The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 26, 1892, Image 3

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    Both tlio method and resultu when
Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio taste, and acts
fently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys,
-ivcr and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to tlio stomach, prompt in
Its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, nrenared onlv from the moat
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo made it the most
nomilar remeJv known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drui?-
giste. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
Triauca 10 uy iu jjo noi, accept any
Blck Headache and relievo all tbo troubles lnrf
riAnt tn a hllloua Btsto of tho system, such oa
Dizziness. Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress, after
catinc. Pain In tho Side, io. While their moat
(remarkable success lias been shown In cansg .
TTM'uMift. ret Carter's Little Liver FflU trs
equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pro
Tenting, this annoyingcoinplalnt, while they also
correct all disorders or thostomochtlmnlalo the
;verndregtilto tho bowels. Even If they onlj
rAeli thev would bo almoa tnrlcelesa to tboso who
ziately their goodness does noteua ncre,ana those
Yrn? once try tueui nui uuu iucmjuho jtiiia iaiu
stble In eo many ways thxt thoy will not bo wll
iltufi to no tviinout mem
flathebrooof so many Uvea that hero Is whore)
'CTemalteourgrcatboast. Our pills euro it while.
ethers do not. ...
Carter's Little Llvor nils are very small ana
rv finv 4o f jlIca. One or two rills Tnairoa dose.
dnoy are strictly vogetablo aud do not gripe or
purad, but by their gontlo action ploaaoou wiio
usothem. InvlslsatSSrcntst nvefortl. Sola
by druggists every where, or tent by mail.
Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee.
For a Lame Side, (jack or Chest Shlloh's Porous
Plaster will give great satisfaction. 35 cents.
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tcnn., says :
"flmon s ntatizcr-.Mi y&u m r uiciu. 1
Hnvnvou Catarrh? Try this Remedy. Itwill
relievo aud Cu-o you. Price 50 cts. This In-.
jector lor its successful treatment Is furnished
1 ree. 8blloh's Remedies are sold by us on a
guarantee to givo satisfaction.
For sale by C. H. Hagenbuch.
Nature should
bo assisted to
throw oirimimri
tics of tlio blood,
Nothing' docs it
so well, so safely
or so promptly us
HwllVs SpcciUc.
P'ir tlirea ve&rt twis troubled with malarial tkiI on.
ywlmh caunea any appetite to full, and I was rrriatl)
lued in. Attn, and Ills lutt all itach trmt. I tried inrt-
curtaianaTiutasnrenu'iirs 1 utt'r ien a. lci'ulcie-t
norcllc I. 1 then trie J KJtfarVM A fc bottles of tin.
ftonderful medicine
and tieruiancntiura.
made a comtle
and 1 now e liov
Wuei health than ever,
KILE, Ottawa, Kan.
Our book on Blood and tikln Diseases mailed free.
23 n. s.i2roExr's
isi raiisii. Ti
,' MlGNETie
& susnKstsnr.
Will sirs vltneiil medietas sll Wialee.t re.ultlaf fret.
vifriassiien or srats, servs rereei, saae.iea or loaiieretioa
a. aeaual sabaaatloa. drain., loa.t. orrreu. dallllt, aiatp
ae.tneea, last usr. rbsumallain. kldner. liter and biadd.r Cera
rlalute.laiaa bees, lumbago, aclatlca, gessral tll-b.ellb, ats
Thia eta. trie belt eanitlaa .L.a..r..i in....M.ta .1
tbers, and tlTee s tbat la Isitaotlj fait If Irs v.aref
ors, and 111 ears all of lbs sbors alias
sa. sr ns par. Tbouaasda bars ben eurad br this merTeleu
loventloB after all other remedial failed, ascl we (Irs hsa
Oar pewarral Imprsved hLKfrBIC KIsPKSSunT la lit
freetett bees erer eoered weak meni VKKK wirillLL he-lTS.
Health sad l(srsaa Strrsatk UlltUll I ItU U SO ta St
tHTS. . Send far largs llMutrated fawphleu, sealed, frr
Ire saatl. Addraaa
N F ' lonUVav, N BW VOfiV
jius alter uut
-V r. ill
Not Thought That the Grand
Jury Wilt Indict Her.
Hollered Thul the Proceedluijs Are He.
lujed Jleratise til Testimony Adduced
Is Nat Considered Sufficient to Warrant
llrlnciac i True Dill.
