoming
Denounced a a swindler.
Chicago, Nov, 29,-rThe oillccrs of tho
University of Illinois deny any; knowl.
edge ot the advertisements signed by
Prof. Vm Augslbach, whioh were al
leged to have been printed in London, of
fering tor sale degrees In the university.
They do cot, know Augelbach, aud say
he Is a swindler.
Vost Gttts Ten Year.
Albany, Nov, 20. George W, Post,
Bunco O'Brien's confederate, was sen
tenced to ten years' imprisonment In
Duunemora, He was convicted of rob
bery in the first degree tor buncoing
Johu M. Peck of this city out ot $10,000.
Debut of a Goteruor's Daus;hlatr.
HAV.niBnujto, Pa., Nov. 2. Governor
and Mrs. Puttison have issued invitations
for a reception nt the Executive Mansion
on Thursday, Dec. 8. Miss Pattison will
make her formal debut into sooiety.
Calu Clik aioutleu's Theft.
New Qrl:ak8. Nov. SO.m-Seveu million
silver dyllurs In tho Suli-Traaiury here
are being counted in order to determine
the amount embezzled by Coin (Jlork
Mont leu.
To Succeed llsar Adtutral llrown.
W,ARiUfiQTOt, Nor. 20. -Cainroodore
Skerratt, ot tho Washington navy yard.
succeeds Hear Admiral Brown iu com
mand of the Paolflo squudrou January 1.
Stuuleutau and
Horses Perished.
Braufohp, Pa..
Nov. 20. Firs de-
atroyed two barns on Congress street,
The stableman, Albert Arnold, and four
horses perished iu the llamas.
terras Prostration.
2ZsZSr0 !TTAJ-H1 jrac-Tra-1 I
Slceplcsnesi, Kick final Nervona
Hlot-.ttnclie, Ilnrknrhc. DlziliiosvSIor-
iiti i-cnrN, lint iinsiica, lirrvnn
(oriu, ills, fit. Vitus' Dunce, Opium
I&nblt. IrunUoiinoN. f p.. arc rnracl
y Dr. .TSilos' Itcstorntivo Nervine.
!t does not contain opiates. Mrs. Botihtn C.
nrovrnlec, DcLand. l-lu suffered with Epilepsy
for SOyeare end testifies to n complete cure. Jacob
; ,tio. i;il'i, trog(,r,n "1 been suffcrlnp; with Nerv
ous Prostration for lo ir years, conln not sleep,
nothing holnod him until ho used Dr. Miles' Re-
3toruiive nervine; no is now well. Flno books
Ttt nt dnipTMs. Dr, Miles' Nerve and
-Wei plllc. tj cf. fur rrnt nrn thn heat
remedy for Biliousness, TurMd Liver, etc., etc.
il.-. Miles' fifledioat Cu.,Eikhart,lncJ.
7irtrnnKlnHwttl,rin,.n..l J
f fllppt M'hllx K, ,.,.,,..,..
v , i - -,uh uitau
tf Or flnv nnnnliirfl I sM it
WTflllr rirurrcriKt far V,,H1 n
I Bis It cures In u fewdtrs
i withe ut tho aid or publlcilr of a
j doctor. Non-poisonous and
1 guaranteed not to stricture.
i 'ni Iniirrsal Amtrtean Curt.
Manufactured by a
l The Evans Chemical Co.1
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Watei
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used in tho
preparation of
trifri is absolutely
pure and soluble.
the strength of Cocoa tulxed
with Starch. Arrowroot or
Suf?ar. aud is far mora ecrw
nomlcal, costing leas than one cent a cup.
It is delicious, nourishing, and xasilt
Sold by firocersererriThere.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mais.
niinTimr we, the nndersiitned, wer
nlir I llrtr entirely cured oi ruplu'eby
M U I I will, x)r, J. 11, Mayer, m Arch HU,
Philadelphia. Pa.. S. Jones Philips. Kennel
Square, Pa.; T. A, Kreiti, Slallngton. I'a, K.
2ti, nniuti, Mount. Alio, ra.: iuiv. m. it. ener
nier.'a.! D. J. Dellett, 2118. 12th
Ht., Heading, hi.; Vm. Ilx, 1828 Montrose Ht.,
Philadelphia; 11. 1.. Bnwe, 3tl Kim Kt , Head,
lng, Pu.s Qeorgeand Ph. Uurttart, 43a. Locust
bt.. Heading, Pa, bend for circular
Art on a new principle
icfituate the Liver, Biomsch
tMi bowola through (At
, ntrvct. Dg. Kilss' Pols
tvfslllv cure 1'Uloneness,
turpiu UTcr and consUpt
t. ... Sma!!ie,, nitlaost,
cniestl p acre 9,2 3 cts.
hjinwl'-'S ti'M t,t drtii'idsts.
h.. ttila Btl Co., eiUurt, liL
ings BIac3k
Forty Fast Colors at Drug Stores.
Every Month
many women sufftr from Excessive or
Scant Menstruation; they don't know
who to confide In to get proper advice.
Don't confide in anybody but try
Female Regulator
a Sptelflo for PAINFUL, PROFUSE.
SBooJcto ".WOMAN" mslltd free.
Salary and expenses paid. Address Yf. & IF,
HM1T1ICO., Geneva Nursery, Geneva, N T.
Established 1810. lOJavoow-alt