Tauntoh, lliit,, Not. 26. Tho im
pression prevails that the Brand jury will
not indict Lizzie Borden for the murder
of her father, Andrew Borden, but the
puhlio is no more certain of this than it
was when the case first went into the
hnnds of the jury, only by lnferenoe,
since no member of that body has ex
pressed himself in any way.
It is (julle certain, however, that no
new evidence of any Importance nas
boen civen before the jury and that pro
ceedings nre delayed because the evidence
is not considered sufllcient to warrant
the finding of an indictment.
There Is yet a week nearly for unsartn-
ing fresh evidence and in that time
enough may be gathered to make things
nn entirely diffei
L.a 'tJ'T.fl"' .th,"t
ullferent aspect. It
as conditions
are now tho chances for Mis Borden's
early release from confinement are
If she is indicted and the jury at the
trial fail to convict, there would be little
hope of ever britiKlnir her bofore the
court again, even though she should be
charged the next time wltu murdering
the other member of the family, whose
uamo was not mentioned in the warrant
for her arrest.
If the grand jury sets ber free it does
not mean that she is forever cleared of
any future action of the body, but on the
coutrary, she can be hauled up at any
time on a new charge provided there Is
lit the time frushaud convincing evidence
Hgaiust her.
It is felt that the Attornoy General
realises that it would be better for all
concerned to make no error of judgment
now, even ut the risk of conjuring up
false appearances, and to place .Miss Bor
den in a position where she will not bo
beyond the reach of justice.
The probabilities are strongly iu favor
of no bill.
The rionncnarf at Father of rs. Ifwrrl-
qu Likely to Die at Any Moment.
Washinqtox, Nov. 20. The Kov. Dr.
John W. Scott, father-ln-lawjof President
Harrison, is lyiug seriously ill at the
White House.
Ills illness is of but a few days' dura
tion, having commenced with a fever,
which was probably the result of a cold.
Ths patient, while not iu much distress,
is Buffering greatly from weakness.
There ure short periods of lntermlttaut
The President's household realizes that
his condition is such that it may termin
ate fatally. He is U4 years old.
lie was reported worse lust night and to
be growing steadily weaker.
Ktoups of 100 Dion Through as Aband
oned Sliafr.
Raton, N. M., Nov. 20. The Blossburg
coal mines are still ablaze. There were
100 men in the lower workings, but all
escaped through an abandoned shaft.
All the mules anil mine cars were de
The mines ure operated by tho Atchi
son, Topeku & Santa Fejriiilroail, and are
the ls,rost In New Mexico, the average
production being about 75 tons per day.
About OUU men are thrown out of work.
Millionaire Croase's Will.
Syracuse, N. Y Nov. 20. The
funeral of D. Edgar Crouse was held here
yesterday afternoon and immediately
thereafter the relatives of the deceased
gathered at the house and his will wus
read, lie disposes of his vast estate of
between SO. 000,000 and $10,000,000 by
dividing $103,000 among his employs
and the charitable institutions of the
city. The residue of the estate is divided
equally among relatives in this aud
neighboring towns and cities.
Arrested un Clairvoyant's Tip.
Newark, N. J , Nov. 20. Arthur
Sagar, aged 17, Is under arrest charged
with stealing $201 from Richard Mc
Cormlck, a Ferry street saloonkeeper.
Sanger was a bnrteider at McCorutick's
saloon. McCormick told the police that
he had consulted a clairvoyant and
he told him that Sager had stolen the
Illut ou 11 Ohio Train.
QALurous, O., Nov. 20. Six brothers.
Williams by name, boarded an Ohio
River train at Huntington, Wednesday
night, and at 01100 hegan to insult ladies
in the car. A fight ensued with the
tralnmeu and the conductor and a brake-
man were seriously injured, and the
William brothers were badly beaten and
thrown from the car.
Fatal Quarrxl llelween Fallm
autl Sou.
BlNQHAUTON, N. Y Nov. 20.-
Maloney, aged 17, known as "Fireball."
struck his father, jMlcbael Moloney, upon
the head with a hammer, fracturiug his
skull. Ills father had been drinking.
and knocked the son down and beat him.
The son claimed that he struck his father
in self defeuse.
Xasker's Git 1'si-forDiane.
Montrral, Nov. 20. Herr Lasker fin
ished his engagement at the Montreal
Chess club with a simultaneous exhibi
tion against 29 members of the club.
Lasker laiiljheu the difficult task by win
ning 'i games, losing 1 to Cameron, and
making a draw with llurrler.
lmmtcruiita Allowrd to Troceeil.
St. Jonw, N. Ii., Nov. 28, The Swod-
lsh immigrants held here several days at
the instigation of the United States
health authorities have been allowed to
Eroceed to llottou. Their baggage hat
eeu fumigated.
Cornell's irealdeut Is Speak.
Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 20. President
Schurmam, of Cornell, has gone to
Springfield, Mass., to deliver an address
bofore the Massachusetts Teachers' Asso
ciation. SI, Louis' Tpbo.d Kwl.lswilo,
St. Louis, Nov. 20. The typhoid fever
epldomlo does not abate, Since yester
day 105 cases hnve bean reported,
ent MnI.eod Appears nfor the
Committee and Is Kiamlned.
Nitw Yohk, Nov. 28. President Mc
Leod said during his examination before
the Congressional Committee investigat
ing the Reading coal combine, that in
addition to being president of the Bead
ing Railroad ha wns president of the
Reaking Coal Sc Iron Company, capital
ized at $3,000,000.
He said that the total number of acres
of coal land controlled by ths Reading
through the coal and iron company was
113,317, two-thirds of it unimproved.
Leases of the lines of the Lehigh Val
ley and the Central Railroad of New Jer
sey to the Reading, dated Feb. 11 and
Feb. 12, 189a, were offered In evidence.
Mr. McLeod admitted that since these
dates contracts had been made by the
Reading with individual operators along
the lines mentioned to pay OU per cent,
of prices realized for coal.
Mr. McLeod said that at a meeting
held either in June or July prices of coal
were fixed and they were in advance of
those prevailing previously. There had
been no advance in prices since July.
Jlyaterlous lils-appearance f Utlca's El
Utioa, N. Y., Nov. 20. Where li
O'Connorl He left Little Falls Saturday,
came here, as he said, because his father
was sick, and left his barrow at "Aunt
Jo" Vosburyh's hotel, one mile east of
Little Falls. Monday morning he left
home and wife, saying be did not know
whether he would continue his trip or
not, as ho must see certain parties first.
One was his photographer. Since then
nothing has been heard of him. His wife
said to day she had not heard from him
and was anxious about him.
There are suveral rumors afloat one
that he left for New York Monday aud
would be found at the bottom of New
York harbor. O'Connor's brother will
neither deny nor confirm the ahovo. The
wife, a much liked young woman, whom
O Connor married about a year ago,
seems much dejected. O'Connor is a
lawyer, and, rumor has it, is so entangled
in financial matters that it is convenient
for him to be absent. The wife is domi
ciled with her mother.
Directots Charged With llrtiach ut Trust
aud Mulversutlun of Funds.
Paius, Nov. 20. The case of the gov
ernment against the Panama Canal com
pany was called iu the Court of Appeals.
The defendants ure M. Da Lesseps, chair
man of the board of directors; Charles
De Lesseps, his son, vice-chairman; M.
Fontanes and Baron Cotta, directors of
the company, aud M. Eitlel.
Nous of the defendants was present.
The case was adjourned until Jan. 10,
counsel for the defendants guaranteeing
that they would then appear.
The charges are breach of trust and
malversation of funds.
Their Colur Objected to and Now The'ro
Ouius; to ttu.
Trenton, N. J., Nov. 20. A party of
colored jubilee singers from Philadelphia
contributed to the Thanksgiving festiv
ities at the Young Men' Christian Associ
ation here.
They went to a local restaurant for
dinner, but were refused sarviCJ because
of their color.
It is said they will bring suit for dam
ages against Shepard Si Stout, proprie
tors of the restaurant.
Mr. Shep.trd said last night that tha
regular patrons of his restrurant would
not come iu if he entertained colored men.
President of tlio lturbiiur Flaa Spluuliie;
Company at l'attrou.
Patehso.n, N. J., Nov. 28. Robort
Barbour, president of tho Harbour Flax
Spinning Company, is dead of apoplexy.
Mr. Harbour was bom in Ireland iu
1824, and came to America in 1S01. With
his brother Ttiomas he established the big
American industry, and was also inter
ested in the monster linen works at Lls
burn, Ireland,
lie leaves u fortuno variously esti
mated at from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000.
First Kzhlbit for th. Fair.
Cuioaqo, Nov. 20. Tho first exhibit
to be received at the World's Fair
grounds cau now be seen in the Govern
ment building at Jackson l'.trk. it lies
in sections near the dome of ths building
an immense redwood tree, theSerjuoy
jgantla, which was cut by the King
liiver Lumber company near Sanger,
Fresno county, California. The trunk
measures 28 feet iu diameter.
Strikers (i.t lite Uwld blioulrler,
ITouKSTrAD, Nov. 20. About a dozen
strikers applied at the Carnegie mills
yesterday for employment. They received
but little encouragement. There have
been about 1,700 men thus far who have
applied for work, and less than 20
per cent, have been successful.
A New llicycle Itecord,
Dbnvkr.CoI., Nov. 26. In the 10-mlle
road race of the Denver Kambles llicycle
Club, Robert Q trading, an amateur of
this city, broke the worlds track and
road record for five miles by 45 2-5 sea-
ouds. Ills time was 12:07,
llradUr Agala Kseapes from Trlson.
Boston, Nov. 20. Convict Bradley,
one of the men who recently escaped
from the State Prison' by crawling
through the sewer aud was recaptured, Is
again missing from that Institution.
Can1 Dlsr-hierca Her Cargo uf Ilae;a
New York, Nov. 20. The steamer
Frauce, which arrived in port Wednes
day having on board a number of consign
ments of rags, has not succeeded yet in
discharging her cargo,
B'orray Voyage at Reau
Queknstown, Nov. 20. The steamer
British Prince, from Philadelphia, Nor.
10, has just arrived after a tempastous
voyage, storm after storm being encoun
tered throughout ths voyage.
borvant Perished In the Flames.
New York, Nov. 20. The St. Nicholas
Park Hotel, a two story frame structure
ou 105th street, was burned at an early
morning hour. Iloxa Ilaubuhler, a ser
vant, perlsbcd.
Cleveland llsge night Hunks.
Kxuork, Vs., Nov. 20. Prestdent-eleot
Cleveland shot eight ducks as the result
of his first gunning since arriving at
Broadwater Island.
American Delegates Present
Resolutions at Brussels.
Outline of tlio l'lall on lllmntallattt Whlel
Mas OtTerd-Most of til Mnibe.n
Dnollned to Conslttwr tllw Proposition!
Without First Consulting II.
spsrtlro Governments.
Brussels, Nov. 20. The America)
suggestions for blmetalism were sub
mitted by Senator Allison and Seuatoi
Jones to the International Monetary con
fence. The American delegatos presented i
resolution declaring that, in tho opinion
of the conference, it is desirable thai
means be found for an increasing usi
of silver in the currency systems of thi
A document prepared by the America!
delegates and presented with the resolu
tlou explained that they wished that ac
opportunity be afforded to consider theli
plans. At the same time, they submitted
a general plan on blmetalism offered b
the United States, showing, first, that tin
re-establishmc'nt and maintenance of s
parity between gold and silver, and th
continued use of both as coined money ol
full debt paying power would be pro
ductlve of important benefit to the wholt
lui? document thus proceeds:
"Hit- e eniis will be accomplished by
the removal ut tlie legal restrictions now
existing, and the coinage of silver into
lull legal tender money, restoring by in
ternational agreement the parity of value
ueiweeu tne metais at sucu a ratio
the conference may decide upon. The
essentials of such un international agree
ineiit should be: (1) The unrestricted
coinage of both gold and sliver into money
of full debt paying power; (2) fixing a
ratio in the coinage between the two
metals; (!)) theestablishmeutf of a uniform
charge, if any, to tho public for minting
cold and silver coins.
The American proposals were coldly re.
ceived. M. lirard of the trench delega
tion, who speaks with authority as it
former Minister of finance, declined to
consider the proposals without first con
sulting the French Government, and in
this position M. Tirurd was sustained! by
most of the other delegates, who also de
clined to give consideration to the Ameri
can proposals without consulting their
respective governments. There npou the
American delegates decided to withdraw
thejr proposals provisoiially.
Alfred de Itothscbild of the British
delegation, announced that he would
propose to-day to crsate au International
syndicate to purchase silver, with the
view of effecting au appreciation iu the
value of the metal.
Au Iuteresttn; lilruroo Suit to Come
at Sloui falls, S. 11.
Philadelphia, Nov. i!0. A specla!
from Sioux Fulls, S. D., says: llutus L.
King vs. Mary Louise King, is the titl
of a case which will attract much altsn
According to the wife s statement,
King hits tn ice before applied for a dl
vorce oucu iu Virginia, aud once
Connecticut. lie failed to obtain it iu
both esses. .
The marriage occurred in Trenton, N.
J., iu 1870. Counter charges of desertion
are niacin.
Mr. King does business in New York
aud Mrs. King at present is living 1
It bllorf s that Gov. ICuaaull Is Elected by
1'lurallty of K,UOO.
Boston, Nov. 20. The recount at the
State Houso shows that Gov. Iiussell la
elected by a plurality of 2,038.
The plurality of Hoger Wolcott, He
publican, for Lleuteuaut-Govemor, over
James II. Carroll, Democrat, is O.OGil,
Willium M. Olln, Kepublicau, has
plurality of 17,808 overChas. S. Hamlin
Democrat, for becretary of State.
Ueorge A. Warden. Republican.
State Treasurer, has u plurality over Jas.
a. uriunell, Democrat, of ZJ,!ilS.
JSvaouatlou liar Celebration.
New Youk, Nov. 20. The great feature
of Evacuation Day was the reunion and
dinner af the New York Soolety of th
bona of tho Revolution at Delnionico'
last night. Nearly 250 members wer
present, and enjoyed one of the mo.tsuo
oesstul reunions iu the history of the so
ciety. mere were present, also,
guests, members of sister socluties
Maryland, Massachusetts, aud the Dls
trict oi Columbia,
Worth 84.0,000 and a County Charge,
Daw liALTiuoiiE, N. Y., Nov. 20. Ed
wlu E. Shear, au old bachelor, of this
piace, ueoanie ueraugeu some time ago.
and, as his relatives were poor, ha was
committed to the Blnghamtou insan
uiylum as a county charge. He died
last spring, and nov, It leaks out that h
was wealthy, and had nearly $40,000 on
ueposib ia ma atoauy uanic.
Thompson to Succeed Abeolt.
If . - r . . .... he au iov. so. A bulletin an.
bouncing that Sir John Abbott's reslmm
tion had been accepted by the Qovemor-
General, and that Sir John Thompson
uuu ueen caiieu upon to iorm a govern
inent created considerable excitement
Here last night, aud little else was talkoil
about. The Conservatives generally en
uuroe mis selection.
Cltuniplon Yearling Suld,
BurrAi.o, N. Y., Nov. 20. Matt Dwyer
has sold to Auam dimmer, of Ktst iiuf
falo, the champion yearling Vitto, by
Jerome May out of Lou Wilkes,
Vitto holds the world's yearling
reoord of wt, going a uslf In 1;US. Hli
is also the New York State chumplou
Tho price paid was $a,uuj.
More Nmiallpos: ut llirinlugliuiu.
Bihminouam, Coun., Nov. 20. Three
new oases of smallpox ware discovered
yesterday: Mua Russell, aged three
months; Wilfred Taylor, aged 20 months.
and Mary Cowley, aged 18 years. ThU
makes it total of eight cases.
Murderer Foy flack In Ilallston.
Balustok, N. Y., Nov. 26 Sheriff
Wordeu with murderer Foy in his custody
nas arrived uere iroru uaiuoruia.
Newport Villi
tJestrovetl by l'lre,
NnwronT, R. I., Nov. 20. Just befori
o'clock yesterday evening Cornelius
Vanderbllt dUcovered fire in the malt
hall of his beautiful villa "The Break
ers," on Ochre Point. He At once sent
an alarm by telephone to headquitrturs,
but owing to a misunderstanding onli
the emergency wagon was sent.
l'ifteeu minutes later, when a general
alarm was sounded, the villa wits en
veloped in flames. The family were just
tble to escape without saving anything,
I he entire piuce Is gutted to the
ground, entailing a loss of $500,000 oi
$8 JO, 000.
when the firemen arrived there wai
only half pressure from the mains, tin
stream being perfectly useless. The ser
van Is saved some few articles of clothing,
but even these were thrown out without
regard to ownership. An immense crowd
of cottagers and citizens gathered, and
there were hundreds of willing helpers,
bud the flames spre 'd so rapidly that al
aid was futile.
Conditions on 'Wltl -It the Clericals AVI)
Assist tn 1'iess It.
Berlix, Nov. 20. The Clerical partj
have decided to force Count Caprivi'i
hand by Introducing in the Reichstag a
hill providing for the return to Germany
Oi the Jesuit orders expelled during the
Thoir object is to compel tho Govern
ment to grant this concession so as tc
save the Military bill. They control
about 110 votes iu the Reichstag and with
their aid the Government could pass the
Military bill.
Count Caprivi's bargaining for theit
support recently tins been shattered on
his declaration thut the Jesuit orders
could not be considered for some time.
The Clericals uow say that the Military
bill and ths bill for the return of the
Jesuits must stand oi fall together.
Murderer Sulllvau'e I'rlemls Cannot Nott
Obtain a Nw Trial for Hlui.
Providence, R. I., Nov. 20. The time
for filing the exceptions taken by coun
sel for tho defense In the trial of "Yankee
Dan" Sullivan, who was recently con
victed of tho murder of Authony S. Har
well, of East Providence, expired
Thanksgiving Day without the requisite
steps towards a new trial being taken.
bull iv, i ti s couusel says bis friends did
not at.vmpi to make any urruugementa
for a ue triui until Wednesday, too late
fur action.
Sullivau is liable to be sentenced at
any time.
Iojuectlwn beeured Against the Fiench
Itecetver of the I.ailroad Compiuy.
New York, Nov. 30. Judge Truax,
upon motion of Lawyer Edward Lauter-
bach, representing the Pacific Mail
Steamship company, has granted an in
junction restraining the American repre
sentatives of the French company, which
has acquired possession of the Panama
railroad, from granting through bills of
lading from the Atlantic to the Pacific
until the legality of the proceedings by
which the Panama Canal company se
cured the possession of the railroad com
pany can be determined.
Aleternwn Convloted of Urlberv
Toledo, O., Nov. 26. The most dram
atic series of trials ever known in this
city came to an end last night, when
Councilman Georgo M. Doner, of the
Fifth ward, was found guilty of bribery.
The grand jury iudicted seveu members
of the Council ou that charge, six ol
whom are now under conviction.
ltaseball Players Sentenced.
LiNCiSTKii, Pa., Nov. 20. George
Warner and William Garret, Lebanon
baseball players, pleaded guilty in court
yesterday to robbing the jewelry store of
J, M, Sheuller ut Kphrutu. They wore
each sentenced to the Eastern penitenti
ary for two years and three mouths.
Tho Mrllliar Ileloased.
WisniNOTON, Nov. 20. Acting Secre
tary Spaulding yesterday onlered the re
lease of the steamer Weimar, which has
been detained at the Lower Quarantine
station, Chesapeake Bay, since the 10th
iust., and she proceeded at once to Haiti
more to laud her l,b81 passengers.
Fr Kicking Ills Son to Heath,
Henderson, N. Y., Nov. 20. William
Frankliu is tinder arrest here and la hav
ing his preliminary examination on u
charge of having, while drunk, kicked
and beaten his sou Mtlo, aged 12 years,
in such a manner as to causo his death.
Moyer Dismissed.
Oswecio, N. Y., Nov. 0. John G.
Moyer, who has bean on trial here
charged with robbing the PhtBulx Na
tional Bank, on October &8, has been dis
charged, the authorities having failed to
make out a case against him.
To Hatch Ityura and William",
New Orleams, Nov. 20. The Olympic
Club has telegraphed to Mr. Houseman
of Chicago to mutch Tom Ityan against
Tommy Williams, who is in England,
for a purse of 111,000, the match to take
place during March next.
Hilly Aieyor Itecoverins;,
Cuioago, Nov. 20. Billy Meyer is re
covering from a serious attack of Illness.
It is probable that hi ten round "go"
with McAuliffe, booked for Dec. 10, at
the Second Itegiment Armory, will be
Mr. Carnexle Will Donato 89,000.
Auousta, Me., Nov. 20. Andrew Car-
nesie has offered to give $9,000 of the
$18,000 needed for the Lithgow library
fund and 1. 1. Ibtndall of this city gives
$1,000 of the remaining $'J,000.
l'urse Too Small for ltyan.
Chicago, Nov. 20. Tom Ityan has de
clined the offer of the Olymplo Club of
New Orleuns to fight Tom Williams for it
purse of (3,000. lie says the purse is
not large enough.
The Kalsrr Cougrutulutes Caprlvl,
IIbrlin, Nov. 20. The Kaiser has ex
tended his earnest congratulations to
Chancellor Caprlvl on his speech in the
IUlcbstagln support of ths Army bill.
Death of a Shaker Leader,
Amsterdam, N. Y., Nov. 26. Elrjei
Daniel Boler, for over 4.0 years at the
head of the Mount Lebanon Shakers, Is
diad, aged 90 years.
STATIFTictnhrnvihatonoln rocn has a went
or dlsoosed Ilourt The flrst symptoms are short
brcrtth, onprveslon, fluttering, fulnt and
hungry sprlls.imln In side, then smothering,
swollen nnltlrs, dropsy (rand lrtth,l for
wnich jic. sew in: art ccitn
Is a marvelous remedy. "I havo been troubled
with heart dlsofino fur years, my left pulse woe
vory week, could at times sc. rccly feci It, tbo
r-mallcRt exelteracnt vrould always weaken my
nerves end bcarti. nd a fear of Impending death
ntarodmnlnthofacof ir Luurt. Mir. Hli rn'
la tlio only mediclno tbat bas proved of any beno
"t a Kl viirort me. Ii. M. Dyer, Clovcrdalo, Md.
2rr. Miles' X.ivcr 1 '111 iur.1 a euro remedy for
JMIIotiftness and Torpid X.lver. GO Jtose-e
2.i cents. Fiic ! i. i i ' it Disease, with
wonderful curM Vvc rtt drupclf-, or address
DR. MILES' MEQinAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chappod Hands, Wounds, Burns, EtO.
Removes and Prevents EandrufC
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Wates,
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used in the
preparation of
which Is absolutely
pure mid soluble.
It has morethanth ree t 'met
the strength of C'nr-oa muted
iwlih Starch, Arrowroot or
Sticar, aud is far mora eco
nomical, costing less than one cent a cup.
It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt
Sold by Grorers ercry nlitrs.
W, BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
We. the unrterslsnee. were
entirely cured oi mi turo by
Dr. J. 15. Maye-. 31 ch Ht
Philadelphia. Pa.. H.Jones Phi Ins. Rennet
8quare, I'a.j T. A. Kreilz, Blotlcston, Pa.: Hi
M. nmaii, aioum Alio, ra.; ncv n ii nner
. ....... 1 .. 1 .. . . 11 , u IU...
loot, duuuui Jii n., j . Ay. n' i - .11 ' u
Ht.. Iteudlni;, Pft.j Wm. Dlx, M Jntrose Bt.,
rminaeipiiui; tt. a., itotte, aw r.r , iteaa
Ina. ln fJenrpR and I'll. Hnrsiart. 4!;'J Locust
Ht", Heading, Pa. Send for circular
Act on a nw principle
reguhiln the liver, elomua
aria bowels through ths
ntrtet. ha. 'u.ks' Pais
tpudlly cure billoiuneso,
torpta liTur and constlps
tion. Smsiost, tnilicet,
surest I BOricnes.SScta. plus free i.t rrutridst.
Br. flues nti. Co., t'itiut. Ui.
To Bye
2? Colors
Address for sample card, mrilts, X. T.
Ife Otfer Ton a Xemtdu
tehich Insures Safety to
ZlfoofMotturatui Child.
Jiobs Co)iInomnf of it
1'uin, Horror arid Jiisfc.
Afteraslngonebottleof "Mother's Friend"!
suffered but little isla,and uidunieiiieritiuoa thst
Kesknrss etterwsrd usual in such cases. Mrs.
Ansis Oias, Limsr, Mo., Jan. 13th. 1SJ1,
Bnt by express, charges prepaid, on receipt ot
price, $1.8) per bottle. Hook to Alotliers mailed iresu
Salary and expenses po
HMITU CO., Geneva N
ald. Address W. & T.
ursery, uenets, N. T.
Established 18 IS.
i&K$Sr IftrotibledwitliGonorrhceasB
K-f tfji-'r any unnatural discharge uk&B
JfJ'Mypur druggist for & bottle of
raEfflsvjO 1"T It cures in a tew days
JlHjrafIwlthouttho aid or publicity of a
WPya doctor. Non-poisonous and
raftusjapnaranteed not to etrteture.
ijMfSfjHB Vnttcrtal American Cure.
piPKTho Evans Chemical Oo.lK
W.I i